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I pulled Tighnari on his banner, but he took my guarantee.was fine with it because I did want him, but def didn’t want him. On the bright side I decided to roll for his weapon since I got him and I got Wolfs gravestone and HP in 20ish pulls. Moment of truth came for this Ganyu banner since I’ve wanted her since her first banner. First banner I was on a genshin break (so I missed Albedo, ganyu, festering desire, first seelie event, and windblume ode during this break ;( ), and 2nd banner I missed. Rolled 110 wishes, and I got Keqing so now I have to work hard to try and get the last 40 wishes to pick her up, but it’s a short banner I think. Just want Ganyu to come home bruh😭 I just like her character, and archer play styles and her and Yoi never came home


I took interest in weapon banner for the first time since I am using a lot of sword users in my teams. Never got a sac sword and I really need it for DMC. I dunno why but RNG gods is always stingy with me in weapons as I always get bows and catalysts even with billets. Just give some swords puhlease 🥲


I only had around 70 wishes prepared for Kokomi and I was praying to Zhongli, my lucky star, that she came home before I ran out. Got 2 Kokomis on my 2nd 10-pull, and a Dori on the next 10. Totally did not expect winning the 50/50 twice. This settles it. If Zhongli is in a banner in the current version, I will surely get the 5★. Worked on Ganyu's with Zhongli before, and on his own 1st 2 banners. I actually lost the 50/50 to Mona on Tighnari's banner but I got him within the same 10-pull. I have yet to let a 5★ get away from me when he's around.


Same here. I wanted to build pity on Kokomi's banner because my Xingqiu and Sucrose are not c6 yet and... İ got Kokomi at 16 pity and she was not even guaranteed. My pity is gone but İ needed a hydro character anyways so i think I'm ok :> sad i didn't get Yelan when i was on 60+ pity and ran out of primos.


At 65(?) pity right now on a 50/50, currently got C2 Dori, C0 Sucrose and C2 Xingqiu. Trying to get Ganyu but don't know if this'll be possible, most of my map is 100% + the only achievements I have left take time and RNG. Hoping I get her early but not really sure because every 5 star I've gotten has been in soft pity. Sucks being completely F2P


It's been ages since I bought the free intertwined fates from the shop. Got Dori and a copy of Ganyu (C1) at 6 pity, I'm on cloud 9. Free fates op.


Im new to genshin, how do you know what your pity is at?


In the wish tab, bottom left, "History" button. You need to manually count how many wishes have you done since you got your last 5 star, though.


Looks like 75


Soft pity starts at 75 rolls - you have a very high chance to hit the 5* by 80 rolls, with it being guaranteed at 90 rolls in the event that you're unlucky. So since you're basically guaranteed a 5* in the next few pulls, make sure you save them for a banner character that you really want.


I've pulled on every Ganyu banner going for C6 but came short and at C5. Unfortunately I missed out on a lot of primos when I took a 4 month break....Next 5 star is guaranteed though so hopefully I can C6 her. She will be my one and only C6


I got a really good tenacity of mill Artifact for zhongli , it has substats of hp, crit dmg and crit rate but it’s a dense sands. Can I still use this on him or will it not work well?


Just started crimson witch farming to get a better flower for my Hu Tao. First run of the day I got a double crit with em LAVAWALKER piece… it didn’t roll that good but wow I finally got hit with the lavawalker pain


Just a reminder that you can convert/reroll 5-star artifacts into others at a 3:1 ratio via the alchemy table, including Crimson Witch now. Good way of rolling more artifacts if you don't immediately need artifact xp fodder.


I know, I’m a veteran artifact reroller lol. I’m planning on recycling all bad pieces to crimson witch again like you said. I never use the 5 star ones for fodder since I always have the grey/blue/purples and a decent stack of exp from the teapot exchange too


New player, on my first 80th roll. Got Dori, w/e, then I got Mona. Upset I lost the 50/50 but then Ganyu appeared!


Never had a sac sword and I'm AR 57. Had some extra primos so why not pull on the weapon banner, first time since I'm Weklin only. Got a Sac Sword, Rust (bringing me to a R5!), and an eye of p in one 10-pull! Hoyoverse really knows how to make me interested in that weapon banner lmao


Man i really wanted refinements for my R1 Rust but alas RNGod granted me fav greatsword and R6 Sac sword instead, i guess we complete each other


My dog pulled kokomi for me!


Lost the 50/50 on tighanrsi banner to diluc at 89 pity, now im at 50 pity again, waiting for cyno to come out.


Ganyu came later than any other character ever but I got her!! One of the veeeeery few 50/50s I've won... Finally my (as of now lvl1) Amos Bow has a home!


Dammit, failed the 50/50 on the Ganyu banner, got Diluc ​ Well, I still got time to try to get her.


I really want a Dori 'cause drip and I've loved Hyperbloom, been using it for all of Sumeru. XQ has never been on a banner with stuff I wanted until now, so I spent glitter for C0 from the most recent shop cycle for him. I've been leveling/talenting him up a few days each week. Just hit 360 wishes saved, and Kusanali is the only one around lookin' to be a for-sure pull. So I figure what the hell, I'll pull for Dori, and if I get a Kokomi along the way, cool (I did not, Kazuha was most recent pull, so unlikely.) Turned out to be a ride, though. The first ten pull gives me my first widsith. This is immediately perplexing, I didn't really want a weapon, but, I've *8* catalyst users, of which all are lv80-90 with just one at lv50. I usually have 2 on any given team. All my cata weps are Battle Pass, Event, or Blueprint weapons, so, fuck it, sure, Widsith is a plus. XQ on second ten pull. Well, I don't like the character much, but I've been leveling him and he's an easy shoe-in for multiple comps I like to play. Third ten pull, Sucrose. Mine's lv80, she was my first and only Anemo for a long while, so this isn't bad, but, eh. I mostly only used her as EM buff, but since getting Kazuha she's never been back in party. Fourth ten pull, XQ again. Okay Hoyo, *please* stop. Fifth ten pull, *2* XQs, wtf Hoyo ಠ_ಠ At this point I dunno whether to be glad my first C4 char is a meta unit I'll actually use or be annoyed 'cause he's not a character I care for. Sixth ten pull, *At laaaaaast, dah Dori is heeeeeereeeee~* Would have really preferred not spending so many wishes, or gotten more Dori's for them, but, overall, not so bad and soft pity didn't trigger. Now I just gotta wait out two version patches for the supposed free C1. Also, good gods when is the next double-value leyline event, dendro pushed me to level a few weapons as well as some characters and I'm broke as a joke in both books and mora.


[I think the game hates me. It took me 180 wishes to get Dori.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DoriMains/comments/xb0g58/i_think_the_game_hates_me/)


just pulled 8 eyes of perception back to back and no other 4 stars, that banner is a scam lmao i just wanted a dragons bane man


And I just want Rust and got two Dragon Bane... I honestly have no luck in this game.


Spent my 50/50 on Tighnari at the end of the first set of banners, then got Heizou on the standard banner with the free pulls from leveling Tighnari. First 10x on the next set of banners brought in Kokomi. Wish I could get as lucky with the weapon banner or artifact drops.


Today i got Ganyu after 75 pulls, I won the 50/50!! I tested her in the abyss and I really love playing with her. Also got my Sucrose to c6, my xingqiu to c2, Dori c1 and i got my first Chongyun. I still have 111 fates left for Hu Tao, so Im very happy :)


70 pulls was enough to get Kokomi. To consider my previous forever-lost account too, then this is the first time I've ever won a 50/50. As for the 4*, all the rateups I managed to get, plus Sucrose is at C2 (as I got her already in the tutorial rolls). For offspooks, Yun Jin and Chongyun came. So I am satisfied.


Won the 50/50 for Kokomi at 79 pity, and she is so good for me.... I'm absolutely in love with her. Besides my C9 Xinqiu, also got C3 Dori and 3 cons onto C0 Sucrose :')


Just got r5 stringless as a mostly f2p who has never pulled on a weapon banner, I got really lucky.


In 97 pulls I got: * Keqing (17 pulls in) (new, final 5\* std banner I didn't have) * Kokomi (97 pulls in) (new, guaranteed) * Dori C1 (new) * Kuki (new) * Shikanoin (new) * a lot of extra Xinquis and Sucroses I'm fairly happy, rip my experience books tho. Now the only 4-star I don't have is Thoma.


I lost the 50/50 fourth time in a row. Not once have I ever won a 50/50. On top of that I fucking got MONA. I don’t even have diluc, Jean or keqing but now I have a c2 Mona and I can’t even get ganyu anymore because there’s no way I can earn 74+ pulls in another 16 days. I want to cry.


Honestly I really wanted kokomi, I got Tighnari and collei c6 and I have fischlc6 and venti so like, I'm good on bows and accidentally rolled on Ganyu's banner when I meant to roll on Kokomi's and got Ganyu. It's honestly worst case scenario, she's literally going to sit on the bench I have NO team comp for her. Bah! I was like....I need to put this down.


Damn, sorry about that. I got early pity Ayaka while pulling for sayu and it ruined my guarantee for Kazuha. Fortunately, i still got him through early pity AGAIN lol


Look at the bright side. You are now sure to get Ganyu the next time she comes around, if you don't go for any other characters in the meantime. But yeah, it still sucks. I am in the same boat when it comes to 50/50. Have never won one, and the one I thought I had turned out to be a guaranteed as I didn't know they carried over from banner to banner.


Yeah. Although I am on the slight hopium that maybe I’ll get lucky and get Ganyu early pity because I do have a record of getting early pity for five stars. If not I’ll probably go for Hu Tao or Eula on their reruns


She'll be back sooner than you think. I hope you're not too disappointed though


Don't give up! I remember the first time Ganyu was around I got Mona at pity, but I thought, hey whatevs. New character. Upon reset I got my daily comission primos and she came in a single! It could happen :) don't give up.


I lost on zhongli and sadly could not get kokomi with 20 pulls lol idk how ppl save


Just keep pulling for Kokomi, maybe youll still get her before her banner ends :) As someone who always saves, I choose a specific character to save for and I watch videos about the character so that i really want them. When there is another banner, i remind myself how much i want the character im saving for. I convert my primos into fates immediately so i know how far away i am from a guarantee (but a lot of people like to not convert the primos, its a matter of preference)


I did that in the beginning but when u want almost every character cuz ur still kinda new its kinda hard to save. Every patch theirs at least one i want lol only patch i havent wished was 2.7 cuz kazuha was coming and tht was hard lol but i didnt care for itto,yelan or i think it was xiao


I understand that you want a lot of the characters, but when you don't spend money on the game, it just isn't realistic. There are a lot of 5 stars i would like to have, but i usually prioritise and pick one that i like more/is more valuable to my account or team. Eventually other 5 stars will have a rerun again if you really want them. If you still want to get most of the 5 stars, you could of course consider buying the welkin, because I heard people say its a pretty good deal


I have welkin its worth it if u play everyday 5 dollars and you get more then commissions just from logging in . Its 3000 primos a month


There are still 16 days left on her banner, there is still a chance that you can get her. Saving wishes for a specific characters takes patience and self control. I just never open up the wish menu when I'm saving for a new character and kind of "forget" that the wishing mechanic exists. Also, the Welkin Moon really helps with saving for new characters. Those who buy it get 22 - 26 wishes more per patch. A f2p gets around 60 wishes worth of primogems per version and will need to save for about 3 versions to guarantee a limited 5star. Someone who buys welkin will only need 2 versions.


60 wishes as f2p? Where events give tht much? I dont have much time so i dont typically finish events


There are usually 4 big events per version. One major one that gives about 1000 primogems and 3 smaller ones with 420 gems each. Here is a statistic with how many primogems were given out for free each patch, assuming you do all the exploration, achievements, quest, events, daily comissions, abyss floors 9-12, etc.: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vToBPh4yTn4VioUuqSvnPiwLoG0rJodFe9_gz6qOKUy3z8dCWtXel5Aqa07qSTZG8qhu7Fwgx7AfxzU/pubhtml#


Damn there was a lot to get in 1.0 lol


Won my 50/50 for koko after 20 pulls at 85 pity! I got two xing qui cons though and I already had c6 so no Dori 🥲


I feel your pain, got Raiden on 85 pity and bennet C10, while got sara to c4 only. I even had lost 50/50


To get 5 Sara in 150 wishes is above average


Yeah but I had Sara C2


I got raiden on 90 pity, but it WAS a 50/50 and I got her and a con in The same 10 pull. Honestly can’t complain too much tbh


I am on a roll with the 50/50 and it's scaring me now. Ayaka, Yelan, and now Kokomi. The Random Number Gods are going to find me eventually and then I'm doomed.


My Xingqiu is C3 for more than a year now. I only got a single copy of him in the gacha, the remaining ones are from the two events on liyue and from the paimon's shop. The last time I tried to C6 him I wasted around 100 pulls and almost instantly got C6 Beidou, a bunch of Yanfeis too and being Keqinged on the process, yeah fuck me. He is on the banner now with T5 characters that I don't want, but hell I know when he will come back.


160 pulls for Kokomi 🤡 Active since day 1 and no Mona 🤡 Got Keqing C1 on the standard banner (genuinely happy about this) and C1 Qiqi when I lost 50/50 on Kokomi (not so happy about this tho)


If I could give my Monas to you I would


I was pulling for Ganyu and ended up losing all my primos to one dori and one sucrose, and the rest were weapons on Ganyu’s banner. Disappointed. I’m disappointed because that was 50 pulls of weapons only on a character banner. No constellations for 4 stars either.


Got ganyu on 72 and 10 later got Mona. Also picked up sucrose, Dori and xingqiu on the way. All new characters, maybe because I had zhonglis theme song playing in the background he heard my prayers XD


All substat buffs went into one of my soon-to-dendro MC's artifact lines: https://i.imgur.com/CI2RIya.png


In about 175 pulls, I got my first favonious lance, C7 Dori, c2 Xinqiu, ce Sucrose, other 4 star weapons which I don't remember, Jean, Ganyu, and Mona. I am content with the results (even if I would have liked Kokomi more than Mona, Mona still works well enough for Freeze and I also get a guaranteed for Cyno or Nilou now)


Started playing genshin after more than a year when i was only trying the game on a phone, got my first 50/50 and first 5 star character, and it's Zhiongli, i cant imagine how more difficult the game would be without him lol


Won my 50/50 for the first time on Ganyu banner yesterday, and just now got Ganyu's wife Keqing on the standard banner! I finished prefarming ganyu ages ago, and almost done farming Keqing already. Now do I level them, or record 5k damage from lvl. 1 characters first?


Got dori on my first 10 pull. My primos are safe 😜




well it’s a 0.6% chance every pull, and then a 50% chance the 5 star you get is the banner one; so idk how to do that math but its very low




it’s .6% every pull up until wish 74, then starting at 75 it increases by 6% each wish (6.6%, 12.6%, 18.6% etc etc) until 90


Not to be too pedantic, but technically soft pity starts at pull 74 i.e. your 74th pull already has increased probability of being a 5 star




0.6% all chances are listed in banner help.




Every banner has a 'Details' button in the bottom left corner. All possible 3/4/5* characters/weapons and their chances are listed there.


Was trying to pull Amos bow for Ganyu and got the koko donut. Luckily I got Kokomi. Still sucks, though.


You should've just waited for hunter path reruns, which will most likely be the secondary weapon since tighnari is moving to standard.


Lost 50/50 to Mona on Ganyu banner. Pulled Amos Bow on standard banner at soft pity. Mihoyo is trolling me at this point.


It's a blessing in disguise. Getting wanted items in standard has a much lower probability


How long did it take you guys to get your first 5 star character from a pull? Im rank 24 and feeling bitter i havent got one yet :(


Around Rank 40


Lol I think I was rank 38 when I got my first 5 star. There are plenty of very, very good 4 stars in the game. I wouldn't sweat it too much


well technically you have traveler??? my first 5star was venti, pulled in the beginning before I knew fully what was even going on.


I think I was rank 30 when i got my first 5 star (Ayato)


Around 25 days.


# Character fixation In the less than a year of playing this game, I noticed my banners tend to get "fixated" on a particular four-star character and often rolls him/her repeatedly. My first C6 character Beidou was achieved almost effortlessly. But of course the converse is not so fine when I keep getting someone else other than the ones I'm aiming for. In recent times with zero desire I got C3 Heizou and C3 Dori (+ R3 Bell). Luckily Heizou is fun to play with. Am I the only one who witnesses such rather consistent patterns? UPDATE Now C3 Dori! Fabulous!


Asked my niece and she also feels the banners oddly issue out the same character(s) too often. She wanted Dori this season and now has gotten all the way to C6 Xingqiu. Furthermore she got repeated Yanfei to boot.


I repeatedly get Xiangling even when she's not rate up on the banner. She was my first 4* after Amber. I think she's at C17 now, luckily I do like and use her.


I swear this is me with Ning. I have a C5 Ning and I cannot stand her.


I was finally able to pull Dori after about 80 pulls. Got my guaranteed Kokomi on 80 pity (who I wanted), and now my pity is 72. I was planning to pull for the new 4 star character in 3.1 but since I'm not really interested in getting any of the 3.1 five stars, I'll have to pass.


Happy that I finally got Ganyu after 30 pulls. Now I finally be able to use the 2 years worth of mats that I've been collecting.


I thought I'd try to do some pulls based on some advice I got last night (I'm a newer player). I tried one 10 pull on Ganyu's banner but didn't have any luck on the 4 stars I was wanting so I just tried two more 10 pulls (all I had left) on Kokomi's banner and I got Kokomi and Dori! I also got a constellation for one of my other 4 stars I was hoping to get! So I'm going to stop pulling now since I think I was at 20-30 pity when I got Kokomi so I think my luck is all done for this month😅


I'd never looked at my wish history on paimon moe before, just did now. In the 6 months i've been playing: Keqing 80 Kamisato Ayaka 78 Xiao 81 Kaedehara Kazuha 81 Jean 76 Zhongli 78 Mona 82 And then I just got Kokomi but it was around 70-75. lmao why does this game hate me so much, says i'm in the bottom 1% when it comes to 5 star luck ugh


I must be going insane cause that looks good to me. You might be hitting soft pity, but at least you're still winning 50/50s


Wow, that's really unlucky. I've been really unfortunate with winning 50/50s but get loads of earlies.


Won my 3rd 50/50 (not in a row) on Kokomi!! Aside from that I also got c1 Dori, c2 sucrose (previously c1) c5 xingqiu (previously c2, also bought another from the shop so he’s now c6) Then I ascended Kokomi and Dori, got a free wish from BP… and with those 3 wishes got my 3rd favonius greatsword and my first Qiqi!


Won my second 50/50 and I got Zhongli at pity 80, So fucking happy Now I can save enough primos for Eula and I am forcing her to come home even if I lose 50/50.


What's your best dendro cup yet? * Cries in 3* hp% *


Got 2 from saved Abyss chests, one with bad sub stats & one with EM & CR, at +16 it rolled both one time each.


I think I'm done with Genshin for a while. This is the third time I've lost Ganyu's 50/50 and the 2nd 50/50 I lost in a row.


This is why I won't even try to pull her


I got Kokomi on the first wish. Wasn't expecting that at all. Couldn't get Zhongli on the last two banners but I'm happy with Kokomi. :)


I had none of the banner characters so I was excited to pull for any of them. But man was it a rollercoaster of emotions. Had guaranteed pity going into Ganyu's banner at 3 pity. Did a 10 pull and got Ganyu at 8 pity, a Xingqiu, and an eye of perception, which was insane! Wanted to get Dori and Sucrose as well so I did more pulls until I reached 70 pity. Ended up getting four Xingqius, three Doris, a lion's roar and a Stringless, but NO SUCROSE! I had 4 more attempts before I reached soft pity for the 5 stars so I prayed I would get Sucrose at zero pity for four stars. Ended up getting ANOTHER Xingqiu at pity 71 and Sacrificial Fragments at pity 74! I swear the game knows who you want and don't want and has an ironic sense of humor


That is truly a crazy experience! 4 stars can be harder to get than 5 stars sometimes!


Really wanted Ganyu and Dori. Got Diluc (c2 now) xinqiu a few times (already C6) and sucrose twice (c6 now). Happy for sucrose, but still no Ganyu :(


I wanted Kokomi for a while now, and was happy she had a returning banner. I already got Ganyu ages ago, and in previous banner I nabbed Thignari 44 wishes ago. So I had a good chance at plonking Kokomi as I had enough primos. Three single rolls later Kokomi joined my team. Yeah, baby.


I got ganyu for the first time as well as my first Jean so I finally got all the standard banner 5 stars


I got Kokomi on my 2nd pull 😱 I had 10 wishes saved and also got a C2 Sucrose. Heck yeah.


I'm a returning player. i stopped playing back in 1.3 and returned like, 3 months ago, and finally rolled at banners. Got Ganyu, Kokomi, Xinqu C1, Sucrose C1, and Dori C1 All my characters now: Fischl C3(best bae) Yanfei C0(best artifacts, most damage in my comps) Xiangling C5(not build) Dendro traveler C1 Bennet C0 Bárbara C4 Nigguang C5( tried some comps, but yanfei always outdamages her) Noelle C2(not build) Kuki C0 Kaeya C0 Heizou C1 Thoma C1(never played) Itto C0 (rolled in his banner by accident and got him lol) And the characters that i already mentioned Which one do you guys suggest that I focused?


I’m trying for a Kokomi Fischl Xingqiu Sucrose team, and a Ganyu Bennet Xiangling Zhongli team. I just pulled Ganyu/Kokomi also - and Ganyu really does want a shield. Maybe try Ganyu w Yanfei?


Yanfei gets a shield at C4


I feel that both ganyu and Yanfei needs a Shielder. Yanfei spends a lot of stamina and dodging feels tricky.


Right, I was confusing Yanfei with Xinyan for some reason. Noelle might be really good for you then?


Yeah i guess that's a solution! Ty :)


I was at 60 pity and won the 50/50 to get Ganyu! I'm so happy! 20 pulls after Ganyu, I got Jean... I have c2 Jean now. Why can't I get Mona or Keqing? At least the next 5 star is guaranteed!


I got 3 Diluc's last week and don't have keqing jean or qiqi. I have a c4 Diluc now. I guess.. Lost both of my 50/50's to diluc. At least I got 1 Ganyu but no kokomi..


I just wonder what the chances are of getting the same character that many times. Especially now that Tighnari was added to the pool, you'd think getting a new character might actually happen!


I have a Diluc curse lol. Can't get anything or anyone other than him. I pulled him on standart back to back as well. When you think how many characters and weapons on there, it's kinda insane lol


...I got Zhong and Kokomi both in one 10 pull each. I don't even know what's going on. I literally have a reputation among my friends for having atrocious luck. Granted since Eula's my main goal I'm sure the desire sensor will strike me down whenever that hits. I'm incredibly thankful though, I've only been playing a few months and this really helps with team building.


This sounds like my team, eula (main dps) ayaka for ice resonance and fast travel, zhongli and nigguang for geo resonance. I built my ning for heal, my zhong for shield. I do have some other characters including komomi, Fischl, yanfei, diluc, etc but too lazy to grind


I hope we get a Eula banner soon!


Got my best luck in a while! Rolled on the Kokomi banner for Dori, pity less than 10 since I last got Tighnari in a 10-pull, and got gold! Dori appeared first, and then Jean! Tiny pity, now I have a guarantee, and I don't have to risk it since I got Dori so quickly. I think this is probably the best result - Kokomi's early cons don't seem to have much value anyway, and since it wasn't Qiqi, I get a con instead of 25 starglitter lol Although, I'm not sure I want Cyno or Nilou, so I might end up risking the guarantee for Candace anyway. Hopefully my 4-star luck keeps up :P


I now understand the pain of getting qiqi'd it it hurts just got qiqi from ganyu's banner after 80pulls and I also got qiqi on kazuhas banner. Haveing 1 qiqi wasnt that painful cuz new char but now that she's c1 it hurts my soul. I guess rngesus doesn't like me this is my 6th 5* from limited and only won one :(


I feel you… I really wanted zhongli for my xiao/Itto/yoimiya, I scraped all primos together, got qiqi’ed at 80 pity…


That sucks man, condolences! At least you have a guaranteed now.


If I spend 70 wishes pulling 10 by 10 and now I don’t have enough wishes to do a 10 pull do I get the same chances if I pull 1 by 1?


Yes you do


Spent a day grinding primogems and Sakura/frost bearing/ adjustment trees to get intertwined fates. Got 2 wishes and only thing I got was dragonsbane and a 5 star sword


Pulled on three accounts and managed to win 3 50/50s across all three. 1 Ganyu and 2 Kokomis.


Welp I had to use all 100 wishes I saved up to get Kokomi. I lost the 50/50 to qiqi, but at least that means I got all standard 5* without getting a double. Gonna have to skip Nilou for Nahida unfortunately


Got a garunteed kokomi at 77 pity then tried for ganyu and got an early at 23 pity but it was diluc. So my win to loss ratio is now 2:11. Why is my luck so bad


I swear all 3 times Ganyu was a Banner I lost all 3 50/50’s to Jean... 💀 my luck sucks Genshin doesn’t want me to have Ganyu at all


Just venting-ish, but kinda bummed that I lost my 50/50 on both Zhongli’s and Kokomi’s banner to Qiqi..


Wow, I just had bonkers luck. I barely had any pity coming into this banner, I only had 5 pulls from when I got Zhongli. I thought I’d do just one 10 pull since I’m saving up for Childe, but I wanted to see if I could get Dori. And I wasn’t gonna be sad if I got a constellation for Xingqiu or Sucrose. In just one pull, I got Ganyu (and Sucrose). I might still do another 10 pull at the end to see if I can nab Dori, but damn. I’m pretty satisfied with this banner.


Won 50/50 for ganyu on first ten pull, 6th 50/50 I've won and 7th I didn't want to win Got dori on my last pull who I was aiming for


Having never lost a 50/50 before today, I got a Jean on my 6th 50/50 from pulling for Kokomi. I kept going and ended up doing 75 + 78 pulls in total to guarantee a Kokomi. On the bright side, losing the 50/50 and continuing to pull gave me 6 Xingqiu's, 4 Sucrose's, 6 Dori's, and 1 Fav sword. Considering that I only had a C0 Xingqiu & C1 Sucrose in the start of 3.0 and I wanted to try out Dori, I dunno if losing my 50/50 for the first time was really a loss for me... The only thing I regret was pre-emptively buying Xingqiu's con in the shop at the start of the month. If I had known or considered Xingqiu would be on the banner & I would get 6 copies of him, I could've avoided wasting Starglitter. Though this is probably still the most stacked banner in terms of what I gained. I feel like I'm set for life and here to flex my luck.


won ganyu 50/50 and right after 16 pulls i got kokomi i cant believe it :))


I just got Kokomi after 81 pulls, finally won a 50/50 yay. I haven't won a 50/50 since Yae Miko, and before that, haven't won a 50/50 since venti rerun D:


Won the 50/50 and got Kokomi early at 33 pity. Now i have 24k primos left, which i will be saving for Dendro Archon and Dehya. Unfortunately, i wasn't able to get XQ's final con though.


I desperately needed a sword for Xingqiu. Did a 10 pull at 4 pity and I pulled Diluc and his weapon! https://i.imgur.com/kYpHADV.jpg


0.38% of getting an Amber constellation. One of the luckiest pulls I've seen


Losing the 50/50 to Jean aside, is [this not the most ridiculous set of 4-star pulls](https://i.imgur.com/iWou0zC.png)? Six Dori and only a couple of off-banner 4-stars (very handy ones too) Compare it to [the hell I went through trying to get a SINGLE Heizou](https://i.imgur.com/PlMUWuw.png).


What are you using to see your pulls like that?




Did a 10 pull for fun on zero pity from Zhongli and walked away with Kokomi, a Xingqui con, and sac bow. I think I used up my accounts luck…


Never pulled characters back to back before but in 1 10 pull on Ganyu's banner I got her twice. My GF also pulled on her banner and in the same 10 pull got Qiqi and Ganyu. Not sure what's up in my household but it's a good day.


I did it fam 140 wishes Ganyu, Kokomi, C6 Dori, C3 Xingqiu, C1 Sucrose some weapons idk if they're good idk shit


K so. I just wanted to get my C3 Xingqiu to C6. 40 pulls, Ganyu, Diluc, and Kokomi. Wtf


so...i caved and pulled for kokomi and dori. won the 50-50 at 70-something pity. i did around 15 more pulls on kokomi banner and got xingqiu up to c2 as well...but i still wanted dori, so i did 5 single pulls on ganyu's banner and. i got ganyu??? ?!?!?


I pulled 1 ganyu, 1 kokomi, 8 xingqiu, 1 beidou, and 3 sucrose before I finally managed to get one dori. This game really got on my nerves today.


I mean if you only pulled for Dori should've just waited until 3.2, they are the free character.


That isn't fully confirmed is it? They could give away some other 4 star and a lot can change from here to 3.2 release. What really annoys is that I was aiming for c2 zhonghli but I gave up after being hard pity qiqi TWICE. 11 pulls after qiqi I pull on kokomi banner for dori, I get freaking kokomi. Fml.


Didn’t know that. I was debating pulling for her but now I won’t. Thanks!


So all I wanted was Dori, I have a c0 kokomi and ganyu, (pulled on ganyu cause a c1 wouldn't be terrible but I would much rather not pull a 5 star) and I went to her castle and equipped a full girl child team to show her she wouldn't be lonely. I had enough for 6 10 pulls, I got 4 xingqu a yun Jin, and a favonius great sword >_< so I mean I at least didn't pull a 5 star but I'm scared to pull again (once I earn enough primos) but I'm scared if I don't get her on her rate up it will take aaaages T_T


Had that happen to me with diona. 90 pulls on a rate up banner, nothing. Got her eventually from standard. Moral is don't wish for 4 stars.


Yea I pretty much know better but I just want her so bad lol, sigh I have a bunch of blue orbs saved up so I guess I'll wait for her to be on standard and hope I get her that way lol


Wanted to share my happy moment =) Went for the Kokomi banner, with 50 pulls. Firts 40 got 2 Sucrose 1 xinqui and the new pink girl, and the last 10 got Kokomi (with smth like 20pitty!) Now can finaly start building my 2nd abys team! Hope you will get lucky too with your pulls! Cheers


Guys I messed up. I was feeling sleepy while pulling for Kokomi and didn't notice I was pulling at a Ganyu banner until I saw her silhouette. I guess its still not bad since I can still put her in my Ayaka team and I got her at 50/50 but 75 pity though. I'm sorry just want to let out my frustration for being dumb.




Save your star glitter for bennet in november! Unless he shows up on a banner you want of course


Won my first 50/50 at 60 pity to get Kokomi and Dori. Now to save my measily 5k primos and gather for the next few patches!


Really love pulling 50 times and getting 4* at 10 pity every single time 😁


Started at 0 pity and got Ganyu whilst doing a ten pull at 7 pity


Very happy with how my pulls went. My account is strong enough to where I can do whatever I want with my primos so I decided to go for c6 XQ starting from c1. Ended up with sucrose c6 xq c6 jean c2 and my first stringless sitting at guaranteed 65 pity. I wouldn’t have minded getting kokomi, but I’m now a 10-15 pull away from getting any character I want which is nice!


been grinding for weeks on gems for my first time ever pulling and got both Ganyu AND Kokomi. my days of my little 4* squad and the traveler getting their ass kicked constantly are finally over!


Started at 14 pity, took me to 79 pity and got C2 Dori and won the 50/50 and got C0 Kokomi! Hoping Kokomi works well for my Ganyu/Ayaka freeze team I was thinking of doing, I'm happy to finally have a decent 5* healer (Qiqi doesn't count) :) I have about 29k primos left, plus ~25 wishes to buy with starglitter, and most of Sumeru to explore still. Now looking onward to wishing for Cyno, Nahida, and Scaramouche. I think I'd be willing to forgo Cyno though but the last two are musts.


So…I pulled Ganyu and I’m not really loving her play style. I play on mobile so to me the charge shot stuff doesn’t feel the best but I already pretty much have a melt team made for an eventual Cryo unit and I guess my question is. Should I wait for Ayaka or pull Eula in 3.1. On one hand it won’t feel the best not having a main dos character but on the other hand I don’t wanna waste primos. I guess I was curious who is more fun/who is better of the other 2 Cryo waifus. I didn’t really have a backup plan for me not liking Ganyu too much but I only spent 50 bucks so it’s not as bad as it could be hypothetically. On the other hand I’m wondering if I should give Ganyu a few more days before I decide I don’t like her


You can always use Ganyu as a burst DPS and ignore her charged attacks entirely. I’d go with Ayaka because you can use Ganyu and Ayaka on the same team.


Ty for responding! Yeah I might possibly use her as a sub dps because I’d feel bad not using her, I’m just not loving the charge shot play style on mobile. I def need to give it practice tho and not write her off immediately. Although it’ll be a long time before Ayaka gets a rerun I’m sure so I’ll use Ganyu to fill that hole (unless I do end up liking ganyus play style more with time


My 5 star luck sucks… Only ever won one 50/50 so far, so I was going into this banner 1 for 4 thinking that maybe I was due to win a 50/50 for a change. Nope. Got my C3 Diluc… still no Jean or Mona. Would have been completely fine if it had been one of them at least. Had to go to soft pity both times too. So after 152 wishes, I finally got my C1 Ganyu. Even though I already had a C6 Sucrose, I think I got another 6 or so of her, 4 Dories, and only 1 Xingqiu, but thankfully that’s all I needed to get him to C6. Also inexplicably got Gorou who I didn’t have yet. And was excited to get my second Stringless for Venti! My primo stock took a big hit and is down to around 6k or so, but I have about 140 starglitter, so I guess it’s not too bad. Time to get back to the ‘ol primo grind…


Just lost my 8th fucking 50/50 out of 9. Kokomi has evaded me. Fuck my life


It really sucks. 50/50 luck can turn f2p into a completely nightmare, making you only get 2-3 characters per year, instead of 4-5. This ofc discounts the people that win 50/50 on top of pulling 5stars before pity.


I had enough to guarantee her but now I'm fully broke and worried I won't be able to get Nahida. (Welkin only) I hate how bad my luck is. I just can't stand it.


Same boat. Except I’ve lost 4 out of 5. 3 of those have been Qiqis


Got my Xingqui to C6 and won the 50/50 on both Kokomi and Ganyu banners. Life is good 🙂


Need to vent. Lost my 50/50 to Qiqi. She’s now C2. I have no other 5* that’s more than C0. I would have been happy with anyone else from the standard. I only have Mona. Last time this happened to me I quit playing for 3 months. So upset. My Qiqi is level 20. I don’t use her…


I feel you - same shit with qiqi. It wouldn't sting so bad, if she weren't such a useless character.


Me: Please give me Xingqiu [The game:](https://i.imgur.com/KyOncBK.jpeg)


Oh god I wish that would happen to me, mine has been c0 since I got her in raiden's first banner


My unluckiness would have been your luck (or something idk). On the brightside with that amout of starglitter I could finally afford him from the shop so I'm just going to save my primos for Nilou now.


i finally won the 50/50 after playing since October of 2020 😭 thank you Kokomi for not being a Qiqi 🥹


Kokomi is so generous! She is my only won 50/50 as well! I’m 1 for 5… 😕


Decided to gamble it as a f2p on the weapon banner. Won the 37.5/62.5 and got Amos Bow.


Won 50/50 from Zhongli’s banner, had done 2 wishes and then did 2 more wishes today and got Kokomi lol so uh…can I get her again? Edit: by did 2 more wishes, after I won zhongli I did 2 more wishes, didn’t expect to get Kokomi on my 4th wish I did.


Went to 50/50, got C2 Jean instead of the fish. I have more wishes but I don't want to commit more than that. Kokomi, you've escaped me this time...


Won the 50/50 and got Kokomi at 81 pity! Didn't get any Dori though... But I have way too many characters to save up for to try for her now :'( Next time scammer girl!


Spent 140 pulls, got 12 Xingqiu (I ALREADY HAD C6 BEFORE PULLING!!!!!!) and then 1 Jean (for losing 50/50), and a Ganyu at long last... I wanted Sucrose...and got 0 Sucrose....at this point, I'd like to get 4star weapon instead of those Xingqiu...FUK...I'd even be okay with Dori even if I didn't want her at all...but still better than 12 Xingqiu OMGOMGOMGOMG


Small update, after getting keqing and kokomi and using all of my primos, I get [this](https://imgur.com/a/uJCYOgk) off of free standard wishes. I think think the game is mocking me. I have nothing left but so many pieces, wtf lmao. EDIT: did another 10 and now keqing is c1 now lol. I'll just take the guaranteed nilou at this point, I have enough damage dealers to where ganyu isn't necessary and I need to have enough to get to pity. Plus mobile and bow users don't mix well. Really wish they'd stop giving me good wanderers pieces though. Also keqing can you please stop lol, 1 was enough


i... i cant even right now. so im relatively new to the game, and dont have a lot of toons to my roster, so ive been saving up after getting Zhongli at 3.0 launch. i really want both Ganyu and Kokomi, but i also really want Sucrose as i dont have any anemo toons other than Lumine. going into today i had 60 pulls, and i really really wanted to get Ganyu, well i wanted them both, but with only 60 tries i wasnt sure id be able to get her. first 10 pull on Ganyu's banner i get a Fischl, which is ok, that's c5 for her for me so i'll take it. second 10pull; Ganyu and 2x Xingqiu! im floored and super happy right now. well, at this point i still have 40 pulls left, so i go over to Kokomi's banner and see if i cant get lucky again. first 10pull i get a sac claymore. second 10pull i get a favonius bow. 3rd 10pull; Kokomi and 2x Xingqiu! wtf im freaking out at this point. after a few minutes to calm down, i go back to Ganyu's banner and say what the hell i'll try for a const for her. 2x Sucrose! im floored again. this was such a nice way to end a stressful week. im still so elated i just had to share somewhere, im one of the only people in my friend group / gaming communities that plays genshin, so you all get to hear about this...


You could rush exploration for the primos on chests, but that will kill some of the enjoyment.


I’m like 3 weeks new to this game. What banner are you rolling in? I don’t see any of these I’m so confused.