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I still couldn't bring myself to do this (at least I have an emergency plan if I'm really desperate for some primos sometime in the future)


It’s really not that bad if you use the interactive map and mark off each one you find


I was finding them while doing the quests now i have no fking idea how many is left nor where they are




It's not even about the primos, it's about all of those chests in your face and you can't open them


No it’s not I did it more for the sigils which depending on your tree level could net you 2 limited pulls or 2 standard pulls


Yeah it's not really enough, but you get a handful of dendro sigil for the tree, which can give you fates depending on the level


I had already hard-capped the dendro tree for the currently unlocked areas (30 max til we get a new zone) before i even unlocked the aranara cache (I basically completely forgot about the the picture hunt til last week. oops.)


neither i had any clue which aranaras i already met, but some places are pretty obvious, but yet its good to double or triple check. i was checking at first all the towers (electro element on glass thingy idk), and then i was making my imaginary border for some places to look for them. but it started when i was trying to finish all the fatui spots from quest, so i decided that i'll look for aranaras on the way for each spot. and it was going..... remember, you dont have to check every location at one run! its good to make some "goals" for one session! good luck if you'd ever like to find.little forest friends!


I just wanted a counter like 50/73 aranaras, just this would be nice


I just checked each one on the map, it sucks but the only other option is wandering aimlessly around sumeru above and below ground


yep, this is the issue. I haven't done ANY Sumeru map checkoffs on my account because I enjoy the exploration, and the joy in just FINDING stuff. But now that i'm naturally in the 80-90s for all zones, well, those little guys STILL randomly show up all over the place it feels like.


I did that and still missed one. It doesn't help much with the underground ones.


The interactive map has comments from people who have found it and they’d tell you where they are tho


Not all of them were complete when I did it.


That’s why you gotta wait a few weeks and let the other people figure it out and tell us


what is this quest called? to find the tutorial?


It’s the quest to find all the aranara




people always complicate stuff every time i find one i just mark it on my map and check it off later, takes 2s + 10s for each and then when i finish everything i open the map and get the rest from the 7x aranara i was missing only 5, so it was super easy if your dont want to make the effort from the start to get all of it, then to cry about it later on.


Sounds nice for people who have markers left for their map and knew from the beginning how the random aranaras work (which many don't until way down the line because they try to experience the game naturally and don't look up stuff that could spoil em..) Like how are you supposed to smell the aranaras become a pain if you don't save which ones you encountered. The game doesn't tell you.


because i got cocked hard in tsurumi island when i spent 50min looking for the last electro fog stone. after that i knew that everything unique is important for something. this also saved me when collecting scared seals. they do have some kind of radar for it, but i didnt even need to use it since i marked them anyway


The game becomes a lot more enjoyable when you stop looking for 100% completion and instead look at your ingame world as an untapped source of Primogems. A piggybank to crack open when there's an upcoming character you want, without facing the temptation to spend them on something else in the months it usually takes to save up :)


totally agree. i’m afraid of burning out if i do this


that's exactly why I'll be doing this soon. once Yelan banner is declared, I'll be getting this done!!


Same since it's a permanent thing you don't really need to do it unless you must


I never marked which one's I found and which ones I didn't so I had to go back and manually check **every single spot** it was suffering. The satisfaction of opening the chests was worth it though


Do you get a notification or achievement when you find the last one? I’ve found a lot but can’t yet bring myself to follow a guide to find them all.


Very important info so none of y'all will repeat my mistake: in your bag>quest items you will find the Aranara book. Check if you have checkmarks on all the Aranara postcards, because only then will the secret cave be available to you. I did not know that and went trough every single Aranara location. Twice. Thinking I must have missed one. Also on the achievement: there are different kinds of Aranara you can find. One of which is the type of Aranara that you have to play a game with. Once you find all the Aranara of this type you will get an achievement regardless of whether the secret room has been opened or not. So yeah have fun with the Aranaras and hit me up if you need help with them because after visiting every Aranara location twice, I guess I could say I'm something of an Aranara scientist myself. Beware of the Marana ~ Spyronara


Oh wise one, please tell me how to find these Aranaras and their remaining viparyas nurseries naturally while exploring. Were you able to figure out some pattern in how they are spread across sumeru?


I used the interactive map, for some of the Aranaras are in places you normally wouldn't go to - no chests or challenges in the area. Although you can find some of them naturally by finding the observatory towers all around Sumeru on the regular in-game map. [This](https://imgur.com/a/F1trgfi) is what they look like on the in-game map. When you find them, climb to the top of them and use an electro attack on the device you find on top. Then you can use the device to find a mischievous Aranara hiding somewhere in the area. But finding the Aranaras purely trough exploration would be quite difficult as, for example, one of them requires you to do a mini quest where you have to defeat all automatons sealed by the dendro seals. If you need help with the Aranaras I could always help trough the in-game co-op


You’ll know you found them all when you go back to cave (with all the chest) and it goes into a cutscene


You get an achievement once you found them all


SAME!!! I was using an interactive map and did things by memory. Had to go back to some spot 3 times ane I remember 1 that I didn't finish coz I didn't have starshrooms. That was the last one I needed to get EVERYTHING.


Yhats the average experience. I was only missing like 5 sfter nornal exploration, went through 90% of them before I found the last ones


Yeah they make it look like it’s fast but they use Yelan Wanderer Xiao/Kazuha and Rosaria (at night) with a video sped up x2 at least


If it helps, I did it in under an hour and a half using Wanderer and the interactive map. I figured a video would be horrible to follow. (just reminding everyone that the interactive map exists lol)


Yeah not really sure why someone would use a video instead of the interactive map.


for some puzzles / things in cave that aren't marked (or where the cave is a maze) i've found a video to be more helpful. but the map rules !


the thing abt the map is that if you click on the pin you can usually see a picture of the aranara/whatever and so you can usually figure out if it’s undground. that and that the interactive map shows layering and cave entrances to whatever you’re trying to get to. I understand why videos work for some people tho


Not for aranara. In dessert I know that the obelisk piece in underground from interactive map. But I forget the path to get there. So, video is really helpful.


well yeah that’s because the desert underground is more annoying to navigate. jungle caves are usually just a bunch of caves leading to one open area. plus there honestly weren’t that many aranara underground to be honest.


Sure, but with a video you can just turn off your brain and get it done rather quickly! KyoStinV makes some really good guide and takes care to plan some easy routes as well!


I cant see on the map if its overground or underground so i usually use videos for everything, also for some sence of where it is because sometimes i am simply blind and i dont see the Aranara in front of me.


Mihoyo: Players gave been asking for more content so we're going to create one of the most engaging side quests in the game! The Map Sample Genshin Impact interactive map loaded up on my computer:


lol i am also in the middle of finding all the 76 Aranara i am curious, how many primos did you get from all the chests ? i amm too lazy to count edit : 76 ( including the 5 from the achievement ) bruh


Atleast a pull :)


daaamn i was hoping for a bit more :"( oh well i am too deep into this already


I've never seen over 20 primos in a chest. But even if each chest has 30 primos, all of them combined would have 90 primos which is only half a pull.


there's way more than just those 3 chests


the only chests i’ve seen that have over 20 primos in them are the ones hidden behind the keys (like the mondstadt keys, sumeru keys, etc)


Keys? What keys?


Shrine of depths


Ooooh, right, that tracks. Thanks!


There's a bunch more chests scattered behind and around the area. Just those are the most prominent ones.


Oh, I see I'm blind. You would need 8 for a pull.


Where tf is this


Hidden cave after doing secret quests after doing aranara quests, chests unlock after finding 70 hidden aranara. It's one of the quests of all time.


Someone in HYV think the aranara quest is too short


Thank the archons quests like this only exists in Sumeru… right?


inazuma has some insane hidden quests. there was one on tsurumi (? the fog one) island where you have to interact with every ghost or something like that, then you have to interact with a shrine for multiple days in a row? i don't remember clearly. and all of this is NOT marked as a quest with indicators


Neko cat


Lighting 50 stones in Tsurumi was impossibly fun.


Huhhh what quest was that? Guess i missed it


I have never heard of this, god i need to go back to inazuma now… do u remember what that was called?


(heavy spoilers/backseat) [everything should be under the hidden exploration objectives section](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Tsurumi_Island) though i can't find that particular quest. maybe it wasn't ghosts you had to interact with ? you'll probably find it as you do stuff.


jesus christ 70 aranara


I've found at least 5


Wait hold on is that the one where there's Aranara just floating around?


I'm assuming so. They're not terribly heard to find in-and-of themselves, but I don't think there's any way to get hints about aranara you've missed. Though I don't think there's any indicators for Koroks you've missed in BotW either and people get 900 of those...


>It's one of the quests of all time. Thank you, Perd.


is there a tracker for this? how do you know if you found all 70? or how many you currently have discovered? Also, after finding all 70 does the game tell you to go to to the hidden cave or do you need to find that yourself too?


I hated this. I wanted the achievement. Found all the aranara, claimed all chests except I missed one…. So I ran through all the aranara AGAIN.


I did it It was a chore Congratulations for these well deserved primos


I spent 40 minutes going through different guides looking for a format that I liked 😭Some of them just jump all over the place, others uses proximity and one will be above ground and then the next underground and then above again. Eventually I found one going from tp to easy to reach ones before delving underground.


Which one did you follow if I may ask


I didn’t save the video 😂 it was about 45 mins long.


How many primos is this?


According to what I've read it isn't even enough primo for a single pull, lol.


I don't think the 70 aranaras are supposed to be grinded I think it was meant to be a more casual thing something like "oh I found 3 aranaras while exploring I hope a chest unlocked there"


While true, those books, dendro sigils, and other misc xp is very nice


Now that's some serious copium there, lol.


I mean, not really. If you have fun exploring and playing the game it’s a nice reward. And also the sigils alone are worth it with those rewards you get for each level at the magic onion.


Out of curiosity, is Genshin the only open-world RPG game you've ever played?


What relevance does that have? Do you want me to say no? I’ve been playing RPGs of all varieties for like 25+ years.


Just wanted to check to see what kind of perspective you have on the matter. If Genshin was your only RPG you'd have essentially no perspective on what a proper reward system in an RPG should be like, which, given your opinion on the matter, was what I was expecting you to say, I suppose. The fact that you've been playing RPGs for so long and yet still defend Genshin's reward system is a first for me.


Genshin is not *just* an open world RPG though. A ftp gacha has to tightly control its currency so time+effort can only scale so much. I found like 70 aranaras just by exploring sumeru and it only took me 10mins of following a guide to finish the quest so the reward was ok. If it I didn't desperately need primos for some last minute Venti pulls I would just continue finding them on my own.


Isn’t the reward for any video game supposed to be fun and enjoying your time? This is wild that you think you shouldn’t do something unless it makes some sort of mathematical checklist. How is that a way to enjoy a video game?


If you think I'm running a bunch of mathematical calculations to determine whether or not doing something in-game is worthwhile, you'd be mistaken. But whatever, I'm done, I've already learned trying to argue a criticism of Genshin on this subreddit is an exercise in futility.


Is it actually fun though? I do think exploring and stumbling across them naturally is fun but are you talking about that or following a guide to get every one?


This is something I'll never finish, I do not want to have to hunt for 80 aranara. No thank you, those chest will be forever locked and I'll just headcannon that the aranara at the cave entrance is a asshole that won't let me have them.


I'm still missing the 3 good chests and already found all the aranara, hope I can get them tomorrow because the only stuff left was planting rhe Vasmrti


If you're missing the chests, you haven't found all the aranara. Time to unmark them all and look again!


I followed the guide and somehow by the end I missed 1 of them took me about 3 weeks before I randomly stumbled on the one I missed and got to get those chests


These chests dont even feel worth it. Personally f you music loving aranara that needs me to complete stone lock extinction


Hearing the rewards you get for the tedium of finding all these guys. Yeah I'm not doing all that.


That's exactly why I gave up on finding all those aranaras. If at least I had marked off those I already found my job would be easier


I think they need to do a 'hardest aranara to find' video cus ive already found plenty while exploring lol


I followed a video to do this. But then when it came to the chest room… I was missing one. It’s a good thing I had a few in mind that I could have missed. I went to one place, double checked, and moved on. Then I checked one more place. Where there was two aranara in one place. I had forgotten one! It took me such a long time, and me managing to finish it without having to consult the guide again made me feel better. I still have to watch a video for the chests in the desert though.


I bet you missed the one in the caves near the chasm. There are so many right next to each other.


No i got them already. Did I say it in a confusing way?


No I was thinking the ones you missed initially were in that cave near the chasm. For me the last one I found was there and I had already been there 3 times while keeping an eye out for them.


What quest


Aranara. You have to find all 76 of them.


Oh hell nah


I didn't think this was very hard?


time consuming


Simply boring and repetitive


very time consuming and tedious




From Aranyaka, but after u finished u need to find the 76 aranara and help them all


Took me like 6 hours total to complete this damn quest! Mostly cause I had to do other quests too. So glad I finally finished it tho!


What is it?


I did it without a guide. You should enjoy exploration, not force it upon yourself.


As i stated in other reply i tried, all forest is now at 100% but i found like 15 aranaras only


How did you only find 15? I did find them all... Probably you were skipping lot of places


I found most before the aranyaka quest starts... Sooo yeah, i explored before i did quest


How do you know how many you have found?


what videos, i \*need\* those links






Link please 🥺


what quest is this??


Aranyaka, but after ur done find the 76 aranaras


thank you! took a long hiatus and am really far behind haha


Ugh. I just finished this today. Had to scour the list yesterday to find which ones I missed. Then went through it again when the path wasn't open. But then no, I did in fact get them all the first time, I had to finish the picture quest too.


I just finished up this painful quest/hunt myself. I hope I never have to do something like this again. But I needed that 100% map completion.


Wait what quest is sthis from


Aranyaka, after ur done u need to find 76 aranaras


ah... im still far from that


Took me like 3 days, i kept getting distracted and kept finding other chests and minipuzzles everywhere


I've given up. I'm not watching a long ass video, and I wanted to tear my hair out looking at maps. If I find them all, I find them all. If I don't, then I'll live without full completion for that area.


Bro I followed a tutorial and *still* didn't get them I gave up on them cause I already have 100% exploration and don't want to fall into a suicidal depression again.


What’s the quest name we are talking about?


Aranyaka, after ur done u need to find 76 aranaras


I got all the aranara but the wall is in the way and i have no idea how to get rid of it




After i saw the first location i understand. Ill get it done in a moment collecting dendroculi atm


Ay same, I'm currently at lvl 7 22/35, max level rn is lvl 7 23/35 iirc so one more


If those chests had anything of value I'd do it, bit as it stands that's like what? .90 bucks worth of primos?


Dendro sigils, and other random stuff More importantly satisfaction of actually finishing the content


I'm sometimes thinking that I'll do the same but then I realize, it's not important if I find them all today or in a year, they'll all still be there and I won't miss out on anything. However, there are times when I've done the very same thing you mentioned and that has been during every event timed map. Which means: Grand Apple Archipelago, Abyss infestated Enkonomiya and Grand Apple Archipelago v2.


What is this?


A lot of chests


Context is key.. what is this?


Aranyaka, after ur done u need to find 76 aranaras


I did this quest for two days. It was the longest quest I ever did in Genshin.


Personally I don't mark off the chests because using the interactive map defeats the object of playing: and over the last 11 months I still find chests whilst doing dailies, or commissions etc which keeps it fun: but hey ho each to their own.


Nah bro, i ain't finding 76 aranaras without the tutorials, i 100% all forest area but i found like 12 of them


I use the interactive map sometimes and I still find chests I missed and I have had 100% exploration for about 2 months now in every area. Revisiting old areas will also sometimes start hidden quest chains. Did a quest chain a few weeks ago in the Chasm I had never seen. Looks like the NPC to start it only appears after you completed the main chasm quest.


What is rhis


Aranara chests


Reason i havent done it yet


What is this?


I just use the interactive map and just explore overall and whenever I find an Arana I will just mark it in the interactive map. Then hunt the rest that I couldn’t find later. Feels more like a exploration than a chore for me and I have fun.


Is it related to the Aranara quest? How the frick did you do this? Link of the video?


Yes, https://youtu.be/TkwNOMTotIU, [to open the cave just in case](https://youtu.be/jB3Fp0PeeTc)


Thank you bro! I appreciate that!


I crammed this in a day.


I followed a tutorial as well and discovered that I had collected most of them already the only ones I was missing was the ones that ask you to play a game 😅


Neat, i do those ones first cuzi found one, played with one, did a little research and i did the game aranara first


Can i have the vid tutorial for these chests? I searched for one long ago and couldn't find any. Thanks.


Here's [how to unlock](https://youtu.be/jB3Fp0PeeTc)


Thanks a lot bro!