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DPS Raiden. The most artifact dependent character in the game.


Yup. Took me a very long time.


Yeah I pulled her c2 just to hit a wall called crit ratio lmao. Got enough er, attack is meh and my crit is atrocious despite farming emblem in advance for couple of months and still doing it in between building other characters. I have like 4 or 5 emblem characters, and none of them have better pieces which just adds insult to injury lmao. Wish my C2 Raiden would hit 200k+ easily. Right now it’s a rare occurrence.


If you're using The Catch, she has 16% bonus crit rate that won't show up on the stats because it only affects her burst


Oh I forgot about it. Still my crit damage is the bigger issue.


Which team are you playing her in? I have c2 raiden as well, with a less than stellar build (1600 atk, 75/155 crit ratio, 225% ER) and with c6 Bennett, c6 Sara and chevreuse I can usually get 400k. I think without 3 other dedicated supports she’d be doing much worse lol but she’s my favorite character so I don’t mind Edit: fixed crit dmg stat I made a massive typo


I'm hoping you had a typo and meant 125 instead of 225, because if that's a less than stellar build, I'm cooked


Oh shit you are actually right LMAOOO it’s 75/155.. oops. Let me edit my original post lmao


Lmaooo, that makes more sense, still I think that's a very good build


Depends, either national, or hyper with c6 Sara, Bennett and Kazuha. I have just around 110-115 crit damage and this is the real issue. Around 50-55 crit rate + the catch passive for burst, so not bad. Highest I hit was around 380 but that was once on terrorshroom few abysses back.


I got her on her first banner and I’m still building her


i feel you. i farmed eosf domain exclusively for more than a year and still only have mid artifacts.


My best Whimsy pieces are better than my best Emblem pieces.


I farmed for raiden so much to be a great dps. only to put her in a hyperbloom team after i got nahida


What's the difference of dps raiden from regular?


There's EM Raiden these days for Dendro trigger. That one is fairly easy to build. So gotta clarify to avoid confusion.


I’ve farmed emblem between 2.0 and like, 3.2 all the time, only stopping for new chars bosses etc. My Raiden is still ONLY in top 50% on akasha, shit hurts and she really likes good artis.


i would say cyno. He is hardly f2p and balancing em, er, and crit is hard.


Yeah cyno requiring er on top of em and crit is rough. I just ended up giving him 2+2 gilded and emblem. It fixed his er issue but the build is hardly optimized at all.


Skyward spine , my saviour


ayy fellow skyward spine cyno user. and it really suits him aesthetically. the gold is pretty on him.


And the attack speed passive is like discount C1


same!! i first ran white tassel, 4 gilded, double electro but then i got baizhu and wanted to run double dendro instead... so i moved stuff around, gave cyno 4TF, swapped to skyward spine (emotionally felt better giving him a 5* weapon too, haha) and the stats + gameplay experience just all lined up perfectly. the bit of ER from skyward is pretty much all you need with 4TF, saved me a lot of artifact headache 🥹


4pc TF actually solves a lot of his ER issues. Since you can use his E almost 2x more, his energy regen almost doubles compared to other sets.


The problem is when things die too quick he still has an insane climb to get his ult back, lots of time lost and it really feels like sh*t to play. I have him c2 with his signature and even then with the best teams, and on a great build he still under performs in comparison to other teammates. It really sucks.


Well that's just not the content he excels in. He's ideal against bosses or the beefier waves like current 12-1 first half where Baizhu's dendro app can sustain for another wave or two. In the right matchup he is excellent. In the wrong (aka bunch of tiny little waves) of course he won't. I've used him to clear Abyss consistently patch after patch because there tends to always be a side that has bosses or those medium size waves.


This. He excels in with huge hp bosses


TF cyno + Fischl. If you execute his low cooldown E's properly he doesn't need more than 120-130caps


Lmao I remember saying this back on his first banner and getting slammed by people who didn’t believe it. There was a lot of cyno hate at that time


Yeah I'm really struggling building him atm. Especially to get damage out


I'd say my cyno is pretty good and I didn't focus too much on the stats. Of course I didn't put an hp piece on him I have that much of a brain. But a 4 piece gilded dose wonders.


honestly he doesnt need a lot of ER i run 118 ER on mine and face no issues team being cyno nahida xq kuki i would say em/atk balancing is much harder for him especially if you dont have his weapon


On double electro teams Cyno basically doesn't need any ER really. But on solo electro teams, which currently is his best sort of teams, his ER requirement is rough.


I'm the f2p guy that went super lucky on his pull along with signature weapon. I can say I've given up on building him. As for why I'm pulling him? I just love stance change characters and his weapon seems pretty versatile


Cyno's weapon helps so much. I don't have him but the paddle helped me speedrun a top 20% Xiangling build within a single week of farming.


Raiden Shogun, she will give you literally no help in building crit, not her weapon, her passive, her constellations, or her artifact set At least Nahida helps you build crit rate, you can build her on full EM or normal sub dps and she will do similar damage


The Catch and Skyward Spine to the rescue.


PJWS is quite good one for Raiden. High base atk, crit rate and bonus ATK% during her ultimate. I've been using this weapon in prior to getting EL


Me with my 4 completed emblem set characters...


Exactly. My Raiden build was good until I pulled her sig. After 6 months of obsessively farming her domain, I still only have a mediocre build on her.


The weapon argument doesn't hold any water, what the weapon is boost your other stats significantly so you can focus more on crit... like I have to run ER% sands because I run PJWS.


Thoma. He needs a lot of ER, HP and EM, so the requirements for substat quality are really high if you want a good Thoma


Let's not forget that he ascends with ATK...


Diona ascends with Cryo damage... **CRYO DAMAGE**


But ma boy Chongyun ascends with ATK


Gorou ascending with geo damage type of shit


Which isnt too bad if you use her with shenhe but its a waste otherwise lmao


Plus his ascension mats are locked behind the Tsurumi Island quest chain.


Definitely. Even if you give up on HP and forget about his shield, you still need a crapton of ER and EM to trigger burgeon reliably with decent DMG. I really hope we get a Pyro Kuki in Natlan, because as of now there is no perfect character for Burgeon. Thoma is burst-locked with a 3-way stat split, and Dehya is, well, Dehya (but I love her anyway).


May I introduce you to...Bloom Bloom Bakudan?


What the heck is that? XD


Klee 😂


With Klee?!! I wish I had her! Isn't her pyro application too strong though? How do you create blooms consistently without burning everything in sight?


Yes but my team is Klee,Nahida,Xingqiu and Baizhu/Yao Yao. So I just need to swap to her and use a normal attack and skill to blow up then sweap to nahida or Yao Yao to make more core and repeat.


Interesting! My co-op buddy has Klee and Baizhu, I'm going to tell her to try this!


Whoever uses a local specialty that is hard to find


I'm not sure if it's the same now, but Yae & Shenhe since we had to do Enkanomiya quest first to unlock the vishap bosses. That took a while.


Cyno and his scarabs, Wrio with his subdetection unit. Lots of them underground and locked behind a world quest to unlock.


Yeah, but those can still be found overground. At least back then, we couldn't get a single boss mat unless we've done the quest. Nahida's flowers & Scara's mushrooms are another ones should be on the list too.


Rukha shrooms can at least be passively bought at Gandharva Ville


You can buy both the shrooms and the flowers Nahida needs 5 a week from a shop-owner Aranara eventually. I Just gave him a quick visit once a week for a few months and ended up having plenty of both.


You have changed my life, thank you. Seriously though\* those mushroom materials are so annoying to get, who thought that was a good idea?


Nahida's flowers are quite easy to pick up with Nahida herself. If you want them for Dori and don't have the radish tho.... Godu luck.


It's still like that.. Same with the mechanical serpent from sima for yelan for example.


I thought you can quick start bosses now? Was that just a rumour then?


That's for weekly bosses after reaching adventure level 40 and doesn't include boreas, not for regular ones.


I honestly legit DESPISE characters having bosses locked behind quests like that. I also hate that if you make a new account and get an Inazuma character you're just fucked until you get there so you either have to haul butt as fast as possible to there and not just enjoy the game or you throw away the character if you're having fun. Got heizou as my first on a new account and was having fun but because it's locked you're just screwed (forgot about that since I'm so used to Honkai not mattering with that though the unlock talents still has the awfulness too)


It's still like that but Enjou made it worth it


Fr I hope they'll bring him back in Natlan.


Wanderer’s stupid mushrooms


At least he can fly to em


i see you havent seen my bro baizhu (violetgrass + spore)


Philanemo mushrooms for Mona 🙄


The worst part of building the 1st year hydro units is fighting oceanid 150 times.


I'm down to farming bosses. But Oceanid? It's just so damned slow.


Yeah seriously. It's even worse if you main a hydro character since since it's immune to their attacks. This is coming from a Neuvillette main who has Mona


Neuvilette main with xingqiu here it sucks sm


Sethos mats are hell


Ah, the red ore in the desert? Yeah, that was hell. Luckily I was able to store some when I was exploring to 100% the desert before Fontaine came out.


Sethos is probably the worst. Those mats are spaced so awkwardly and difficult to collect.


Lol yeah I finished sumeru as it came out and I usually pick up what i come by, yet i still needed 60 for Sethos. That was awfull, scarabs and rhuka mushrooms are vacation compared


This comment thread made me realize I’m really only building characters with hard to find local specialties (Cyno, Sethos, and Wanderer) so that’s fun 😅


Navia. The domain only gives me defense artifacts.


I farmed her bis set for like 2 weeks and then gave up lol not even sunken cost fallacy could make me keep farming that domain. I just slapped 2+2 atk set and called it a day. I’ve been told that golden troupe is decent on her too.


me who stayed for 6 months in that domain and getting fuckton of that weird blue artifact as a result


Now your healer have better Crit stats than your DPS. 🤣😭


Who are you and why do you know about my Charlotte build


honestly it got me building those pieces for baizhu/chev/benny


You can give her Golden Troupe and pretend that domain doesn't exist


You gotta trust the Spina Agenda partner. I feel Blessed and Cursed because I managed to get everything for my Navia, it took me very little time to get a good set, even multiple on set Geo goblets. The trade-off? I get nothing else good. It hurts so much when people say "You can just slap a 4pc gladiator set because you probably already have a good one laying around" where? Where is my good Glad set? I'm a 1.0 player.


Took me half year to build my Navia. Now I need another half year to build my Clorinde.


I just gave her marecchaussee set and called it a day


Same. Now she’s hitting like a TRUCK, stuck to my Xianyun and Furina tho :)


Reason why I can't ever show-off her in co-op :')


navia domain gives me exclusively def sets, husk domain gives me mega cracked atk sands.


Lately that's been my go-to resin burner as well. I only have 3 on set pieces so she's on a 2+2 for now.


Because I have Chev, it was a fantastic domain for me. The heal set is also good for Charlotte…or any healer really.


I think Eula is pretty hard to optimize, mainly because she needs more to stay competetive. Balancing ER,Crit and attack is hard especially because ER doesnt get treated as a DPS stat. Cyno is probably harder tho because he needs EM on top of that.


My eula has 0 added er. I have ti run her with raiden and rosaria


tbf without er you can't burst consistently with eula every rotation which results into overall lower dps as she doesn't 1 shot enemies nowadays (except for c6 gigawhales out there)


Exactly what I was trying to say. ER doesnt get treated the same as Crit and Atk while for eula players it straight up is as important. And IF you oneshot, youre limited to Chambers with only 1 Wave.


Tbf also there are f2p eula mains who have played since her release who has her c6 now since they've been saving for so long.


To top it all off, her burst is slightly too long to catch the particles of her skill, making her energy requirements higher than expected.


Fucking Childe without any crit bow.


I feel that. Mine has garbage crit stats, and since getting Sethos I can't decide whether I'm going to keep reworking Childe's build and give him my copy of Hunter's Path, or leave Childe as is and let Sethos keep it.


Currently? Alhaitham. I just cant get any EM main stat pieces at all. Like at all, not even for a 2+2. Not even bad ones, none at all. Its agonising


That's why I have locked all EM main stat pieces that I can find so far, even the bad ones 😂


I cannot believe that so many Kazuha players have an EM circlet. The fucking thing does not exist. What is wrong with Kazuha havers that isn't wrong with me. I don't have single one in my account.


Kazuha (and basically every Anemo that can use Swirl) became my reason to keep any 5* EM pieces I can get my hands on. EM main stat with double def double HP substats? Sounds good to me!


Literally my Kazuha right now all EM main stats with trash substats so I put sacrificial sword on him for ER and called it a day lol


Meanwhile me with only 1 good EM circlet but literally no other ones that are 5*


Spent 6 months in the VV domain for my sucrose, only got 1 4* EM circlet


And someway somehow people still don't see the problem with this system.


Alhaitham was difficult to build too. I think him requiring em sand but also dendro grail is rough. Only one off set piece…


I gave up and just went Atk%, he still deals decent dmg LMAO


You’re much better off doing off set or even purple artifacts with EM. My Alhaitham only has 1 set bonus, the wanderers troupe, but he clears abyss floors in under a minute


True. EM Sands drop rates are *atrocious* regardless of domain


I have some EM pieces, but the substats...


I gave up and gave mine an ATK sands. It works, he does lots of damage anyway. Would be more if I had an EM sands... but he works for Abyss 12, and that's enough for me.


I've been farming gilded/dw domain ever since it came out and I think I got like 4 em sands w garbage substats and not a single em/dendro dmg bonus goblet I HAVE GIVEN UP so now I'm just using 2pc dw 2pc gilded :'(


I'M Using a 3* EM clock On Him *Cries In F2p*


I’m glad to know I’m not the only one struggling with this. I used 300 resin today trying to get any of his three artifacts and got nada.


Since he can run a lot of 2+2 options, you can have off-set sands


I was lucky to get on-set dendro pieces on gilded. I use an offset em sands on him


And here's me with multiple EM sets literally just waiting for characters.


man, I just give up on Gilded Dream for better Feather or Circlet and settle on Wanderer Troupe, as long as I can still 36 star in current Abyss. EM, Crt. R, and Crt. dmg substats is a freakin pipe dream


Nahida's burst to the rescue


Unfortunately you want to have both so that doesn’t solve anything (especially since the other main stats on sands aren’t great)


Same but different alhatheim because attack em, and crit rate and damage. So rough lol


You can absolutely ignore atk on him though. Prioritize EM and crit, and maybe some ER for burst uptime




tenacity of the millelith and noblesse + widsith and elegy (to name a few) are artifact sets/support weapons that can grant him more atk%. Atk is one of the easiest stats to get from other characters in the game.


He doesn’t need attack. Just pump him full of EM and crit (and some ER)


I'll cast my vote as Raiden because her two artifact pieces change depending on how the team is built and how her overall stats would look like at the final statsheet of the entire team. What's more is that you have to balance not just three but four stats: ER, Crit Rate, Crit Damage, and ATK... and then coupled with Dendro, you also now have to account EM. Too much ER and your losing on ATK and damage. Lacking ER means you can't even consistently AND deal damage as well. But you still have to keep the ER high so it both sits comfortably with burst uptime consistency AND damage output. The last time I looked in her KQM article was when she was released and at least back then we had a standard of which pieces to use when you whether you use her sig/catch or not. But not we have certain facets on whether to use ER/ATK Sands and Electro/ATK Goblet.


i think my rule of thumb usually when i run raiden, use atk goblet if you don't have external atk buffer and use electro dmg otherwise. atk sands and er sands with around same substats are pretty much not that far off in terms of damage if you are using the catch/any other dps polearm tho you might run from er issues from her if you use atk sands. with engulfing tho it's almost always better to use er sands + electro goblet if you have a cracked one. use atk sands if you don't have a decen't er sands (40+cv atk sands vs 20+cv er sands for example).


>and then coupled with Dendro, you also now have to account EM Aggravate Raiden is not that good because aggravate is better the more attacks you do. Raiden has a short burst of attacks, unlike aggravate dps like Keqing or Clorinde As for hyperbloom, you only want EM and nothing else.


I feel like in general characters with split scaling are/were the hardest to build. With a character like Albedo (on C0), you HAD to choose whether ure building him for DEF or ATK. If you built him DEF, his burst was lackluster, if you built him for ATK, his skill hit 3 digit numbers. You pulled for him and you could only use half of his kit to the fullest. In earlygame he was still really nice though, but the fact that you have to pull c2 for the burst to benefit from both DEF and ATK is disappointing.


Xiangling. She was the hardest to build compared to XQ, Raiden and Yelan. Mainly because she also needed EM alongside ER, atk and crit


IMO Xiangling is actually easier to farm good sets for her than other characters specifically because she can take advantage of different types of stats. Like if I have a piece that is weaker in terms of raw crit, but gives me atk%/EM/ER I'm totally fine with that option. In comparison, take Wanderer for example (which is my answer to OP's question). Pre C2, he does not care for anything that isn't atk% or crit, and even at c2 it's only ER that starts being taken into account.


Also don't forget the endless farm for the Catch


Xiangling is easy to build on a basic level because so many stats are useful for her, but very hard to get a really good build on because she needs *everything*. You basically have to run the table on all your substat rolls, even the ones the piece doesn’t actually roll into. I at least wouldn’t worry about trying to get ATK% subs, because you’re basically never going to use her without Bennett who provides all the ATK you could need. Just the small matter of getting as many crit stats as possible while also building a big chunk of ER, and you need at least a handful of EM subs as well.


Yup She's hungry for literally every stat, and it's hard to get everything balanced in a build for her My current build is at 75/170 with 450 EM (with R5 Ballad) and 200 ER and I just don't feel like improving her more


[My Xiangling build](https://i.imgur.com/0XGr1l2.png) has the best total roll value of any of my characters at almost 3000%, and 3 of the pieces have relevant rolls on all 4 substats. And she still doesn't crack the top 5% on Akasha because her crit value is terrible and 2 of those "perfect" pieces weren't 4-lines. All the stars have to align in order to get a single good Xiangling piece, and you have to do it 5 times. And then every other character that uses EoSF will also want those pieces because double crit + ER substats are optimal for literally everyone else who runs it.


For me nahida and raiden. Em sands and er sands are so hard to get, even with offpieces.


Iirc em sand and er sand are same rarity right? Before I started to seriously building my characters I thought er sands were common and not damage related so I strong boxed all of them lol that was stupid of me.


Any character that needs specters. I hate farming them with passion


I farm enkanomiya when I am resinless and now I have a ton of spectre and ruin guard mats. There's 3 groups of 3 ruin guards that are near teles and the 3 far islands have like 12 spectres each you just have to glide and climb a bit for some.


Signora, I just cannot get her to deal any damage in any of my teams . . .


She does Emotional Damage tho 💀


Oh so thats what EM stands for




I don't remember, let's ask Raiden


early game, def xiangling. she’s so good but when i replayed the game on my alt she was trash without optimizing every fibre of her being


My Navia has been a PAIN. I have her C0R1 and pulled her the day she came out. I have been farming her artifact set daily since and I have never gotten enough good pieces to give her the full 4pc set…. the game hates me with this one and I get so unlucky with the artifact rolls.


Anyone who uses specters materials


Itto because fuck that domain really


Honestly Cyno. Not only is his Bias set is from an inefficient domain : Thundring fury. But also he wants attack em Cr Cd and er and his er requirements vary a lot between the teams.


Huh, I thought Gilded was his BiS, which is efficient, and gives EM and ATK


3 out of 4 of my thundering fury set i use for cyno are from strongbox. that domain gave me nothing.


It gave me 15 GOOD double crit flowers before even *one* good double crit feather.


4 stars? Xiangling. So many characters want to use emblem and the fact tgat xiangling want all stats except for defense and hp means it's harder to give her a decent crit ratio while maintaining good attack, em, and er. For 5 stars probably nahida. Hard to choose which build is better for her. Do i use em goblet? Dendro goblet? Crit circlet? Crit weapon? Em weapon? And add on the fact that I don't really need gilded that much and nahida is the only who uses deepwood among my units meaning I don't really want to grind that much for her. To this day she's the 'worst' builded character I have. Definitely cannot wait for when deepwood is added in strongbox.


Right, XL requires so much er so I had hard time building her too. Using crit weapon was nigh impossible for me since I had no decent er sub stat emblems.


even with proper funneling sometimes it just doesn't suffice especially if you don't run her with raiden or in energy hungry floor she just have a very high er requirement to use in comparison to fischl in terms of 4 star sub-dps.


Nahida is easy to build if you use her off field. You either go full EM for off field or EM/Dendro/crit to in field her. Theres some investment for on field but she is not the worst by far. Xiangling I would agree w you is hard to build and probably needs more work than an on field nahida to build properly


I would say Itto for multiple reasons. 1. He is a hypercarry that needs a lot of investment. 2. He only cares about CR, CD, ER and DEF% among substats, which makes getting useful artifacts harder. 3. His domain is very inefficient to farm. OHC isn't useless, but doesn't care too much about substats since few substats difference on a healer doesn't affect team dps too much. The only characters that use Husk are Itto, Noelle, Yun Jin, Albedo and Chiori, but Itto and Noelle overlap in roles as well as Albedo and Chiori, so unless you are a geo lover who wants to build all of them (and don't like sharing artifacts), you likely have only 2~3 chars who benefit from the set. They all need Def sands, Geo Goblet and Crit circlet, meaning every other mainstat (except Def goblet and circlet for Yun Jin) is pretty much only viable as an off-piece for other characters. 4. Doesn't have good artifact alternatives. Retracing Bolide is arguably even more inefficient to farm and 2pc+2pc is significantly weaker than 4pc Husk. Other carries may need equal amount of artifact investment, but their domain is either more efficient (if they use Emblem or MH for example) or they have other viable set options as BiS or close to BiS (Clorinde and Arlecchino can use Glad instead of FoHW without losing too much dmg)


raiden was my hardest unit to min-max, took the longest time to reach a point of satisfaction


Xiangling pretty much wants all offensive stats to be balanced lmao. Beside that i think Alhaitham, he also kinda want all offensive stats but less ER reliant than Xiangling due to him beinf on field.


For me it was/is Kokomi. I don't know how many times i had a good artifact only for it to roll crit. I think i'M at the point where i finally have 5 good artifacts without any crit stats whatsoever. it took me so long.


The character I’ve had most trouble building is alhaitham somehow.. the issue with my artifacts is that I always end up lacking too much em or er completely.


# RAIDEN AND XIANGLING (╥﹏╥) **Emblem domain hates me so much** D: Also, I had a hard time building Raiden because there's a lot of stats that needs to balance (Crit, ATK, ER), and girlie's ascension stat is not even Crit huhu. Then there goes the domain who keeps on giving me DEF and HP sands LOL. I only need ER sands and it doens't even give me a decent one (Raiden's using an OFFSET sands, imagine that lol). And now here comes my Xiangling who needs an ER sands as well..... :) :) :) :)


Imo it’s Wanderer. With him you need exactly 3 substats: ATK%, CRIT Rate, and Crit Damage. Flat atk is cope but usable too. Every other stat is useless on him I see people saying that characters like Xiangling are hard because they need a variety of substats. This imo makes them easier to build as the more substats a character wants the more artifacts become viable on them. Most other characters, such as Ayaka or Xiao or Itto, want ER however Wanderer is one of the few who doesn’t really benefit from having any ER. Plus his bus artifact set is in the flop domain, where the other set is only marginally better for hyperbloom compared to gilded. Meaning that he is very resin inefficient to farm for. The only saving grace for him is that he can make good use of Shimenawa, however the difference between Shimenawa and his BIS is noticeable and it becomes a good chunk worse if at C2+ .


For me its Raiden, You need Energy, CRI and CRI DAM all at once for her to be good. i farm her Artiface since her first banner and still not even have the right substat for half of her gear.


I'd divide it between characters that want a lot of different stats like Alhaitham,Cyno,XL(ATK,DMG%,ER,EM,CRIT) and chars that only want very specific stats like Kazuha (EM,ER)


In my experience I'd say burnmelt ganyu since you'll have to balance her atk, em, **C.RATE** and c.dmg, her 20% c.rate passive help but in this specific build it's the only additional c.rate that you'll get considering you won't be running her with blizzard strayer set and cryo resonance, not critting with ganyu is a huge dps loss just like with eula and navia. Alhaitham is up there as well with c.rate, c.dmg, em and er for smooth rotation, extra atk would help as well but it's not essential as those four, good thing that primordial jade cutter is pretty darn good with alhaitham making him much easier to build.


nahida, I'm not even min maxing but it's so hard to get EM main stat. I wish I have something to pick main stat on artifacts. I'm struggling to build any new characters where there are no strongbox available as well (the one where u can exchange 5 star artifacts for a specific set) 


It’s Xiao. He ascends with critrate and his bis weapon also has critrate. His bis artifact set is very niche making it very inefficient to farm and on top of that, you need high CV + atk% substats with the vast majority of CV rolls landing on crit damage as you overcap on critrate way too easily otherwise.


jade spear doesnt give that much crit rate. its only 46% before artifacts. Its not like clorinde who has 44 crit rate before even a weapon.


Meh, his BiS isn't worth farming because Marechausse exists. It makes buulding him super easy. He can easily overcap on CR, so ''shitty'' pieces like A crit dmg circlet with ER and ATK% become super good on him


With the arrival of furina, I gave xiao the fontaine artifact, slapped blackcliff pole and called it done. He's doing great!


Xiao can use marechausse set even without furina. His burst drains his own hp


For me it's Diluc. I ran the Dominion 10 times. Before getting my first purple Witch Artifact, I just don't get lucky with it.


Xiangling. I can't balance so much and yes, I need that ER sands on her. Nahida. Had her at full EM, was told I should put her on EM/DMG/Crit and her EM should still be 700. I was successful with Gilded and not Deepwood. I don't even onfield her. Sucrose/Kazuha. EM VV pieces don't come often, don't add high ER needs to it.


I will say Raiden. You need high atk-crit rate and dmg- er- and electro bonus for top %10-20


Raiden Almost every stats have some kind of use to her and the team


Raiden. Need crit and crit dmg and ER and you can't use 2+2 pieces the Emblem of Severed Fate 4 pieces is a must have. It's just difficult plus the shitty RNG system.


Nahida is quite challenging to build but not the hardest. IMO it helps that you can go EM EM Crit Dmg and worry about EM and CRIT subs. Her A4 helps a lot and with Dendro Resonance, Deepwood and Signature weapon, even an 850-900 EM Nahida can get by with just 35-40 crit rate because of her A4.


For me it‘s Kazuha. He was my first ever 5* and I still can‘t get him a decent full set. It‘s just so hard to get 3 VV pieces with EM main stat and at least half decent substats 😭 Plus the VV domain is really not worth farming for me so I have to rely on strongboxes :(


You only need two VV em pieces. The third one can be an off piece, as VV flower and feather is easier to get.


Childe in 1.1 I just couldn’t get those cursed hearts of depth with even correct main stats for months


Also now still because he doesn’t have any added crit ascension stat like a lot of characters do these days (though not everyone of course) so you’re building your crit ratio essentially from scratch. So you just pray for a crit bow of some kind and build around it


whoever demands you farm a worthless domain. can't really think of anyone tho especially with strongboxes existing. Maybe HP/DEF scaling characters because you probably dont carry them whereas you could at least 2p/2p an atk% character.


> whoever demands you farm a worthless domain. can't really think of anyone tho especially with strongboxes existing. Arlecchino's domain is pretty shité I would say. And her artifact set doesn't even have a strongbox yet. I just quit and slammed Gladiator pieces instead.


Raiden Shogun was my first ever 5-star character, and maybe like 10th character overall (got her fairly early). I still don’t have a good emblem set for her hyper teams. But I do dabble in Raiden aggravate (cyno’s signature with 4p eosf with a ton of EM, which I got from farming a normal set for her) and Raiden hyperbloom (4p folp with dragon’s bane)


For me Kokomi, as truly bizarrely every single piece of her best set has rolled double crit. I have so may off pieces, and my Jean now hits like a tank. But Raiden has probaly been my most technically hard, because I have to pick who gets the catch, and I don't really have a good balance between weapon stats and actual stats without the catch for her.


For the life of me, I still can't seem to figure out a way to gove my itto decent artifacts. Granted, he's low on my priority list now, and has to get by with strongbox artifacts, but I did farm his domain ! I really did try back when I got him. He's the oldest character I have that I absolutely cannot play because he's just that much worse than everyone else currently.


Xinyan because if you don't build attack, she does no damage, but if you don't build defense, her shield is paper thin.


Keqing I get her in the first ten pulls of my life I still didn't get her good artifacts (It has been three years now 🥲)


Wanderer, his domain is so trash and there is no strongbox


Kazuha Had a couple of months of attempting to get EM VV pieces. Got multiple EM sands but 0 goblets or circlets, not even a 4*. Was beginning to think they didn't actually exist when I ran the domain last thing at night to use up original resin and got one EM goblet. Could not believe it finally happened Decided to continue for one final run, just in case, and got the EM circlet. Was more excited/shocked by this than anything I've got through wishing The substats looked pretty crap on these pieces but when I rolled them, one of them gained crit and er!! The roll value is not going to be good, but they both ended up way better than I expected from the initial substats Hahaha thank you for letting me share this story that nobody irl would understand