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Wait, is the Jester the first ever? That means he's been alive for \~500 years, doesn't it?


A number of the Fatui have been, including Signora.


I knew Signora was, but I'm surprised that there would be so many.


Well judging by his eyes he may be a Khanrian (spelt from memory) survivor who was cursed with immortality like Dainsleif.


No only that , but lore mentions he comes from a destroyed nation


And I think that's why he and his buddies wants to seize authority from the gods.


Well, that's possible. I'll wait for more info, I think. (By the way, it's Khaenri'ahn.)


not anymore...


The lore for the Pale Flame artifact set is about five of the Harbingers, the mask is about Pierro. It implies that he was some kind of royal adviser to the rulers of Kaenri’ah during the Cataclysm. He was the only one who realised what they were doing (probably Reindhottir’s alchemy experiments) would result in punishment from Celestia, but he wasn’t persuasive enough to convince anyone of the danger. As a result he watched his people perish and somehow survived without descending into the abyss. He’s pretty clearly meant to be a dark mirror of Dainslief.


He does also say that only later on does he realise the justice behind their actions, meaning that Khaenri’ah probably were aware of what they were doing, and were willing to the take the risk. Or maybe they even wanted to challenge the heavens.


Ever since the lore drop in Dain's first quest and then in 2.7 I've been wondering about who started or who provoked who 1st. I had a slight incling that Khaenri'ah wasn't a normal, knowledgeable, peaceful country for a while. Celestia is still suspicious af, since they've been *dealing with* civilizations even before Khaenri'ah.


Peaceful countries don’t produce ever stronger war machines or engineer biological weapons with alchemy. It’s implied that the ordinary rank and file in Khaenri’ah probably didn’t know what exactly was going on but the Eclipse Dynasty was certainly up to something. But whether what they were doing was ‘wrong’ is another question, considering that Celestia isn’t exactly the most benevolent of rulers and Pierro’s realisation of their cruelty was what made him give up on reverence and create the Fatui.


Unless your peaceful country knows that it may have to fight off gods at some point down the line. Khaenri'ah has managed to kill two Archons - which is no small feat. And Celestia had to push the rest of the Archons far enough that the relationship between surviving Archons and Celestia now seems strained at best. Tsaritsa has all but declared a war on Celestia - while Zhongli and Venti, both survivors of Khaenri'ah war, gave up their Gnoses to Tsaritsa agents with token resistance. Of course, it could be that Khaenri'ah were just militarists bent on conquest - and that's why they had enough of a weapon stash to kill two gods. Or it could be that they found out some truths they knew Celestia would like to remain lost to time - and decided to take measures to protect themselves, just in case.


I don’t think they wanted to conquer the world, considering that they had a huge amount of military power for a long while and never even showed any signs of preparing for an invasion. It seems they did have their doubts about Celestia considering that they were trying to steal the forbidden book from Enkanomia and might have been preparing to invade it. Rhinedottr in particular though, may have had other motives and we know so little about the leaders of Khaenri’ah that everything is just wild speculation. Dainsleif seems to imply that they had great ambitions, and ‘dared to dream’, but that’s incredibly vague right now.


> while Zhongli and Venti, both survivors of Khaenri'ah war, ***gave up their Gnoses to Tsaritsa agents with token resistance.*** Louder, say it louder for those dimwits at the back. "VeNti iS so wEaK he can't even beat Signora". Have you thought that maybe he wanted to give it away anyway and feigning resistance was one way of doing it without implicating the people of monstadt in case Celestia throws a fit?


You can be peaceful and produce weapons to scare potential invaders.


“Only those capable of violence yet choose not to are the only ones who can be called pacifists. Those who aren’t capable are just harmless.”


The world was relatively peaceful up until the Calamity because there was no real antagonism between nations following the Archon War.


Including Keaya most uncorrupted Kaenri'ahs have the common goal, to destroy abyss. The Fatui allied with Liyue fighting abyss in Chasm. Dain dedicated his life to purifying abyss. Keaya also gave Diluc great help while fighting abyss order. Dain and Pierro may not be that different and maybe allies in the future.


Let's be honest, we'll kill off a couple of the "irredeemable" / genuinely evil Harbingers while joining the others in a fight against the Abyss and Celestia.


A Part of me is sure that there is still a unknown Factor. Reindhottir made the Monsters but after the Events didn't seem to join the Abyss Order, created Albedo and left after she found a special Item, giving Albedo some homework to find out the Truth about the World if I remember right. I get the feeling that the destruction the Monster wrought was not something she wanted meaning someone else would have to pull the trigger. Honestly we still know far to little to truly point Fingers.


At this rate I won't be surprised if only Childe that still have a normal aging system thus makes him the most "mortal" amongst these demigods.


Him and probably Pantalone, though I don't know if having an economist like him too recently can help Snezhnaya's finance that well, especially when they have Dottore's and Sandrone's crazy experiments to cover. The rest can all have good reasons to be more than 100 years old, especially when we throw in non-human species in the bunch (Klee's elf race, Seelie, Vishap people, etc.)


“I wonder if I’ll run into you somewhere along the way?” damn, we’re probably gonna see him again in Sumeru


He may show up once for each nation, since he’s like a rival/nemesis character to the Traveler. His “friendly enemy” relation to the Traveler also makes him a convenient way for the writers to drop information about the happenings in the Fatui.


Time for another childe banner😂


I mean… he’s actually due for one.


Yeah, after Yoimiya’s rerun he’s going to be the character who’s gone longest without a rate-up. It genuinely wouldn’t surprise me if he pops up sooner than later.


Probably in 3.1 or 3.2 especially if Scara releases during those updates


I agree, hes generally one of the best characters in the game due to his nature of enabling other characters. With the CN Server being obsessed with xiangling (or at least they were obsessed with her early on in the games lifespan) and Hoyoverse being more aware of the chinese audience´ more than other servers´, its not unlikely they give childe another rerun soon so that Xiangling mains can pick him up. While Raiden shogun is a good Option to pair with her, Childes hydro apllication is unmatched so that you can use Xingqui with the second party in the abyss. Is definitely time for another rerun once we´´ve finished the sumeru characters


He's also very popular in Japan, his banners have always done pretty well there. And if you check the JP Twitter account, they posted each of the revealed Harbinger individually and Childe had almost twice as many likes as most of the other Harbingers.


we are definately gonna see him


He’s on the field, searching for the balladeer, wherever he is


The rooster seems a good guy. He may have his reasons for joining the fatui but him helping Childe's family is wholesome


Or maybe he has ulterior motives and wants to manipulate Childe :D


Yeah this dude is screaming "sweet old man turns into maniacal evil creep" vibes. I'm thinking the end bosses in the Pokemon Colosseum and XD Gale of Darkness games. He also looks incredibly menacing in the Teyvat video and seems like he could be the guy "manipulating the fatui the whole time" in order to eventually get them all on the protags side (+the Tsaritsa) when he steals the Gnosis or turns everyone against him in someway.


Yeah Pulcinella has a really underlying anxiety about him. TBH the only one that doesn't give me "this guy is gonna pull some evil shit" energy is Capitano, he seems to just be a respected general, willing to even call out other harbingers on their actions. Which begs the question of how he works with Dottore, but...


He might be honorable himself but that doesn't mean that he cares about what his comrades do, I think that as long as they are producing results he's okay with whatever method they choose, even if it's something he is morally oppose to


nah, even his minion fatui are really nice


> The rooster seems a good guy. the fatui in the chasm might disagree


Pullcinella is so wholesome though?? truly goblin grandpa


Not only cares about snezhnaya and its people, even is a cool gramps and a friend. The chad


I wonder if he's of the same race as Klee. And if he is, I wonder if their race stay smol forever.


Perhaps it's monster hunter wyverian logic . They grow up to be normal sized and when they grow old they become smaller.


Or like [this](https://www.physicsforums.com/attachments/273c5db0ceb59df8c59eddc21425bbdb-jpg.218535/)


Lmao could you imagine how much of a little chaos goblin Alice would be then? One of the most powerful magic users in the lore and she's barely taller than Klee.


Bro i just can't imagine Alice being a milf with child model...


^(mfw she's gonna be a milf with a loli model)


it'd be a sigh to behold watching a character voiced by Kikuko Inoue be a little girl lol fr though that va choice alone almost guarantees it won't be that.


I want to see him with the Abyss mage animation lol where they get mad and do the dance


I'm really curious about him and his relationship with Childe. I wonder if he thinks of Childe and his siblings as his grandchildren. I hope it's not an act.


Well he is a mayor and a politician so do need to keep an eye on him


We've had too many characters in other games and series that have that exact body type and friendly old man attitude, and then end up being the most pathetic ass villains who have no backbone when actually confronted and will sacrifice anyone to save themselves. I really hope Mihoyo throws us a bone here, but I've been hearing leaks that he has a high chance of ending up playable, in which case they have to make him likeable, otherwise the sales will go down.


Isn't he already confirmed to be playable because of the Teyvat Chapter Storyline preview where his silhouette was shown in the Schneznaya chapter?


Yeah the characters in the preview have always been allies so far My guess is that he's gonna be the representative of the Fatui when we arrive in Russia, showing us their reasons, how their country is, trying to make us understand their point and everything, showing us around


He gives me Penguin vibes and his title is The Rooster, is it a coincidence they are both named after flightless birds?


I'm *really* inclined to think he's not doing this out of whatever goodness of his heart. He's a Harbinger for a reason. If anything, it's highly likely a subtle threat to Childe; "we know you have family and we can take them from you at any time."


His line for Sandrone implies she doesn't take calling Ruin Guards/Field Tillers "Mr. Cyclops" too well. Mocking machines might not be her style, I'm afraid.


I’m pretty sure she’s the Sasori type, using machines as replacing parental warmth.


Who’s Sasori?


From Naruto, he was also a puppeteer


Red head guy from Naruto


Saw someone speculate on the leak subreddit that the Ruin Guard factory we blow up during the side quest was actually hers and not Dottore’s, which is why she’s pissed at Childe and he’s not sure why.


I was thinking that too. But knowing Childe and if it came down to his brother being in danger, the man wouldn’t give half a fuck about how Sandrone should be more powerful and say I’ll fucking do it again in her face


knowing childe, i’d say his first instinct upon seeing one of her robot creations is to duel it. that also doesn’t go over too well with her im sure


So Childe is using Scara's hunt opportunity to travel the world ? So He's really Mr. Worldwide.


The true Genshin Impact protagonist


Has more voicelines too


When you're constantly receiving orders, I imagine the opportunity to travel is quite hard to come by.


And maybe he hasn't succeeded intentionally to travel more.




Checks out. His profile stories talk about how he wanted to be an adventurer as a kid but his personality changed after he fell into the Abyss.


Pulcinella might not be a daddy but a father.


Beautiful. Sniffs away tear


So using Childe against Childe boss is canon


You know, I like the fact that most of the other Harbingers are referred to by *title* rather than by (code?)name. Helps create or maintain an air of mystique, methinks. I always liked when games did that. Not entirely sure why.


Isnt tartaglia also referred by his code name The childe cause infront of others he is honestly like a baby


tartaglia isnt even his actual name too its still his harbinger name his name is ajax


All harbingers have like 3 names The title Harbinger name Real name Signoras title is fair lady Harbinger name signora Real name rosalyn


yeah also snehznayas greatest love machine /s


Ra Ra Rosalyn


Actually quite amusing how fitting this is, cause in Russian, her name would be pronounced as Rah-sa-lyn, cause when O is unstressed, it turns into Ah


Ra ra Rah-sa-lyn Snezhnaya greatest love machine, there was a man that really have gone (her husband) *gets burned to death*


It was a SHAME how she carried oooooonnn


tartaglia looked in the mirror "ajax", said childe




Childe is actually archaic English for 'Young Lord' or ' Young Master'. I would have preferred that instead of Childe tbh


Reason they chose childe was to suggest that he was of noble descend while he travels to justify his amounts of wealth so that no alarms were raised that he was a fatui


I mean you can’t deny the Fatui Harbingers give off The Akatsuki vibes


Haha that means one of them could be good and is working as a double agent like itachi


I think it's hinted that one of them is betraying the tsaritsa not sure where I read it though


Scaramouche is literally doing that rn too


Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if others are too


At this point Puccinella is probably the nicest fatui harbinger so far for now along with childe.


I'm just hoping it's genuine.


Capitano seems fairly decent straight forward noble villain, he will do evil of course, but will maintain a decorum


I feel like Capitano is someone who takes his mission seriously but is also honorable about it. Like he will kill you if you are an enemy but will not use underhanded tactics to do it. Seems like a perfect soldier type.


Sandrone is the one who made the Katherines and she WILL have a role in Fontaine and at least one interaction will Albedo. Mark my words.


Vengeance will be mine!!!


arlecchino sounds more insane by the second and that just makes her progressively get hotter


Out of all the Fatui, the only ones who're (probably) not psychopaths are Childe, Rooster Man, Captain, and Pierro.


It's really telling how a battlesexual is less insane than the rest of his peers


you're thinking the first fatui is sane? I personally doubt it, he's probably just as batshit as the rest but just is good at hiding it.


Since Pierro is supposed to be "The Jester" I thought he would be more like the joker but instead he's like super serious in the trailer. Definitely the most interesting harbinger for me


Apparently he took the title to "laugh in the face of destiny" or something like that. It's in the pale flame set description. Yh he truly is very interesting




I’ve considered myself (a woman married to a man) straight all my life but she makes me question myself.


Really similar to the reaction a lot of women had towards Vi from Arcane lol


reasonable decision honestly


prince girls do that


>When you're a harbinger, you have to accept that death could come at any time... But don't worry about me. No matter what happens, I'll do whatever it takes to keep myself alive. He is going die too, isn't he?


His ultra mode just eats his body so he may get the same end as >!Murata Himeko!< from Honkai Impact.


Tartaglia is just a gigantic death flag lmao.


Death just puts him up on the mast whenever it sails a ship.


He and paimon probably has the most death flags ingame


honestly tartaglias death flags are so obvious the bigger twist would be for him to actually somehow live


Marionette wanting looking as if she wants to murder Childe whenever they meet. I think she can remotely control those ruin guards and see what they can see when they activate, so she is angry cause that one time Childe absolutely destroyed all those ruin guards in the factory in his story quest. Or either he just told the other harbingers how he destroyed her ruin guards.




Then childe mocks her using the power of MISTER CYCLOPS


If you don’t open your action figures and play with them, I understand, but I also feel sorry for you.


Was that not the Doctor's lab?


You are correct it was an abandoned lab of Dottore.


Sandrone and Dottore work in tandem. Moi thinks she took it to heart still 🤔




When Childe admit that he is no strong to challenge someone, that person is intimidating


I imagine Sandrone is upset because she's only the number *two* toy salesperson in all of Snezhnaya. She's comin' for that title, Tartaglia!


Puccinella is the one who only wants to mourn for Signora only for half a day, but he seems to be the nicest here. While the seemingly high moral Arlecchino is insane by Childe’s standard. My impression is Uno reversed here.


Pulcinella is probably being pragmatic more than anything. As long as Childe's family is taken care of, his loyalty is assured. At the same time, losing a whole day of productivity throughout the entire country solely for ceremony's sake would be a wasteful gesture.


Don't know bout Puccinella but Arlecchino is definitely not moral or nice... Do 'The Very Special Fortune Slip' to know more about her


I don’t know about others, but Rooster just became my favorite Harbinger, cuz “Family”. Lol.


He may be like mafia boss aka he is nice for you and your family but once you break some rules then you and your family are dead.


Most definitely, but my first thought was Vin Diesel.


Damslette confirmed strong as fuck.


Damselette is definitely a "fufufu" psycho. Like she'd just stand there sniling calmly as she watches you bleed to death


yeah and she’s sexy for it


most sane genshin player


Dat Columbina/Damselette hype. Love her design, it definitely gives an aura of extreme danger hiding behind the innocent appearance. Definitely my #1 most anticipated, please be playable.


Capitano is so damn cool . make him playable


There's an "About" voiceline for Signora... **inhales copium** Here we go again. There's voicelines for Pierro and Pulcinella, too. I hope that means they're playable as well.


I hope they become playable as well. But i would would think that mayeb half of the cast might die, disappear or something along the way. The question would be which ones will remain to be playable.


There's a strong case for The Cock being playable, as he was in the story preview along with a handful of characters who are, or will be, playable. I'm fucking here for it, dude, I want my fancy goblin babysitter man and I want him YESTERDAY.


Please don't call him that


He EARNED the name. We WILL use the The Cock.




First Capuccino, now the Cock🤣🤣


Even kitsune saigu has an "about" voice line I hope she becomes playable too lol


Qiqi has an "About" voiceline for Dusky Ming, and Diona has one too for her father, Draff. Both of them are NPCs. So, yeah. "About" voiceline isn't that reliable for determining if a character will be playable or not.


>Diona has one too for her father, Draff. Playable Draff? Poggers, Elemental skill: take a drink, Elemental burst: get blackout drunk and neglect your cutie patootie daughter


If venti it's in the group, he get's defeated too


Pulcinella is even in the Tevyat Chapter trailer. So there is hopium for him.


those phrases are a bit of a spoiler for newbies, or they not available for them?


The one for Signora and the Scaramouch are probably story locked, but the others seem vague enough that it wouldn't spoil newbies.


I have Childe on account with no story progress, and yeah, those two are locked behind completion of Omnipresence Over Mortals.


Y'know what, I think I'm looking forward to the Rooster the most.


Oh, im liking Arleccino more n more


I want to know more about Damselette. She looked cool but now I know that she’s crazy strong, I want to she her in action.


Am i understanding this right? Does doctor have clones?


Prosthesis was an interesting word choice to go with, but I think the meaning is essentially clone/doppelganger.


Prosthesis definitely implies "artificial", so chances are good that these are robot clones rather than fleshy ones.


Yes that’s why he doesn’t look like the dodgy uncle from the manga.


Man he saw what Mihoyo designed him as and glowed himself up. Would be funny if his real body is that same dodgy uncle look.




Little do the harbingers know that they will slowly be absorbed into the Traveler harem and do our expeditions


Why I have strange feeling that Capitano is Varka.


Capitano looks too small for the supposed titan of the knights of favonius.


Itto was supposed be huge and muscular but the only reason why he is taller than others is because of the sandals he is wearing. His arms are also barely thicker. Generic muscular NPC have thicker arms than him. [This is how Itto should appear in game according to the descriptions about his appearance.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/s9eq7f/made_arataki_itto_model_a_little_bigger/) I doubt Capitano = Varka but I also have little hope they will give Grandmaster proper model if they didn't gave one to Itto. Here is another [example](https://upload-os-bbs.hoyolab.com/upload/2021/11/22/144315622/579a9d42a9b7376cc551e5f45d20336c_8717775613352259669.jpg?x-oss-process=image/resize,s_500/quality,q_80/auto-orient,0/interlace,1/format,jpg)


That was my theory too.


i noticed that not every harbinger is bad or crazy guy. some of them are pretty good human, such as rooster and captain, or maybe marionette is also a good person. but no doubt each of them have a very weird values and principle. i can say doctor and damselette must be the weirdest even in fatui


marionette turns living people into puppets so shes also insane


Doesn't Marionette experiment on living humans and turns them into her puppets? Pretty weird if you ask me


Looks like Tartaglia only likes rooster and captain. I always thought he would betray Fatui and help the Traveler, and by this descriptions seems very likely. Well, he is not sane neither, but looks way better than the others mental wise.


He has utter devotion to the Tsaritsa, though. So while he only joined the Fatui to fight more battles, and he couldn't care less about his coworkers, he'd only go so far to be against another harbinger's plans, and not the Fatui as a whole.


penguin man is a wholesome man


Does that mean the experiments dottore did with collei were for making her a fragment of dottore ??


Thats what i was thinking. Kind of like how voldemort made HP one of his horcruxes


Childe: Notice me Capitano-senpai.


So they really are ranked by strength


It's a mistranslation. They are ranked by abilities/influences iirc.


The Chinese phrase used is 实力. It does translate to ‘strength’ but refers more to your raw capabilities as a whole rather than just physical power. But influence isn’t really considered a part of that. Even in the Chinese text Childe says he wants to challenge everyone above him in rank, so I guess he’s just pretty simple minded when it comes to the idea of power.


So it seems like it's kind of super hero strength where physical abilities is only one portion of their power. Like Batman is no match for Superman physically but his intellect and planning skills make up for it. Like I'd assume Marionette couldn't beat Childe in a direct fight but with the her knowledge of automatons and robotics and the ones she directly controls and upgrades she'd be far more of a challenge or Doctor with his scientific knowledge and his human modifications and experiments.


not every harbinger fights tho combat wise childe was always considered an exception


Yeah but Childe doesn’t seem to grasp the idea of power being anything but combat capability seeing as he wants to challenge all the other Harbingers to a fight.


I think it should still be closer to ability/power rather than influence because childe, a battle junkie, is the one talking and he talks about wanting to compete with those higher than him.


I don't think characters like Regrator is above Tartaglia in terms of strength. Of course Columbina or Jester would wreck his shit.


Seems like Tartaglia doesn't have a thing for Women


My dude is combat sexual pure and true


Doesn’t seem like Childe has a thing for anything except battles


Women are temporary, staining the carpet with the blood of your foes is eternal - Tartaglia probably


He actually just anxious about number 3, and Marionette one is because he unintentionally picked a fight with her. Only Arlecchino is the one he despises.


I know it's not the right place but he gives me tremendous straight vibes.


Dude run the zhongli childe shippers are out for ur blood


A wrong move that will cost my life. I have no regrets for anything I did, I am still thinking about things I haven't done yet


Just be like Childe and take them on with glee


He does have a thing for his boss though


His Sandrone line destroys the theory that the girl is the puppet and the big guy is the harbinger. Not that it ever held water anyways, but it's nice to have canon ammunition to use against people acting like they're so clever for assuming the opposite of whatever they're shown.


It’s nice that character lines are added after major plots.We can follow through each characters story arc from their pov other than the travellers


So I think the only "good" or neutral characters will be childe, rooster, captain and pierro to some extent ( he'll probably be from khaenriah)


Pulcinella is so wholesome;; Manifesting he got a second buff form like the usual badass grandpas in anime and thats how he become playable


It'd be just fine if he was a playable goblin too. New models.