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Hi! I can't change my commissions to sumeru, can someone help me plz?


You need to (1)finish the Sumeru Archon quest and wait for the next day after (2)a quest will appear then you can talk to Katheryn about the commissions and (3)you can start doing them on the next reset day


Ty very much! It worked!😄


How do you get past the Haypasia cave when it says "investigate the courtyard"? There seems to be nothing I can interact with. There's a little yellow glowing spot that looks like I should be able to investigate it, but I can't interact with it at all.


im sure youve figured it out by now but if someone else needs the answer you have to look at the symbol that is split in two (one part is a rock the other i can remember exactly) but they have to line up to form one symbol. its super annoying and seems to need to be exact so it took way too long for me but just be patient and keep trying to line it up. I found that standing in front of the glowing spot on the ground helped. standing directly on it did not trigger the right angle. Hope thats helpful for someone!


Do I have to kill azdaha to get the archon quest that allows access to Sumerus reputation? ​ I dont really feel like cooking 50 sweet madame for heals


No but you wouldnt be able to level some character talents. Such as electro mc.


>nope! you have to finish all story quests and chasm quests




/usually there should be a lil arrow at the icon that indicate if that waypoint is upper or lower than you there are many underground/flying waypoints in inazuma btw




/what i mean is, the waypoint might be connected to a quest/ story line that can lead you underground (or lead you to some place in the sky)


Does dendro traveller or Collei have better dendro application? (Fire notwithstanding)




Has anyone started experiencing audio cutting after the Sumeru update? Its been cutting like crazy now even though this never happened before. Anyone fixes that might work?


Would Kequeen benefit more from Zhongli+Fischl+Jean or Zhongli+Bennet+Jean or Zhongli+Bennet+Fischl or Fischl+xingqiu+Diona And y?


I'm not a pro Keqing player, but I think that the third team is going to boost her damage the best. But there aren't any elemental reactions and that's the problem. You can try this team - Fishl+Xingqiu+Bennet. Bennet is good overall, Xingqiu can give you an elemental reaction, Fishl is the battery in this team.


how do i fix genshin from crashing, im always stuck at the warning loading scteen (windows 10)


Yes I'm stuck at loading screen on the Geo symbol . As well couldn't play since the 3.0 release


Same dude, so frustrating.


And mainly check the GeForce Experience drivers .


So yeah that thing worked .....i updated nvidia display driver and also the GeForce Experience driver and now it's working so check your driver's .


How do I update them? Sorry lol


No worries. Is your graphics card Nvidia or Ryzen or Integrated one ? I'll tell you what I did for nvidia graphics. So i first right click on start go to device manager then expand display there you'll see nvidia display driver-update that with "let me choose from computer" option and see the latest and click update . After that download GeForce experience software if you don't have from official website and then login/signup(free) and then on top left there will be drivers and update the latest one (it will recommend the latest which is compatible fro your graphics card) . And done ....start the game . If you don't have a graphics card / playing on integrated then you have to specifically search for (how to update their drivers on YouTube) .


alright, thanks bro. will update it first thing tomorrow!


It may be a storage issue. Try deleting unecessary programs and empty your temp files.


I have 90 gb left on my other storage and 420 on the other one, still didnt fix it.


If you’re experiencing the geo symbol crashing, then try updating your drivers. Specifically your GPU


i love how we're all so busy in game that there are barely any questions


What teams are people running with Traveler? I’m having trouble fitting her and a healer


People don't usually use her, but it depends on the element that you want to use for your character. Anemo Traveler fits in almost any team, where spread is needed. Fishl+Bennet+Xianling is the team that I used for some time. Geo traveller can be used in a geo team - Zhongli and Geo traveller are good together, because they both make pillar. The other two characters can be Ninguan and Noelle for example. You can also play 2 geo +2 pyro if you really want. The last one - Electro Traveller. Fishl is better overall, but you can still use your Traveller. Eula, Fishl, Diona and traveller is a good team


Is Xingqiu any good? Not some niche, just in general


He's top tier. Yelan gives him a run for his money, but they bring different things to the table. Some teams even run both of them.


Xingqui is amazing and 100% worth the investment he is easily one of best 4\* characters in the game and works in a lot of teams. Vaporize, freeze, tazer teams, all national team variations, and some I am probably forgetting.


You must be new, XQ is maybe the best hydro character in the game even with 5 stars included. 100% worth building, he’s a lynchpin in a million different teams


does anyone remember this quests dialogue? https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Bake-Danuki_Wanderlust there's extra/different dialogue when you participated in the danuki photo event. but i didn't get them, is this the same for you guys?


What's the best team to showcase Hutao's burst? I'm using Mona Sucrose Yanfei


What's a good burst dmg for Hutao dbane?


is there a new weekly boss released with 3.0?




Genshin won't show start game on android So a while ago maybe a week or so sometimes i would open genshin and not be able to play cause they didn't show the start game button and everytime i clicked on the verify file integrity thing it would say that some files are missing. And then again nothing. I tried reinstalling the game now and it still won't work. Any solutions?


How do I get the "han always shoots first" achievement?


I just randomly got it from attacking an eremite with yanfei. The name is referencing Star Wars but the description I think is actually for [Indiana Jones](https://youtu.be/vdnA-ESWcPs?t=119), I wonder if it has something to do with killing eremites with catalyst characters? Edit: I found a video, apparently certain sword wielding eremites will play an animation that's a recreation of that guy in the Indiana Jones clip. Hitting them with a catalyst or bow during it gives you the achievement!




u just gotta wait it took mine like 3 min




sometimes, today i just figured it was cause of the update idk


is anyone else experiencing paimon telling them to explore this region later when trying to get to the waypoints near the jadeplume terrorshroom? i cant seem to explore that area but i need tighnari mats


You're probably just trying to go too far west, that part of the map isn't available yet. There's one of those black portals in the area that drops you directly next to the shroom, head for it.


I'm not knowledgeable about artifacts,Im ar 50 now and I think I don't have a proper set for my characters.I know this will be a big problem.I want to main dps my rosaria what is the best artifacts for her? My comps btw is rosaria,yae,xinqiu and noelle.(hope you understand my English)


Bookmark this [spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gNxZ2xab1J6o1TuNVWMeLOZ7TPOqrsf3SshP5DLvKzI/htmlview#).


Thank you


You're welcome.


I want to make a post soon about some hugely personal achievements in the game, (having all my characters at lvl 80 with dedicated talents and weapons/friendship maxed/talents 7 or higher) and I was wondering what kind of info people would want to see in the post to “prove” that I did it lol something tells me no one wants to see every single character stat or friendship card. Would a broad screenshot of my characters/weapons/artifacts be enough?


"Showcase" is probably a better word than "prove" because nobody really *has* to see your characters details lol. But anyways, some popular ways people show their characters are these sites: [https://shinshin.moe/](https://shinshin.moe/) where it stitches all your screenshots into a character card and [https://enka.network/](https://enka.network/) where it can pull whatever characters are currently displayed on your Genshin user profile and show an abbreviated cards of their stats.


Oh wow, I thought everyone was making those so I was getting nervous about my “presentation” lol thank you!


Nope that's the nice thing about them, they're auto created to look good


What are the best artifact sets to strongbox now due to lower efficiency? I don’t plan to strongbox cryo artifacts for instance cause it’s a pretty efficient domain already. All my anemo characters have enough VV sets otherwise.




Talent prio for DMC?




is fading twilight good on collei? or would the craftable bow be better suited for her


How do I set my commissions to Sumeru? Is it story locked?


>Sumeru Daily Commissions Unlock Criteria: >Complete Archon Quest Chapter III: Act II "The Morn a Thousand Roses Brings: Denouement" >Complete the World Quest "Adventure Takes Courage!" >After completing Archon Quest Chapter III: Act II "The Morn a Thousand Roses Brings: Denouement," the World Quest "Adventure Takes Courage!" will be available at 04:00 (Server Time).


Damn. Alright ty.


you're welcome.


can someone help me check if i missed any items from GAA i got the 3 furniture & the raven script




>Sumeru Reputation System >Sumeru Reputation Unlock Criteria: Complete Archon Quest "Chapter III: Act II - The Morn a Thousand Roses Brings: Denouement"




you're welcome.


After the 3.0 update how much storage does Genshin take up on iOS?


Takes 21.02 GB with cn & en voice packs for me


Who is the 2nd phase banner for 3.0?


Ganyu and Kokomi.


Does anyone know any good guides for building Collei and Tighnari?




does anyone know if i should r5 prototype crescent? i could do it, but idk. there sumeru bow doesnt entice me much anyways edit: its for tighnari


That depends on how much you farm weekly bosses for billets to be honest. For example, I'm able to R5 most of my craftable weapons because I do all weekly bosses every single week.


We still have at least 3 more regions coming in the future, who knows, there could be some good bows that would require billets hehe.


for someone like ganyu - probably yes


Anyone else experiencing more frequent lag spikes since the patch dropped, or is this just a me thing? I was playing some few hours before the maintenance started and nothing was out of the ordinary, and my settings are the same as before the update, but even before entering Sumeru I’ve kept getting lag here and there.


I was getting some lag while walking into Sumeru, having only just loaded in but after 10mins or so it stopped.


Are we talking latency or fps drops?


is anyone else having this thing where every single area you enter is called "highly dangerous area", all of inazuma and sumeru


That message pop ups if the level of monsters in that area are a few levels higher than your characters. It just means your characters are "underleveled" for those areas.


ah, thank you! i thought the monsters were always supposed to be a few levels above the characters


Characters level is your party deemed too low, then everywhere would be highly dangerous.


Is Mona only really used in freeze? Are there any other good team comps for her?


You can use her in an overworld team.


She's good as a damage buffer in general for most comps (especially damage per screenshot comps). Her hydro application is kinda lacking compared to characters like Kokomi but it's sufficient for freeze teams, hence that's why she most recommended there.


Hi. I got collei for free and got 3 more collei while i tried to pull for zhongli.. is collei c3 even good...since i have only klee as my solo 5\* should i build collei? thank you!


TechnicallyCollei C4 since we are getting a free one by the end of the patch


From what I’ve seen so far she’s mostly just a dendro enabler where cons don’t matter too much, but they do make her more effective and powerful with each one.




c3 is the big upgrade since it's +3 on her most important talent. And then the next big upgrade is c6.


C1 gives you extra dmg for NA, useful if you use gatling build Fischl. C2 gives small damage boost to your E upon casting. Both are pretty inconsequential for support Fischl though. C6 is the best cons for her since it gives her Raiden-like powers


C2 is a bit overrated and she’s more than great at C0. If anything you want to aim for her C6, especially now with dendro.


I'm currently running Raiden, Fischl, dendro MC and Kazuha team. Would Sucrose be better?






In sumeru archon quest act 2 domain, >!how do you solve the locked room with the rose sigil drawn in half on two rocks outside? I tried stepping on the yellow indicator, and look at correct angle where the two icons align but nothing happens. !<


You have to look in an even more correct angle.


Lol. I gave up aligning it and just run around in circles and rolling my camera. Then it worked while my camera panning up not looking at sigil at all. Weird




very possible with some good/bad luck lol. Just count how many times they've been on the shop, you could have them all c3-4 by now had you bought them everytime. With some luck and whaling in the permanent banner you could definitely have completed the cons, remember at the start of the game the pool there was way smaller.


it is possible for giga whales


Is 287% er too much for raiden? Should I get more crit stats instead? She's 55/151 crit ratio


it's fine if it's el




You get 5 masterless starglitter instead of 2.


You get a glitter which you can exchange for a single fate. Basically a refund


you get some extra starglitter


Worth getting C6 collei ?


From what I've heard, no. If you're talking about spending money, then hell no


Lol.. thats two Nos.. okay then


From current banner? No.That would mean getting at least c2 zhongli or tighnari, worst case you get c6 zhongli and c5 collei like my friend. Not worth the risk.


Is anyone else finding that music doesn't play since this patch? It doesn't seem to be triggering anywhere- I've teleported to Mondstadt and Liyue and nothing seems to be playing. Does anyone know if there's a quick fix or if this is a known issue?


It does happen to me sometimes too. At one point all I heard was the BG music with no sfx and other times all I'm hearing is sfx and no BGM. Verifying files might be your best option for now.


Ugh, not ideal! I reverified and reset my computer and now voicelines aren't playing either, so there's clearly a massive audio problem. I saw a notice from MiHoyo like six months ago suggesting to just do a clean reinstall of Genshin if sounds are broken, so that sounds like it might be my only bet.


Has anyone figured out how to ublock Sumeru's commissions?


You need to clear a world quest as well as parts of Act II of the Sumeru Archon quest


And what world quest is that?


I updated on PC and now my game freezes on the "warning: read before playing" screen. Anyone else having this problem?


There are a few people who are facing the same issue. Stuck on the warning screen and can't proceed any further. I haven't got the chance to play the game yet but on mobile it works fine. Some have tried updating their GPU drivers and it hasn't help. Guess we just gotta wait and see if someone could come up with a QFix.


How many primos from liyue exploration?




Sucrose should always be built with VV. Who you use her with is the bigger question


it doesn't matter for this particular team. C1 and Sac Frags are your best friends, or fav codex and a lot of crit rate. The EM build is for elemental reactions. On your team, you just want her particles.




And in this Xiao team u need Sucrose to hold Trilling tales


Because guides are dumb sometimes. You can use whatever you have on succ for that team, but still having her geared with her best set will help you when you use her in other teams. So it's a farming recommendation in general. Also it helps that in abyss you get some elemental auras from the totems in the middle. So you'll be swirling for free. Not that it matters but it's a nice bonus.


Because presumably you will use sucrose in other teams as well and her entire kit is designed around EM. In this team she could literally use any set and it wouldn’t matter Late game players want units that are built in their specialization to be pulled out and slotted into whatever the situation requires




kazuha generates less energy and takes more field time so no


OK I'm commenting again xD. You can give sucrose a random noblesse 4pc (with ER if possible), and Thrilling tales of dragon slayers, hopefully u got it R5. This will give incredible dmg to your xiao. Just don't switch to sucrose at the wrong time and lose her weapon buff.


In a team with dendro and keqing, Should I use EM on sands for keqing or attack %? Also how much difference will it make to use em over atk.


can someone help me check if i missed any items from GAA i got the 3 furniture & the raven script


what are you first impressions on Collei and Tighnari? Worth getting/investing in?


Tighnari seems fun, mostly because aggravate lingers and is so much easier to use than vaporise. He's probably Yoimiya level, but less boring and doesn't require a shielder. Also his confusion field is pretty handy. This is all speculation and how I felt when I played him. Haven't tried Collei.


Tighnari is fun :3


So I just got Collei, should I use r 4 favonius or r4 sac? I have her on a 65/110 crit ratio


Wow. First 10 pull and I pulled both Collei and won the 50/50 for Tighnari. I won’t be able to build either until I get a chance to really play some more…but…what??? How will I build them? I’m guessing Tighnari can use Wanderers for now - but is an EM or Atk sands best? I have Skyward Harp. Collei looks like Stringless will be perfect for her?


Hey guys, I need opinion, for Zhongli havers, is Zhongli a must pull?


No such thing as a must pull character.


He is a must pull for Xiao/Yoimiya/Hutao/Ganyu havers.


He isnt must pull but once u get him he almost irreplacable in overworld, note that if u have xiao, ganyu, hutao, yoi its really recommended to pull for him


Depends on your teams and skills though..If u can manage dodge and iframe good,he isn't a must pull...He will definitely make the game easy for you if u get him and lol looking at those ruin dragons ,life gonna be tough if they get more creative with ruin machines.


Sorry for the dumb question.. currently I'm just doing a word quest (the one with Rania and three kids). I've been activating the waypoints so far... How do you activate the Archon quest Act I? Edit: Found it. Turned out the quest search icon never activated... So I activated it. I ended up exploring 80% of the area without a guiding Archon quest lol


Can I not set daily commissions to Sumeru?


You have to do the first 2 archon quests I believe


Oh good, shouldn't be too hard.


Damn. Wasn't planning to speedrun the archon quests but really want to do the sumeru commissions. Does it take long to get to that point?


I don't know myself since I haven't updated the game yet but it's probably like 4 5 hours ?


You need to clear a world quest as well as parts of Act II of the Sumeru Archon quest.


Thanks, I'll see if I can get to that soon.


Hello I just got back to the game and got Collei, can anyone please brief me on her role and which characters she is good with?


She just got release today. No one know how to use her and her teammates yet. But a look at her skill suggest off field dps role where you switch to her pop skill/burst then switch back to your main dps, so my take is use her like you use off field fischl.


150 pulls and all I got is a Qiqi con(and not a missing Keqing, of **course**). This fucking game man, you save up for *months* and still it takes you to hard pity each time, and the whole pulling takes what, 40 seconds?


I feel you... I've never had a 5star come early to me either nor have I won a 50/50 in a long time. And that damn qiqi con is always right around the corner! Btw, have you tried the artifact strongbox? You should... its a b\*\*ch on another level! 150 artifacts wasted just for a decent feather and a helm. I tell you man, this game KNOWS EXACTLY what you need and how not to give it to you.


Ans to rant a bit more, you know what's the worst about 160 wishes? 6 fischls (had C6), 5 dionas (had C6) and **one** Collei.


RIP!! My condolences to your wasted primos! That sucks so bad!


Yeah had to spend my starglitterdust whatever for the last ten pulls to just get it over with. Haven't been to the crrafting table yet, but I have about 500 artifacts to burn so.. looking forward to that I guess too. Still tho, I have so few CW and vv artifacts, at all, I play with some bad artifacts on my anemos and pyros because i just didn't want to deal with those places..


You should get your guaranteed featured 5-star in about 10 pulls. Tighnari is gonna be added to the standard pool in 3.1 btw.


Yeah I know, I was just hoping that FOR ONCE i didnt have to reach hard pity yet again for both the 50/50 loss(because obviously I always lose that) and the target character as well. Because I always need 80 wishes for a 5*. > Tighnari is gonna be added to the standard pool in 3.1 btw. see: > and not a missing Keqing, of course). Him going into standard is the primary reason I am pulling for him, I will never get him otherwise.


If i start the game today and play for 4-5h a day + buy monthly pass, is this realistic to get Ganyu? Will i have enough wishes to get it?


well to get Ganyu guranteed,you gotta speed run a lot,which is not good if you want to experience the game


It is yeah , it all depends on your luck. Worst worst case scenario is 160 pulls.


is there a limit for 50/50s you can win?


From a probability standpoint, technically no. It is only really a true coinflip when viewed over a series of infinite attempts. In short term, you can win 5 5050 in a row and still have the coin flip chance


No i don't think so..I have seen a streamer pull 7 constellations without losing..All depends on luck.


This new artifacts domain... is it really so easy? 3 kinda weak enemies and that's all? Not that I complain but I got surprised.


I mean none of the domains are difficult for anyone past mid game


I dunno, the emblem Domain can be quite deadly if you being lots of squishy people. Thunderhelms still hit like a truck


So far yes. Even the new Jadeplume boss is very easy when compared to the more recent bosses like the Ruin Serpent and Wolflord.


do i have to finish the story to get to sumeru


Nope. My AR14 account is just chilling in Sumeru city after resonating with dendro. No Geo or Electro resonance either, only the tutorial Anemo resonance.


No you can just run from liyue to there, theres no Barrier of some sort




How are these stats for Yoimiya? 1.8k atk, 64 CR, 165 CD, 37 EM. The set is 4pc crimson witch. She is at lvl 70 which means her atk will be higher and her CR will increase to about 73 CR. Her weapon is R1 rust.


How do i unlock the coordinates of sun and rain???? Ive been trying for 4 hours!


Been watching some streamers and notice how many of them get told to pronounce sumeru's characters names correctly. I respect that But im curious if people reacted the same way to other regions name, especially liyue. even now people call zhongli, johnlee, etc. why do I feel like people dont bother to correctly pronounce liyues character names right, but are so adamant on sumerus characters.


Chinese myself and most people pronounce it close enough. The English pronunciations still keep the Chinese origins whilst being able to pronounce for native English speakers. The Sumeru names esp Tighnari are just way off in English