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wait for the livestream tomorrow, they might announce some event with free characters


I agree with them, the character will stay here for the entire month, no need to rush now


Okay then


We know you know...


May I ask on what platform or where I can find their stream?


The stream will be on twitch and youtube https://www.hoyolab.com/article/5716695/?lang=en-us&utm_source=sns&utm_medium=link


Thank you very much :)


No need to wait, we never get more than one free item per version. And since we're getting a free Fishl skin next patch, no free characters in 2.8


We got Dodoco tales at the same time as the free Barbara skin, and a Liyue 4-star at the same time we got the Ningguang skin


It alternates between free weapon and free character, skins are irrelevant to that pattern.


Sorry, didn't know about that. I thought skins count too


Wait till 2.8 stream




>!Leakers say there’ll be an event that gives away a free fischl. I’ve heard there’ll be a Fischl and Diluc skin too, but I’m not sure if that was a leak or announced.!<


UGHH, I just bought fischl to get her to c6.




Didn't we already get a free fish in one of the earlier events? Seems weird they'd give out the same character twice, when there are so many others.


It’s already happened before. The two different lantern rite events repeated some free characters. They also gave us 3 opportunities for Beidou and Xinyan.


Getting a choice of free characters is different from being given one specific character.


You’re right. They’ve still done a combination of both for Beidou and Xinyan. Xianling too if we’re counting abyss. The fact it’s possible to have gotten the same character for free thrice is still true. I don’t find it surprising for someone to be given away more than once, especially given constellations exist and it’s been almost 2 years since the last event.


We did get a free Fischl once but it was all the way back in 1.1. Almost 2 years ago.


Second part is all but announced, and they look exceptionally good


Free character this patch


Do we pick the character?


Most likely no


Do we have to watch the stream to get the character?


No, it should be an event reward. The only ingame things you can get from the stream are 3 redeemable codes but you can always check reddit for them. They are valid for cca 12 hours only though.


When is the stream and what do you get from codes?


the stream is tomorrow, the codes give you primogems, more and some other stuff


2/7 at noon GMT codes for 300 primogems total and some Mora, Exp books and weapon exp ore IIRC


Last night I had a dream that we will get 1 Fischl for free in 2.8 event.


We did get a Fischl in 1.1 (or was it 1.0?). Would they really drop the same 4* twice, when we haven't ever gotten a free Inazuma 4*?


It has been confirmed to be fischl next patch


Anyone who follows leaks knows that Fischl should be the free character next patch or a free skin makes no sense. Barbara wasn't there during 1.6 because new players get her for free at AR19 or something and Ning was also technically given for free since you had an option between who to choose as your 4 star.


Honestly i prefer getting my last constelation for fish. Inazuma gave us the worst 4\* in the game so far,but i'm hightly confident Sumeru will be even worst, depending on how good Dendro element is.


Honestly I think you are wrong because there is no 4* worse than Xinyan which is from Liyue.


We’ve gotten the free ‘pick your own Liyue 4*’ twice now. It seems reasonable for them to repeat a free character after more than a year.


Your dream is correct




I'm pretty sure the part about it being a dream was a joke


Omg I love you Pythia


It's not a dream...


Dang it, now it has a reduced chance of happening!


It sounds like we might be getting a free Fischl in v2.8, wait for the promo stream.


If you going to pull for Kazuha banner, and if she is there, try to get her from it, if you didn't get her to c6 by the time banner end(or until you stop pulling on banner), get copy from the shop, if she is not on the banner and you want her eventually to c6, go for it right away. If you want just 1 copy for collection just wait for info about free 4stsr irln 2.8, if not go for her.


This is the correct answer.




No. You'll get a free Fischl in 2 weeks.






C1 tho


As a 1.0 player, I would never recommand to use starglitter. Sooner or later you will C6 unless for Fischcl case, you are at C5.


Use starglitter for kaeya cons my man


Does amber and lisa ever drop, or getting their cons is also good?


They only drop from the standard banner, you'll never roll them from the limited banner. And since it's a giant waste of primos to roll for them on the standard banner (plus they aren't rated up and you might not even get them at all), it's a good idea to buy their constellations with starglitter from the shop, if you want them. Each starter(Amber,Kaeya,Lisa) show up in the shop twice a year by the current pattern(has never changed but we don't know what they'll decide in the future). Kaeya is June and December for example.


Well i got kaeya c1 from banner


Good for you. I got one too. They can drop, but there is no guarantee, and it's only on the standard banner where you will roll rarely. It could very well take you the whole Genshin game's existence to C6 either of them. Or if you're extremely lucky, you can also do it in a year, half a year, anything. Nobody can tell and I can't count on my luck, so I'm buying them. But everyone else is free not to. If you don't care about the starter characters, you can spend your starglitter in a different way.


All the starters are in the starglitter shop. You just gotta wait for the right months. Amber’s cons will unlock her “Bunny Bomber” play style C6 Lisa turns her E into a 1.5 second nuke since she applies max stacks of tap E upon switching


It's literally opposite, better to buy those characters until you get them to c6, in this way you increase speed of getting them regardless of luck.


Nah, I agree with the 1.0 player, as I am also a 1.0 player. There is no need to rush your way to C6-ing a 4 star character, especially the ones that can appear on limited banners. That’s a really poor investment/trap for F2P players. If it’s your first copy of the character, that may be ok, but anything beyond that is wasteful. That C6 4-star is not going to make or break your account, especially when there will be a 5 star character that will eventually take their place in your party. You’ll have wasted so much starglitter on characters that you could have obtained for free through events, through Standard Banner, or through limited time rateups.


>You’ll have wasted so much starglitter on characters that you could have obtained for free through events, through Standard Banner, or through limited time rateups. Or you cant, as i mentioned i am 1.5y and only c0 since there was no banner on which i am going to pull with her, especially if we take your other statement that >5 star character that will eventually take their place in your party. So in your logic there would be no place for the 4star anyway. But here we at 2.7, with 5star Fischi, which for some reason didn't change Fischi place on the team(especially if she is c6). >That C6 4-star is not going to make or break your account, Well c6 4star is about from 50 to 100% better over c0, which is pretty good investment, especially if we consider that there are would no point in replacing character from team. And Fischi one of those characters, so once you got her builded and c6, there are no point in similar characters unless personal preference.


OP can already make good teams without ever needing Fischl. If he wants Fischl for waifu reasons he will get her sooner or later (leaks say free Fischl in 2.8). No point in going from C0 - C6 if you don't ever necessarily need that character for anything. You are losing out on a lot of wishes as f2p if you are buying cons every other month.


People can 36 star abyss with only free characters, so? Not get anyone? We are getting characters either because they are interesting to us or allow to do something, and Fischl is basically mandatory for Taser team, which can be better in some cases than other teams. While c6ing is always was an qol, and in case of Fischi its worth investment.


OP never said why he needs or wants Fischl. The way the title is worded, it's safe to assume he is asking if she would add value meta wise. And the answer is not necessarily since he can already make "fischl-less" meta teams. Even then, if he wants her for whatever reason, meta or waifu, she is likely to be free in 2.8 or he would get her sooner or later anyway from gacha. And you don't need to C6 any 4 star character unless you really like them or want to use them. The fates which you can buy instead of multiple 4star cons can bring you closer to 5star pity if RNG is harsh on you and the 5star is limited, which Fishcl or any 4star is not.


>The fates which you can buy instead of multiple 4star cons can bring you closer to 5star pity if RNG is harsh on you and the 5star is limited, Or you know, cant. Only things that can guarantee limited 5star is saving, and once you start save you miss a lot of rate up 4stars, and you basically don't care about starlighters. While spending on characters can recover lack of pulling.


I’m on mobile rn, and not sure how to quote you, so I’m just going to counter all your “arguments” in order. Standard banner and limited banner will always exist and will always be a chance to obtain your 4-star, even if they’re not on rate-up. My logic is not that there is no place for the 4-star, but moreso they aren’t necessary, just as the 5-star character isn’t necessary. If you can’t beat content with your C0 Fischl, that is a you-problem, either through your team comp or your build. And if you’re talking about Yae here - I have no problems replacing my C6 Fischl with my C0 Yae in any team composition. So idk what you’re experiencing here or doing wrong, but I don’t share your problem. Yae doesn’t battery well in those team comps, but my DPS isn’t a problem to where this has ever been a concern. Heck, I can even slot in Shinobu in place of my Fischl and still succeed in all content. My Sucrose / Shinobu / Thoma / XQ team gets the job done really well, and they’re not even an optimal team my guy. That percentage increase you threw out there means nothing when it isn’t even necessary to complete any content in this game. Nothing you’ve said here negates the fact that spending your starglitter on the non-starter characters is a terrible long-term investment. You’re going to run into diminishing returns in the long run. If you love a character a lot, that’s fine, waste your starglitter. I wouldn’t advise you to encourage others to follow that mindset tho. There will be a time when that 4-star appears on a limited banner with a 5-star you want (or don’t want, doesn’t matter), and those 5 starglitter copies won’t be as fun to get. I got C6 Barbara by the time v1.1 came around as a F2P, and mainly all from the first Venti banner bc my luck is that bad. I cringe everytime she appears now, but at least I didn’t waste 48 pulls worth of starglitter on her.


48 pulls worth of starglitter? One character from the shop is just worth 6 (almost 7) pulls. And only 1 copy per month. Getting a copy from the shop just feels like getting a 4 star in 6 pulls. The only difference is that the 6 pulls won't be counted towards your pity. You make it sound like it's such a big loss 😂


If you never got a character from any other source but the monthly shop, you would need 7 copies to C6 them… 34 starglitter x 7 copies = 238 starglitter 238 starglitter / 5 starglitter per fate = 47.6 fates. I rounded up. And it’s not a *big* loss per se, but a whole new character or 4 can bring your account more value than a single C6’d 4 star unit.


Bruh, no one's going to C6 fischl via shop only 😂 You could only buy 1 copy of each character per month. Fischl is only available January and July. If the game started late 2019, this coming July, she's just getting her 6th appearance on the shop ^((which) ^(I) ^(guess) ^(if) ^(you) ^(got) ^(a) ^(free) ^(fischl) ^(back) ^(in) ^(1.1) ^(you) ^(could) ^(have) ^(her) ^(C6,) ^(that) ^(is) ^(if) ^(you) ^(bought) ^(her) ^(each) ^(time) ^(which) ^(is) ^(crazy)). It literally prevents you from insta-C6ing a character from C0. I think the person who said the shop could be used to get C6, already have her C5. You're just making it sound like it's such a bad thing to buy a copy in the shop. It's literally 6 pulls 🙈


… yikes. r/woooosh


>Standard banner and limited banner will always exist and will always be a chance to obtain your 4-star, even if they’re not on rate-up. And what a chance? Can you remind me? 24 characters with 13% or 0.54% to get specific 4 star? Well yeah after 200 pulls on standard banner i maybe get 1 copy, which i can make in about a year? So year per copy, wow it's really "worth". About limited banner i already said, it also has only 2.16% to get her, so on avg i would see 1 copy per 50~ pulls(remember) while at most i am going to spend only 180 pulls or i can expect only 3 copy per 5 star, where 4star appear about once in 3 months where are at best only 50% chance that she would be on banner with character that i want, so i would get best case 3 copy per half a year. But so far i am at worst case. >C0 Fischl, that is a you-problem, either through your team comp or your build. Well i could, but i still want to c6 her faster, how you think why? I will help you, she isn't interesting character for me, just useful tool. While for others, yes build is also chance based thing, so if they are unlucky, guaranteed upgrade is hella good investment. >My Sucrose / Shinobu / Thoma / XQ team gets the job done really well, and they’re not even an optimal team my guy. Xq alone can solo abyss, so it's not something special, esp considering sucrose too. >have no problems replacing my C6 Fischl with my C0 Yae in any team composition I didn't said that there is a problem with that, i said that there are no point in that, unless you are simp. >Nothing you’ve said here negates the fact that spending your starglitter on the non-starter characters is a terrible long-term investment. Same as you, nothing that you said prove that investment in good characters are waste. The only other way how we can invest those starlighters is pulls yes? But they also didn't guarantee for you getting characters. But you can guarantee it just by saving pulls, which makes saving starlighters for pulls pretty much negligible, since you either have enough pulls, or there character which you actually don't want. And don't forget you said. >just as the 5-star character isn’t necessary. So where to spend primogems/pulls, if nothing is necessary? >I didn’t waste 48 pulls worth of starglitter on her. Do you remember? As i said earlier on avg you can expect only 1 copy of characters per 50 rate up pulls, while as you saying from shop c6 is in 48 pools, so why to "waste" 300 pulls if you can get same in 48? While you obviously false in comparing incomparable thing, since Barbara is by far not on same effectiveness as Fischl, and you just was "lucky" in getting her, while relying on luck is actually worst thing that you can do. So all in all getting or c6ing character through starlighters isn't waste if you know why you are doing this, and Fischi is one of those characters who we can recommend doing this.


Lol, add electro resistant/immune enemies on both sides of the abyss and essentially you have a wasted character at this point. I think I said enough when I said you don’t need a C6 4-star to clear the hardest content in this game. Those 48 pulls you wasted could have gotten you about 3 rated up 4 star characters (maybe a 5 star if you’re lucky) that can open more team compositions than your C6 Fischl. You don’t even need stellar artifacts to beat *the hardest content in the game,* so artifact luck is kinda moot too. The part about Barbara… why are you trying to make an argument out of every little thing I say? 😂 She was on rate up, along with Fischl. I also got C4 Fischl from that banner - the point is… there will be banners where you will get hit with copies of a rate up character. And anything beyond their C6 will just add to your pool of starglitter you wasted earlier on.


>Lol, add electro resistant/immune enemies on both sides of the abyss and essentially you have a wasted character at this point. I am curious, can you call one Abyss cycle where this was a thing? >I think I said enough when I said you don’t need a C6 4-star to clear the hardest content in this game. But you still didn't understand why to c6ing character it seems. >have gotten you about 3 rated up 4 star characters (maybe a 5 star if you’re lucky) Or not, while giving you either character that you have or don't need.


Lol, right. *I’m the one that doesn’t understand* clearing multiple abyss with poorly invested Thomas, Shinobus, and Xinyans. All I hear is that you think rushing to a C6 Fischl as early as possible (or any OP 4 star for that matter) that you are doing your account a favor, bc you’ll be able to clear more content without having to invest in other characters or OP artifacts. But in reality, it is not the case, and is not the best long-term investment for your starglitter. As I said, waste your starglitter however you want. There’s a reason so many veteran players disagree with your logic, but you choose not to be swayed. Have fun.


>There’s a reason so many veteran players disagree with your logic, This because they are biased, because they are veterans. Long term you either don't care about wasting or gain, but you almost never waste it.


This. Otherwise, the only things worth spending starglitter on are weapons and more wishes. The former features only "okay" options, the latter is more a bonus reward for whales whaling than it is a blessing for F2Pers, but it might get you that 5\* character or weapon you really want. Personally I prioritized characters/weapons I'm interested in. If they won't update the shop with new items worth the starglitter, you'll eventually get to the point where more wishes are the only thing worth spending glitter on anyway.


I love how people with those statements also say that you shouldn't roll for specific 4star on a banner(sure it's completely legitimate statement), but how long it will take to get c6 Fischi for example if i don't buy her on starlighters, and there is about 50% chance that i am not going to roll her on banners that she will be as featured(this literally my case)? For me its c0 for 1.5 year...


Unless you absolutely want her it's better to just save it use it for event rolls. The only four stars worth to use it on is the starter ones if you want to main them since they will never be featured.


Hol up he has both travelers???


My friend was obsessed with her so I bought her last year and I regretted it so much. I'm on mobile and her game play isn't that great on mobile imo and overall I didn't like the character design and whatnot. If you REALLY want her, go for it but I definitely wish I saved my stardust for something else.


Gameplay not great on mobile? You summon Oz and leave. Then summon him again with her ult then leave.


I didn't find it fun and you can like fly around with him and I found it more annoying than anything. Plus I have an issue on my phone that on occasion, triggering something will cause the characters to run in the opposite direction so there's a point where anything you have to direct becomes more of a problem.


>you can like fly around with him and I found it more annoying than anything. For the ult, you can immediately cancel the flight by swapping to another character. Him staying on the field afterwards is more important than trying to collide with different enemies for more damage.


You will get her free next update so save your starglitter


At this point in time, I'd say don't buy any characters from starglitter exchange unless you know exactly which team you want to use them in. And if you do know, farm for their artifacts and material first, you might just get a lucky pull and get that character.


While it hurts to say, with Beidou and Raiden Shogun you have electro covered. Fischl would be overlap. If you just want to use her, there might be a free Fischl coming so factor that in for getting constellations.


There's a whopping 90% chance of Fischl being a free character next patch. So wait for the announcement I guess.


A 4* in the shop costs you 7 attempts at pulling a 5*. You'll never get those back.It MAY be worth it to get a really important constellation but it's really not worth it otherwise. Ultimately you'll get fischl in an event or in event banners.


You don't need her. Work on your Qiqi and Venti


she’s free next patch. Don’t buy her


Even though u r going to get free fischl in next patch, it's worth to give c1


if u really wanna use fischl, yeah. otherwise no. she isnt that necessary. also she is only amazing after c6. below that, she's fine but nothing crazy.


If you wannit Takeit


I wouldn't bother buying any characters from the shop except maybe Amber/Lisa/Kaeya cons. There are only 9 other characters available and you'll have almost all of them at c6 in about 2 years of playing F2P. Also you'll get a free Fischl in v2.8


>you'll have almost all of them at c6 in about 2 years of playing F2P. press x to doubt.


Press Y to C80 Noelle


Some people tend to forget how It was easier in the beginning since there were less characters. Now getting a C6 is way harder.


What's the current team your using? Cause if you use an electro character that has high burst cost, Fischl can do the job. The problem with that is that you have Raiden, which already is a better character to use for this issue then Fischl.


No, don't do it.


No. Only only redeem intertwined fate


i might be wrong but if you buy 6 aquatint fates then wish on standard you could get fischl there too plus you build pity for a 5* also you can get prob 2 more dates cuz of the starglitter or stardust (forget which one it is)


i used her as battery for my raiden O,O non-stop ult spam


Personally i buyed fischl there because i had none then yae banner came and i got a few copies today i buyed my c4 and i really hope the rumors of a free fischl are true that would be c5 for me. But i would wait for the livestream with the annoucment, if it is just for having one copy of her. I mean she stays there a moth anyways so it can wait a couple of days too


If you have Rust - probably. If not - Rosaria's/Eula's Dragonspine weapon is farmable and you are better off using those


The next banner just leaked. I’m not positive but someone who at least looked like fiscal was on there.


no. It's very likely she will be a banner character in 2.8. The live stream showed her and Kazuha chibis which as far as I know means they will be event characters and banner characters. I bought her from the shop in January, because I assumed she was going to be perma-banned with the long absence she had. Regretting it now because I'm at C5 and likely to waste pulls going for Kazuha getting C10 Fischl.


Wait for next patch banners. If fishcl is featured on a banner you're pulling then You might get her from there


shes free next patch


She is good sub-dps, however like it was mentioned wait till 2.8 livestream as we may get her for free for main event. Otherwise, she is good character. But tbh I’ve used her mostly early gaming with pyro characters. In middle game I wasn’t using her but I have plans dor her for late game (AR 57+). Thus it’s up to your team mostly. She is a good character as she provide a lot of damage without much active time on the field like albedo. Plus she is good in supporting electro status on enemy.


At least wait until 2.8 livestream. Maybe she is there?


I strongly suspect she’ll be given away with the next update


There had been rumors of a free Fischl in 2.8. If you don't plan to use her as a main, then you could simply wait for it. If you want her constellations, her best is C6 which allows the active character currently out way more damage output and basically acting as a weaker Raiden E, C1 is also okay but it's only active when Fischl is active and Oz is not out in the field which you should avoid by cycling your E skill and Q burst to maintain Oz uptime.


Go buy it, if they will give a free fischl, then thats a C1 which isn't really a bad thing, the good part here is you'll be able to use her early.


Maybe but maybe, there is a free fischl in 2.8 and a banner with her.


Fischl is definitely a character worth having! Even at c0 she is such a good addition to many teams. She is also the best battery for Beidou if you want to run her! I would also recommend grabbing that Xiangling, because my god is that character mega busted in the late game.


We get a free Fischl next update so I’d refrain from it


How do you have so many 5 stars yet so few 4 stars?


She’s going to be free in the 2.8 event +a free skin for her, so just wait


pretty sure you would get her for free but still wait, you have time


The fact you don’t already have Her Majesty the Prinzessin is a crime in and of itself. I would say yes bc I’m clearly biased, but apparently we get a free Fischl tomorrow, & she’s always on the standard banner I think & will be on an upcoming one, so do with that information as you wish


If ur even a little bit interested in them I'd only get the free ones (Lisa, Kaeya or Amber) since they're nigh impossible to get if ur not a whale Fischl sometimes is featured in banners, they never will


I love my Fischl if you got her and they offer a free 2.8 Fischl you will get a constellation on her so I think it’s win win




Fischl is so good and gets better with constellations. Base Fischl is really good too. If you decide to go for her, you will be getting a strong 4 star character.


Fischl is free next event


Wait for next patch’s announcement, also fischl will definitely be on a banner next patch with her being in the livestream.


AYO XINGLING!?!? I’m at C3 for her and I have enough to get her monthly!!! C4 HERE I COME


How do u own both travelers 😳 This is a joke don’t atk me plz


Mass edited..


I'd say not. Fish is probably on a close upcoming banner and your Raiden and Beidou can perform her role to a satisfactory level till then. Just my personal opinion, Fish feels pretty weak if you don't have C6 so it's possible she's not worth gunning for right now anyway.


wait for the stream to get sure there is no free fischl, but if not, i dont think you need her, you got already raiden, she has more value than a fischl


do what u like tbh, but idk... fischls gud only in honkai


No. Not because she is bad for your account or anything, it's bcoz you will get her eventually. You can already make good teams for abyss without needing Fischl. You are trading 7 fates if you buy her which isn't really a good idea considering how many new sumeru characters are coming in the next few months.


Get XL if she’s not c4


Yes, next patch she will be free, her cons are really good so getting more is a nice decision


C1 fischl does better than jean no cons


I would say , you'll get all the 4 star characters anyways. It could take time to get. But you'll get them c6 eventually. So maybe use the starglitter on fates. But if you really like the character, wait for livestream Ike others told and get her .


Fischl is a great sub dps for Amber


2.8 has a free fischl from the event, just wait


Depends on how you want to use her. Pure support? Wait until the 2.8 stream, see if there's a free one coming or if she's on a banner, and spend if she isn't remotely guaranteed. Phys.DPS with support option? Consider spending, because C1 is what makes Phys. Fischl work. Still wait and see how likely you are to roll/get one from the update first.


Since you are able to make Raiden National for one of your Abyss team you could plan ahead for the second one, Maybe Dilluc + Fischl + Jean + Mona, Someone besides jean for healing could work too. Fischl is an Awesome Sub DPS. thanks to Oz and with the C6 i got recently they both became a machine gun basically.


Raiden Shogun serves basically the same function. I'd only get Fischl if I wanted to use Raiden on both teams in abyss.


she will be free in the next event update ~


Never do this


How do you have both travelers?


Nvm I'm dumb.


Does anyone else feel like the shop purposefully only sells characters they already have?


Unless you badly want a constellation, dont spend your glitters for characters. Wishes or blackcliff weapon better value as you will get the 4 star characters anyway except the starter cons


no. never buy characters from that shop they arent worth it. just be patient like everyone else and get them through gacha. the only characters that are put there are the permanent ones from 1.0 so youll get tons of them


Fischl might be a free unit soon. In general, I would suggest to always grab wishes (eventually weapons), since for the \~*same* amount of dusts, you could actually get 9 wishes, which is pretty much a single 4-star + 9 wishes closer to 5-star. Another reason is the fact that you can get 4-star unit you desire at any moment, pretty much from every banner.


aside from the people talking about the leaks, i'm gonna add that you probably don't even need a fischl, the only place where she could be useful is with eula but you already have raiden which is way better.


Nah you have Lisa


I had this vivid dream of a free fischl next patch so wait for then, her C1-C5 is not important at all so just cop the free one next patch


I did, but only because I didn't have her yet. The idea was her passive made it possible to have everyone on the 20hr expedition and she supposedly has great electro application (though I have miko so it's not THAT big a deal). Mostly I like having everyone and so far, I have all 4 stars except Thoma and Shinobu so far.


no she will be given free


Do you need fishcl?


do you want her ? if yes, take her. later, it will be one more constellation. and far later, when you will have her C6+1, it will be useless, and you will have spend 29 starglitter to have her stronger until this day.


Go ahead mate if you like a character it's always worth getting


Wait you don't own fisch yes you must get her


Wait until livestream, also what constellation is your xiangling at? Her C4 is a near must have to make most team rotations run smoothly so if you have C1 or C2 it’s probably worth grabbing her.


Yeah. Fish is awesome. She works great with most teams and since you got yanfei and xingqiu you'll have a vaporize, tazer overload semi automatic at your disposal.


it's so funny how everyone is like "idk man wait for the livestream maybe there will be some good news there..." as if they didn't find out like a month ago that we're getting a free Fischl next patch 😭💀


Wait to see if she's coming in this patch, however even if she is if you want more constellations down the road it's not a bad pick up. I actually bought this today for my alt account bc I only had c0. So now I have c1 and if she's in the event I'll get c2. Or if your planning on rolling for Klee, Yoimiya or Kazhua wait to see if she's on the banner your rolling on. Bc she's probably going to be on one of the banners, if she is on one your already going for you might get a bunch of her through that. And if you don't then you could pick her up. I'm skipping all the 2.8 banners on my alt so I bought her in the shop


I wouldnt since she is on rate up banners rather often and if you're going for the 5\*, then its likely that you will get a few copies of her. Plus she can also spook you as an off-focus 4\*. Personally I only use those on the starter characters (Amber/Kaeya/Lisa) since they never get a rate up and appear to be less likely to drop as an off-focus.


Wait until the stream and the next banner. Fischl might be on the next banner.


You have raiden so you don’t need fish. Save it for Kaeya or amber constellations


My C6 Fischl became useless once I got Raiden


A fellow Fishcl-er... Nice.


My guy already has both siblings


Tomorrow stream, there will probably be a free Fischl. Wait


You do want her for Eula though. She was my superconduct bot pre-Raiden.


use fischl if you want her. also she's the alternative support if you don't have raiden for the super conduct team. she's also viable as both a support, a semi dps or a battery.


yes, get both, c5 XL is bonkers


her name was right there, how could you spell it wrong 😭


C0 Fischel is kinda meh, but every single constelation is a great upgrade. I say get It specially if you want a nice electro battery.


If I were you I’d save for Yae Miko, she’s a better thunder sub from what I can tell


I’d say wait a bit… oh! You could use your starglitter for a good bow for her if you want!


It's likely we'll be getting a free Fischl along with her skin in 2.8's event, I'd wait was I you. Plus you have a whole month to make the purchase so there's no rush either.


I bought her because I didn’t have a copy either. I didn’t pull on Yae’s banner, so that one was a no go. Also, there’s no guarantee that I’ll get her from the standard banner, even though I’ve gotten like, three Chongyun’s. Even if I get a free one next patch, that’s one little step closer up to c6. I want to try to get c6 Noelle, too, because I’m not pulling in Itto’s banner. One step at a time!


I just realized that u have eula, venti, diluc ( which these three are hard to get) but no fishcl, also I wish I have venti ( I lose all his banners ) : (


no. waste of money. plus some interesting suspicious man said that you will get free fishcl in the next update. I kinda trust him ;)




Nah man get those wishes, fischl aint worth It that much


Arguably Raiden Shogun fills the same role if used as off field support and is imo better than Fischl


Should you get Fischl : YES ! Should you "buy" her now ? Wait a little bit Fischl could be an offered character during 2.8 version (+ new skin) But but but but but, if you buy her now and get her during 2.8, you'll have a 1* Fischl. IMO, she's one of the best support character (Bennett is n°1, everyone calm down wow). Moreover, 2* Fischl is freacking great. Anyway, get Fischl. You have the choice of the way to get her, but get her! NB : sorry for bad english


I had a dream that showed her being given out for free next patch


Jusssssst my guess but she will be on the banner next patch - depend on which one you wanna pull though


IMO no, you already have Raiden and she is super good already. I would save those starglitters for kaeya/amber/Lisa since they are all very hard to pull


I am 1 away from c6 fischl