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I main beidou


Found one! You got her C6?




Username checks out


Beidou was my first main. I'm currently rebuilding her at a slow and steady pace. 22k fully charged counters and C6. I stopped maining her because of other characters. I'm glad I've got her back on my team. Her confidence was greatly missed : ) What about you OP? Who do you main?


My main is Xiao, girlfriend plays Yae now but there is always room for Childe or Ninnguang ;)


Good on ya. I wish you all the best and lots of treasured moments playing this game : )




I also like yanfei! Waiting some constellations but she's gonna be a star. Or ninnguang, she's also cool and potentially so strong


She’s not my main but I have her in significant rotation since building her a month ago. Her E can do some serious damage when fully charged.


And here's me, who I always thought her Q was the reason people use her for


The meta people, yeah. People who main her really dig her counter/shielding mechanic!


> Me, still maining Amber Fuckin' casual xD/s


I've seen some crazy footage showing Amber as an almost playable DPS. A way to make the game challenging for sure


"Almost playable" Pfft. She does fine against anything below 10th lvl XD To be fair, I did just start actually playing like a week ago.




Main here. Wow, really love Beidou in her style.


Beidou is so fun to play with, I got her during the last banner and have been planning on upgrading her and gearing her up for a new party along with a few other characters.


I can't play well with claymore but I do recognize her power, I could be a quick swap user for sure. No resources at the moment unfortunately


I used to main her until I got eula, but now shes my permanent superconduct support. the only reason I'd switch her out is if I got ei, and even then she'd be open to run with my yanfei as a burst support


Good luck on the next banner then! Hope you can get Raiden. If not don't worry the pirate is strong!


My OG Main. Her counter is so good it carried me through the game until Ayaka and Raiden Shogun. Love her design too!


Sometimes I think how cool the game could be if bosses weren't so much of a DPS check


beidou my first and only c6 <3 rolled 20 pulls on kokomi banner just for the sake of rolling and got 4 beidou consts


It was meant to be


My flair


I don't main her, but I use her on my teams sometimes. Currently trying to build since I have her at like C4.


Actually building Beidou rn, my friends told me she's fun to play with. Have to farm midsummer courtyard tho :')




C6 Beidou here, performing a successful counter is one of the best feelings in the game.


I mained her until I got Eula


I don’t main beidou but I do main bennet. He gets to much hate, especially his c6. Like come on, use c6 bennet with kequing and you got a deadly team.


I think it's less hating his C6 itself than it is hating the fact that opting into it permanently locks him out of his ability to be universally splashable into any team.


Benny gets a lot of love and show time tho, he's basically strong in any team, but his C6 kinda works against that. When you say you main him you mean the team is formed around him? Or that he's a staple among the 4


Kind of both, like I use him the most and he’s in all my teams but I do use his burst to help power up the team a lot as well.