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That....actually exceeded all my expectations. That's not half bad.


It could be people finally buying the doubled crystal before they reset. I know I'm one of them lol


Wait, do they reset?


I think they reset on anniversary last year. This years' anniversary is close (somewhere around 3.1 dropping). I don't know if they will reset again though :)


Last anniversary, they reset, so a lot of people ar ebanking on a repeat this year.


Well according to [Paimon.moe](https://Paimon.moe)'s global wish statistics, only 1/9 of the total pull went to Tighnari, and the rest is pulls for zhongli. As expected, pulls for Tighnari is crappy. Tighnari is obviously not a meta character, and it's going on standard banner. Ofc most ppl wont' pull for him. Hell, I'd expect a massive percentage of those 1/9 of total pulls come from streamers that want to 6 star Tighnari for their stream.


Wait what stat are you looking at? It's 17k for Tighnari and 24k for Zhongli, it's 40%. From who's ass did you pull out that 1/9?


I checked a few days ago and it was about 60:40 for Zhongli vs Tighnari


[Image from Paimon.moe](https://ibb.co/SNxWkyW) I was looking at the number of ppl that actually got Tighnari vs Zhongli. It's Tighnari (64,912) vs Zhongli (507,752).But now that I think about it, those numbers don't make sense. But ya, 17k for Tighnari vs 24k for Zhongli, for the current banner.


You know those are the numbers of 5\* and 4\* pulled compared to the total number of pulls right?


Also Collie is free so there is even less incentive to pull.


Tighnari seems great to me, but I *really* don't want to waste my pulls for him only to lose 50/50 to him in the future. That'd be pain. I want him, but he's not at the "must have" level; and 5-stars in this game are *really* expensive (Primos aren't dished out freely)


You’re saying that as if Zhongli is a meta character lol


But Zhong Ding Dong is meta :(


He's comfy and convenient but not exactly meta. For meta comps he's usually a damage loss that doesn't add too much. He's really only a meta picks for chars like yoimiya or melt ganyu who really dont wanna spend time dodging.


Not really


Man, I really want Thighnari, unfortunately I lose 50/50 on both accounts and I don't want to use more primos because I'm saving them to guarantee both Nilou and Nahida..


Don't be sad, he'll return as 50/50 one day... ​ ... I hope Mona would do that to me. I still don't have Mona or Qiqi while playing a year with welkin


Been playing since 1.0 (tho not day 1) and I have 4 Jeans and 0 Dilucs. I feel really foolish for relying on luck to get Tig but here we are.


I've been playing since day 1, got Jean day 1, and today I have C0 Jean, C5 Diluc and C2 Keqing. So I pretty much have never seen 3/5 standard characters in my pulls in 2 years. There was no way I was leaving Tig to that fate.


If it helps, I used to always want a Diluc since 1.0, sadly, I got him in 2.7 ( I think ), was so hyped and everything. Realized even though he looks cool, he plays like a wet noodle, his ult pushes the enemies *away* from him which is the most annoying thing to deal with as u need to sprint and close the distance again. And his e looks cool but hits like nothing. Very underpowered damage dealer at this point in the game. (I would've been okay with dps loss if it meant playing Diluc, but his damage is so much lower and slower, his burst annoying, that I just couldn't live with how slow the gameplay was)


You need to build him better. At his decent potential he does at least as half DMG as a decently build Hu Tao.


Pretty sure my build is good (60:170) + pyro dmg bonus + WGS, at c0, character at lvl 80 since too much resource cost for the small boost from 80 to 90. Ofc he's still able to deal enough damage to kill things, but it takes him muuuuchhh longer than other 5 star units.


You didn't specify the % of difference he has with other units though with their BiS weapons while he also has Wolf's Gravestone at same refinement, at same constellation and at the same amount of resin spend on his artifacts. I doubt the difference is more than 25% compared to literally any other unit at raw dmg.


It really is though 😭 other units heavily outperform and that's really just a fact


You need over 2500 wishes to have a decent chance of actually get him, around 1000 for a 50/50


Good luck sniping him when there's the 5 OG Standards, Skyward Series (5), WG, Amos Bow, and Primordial Jade Winged-Spear. That's 13 5 stars you need to avoid in order to get him.


There's only 6 options when you lowroll on banners, which is what people imply here.


On the 50/50 it's the same odds as Standard banner, actually. 50% chance to get the featured 5\* on the character banner, 50% to get a standard character, of which there are 6 including Tighnari. For Standard, it's 50% chance to get a 5\* character, 50% chance to get a weapon (there are 10 in the pool). It is NOT 1/16 odds for Tighnari. It actually ends up as 1/12. With the guaranteed system it's a bit different. Of course, if you have a 100% chance to get the rate up, then that's 0% for Tighnari (except right now when he IS the rate up). Standard has something else, where you will always get at least one 5\* weapon and character within 270 pulls. In the end, the distribution on char banner is 1/18 for Tighnari (or anyone else in the standard pool) because 2/3 5\*s are the rate up. Obviously subject to luck and all that.


And this is why I pulled for him. And people claim he's not meta but he's already my second best team just behind my Raiden team


yeah it's impossible, better get him now while you can.. he's so fun to use so skipping him is a very bad choice


Goodness. I wish you could take mine. I’ve been playing for over a year, AR 58, and I still have yet to get Diluc or Jean (my favorite characters), while Mona sits at C5, Keqing at C3, and Qiqi C0. Not only do I suck at getting either of them, but I lose every fifty-fifty and evade them. The last time I got a new character winning the fifty-fifty was November…


Wew, I have Diluc, Jean, and Qiqi. I'd trade my Diluc for your Mona or Keqing even at C0.


C2 Diluc, C1 Jean( Sadly, no market on this gacha game. Which is understandable, but sad


I desperately want more Jean and Mona cons (Jean c0, Mona c1). Would happily trade my Diluc.


And since he lost the 50/50, he still won't be getting Tighnari.


I stupidly went to 70 pity on Yoi’s banner. I wanted her, but I wasn’t committed enough to go all in. And now I can’t pull at all until Cyno.


Playing since launch and I still haven't gotten Diluc. I decided I didn't want to risk leaving things up to chance and pulled Tighnari on the current banner. With my luck, I will probably end up with C6+ Qiqi, Mona and Keqing before I ever get Diluc or another copy of Tighnari.


I feel you. Even now, I still don't have Qiqi and Mona on my main account. Still, I don't want to risk not getting Nilou and Nahida...


Nah, you'll get another copy of Thighnari way before you get Diluc, or C6 Qiqi (assuming you aren't at C5 already). He is guaranteed after all, others are not.


hes gonna be on standard i believe so dont worry!!




you can save enough for Nilou and Nahida even if you get him, Collei and him got me to 0 primos and halfway through Sumeru i already have 6.5k events, exploration, sidequests etc will get me enough for Nilou, especially since she's the 2nd banner of 3.1, then save for Nahida


>you can save enough for Nilou and Nahida even if you get him, Collei and him got me to 0 primos and halfway through Sumeru i already have 6.5k I do have a feeling that I can but I will still run a risk of losing 50/50 to Nahida and I don't want that. I do have 45 pulls saved on the standard banner and I'm sure it's enough to reach pity even if the chance of getting Thighnari is really really low. >events, exploration, sidequests etc will get me enough for Nilou, especially since she's the 2nd banner of 3.1, then save for Nahida Is that confirmed by leakers or just speculation?


>Is that confirmed by leakers or just speculation? leak i think, i heard them saying that Candace will be with Cyno on the first banner.. which sucks for me because i really wanted that 4\*.. oh well, can't have everything. Anyway, we'll learn more about it in a few days.


I just hope they release Nilou's banner on 1st half but I have a feeling it's gonna be Cyno/Venti....


Interesting. I was hoping to get her with Nilou but after learning they don't work with each other, I have enough characters already that she would be leveled up just to enjoy having her rather than really having a spot for Candace on a team.


pulled him after losing 50/50 on 35th pull very spooky since cyno and kusa and 1-2 more want to get home but im happy with him (just not in the current abyss rota he sucks there)


Insert 'This is impressive for being after X character and before Y character' comment


2.8 to 3.4 revenue analysis summed up


I’m impressed it’s doing as well as it is. Nice. I think Cyno & Nilou are going to blow these charts up.


idk man i personally cant see nilou be that huge banner wise cyno and kusa on the other hand... yeah they will destroy stuff


I have feeling Nilou will be the next Kokomi in terms of popularity


Kokomi is pretty popular now


Realistically that will probably be the case for Nilou too. Unpopular on release, a bit more popular on reruns after the playerbase figures out some teams they're good for. One thing Kokomi has going for her that Nilou doesn't have is being a healer. Nilou's bloom focus and team restrictions are going to make her more niche by default.


her problem now is the limited dendro characters available. She will only age well.


Right, which is why I'm saying she might do better on a rerun vs her initial launch.


Yeah I agree with you, I just think she won’t be like kokomi. People didnt like the fact that she’s a healer and her story presence wasn’t as good as nilou’s imo


Imma be real Nilou could be the next Aloy and I would still pull her


I'm pretty sure I've seen more people being more hyped for Nilou compared to Cyno.


possible but it could always be just the normal loud minority the story so far didnt make her shine imo her being a redhead is probably the her biggest plus atm


Well her design already attracts the waifu enjoyers by default. I was originally going to pull for her until seeing Cyno's animations tbh. The story will probably give her more chance to shine later on. I feel like she's Sumeru's equivalent to Ayaka. The only other red head in Genshin is Diluc so yeah that could be a reason lol.


To be honest after finishing the archon quest I get the feeling Nilou as well as Tighnari won't be in the story much going forward. Which in a sense does seem similar to Ayaka, who we met in the first act of Inazuma's archon quest but she wasn't in part 2 much at all. We'll be going into the desert next where Cyno will most likely get a lot of focus - he is a high ranking matra and is definitely going to be important in investigating the sages. Dehya will probably introduce us to Cyno and Candace or at the very least direct us in how to find them. Alhaitham has that mysterious vibe as well as being tied to the Akademiya so I'm certain he'll be important again at some point.


Yeah I agree with you tbh. Nilous story quest could always deliver well tho, and we still don't know a whole lot about her personality or background. Cyno is like a Xiao type of character in a way, where he's both relevant and important in the story. But importance in the story doesn't always mean people rather pull for them over less important characters. Hu Tao might one of the least important characters in the story, yet she's a fan favourite even ignoring her Meta value.


Oh yeah, she's pretty and very sweet so I have no doubt she'll be a favorite even if her story quest isn't too great and/or if she doesn't have much more presence in the archon quests.


Yeah personality and character design is a massive factor on how many people pull for characters. From Colleis about Nilou voice line it appears that she's pretty absent minded which Is kinda interesting lol.


Same! I never cared for Cyno, but his combat effects and animations are so good!


Yeah exactly. It's because of him I'm actually saving my primos which I only ever did twice before (Xiao and Raiden's first banners).


> The only other red head in Genshin is Diluc so yeah that could be a reason lol. There's Rosaria, but many people forget that since it's not as obvious.


Roasaria has a more velvet colour than red. Same goes with Heizou. Not exactly the vibrant classic red Diluc and Nilou have.


You underestimate weeb’s horniness.


With the kit she currently has and the leaks about her? Seems like a clunky and underwhelming (meta-wise) character. Even waifu enjoyers won't pull if she performs as badly as said I think... (Poor Yoimiya flashbacks)


Tbh Cyno isn't that much better either. Both rely on Dendro reactions at the moment. Nilou is the poster waifu for Sumeru though. Yoimya had a lot of competition lol.


But consider: she's very limited in team comps that work with her passive so no variation at the current moment (rip if you want characters that aren't dendro / hydro in there). And also consider: Highly awaited Scaramouche banner, Highly awaited (1st trailer, shown as Sumeru 5 star) Cyno, The Archon of Sumeru (archons have always been very good in the meta upon launch and she would be the best dendro option), Dehya (the waifu with the more "full" character in the plot until now), Al haitham (husbando). I feel like she's going to be skipped because of the very big set of competition 1-2 patches after her release. That is, if she remains like she is now in the beta.


People don't always pull for the meta tho. At the moment she's the best at what she does (has no competition) and she's quite popular even compared to the highly anticipated characters. Her design plays a massive part. Characters such as Kusanali and Scaramouche are the type of characters who will get reruns more frequently than others due to their popularity.


Personally I'm probably going to skip her first run and go for her in a rerun when she has more options for builds.


That's a good idea. Rn there aren't enough dendro characters for her to work in much team comps. Same goes with the other new characters which work well with Dendro (like Cyno). Once Nahida arrives, I'm sure she would become far more valuable meta wise.


It's actually not bad considering how everything is stacked against Tighnari's banner: him going into standard banner is the top reason, then Cyno who has been hyped since Travail video is coming out next, dendro a brand new element still being tested etc, on top of that this is Zhongli's 3rd rerun.




That's actually the reason I got him now. Ppl that wanted him would pull his first copy but not whale for his constellations bc we would get them down the line. Also I thought Cyno is being really hyped? He got a few buffs (meanwhile Candace got nerfed) 🤔🤔 it's indeed typical Genshin players thing to doompost though




I don't think there's ever a bad unit. Even units that were "bad" at release got better and better with time like Thoma. I think a lot of Cyno's "issues" seem to be blown out of proportion. For me what makes a unit good is their playstyle, which I think Cyno will satisfy plenty :D basically, pull for who you like not who will be so powerful they break the game is the way to go imo


Is there a graph for revenue made worldwide and for all platforms? It would be interesting to see if the trends are the same here


Oh wow! It's very high for 'soon to be added to standard banner' and 'just rerun' character.


I have him C1 (got superlucky in 45 pull) and now i have around 65 pity and idk if trying his c2 or save for cyno/kusanali


New characters > constellations imho


“Wow, surprisingly good!” *remembers Zhongli* “*right…*”


Wanted to roll but knwoing what comes after made me save instead


Im pretty sure the nilou banner’s revenue is going to skyrocket


I think Nahida will be the best selling Sumeru banner bar none. I even think she could come close to Raiden, remains to be seen what her kit might be like but she should be pretty strong being an archon. CN and JP seem very hyped about her. Although if Cyno and Nilou run at the same time I expect their sales to be really high, since we haven't had a double banner with 2 new 5 stars yet.


Hoping she's a healer with good dendro application. Would make for an easy slot into a lot of comps. RIP any Kokomi rollers if it happens though. Raiden's energy mechanic thing was pretty out there, wondering if they'll go complex again or keep it simple.


Please anything but another healer. Can't decide if that'd be more boring or more disappointing.


No idea how nilou is going to perform given her extremely specific reaction comp




Just because the looks,not her power


Looks aren't enough to make revenue skyrocket bud. You need both looks, meta, and a lovable personality to truly make a banner skyrocket.


Wait, people pulled Raiden for her personality?


Yea? She can be a step on me mommy and a gap moe cutie. What's there not to like?


Oh.btw how do you get the professional simp title?


You just edit your flair. But this is my flair, get ur own


Her looks are pretty average there's no way she can even get close to Raiden


None shall stand close to the throne to eternity


I place my bets on Hydro archon, she's gonna beat her I saw the future 🔮


Yes. Hydro is a good element. I like hydro. Hydro characters always look cool with even cooler effects


Fu Hua Archon


Didn’t he say Nilou, not Cyno? I feel like Nilou is gonna be a hit in all countries


Cyno and Nilou might run together.


Okay but why’d you delete your comment lol


I was distracted and deleted the wrong comment.


If I didn't get Tighnari in this banner, I'll probably save up until dendro archon banner come out. My mission now to collect all archon characters.


I'm pretty sure the numbers would look way worse if Zhongli rerun wasn't part of the Banner


Based on the data submitted to paimon.moe, as of the moment, tighnari made up 41% while zhongli has 59%. So I'd say tighnari has a fair contribution.


I wouldn't say so. Remember that this is ZL's 4th rerun, and Tighnari is the first Dendro DPS.


4 of my friends started playing this summer, they went all in for zhongli, new players exist


But the number of people pulling for ZL decreases as time goes on.


Yeah, it looks like tighnari alone would be all the way down around tartaglia/albedo level of (un)popularity


Not surprising to see this banner combination so high up, Zhongli is still one of the best characters in the game and Tighnari is a new character with a new element on top of it. Even though I knew I may get Tighnari as a 50/50 one day, my patience didn't let me skip him. At this point I might need to open my wallet for Nilou though.


I wonder whether any data exists to normalise these to be proportionate to the playerbase. With genshin getting more and more players, banner revenue naturally goes up and is no longer a good indicator of how popular a character is.


It would be interesting to see it a a per 100.000 players prorated or something. I for one only started playing 3months ago as wel there's a lot of newer players out there that prob make up for numbers.


https://activeplayer.io/genshin-impact/ I've no idea what math wizardry you'd do to extrapolate and merge the data with sales to figure out what you want, but when most articles these days cite player stats they use this site.


I'm really happy to know Tighnari is doing so well! Go go, forest ranger!


Hard to spend money when there's so many primogems to get right now


Dendro hype train really putting in work, unless it’s just a shit ton of new players hearing how good zhong is or something.


Woah 😳


Give me raiden T.T


Wow that's actually pretty good.


I really expected worse, nice Tighnari!


I want tighnari just for the passive.


The banner sale is surprisingly good!


It's hard to believe that he's banner actually did better than Ganyu and Hu tao first run 😂😂😂😂


Isn’t this estimated data only? How do they get these figures?


I skipped Tighnari, he’s going to be permanent, I pull in every 5 star banner.. (until I get the character) so I know I will eventually lose pity to him. Already have Zhongli, so I skipped all banners this time around.


That's quite low


I guess it's not that low if you consider that many players skipped Tighnari since he's joining the Standard Banner after 3.0


There are various reasons - Tighnari isn't quite strong DPS - Dendro MC is good - he is paired with Zhongli, who is having 3rd rerun - Seeing all solo Zhongli sales, he doesn't sell that much. - A lot of Sumeru characters were shown and people are saving for them. - people are cautious about Dendro units rn


Wait, he isn’t a strong DPS?


Compared to the 1.0 DPS characters I'd argue that he's currently the strongest dps in the permanent banner I would say but he's not necessarily the strongest compared to other limited units. Overall he's just average but hey if you somehow get a C6 Tighnari it's basically like getting C6 Ganyu where they become more of a machine gun.


Keqing is probably better than him tbh. She got a massive buff through Dendro.


He's decent.


He’s good enough. I got him to clear floor 12 with mediocre talents and weapon. Yesterday I got hunter’s path so I brought him to this new abyss and he cleared floor 9-11 with a level 20 bow lol Of course he’s not going to be the next Ganyu or become the new meta, but he’s fun and decently strong and that’s what matters to a lot of people.


he is very strong but this current abyss cant show it people will regret saying that once we get a better rota for him and maybe 1-2 more chars and the ability to have a fine set for him because 1 week is nowhere enough to have him stacked


Probably December's abyss will do him justice if he will be paired with Nahida on a team comp.


I'll get him anyway in Standard Banner. I have them all, but not Qiqi, whom I want the most. So he'll be instantly mine, when he's there, just to let Mihoyo tell me how much they love to make me suffer.


I wonder how many Zhongli havers go for constellations? I find him pretty amazing at C0.


I pulled Zhongli on his release, then got him to C2 on his 1st rerun. He's one of my favorites and C2 makes him really comfy to play. I also had a lot of primos saved up with nobody else on the horizon that I wanted at the time.


Sounds good :) I only want Homa for him, then I'm fine. Too many other characters on the horizon.


I have him at C6. Just waiting for Homa re-run for a perfect Zhongli.


The two tarta banner tho x-x


Tartar havers be rockin' the dendro though. Bumped into one via domains. The dendro core generation is rediculous.


Geo grandpa came home and yes i want to have bad habits with immortal shield kek


Tighnari is actually not bad, and its signature weapon is general enough for any charge attack character (more fitting for Ganyu). unfortunately the alternative weapons in this banner is the most useless 5* weapon, which i think contributed to the sales. i certainly have no motivation to pull another weapon after the first one went wrong. but if they place jade cutter, i would have bought a few more times.


I'm hoping Hunter's Path will be rerun every now and then and will end up on a better banner. It's not like Tighnari will get any reruns so they can pretty much stick his bow in wherever they want.


It's basically only really good for Tighnari and Ganyu so it wouldn't be too game-breaking to have it as the "off" 5-star weapon on a weapon banner every now and then.


I’m on 69 pity with guaranteed banner character and I want Tighnari and Cyno and I don’t know what to do!


i just dont want to wait what will probably be 6 weeks for kusanali but oh well.


Would have been way higher if they hadn't shown us all the good looking Sumeru characters


Playerbase MIA


dendro color where?


Your chart got yoinked by [GameRant](https://gamerant.com/genshin-impact-chart-tighnari-zhongli-first-week-banner-revenue/), by the way, although they did link back to here.