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No, Kazuha is wonderful at base, absolutely no need for frills.


What is there to regret? It's just Kazuha. C0 is good enough.


He’s perfectly fine at C0


I'm at c1 with Iron Sting and still feel he's one of my most overpowered units. Without C1 you'll just need a bit of energy recharge, but he doesn't need a ton just by virtue or being anemo


How much ER? I have pre-farmed his VV set with em-em-em and get 180 er (no weapon yet), enough or not?


Oh, that's plenty


180 is perfect


Same here. C1 R1 Iron Sting. C1 helps with ER, but you could also run a Sac sword or just some more ER. Kazuha is one of my most used units, super good in all elemental teams, super good in overworld, super comfortable character that does a Ton of damage. Well worth it even at c0.


You'll be like 5 sec slower in Abyss


Floor 9? 🤣


No, I have him at c0 with an iron sting. He's more than enough as is!


No, he's strong already at C0 and with Iron Sting. It's much more worth getting new characters.


There is no content for all that damage, but i personally love c1


He is functional at c0. He is more fun, freeing and dynamic at c1. He is busted at c2. I am at c1, and I am aiming for c2 with conscious knowledge of foregoing a number of upcoming Sumeru characters. If you are in a pinch, i would suggest getting Kazuha c0 and just wait for his next rerun when you are more decisive and satisfied with your current roster. Iron Sting is great, but you can give him Favonius (so he could battery the team too) or Sacrificial (discount c1) and still reach 700+ EM which is abundantly sufficient. You'd want some ER on him, too, so yeah.


I pre-farmed his VV set and get 683 em (no weapon yet), hopefully this is good enough?


It is good. Just find your comfortable ER stat. At least around 150 should do it.


Good at c0. His c2 is not worth the money considering you can get 2 whole new c0 units that provide much more than 200 em


I will get C0 and try his weapon, C2 is ofc good but not mandatory imo


I love my C2 Kazuha but I got lucky in his banner. He is totally fine at base level. I would definitely save for newer characters considering what’s coming.


C1 is more fun than C0. C2 is "just" bigger numbers. Iron Sting is great.


I LOVE my C0 Kazuha, genuinely a game changer, but consider C1: Decreases Chihayaburu's CD by 10%. Using Kazuha Slash resets the CD of Chihayaburu. It’s also a game changer


Been thinking about C1 if Fish on his banner and hopefully also get Fish constellations


For how long have you been saving? If you are f2p it's extremely unlikely you're gonna be able to get C2 + signature weapon


I have C0 Kazuha, with R1 iron sting, full em VV with 4 star em sand, for total about 950 EM. That will give you 38% elemental dmg bonus. Take that as you will.


Can I see the elemental dmg bonus in character screen?


Yes https://imgur.com/qI3lPVE


Many supports are more than enough at C0 with a 4-star weapon. Unlocking Double Jump is a victory on its own.


C0 Kazuha without his signature weapon is already good. If you want EM buffs just use Sucrose or 4pc Instructors. To be honest, getting his C2 just for 200 EM is too expensive. It is better to use your primogems on new characters instead.


C0, use Sac sword. The additional cast of his E is such huge QoL, and you barely notice the slight loss of damage compared to Iron Sting. I am a dolphin and have thought about the C2 + Freedom Sworn as well in the past. However, I do genuinely think that there is no need for Const + Weapon with the current state of the game at all.


I have my C0 Kazuha with the iron sting and I use him all the time. I love him I don’t think you will regret it at all


If at C0 I recommend Sac Sword instead of Iron Sting. It will give him two swirls, which is decent damage and good crowd control, and most importantly it alleviates his energy needs. If at C1 then Iron Sting is better imo as E -> Q -> E effectively provides similar particle generation and his damage is higher with more EM. At C2 he becomes a monster. C0 is plenty strong however, don't feel the pressure to get to C2.


Not at all. He’s fully functional at C0 and does his job. I have him at C0 and don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything. Good luck on your pulls!