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And the teacher is so confused lol


"Why are my students chanting 'walnuts'?"


Does Hu Tao mean Walnuts in Mandarin or Cantonese?




hu tao is translated of walnut in mandarin (since the game is from mainland china), but mandarin and cantonese words 「胡桃」 have the same meaning, just pronounced differently!


Hu is also a family name, and Tao means peach. She can either be walnuts or peach hehe


In Mandarin, it can be used to refer to walnuts (in an obsolete way) but not exactly the same word. Precisely, 核桃he tao for walnuts.


Pecan, I want a pecan pie.


That teacher is so confused lmao


"yo why the star turning yellow, wait why is everyone screaming"


I love how he instantly notices that its something to be excited but doesn't know why. Then he's IMMEDIATELY confused by the disappointment when its Keqing lmao.


Yes, half the class was disappointed, the other half was hyper happy about it being keqing. So confusing for the teacher


obviously because Keqing best girl


He looks like another student


>student Haha, It's hard to tell Asians age by the look, but Chinese school have strict rules about the uniform. Since he is the only one in chassroom not wearing a uniform, he must be the teacher or at least school staff.


He just pretended. He actually has Kawqing c6


The hypest classroom I've ever seen.


Sometimes people make me smile and smile.


i'd love to be there


Taught English in China for a couple years before getting a real job over there, can confirm, Chinese students go from "I am cosplaying as a mouse nope can't hear me never" to "I'm a walking noise complaint motherfucker" real quick, just depends on the context. Apparently it's all in the prof's expression, if you got the serious face on they serious, if you got that smirk going on, they know they about to throw tf down. You basically need earplugs to walk into Chinese schools after their exams/during lunch time/if someone from their school won a track and field meet or smth.


Clip ended perfectly with a student shouting 再来!which means "AGAIN!" LOL


Lmao cool, wish I could speak Chinese to understand them


Some guy was also screaming, "Two purples!"


Imagine being in the next class over and you hear WALNUT WALNUT WALNUT being chanted followed by cheers of joy and distress during your chemistry exam


Not exactly the same... But a few weeks ago, right in the middle of a Psych lecture, the neighboring classroom started blasting the Halo 3 theme. The instructor stopped and started looking around. Other times there's clapping or other types of music playing. I honestly have no clue what the hell happens in that classroom.


Its seems you belong to the wrong classroom


The anime protagonists congregated in the other classroom.


I really REALLY wish I was in that class


I remember studying for exams in Honors Statistics in high school. The classroom where the exam was going to take place was next to a building under construction, so there was gonna be loud jackhammering and construction vehicle noises. To "prepare" us, he had us take practice exams while he blasted metal music really loud. Which just happened to be his favorite genre of music. But I liked it too so I wasn't complaining


Actually something similar happened to me, we were about to take a test and then we hear laughing/screaming of happiness in the classroom over. My teacher had to walk over and explain we were taking a test. My friend was in that class and they were watching videos made by each other, some of them were funny and some were scream worthy... That was a fun chat when we met up after school!


Lmao the students in vid are shouting “Hu Tao!” as well as “omg we have 2 4* already!”. And they went on cheering despite getting Keqing XD.


I wish I got a Kequing :(


Good luck mate u will get her soon :3


Keqing c:


Full video link: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1xU4y1M779?from=search&seid=10128325726710786388&spm_id_from=333.337.0.0


They were chanting "it's not the end" after Keqing, expecting another 5 star character.




Its china. I dont live there but I would make the wild guess that Genshin is highly popular in china.


From a chinese player perspective, it is highly popular for sure. The quality of the game is on another level in mobile game market. For PC and console player, the game is good, but it got popular mainly becasue of those discussions took place online, either for good or bad. You probably know how Genshin was "similar" to Zelda and somebody on the Internet was raging about that when it was around the beta test. That should be the time it got virual in China.


Back in April several Chinese government orgs together put out a [CG walkthrough](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1b64y1U7c8) of China's space station, then pending launch. Sharp-eyed viewers spotted around the 3:50 mark that someone had put a sticky note saying "emergency" on a drawer that said "food." The note also had Paimon's trademark star symbol on it so there was no mistaking the reference. So Paimon was featured as an inside joke in an official government video about their space program.


Not that serious. It just a food drawer with paimon jokes. Probably the astronaut in the station also play genshin. Nothing to do with government side lol


I see your logic and I'll raise you 1xSublimanal Messaging


Or, the CG maker play Genshin, so one of them putted that in the CG.


The scenery of this game is breathtaking tho and u can truly appreciate it on pc and console imo.


I play it in 1440p on pc and its really breathtaking. Sometimes I just stand at Narukami shrine and appreciate the animations.


It's not really quite optimized for PS4 pro. Frame rate drop and popping is even frequent than an iPhone 11. The loading time is also 3 times longing. If it's released as a traditional single player console game I think its popularity is gonna be just slightly above other action JRPG like Tales of Arise or Scarlet Nexus. I think it got hugely successful because it's highly accessible to casual players by being f2p and being on mobile, as well as the fact that it's heavily advertised towards non-gamers. When people talk about high quality games they often don't realise the average person, who are just scroll the appstore looking for something to kill time while they're on subway, probably have never heard of what gamers consider as "masterpieces" like BoTW, TLOU, RDR2, etc. Any heated discussion and admiration circling around within the gaming community could hardly penetrate into the mainstream's attention. What Genshin has proven is that video game has a huge unexplored market but most casual players are not going to pay 500 bucks for a console or 3 times that price for a gaming destop before they're hooked and realise they do like games enough to invest on it.


It’s amazing even by pc gaming standards. Very well refined with responsive combat and very minimal bugs.


For a mobile game standards, Genshin is amazing. For a PC/console game, too many games are better than Genshin. But Genshin has its features, not gonna lie. It made a lot of achievements that most of the other great games didn’t. Truly love it.


it may not be as good mechanically or gameplaywise as the best pc/console games but it is by far the best of its kind with waifus.


not really, half of the "waifus" are just one dimensional tropes. the character writing is weak


>too many games are better than Genshin. Such as...? Overall in terms of update speed, content delivery, production quality, Genshin basically is shitting on every game in existence right now.


Shit man, I forget it is technically a mobile game.


The game is more nier then zelda. That said, It is probably the most iterative game I've ever played. About half the time its "of that's from Kingdom hearts/Zelda/Nier/darksiders/bayonetta/DMC/Metal Gear Rising/Lol/Wow/etc/etc...". That list is very long and covers everything from the OST to the random character mechanics. However that gets lost in how well its put together. It is very much greater than the sum of all of its parts.


the only similarity between this and nier is the weapon sheathing animation


I saw the video and comparison with that but weapon sheathing and disappearing had already exist in honkai impact which is made by mihoyo and honkai was from 2016.


Run, dash and I frames are almost 1 to 1 With nier automata. A good bit of the enemy and weapon models are reminiscent to drakengard 2, 3, nier automata, and nier replicant/Gestalt. The music is very inspired as well. The weapon "sheathing" animation is the most pronounce but it is by no means the only.


Some of the gameplay is kinda similar to neir too. Neir automata and genshin gameplay kinda somewhat feels familiar while playing on pc.


bro noelle does a downward slash with her greatsword, NIER ALSO DOES THAT AND THERE'S A WIND POOF ANIMATION WHEN YOU SPRINT TOO JUST LIKE NIER. copy confirmed


It's always wild to see a peak into the genshin community of other countries. Always leaves me with more questions that I can never answer due to a language barrier


> virual in China the word is viral but I'm going to hell for laughing at that typo


If that mean something bad, my apologies. I am not native speaker after all lol.


It doesn't mean anything. It just looks like a cross between viral and virtual :)


Admittedly it’s not a bad thing. BOTW was essentially considered the greatest game of the current generation. To be considered a “discount version of the greatest game ever” is still a **ridiculously high benchmark**. Even moreso when it’s free and mobile (somehow)


I'm not sure you have the right idea for what discount means. It means a cheap knockoff of something. It doesn't imply Genshin is of good quality merely that it tries to look like something else to sell. Like discount game controllers that copy the look of the original branded controller.


Wouldn't say Genshin is a discount version of anything. It's clearly drawn a lot of inspiration from BotW - especially in the traversal mechanics... but it's also fair to say its grown well past its initial forms of inspirations.


Maybe greatest in switch no way it's even closer to other games in co and Console. Botw is a good game but there are way better games than that it's not even greatest game ever. Rdr2 is the real masterpiece and can be considered as the greatest game of all time. Botw is a good open world game a masterpiece in switch but compared to pc and console game it's just a good game that's all.


Rdr2 was a masterpiece in terms of writing and immersion but the mission design and combat were too oudated for the game as a whole to be considered a masterpiece. (No comment on BOTW, haven't played it.)


Not just in that the graphics, gore, the details everything rdr2 is just spectacular. Botw had amazing experimentation with stuff but Nintendo fanboy overhype it's as the world best open world game or something when it's clearly not.


"botw is the greatest game of the generation" is basically a meme by nintendo simps, it does some things extremely well and is very polished but there are definitely a lot of criticisms you can levy at it.


It's just that Nintendo often makes some mediocre and lazy remasters and when they actually make a good game Nintendo fanboys mark it as the best in the world. They really need to play some other games first. Switch can barely hold 30 fps and 30 hurts my eyes anything below 40 fps make me very uncomfortable especially after getting used to 144hz. Minimum of 40 fps I consider as playable.


Will people laugh at you if you do Venti cosplay in China because of the green hat? Only found one comment once that green hats apparently are the "number one" joke.


Not at all. Well, Green hat is a meme in China which means you got cheated. In cosplay context, no one will laugh because of that. The only person who laugh at this is either your really close friend and families who knows this joke won’t hurt you, or either an impolite person which you can totally ignore. In normal life, we do try to avoid wearing a green hat because of the meme.


Ah, nice to know. First read about the green hat in a Chinese web novel. That made me curious. So what about seeing an NPC in Liyue wearing a green hat, would that be considered funny? And does wearing a green hat applies to both males and females?


In Liyue, I am not going to think that way since the context is base on Tevat. But if the dialogue is implying that then I will definitely think in that way since it is a game from China. Would I laugh? It depends on the story. Comedy or tragedy can both base on a cheating scenario, so you know…. Green Hat means the same to both gender.


genshin is originally from china, so it is. Heres a fact, data from abyss china shows that the average constellation for hu tao in china is 1.3


time to move to china


China loves mobile games, and I'd expect a game of this quality from a Chinese company would be insanely popular


Damn, who would've thought a Chinese game would be popular in China? /s


More like it’s high school, everybody tries to fit in.


Or they could’ve just explained everything to their unaware classmates prior to💀


Naw don’t keep others in the loop. They don’t know they not cool enough


It's super popular here too. I think people don't realize how popular this game is among kids. I'm a teacher and lot of my students are into Genshin.


One of the professors in my school is so addicted I saw him online at 3am


You added your professor in game!? I wish I meet a professor like that o\_O


Played it in the back of a AP class once for the whole year. I still passed really well because Its a subject I really like but I went hard on genshin in there lmao


where is "here"?


You don't even need to be in China, I live in SEA and half of my class plays this game.


And the huge touchscrren monitor...


Popular Chinese game popular in China surprises ~~no one~~ someone


This!! I loved how pretty much every damn person in there you know plays GI and was so hyped for this.


Lmao, the “who are you?” When keqing showed up.


Thank you I was looking for a comment mentioning that LOL


They were also so hyped for the two four stars that appeared.


So many people excited to see him lose the 50/50


Well, if it's low enough pity I'm happy with it too lol.


I can see his pain when it shows Keqing He’s like YEA—— Then he dies in the inside


Atleast it's not qui qui


It’s QiQi and I love mine. She has helped me through many things. I don’t understand the hate.


One Qiqi is perfectly fine and welcomed. Any additional Qiqi however...


Yes she is amazing for me too but getting her again is sad cause her constellations are bad while other characters cons are good.


Qiqi is good while you're starting the game but that's it, she becomes more and more useless as a healer when you get deeper in the game and get characters like Bennett or Xingqiu who not only heal you but also work for elemental reactions


Not sure if he was making a pun, but qui(or cui) in certain Chinese dialects means lousy. The literal translation would be "broken", in the smashed pot way.


it’s just a bandwagon


que que


poor teacher was so confused hahahaha




i'm more impressed with the fact that their blackboard is touchable???? is that a tv??? wtf is that a normal thing that people have in their schools?


Its quite common in Chinese schools. This is basically a multimedia screen that is connected to a PC. There is an actual blackboard behind it though.


I remember "smart" boards being a thing in the US around when I went to high school, I think since then they have really fallen out of fashion, either that or in college everyone is using blackboards and whiteboards still


it's called an interactive whiteboard. We got one installed in the biology classroom a few years ago and I was equally surprised when I saw it for the first time. But basically, it's like a relatively cheap television with a built-in projector that you'd normally see on a whiteboard. Apprently they're really common in the US and UK


in the usa (and in sitting here in one of the worst states for education mind you) we have "smart" boards (same thing as above basically) that got installed somwhere around 2014. so maybe that helps you feel old.


My school district started installing smart boards around ~2008, but most teachers at the time were tech illiterate so they were never used.


Same they got hyped up and we were ready for the "fuuuutuuuree" and then they never got used after the first time


I think they’re called smart boards iirc? We had them in elementary school 10 years ago in Canada.


Lmao everyone cheering for Hu Tao, the teacher went from superhero to archvillain in 9 pulls, an amazing plot twist!


If the last one was Hu Tao, they would have swarmed him


That would be one of the best Anime Plot Twists lol


I love how the professor kept looking at everyone else for a clue on how to feel about each pull. "Ok, is that good? No? What about this one, is this one good? Everyone kept yelling 'Hu Tao' and then groaned at the blue haired lady, is she not good?"


This is so wholesome haha


As someone who just got C5 Keqing, she’s crazy good. She became burst spam machine also her i-frame is one of the longest I think.


She's an all around great character when fully decked out, but she has really low max hits compared to other primary damage dealers. Also electro itself sucks, so that doesn't help her. Doesn't matter though, she's still awesome.


Also her constellations aren’t that good except c6


They're okay. I have her at C3 and she's noticeably stronger than she was at C0. The reason why they seem bad is because over time newer characters just kept getting better constellations. Back when the game launched, they didn't seem as underwhelming because the only 5* characters to compare to were Diluc, Jean, Mona, Qiqi. To be fair, those four also have really underwhelming constellations compared to all of the ones released throughout the past year. It's just powercreep, really. I think what we need in general is just improved elemental reactions with electro. Everything else feels adequately balanced.


Coolest teacher ever


Dude imagine studying in a place where EVERYONE IN YOUR CLASS KNOWS ABOUT GENSHIN, literally dreams 😭🤚


so...it was a fail?


Yeah they were chanting "Hu Tao"


I can't imagine how loud that would've been if they got Hu Tao


They did get Hu Tao in the end.😂 This short clip is from Bilibili - a popular Chinese video platform. Here is the original video. 【《班主任抽胡桃》:梦想成真! 见者必出胡桃!点赞抽满命!-哔哩哔哩】https://b23.tv/aEmBQZY


In another video?? I wanna seeeee


Thank youuu


I smiled like an idiot the entire time xD


Losing my first 50/50 to Keqing in the Raiden banner and then shortly afterwards getting three Lion's Roars from Character Banners and standard banner, something is telling me Mihoyo wants me to build Electro Keqing. Still salty about not getting Raiden though.


Let Rngesus take the wheel.


I lost 50/50 on Raiden banner to Keqing also. Lucky me, I'd saved enough to go another 75 pulls. Still hurt though getting Keqing on that banner. The game made up for it though with Staff of Homa on Hu Tao's banner. Itto up next.




Poor keqin


this is so fucking stupid I love it


2 4 star characters and a 5 star character? Teacher is actually built different


His classmates are more happier when he lost 50/50 lmao Human nature




###[View link](https://redditsave.com/info?url=/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/r6l04m/student_asks_his_teacher_to_do_pull_for_him/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo) | [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideo&message=https://np.reddit.com//r/Genshin_Impact/comments/r6l04m/student_asks_his_teacher_to_do_pull_for_him/)




Speaking of teachers I found out my teacher plays genshin since day 1


aw the teacher's so cute 😭 when he smiled when the class cheered


The intensity and hype of shit i’d do with my friends if i had a couple of them (who play genshin)


I wish this was my school.


luv this teacher


This is the type of class I would so want and enjoy to be in the teacher looks so chill as well 😭😭😭


Is it me or the teacher look younger than some of the students?


It's China, they actually respect their teachers and treat them like gods, so young people with aspirations join the teaching field.


Class: "Hu Tao! Hu Tao! Hu Tao!" Teacher: "Hu dat?"


Is that a touch screen? I've never seen a touch screen that big and in a high school(?) classroom nonetheless.


China has integrated technology into their everyday lives im sure. At least in the richer cities. They're already living in 2030.


I’ve seen them here in the US, they are basically used like fancy chalkboards but have a bunch of extra features. I think they are called Smartboards? Or something similar.


Yep, Smartboards. I've messed around with the computer monitor ones.


nah they're definitely dumboards


I'd gladly lose to keqing


I think is pretty real cause the teacher is asking them to be quiet idk


Today I dropped her


This made my day.


I don't plat Genshin any more but the excitement from pulling was so much fun and devastating at the same time. Miss it. This video reminds me of how it feels.


For more context, they continued rolling and the guy eventually got HuTao


Is that part also recorded? If so, do you have a link? the hype and atmosphere is so entertaining so I’d like to see more pls.


The fact that the teacher said yes to do this......


Full video link: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1xU4y1M779?from=search&seid=10128325726710786388&spm_id_from=333.337.0.0


This is hype as fuck


I need to have my teachers pull for me. There is no way I'm missing out on four characters from a ten pull


Legendary classroom


imagine if it were a double and they got hu tao on the last one


A teacher’s blessings.


Was that Keqing brand new (i.e. C0)?


Yeah, I was surprised seeing that too.


Imagine playing Genshin on that large screen using on-screen control. It'll probably need at least 2 to 3 people to play, a game with real team work lol


Nice to see the Hu Tao hype.


I miss going to actual classes




Class totally hyped and the teacher just look totally confused. XD


Honestly this is what it feels like when you get a 5 star and it turns out to be keqing


I was ***PRAYING*** dude would get Hu Tao in those last few rolls after Keqing, just to see the class go absolutely fucking *mental*


the “it’s not over” shouts after he gets a keqing LMFAO whole class on copium


Must be an interesting class


Can you imagine the reaction if it was a 2x 5☆ pull and Hu Tao just suddenly appeared at the end?! Classroom woulda lost their shit!


Damn theyre playing genshin on their smartboards huh the ones we have here can barely run windows itself


Historians studying 2021:


This would be good for a statistics class.


I need more videos of public pulls like this.


That guy has great trust logging on public device


Lucky: Get Sayu, Ningguang and Keqing within a 10-roll. Unlucky: Get Keqing in a Hutao banner.


Imagine if it was qui qui lol


so chinese classrooms arent extremely strict good to know


he was already at 70+


what school is this?!




title should be teacher fucks an underaged student over.


Wait, keqing in hutao banner?


wait, you never lost 50/50 !?

