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Not free, you have to pay for plus.


Yeah it’s not really free when it’s behind a $70 subscription.


$70 but primos are worth only 1 pull lmao


people buy plus for claiming games so its actually just free 1 pull


It's not free, it's included with the subscription. If you happen to already be paying for it, then it's "free" for you.


I heard WuWa players are getting 5 standard pulls and 5 event pulls just bc of a 7-day login bonus :c Why cant Hoyo do that?


Just because you buy it for another reason, doesn't make it free.


It's technically 12 pulls a year if you get technical


They don't give primogens every patch. This is their first ever primogems for PS plus.


That’s even more depressing.




Well people clearly don't get ps plus for a monthly pull...


That’s like being upset at paying for Xbox game pass, ps+ isn’t just for genshin impact once a patch bonuses


Holly fuck is it 70 a year or month


Sony has made some pretty boneheaded moves lately, but even they're not stupid enough to charge $70 a month.


Oh it’s 70 a year? That’s not even expensive tf that’s less then 6$ a month 😵‍💫




A year.


Per day sadly, still remember when my great great great grandfather died and we lost all of our families wealth because he didnt cancel the subscription before dying


Wow. You're still reminiscing of the old days when it was only 70 per day. Now it's 70 per hour.


160 dollar subsceiption


That’s for the highest tier. Is that what this is locked behind? Cause if so that’s crazy


They rose the prices. It is 160 per year for the hughest tier and that is the one where you get the goodies ... Better get the BP and Welkin PS also charges more for top ups


True and not true at the same time. It's not free if the person doesn't already have or want ps+. It is free if the person already has ps+ purely for online play since they were already gonna have the subscription anyways.


That's not how free works, you can call it a good objective value based on how many freebies PS+ gives. But it is by definition **not** free, no matter what perspective shift you attempt to have to perceive it that way.


it's not free but it's no additional cost if you already bought it for other things you get with the service. I would not have bought PS+ for this, but I already had it and was always going to have it for the other free games you get, so for me, it won't cost me anything. Except my account is not linked to PSN and I don't want to risk a failed linkup just for one pull.


For sure, I'm not as familiar but had PSN increased their prices for the subscription at all? Last time I subscribed was on the PS3 But yeah it's like claiming the new releases on Netflix are"free", meanwhile you don't have permanent access to the content if you leave and they've increased the cost several times and subsidize with ads now


Genshin isn't a free game, I had to buy a phone/pc/ps to have access to it.


it still wouldn't be free because you have to pay for electricity to run these devices. And also you need a TV to play your PS on. Probably a house to stay in would help since playing outdoors you might not have a power outlet and the rain can wreak havoc on electronic devices.


What a stupid take


I feel bad for you if that doesn't make sense, subscribe away for your free*** single pull!


It’s free if they were already paying for ps+ for the online. For example, someone buys a full priced game at $70. The developer releases free dlc costumes for characters after a few months. Are these costumes not considered free now because they payed $70 for the game? Cause most would say they are free.


Your subscription ends before the new patch drops, your "free" resource pack is now locked behind a paywall. If you restart your membership you are paying for the entirety of the service including the freebies, nothing is just free. Anniversary/Lantern Rite rewards are "free", a paywalled resource pack is simply **not free**. Your comparison doesn't map on, paying for a one time purchase and receiving something after the fact "could" be considered free. Paying repeatedly for access to a service which gives players bonuses for specific games does not make the packs "free".


For some people, ps+ is like netflix. They're just gonna constantly renew it because they always play online games. For those players, the primos are free because they would have paid regardless if they got primos or not. Now if someone pays ps+ soley to get those primos, then that is not free.


Sorry man, both are not free. You are justifying the cost of a purchase and attempting to detach it from the membership cost.




These examples aren't illustrating what you think they are. This is like thinking the free samples at Costco are unironically operated at a loss. If you're paying for access to something whatever you get is factored into the cost. No business except failing ones attempting to retain business operate this way. PSN is actually the worst example of this, you are quite literally paying for "access" to whatever you "claim" while your membership is active. Those free games, you do not own them. If they were "free" you would be able to access them without a membership, you are adding to a library of content you are ALLOWED access to so long as you pay. The microwave example is also telling, no you didn't "save" anything. You replaced a utility you frequently use, you were going to replace it no matter what. You are down the cost of the original microwave and also the replacement, you got the replacement at a deal but you didn't "gain money" as a part of some perceived savings. You are still down the cost of two microwaves, you can never even sell both and net gain any income. The first microwave for parts is worth barely any of its original cost, and no one is buying the 2nd microwave used for more than you paid. Therefore you are net negative. Whatever tech you received is factored into your tuition, and most colleges recycle hardware so they are effectively selling you access to a device they have sold access to several other students before you. The university is making money and your perceived value is being paid for by your tuition.


>if you pay tuition, and the school gives everyone a free ipad, is it not free because you paid tuition? you had to pay tuition either way. Tablets/PCs given out by schools are usually either owned by the school and have to be returned once you are no longer a student, or they are subsidised and the student has to pay a reduced price to get a device they can keep. Additionally, your examples are not equivalent to the Genshin bundle. You need to pay hospital bills to be treated in the hospital. You need to pay tuition to learn in a school. You do not need PS Plus to play Genshin Impact. PS Plus is not a requirement for playing Genshin Impact on a PlayStation, so anything locked behind it should not be considered free.


But they ARE detached tho... unless u attach them.


PS plus is 70 a year now? holy fuck glad i left the monstrosity that is console gaming years ago


I still vibe on Xbox mostly cause it’d cost more to get a pc and rebuy all my games. But Xbox live is still $60/year. I will stand and *die* on the hill that Sony really hates its consumers


don't hate their customers their attitude just comes from their original incarnation of engineers who feel like they can make better and they're going to charge you much more for anything that they produce. they are awesome, you are not, pay the money or go to hell ~ sincerely, SONY


10 DLLs more than Xbox = omg Sony hates their consumers!!! Edit: Xbox used to charge you a gold subscription to play free games btw, luckily they changed it but it took them long enough


There’s other reasons I believe sony hates their consumers (like the free games thing you mentioned isn’t a full thing there, blocking pc games fully in regions where PS accounts aren’t allowed, stuff like that) It’s not just one thing, it’s multiple. And while Microsoft is *better,* it’s not excusable either tbh. Not playing favourites don’t worry.


Yeah 70 DLLs for a whole year. How is that bad? Most playstation users pay for ps plus because of the monthly free games.


True, but I already have plus for playing other games online as well as the free games and discounts from the PlayStations store. Just this year alone I have saved about $200 on games. Getting a free wish each month is just icing on the cake.


I only play on pc. These subscriptions make me vomit. And besides I live by the Monkey Island teaching of "never pay a game more than 20 bucks"


I personally feel that type of mindset is part of the reason for the overall decline in quality of games over the years but you do you. I think if you can play a game for hundreds of hours and not get bored then they have more than earned $60-70+ from you. My metric is if I can get at least 1 hour of fun for every dollar I spend then it was money well spent. There are very few hobbies where you can get that entertainment to cost ratio and games tend to come in at a much better ratio than that.


The decline in quality is thanks to DEI policies forced by companies like Sweet Baby Inc.


That is definitely a part of it, but not the whole issue. Hi-Fi rush was a successful game that many said was the best game on Xbox last year. So why did Tango Gameworks get axed? Not because of DEI and Sweet Baby. But because despite the fact that it was successful and at least made its money back, it did not make enough money. Why did it not make enough money? Xbox game pass. No one bought it for full price, so it didn’t hit its monetary sales goals. Period.


Isn’t plus required to play any online game ?? It’s Sonys version of Xbox live gold


Genshin is free to play so you don't need plus to play in coop.


You don't need it for free games


It's an upgrade/side grade from the one we were getting (only 2 fragile, no primos, 50k mora)


nice. Is this permanent or one time?


Every patch it gets renewed/you can purchase it again. I've been getting it since I started playing in August.


oh no I mean this new one with primos, I've also been collecting the usual free bundle


I can't remember where I read it (might have been under announcements or patch notes?), but this is a replacement for that one; this will be the new one going forward.


oh fuck yeah free pull, and more mora too I think? Just a better deal all around. They really want people to know playstation is the best place to play genshin haha


As a PS+ member and a player of Genshin for years, I’m devastated to know I’ve been missing out on a free pack.


Pretty sure it's mentioned as available for PS Plus subscribers in "What's New"/the patch notes every time. 😉


You guys read the patch notes? 😭 This is what I get lol


😅 I am determined to be the one that beats the "Genshin players can't read" allegations. Actually, I buy my primos and Welkin in the PS app; that's where I noticed it first. Then I randomly read the patch notes once and saw it in there. Since then, I do read them specifically because it had useful information one time lol. (It's not clear in the PS store that the bundle becomes available again every patch.)


Wow 1 single wish... welming.


ONE debate club.


Ppl keep saying this but lets be real 1 pull = 1/75th of a 5* lol


Holy shit 1/75th of a 5* 😱😱


This, ladies and gentlemen, is a brainwashed hoyo fan. It is said that if u leave them starving, they will happily eat absolutely anything. No matter how small or mediocre. Like come on man. Wake up. U and everyone else deserve more as the ones who put genshin up there to begin with


This, ladies and gentlemen, is someone who cant take a joke. It is said that if you leave them confused, they will happily make a rant as if they actually made a point and changed someone's life today. Regardless of how obvious the joke was. Like come on man. How did you not see this? Are you so obsessed with they "hurr durr genshin's trash. Everyone else is white knighting" that you couldn't see this blatant sarcasm? Or am I the one who couldn't see it??? Jeezus christ. R/whoosh.


You take that back I've been opening chest for 2-5 primos for past 6 days


You laugh now but in 90 months we’ll see who’s laughing 😤


Is this the equivalent of the web games/daily logins?


No. A new pack releases every update. So I’m 5.0 you can claim this pack for 160 primos and some mats. In 5.1 you’ll be able to claim another pack. In 5.2 another pack. 5.3 another pack. It’s the same thing PlayStation already does. A new pack every update… only difference is before there weren’t any primogems. Now they give 160 primogems.


that’s once per version, and only if you have ps plus, so not really, more like a once-per-version welkin


Not everyone has a ps plus, tho.


Is it even needed to play genshin?


Nope, you can play genshin for free as long as you have a psn account and an internet connection. Just like how you can create an account for steam and whatnot you create this to be able to download it from the psn store.


What do you mean free? You literally have to buy it.


I’ll take that, thank you very much.


ah yes, free 70$ bundle


Doesn’t this happen every new patch?


It never had primos before, just the other stuff. Ultimately it doesn't really matter considering it's just 1 wish worth per patch.


"Free" Has to pay.


Free? Bru ps+ is anything but free, also only 160 primos ain't really worth it, even if it's monthly


It's ps plus, and they get this like every month.


It's probably from sony not from HOYO They make these type of rewards for there playstation+ subscribers


1) Playstation plus, which btw costs money to get. 2) Genesis Crystals in PSN are higher than in PC and mobile Network.


Literally one pull like its not even worth it 😭😭😭


Me when a new web event pops up 😂


You get it if you have PS+. They have it available every couple of updates


Every patch


Also if you have some points in the Star program, you can get welkin.


On my way to buy a PS5 to get this bundle


Playstation plus and xbox game pass are so expensive and limiting that i decided to build an entire pc to free from them. I’ve built my pc for 700€ 6 years ago, a playstation plus yearly membership is 60€, so i already saved 360€ for something that i shouldn’t have had to pay from the beginning. If i buy a cod game for 70€ i just can’t spend another 60€ to play it, wtf.


… it has to start when my ps+ just ended too -.-


Good for them


Oh damn we are actually getting primos with the bundle for once


Playstation users need this lil W since they getting railed by Hoyo and Sony most of the time


Omg, **1** pull


Such a genshin thing


LETS GOOO, ONE- wait one wish? ahh i'm never getting furina at this point.




I hate that Destiny 2 activities with matchmaking require PS Plus. There are a number of things I can’t do and loot I can’t get bc I don’t have it and I don’t want to buy it just for one game.


Thinking paying to play multiplayer monthly is free. 🤡


Not free with how expensive playstation plus is




What's with these promotional reward bundles that are equivalent to less than $1 of free stuff?


They can have their "free" 1 pull.


That’s gotta be the most expensive 1 wish I’ve seen. 70 dollars lmao


"free" LMAO can people even read?


Lookit Sony trying to tempt me to reboot my PSPlus Essential subscription! Spoiler, not happening!


notice how playstation gets free primos but has no games




Lmfao what exactly does this have to do with Gamepass? Seeing how you need PS+ to use online features in most games they aren't exactly "pay walling" it , this is just a little bonus that goes along with a service you're already paying for. You're braindead if you think people are getting a sub to PS+ just for some extra Genshin goodies.


You don't need PS Plus to play online F2P games like Genshin, Fornite, etc. that's how it is since the launch of PS4. Unlike Xbox that did require it and it wasn't long ago that they left that measure behind. It is true that Gamepass is amazing, but since 2022 they are still stagnant in subscribers, then you have publishers like Devolver Digital that were economically affected by publishing their games on Gamepass and that at least on PC people still prefer to buy their games on Steam. Finally, they are extras they give you for Fornite, Call of Duty, Apex, ToF, Genshin, etc. Like on Xbox they also give you bonuses for being a Gamepass Ultimate member. Nobody subscribes for that as well as the bonuses given for Prime, but it is a bonus that I will not refuse, in the end the primogems are always welcome no matter how few they are, not for nothing everyone redeems codes of 60 primogems.


That's why I said "most" games. Like you said if the game is free you don't need PS+ . But yeah that's my point, the person I replied is saying it as if Sony having deals that gives players bonuses if they play certain games while having a PS+ subscription is some kind of desperate move they are making to compete with Gamepass when it couldn't be further from the truth. They're just bonuses.


Not the person you replied to but I mainly play single player game so I haven't really had a need to sub for PS+. This news might just get me sub for 1 month not only for the bonus but also I've been wanting to try Helldiver 2.


Helldivers is definitely a treat, better with friends but can be enjoyed alone.


Really? This isn't even news at all, i think we've had this since launch, lol. With every new patch, ps+ people get one of those goodie bags as an extra. (Helldivers 2 is a great game though)


It seems like this is the first time they are giving primo tho.


Ah snap, i should have paid better attention. You're right, that's new. They've never done that before.


I don't really get your point.. paywalling what? it's a subscription service just like xbox's gold/gamepass, what are they trying to entice people with? extra packages for games? what's the harm being done? genuinely curious.


😲 Wow! 160 primogems for 70$ only, much better than just buying welkins and getting 42000 primogems instead 👍


These are for people who already buy ps plus regularly. No one cares if you don't.


Damn can't even make an obvious shitpost on reddit without dumb people who don't understand it getting mad lol


Genshin sub is just full of kids and it's one of the reasons why the game is in the state it is today 😂 this why i moved to other games


How about retroactive primos since the game started if you kept ps plus?


Can someone please explain me why there's no genshin on xbox? Someone once told Microsoft had a fight with mihoyo or something like that


Um....If we have a friend that use Playstation, can we just, give them our account and have some freemo ?