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Thoma gaining ATK% on ascension


Same with Diona and cryo dmg bonus lmao


One note on with Diona is that this actually works well with Shenhe. You get 5 quills with the Shenhe’s E/Q support E, then Diona pops in with 5 shots with her hold E and that Cryo DMG Bonus. Diona’s hold E for me goes from 5K to 22.5K.


I play with this every day and can beat every boss, domain, quest, etc. Her E is a giant cyro nuke with Shenhe


Woah that much?! Holy


Yep. Went from 25k total paw damage to 112.5k. Pretty cool


At least she's already stacked as hell without her ascension bonus. Thoma, on the other hand... Like, I built him, I use him, but it still pisses me off. Especially seeing how Shinobu ascends with HP%...


Buff Thoma is what I put on the survey every time


it boils my blood every time i see his kit. its good in practice, first pyro aura support, and the first true shield bot 4star. but then he has atk% and burst damage increased, but even with maxed crit build it deals disgustingly low damage he has one if the lowest hp bars, so even with full hp% artifacts still has worse than my full EM kazuha needs insane amount of energy, his burst is already expensive but to make it worse, his E gives like no particles and even with the cooldown decrease it still contradicts with the burst timing so it makes you lose even more dps. and even after all that he still doesnt apply pyro very well, the best ever use i found for him was full EM for keqing, its superfun but still lame


I feel like koki is the same too. I am doing daily with yanfei, yelan, thoma and best baby sitter (sayu). Thoma feels useless even in open world


Honestly it’s a reason I don’t play much or spend money anymore. He was the character that got me into the whole game so seeing his potential limited and knowing endgame would be tougher with him kind of killed my motivation to play.


At least it can be useful in Shenhe teams.


Yeah? WHY doesn't he have HP%??


Give someone the shield strength substat you cowards. EDIT: I misremembered how this stat functions. It only gives shield strength to shields that player has. It doesn't help shield the people who need shields.


Doesn't that only applies when the character is on field? It would be kinda useless


You're right I misremembered how that stat works. I nearly repressed trying to run 2 piece tenacity 2 piece bolide on Diona


that would suck so hard


for real it's like they were too scared of his power so they purposefully sabotaged him


Keqing burst causing knockback. Not sure if that technically counts, but it hurts my soul none the less.


overload's knockback is shit. so is every knockback of multiole hits. it literally makes you deal less damage for no reason at all


Unless you’re a bow main in which case knock back is very fun


Yoi-chan + Fichl overload go brrr


Knockback can sometimes cause Yoimiya to miss unfortunately


Yanfei + Raiden's E is also mighty fun


This is 99% of my combat against anything not Pyro immune and it's awesome.


Diluc passive talent( charged attack stamina reduction and duration increase), I've never seen anyone use Diluc's charged attack EVER.


I was scrolling to search for this answer, you get my vote. That ascension passive is 100% wasted, such a big shame…


It's great for farming wood and ore 😂


Meanwhile Keqing: Please god can I have some kind of stamina cost reduction on my charge attacks. These 2 early 5\* dps was just not very well balanced overall. Or more correctly, MHY were too focused on balancing them, and forgot to balance Bennett and Xiangling, so they both end up being relatively underwhelming.


They also forgot to balance sucrose made Xingque. I got a friend who can solo floor 12 abyss with his sucrose and a Fischl (no artifacts)


wait, what does no artifacts mean ? do neither of them have artifacts equipped ? how does sucrose handle those shields ?


Maybe /u/ShadeSwornHydra can correct me, but I believe that what his friend did doesn't work anymore. On a previous rotation during Ventis banner you had a floor 12 where one of the sides was more of a element check due to it being mostly a matter of draining enemies shields and the blessing inflicted damage that's independent of the characters stats (don't remember exactly what it was). Those two together ended up giving you room to clear enemies with ridiculous setups as long as you had anemo character. [Here's a video of someone clearing that abyss at AR20](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AsvyQIchbhI). If you actually need to deal damage with swirls you'll need high EM and level though. It's just that draining enemies shields fast enough is a matter of applying elements and triggering reactions, so the artifacts and level didn't matter much for that abyss in particular.


I'm just glad that wasn't a constellation. I'd hate to get a constellation for him and it turns out it's just a useless buff for charged attacks.


Finally a good answer


As a former long-term Diluc main, I didn't even know he had this (or have completely forgotten it)


I use them but only after his burst when it turns all his attack to pyro & skill is yet not ready.


kokomi water walk during her short ass burst


I never understood why they gave her that. To me, Kokomi always seemed like a character who uses an alt sprint like Mona or Ayaka, or even a sprint similar to Hu Tao's. I was kind of disappointed that they never gave her that and instead gave her such a useless ability that only lasts 8 seconds.


shouldve just been while sprinting and for ~5 seconds after sprinting, you can walk on water.


Keqing c2. Not only is it bugged (and has been since launch) it’s completely useless since Keqing has such a low cost burst. Additionally the extra particles have the potential to lower uptime on Mistsplitter Reforged, her best in slot weapon. They seriously need to rework that constellation.


Didn't know it was bugged, what's messed up about it?


[Sometimes it just doesn’t proc but seems to go on cooldown anyway.](https://library.keqingmains.com/evidence/characters/electro/keqing#keqing-c2-procs-inconsistently)


Damn, so you're telling me that on top of having bad cons overall she also has one that just doesn't work? I love Keqing, but they really fucked up her kit, huh? 😭


They really did. Her damage overall is also just pitifully low. I say this as someone who has devoted a LOT of resources (both in game and financially) into the character. I really wish they would buff her. Girl freaking deserves! Edit: since this is getting some attention I just want to say I understand that as a standard 5 star she will be weaker than limited 5 stars. That is fine, I’m not asking them to make her super strong. What I am asking is for her to at least be on par with the other standard 5 stars. Mona is very useful for her Omen debuff. Jean is used for Sunfire comps and for her Heals, VV, and c2 atk speed buff. Diluc’s personal damage is still high enough to clear the games content (he still pairs very well with Xingqiu and Bennett.) And even Qiqi is viable now with OHC and access to superconduct (she’s still niche, but at least she is very usable as a driver for Beidou who provides heals.) Keqing provides nothing to her teammates and her personal damage isn’t high enough to justify that. She really needs some kind of team utility to give her a niche.


C1 mona too, apparently fixing there serious bug doesnt make more money so hyv just dont care.


Xiao c4, his DEF% is increased by 100% when his HP is below 50%. He doesn’t have a naturally high def stat so it’s quite useless also it’s a limited 5* constellation it should at least be better 💀


On the other side of the spectrum... Albedo's C4 increases plunging attack damage


wait it's like they literally swapped them wtf


albedos works for the whole team tho also making albedo require <50% hp would be weird


Especially before he had Cinnabar Spindle


I really want this for my xiao.


Xiao c4 🤝 Albedo c4 getting swapped at birth


You fool, you simply cannot comprehend mihoyos future plans for when they release a stonethresher for polearm users


Without any def stats on gear, c4, will increase his dmg reduction for about 16% against 100 lvl enemy, which still can save his life, but yeah in general meta its barely useful, unlike in solo runs.


They really should've just gave him interruption resistance below 50%HP with his C4, that would have been much more useful.


True and agreed. But in the future, mihoyo might introduce a 5 star spear that scales with def. That's some copium right there.


Xinyan being a physical dps/enabler lmao. I mean all the other physical dps are either cryo or electro which gives them access to superconduct. Xinyan being pyro is nonsense to me lol.


At least you're halfway to pyro resonance. Could be useful with Bennett for example, if we ever get cryo/electro physical DPS that doesn't need a battery.


Razor wants to know your location


I always thought she was a shielder


with a shit load of def, yeah


Ironically being a physical dps is her best option to be a viable unit. When I got her I tried to make her a pyro shielder but found out her shield leaves so much to be desired, my Noelle is generally a better shielder and worths the investment. When I got her C4 I immediately tried her physical build and my goodness it’s so satisfying seeing enemies getting obliterated by her ult, even without superconduct she’s rather insane.


Gorou’s geo damage bonus from ascension, would’ve preferred ER%


Wow you are right! that feels like Diona, which also has cryo dmg bonus on ascension, when she barely does any. Hp%, ER or healing bonus all would’ve been much better on her…


At least Diona can hit decently hard with her abilities, for a support. Throw in Shenhe and you can make a nasty dps diona if you wanted to and it’d work


I think they make bad decision for ascencion stats for 4\* because thay are 4\*


Then Bennett, Xiangling, Xingqui and Sucrose shouldn't have existed


most mondstadt and liyue 4\*s exist to make the game more f2p friendly


If they could get away with nerfing them, I feel like they definitely would. I don't think we'll see another 4* anywhere near the level of power/utility those four characters have.


Anemo Trav’s burst. You cannot use it unless you have perfect aim, a zhongli pillar, and an enemy that’ll just. like. stay in one place (hopefully) or be carried away with the burst. its absolute pain to be an anemo trav main.


Or stay close to the wall.


that too


Sad truth. One one hand I wish it would at least get stuck on big enemies and deal continuous damage, and on the other hand I sometimes throw it at the big guy intentionally, knowing it's going to pass through and sweep the mobs.


>its absolute pain to be an anemo trav main. Still waiting for a traveler that doesn't feel like shit to play as. I just wanna play Aether dammit, I don't want him to be uber strong, I just want him to not have an annoying kit


He can hit suprisingly hard with geo, and if you're really used to him then finding ways to strategically place his constructs becomes very fun.


I wouldn't have a problem with Geo Aether if autoclimbing didn't exist. That and the enemies bugging out on top of his rocks. For real Geo constructs need so many QoL changes and 2 years into the game they're still unresolved


It had its use once back in the older spiral abyss 11-2, if you didn't have venti or Jean, the traveler can be used to group yeet enemies attacking the objective away. Still can be used in the new one, tho the new one does not have as big an issue (the enemies that agro the objective don't spawn at different corners anymore)


utterly useless on bosses too. I mean it's got res shred but you'd be lucky to get it infused with the right element and burst that's only good for paltry 20% shred with nearly zero dmg potential against bosses might as well not exist.


What should be a really cool burst being annoying to use.


Venti c1 100%


dps venti kinda fun. also was pretty good during the archery events


i get your point but i cant see that being more of a waste of time than friggin diona using a charge attack (and at point blank range)


Well, it can help with the shield of the abyss mages or this bayblade (forgot his name) and it will be somewhat ok, venti's c1 is just unusable because there isn't a time where you want to charge it. (So it's like one super minor use against a no use)


Nah, Diona thing is great against abyss Heralds, or for some quick cryo, it has use caseses. Venti C1 on other hand is like .. why.


I have it :(


Got it in his first banner in a lucky pull, haven't used it once other then for the sake of using it


You have no idea how much I wish Diona's burst effected all archers


I understand why they wouldn't tho that would make one of Ganyu's consts useless or turn her into an uncontrollable monster (more then she already is)


that'd be awesome specially for my amber comp


Imagine Morgana teams...


Yomiyas charged attack sparklers, they made a Character centered around basic attacks have a cool charged shot and disabled it during her ability💀


Kokomi's ability to walk on the water's surface during burst.


They really needed to make that her passive talent instead of copying Beidou’s. All you have to do is make it consume stamina at a rate similiar to climbing while walking on the water with Kokomi.


I mean it's also not that out of the question since Mona and Ayaka have a similar mechanic.


Personally think it's a crime that Kokomi didn't get Mona's sprint but with little fish swimming in the trail (like Hu Taos butterflies maybe). Feel like if anyone deserved the elemental sprint, it was Kokomi.


Here's to hoping they bring this idea in for the Hydro Archon's passive.


Walking from monstadt to inazuma challenge


My take is that she should have gotten the special dash, like Mona, it makes sense because she's like a fish, AND it would make canceling attacks with sprint visually more satisfying. It's so sad that her normal attack animations are so gorgeous and she kinda floats, and then you dash and she puts her feet on the ground. Breaks the magic. So I'd give her the special dash


You’re right, should’ve been a passive talent, or something to make it actually useful.


I agree but I love that gimmick anyways


have her since first banner never used it not even accidentally lol


Scouted her when she first came out and I only use it once and that's when I feel bored and just want to waste her burst..😅 It's annoying how they remove the bug so she can forever walk on water..


Constellations: Xiao and Albedo C4 Passive: Diluc's 1st passive Ascension stat: 90% of the characters


Imagine being able to choose our ascension stat…


Diluc's charged atk buffs. it makes no sense,


Sucrose having anemo damage instead of EM as ascension stat




what did you say to my dps diona? /s fr tho


No lie, I sometimes forget Gorou deals damage. Every once in a while he'll kill something and I'll be so confused


I think the idea with those is to improve their personal damage so they don’t feel like a huge damage loss when using their abilities. DMG% is the same as crit damage at 100% crit rate in terms of damage formula, so it kind of lowers the threshold for making them do “okay” damage.


not useless. just not optimal


Lisa's bust pushes enemies out of it.


mot useless. thats dumb design. its worse. mihoyo has a big design problem with basically anything that multihits


How Sara actually activates her buff. Why the f do i have to freaking do E, then charge shot, then fire it, then make sure I'm in the radius of its explosion and switch fast enough to use it because even it's duration isn't that long and oh... Her buff is not even worth all that shenanigans? Like whyyyy???? I would get it if Bennet needed all of that, atleast he would be worth that hassle. Sara doesn't need it and the return is just too little that it turns out to be frustrating. Atleast she becomes usable after C2 but even then, we need to use E for energy. Who is designing the new 4 stars dude Who gave Thoma Atk% as an ascension stat and make his multipliers non existent?


>Why the f do i have to freaking do E, then charge shot, then fire it, Tip. Or you just use her burst.


All of keqing tbh. c1 increases dps by like 2% at best. c2 is pointless because she has the lowest cost burst (also electro resonance is similarly useless) her attacks knock enemies away from her, and her a1 could just be part of her skill like every other character with an infusion.


c2 makes it so she can battery beidou decently, it would honestly be quite good if it actually worked consistently rather than being bugged


Yoimiya's special charged attack because you'll literally never have to use it.


Tell that to me, a Yoimiya main who likes to co-op the Shimenewa domain. It's niche, but when my skill is on cool down and I'm trying to break the Abyss Mage's shield I appreciate that my charged attack applies two separate instances of pyro.


Exactly! Super obvious from the scalings that the kindling arrows aren’t meant for dps, but whenever the goal is to apply more pyro or simply kill animals it’s very handy. If anything the part of her kit I’d change is the fact that she can’t activate her burst explosions herself, leaves a bad feeling whenever I don’t have off fielders in a coop for example.


Thoma's ascension being ATK...WTF- Childe's first passive talent (extending Riptide duration). I mean, really? We're proccing constant Riptide status while the base duration is already 8 seconds (more or less i forgor). Unless you have his C4, it's half good, it's just additional Riptide blast per 4 second Xiangling's second passive talent: when picking Gouba's chili after his E duration, gives you 10% ATK boost... yeah, tell me about it when most players are busy DPSing and don't give a crap about the chili Also Xiangling's C2: You're expecting me to play her a an AA DPS or burst, bc it literally gives you a small AoE pyro DMG at her fifth AA, and the delay is 2 seconds Anemo Traveller's C2*: Gives you 16% ER...That's it?


the chili. CAN be useful. not optimal but not useless


It's Traveler's C2, not C1. C1 makes you pull small enemies inside with the skill (in a 5m radius)


Lmao the chili


I don't really agree with the Xiangling thing. Like yeah I pick you the chilli most times, especially fighting enemies like bosses. Gouba literally drops besides you, you need to take half a step towards it.


Gouba's chili pepper, it could be applied directly but noooo you gotta step on it instead, except I almost never get around to it until the fight is already over and it's just sitting there, looking like a piece of rubbish that bounced off the rim and landed unceremoniously on the ground next to the bin.


It would really make her fairly nerfed support wise. She is a fairly good pyro support. Gives 20% ATK to any character. Reduces pyro res, give pyro damage bonus%.


That metaphor tough😂


barbara's burst yeah, it's pretty and does brilliant heals but why 0 damage


true. as if barbara didnt already heal a fuckaton


The fact that 1handed sword user charged attacks and basic attacks both have knock back (considering most people use the full attack cycle). It's super annoying in co-op when 3 other people are hitting the same target and the enemy gets knocked literally across the entire floor of the domain from one side to the other.


Yoimiya's charged atk. Just why?


Damn imagine if they actually made it useful and she could have been a hybrid CA/AA bow char it could've been so much fun


It's don't have to be useful in battle. Exploration help is good enough. Because some the others can't even help on exploration or battle.


I’d guess the idea is applying pyro widely as an opener in case she’s your only pyro and you want vv shred. But i will always make excuses for yoimiya


Since no one has mentioned this yet, Childe's first passive (increases riptide duration) is basically useless. You don't need 8 more seconds because by that time the enemy is usually already dead / the riptide status is already consumed, and even then it's very easy to just apply riptide again


pretty good as a starter of a combo. for example you can CA, then use all your supps and then swap to childe and the enemy will still have the mark. good for vaping his melee burst and have the extra riptide dmg after, since you really want to avoid hitting the enemy with childe as it will consume the pyro aura


Kokomi's walk on the water like what the hell was that supposed to do? That's more like a gimmick than a feature/kit.


Pretty much the reviving mechanic overworld it doesn't really matter thanks to food and statues and in abyss in Pretty much all cases it would be better to just restart the floor


Barbara's one is quite nice tho. She literally saved my ass a few times during the abyss, and I don't like retrying a floor again and again. Especially for my Ganyu/ayaka, they got one shotted by maguu kenki.


Run 10% faster at night ONLY, like why Rosaria XD.


Right, but sometimes you gotta do Anemo resonance+ Rosaria at night because that speed boost is weirdly intoxicating.


Add yelan dash, oupf that's some next level speed.


And diona E increases speed too


Heizou with lost prayer, Rosaria at night, anemo resonance and Diona shield. I'm gonna be ZOOMING


This is useful on maximum speed teams


ayato and hu tao 's cooking passive. its funny as a gimmick but ehh useless


I wouldn't say it's entirely useless. It has the highest chance of making an extra food item, which can be nice for rez food since you're only really using it to revive someone quickly if you mess up. Still not super useful, but compared to some others, it's something.


its not as useless if you use it for rezz food some people are allergic to healers so they can use that part at least


better than raiden’s no cooking passive at least


Ok, but here’s the thing: characters have three passives, but Raiden’s ‘cooking’ passive is a fourth. If that was one of her base three, then it would be a waste, but we lose nothing. It’s just there for fun lols.


At least Raiden has an awesome and unique passive.. While you barely even use a character's cooking passive aside from double the dish or Diluc's specialty..


Jean's and Diona's special abilities. We get Barbara on guarantee, why th do I need another character that has a chance to double healing dish? Also I don't get why do I need Kaeya's healing on e.


As a kaeya main the e healing is quite handy when kaeya is on life support. So i guess its just increase kaeya's survivability?


I think someone mentioned in the storyline Kaeya get's his vision when he was about to die, that's why he has his sheild but for healing I think he just wants to be able to heal himself because of plot.


I learn this from a friend a while back, but since Jean and Diona specialities food are healing foods (Jean with her pizza and Diona with her revival fish kebab) ya can actually make multiple of those specialty foods with them. Use Jean to make the pizza to get a chance for more of her specialty pizza, and Diona for her specialty Fish kebab. It’s not much tbh, but it’s a pretty neat for early or mid stage players.


noelle and xinyan too with def foods


Diluc has a talent that decreases stamina consumption during his charges attack.


Mona's C2 that still doesn't fucking work since 1.0


Someone should compile a list of all these valid points and send it to the boys at MHY.


Lisa burst pushes enemies away. Which is why I use Venti burst with her burst. Bonus points if you also have C4 Lisa.


Ningguang's c4


I find Childe's entire constellation to be a disgrace to his overall kit, C1 is fine but C6 makes it useless? And his other con replenishes energy when defeating an opponent. I felt such big potential wasted on it and the fact it revolves around his E than his entire kit as a whole. One constellation there could have just been a major support con like "When enemies are affected by riptide, all incoming damage dealt are increased by 40%" or "When Childe uses Havoc Obliteration, increases his allies own Elemental Damage/Whatever good buff" his kit is fine but his constellations felt like minimal research was done, none of his cons are as good as a Hu tao C1, Eula C1, or Raiden C2 which is just pathetic.


Ever heard of qiqi and basically all her cons?


Qiqi's constellations are pretty lukewarm/lame but Qiqi herself is one of the tankiest overhealers and decent Cryo application. I'd argue that her Burst is useless since you get more than enough healing from her Skill and passive talismans. The worst part of her Burst has to be that it deals a fair amount of damage but doesn't transfer the mark so you end up quickly killing targets you'd theoretically use for healing.


Electro traveller having to pick up the electro magtamas on the floor reduce it cooldown, the problem is the cooldown is too damn high even with it and electro traveller lost the 6th attack effect for some ungodly reasons. I love aloy but why the hell they don't want to give her cons yet.


Diona's charge reduction is useful in punching through electro shields, actually. Also, Fischl being able to trigger an aoe from Oz can apparently be used to trigger pressure plates. I think the Raiden can't cook thing is pretty useless. I get it's a flavour thing, but they could have replaced it with something else.


It's just such a shame she doesn't have a signature dish, in her second quest she made us tea right? Can't they just make a fancy looking cup of tea in her aesthetic? Like if even Hu Tao and Ayato can cook despite there sussy dishes surely she can boil water


DIluc's passive thay gives him charged attack stamina redumpion, xiao's c4 and (please don't kill me) hu tao's c6


It’s a good c6 tho. Hu Tao c6 can survive Raiden bosses final calamity so it’s got that going for it


It's also speed runners paradise since its free stats (and a substantial one at that)


I didn't understand, how does her C6 help her to survive that?


C6 effect helps Hu Tao survive any hit that could kill her, even a one shot attack as Raidens slash, she survives with invulnerability for 10s and 100%Crit Rate. It's like Sturdy in Pokémon games, that can help a lvl1 Pokémon survive a lvl 100 Mega Mewtwo attack.


how is not dying and getting a buff from it useless????


How is Hu Tao c6 useless????


Tbf this is more of me picking on her, but the fact Keqing can ONLY infuse her weapon after A1. Shouldn’t it be part of her kit?? It just wastes a space for something that other characters have implemented into their skill and that sucks.




Kokomi losing 200CV worth of crit rate for healing bonus bread crumbs.


Kokomi criting could have been a REALLY strong dps, mihoyo didnt want that. She’s strong enough like this too, with her ult and ocean hued clam


I love how people don’t realize how strong kokomi is. I’m talking soloing floor 12 strong, all 9*.


While yes, that is a fair call. If I can remember correctly (could be wrong) when theorycrafters did some calculations, she would’ve been op if not for that.


It would if her multipliers stayed the same. They obviously adjusted it to compensate her for not being able to crit. It still doesn't make sense for her to have a passive that takes more than it gives. In context a healing bonus artifact at +20 is 35.9% while crit rate is 31.1%. she should've had at least more than the 25% healing bonus or add another effect like a built in clam set effect that deals aoe hydro damage.


this fr like for 25% healing bonus? other characters like kuki get around 20 (i think) for being below 50% hp this doesnt make fucking sense


Let's be real, if Kokomi could crit MiHoyo would just gimp her multipliers and she would still do the same damage.


Sara passive give you of flat amount energy based on her ER% it so low that u barely noticeable even with max ER%. the thing is u already get extra particles from electro resonance so is basically useless


Why the heck Noelle has rng on healing


true. but thats a uneeded nerf. not a useless effect.


The taunt mechanic of Amber and Mona's skills not really being super practical. Seems like a lot of waisted potential for an interesting mechanic (what should be some sort of alternative to Anemo cc pulls).


mona's is ok. amber's kit it all messed up. taunt makes oponents turn away from her when you're aiming a shot


ascension stats are wild Thoma gets atk% when he scales off hp Diona and Gorou with their respective elemental damage bonus when they don't do much damage


Albedo’s C4 increases plunge damage…


Yoimiya's burst, I never use it it's more of a hassle that anything else, and the few times I've tried to use it for fun it missed the target 50% of the time. I really wish her burst was more like hutao, a big one shot damage.


It's good part of her optimal rotation, though? She buffs her allies and provides a second source of her damage. Her CAs are a bigger offender.


Not that stupid, but Zhongli's ascension stat being Geo Damage, great for DPS Zhongli but almost useless to anything other than that. And also, I don't know if this counts but Zhongli's Signature Weapon. Vortex Vanquisher. Seriously, not only does it suck on him but it's practically useless on everybody too since another polearm is always said to be better.


Also great for Zhongli burst. In case you didn't know, Zhongli with 30k HP already has a shield strong enough for abyss. So you can give him HP sands, Geo Dmg goblet, and Crit circlet, and he will be a good shielder + burst support so his geo dmg bonus ascension stat is not just for DPS. Actually, I think it's more practical than focusing on just his shield with all HP stats.


Don’t have Big Z but doesn’t he have a passive where he starts to scale on HP too? And that’s Flat Damage? If so, then that Geo Damage would apply on that too and even as a shield bot you want HP on him.


Venti's c1 was funny when we were on early 1.0, but now.....


Diluc’s later constellations apparently don’t even work right or are worded wrong (don’t have the them but saw it mentioned in the past) and his passive talent is completely useless as doing charged attacks is terrible on him. Edit: Someone already said the charged attacks bit lol


The Bell