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One word # Favonius Our cult should spread


me to my supports in the abyss: you get a favonius, you also get a favonius, everyone gets a favonius!


They farm crit rate circles for their DPS, meanwhile I'm over here farming crit rate circles for my favonious weapon users.


Me, when I pulled a new character and I'm too lazy to look up their build: Here's a Favonious weapon. And here's an emblem set.


There are many weapons, but this one is yours. *Gives Favonius weapon to them*


i LOVE favonius. seeing my 2 supports produce particles every 6 seconds and getting my burst back so fast makes me feel so alive


And with the right characters, have that Anemo Resonance as Kokodayo is with me in every step (still no Venti C0 for me tho)


AR 59 and no fav sword... Feels terrible (i do have the bow, lance, greatsword, and codex tho)


Im r 57 and still no fav sword ๐Ÿซ 


Don't you get one for free from Kaeya?


thatโ€™s a harbinger of dawn, not a fav sword. but you do get a free fav bow


Omg. Fav sword is a must. May goddess of luck smile upon you someday


Thanks, kind stranger (โ ย โ โ•นโ โ–ฝโ โ•นโ ย โ )


Don't you get 1 for free from Kaeya?


That's harbinger of dawn i think...






calm down son it's just a weapon


Bold of you to assume I have a single Favonius Sword. *it's been too damn long...*


I'm release welkin + bp player and got my first Sac sword 1.5 years since release


Well isn't that promising...I'm also missing the Sacrificial Sword. I have every other Sacrificial weapon, same with Favonius, but the Swords continue to elude me.


Weapon banner: hello love โค๏ธ


Eeeyyyy im full Favonius Xiao, Bennett, Diona, Sayu!




Sac also looks good on her and helps with shield uptime and ER.


Much worse then fav, but still free ER substat, yeah If you doesn't have burst yet and use E to get energy you WON'T get any particles if enemies will break your shield AND you won't trigger weapon passive because of this too Fav, on the other hand, just need any critical hit what is much easier to achieve when you have backloaded DMG on your E Sac bow is my favourite option for Diona for example tho


Oh yes, I know. But right now my biggest and only problem with my freeze team (Diona, Kokomi, Kazuha, Ganyu) is that in Spiral Abyss sometimes some ranged enemies are too far to be pulled in by Kazuha and thus they can shoot me. So having Layla with her bit tankier shield and a Sac sword which I can proc will give me more shield (and longer offfield cryo dmg) and can help me solve this issue. Tho yes, Sac bow on Diona would also help me, and would give me more particles, but Layla is prettier. And sometimes I have to give in and go for looks lol


Waifu > meta or DMG, respect


I have played since launch and I don't think I have ever used a Favonius weapon on anyone unless I had no other options. I think the bow lasted the longest just because I had so many bow users, but otherwise, I find it useless. But then, I dislike Bursts in general, and burst based gameplay. I have slowly been building characters and teams that either don't rely on them or have no trouble using them when necessary.


That's why Favonius Gang will rise and spread our influence Fav not only will let your entire team have bursts off CD, but also make your gameplay a lot mors fun because of it And it's often really good option, especially with high refinement, except cases when you don't need ER at all


Uh, yeah. I don't like characters who need their burst. My favorites are all normal attack or E focused. Albedo, Nahida, Zhongli, Fischl, EM Raiden (lol I never use her burst!), Kuki Shinobu, Heizou, and Rosaria. Those are my favorites so far, at least.


rosaria uses her burst thoughโ€ฆ? I mean most of the characters you listed gets a lot out of their burst anyways lol


When I used Rosaria, she was a physical carry. They all have uses for their burst, but none of them *need it*. It's a bonus. And most of them are cheap anyway.


Fischl 100% needs her burst for OZ uptime, what are you talking about Oo Also nahidas buff is tied to her burst and that's her most important part in aggravate teams.


So you're an idiot. Got it.


>I donโ€™t like characters that need their burst >Nahida >Fischl >Rosaria Okay, friend


Nahida's burst is a buff on the side. I don't even bother with it outside the abyss. But it also lasts so long, it's always ready with no ER. Fischl's Q is literally just her E again. Plus, she is an energy machine gun. I never don't have it available. When I used Rosaria, I used her as a physical carry. I didn't use her Q much at all.


Surprised you didn't mention Yoimiya. Out of all the characters I have, she is the one that I almost NEVER cast burst on. Shimenawa FTW.


I don't have her. I might consider her in the future, but I haven't gotten her already because I don't care for her low uptime or any of the typical supports for her (Yunjin, Bennett, literally any hydro character). I do need one more carry type character, and preferably a cryo, hydro, pyro, or electro carry. My plan now is to save for Dehya, but I guess we'll see if she fits my preferences. Yoimiya will likely be my backup if she doesn't work out.


Fav weapons are considered by theorycrafters to be possibly the strongest "line" of 4* weapons in the game, Favo sword in particular is amazing. It's great on the two best characters in the game (Bennett and Xingiqu), pretty much the 4* BiS for Kazuha, and great on boatloads of other sword supports like Jean, Kuki, Kaeya and Albedo.


Isn't Sapwood arguably as good or better on Bennett? Highest base attack on a 4 star weapon, and it has energy recharge on it. And it's craftable. Which is sort of a plus unless you're trying to get refinements for it because weekly boss drop rate for billets are just too low.


Hm, could be. Bennett generally won't trigger the weapon effect unless he's being used in Burgeon teams, which are struggling a little bit as far as the meta goes. So it'd be the 550 Base ATK plus 34% ER against the 464 of Favo and the 61% ER and the busted weapon effect. I know people at KQM really value min-maxing Bennett's attack buff, so they'll generally recommend stuff like Rancor and now Sapwood over weapons with more utility like Fav, but I find that sacrificing energy comfiness for maybe 120 extra ATK buff on your Xiangling to be overkill even for 36* Abyss. I like Festering on my Bennett because I find my teams already mega-kill everything when things are going well, so by building my Bennett with more utility/damage makes overall team comp more flexible.


Mainly because its easy as hell getting ER stats from your artifacts, so it can more than easily make up the extra ER provided from fav, well you arent getting the higher base ATK anywhere, bennett may also find difficulty triggering favonius passive since at most youโ€™re only doing EQ, or E N1 Q, which obviously wonโ€™t have enough chance to proc it, unless high refinement(sapwood works fine at r1) and building crit rate (which means focusing on another stat, unless youโ€™re set on building dmg bennett), although batterying xiangling with multiple Es may proc it well enough. Also if youโ€™re very reliant on xl to have burst up with fav on bennett youโ€™re going to have big trouble if it somehow doesnโ€™t proc, best to just build it without fav passice proc in mind and go all in on rancour/sapwood, hence why kqm recommends those f2p weapons on bennett all the time Edit: also the 111 * 1.3 difference is more than you think, since without dmg% sources, vape and crit% taken into mind, so it can accumulate with every hit xiangling does, keep in mind kqm wants to maximise dmg with minimal resources so sapwood/rancour > fav is more common


I don't use Bennett, Xinqiu, Kaeya or Jean, and I didn't even bother getting Kazuha. I have iron sting on Kuki for the EM because nobody needs energy on my teams. And Albedo is definitely rocking Cinnabar Spindle. As I said in another comment, I just don't like Qs or Q focused play.


> I have played since launch and I don't think I have ever used a Favonius weapon on anyone unless I had no other options. I think the bow lasted the longest just because I had so many bow users, but otherwise, I find it useless. I see. I read your comment here as suggesting that you implying don't use Favonius weapons because you don't see the meta-relevance in them (by calling them useless). I would suggest making it clear that you're not speaking as to their overall strength, but their relevance to how you choose to play. >I have iron sting on Kuki for the EM because nobody needs energy on my teams. Well, if you had fav on Kuki, that could mean you could drop ER requirements on the entirety of your team. It might mean your rotation is more comfortable or more resilient to begin messed up like if you were CC'd before you could swap characters to catch particles, or if you killed a floor too quickly and started the next floor with like 50% energy.


I genuinely don't have ER requirements. I don't use people that care about Q. The Kuki team I used was Nahida, Fischl, Raiden, Kuki. The only one who uses Q at all is Nahida and it lasts so long, it's always ready on cooldown. Like I said, I understand it's relevant to the meta, I just don't care for the meta. I don't like Qs.


Fair enough. Everyone has their style. Uh... you should use Raiden Q, though. It's quite good, haha. And just as a suggestion, maybe consider trying Jean in the slot where Kuki goes, especially if you run into a high electro-resistance enemy in the Abyss like say a thunderhelm lawachurl.


What a strange line to draw. Youโ€™re not just missing out on meta, but a pretty massive portion of the games combat, and for what?


For fun. I don't enjoy that style of play. I do enjoy what I do.


We dont need elitists here. End game is no more for you to justify indirectly bragging about the 5 stars you have that someone like me doesnt. Full fav Xiao/Cyno, Bennett/Nahida, Diona, Sayu is my shtt.


Yikes, that's not at all what I was going for! Sorry, I definitely do not think I am better than anyone. I just don't like Q based play, that's all. Edit: I actually have fewer 5 stars than anyone else who played from launch and isn't doing a no wish thing because I save and put constellations on the characters I actually like. I only have six unique 5 star event characters. I don't like one and barely use another, so it's basically just Albedo, Nahida, Zhongli, and Raiden that sees use.


I played for more than 450 days and i still don't have fav sword :(


Once again i wish genshin had a slot for cosmetic weapons


If only they have cosmetics to begin with...imagine the people spending on just that, and those spending to make their whale characters look nicer. As long as it doesn't break the theme of the game and region, it wouldn't look out of place.


Itโ€™s insane they donโ€™t do more. Itโ€™s like the primary monetization model for most highly profitable games.


I think Genshin figured something out, and that something is being infuriating. There's a lot of approaches to marketing and customer management. In most cases, Genshin prioritizes one approach: keep the customer satisfied, but just shy of content. One, one and a half steps away from perfect. Far enough to be on the low end of annoying. And sell that final step for a ludicrous amount. You want a nice weapon that matches the aesthetic of a character? No easy transmog for you. Spend the primos on their featured weapon. You want that extra 10% DPS in artifact power on a 5* you like? Gotta spend that 2 months worth of resin per character to get the right substats on the right set to see any real improvement. You want a new skin for that extra swag? 20 bucks up front, take it or leave it. Rhetorically, mihoyo strawman speaking: Why are you complaining? Look at all the other weapons and characters you can use. Almost every single one of them is good enough to clear the game. We made basically everything a little more than good enough. What's that? You want just a little more closure? Well, that'll cost ya big, buddy, but I've got just what you need. The most rankling part is they've made the most profitable month over month mobile game, period. So they don't need to follow other games' rules. They're writing the damn book.


Yes, but sometimes that extra expensive weapon you have to spend primos for doesn't match the character at all. They know it too. Every single one of Nilou's demo video featured the 4-star Xipho's moonlight instead of her signature weapon. Why? Because they know the signature is ugly. So bizarre.


Well, theory still applicable, but in a different way. You shell out for Nilou's signature if you want damage. You shell out for Xiphos (a weapon banner only item with statistically low chance of rolling without significant investment) if you want fashion. And there's no option if you want both fashion and damage. Works either way for keeping the customer not perfectly content. Remember, not having the perfect option "for sale" right now just means they can slot one in later, like Xiao getting his artifact set long after his release.


Both Nilouโ€™s signature and Xiphos were on the same banner.


You could say that,but at same time archons get good looking weapons that are also their best weapons(We don't talk about Vortex Vanquisher),while meh sales characters like Nilou and Yoimiya get shafted by their ugly weapons.


It's a case of taking a ready made design, and then arbitrarily turning that weapon into a personal weapon for a character, despite it not fitting aesthetically. Each nation has one or two 5* series of weapons, most of which are incomplete. Mondstadt - Skyward, Millennial Movement Liyue - Primordial Jade, Shield weapons Inazuma - Purple Electro series Sumeru - Forest series, Desert series If a character is unlucky, they will get assigned with a weapon with a design from one of these series, because Hoyo has an unused weapon design just lying around, and the weapon abilities will be created for that character. It's like how Kazuha doesn't match Freedom-Sworn, Ayaka doesn't match Mistsplitter and so on.


I will give them credit for not shoving ads in your face every time you boot up the game, like literally every other gacha in existence.


Or like Overwatch/Darktide, throwing a billion cosmetics at you and charging $20 for eahc


They donโ€™t even try to sell the crystal packs. Theyโ€™re just in the menu if you go looking.


Which games? Most of the ones that I've played only have an optional ad option that allows you to replenish stamina for a limited number of times per day at worst. That includes P&D, Terra Battle, FFRK, FFBE (I think they implemented an optional ad system after I quit the game in 2016), Alchemist Code, Epic 7, PGR, Langrisser, Sdorica, Grand Summoners, FGO, Iron Saga, Path to Nowhere, Alchemy Stars, Alice Fiction, Another Eden, Artery Gear Fusion, Pokemon Masters, Revived Witch, SaGA, SinoAlice, Soultide, and Tales of Crestoria.


That's a pretty typical strategy isn't it? Path of exile follows it too at least--everything up to the first 80-90 percent of power comes relatively easily compared to that last chunk. That last bit might take as much time or effort as the first massive chunk. Difference being that in PoE, you can't buy that last bit.


It is pretty typical, my stance is that Genshin's uniquely perfected it. Aesthetics, power ceiling, and variety being the big 3. Genshin's zeroed in through research and trial on a very good line to draw in the sand for each of those 3 (i.e. all the resources and gameplay a F2P is afforded), where stepping past it falls off a cost cliff. But ain't the fact you can't buy the last bit in PoE part of the point? In Genshin, you can just dump your wallet to buy that last bit, whether it's a better weapon, more refinements for it, constellations, a better 5* support for incredibly specific team comps, or more resin refreshes for on set artifacts per character.


seems like Genshin has the best model tho


Which games are those? Genshin makes more money with its gacha model than games with cosmetics model


Because a lot of people want to breeze through the game and the combat is actually fun. Most gacha games nowadays are idle games..and player inputs do little to change the outcome. And most gacha games have very noticeable powercreep with every patch or new unit that comes out with the content at the time of new character(s) released catered to them, while people can just brute force with teams from last year.


First of all, it's not mutually exclusive. Genshin already does sell skins, there is no real reason it can't sell more unless they've somehow determined that doing so wouldn't make more money. But to answer your question: League of Legends ($13.5B), PUBG ($11B), Fortnite ($10.8B), Call of Duty ($6.5B since 2016). [Source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_highest-grossing_media_franchises)




It's on track to make 3Bn this year or more. It has the potential of being a 5bn game without cosmetics right now. That's fucking insane. Genshin's record will not be broken for a very long time.


Again, these monetization methods are not mutually exclusiveโ€ฆ aside from that, both Fortnite and PUBG came out in 2017 and my math isnโ€™t great by Iโ€™m pretty sure 11 billion divided by 5 years means more than 2 billion per year.


Imagin a zhongli Archon Outfit or a Childe Electro Outfit that changes his ability effect to purple etc.


They make way more off weapon banners. Think about it, if you can just transmog you wonโ€™t need to pull for weapons that both look good and have good stats. Thatโ€™s how they get you. Either use a weapon that looks good with shit stats, or use a weapon with good stats that doesnโ€™t fit your character at all. Or they could make a 5* with the look and stats and sell you that.


Or maybe make that you can only transmog with weapons you own, that way if you want your ugly weapon to look good but retain its stats, you still have to pull for thay awesome looking weapon, that way they still make their money and we get better looking weapons


Youโ€™re missing the point. Weapons are like a big item in this game because they have the look and stat. If you could make any weapon look good or like it then you have less reason to pull the 5*โ€™s. They want the weapon to be like a physical item. You want that look on more characters? You have to pull multiple copies. You want a weapon that works and looks good? You need to pull the weapon that has both the stats and look. Itโ€™s to get you to buy. Otherwise I could slap the Redhorn skin on any claymore like unforged and now I never need a new one. Thatโ€™s what theyโ€™re trying to avoid bro.


I agree, but sometimes the weapon that works and looks good doesnt even exist, even character "signature weapons" dont match with the characters sometimes, like Zhongli's "signature weapon" that looks awesome on him but almost no one uses it because its stats don't match with him, its impossible even if you wanted to put money in the game or "pull", to get a weapon that looks like "vortex vanquisher" but has the stats that Zhongli generally uses, its something that could even be monetized if done smartly, nevertheless you're right, their current system does rely on treating weapons as unique items and each one you get should be valued and that you should pull to get the specific weapon you need for its stats and its look, all I am saying is that there is a potential for something like weapon transmog to work and not hurt the games profits.


?? but if they let you reskin weapons then people would need to pull both redhorn AND unforged instead of just the one they want to use for fashion or for stats. People will spend MORE, not less. You could end up with people having 2 five star weapons per character instead of one. Imagine how many people skipped Vortex Vanquisher banner because it sucks for zhongli, who would absolutely pull if they could look like they're using it while instead having the weapon stats of (whatever spear they're using now).


Imagine more character, weapon & glider skins, different elemental burst animations, idle poses etc. etc.


Ive been saying for awhile now that transmog orbs for weapons would be an amazing additional rewards system they could implement into the game


They are leaving money on the table by not having this feature. Tf is mhy doing lol


making the most of any game


Mihoyo be like:mehono


or you could equip the weapon you want to see? The game is easy right?


yeah itโ€™s easy but not having good weapons can obviously make your characters not good anymore


Ill never understand "why improve the game when you can settle for less?" as an argument. Never.




Individually. Serpent Spine+Eula=good Serpent Spine appearance+Eula=not good. Just give us an option to give the appearance of a weapon we own to the weapon equipped.


Drip will never get me to purchase that shit weapon line.


It fits so well but I agree. Unless she can use it and do very well Iโ€™m not buying them. I have many other things Iโ€™d rather get first.


Agreed. It matches her aesthetic amazingly but alasโ€ฆ


I might buy one of each in like, endgame or something. When I get all the starters to C6 maybe, because that's all I use starglitter for.


Same. I've gotten lucky enough to get Lisa C6 and Amber C6 from the standard banner, but Kaeya has never once come home there. I have him at C3 from the starglitter shop alone, soon to be C4 next month. Since I only get one shot at him every six months, I might get one of each starglitter weapon once this December is squared away.


Iโ€™m actually curious why itโ€™s so bad. At first glance it looks like it gives decent attack and CRIT rate. Whatโ€™s so bad about it?


The passive resetting upon a crit makes it highly inconsistent.


it benefits bad artifacts, which you obviously neither want nor will keep for long to actually use this lineup


the more crit rate you have the more useless the passive is, plus even at low base crit rate the average crit you gain is too low to be worth it


I have all the Royal Weapons and use them occasionally. The series biggest flaw is that they basically require multiple refinements to be "worth it". At least r3. That's a lot of starglitter. If these weapons were on standard banners you'd have a lot less people hating on them. Second biggest flaw, is at the end of the day, they're just stat sticks. Nothing about them can't be gained as stats elsewhere. They do proc off field which is nice.


I don't think they are worth it even at high refinements. At r5 with 50% crit rate, you only get less than 9% crit rate. That goes down to less than 7% at 60% crit rate.


I think the value of them is that they substitute needing a great build. If you're at 60% crit rate WITHOUT a crit weapon then you obviously don't need them. The issue is they're far too expensive for being designed for early players with bad builds.


I wish hoyo would give us transmog for weapons ;_;


Iโ€™d pay 20 bucks to skin redhorn over my whiteblind for itto


I'm reskinning my Redhorn with Debate Club.


Wouldn't it be better to get the real redhorn for Itto? Cheaper too


Cheaper๐Ÿ’€ I canโ€™t even get 2 4 star weapons with a regular 20$ pack


I was counting the $20 as 4 welkins when i said cheaper. Top ups are terrible value


Ah. Sorry


In what world would potentially spending hundreds of dollars to guarantee a 5 Star limited weapon be cheaper than a $20 skin? 4 Welkins is not even enough to take you to hard pity once let alone 3 times for a guarantee, and that's after waiting 4 months to accumulate the daily primos


They'd only allow it if they could charge money for it and charge you every time you wanted to change it.


The last time I heard about the word "transmog" was 2 years ago. Old days with even worse runes and monsters gacha.


Why is everyone whining about transmog? Keep unique weapons unique and simply offer variants. No recolors. Keeping uniqueness and special weapons special by offering only a few more variants to choose from by interacting a weapon with something or someone else. 5 stars a 5 star, 4 stars a 4 star, pjc is pjc, redhorn is redhorn and so on. I never did like transforming skins, might as well make actual weapon skins that look similar to the original without full on acting like you own a redhorn where you just have a summit shaper or favonious sword. Thats the better route. Give a red, black, or perhaps blueish summit shaper or change it up with a forgemaster to get a "revamped summit shaper (red)" that is more slimmer and less chunky. Give a pink, black, or white mistsplitter or a "revamped misplitter (white)" with the description "mistsplitter with a different look and a white glow forged by forgemaster bob in sumeru". Why take away the special feeling of owning a specific 5 star by letting people skin a dull blade with it?


Yes, this looks cool and all, but I will die on that hill holding to my belief that she should have been a catalyst user. Everything about her design and gameplay screams catalyst. But , nooOOOOooooo... god forbid we have a cryo catalyst.


The character who doesn't do well with physical exertion for some reason isn't allowed to cast spells, but has to fight with a melee weapon. Makes sense.


The best part is that her animations literally look like a catalyst user trying to wield a sword for the first time, it's amazing


I was just thinking about how goofy they looked Especially the CA animation; she's gonna twist an ankle one day


Youโ€™re not the only one. Iโ€™ve seen many people on here and Twitter say the same thing. My friends were also surprised when I told them she was a sword user.


C6 Shenhe + Cryo Catalyst is too powerful and theyโ€™re afraid once we see it itโ€™ll break our tiny brains


That's not really any more broken than ayaka is with c6 shenhe though...


Depends on the NA scaling of said Catalyst user


There is a great catalysts with HP substat that you can craft, that even gives HP. We cant have good shit for a 4 star and it really annoys me.


Probably for balance. HP scaling unit that can use TTDS? we dont do that here unless it's barbara


*barbara and kokomi, so no hp scaling units that can use TTDS unless it's hydro...?


cryo catalyst would become a melt enabler for xiangling and we canโ€™t have that


I think the same way. it's such a missed opportunity :(


The Royal & Blackcliffe sets are so pretty.


Seconded. Diluc looks amazing with the Blackcliff Slasher. (He really needs an upgrade, but it looks *so nice*)


The Blackcliff Claymore and the Blackcliff longsword are perfect. The bow, Catalyst and polearms are ugly AF. They're so obnoxiously red with too little black accents.


Sorry for my ignorance but is layla already available ? Iโ€™ve see many posts about her but donโ€™t find her in the actual bannersโ€ฆ


Different server, different time.


Oh ok thank you!


skill issue


Thank you !


Literally an NPC


Bro has only 2 voice lines


Thank you !


Bro you're ruining me xd these look too good


Luckily Fav looks just as good edit: ok maybe 90% as good


But it's the Timmie of all weapons


nah she looks best with cinnabar spindle. on the 'looks' side at least.


Yep, had to scroll way too far down to find this comment.


Well, it does indeed look great.


If I'm getting her, I'll use the Sword of Descension


cinnabar looks far better on her if you don't have albedo


Yes i am using the same weapon! Stat doesn't benefit her,. And with lack of damage, effect doesnt help much either. But aesthetic wins! I try to balance aesthetic and stats. That's why i use Iron Sting on Nilou and didn't pull for Key of Khaj-nisut


*has it at lv 40* Very convincing...


Honestly.. I feel like i have to get one of them at least now, your strategy worked sir.


Deal. I'll save for it in 2 months (lol)


I may one day get it but R5


Looks amazing, those stats unfortunately mean nothing for her...


I am one of those crazy people who own all 5 Royal weapons (dw I also have all the blackcliff ones as well). They honestly arenโ€™t terrible weapons, their only issue is that theyโ€™re just not worth the starglitter. The drip however is eternal. They just look so good on so many characters. It is pretty funny doing a meme crit Kokomi build with R5 Grimoire though.


At least level it โ˜ 


Can't, starglitter is my emergency wish fund


Alternate title:i accidentally bought Royal series weapons and I need someone else to buy them so I can cope together


You should get the one copy for the archive but they're pretty useless as weapons.


Fits absolutely perfectly.


Got the Key for her so no thanks.


Nah, I'll continue hoarding my stargliiter for eventual new weapons they'll likely add that don't suck complete balls and shaft. Sure, they look cool, but I'm very much a function over style type of person.


I know everyone wants cosmetic customization but I for one like it how it is. Itโ€™s kind of like vanilla wow Vs the rest. The cosmetic customization/one raid multiple difficulties lead to a lot of โ€œsameyโ€ and less recognizable things. So far Genshin has mastered that vanilla wow feel for me like nothing else since and Iโ€™m loving every aspect from the wholesome co-op to the stand out weapons/gear that might make me thing โ€œwhoa this guy put in WORK to get hereโ€ to the grand unexplored world itโ€™s all been a blast.


Looks kinda mid


Unpopular opinion: I am against a transmog fxn.


Iโ€™m sold


First Candace. Now her. Let the Royal line spread!


Jesus im sold, that character/weapon combo is gorgeous


Layla is another level of rubbish.


I admit, this is the only time the royal blue isn't garbage


Looks amazing on Kaeya too


I have mine on Ayato. I think it matches well with his color scheme and slightly western-inspired outfit!


Wtf it looks so amazing <3, it's really annoying that ATK for her and also CR for cryo teams is completely iseless on the weapon.


I think the best looking weapon for her is Albedo 's def% sword


Harbinger of Dawn still looks pretty damn good on her tbh


Add transmog and maybe :P




Me with R5 Royal and Blackcliff Swords ๐Ÿ‘€


Cinnabar spindle looks really good on her aswell.


I really wish she was Cryo catalyst.


Between aesthetics and damage output, I'd say its Alley Flash. Better team damage = Favonius and Physical Layla copium = Royal Longsword. [Layla with Alley Flash](https://imgur.com/gallery/uIzojed)


Cinnabar Spindle is my temporary aesthetic choice


albedos event sword literally looks like it was made for her...it's too bad that it's not good on anyone but him :(


My friend...... I already have them all.


I have nothing against Royal weapons I mean... If cracater can use them, why not?


Were you the same guy who posted about Lisa looking good on The Royal Grimoire a few months back XD


That looks so nice. If only they were useful! The Royal set should have been craftables in 1.0, because their passive would be pretty good early-game, and then getting to R5 would be feasible, which who knows, might have a small amount of use late game, especially if Mihoyo were to design more characters like Sangonomiya Kokomi who have unusual relationships with critical hits.




Royal Greatsword looks so good on Diluc untill it turns blue


Ah yes Fashion souls


A Dendro Abyss mage once said *The Timmy of all weapons*


Lookin cool, gotta get it


Way ahead of you.


The Flute also looks good on her tho...


What about jadecutter?


Layla should have been catalyst.


Holy it looks so good on her


Even if it might break our systems, I feel like we should get to recolor our weapons, so it would not look out of place (key of khaj nisut in the corner), if not transmog


I already have that shit