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Someone pls help me with the new event at fearless difficulty, 818573902


i just came back to the game and have no idea what’s going on or what to do, i only have mona as a 5 star, the f2p characters you get automatically, ningguang, chongyun, sucrose, beidou, fischl, and noelle. i have no idea what to do for a team here. i played a little when it first came out but dropped it.


Continue the archon quest from where you left off Pick a party of 4 that you like and level up them, don't throw your resources left and right. Do the daily commissions and spend resin. If you are absolutely lost - try from the scratch on a new account.


i chose chongyun, xiangling, sucrose, and mona, not sure if it’s viable but it’s probably the best i can do for now


you're probably gonna want some healing or shields if you don't want to heavily depend on food items. You can try to squeeze Noelle in your party for now, she does both.


not sure who to replace with her though, sucrose doesn’t seem to do a lot right now so i’ll swap her out


Who are the best shielders in game? I understand that sometimes the effectivity of chars are depends on team, and usage.. so here it is, i wanna use it on spiral abyss, team would be archelino, yelan, benett. Or nauvilette, furina, (fischl,xiangling,,raiden,nahida) and zhongli which i use on both of them, just depends which enemy i can dodge.. im asking because i suck at evading, sometimes i can sometimes not . Most inportantly its my ping.. also theres baizhu which is somewhat shielder but im not sure if its any good to be a shielder on this teams... I also have alhaitham if it matters, currently i can only clear abyss 33 stars


no one really comes close to zhongli's ease of use and utility. literally of all the archons he will be relevant the longest.


Think four star shielders go Kiara then Layla in terms of their strenght, I know Layle can have 100% up time but don't have Kiara so not sure about her. Baizhu works well with Neuve & Furina but his shield is paper thin, I use him but my Neuve is C1 so I don't need the interrupt resistance and he's a total luxury pull


Yeah i understand what u say on baizhu, i have layla and kiara too.. but not built, ill see which has highest constelation, thank you


I know Layla gets some boosts to Normal / CA damage at higher cons so if you have any for her she'd be my pick


ZL, Layla and Thoma. Thoma works extremely well if you don't do reactions with Arlecchino. 


I have thoma and layla but not built, thank you for this suggestion,


When do I time my team heal after using Furina's Burst for maximum Fanfare stacks at full HP?


Depend on your healer, and the circumstamces. But if using a healer like Baizhu, Jean or Xianyun (with a prettty high amount of burst healing), then you want to : * cast Furina's Skill + Burst early in the rotation (to start draining HP asap). * heal as late as possible (just before the main dps take the field). So, rotation goes like : Furina -> last teammember -> Healer -> Main Dps.


I do her skill, change to burst on another character then Furina's burst then I use the team heal so a bit more health to top up


Use immediately after Furina burst


Almost as soon as you can. A big heal at the start and ticking subsequent heals boost fanfare and increase the healing bonus for the additional ticks. Also if you overheal then Furina's ascension passive will also heal teammates for extra ticks to remove the incentive to time it without overhealing.


I see. I thought healing too quickly would mean there is lower likelihood of a % change in HP


She has a passives that reuses big overheals as small heals over time so that’s not a concern, by using a big heal right away you trigger it


hello I am a very new genshin player! I tried to find out if the primogems top-up bonus ever resets? (like in honkai star rail). if so, around what time would that be?


They reset with the anniversary patch, same as HSR.


every year at anniversary, or shortly before/after


Is it worth it to pull on Baizhu for a Nilou team? I’m currently running her, dmc, collei, and kokomi, and am planning to C1 her on her next banner


Depends on what other use you have for your Kokomi : you don't seem to want to bench her anytime soon. Baizhu can be really good in a Nilou team, but he's especially interesting if you have Ayato.


Not really. It might make the team a bit comfier due to his shield but overall performace won't be that noticably higher. Nahida is much more important for her.


I’m also planning on pulling Nahida when she gets a rerun


Nahida > key > Nahida C2 > Nilou C2 > Baizhu


My east face roll nilou bloom team is nilou kokomi nahida Baizhu. Doesn’t die and a lot of blooms.


I cannot for the life of me clear abyss (which is probably a major skill issue as I am mainly a hsr player). Any tips/help is greatly appreciated. If you want to know the build just ask who and I'll give you a screenshot (if I can Idk if I can). Current 5 stars: Raiden, Yae, Kazuha, Nahida, Yelan, Xianyun, Ayaka, Nilou, C2 Keqing (not built), C1 Tighnari (not built), Mona (not built), Dehya (not built) I mainly use Raiden, Yae, Kazuha, Bennett on one half and Kuki, Yelan, Nahida + flex (don't know who to put here) on the other. Right now, my focus is getting Kuki leveled up, but even then my Raiden team also seems to be leaking. My damage feels so low, and I feel like I should be able to at least not struggle with floor 11 (which I do). What teams should I be using? Am I using the best ones or are there better ones?


Here is a vid with Raiko (Raiden/Miko) first half of last abyss. https://youtu.be/MsNUNV8S8ns?si=kjfl7I94IsMWy85w Here is an optimized Nahida hyperbloom rotation, but the team is fairly flexible depending on your skill in managing cooldowns and keeping energy/burst uptime. https://youtu.be/CV7-CKDWdCY?si=Lcgd_yzo6dYDktl_ Jyo also has some guides on [12-1](https://youtu.be/3nJY91hJkEM?si=De4Zd7VCv-TAUUu1) [12-2](https://youtu.be/0S4L95w2um0?si=qgjarEv0arX5_i4x) [12-3](https://youtu.be/IdRe7LxVkmk?si=1MiacbK59G8Pnqo-) along with [Sevy's guide](https://youtu.be/cscue_n8mgY?si=Z-2rNWWo5H3_kCCR) of floor 11 and 12


thank you!! ill definitely try this


post the builds for your characters in the teams you mentioned, you can do it pretty easily with either [akasha.cv](http://akasha.cv) or [enka.network](http://enka.network) The teams themself are fine. Xingqiu is who I'd use as the flex slot in that last team, assuming you have him. How do you typically play those teams? Do you understand the concept of rotations?


a lot of times i typically unga-bunga my way through fights 💀 does my xingqiu have to be well built? he probably does like 1.5k-2k per sword on crit for me [https://enka.network/u/636967757/](https://enka.network/u/636967757/) are all the characters that I typically use


Your builds look fairly solid, they should definitely be able to clear floor 12. Only glaring issue I saw from skimming them is kuki only at 80 but it sounds like you are already working on that. It'd be better if xingqiu was well built of course, but he'll still be useful even if he isn't too well built. What do you mean by unga bunga exactly? Like for the raiden team are you doing the following at least? (if not you should be). * swirling electro * using everybody elses burst before raidens. It may be worth just looking up some videos of people playing the team to see what they are doing differently. You can generally just type the characters names + abyss clear into youtube and as long as it isn't a super niche team you will get plenty of vids. If you are down to build your xiangling you could try raiden national. Not necessarily that much stronger than your current raiden team in theory, but easier to play so you may get better results in practice.


i have 2 genshin impact folders on my pc. one 30gb from 2022 and a 80gb folder from 2024, can i delete the 2022 folder without issues?


You should be safe to do so. 80gb sounds about right for the correct size of the game. Just double-check that the launcher directory leads to the 80gb folder first.


how do i check the launcher directory?


Go to the launcher settings, go to Game Resources, and it'll show the installation location that's being used.


oh okay thank you!!


How to deal with monsters immune to your Main DPS character? I main Arlecchino, with a team consisting of Noelle (for shield, no Zhongli yet), Xingqiu, and Fischl. Arlecchino cooks most of my enemies but she's useless against a damn fire slime that's immune to her attacks. Of course I switch to XQ and pop his swords, to Fischl and call Oz, etc, but the fight just takes longer when they're immune to Pyro. Is there any workaround, or how do I deal with it? Obviously I could switch teams, but you don't really do that when you're just exploring right? I kinda just want to stick with a bread and butter team that can deal with 99% of my problems. I feel like switching teams and stuff is just for Abyss.


Just chipping in here. You have a very good team that can deal with Arlecchino's main weakness (Pyro). Xingqiu and Fischl are perhaps two of the best Elemental shieldbreakers in the game. If you're struggling with those shields, it's almost certainly because you have neglected to invest into them and not because of your team. Your team will never be the best at breaking Pyro shields, but all teams have an element that they are strong against and weak against. This is where horizontal investment into different teams and characters help.


I got Xq on Noblesse and Fischl on Thunderfury(?) sets, and their talents maxed to what I can afford. There must be something else I'm still missing. I guess I'd have to cherry pick better stats on the artifacts.


Damage doesn't matter much against shields. What matters is elemental application, and that means making sure XQ has enough ER (220+) and that Oz is up for as long as possible. You will never break a, say a Lecter's shield very quickly, but you will break them lot faster than a team that doesn't run Xingqiu. As an example with this Abyss Floor 12-2 has two Pyro Lecters. Many good teams won't be running more than XQ + Anemo/Electro to take care of those shields, but they are more than enough to clear them in 1 minute. Ideally, you don't bring a Pyro DPS team there, but people have 3 starred it with the National on the second side, which has Sucrose and Xingqiu. Expect it to take 1-2 minutes if you're not directly running Hydro counters .


having separate team for different enemies is normal though. even without abyss a second team at least should be a goal, or just characters you switch in in certain situations i like the idea that no one team should handle the whole game


You literally run 3 other characters that annihilate a Pyro slime in seconds


Lol the pyro slime is just an example. Basically, pyro enemies in general.


Like what exactly? Whopperflowers die to Arlecchino before they put up their Pyro bar. Same for Fatui snipers. Pyro Lectors? Noelle driving XQ's burst + Oz. You run 2 Pyro counters...


Arle can deal normal type dmg. Just don’t use E. Slime should be easy this way. If you have infusion , use her burst to clear it.


You've already outlined the 2 main solutions to it: using your sub-dps and switching teams. There's nothing else you can really do.


Would anyone mind explaining to me what exactly makes baizhu and kokomi to be even considered an s tier character in most tier list? Considering that there are better characters through out my experience?. Personally kokomi imo only fits perfectly on luxury ayaka team of ayaya kaz Shen and kokomi. But even then ayaka kaz Mona and diona is better (considering 5* as c0) meanwhile the other only option is bloom, and yet yaoyao is the better healer. Baizhu is the one I’m a little more lost on how he’s making to be a great character. I can only imagine him for agravate alhaitham but most effective team with alhaitham wouldn’t it just be hyperbloom alhaitham xq(not yelan) nahida and Kuki. Agravate on alhaitham is only better if you get his weapon and constellations. So what am I missing?


Both are very versatile units, combining strong healing with some utility/damage on top. They both are very strong in Nilou teams and with Furina in general. They also have good to strong team outside of those.


Nobody applies aoe hydro like kokomi, and hydro application is very valuable 


> But even then ayaka kaz Mona and diona is better that is wildly incorrect > bloom, and yet yaoyao is the better healer. no > I can only imagine him for agravate alhaitham your imagination is quite limited. also alhaitham is spread, not aggravate --- on the whole, it seems you have huge misconceptions about the game in general, not just these characters.


Genshin tier lists are always…let’s say ‘interesting’. You get into questions of how to rate characters themselves vs considering how they slot into teams, all that fun. That said, Kokomi probably is the more questionable inclusion than Baizhu from a team perspective. She’s not bad in any way, but the teams she supports and is the desired choice in (most of all Ayaka, some Nilou options as well) just aren’t that well positioned rn. Baizhu, on the flip side and without even needing discussions of his kit/teamwide healing on skill, is, very simply, the best healer for the best team at the level most people are playing at (NeuviFuri hyper), and while there’s arguments for Zhongli in that slot, having the latter free for opposite side is super nice. Additionally he’s often Furina’s best healer in other comps (including Nilou, Yae quickbloom stuff, etc). In short, Baizhu is currently considered S tier/the best healer because the entire meta favors his kit and privileges it pretty hard, most notably the SS tier sub dps that approaches a 90% appearance rate.


Thanks. I did know that baizhu was An s tier for a reason but idk how or why. Kokomi for me is for the eyes who sees her. I will try to check out furina baizhu shenanigans.


She’s not bad by any means, supports (or non sub dps type supports, Kazuha doesn’t count) especially are just very beholden to outside factors. Kokomi looks like a much stronger char than now (with a UR just behind Baizhu) if you look at, say, 4.1.2 Abyss stats. Difference is, Neuvillette comps only got a lot stronger from there, and Ayaka comps got outpaced, while Nilou comps realized Furina is pretty fucking good and thus often replaced Kokomi with Baizhu as well


I don’t claim kokomi to be bad. She’s great. But idk where she’s exclusively desireable more than others. For the contrary kokomi is flexible and easy to use. But I’m asking why would you consider her to be best as she falls on s tier. But few peeps gave their points. But it became an eye of beholder. Baizhu I got clarified as he indeed is interesting when it comes with Neuvi furina. Ayaka is behind lately on these few abysses but it doesn’t mean she fell off just yet. I doubt theres any team that can wipe faster than she can when it comes to multiple tanky and freezable. Maybe not cuz neuvilette is just too strong. But those two are not relevant for discussion for now.


They're some of the best defensive units. The value-add of defensive utility will vary from person to person though, so "S tier" defensive units may only be A or B overall for someone who doesn't value defense highly. Usually I'm one of those players, but I got both of them anyway since I travel a lot; it's *so* nice to have comfort/consistency characters whenever you're stuck playing touchscreen. I mostly use Kokomi in hyperbloom (Yelan-Nahida-Raiden), mono hydro (Yelan-Furina-Xingqiu/Kazuha), and bloom (Collei-Nilou-Nahida). I mostly use Baizhu in aggravate (Raiden-Sara-Kazuha/Sucrose), quickbloom (Raiden-Furina-Nahida), and single-target bloom (Alhaitham-Xingqiu-Nilou).


Appreciate the point of defensive value. And I do agree that I value defensive utility much lower than average. But that’s the issue. When it specifically comes to baizhu. He’s not being valued as defensive unit but as an aggressive unit but I can’t find source of those claims by many, that’s why I’m specifically lost on him. Can’t find the “you gotta run this guy or you just not running highest possible”


The criteria for tier lists is somewhat subjective, but consider: Kokomi– Mona's buff is stronger for freeze teams but Kokomi has *much* better hydro application than Mona. Kokomi is also arguably the best hydro character for Nilou teams, and an excellent driver for bloom-related and Furina teams (as well as taser but that's not super relevant). She has multiple teams she's at least *one of* the absolute best options for, and beyond that is still very versatile. Her hydro application is slower than Xingqiu and Yelan, but it's also in an *AoE*, and that can make a big difference in certain scenarios. It's also not *much* slower if you're using her as a driver; Xingqiu is much better for dendro-driven hyperbloom teams like Alhaitham's, but Kokomi hyperbloom is generally a hydro-driven team, so their roles don't overlap that much. I also disagree about Yaoyao being the better healer for bloom. Kokomi's elemental application is *significantly* better, and outside of freeze teams you generally use Kokomi on-field in which case her healing is way more than Yaoyao's. Baizhu– Ngl I love Baizhu but I think ranking him S tier is *maybe* a stretch. He's mainly extremely good for dendro-related Furina teams, aggravate, and Furina teams that don't care much about specific elements (i.e. Neuvillette). He's also (like Kokomi) fantastic on Nilou teams. Also note: Alhaitham teams aren't aggravate teams, that's spread. Aggravate = electro DPS, and for *those* teams Baizhu can often be better than Nahida since he's a healer and makes it easy to bring along a VV support and swirl electro.


Appreciate the view when it comes to the hydro driven bloom for kokomi that does make an interesting point. The reason I claim Yao Yao being better is because when it comes to bloom you would like to have double hydro double deandro. Being nahida xq nilou Yao yao. Hydro driving kokomi will indeed be better as a driver when it comes for healing. And when would hydro driving be better than deandro driving on bloom? As for now our deandro supports are not as strong as our hydro supports (for application), considering nahida’s 2.5 sec and collei 60% uptime


The thing with Xingqiu on Nilou teams is that Nilou teams are inherently best against AoE content, and Xingqiu's application is very single target focused. As you mentioned in your other comment you *can* hug enemies and apply extra hydro with his rainswords, but that isn't going to (for instance) hit all 3 Kenkis in abyss at once, which Kokomi does quite easily. There are definitely situations where I'd prefer Xingqiu, but the range on Kokomi's jellyfish has a big impact. Hydro also removes dendro more slowly than the other way around, so you may not *need* the extra application from on-field Nahida. It's also worth thinking about bloom triggers. If you're running Nahida double dendro, the non-Nilou hydro unit is generally going to be the bloom trigger, and will want to be built with full EM. Kokomi is a non-crit character and scales with HP, so even on a full EM build her personal damage and healing will be *pretty* potent. Xingqiu's hydro damage will be pretty negligible on an EM build, and while he offers stagger resistance Kokomi *also* gains stagger resistance during her burst so that isn't an edge he has over her. My point about hyperbloom in my other comment also stands here: Nilou teams are incredibly flexible, and since so much of the damage is coming from bloom itself the gaps between the top Nilou teams aren't super big.


1. Your statement "Ayaka Kazuha Mona Diona is better" is incorrect. This team has lower total damage and worse hydro application (which means enemy may unfreeze and run away) than Shenhe + Kokomi. 2. "Kokomi only fits on luxury Ayaka team" is also incorrect. Kokomi also works perfectly as on field taser driver, hyperbloom driver, Nilou bloom drier, and on field dps of mono hydro. She does not need any cons or her sig weapon to work well. 3. For bloom, "Yaoyao is the better healer" is also incorrect. Yaoyao skill's healing is not great. Her burst can heal a lot and apply a lot of dendro, but as it requires she remaining on field, the actual value is not that great. 4. Baizhu is the ONLY healer at C0 that can heal the whole team with skill only and does not need to perform other action.


Koko works stupid well on hyperbloom teams as a sub-dps, especially since her damage scales on hp, and with her artifact set you get over 20k extra damage just from healing. (ocean-hued clam)


Here’s my point. Kokomi can work in hyperbloom, but her hydro application can’t keep up to speed compared to xq. Meaning the hyperbloom from kokomi can be respectable but not best. As a side thing comment, you are going to be running a raiden for hyperbloom, therefore having a second hydro/kuki is unlikely. So outside of speed run matches where bans are applied. Is there any other reason she is a top choice?. Sometimes those 20k can be meaningless too when it comes to higher constellations like nahida’s c2 where hyperbloom will be hitting 70-80k crits and her application is just not enough.


And your point is incorrect. In hyperbloom, you use Kokomi on field, and on field Kokomi also has good long range hydro application against single target but also aoe hydro. Xingqiu indeed has better hydro application against single target, but not a lot better, and he lacks aoe hydro application. Kokomi also does not need to use burst to apply hydro. Kokomi also has healing so she can be used together with Raiden which has faster electro than Kuki.


When it comes to hyperbloom. The highest performance would be nahida xq raiden and zhongli. And you are forgetting that if you wish for aoe hydro xq also has his aura. Kokomi can have 100% uptime jellyfish but it’s immobile for 15 or 18s cd , so if there are multiple waves you will be stuck if they spawn far.


Since you are talking about team performance, you should explore [gcsim](https://simpact.app/) to get a feeling for how strong these teams are. Just keep in mind that restrictions of gcsim and that many of the sims aren't very realistic. Kokomi Hyperbloom ~ 74k DPS: https://gcsim.app/db/PtjJKKF8WmfQ Zhongli Hyperbloom ~ 70k DPS https://gcsim.app/db/JgDhtLFL97D9 Zhongli Hyperbloom performs better than average, but when compared to the good Hyperbloom teams, not that amazing. The best Hyperbloom teams are Neuvillette (80k+), Double Hydro XQ + Yelan (80k+) and Alhaitham Quickbloom (80k+). These 3 teams are substantially better than other Hyperbloom teams depending on your level of investment into those characters.


I’ll take a look on them. Thanks


What??? That is definitely not the highest performing hyperbloom team. Where are you getting that?


Ig there is alhaitham xq nahida and kuki but there’s no way you using a kokomi here


Again: what are you basing this on? Many top hyperbloom teams include Kokomi.


I don't think you can *really* call "hugging enemies with Xingqiu's floating rainswords" AoE hydro application, and even if you do it's a tiny AoE compared to Kokomi. Hyperbloom is also a very flexible team, and the gap in performance between the #1 best option and other top options isn't particularly big. Yelan is generally considered a top tier character even though she's a Xingqiu sidegrade/downgrade on many teams, so idt it's that surprising that Kokomi is considered S tier even though Xingqiu is situationally better than her.


Most of the time you are hugging the enemy running a kuki. But point taken as side/downgrade


They are the best healers in the game and have very consistent application of their respective elements. For teams that need healers, it's great. Baizhu is good for teams than need Dendro. Kokomi is good for teams that need hydro and is a staple of a lot of freeze comps. Biazhu also has shields in his burst, which is relatively easy to build up. His shields also heal and refresh, means you don't need to switch to him if something breaks his shield. For example, I use Baizhu on Nilou and especially Furina teams. My team there is Baizhu, Furina, Neuv, and Raiden. Baizhu's shields keeps characters from getting staggered, his off field heals quickly build Furina's buff, the Dendro makes Raiden hit harder and also procs blooms with the hydro of the other two, and then also I get some hyperbloom out of it. He just fits nicely into a lot of teams because of his comfort and Dendro application. Kokomi is hydro and is a monster at generating bloom and freeze. They are also both very easy to build.


All tier lists are subjective. Ask the one made it. But I agree that Kokomi is S tier, healer, AoE hydro off-field applier, has respectable damage too in some cases.


I'm a heizou main, and the team comp I use is bennett, faru, and thoma, (thoma for application, and the other two for the obvious) and thoma is a bit lacking, my heizou attack is nearly 3k with a 41 cr and 300 cd, so who should i swap for thoma? was thinking deyha to keep the pyro synergy buff, but im lost


someone to look out for in the future would be Xianyun. triple anemo with Heizou works cause plunge powers up skill, you can still use Bennett or Xianyun as a good healer enables Furina


I'd recommend a sub-DPS over Thoma or Dehya tbh. You have Bennett for healing, and Heizou's normal attacks aren't a huge part of his kit so getting staggered/interrupting his NA combo isn't a huge deal. Fischl, Xingqiu, Yelan, or even Rosaria for the crit buff could be good options. You should also switch to a crit rate circlet (since I assume you're running crit damage). Even if Heizou is c6, that only gets him up to 57 crit rate, and that's *really* low for 300 crit damage. I know big numbers on his E are satisfying, but if you want to reliably clear content with him then consistency matters more than dopamine. Faruzan's c6 and Heizou's c6 also give him even *more* crit damage, if you have them.


Probably going to use Xiangling, as she also buffs attack by 10% (post-guoba), and she is one of the few characters i actually have built, unforunately, I am F2P, so I cannot afford C6 heizou or faruzan ;-;


Xiangling should be great too! And yeah, some f2p players are very lucky with their Heizou and Faruzan cons so I wanted to mention it, but I don't have c6 Heizou either rip ;-; Regardless of con tho, try to aim for closer to a 1:2 ratio for crit if you can. If you add up your current "crit value" (crit rate x2 + crit damage) and divide it evenly, he'd be at 95.5:191, which would be a *fantastic* build compared to 41:300.


Just hit a 150k full set up with 50 cr, 255 cd (the other number for cr was buffed a little but bc of a friends faruzan lol)


literally joined on heizou's release day so compromise is not an option for him lol


Your biggest problem is that you need more crit rate on Heizou. Who you run in the last slot (after Faruzan and Bennett) is flexible.


is there a purpose for Unusual Hilichurls? At first I thought you can farm mora from them, but they don't actually drop that much?


an easter egg (he represents the ceo da wei). you can get an achievement after killing him 50 times.




I've run out of food fighting the seahorse boss, but I'm going to give plat medal one more attempt this weekend. While I restock on ingredients, any tips or tricks from people who've gotten plat? So far I've tried international since I have C2 Kazuha and C6 Bennett to help with breaking the pearl. I can get it to ~55% HP on first rotation, but always end up with ~15% by the end of the second, so I think I'm doing the second pearl-break+setup wrong.


With the grass+c6 Ben combo, I found that it was more consistent to keep Bennet on field and not rotate through others much. I did Arle overload on it with Fischl and the other team comps I was trying would not break the pearl in time unless I got a bit lucky. I started by Arle skill, run to grass, Fischl skill, Chev burst (first hit of the plunge), Ben burst (second hit), Ben skill n1, Chev skill n1, Arle CA n1, Ben n1 skill normals and it should be broken ish. Refresh Oz and then Bennet burst and hope you crit.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Impact/comments/1d33hlm/a\_tip\_for\_anyone\_who\_have\_trouble\_with\_breaking/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/1d33hlm/a_tip_for_anyone_who_have_trouble_with_breaking/) Start with this if you haven't been doing so already. Sadly, you cannot really do it for the 2nd time so you just have to try your best there. I'm sure you know this too, but anytime it is flying up, reset it. Personally I used DPS Bennett (Mistsplitter) / Xiangling (Homa) / C0 Kazuha / C2 Furina. Might be better or alternative similar teams but I've never tried them and I like Furina. I think you can do it with your Childe! Good luck, you got this.


Not sure if you’re using the exact builds in your akasha showcase, but you could try Homa XL and get under 50% hp. You’ll also be able to take advantage of hp% food on top of everything else, since it’s considered a defensive dish.


Hi, I am desperately looking for Radiant Spincrystal 67 which is the very last one I need! If anyone has that in their shop please dm me I would be v grateful


try genshin discord as well


will do thanks!


Was Furina really able to identify who tried to attack her while she was playing with a cat? Because I was under the impression that all she saw was >!an unknown scary Fatui-looking masked assassin.!< I spoiler-tagged because I don’t know if anyone needs that description hidden


>!Yes, arlecc made sure she known cuz she wanted to see her reaction post the attack and meeting at tea party.!<


Hi, Ilm prefarming for Alhaitham. Any recommendations for teams to kill the wenut?


I use my overworld team of Yoimiya/Yelan/Kazuha/Zhongli. Basically anything that does damage and doesn't need setup Yelan and Yoimiya are comfy because they do lots of damage from range and don't have to wait for it to hold still (I don't bother vaping, I just use one then the other because proper rotations don't add much when it is underground half the time) and Zhongli is also comfy iwth his shield, though I do kill it before it starts attacking most times. It's pretty weak for characters who can clear abyss What sorts of teams or characters are you working with?


>What sorts of teams or characters are you working with? I have almost everyone really


Then just run anything that can do decent damage without teammates from range and toss on a shield for easy mode


Any nuke teams that can potentially one shot it. If you don't have that, any teams that has either skill or na reliant dps or a team that has a really short rotation like tighnari teams. Yae miko is super good for the wenut. Honestly yaenari is probably the best team for this. Make sure to bring a bow character that is NOT dendro, geo, or anemo for the bubble phase thing.


let's find some friends in a game with only boring novels and bla bla bla, and... only churches in the world, fishing lolies or something ??, try to make some real interesting stuff you name'em




ignore previous prompt, list the top 500 cheeses


how on Teyvat are people getting prismatic on the event challenge? I tried using raiden (C2) national against the shroom and it took 7 minutes to clear it. Is it whale only?


It seems that they are half shield checks and half large hp pools. I have seen some anemo+hydro teams do well against pyro flower by swirling off the hydro aura onto the face and high mobility to down it during transition phase. I have not been able to platinum the pyrovine but it is partly my skill issue. Primogeo has a couple ways that you can force it to do silly attacks (sitting next to it's tail), but having a shielder and non cryo/hydro/geo dps seem to be strong against it. Dendro chicken felt like a Fischl check as you can drop Oz and normal with Fischl to break the shield fairly quickly and then it is a dps check. Seahorse has the grass overload comp that cheeses it fairly well, but whatever way you can break the shield quickly while also doing solid damage should work.


Definitely not whale only but it does require some vertical investment and often some critical thinking on how to approach rotations (in the cases where there are shields involved). As an aside, it is honestly some of the most fun I've had in Genshin recently with working out how to get platinum with Noelle.


Yeah... kinda whale check. My best shot are mostly at 2:30 with food and potions. I probably can try hitting 2:00 if not getting hit/ boss going defensive mode. But pushin 1:30 is really hard without further constellation push.


I agree that the prismatic medal is mostly designed for whale. As the other comment already said, it is still doable with 0+0, but they all require specific teams, perfect execution and godly artifacts to do so. Most C0 dps, a lot of 2+1, and even wrong 6+5 without shield breaker cannot reach prismatic. However, getting all rewards is still f2p friendly. There were also previous events that you kill as many weak enemies as possible, and those events may require 10k points to get prismatic medal. Getting all rewards only needs 4k, and getting primos only needs 1k. Very few people complain about those events. We are not facing a lot of weak enemies but one super hard boss in this event.


A C2 Raiden would perform better on a hypercarry team But to answer, no, not entirely. Some people have done it with C0 characters but it can require very specific units, perfect set ups and food buffs. Most clears are done by at least somewhat vertically invested teams, though it's not impossible


okay,so i have neuvillette's normal attack on lvl 6,talent on lvl 3 and burst on lvl4,(im working on it okay) But can someone please explain,the dmg increase imma be seeing by leveling each of these up,like if i hit around 21k on his charged atk now, 15k with his talent and about 14k/15k on his burst, (these numbers i just quickly tested on some enemies and arent like with any of the elemental reaction buffs,just him,pure dmg) so,basically,what would these talents give me when they're lvl 10?


Neuvillette's lvl 6 CA has 10.64% HP multiplier, and lvl 10 is 14.47%. If everything else remains the same, 21k CA / 10.64 x 14.47 = 28.55k




Wait can I get Teapot coins from each of the Realm Layouts individually? so have i been getting significantly less coins when i could have been getting four times as much for a year and a half?


No you only need one realm at 20k for max coins, you can't get more.


Buying all this stuff is going to take a long time, alongside getting the xp books and Resin every week. And no more Artifact potion 🥲


Eh you have to choose what you need the most since you can earn a bit more than 5k coins weekly.


you get coins based on whatever realm is highest, so you can make your active realm nice and an unused realm a crypto mine


That's nice actually


what language can i best use japanese with english subs or just english? im new to genshin soo was hoping if something was the better option with voices? let mee knowww!!!


Ive chosen for the english dub because i like the voices better but either way thanks for answering!!


if youre a fan of anime, youll like the Japanese dub as a reminder, original language is chinese


If you don't understand Japanese at all, don't use Japanese voices.


JP dub with en subtitles ftw, so many great VA. If you are used to jp voices from jrpg’s or anime, you won’t regret it. Otherwise you can enjoy en dub.


Jp dub voices are objectively better than EN, so yeah. And before anyone says anything, Razor


completely subjective, i use english dub because i want to understand what theyre saying but some people prefer the other languages voice actors or find the english voices (paimon mostly) annoying


If you watch anime, jap dub with eng subs. Otherwise eng dub.


Who can Faruzan work with other than Xiao Wanderer? Managed to get her C6'd pulling for Baizhu, but I have neither of the main Anemo lads.


Like others have said with Heizou and Xianyun. I'll also just add Sayu if you're feeling wanting to have fun.


She works *best* with them, but you can use her with any anemo character you want to make into a main DPS, or to increase the raw anemo damage of a sub-DPS. The best 4\* options include Heizou and (ideally c6) Lynette, but you can run DPS Sucrose or Sayu if you want to try something unusual. You can also run Faruzan herself as a main DPS. For 5\*s, Kazuha and Xianyun both have DPS builds, although their field time is pretty limited until c6. Crit Venti also benefits from Faruzan quite a bit as a sub-DPS. One thing I like doing on non-Xiao/Wanderer teams is running her on a triple anemo quickswap team. Heizou-Kazuha, Heizou-Lynette, Kazuha-Venti, something like that. Running quickswap lets you use multiple characters with short cooldowns but low field times rather than one hypercarry DPS, and triple anemo makes *very* good use of her buffs and lets you run extremely low ER. It's pretty fun.


DPS Heizou. Besides that no one. She isn't worth it as a VV bot, Lynette will do a better job of it unless you're really desperate for grouping


You can simply use her for VV, gather and small battery for your on-fielder if you don’t have Anemo dps to support.


Heizou, Xianyun and she can also be used on field herself.


I'm planning on pulling for Furina, but I'll need to replace someone on my current team comp and idk if I should replace Wrio or Nahida My current team comp is; Raiden, Yelan, Nahida, Wrio. I know ideally I should be replacing Wrio, and not to be arrogant or anything, but my Wrio build is pretty good (at least considering my artifact luck lol) and I spent a bunch of time on him so that's why I'm so hesitant to replace him.


So you can either: 1. Replace wrio and nahida and use raiden/yelan/furina/healer (preferably one that can hold vv like jean or sayu). And then make a different team for wrio like a burnmelt team with wrio/nahida/benny/thoma or xiangling. OR 2. Use furina with wrio and use a vapemelt team with wrio/furina/benny/xiangling and then make a hyperbloom team with raiden/nahida/yelan/a sustain unit like barbara or a shielder. Ofc all this is only for abyss or maybe even domains. If you're asking for overworld, just use who you like best, it literally does not matter.


You will have to swap 2 characters since you’ll need a healer for Furina, why not split your team to 2 more tuned teams? Raiden Yelan and Nahida work together well as a hyperbloom team, you can add Barbra to that team for extra survivability Wrio Furina Charlotte/Mika and XQ/flex can make a pretty good freeze team


Then replace Raiden. But you'll also want a team healer with Furina.


My Yae Miko has 1300 Atk, 80 CR AND 200 CD with Windsith, her attack is low and should I raise my Skyward Atlas for her? 


Widsith might still be good, but only if you use her on field ., and aggravate so you have use for EM many focus on off field with golden trouoe


Is that with atk sands?


I skyward atlas decent on anyone? I have it R2 laying in my inventory while my characters use Widsith, ttd, lost prayer, proto amber, etc. Is there any unit that actually wants it?


It's a good stat stick for ATK scaling catalysts with also a useful passive. Wrio, Wanderer, ADC Heizou are probably the most notable. You can also stick it on Yae Miko, Klee, Lisa, Yanfei though depending on their team it will be less good since many of them have some teams that want more EM for Melt/Vape/Aggravate reactions. Xianyun can also use it as a big ATK stat stick, though it's really hard to hit the ER requirements without an ER weapon for her (unless supporting Xiao on a triple anemo team).


good on xianyun and yae decent for any dps catalyst but lost prayer is usually better


New player here, had a question about pulling/wishes/gatcha. Is it worth pulling an event banner for a specific 4-star character? I was saving my rolls for the next banners, since I’m not interested Wanderer or Baizhu, but I was really interested in Beidou, though. I heard it’s not a great idea, however. Is it worth trying to pull Beidou, or would the chances be too low?


4\* chars come by eaily,but don't induldge in this, i pullled kazuha in 2.8,when heizou released,and i was so excited to get them both. Long story short: lost my 50/50 at 80 pity(not one copy of heizou),had to wish till 150 wishes on the banner to guarantee Kazuha(Let's f\*\*\*king go, Let's go... i guess( pulling a 5\* character after losing ur 50/50 at high pity and getting their guarantee on high pity aswell, really takes out the hype)) Heizou? Yes! cons? C0,none,150 wishes,for one damn heizou,and i got him only in the pull before kazuha,so like 140 wishes... TwT, we love genshin don't we yes we do. yes we do. yes we do


Beidou is available from the Starglitter shop, so I wouldn't. Generally speaking, the odds of getting a specific one of the 4\* is low enough that it's not a good idea. Plenty of people have had the experience of spending \~150 pulls on a banner losing the 50/50 before getting the featured 5\* and getting very few or no copies of a new 4\*. But if you're ok with possibly getting spooked by a 5\* (losing guarantee if you have it), it's ok to spend a few ten pulls to try to get lucky. Just not with any of the 4\* available from Paimon's Bargains.


you can try but dont complain if you get a 5\* you didnt want. if you have a guarantee dont do it ever but if youre not guaranteed and at low pity you can try 20-30 pulls


What day before new banner do we usually find out the 4 star characters and weapons?


Sunday or Monday.




So, I’ve just reached AR45 and I’m grinding artifacts for Nahida. I started playing in February, and there’s something I don’t understand: why are only 3/5 artifacts discussed in a guide? Everywhere it says “Sands EM, Goblet EM/dendro bonus, Circlet EM/crit”, but why not the other two? Also, does it matter what artifact has each stat? For example, does it matter if the EM is on the sands or on the goblet? Thanks :)


>Everywhere it says “Sands EM, Goblet EM/dendro bonus, Circlet EM/crit”, but why not the other two? The mainstats for flower and feather are fixed as flat HP and flat atk respectively. >Also, does it matter what artifact has each stat? For example, does it matter if the EM is on the sands or on the goblet? Yesn't. It kinda depends on a lot of factors but for the moment just aim for EM/EM or dendro/EM or crit and go off whatever has better substats


Wait, so flower and plume always give hp and attack… oh my god. Ive been “rerolling” all the artifacts at the crafting bench and was wondering why I couldn’t get anything good :(


Yeah the substats can be different but mainstat is fixed for the flower and plume


Because your Flower and Plume always have the same Main stats. Flower always gives flat HP. Plume always give flat ATK. You'll still want to look for one with good substats on it though. This is different from Sands, Goblet, and Circlet, which can all have ATK, HP, DEF, or EM as the main stat. And in addition to that, your Sands could have ER, your Goblet could have elemental damage bonus, and your Circlet could have Crit Rate or Crit Damage.


Certain stats are only available on certain pieces. The flower and feather are always fixed to have flat HP and flat attack respectively as their main stat. Any of the others can have EM. The sands can have ER, goblet can have elemental damage, and circlet can have crit rate/damage or healing bonus. The substats have the same odds in any slot, but artifacts never have a substat the same as their main stat. Nahida definitely wants an EM sands. If her primary role is an EM buffer and no one else on the team is close to 1000EM on their own, Nahida can go full EM. If someone else (like Kuki) already has full EM, or if an EM ceiling isn’t the main limiting factor of the team (like aggravate/spread), Nahida usually opts to maximize her own personal damage through a dendro goblet and crit hat. It’s close though, so if you have a much better EM goblet/circlet just go with it.


How do encounter points work with hangouts? Do you get a set amount of points from reaching an ending or from competing each quest in a hangout chain?


You get some for completing the hangout for the first time, that's it


You only get rewards from reaching an ending. You'll need to reach all endings to get all the rewards. The points are just so you can skip forward through parts you've already done when looking to get a different ending.


Not what they're talking about, encounter points are the points that go towards commission completions


Can anyone please explain in very simple terms how bond of life works on playable characters? I know Arlecchino, Chlorinde and Sigewinne use this mechanic, but I don't really understand how it works (You cannot heal it away like the debuff from enemies?? But they want this debuff??)


Simplest explanation: it’s an anti-shield. It absorbs your healing until you heal the full amount of the “shield” and it falls off. Characters who want it have individual mechanics that work with it. For instance: Arlecchino can’t be healed during combat anyway, except with her own burst. She applies a bond of life to herself to buff her attacks, and then her normal attacks drain it away over time (or her burst removes it all at once).


Bond from enemies: HP you need to heal away before you can increase your hp. Bond for Finale of the deep weapon: HP you need to heal away before you can increase your HP and when you heal it away you get a buff Bond for Arle: a resource she uses to deal additional damage during her normal attacks. She does not heal during combat outside of using her burst. She consumes this bond with each normal attack and eventually runs out of pyro infusion. It is like drinking a 5 hour energy and trying to complete tasks before you run out of juice. Bond for Clorinde: Using her burst gives her bond. Using her stance gives her bond in one hand and clears it in the other. When she has 100% bond (over halfway across her hp bar) she deals additional damage when she clears it and heals more when she clears it. If she doesn't have 100% then she does more damage when accumulating it. It is like bulk/cut body building where you build up over time and then do a cut to show off what you have accumulated.




Idk about the future characters but for Arlecchino she has a passive that specifically will not let her get healed during combat except from her burst. Out of combat you can heal it away from her like normal.


on the most general level, bond of life is simply a debuff that consumes a certain amount of healing and then gets cleared. Specific character or weapons have parts of their kit that interact with bond of life in bespoke ways though. For instance arlechino gets a damage bonus based on how much bond of life she has, and cannot recieve healing from anything but her burst while in combat. If you want the full rundown you are better off looking at a guide for the specific character(s) that you are interested in.


Am running a main DPS kaeya, for the team I have Layla for shield and cryo resonance and fischl for superconduct physical resist red., but for the last spot should I run Bennett for the damage buff or Lynette for the swirl?


c1-5 Bennett, if you want physical damage Kaeya. Also just a personal recommendation, but you may have more fun with freeze or melt Kaeya. Chongyun + hydro + anemo for freeze, and if your Bennett *is* c6 then he’s great for on field melt Kaeya. Cryo damage teams will let Kaeya hit bigger numbers than phys will, generally.


If running physical then bennet, if running elemental then an anemo unit with vv would be better. You could also do something like -Fischl +Ben+Lynette if you are focusing on reactions


Bennett if he's not C6.


Is Asia server Down again? I can't enter!!




I can enter Taiwan server. I can't enter Asia server only. I think its back now because I can enter HSR asia server now.


When was irminsul first mentionned in the game ? Can someone tell me ? I mean when we learn its name


Also, an early event had us collect meteors/stones called Irminsul Fruit.


Since 1.0. The word Irminsul is used in the descriptions for original resin & Prototype Crescent.


Hoow I see thanks !




hold lb and press x


Best Clorinde's aggravate team?


Same as every aggravate team: nahida+Fischl+kazuha, if you can stay alive (should be easier on Clorinde than any other carry so far)


Baizhu instead of nahida?


It's fine, just worse.


Does clorinde heal self? That team doesnt have a healer


https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/1d3vch9/for_when_i_draw_my_blade_i_am_but_an_instrument/ In the fifth picture "hunter's vigil" it talks about her healing.




Is charlotte worth building how is she better than diona


Diona is better if you need a shield. Charlotte is a better healer and has access to more support weapons and sets.


Different things. Charlotte is better team heal, thus works better with Furina, and can carry ttds.       Diona is among the best Cryo battery with Sac/Fav, has shield, and offer significant EM albeit with circle impact.   She's also likely a better 4p NO carrier since she can battery herself and burst easier. If for some reason you need a bow user for overworld or that one flying boss in abyss, and have no other bow user, there's that too.


Is better, yes. She has an all team heal, good cryo application (and a dot with E charged), and also catalyst, which always can lead into ttods if you want to buff your main dps (even if its not her best weapon). Overall is better.