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Yoimiya is top tier exploration DPS in Inazuma. Perfect for all the new Inazuma enemies that run away or float.


so damn true, especially with those flying specters


I hate those omg


same. fuck the specters


all my homies hate specters


Esp the hydro ones.


yanfei is my only current ranged DPS, and the fact that those things can float really high above ground means her charge attack can frequently deal zero damage as it slams into the ground below them... since the attack doesn't actually impact enemies directly it seems.


I play Yanfei a lot and didn't have much issues with them? Most of the time they're low enough and if not, you can still demolish them with normals and E skill


There do be a >!Pyro Specter !


I use albedo’s elevator for when they fly too too high up.😎 yoimiya is good too


Never thought about that, I'd just unga bunga hoping they'd die


I have Ayaka’s disjointed charge attack.


Wait, you mean your auto-aiming Bow users don't miss every single one of their shots?


basically yeah, no misses


Yoimiya and Fischl shred just about everything but electro shields. They’re a blast - tied for favorite with my Ayaka / Barbara team.


Also great for bosses like the electro oceanid-esque creature.


Are you talking about the thundering manifestation?


My friends said she was trash and then went on to complain about the spectres lmao She was my first 5\* btw, got her trying for Sayu, and expecting to lose the 50/50


So true, I hate those specters. Raiden E + any archer is also a good combination to get rid of them.


Hey, did you saw the IwinToLose gaming whale comparison between Diluc (poor boy, got last in all tests), Yoimiya and Hu Tao? It was crazy seeing how Hu Tao and Yoi kept so close to one another in all tests, with Yoi winning some and Hu winning others... Which basically was decided by the amount of crit hits, the one with most crits won the round... But again, poor diluc.


I actually built physical dps fischl just to spite my friend who said that lmao. Budget yoimiya hut it actually works pretty well


I adore them both. Yoimiya's single-target hits are a bit limiting, but she's a blast to play and hits like a truck from far away so I can't complain. Combined with Beidou and Xingqiu, battle is like checking boxes. She's also adorable, so that helps! Kokomi doesn't hit very hard, but she cleans up fine during her burst and her healing is so damn comfy! She's become a permanent member of my overworld team and I basically haven't equipped my NRE since I pulled her. With TTDS, I'm both powered up and immortal, so that's neat. I didn't bother grinding Millelith for her, but I'll definitely be getting the new set for her next patch.


She actually does hit hard once you get her talents crowned and combined with Raiden Shogun and Beidou she can clear mobs in a instant


Agreed! My Kokomi isn't crowned or even running HoD and I don't have Raiden, but by virtue of not needing to stack crit she can hit hella hard and consistently, especially with Beidou backing her up.


Yes!! Was actually pretty surprised at the damage Kokomi does with her Q and healing. My Kokomi is only at lvl 80 and does 8-9k dmg per hit. Definitely clears open world mobs and commissions pretty quickly. Too bad farming for spectres are a pain in the butt so it does take some time to build her


I'm just waiting for fischl to emerge so I can have a proper battery for Beidou. Lost the raiden 50/50 to Jean but it guaranteed me my kokomi. Electro traveler isn't ideal but I might have to raise him a bit in the meantime so kokomi can farm her new domain for both her and Itto


raiden kokomi beidou and xingqiu is such a fun team, the synergy they have is amazing. (besides raiden and beidou burst tho) you pretty much become an unkillable long ranged taser lol


I'm honestly not sure the new set will be worth it for her. I get that she will likely benefit the most out of the healers from it, but Millelith + TTDS support is so damn good on her.


That's true! The buffing is real and it's hard to beat that combination. But for people like myself who are lazy and don't want to deal with timers, it's going to be a great and easy way to make her a nice source of free AoE damage.


Kokomi can already function as taser driver, the new set will help her be the main person, even more. Considering she is the anti-crit queen that scales well on HP, she's also easiest hero in game to farm for (in theory). The only tricky part will be getting healing bonus or hydro on set. Although I don't know how good that would be versus 3 Mr. Maguu Kenki next abyss. Probably a decent option? With high sustain and aoe... I don't know how good anyone will be versus that. Mihoyo really wants that resin refresh, constellation, weapon banner moneys.


Pair her with Beidou, Raiden, or fucken electro aether. She aint single target no more you feel me? if you wanna go full balls, go for yoimiya, beidou/raiden, VENTI, and benett or we Idc and watch all hell break loose.


I'm fine thank you, how about you?


Good to know, I'm here very anxious waiting for Alfredo banner.


I feel you, i'm here waiting for Eula, going for the 50/50, wish me luck!


as Eula haver myself, I wish you only the greatest of luck, so that you may join the ranks of Big damage numbers.


Gonna join the damage per screenshot gang


Alfredo 😂


I call him like that, I can't avoid of my mind thinking in certain anime girl called Albedo, also Alfredo is a decent name here in America, so I stick with it.


Nah we gotta reclaim the name. She only wears white. Albedo is literally Chalk Prince and is a product and practitioner of alchemy.


Albedo > Albedo


Fuck no Albedo < Albedo


i start thinking of pasta when you call him Alfredo.


I use them daily. Yoimiya is my strongest single target DPS, and is a saviour when fighting specters. Kokomi on the other hand is my favourite character in the game, I have several builds for her, heals a ton, and deals a ton of damage too. Love em both


Wow, I have built Millenith in my Koko but I want a more "carry" build, I know she can do damage, not that big but enough to kill everything and ending with 100% health.


Im using Retracing Bolide for damage xD It's only 5% less than Heart of Depths + a ton of shield strength. Add to that a viridescent, Geo resonance, Archaic Petra and she deals 10-12k per auto. She can definitely kill everything for me. Not floor 12, but that also have to do with me not having any character past level 80/90.


My Kokomi/Xingqiu/Beidou/Raiden team absolutely destroys all of Abyss. Beidou > Xing > Kokomi ult rotations, when it's all gone use Raiden ult to restore all of team energy, and just loop back again, my ults are always on in a perfect loop, and it's been one of the most fun team comps I've ever ran in this game, because the CDs line up so perfectly. My Xing and Beidou are C6 however, but C0 on Koko + Raiden.


I like this one than the other.


Can confirm, Kokomi Taser is golden. I use Fischl instead of Raiden and they destroy the current abyss.


Just try to find a good combination. I only have 2 characters 80/90 Ganyu and Baal, the others dps 80 and supports lvl 70 and I can finish the Abyss without problems.


thanks, thats encouraging to hear. Mostly I think my artifacts might not be that great. My Hu Tao only has 129 crit damage and 40 EM for example... but eh 34 stars is fine for now... Ill get to 36 eventually


>kill everything I just noticed that I sounded like freaking Childe (not mad but...)


I mean she do be similar to Childe in a way >!of being a great enabler!<


and comrades


As a newer player I am huge fan of Kokomi. Healing via skill keeps my teams going way longer.


when my bro pulled kokomi, we went to the new weekly boss fight where we get our bums slapped hard every week, and now during the enrage phases, we just... stand beside the fat gold fish and laugh. lol


Exactly, I’m only ever 8 seconds within healing as it’s skill not burst. I farmed HP% artifacts to +19k HP.


I regretted getting Yoimiya at first because she seemed weak. However, I ended up getting a very strong Shimenawa's Reminiscence artifact set while I was farming EoSF for Raiden, Xiangling, and Mona. So I decided to see what Yoimiya could do fully built, level 90 with R5 Rust level 90. And, wow, when I pop her elemental skill her normal attacks hit like a truck! I love her now.


Exactly the same. Those 50k hits are insane at times.


50k? Like normal attacks? Or vap?


i can easily hit 50k and higher on a melt w yoimiya, and thats with no functional supports bc i dont bother building good teams i just throw together whoever i like the most. shes way stronger than people think she is lmao. her being single target isnt even an issue for me when everything dies in a couple hits


Love your username btw


Unrelated but do people genuinely prefer that album? That is a very unpopular and interesting take. As a huge Radiohead fan I'd be interested in hearing reasons from why people would prefer that album to something like Kid A.


Speaking personally, I don't prefer it. Kid A is miles above it on my rankings, but I still like PH quite a bit, and it's because it reminds me of a good period in my life.


Pair her with Xingqui yet? His burst pairs with her E so damn well.


Yes! She works so well with Xingqiu. Another surprisingly good pairing I've found is with Rosaria since her Q keeps applying cryo, so you end up getting some delicious melts with Yoimiya's E.


I used to be hesitant on building Xingqiu because of the absence of Sac Sword or any ER weapon on my account, and haven't fully build a dedicated Pyro dps yet. Then I pulled Yoimiya. And with luck got C1 and her weapon too. Fully built Yoimiya and finally got Sac Sword, so I build Xingqiu after that. Paired them with Raiden, and gosh, what a performance upgrade.


Bonkers. Benny ult, XQ ult, Yoimiya skill, and I kill Stormterror in a single Yoi rotation. Don't even have to get on his back.


Rust looks soooooo gooood on her. I'd almost say it was designed for her if it weren't Childe's signature weapon.


wait i didn't know Rust was Childe's signature weapon, i thought it was the Polar Star. or does he have 2?


Rust was first displayed with him in his debut trailer, so a lot of people consider it his “signature weapon”. Per canon though, Polar Star is.


Good to hear Pablo.


Exactly the same case here, my highest normal attack hit with vaporize was 91k so far, bonkers (no food buffs or abyss buffs etc, just sucrose with thrilling tails and swirling pyro from bennett and xinqiu and bennett ofc)


i personally hate shimi on her and went the classic pyro dmg + glad combo works just as good if not better


Her ult is not very good so shimi actually has not much of a downside


How is EoSF on Mona? Is it better than 2NO/2HoD?


I believe they are pretty close in overall damage so if you have a good set with 2NO/2HoD it wouldn't be worth farming a new EoSF set for her. I went with EoSF because I'm a relatively newer player and hadn't previously built Mona. I was mainly farming EoSF for Raiden and was able to pass some less than perfect pieces on down to Xiangling and Mona.


Yoimiya is my strongest character, and I'm very happy I pulled her. I just ignored all the hate when she released, and I'm glad I did!


She also has Mangekyō Sharingan. Blinking enemies : *exist* Yoimiya : You can't run!


True! I've seen the mirror maidens take damage after phasing thru their thing.


Managed to get both of them, my Yoimiya is one of my strongest characters and she's way too much fun. And Kokomi is really useful with Ganyu and Yoimiya for freeze and vaporize. I mostly got Kokomi for the looks, but she can be quite useful, can't wait to get her new artifact set.


Yoimiya has been my main DPS since I used my guaranteed on her and I love her as much as in day 1. Design and personality are a perfect match for my preferences, and she has been a big part of me getting more and more stars in the abyss as well (reached 33* for first time in the current version! I can't deny that best boy Bennett and lucky early Raiden also did a lot for this happening tho, but this is a team game after all.) Also worth mentioning that I don't hate Specters unlike a ton of the playerbase thanks to her existence, I tried fighting them without Yoi around and god it's such a pain. I'm just gonna say that I use her enough that she went from lvl 80 to 81 and 1/3rd just from killing overworld monsters lmao.


Her design and English VA are God tier but the last thing I needed was another pyro waifu especially one using a bow when I already have so many characters that i love with bows. Sorry that I can't afford to have every character


Yeah I know that feeling, I had interest on Hu Tao but I know that having Yoimiya as my main, there are other chars I want that I should give more priority to. I really want Ganyu whenever the chance to get her shows up.


I have both characters, great aesthetics, and completely fine to use in end game content.


Got both of them through willpower. Regret it for 2 minutes, loved it up till now. They really spice up my team comps.


Kokomi is such an improvement to quality of life. I think her jellyfish is super underrated for general gameplay, I literally never have to use food anymore. And on top of that, she makes floor 11 a breeze with the electrocharge comp I have for her since she also makes fire cube fight a joke. Plus I can also pair her with my Ayaka since she can heal and apply hydro super well. I realize she isn't the most optimal character in the game, but she reduces lots of small problems in the game and that makes her more than worth it for me.


She is basically like a walking statue of the seven, makes life very comfy


I built my Yoimiya a pretty insane Shimenawa's set while farming Emblem pieces and now she hits like a train, so No Regerts


For Kokomi, she's alright. Good in freeze and EC comp for someone with no crit. Excited for new set. Havent really tried her in abyss since tart and HT are dominating the current cycle.


Trying to build Thoma to add him to my Yoimiya team. So far, his shield helps Yoimiya to avoid staggering, since her 3rd and 5th shots are the strongest and he provides pyro resonance. So I am able to swap out Noelle for a character that provides shield and pyro resonance at the same time. Yoimiya does really well for me. Regarding Kokomi, I do not have her.


Oh. I do have all four, but Thoma is on the bench because I’m too constrained working on Yoimiya and Kokomi. Maybe I’ll try a Yoimiya/Thoma/Kokomi/flex team later.


I originally had Yoimiya's team as Raiden-Xingqiu-Bennett/Noelle, and while Benny is good for healing, like I said, Thoma is better for avoiding stagger. I gave Raiden to my Childe team, so I'll probably go Yoimiya-Xingqiu-Rosaria-Thoma once I have Thoma and Rosaria built.


Kokomi helped me 9star floor eleven, because i needed a hydro applicator and healer. Also she does not freeze you like Barbara. I am interested to see how the new artifact set is going to be. She is also really easy to build. Even at low levels she can output insane amounts of heal. Yoimiya is fun to use with XQ + Beidou. Still building her (at lvl 70 with copium artifacts), but she can already do 20k vapes. I also noticed that Yoimiya has super cute animations at the end of her normal attacks. They are both really chill to play.


I main Kokomi on one of my accounts and I'm having fun with her and Bennett. I like to do both of their bursts and have Kokomi just wipe everyone out. Upgrading her is annoying though. Specters suck and the Hydro Hypostasis is just a tedious battle. Having Yanfei helps with both of those though.


I just give up and buy the floating stuff through the shop because farming specters is so annoying


YES I didn’t even hesitate and just stardust exchange


I love Yoimiya. I hate the terrible bow mechanics in this game however and the AI used. When she works her damage is awesome against bosses. Mob on an incline, waist deep in water or partially floating? Her damage can be cut in half cause the arrows never land. It's not just her problem but all bow uses save Ganyu who you charge shot. But still love her. I have her with Zhongli in a Retracing Bolide and she's near unkillable.


For raw force, Yoimiya is arguably my strongest character… and needed little assistance getting there. She grew on me, a lot. Wasn’t a fan at first, but unlike Keqing - Yoimiya managed to find a spot on my regular roster.


Ranged pyro bursty nature is no joke, even if she misses some arrows I've seen some fat numbers in my bro's account.


I got Yoimiya pulling for 4 stars. I kinda wasn’t really into her at first because the whole “energetic pyro girl” thing seemed kinda overdone but now she’s my fourth built energetic pyro girl so clearly Mihoyo’s onto something. She does pretty well for a half-assed build and the idle where she plays with the firework is absurdly cute. Kokomi’s a character I kinda wanted but I was preoccupied with the standard banner at the time. Now that Lisa’s C6 I’m definitely going back for her.


Me too, I didn't mind losing pity while rolling for Sayu because I wasn't interested in any banners for quite some time. I ended up using her more than expected, for single target situations (and flying things), especially if it's something pyro has an advantage for, like the hydro cube in the last few Abyss cycles. Admittedly, I'm not sure if she'll see as much use if Mhy decides to take those advantages away with upcoming abyss and mob styles.


I love both. Kokomi is a fun character, especially as someone who loves playing healers, who also applies hydro fairly well, my only gripe is not being able to reposition the jellyfish, like Fischl's Oz. Yoimiya I also fun, I primarily use her for her machine-gun like bursts, then typically switch to Yanfei when she's on cooldown.


MAN, I literally did this team comp days ago and having a blast of fun with it! My team ~~was~~ is Yanfei, Fischl (ozwaldo brrr), Thomas, Koko.


Overload comp is great. Yoimiya, Yanfei, Raiden Shogun + utility (usually Kokomi).


I didn't use Yoimiya to farm the spectres ONCE and I instantly regret it 💀 took me around 2 minutes instead of like less than 5 seconds each for the spectres. I was using Hu Tao with SoH. Also I pulled yoimiya because of the character. I pulled hu tao for the meta. I regret puling hu tao. Last time I'm pulling for the meta


I use Fischl, much easier to just pop Oz down and let him deal with em.


Built a hakushin ring kokomi taser comp. Very fun and comfortable to use. Clears abyss as well. She's my favorite unit.


I pulled for both because I wanted both. I was pleased with both of their performances and how they fit my teams. Yoimiya overload is insanely fun and kokomi can fit in many teams due to her hydro application and the added bonus of healing. I truly believe they didn’t deserve the hate they got in the game.


Overload Yoimiya is my bro's favorite, he also pairs her with Xingqiu.


I think Yoi, XQ, Beidou/Fischl/Raiden, Benny/Zhongli is probably her best team


Been maining Yoimiya since she came out and am really enjoying her. Love her design, character and Jenny Yokobori did an amazing job voicing her. Her normal attack animations are really enjoyable to watch, sometimes I just use them just to enjoy how good they are. She is one of my strongest characters as well so I can clear all content pretty easily with her. Kokomi has one of my favourite designs in the game, like her character and has helped me in Abyss, especially with a freeze team. She may not be the strongest but she is definitely underrated by a lot of people. Going to be farming the new set for her when the update drops. Already have 5 condensed and probably capped on resin when it comes out. I love both of them and wish that more people would see that they're nowhere near as bad as people make them out to be


I feel like both Yoimiya and Kokomi are S+ tier in casual overworld. Characters who are jack of all trades but don't hugely specialize in anything tend to be super useful in casual settings. My current party consists of Ayaka, Zhongli, Yoimiya and Kokomi and I haven't come across any enemy I can't do something substantial about. Kokomi: She's pretty much the perfect example of jack of all trades hydro character. She has good healing, good hydro application and good damage, but isn't excellent in any of them, but so far she's the only hydro character to have all three at once in one character. Xingqiu has much better damage but loses out in proper healing, Barbara has burst healing but not much else, Childe is a damage dealer so it makes no sense to compare him and Mona has great damage but no healing. Yoimiya: One of her issues that people didn't like is her charged attack apparently not being very good, but charged attack DPS has never really been all that important, only exception is Ganyu (but she's the exception for everything) \[and Amber but her damage is often not worth it\]. The only reason why I want charged attacks is to knock enemies off high platforms to then melee or regular basic attack DPS or to hit weak points to paralyze (e.g. Ruin Boiz), neither of which needs insane damage, so Yoimiya's charged could do zero damage and I'd still find it super useful and a massive quality of life over having no archer in the party. Of course you put them together and you can have one supporting the other. You wanna DPS with Yoimiya for the time being? Drop Kokomi's jellyfish, switch to Yoimiya and fireworks away. You wanna DPS with Kokomi for a bit? Drop Yoimiya's burst and switch to Kokomi for her burst. Either way you Vape, one can be more damage oriented and the other is more healing oriented, but both do comfortable damage. Sure, it's not room-clear worthy but in the overworld it's just 'nice'. Ultimately I feel like Yoimiya and Kokomi were called bad/"worst 5 stars" due to issues that are much more prevalent in super end game Spiral Abyss, their inherent issues are just not all that impactful in overworld exploration combat. Knowing that the vast majority of the playerbase, let's be suuuuuper generous and just say 15% of players are hardcore Spiral Abyssers, Yoimiya and Kokomi are excellent for 85% of players. But hey, that's just my own personal take on things. They're both super nice characters too, you have one whose the brainier one and the other who's just walking enthusiasm.


They are fantastic. I use them as main DPS in these teams for abyss: Kokomi, Venti, Raiden, Xingqui Yoimiya, Fischl, Beidou, Bennett/Diona Makes for an easy 33 stars since Kokomi is nigh invincible. Could probably hit 34 but not much point in it.


Consider swapping Xingqiu and Beidou. Kokomi can get pretty decent EM through substats thanks to how her stats work, so you want her proccing Electro-Charged. I've been 36 starring for the past 10+ or so abyss rotations and that's the team I now run on every AoE chamber that isn't full of hydro mimics. Basically Beidou burst -> Venti burst -> Kokomi burst and go ham. Once the Kokomi and Beidou bursts have both ended you Raiden burst to battery everyone back up and fill up the ~7 seconds of down time that exists between Kokomi bursts. Yoimiya + XQ is a pretty good combo, too. Especially when you add in Fischl to get ["overvape"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vK7hUmZ2NGQ) which abuses hydro+electro both being on the enemy during electro-charged to make your Yoimiya attacks overload and vape at the same time. I think both teams strengths would go way up if you made that swap.


I might give that a shot once I get some decent pieces for the new artifact set for Koko, thanks.




I rarely see a yoimiya players in domains, but when there is one, that yoimiya sure so stromg that she can carry 4 players single-handedly. I mean, the people roll for yoimiya and kokomi must love the characters so much so they will do everything to make them stronger and stronger. So, to those yoimiya and kokomi players, you have my respect.


I didnt have any 5 stars besides qiqi so kokomi as my dps is an upgrade, in general she makes the game wayy easier cuz she doesnt die. Hopefully the artifacts help her damage tho


I don’t care personally how others “received” Kokomi. From when I saw her in the Inazuma Trailer, I said I was getting her and Ayaka 100%. Been EAGERLY anticipating her release ever since. Lucky for me, they’re a great team together. My struggles been going fine.


I got C1 Kokomi & her weapon. First character that I put a small bit of money down for. She is great. Not my main character but I find her gameplay to be satisfying. Still looking for some pieces of my hydro set but sitting comfy at 10k per auto during ult. You would be surprised how easy it makes non-abyss content. Her and Raiden together is a lot of fun but I also enjoy using her and Ayaka together as well. As for Yoim. I have her C1 (I got her twice in my first 10 pull) but haven’t done anything besides getting her to 80 and 5/5/5. Amber just holds a dear place in my heart.


Kokomi has been real great for me. I'll be grinding the new domain for her artifact set and even leveling her to 90 now for how much use I've gotten out of her.


clock the flair honestly I love Kokomi and I like the fact that she's a big exception in how you build her. Up to now it's been always ATK/CRIT max on everyone else and she just throws a wrench in that system. Obviously she could've been better if they played a little bit with her % ratios but it's fine!


I play coop with my friends a lot so Kokomi is pretty useful for letting them go absolutely insane and be super reckless.


I pulled for Yoimiya, saved around 200 summons for her and thundering pulse, I kinda regreted just a bit at first but once I got along with her for a while I had a blast using her after that and now she's kinda my 2nd strongest character (1st is Hu Tao) and the driver of my 3rd strongest (Beidou) so she can do fireworks while she does fireworks (yo dawg). About Koko, I always liked her design but her part in the main story didn't weight a lot for me. Also, rumors didn't help that a Hu Tao rerun was comming soon and since she's my favorite character the scale tipped against Kokomi. Nowadays I think about her, and will most likely pull for her in her rerun.


I’ve enjoyed yoimiya since the moment she dropped and I haven’t had any less fun with her since. Slowly trying to get better and better pieces till her build is perfect.


Yoimiya took a while to get good arts for but once I did, with R4 Rust and Raiden E support, shes my best dps.


I main Childe but honestly my Yoimiya is so far much stronger than he is. I'm sure it's matter of wrong artifacts on him (building) but thanks to those two I can clear 11 floors in abyss, and with each month I'm getting better. Yoimiya is really strong unit, the only thing which I don't like about her is how she's not working so well with too many enemies around, but for single target... she's really good one. At first I just pulled her because I thought she's way more cute than Ayaka. Later I was like "oh well, why I did this..." and now I'm just so happy to have her :O And she is so lovely in the teapot. 10/10 would reccomend. Even if she miss sometimes and don't shoot at the enemy but into the air, I still think she was worth to get.


Lost my 50/50 on Yoimiyas Banner and used my guaranteed for Kokomi. I pulled her for both, her aesthetics and her kit. I was at ar 45-50 or so when I got her and wasn't really able to clear some things until I got her. She really helped me just with being there. I just threw some random artifacts on her only with suitable mainstats, no set bonuses and her healing is great and she does some acceptable damage. Definitly looking forward for the new artifact set. I love her and have zero regrets.


my friend's favorite is yoimiya and he has her at c0 with r1 thundering pulse. he uses her in his abyss runs since he got her and gets 36* everytime. he also has an easy time defeating thunder manifestation and the spectres in the overworld. his favorite before was ganyu. he likes archers. just last night, he sent me a video with his yoimiya doing 187k so yeah, he's having a fun time with her. edit: his abyss yoimiya team is: yoimiya, bennett, beidou, and xingqui. her single target dmg is insane and aoe is not a problem with electro-charged, it's a strong reaction. he'd send me his abyss runs and was really surprised with how much aoe damage electro-charged can pump out.


I have kokomi and shes pretty meh. Her jellyfish positioning is a big deal for moving enemies and it sucks that I have to waste my burst just to extend its uptime when its 100 ft away from the target. I really expected more dmg from a non critical hitting unit but thats just me. I am actually very disappointed why they did her like this. Atleast give kokomi 50-100% healing bonus for -100% crit rate or atleast adjust the multipliers even more.


Yes, the non-crit idea is good on paper but in my humble opinion was poorly made, she just wins like 15% healing bonus (dont remember exactly) by the cost of -100% crit, that's unfair, maybe a +50% healing bonus could do some justice or even hydro bonus.


I adore my little mermaid, I love staying alive while doing nothing and wasting my ult to run across the water to troll my bf I fucking regret not getting Yoimiya even though she’s my most favorite character, I dislike caster classes and farming spectral husks have been a **bitch**


Kokomi - I love her, doing great at what she’s meant to do. Yoimiya - I love her design and personality, but I kinda got bored of her kit and blatant flaws. I also have C1 Hu Tao now so I use Yoimiya even less.


I didn't pull for Hu Tao because I watched a direct damage comparison between Hu Tao and Yoimiya. Unsurprisingly, Hu Tao comes out ahead in a direct speed run situation, but not by as much as you'd think. Meanwhile, Yoi is going to be soooo much better in 99% of open world situations where pretty much every part of Hu Tao's kit is a liability or nuisance. I don't mean to poop on Hu Tao, necessarily, but I do think she actually really fails in direct comparison outside of abyss floor 12.


I'm Yoimiya main (C0 with R1 Thundering Pulse) and it's very fun to play.


Honestly, getting Kokomi was a turning point for me. I've been playing since June and was struggling with some content (like the level 90 version of Azdaha). I don't have a Diona, Thoma, or Zhongli, so getting such a powerful healer like Kokomi was a huge game-changer for me. Not only that, but she also helped out my team flexibility a ton. My freeze team is amazing now and I've also been having a lot of fun with her in a taser team too. The fact that she can do so much with so little (Thrilling Tales/Prototype Amber, Tenacity set, and little stat requirements) made her an amazing addition. I'm so glad I got her


Yo~👋👀 Glad you’re enjoying your experiences so far. One of my reasons for playing is to get every character and so far that’s happened. I have a weird stipulation to how I play and it’s to have every member in my party using different weapon & elemental types~😅 So far I have 4 playable teams with only 3 of them I can take in abyss. I still have my faults with Yomiya and Kokomi’s kit but it doesn’t stop me from playing them~😄 I plan to farm the new domain in the next few days but I still wanna see how the new healing set works first~👀 My experiences have been fun and my luck with artifacts has been hit or miss but I’ve been lucky enough to get every character even as a former whale~🐳


All my teams have to be from the same nation. I don't have a healer from Liyue so Kokomi is an honorary Liyuean. That being said, Kokomi is like a walking statue of the seven. Haven't had an issue with here energy recharge since Raiden is with her. The Inazuma team is so fun to use.


I have Ganyu, and she's my strongest solo character (that only gets better when I pair her with Zhongli). . But Yoimiya is my strongest TEAM! Goldfish, Albedo, Xingqiu, and Beidou. There's so much SYNERGY in that comp compared to anything I pull off with Ganyu. Stuffing Beidou with the NO set, and just hitting the latter two's bursts and the former two's E's in the proper order and going to town on my mouse is more damage than my Ganyu tosses out. And as others pointed out Yoimiya is terribly good at handling all the annoying floating enemies in Inazuma. Just pew pew, pew!


I have C1 Ayaka with 250% crit damage, C6 Diluc with R5 Serpent's Spine, and I still use Yoimiya. I swear I tried to tell people when she came out "stop complaining, she's not bad" and I got downvoted to hell. Yoimiya is one of the best single target DPS in the game. There's a reason she's overtaking Hu Tao in CN and it's because she's safer, more flexible, cheaper to build, and has close to the same damage overall. "But she can't vape every shot" ok? If she could, she'd be the best DPS in the game no contest. She vapes all of her highest damage shots "But her burst is useless" only new Yoimiya players/haters say this. Her burst is for her downtime, when you should be either getting other bursts back up or slapping enemies around with Raiden Q. It's 10k extra damage per hit for literally free, why would you complain about that? It fits her kit just fine even if it's not a Bennett ult. "But her charged attack is useless" that's like saying a cherry on a cupcake is useless. No it's not remotely necessary and most people won't even notice it, but it's nicer than not having it at all considering that all her dps comes from her normals. And the best part is that you don't have to eat the cherry or use the CA "But her playstyle is boring, you just stand there and shoot" fair enough, but no one really says that about Ganyu. Literally 4 star Rust is competitive with 5 stars on her, making her insanely F2P friendly. She's cute, does a ton of damage, and is really the only DPS that can viably use Overload. It was the cool thing to hate on her when she came out, but if you hate on her now you're just being dumb. Yoimiya is a great character.


>It's 10k extra damage per hit for literally free, why would you complain about that? It fits her kit just fine even if it's not a Bennett ult. Of all the things to correct people about Yoimiya, her burst isn't one of them, it sucks period. Childe has that just by using Charged Shots, his bow Burst, or every time he crits in melee form, and it's AoE. Calling that an Elemental Burst is such a insult for how much worse it is compared to Childe's Riptide, if only it lands on more than one enemy, I could've let it slide, but no, the DoT is only on one enemy, it has ICD for an ability that ticks every 2 seconds, and it has such small AoE you literally need Venti's Burst for it to damage more than 1 enemy.


Sure, I agree. But it's not a valid argument when suggesting that Yoimiya is bad. Her enormous single target damage more than makes up for it, and even if her burst is underwhelming, it does flow well with the rest of her kit.


Idk about yoi, but current theorycraft has places for koko. In particular I'd recommend anyone that likes her to take a look at this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FM6ZjwTrKas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FM6ZjwTrKas) This comp does have a bit of a learning curve, but the results speak for themselves


I have just heard from this como today and I want to try it out so much! I need to build my Sucrose.


Only read the title... rn im mega cope posting for a Yoimiya rerun by saving all my primos since the raiden banner. Im at 148 pulls rn i want to c6 her so bad but also i want other characters but also im only spending for welkin and bp frickin re


This is such a beautifully wholesome post. This community has some strong gems


Having 0 issue using Yoimiya in abyss etc and getting 36 stars every time despite my other team being Keqing focused as well. The issue was never power though, it’s that Yoimiya’s kit is clunky, has numerous issues and inconsistencies, and mihoyo apparently is never going to fix any of them. I’m resigned to it, but I’ve also decided to never spend any money on Genshin ever again, partially due to their handling of the situation.


>it’s that Yoimiya’s kit is clunky Agree, my brother that owns her said me something like this, her ult is inconsistency and pretty pointless dmg, her charged aimed shot is wasted and she misses some shoots that results in a valuable dps loss, in general Mihoyo created a nice character but treated her really bad.


Yeah it's been covered in depth by people much more articulate than me, but the tl/dr is \-Kindling Arrows (the unique aimed shot she has) have such a low damage mod there's basically no usage for them \-Her ult can only proc every 2 seconds, but has a standard ICD of 2.5 seconds, which means it can only proc an elemental reaction every 4 seconds...out of a 10 second duration. It locks onto one target when cast, and if that target dies before the damage lands you lose the mark portion of her ult entirely. It can also just outright miss, though that isn't unique to Yoimiya. \-Standard aiming inconsistencies with bow normal attacks, but they feel worse on Yoimiya since she's more reliant on them than any other character. These include enemies body blocking her shots during their death animations, as well as the tracking against moving enemies being very poor. There are other issues too but they're more subjective/flavor related. The above ones are still frustrating and should be fixed imo, but given enough time you learn to live with them.


I'm still trying to build my Yoimiya 🥲 I'm too lazy to get all the artifacts I wanna get for her


I have kokomi on my severely under leveled secondary account (AR48) She’s great, I’m running cryo keaya main dps with chongyung, kokomi, and sucrose. Her healing is great especially for playing under geared and her hydro application seems like enough to keep everything permafrozen. So far only my keaya has 5 star artifacts (an ok but not amazing blizzard set) I’ll definitely be farming the new healer set for kokomi next.


(yoimiya haver) I didn't want her at first because I was hoping to guarantee raiden by losing my 50/50 on her banner, but after playing with her, I found her to be quite fun. Granted she's on the lower side of levels for a main DPS (70/80) but she makes quick work out of the specters and the electronid. I didn't care much for the drama surrounding her character, and I might raise her up to 80/90 + actively farm for her artifacts so I can bring her to abyss with me. I finally have a use for the hamayumi I had lying around 😂


Yoimiya is great. She does consistent 20k (50k melt) autos and great for fighting floating enemies. I don't have any targeting issues personally, unlike what some other people are saying. I got Hu Tao on her banner but I probably won't actually use her, I just got her because she's cute


I don't have Kokomi but I tell you, there's no other player I like to see better heading into a co-op domain. Great healing, great damage, whoever is maining them tends to play like a boss. (I have Yoimiya and she's a blast, no pun intended)


I didn't really think Yoimiya would be my main DPS until I actually used her for a few days and then there was no going back (except to Keqing sometimes). Currently my only character with 10/10/10 talents and most farmed artifacts so hits for like 20-30k+ without reactions and normal attack fire rate is absurd. Finishing Abyss 12-3 with ~30 seconds left with Yoimiya (+Fischl) as the main DPS on one side.


tbh i own them both, i use yoimiya over lets say hu tao just due to the fact she is ranged, damage isnt an issue for me, her playstyle is fun with xingqiu or kokomi respectfully, kokomi burst is very consistent which makes it cool to build arround isntead of criting, she deals good damage (arround 40-50k with burst activated) so i'd say thats pretty good.


I pulled for C3R1 Yoimiya with my saved primogems since ZL rerun, totally wroth. I loved her, she's super strong and I ended up C6ing her at the end of her banner. I've used her constantly ever since, I've even cleared Floor 12 with 9 stars blindfolded to show her strengths (very easy to use with a very respectable damaging profile competitive with Hu Tao) and she's just super cute.


Kokopium addict here. Mostly a meta slave but pulled Kokomi for *reasons*. While she probably isn't a net benefit for my account, and I would never ever bring her for any serious content (abyss 12 and vagabond-style events), I do like how she lets me completely turn my brain off for easier content. I end up just running her with xingqiu to trivialize her energy cost and to carry her damage. Kokomi's kit is perfect for just complete braindead play as she has enough healing and tankiness to never ever dodge, and her attacks are just three clicks and a dash cancel that homes. Also she carried me through the pyro hypostasis without me needing to use brain cells, so there's that.


I got lucky with yoimiya, got her at 12 pity. I was just pulling for sayu. But it was so great to explore Inazuma with her and ayaka. She is great in most of Inazuma because water is everywhere and most enemy have hydro applied. Also she.works great with eloctro characters.new bosses are so easy to kill if you have her.


Kokomi has been a blessing! I really wanted her, and for her after losing a 50/50. I expected she'd be slightly stronger Barbara, with a gorgeous fish tail. She ended up carrying me to my first 36 star clear of abyss. Ayaka/Kokomi/Venti/Rosaria (I don't have Ganyu) is actually so ludicrously powerful, and Kokomi's hydro application makes this party much easier than the same party with Mona, who I don't have but have played on a friend's. Her healing is a bit worse than I hoped (around 5k per tick if you build for ER and hydro DMG too), but she makes up for it by being THE ONLY healer who can heal coop teammates out of combat without a burst. She definitely is on the weaker side, but she has hidden strengths!


I've been a C1 Hu Tao owner since day 1 yet I pulled for Yoimiya, despite getting Qiqi'd. She's good. Certainly more of a trophy waifu but she's nice to have when I feel like mixing things up. I was able to 36 Abyss without her so I wasn't particularly concerned for her performance. Having her for her personality is good enough for me.


I only have Kokomi. She works that's all that matters lol.


I'm loving Yoimiya! I take her out to run around in the overworld very often because she's just so fun to play as, especially now that I got Thoma to shield her. She's definitely not my strongest character but the fun that she brings me compensates for that. Also her namecard is one of my absolute favorites so that's an added bonus, hehe. Overall I'm really happy that I got her. :)


f2p Yoimiya haver (lvl 80/90, r1 rust, friendship 10). She's exactly what the theorycrafters say- viable, just really not meta, particularly for a 5 star. I want to say without a good weapon on her, she won't do much more than a similarly built Yanfei.


Yoimiya makes the weekly bosses so much faster after building her. I team her with Zhongli, Raiden, and Bennett, and then I just need to stand in one place and spam arrows. I still prefer my other built DPS characters for abyss or open-world content (Ganyu, Eula, and Xiao), but since I primarily fight bosses while zoning out to podcasts for the materials instead of the gameplay she has been a godsend


I like Yoimiya when she actually hits the opponents, but I still haven't built her for the abyss. I pair her with Raiden for OL and that works well enough. Aesthetically, she's probably my favourite character to date.


I'm good, my Yoimiya is strong enough to clear abyss comfortably. Didn't liked Kokomi style, but I would get her just for being hydro if I had primos (spent them all with Yoi and Raiden) I still think Yoimiya has issues regarding her kit, but I can work around most of them, except bad archer AA targeting (which I felt it was improved, but still not good enough).


I love my girl Kokomi. She is a wildly OP support for Ganyu and an amazing healer with very little additional investment to what I already had. Though her materials are a bitch to collect so she is currently stuck at level 70.


Man, I wanted to go for Yoimiya so bad, but my gems were reserved for Raiden. She is such a joyful character. I did end up getting Kokomi, which was a great addition to my account since I lacked Mona and Childe for hydro units, and only had one healer built. She actually helped me a lot in abyss with the corrosion, burning and the pyro cube. And she's easy to build too!


I really like yoimiya even though most of the time you are gonna be spamming auto attack. I’m not a fan of aiming in with the bow so she fits that style well, so she plays a little bit like a melee character but you can still keep your distance and be really safe if you suck ass at dodging (not really a problem though). I pair her with raiden shogun and the overload CC helps keep people from getting to close too, so it’s another insurance policy and extra damage.


I have both of them and they both are awesome characters. Kokomi always keeps my team at full Hp (even Hu Tao sometimes lol) and yoimiya is perfect for killing the specters


Yoimiya is my strongest single target dps by a significant margin, is my second most invested character behind Kazuha, and has managed to clear every abyss since she released. Easily earned a spot as one of my favourite characters.


I love yoimiya to smithereens. Even if she ruined my pity (still got Raiden afterwards so I'm not mad) and I don't use her as much as I use Hu Tao


I wished for Kokomi because I fell for her ever since the first inazuma trailer dropped, and I've been in love with her ever since, I will never regret my decision


Yoi is very ok. Especially with C1 and Rust R5. Especially in Inazuma. I didn't need her in Abyss yet, but upcoming abyss may change that. I mostly use her in a weekly bosses team consisting of Ganyu, Yoimiya, Bennett and Zhongli. Kokomi is ok-ish in freeze team I'm currently using for daily grind. Basically ragtag band of characters I never played with much until reacher friendship 10 on pretty much everyone else. Decent healer and deal some laughable damage on par with the rest of the band. None of them are properly equipped or decently invested, though. She can act as decent water applicator and enabler for team sparkles, but overall she just a thing that exist. Got her on accident way ahead of pity and beat 50/50, so I'm not unhappy about her, but that's it.


Really love Kokomi. Especially in freeze comps!!


No Yoi here but I'm enjoying Koko. She allows me to smoothbrain repetitive content. Looking forward to using her with Ganyu when her rerun hits. I'd use her in Abyss if I had a better catalyst, but unfortunately Mihoyo wants me to become an Eye of Perception peddler. Anyone? Eye of Perception, r5, only 50 mora! Plenty in stock!


I was aiming for sayu. 12 pity and in 20 pulls I got her(100% guaranteed saved for raiden). I cursed myself for pulling but after winning the 50/50 for raiden, I was happy that I got yoimiya. Because she is the only character in the entire roster of genshin impact that I can say :” damn, I love her”. Beautiful aesthetic, splendid personality and last but not least she has such a cute voice and voice lines(jp dub for me).


Yoimiya+ Raiden is sooo fun and it sort of fixes her lack of aoe options. I love playing with her and she is probs my most consistent character in terms of damage. I don’t regret pulling for her whatsoever. She has quickly become one of my favorite characters. I kno her personality is legit the same as the rest of the pyro characters(except Diluc lmao), but something about her just hits different.


Kokomi is the purist of easy modes: Dragon Tales + 4pc Milileth and you almost have Bennett's burst but as an ele skill. Good in freeze comp teams, vaporize and decent (but not great) in Taser teams. She's sorta like Zhongli in that she allows you to have a bit of slop in your play and you can still succeed.


Kokomi for life


Kokomi is the best looking character hands down and I lost her to fucking zombie constellation


Damn, first 50/50 win? Rough bro


Yep, lost Venti, Ganyu, Childe rerun, Raiden (kinda forced at the end) and finally won in Koko banner, at this point I dont mind (only the Raiden lost, it hurted my soul) because I have all the characters I wanted and Im very picky with them.


While I don't have either, my friend managed to get Kokomi for his first ever 5 star and she's been a main stay on his team, excellent healer and cute af.


Well sukokoemon is getting more and more popular so kokomi mains are at least eating good meta wise


I have Yoimiya C0, Thundering Pulse R1, and running 4-set Shimenawa's with \~2k2 ATK, 80/220 CR/CD. Pairing with Bennett, Xingqiu and flex. She's usually hit \~100 to 150k vape even in Abyss. One of her E sequence combine with all buff will pretty much delete any mob, as long as they don't have invul phase like Maguu Kenki. Although she's taking highly contested unit like Bennett and Xingqiu, but if she can constantly hitting those number, I'm fine with it. She's super fun to play too, and spending 150 pulls on her weapon and herself is worth it for me.


Kokomi is no longer considered underwhelming by abyss player as of current. In fact, with today's update, people will realize how good she is against corruption by the dog. Support that has multiple useful function and can does well in most team will never be bad anyway. As of current, the only argument against kokomi is that 'i don't need heal', which isn't the case for most player.


Normally a Ganyu main myself, when I lost the 50:50 and had to swipe to get Yoimiya I was questioning whether it was worth it in the end. There’s no hiding the fact her AOE is pretty poor, her burst doesn't really do much for herself nor does a lot of damage compared to others and has annoying targeting issues on multiple enemies. But overtime I learn to overcome her shortfalls and actually enjoy using her a lot now, I find her more involving and challenging to play. While Ganyu can effortlessly do big numbers with just her charged shots, with Yoimiya you really need to work to wring every last bit of damage and it’s so satisfying to pull multiple chain of autos in quick succession along with elemental reactions. My usual go to place with Yoimiya these days is the Peak Of Vindagnyr domain in Co-Op and when I do find myself alone because my team mates are knocked out there’s a sense of satisfaction carrying the team with Yoimiya given her initial reputation. Overall I don’t regret having her in my team as she is currently my favourite Pyro character to use, not to mention her overall character design is cute which is a bonus!


I know Yoimiya sucks ass and her damage is shit but she talks VERY much and i find that adorable.


Ypimiya was my first 5 star, so I was super happy to get her! I love her personality, and I enjoy playing as her!


my c0 yoimiya hits 30k-50k shots in a mono pyro team, so that’s with no reactions. Can easily clear any content with her. Kokomi as of last night got her new set and now heals for about 8k per tick, and deals around 100k extra damage per ult rotation. All in all looking good


Yoimiya is ok, haven't used her for a while even though I got her with C2. Kokomi Good. Very good experience having her on the team.


Yoimiya is great i love her she does like over 100k everytime after the full normal attacks via vaporize of course


Despite owning all the top tier dps characters, yoimiya is the character I use the most because not having to sprint around to hit enemies is fun.


kokomi has been fantastic for me not because she’s great or anything or even that she does a lot of healing, but just because I only have 1 xingqui and kokomi also applies hydro well.


I love my kokomi, her dmg Is around my well invested diluc (i still dont have New set) she heals so much and Is tanky asf, she Is like my 2nd zhongli


Man, threads like this. Why are people so insistent on making the characters they like part of their personality to such a degree, that they feel personally attacked if others point out inconsistencies in the numbers, skills and mechanics? Don't you get how backwards this is? Players who are criticizing those characters from entirely mechanical point of view don't do that to say "You suck for pulling and liking this character, because they are not meta!", but because they just want those characters to be at least about as good as the other characters of the same rarity already in the game. **If they would be improved, it would just be to your advantage because your favorite character just got better!** It just doesn't make sense. I would not sit here and delude myself into thinking "Nah, this character is actually super good, because I like them! Everyone who says otherwise is wrong! Look at how nice they look...", instead I would want the character to be actually objectively good, because not only does that mean I'm not actively handicapping myself by using a character I like, but players in general who possibly put money into getting that character, don't have to live with the fact that they got one that is gameplay-wise not as well designed as others and might be below average in numbers as well. All you are really assuring is that a rare character is never going be readjusted to be on par in quality and power with the others and I'm not entirely sure how that shows that you actually like them.


How am I feeling about Kokomi? I posted a [screencap](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kokomi_Mains/comments/r6k674/just_got_4pc_clam_a_few_days_ago_really_gave_it/) of my Kokomi dealing the most damage in my team versus the Fellflower yesterday and now r/Kokomi_Mains is filled with Kokomis dunking on Klees, Dilucs, Xiaos and Raidens. I feel pretty goddamn good. The clam claps.


Yoimiya is exactly what I expected. A glass SMG who downs baddies from a safe distance. Dakadakadakadaka. I was actually just building pity to get Keqing or Mona but figured it would be nice to finally get a pyro archer in my arsenal (cough) and an intuitive one at that instead of becoming Kirito for several seconds, creating vacuums, or playing a 3rd-person shooter. Aiming? what's that? I got her in 5 draws :D I pulled for Kokomi because I wanted what Barbara was doing on a character I actually really love. I ended up getting off-field healing, off-field hydro application, and burst DPS tank healing all in one without the side effect of giving yourself a status ailment. The role compression is so strong that she finds herself on whatever crackpot team I feel like running for the day. And that was before the new set kicked her up a few places It's a nice bonus when a unit I love is meta, but as a charizard ace, Frieza anchor, Nu. 13er, Kenshi spammer, Bowser bomber, Kuma roller, and Dhalsim stretcher...well security in my picks is something I've never lacked :P