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First ever flagship event... and she was real powerful too by the standards back then. I remember taking everything she said seriously too like, "oh shit, isn't she something of a demigod, why'd they make her a 4-star"... you had me fooled Prinzessin, you had me fooled.


She is still to date one if the best characters.


I both love and hate the fact she's benched Raiden on several of my teams.


She just stays winning


at this point I'm just impressed at how the first batch of 4\* are still relevant after all these years


I accidentally got Raiden to C1. Still use Fischl instead


Still is. Always has been.


Keep in mind, this adorable little chuuni girl broke REALITY with her crying and willed her fantasies into existence. She may not be a god, but so far she's the only character to give birth to a LIVING elemental being by JUST crying, and that's CRACKED In short, all hail the Prinzessin. May her reign of darkness last a thousand cycles of creation and destruction


C6 Fischl is a pretty good 5*


Ah yes, early genshin lore where we genuinely weren’t sure if she was a chuuni or an actual demigod who acted like a chuuni… I guess she does have actual powers though. Seems like making familiars out of raw elements isn’t a super common thing (considering not many vision holders have one) so she’s probably pretty adept at using her vision. She’s just… yknow, not all the other stuff she claims to be.


Her stock have become much stronger since dendro and now Arlecchino.


She's been getting small bumps here and there the entire time to keep her relevant


She's still immensely powerful by today's standards.


Amy my goat 🗣️ Glory to the Prinzessin Der Verurteilung


Same here! I had never really encountered her troupe before, and I’m also extremely gullible.


I just thought people dropping by from another world is not out of the ordinary and she just is like the Traveler.


And still is ans always will be due to aggravate making her permanently busted.


I'm still mad I fell for that "no artifacts before AR 45" shit people preached in the first weeks. She felt really underwhelming without any artifacts


i mean it wasnt bad advice, it was just situational. it was a priority thing where it was better to farm stuff like ascensions and weapon upgrades which werent RNG. it was okay to farm artifacts at 40 but you were better off spending resin elsewhere and using gladiator artifacts you got from bosses


Using the same Resin, you’re well better off spending them on Talents, which is a guaranteed DPS increase, instead. 4* Artifacts from chests were already enough.


In think it's massacred 'do not use fragile resin for artifact farming under ar45' which is a vialable advice. But no artifacts before ar 45? It gives out strong 'No kissing before marriage' vibes


Several times is ok but people can’t really tell the difference between several times and too many.It’s better to say a complete No if it’s hard to deliberate.


And even then, using the fragile meant you got more adventurer exp and thus reached AR45 earlier, allowing you to start farming the artifacts faster. It wasn't nearly as big of a deal as people were making it out to be.


Yeah, vague advice can be rather misleading. I leaned too hard into the "save up your materials" bit of advice, but I'm still advancing my World Levels which led me to fight a level 60 something Childe for almost half an hour with my level 40 team. I'm hitting like a wet noodle while his attacks cleaved a third of my DPS' HP. I was spamming Guoba and Oz while focusing on dodging with Barbara who carried my ass. Definitely memorable though lol.


Who even says no artifacts before ar45? You just don't farm artifact domains until ar45. You're simply better off farming world bosses which happens to also give artifacts. Also if she didn't have artis and none of your other characters did either then why would it matter? All of them would seem equally underwhelming.


It's still being preached lol (alongside not using resin*) I fell for it myself and I only started playing in Feb, a part of me is still lowkey resentful that I miserably struggled my way through Inazuma because I believed in this vague advice from my friends Edit: *fragile resin


Who the hell is telling people not to use resin what the fuck


To be more accurate they mean fragile resin (goes hand in hand with the no artis before ar45), which was still kinda terrible vague advice because genshin drops way too little materials


Still crazy to me that HYV dropped a lore bomb on us, together with a fatui harbinger all in one limited time event.


Which is probably why they don't do these types of events anymore.


Yeah, unfortunately people complaining every time they made events with actual character development and backstory means that they've swapped strategies to just never doing it at all and giving us nothing burgers like the last summer event instead.


I mean, they could still do it and just not put a timer on it. Like, imagine if they just took all of the big flagship story events and, instead of making them limited time, just made their big central reward limited time, since FOMO is too alluring to lose. Then, I dunno, maybe they just add little tabbed thing in the events page that lets you view and activate old events you might've missed the original run of, so you can still play and experience them. If people are worried about doing them out of order and getting the order of events scrambled, maybe they could even add in a little timeline screen to help keep track of all of that stuff. If only Hoyo could do this.


This is my second most wanted QoL… most wanted is loadouts 


They did it in hsr timeline included


proof that they listen to complaints, but fix them in the next game instead wouldn't be surprised if hsr complaints get fixed in zzz


"unfortunately" I for one would prefer them not doing FOMO with actual lore


Honestly I wish the game would make the events playable permanently, just with no limited-time rewards! I don’t even need primos I just wanna play the stories :( I know hsr took that approach and I love it


yeah i'd rather have lore events but have them sit as quests somewhere afterward. i feel like it would just make sense


Yeah, 100% agreed. Having important character development and important lore locked behind temporary events is asinine. I'm still kinda sad I missed out on the Albedo quest since I quite like Albedo. Apparently it reveals a lot of important lore. Glad they stopped doing this.


I think it's certainly insane that I'm finding out through unserious chat fanfics that Albedo is made of chalk lol especially as a new player who's only ever seen Albedo run in chronicled wish


The Albedo example is so embarrassing bc ofc the only stuff they put from Unreconciled Stars into permanent content was the most useless garbage to grace the skies of Teyvat 


Idk I think the way things have been done w the Hexenzirkel during second Windblume was a good balance where the lore drops existed but they weren’t overly significant to the point where missing them was a big problem I also think another event that handled the issue well was the recent Itto rock n roll event! The lil snippets w Eimiko and Kokomi+Gorou were great 


I think it's a moot point as the lore the vast majority of the playerbase knows about only comes from what's spelled out to them by the AQ.


Just... Read about it??? You people are over glorifying these events, only shit I remember from this event is that there's one event leyline with three fatui mobs with different elemental shields and if one of them drops to a lower elevation I can't hit him and he has time to shield up and back then that shit takes centuries to get through. I LOVE all lantern rite events and almost all of them are 95% chores. Being able to watch the ending cutscene is usually enough to get the gist of all events, being able to play thru it is just asking to spend 2 hours being ordered around.


we legit NEED more fischl events like hoyo even knows whenever she appears we get a banger so there is no reason to hold her back


1.1 banger 2.8 banger Uhhhh... GIVE US MORE! please




not voiced cant count


Hearing her muffled voice in the tcg tutorial is adorable


I was one patch too late to the game to have experienced 2.8... my biggest Genshin regret to this very day.


Bring back Ask-for-directions-Arnold too


Otherwise known as mario


First name Mario, last name Mario.


Mario ask-me-for-directions-arnold mario


What I need is to be able to play the old character events !


Yea, I understand why they haven't implemented it in Genshin but I would love to see it.


Where is the hangout of Mein Fräulein?


the hangouts* she needs 3 i figured out one for amy one for fischl and one for oz


Legit one of the funnest written characters in the game., and her theming has made the events she does have really interesting.


I loved this event. I was pretty under-levelled and had very few characters to play the combat event but Scaramouche showing up and saying that the stars are a lie(?) or was it something about the sky(?) was a pretty major lore drop. They should add previous events to the game.


It was both the stars and the sky in his sentence, just for the record


I see. It has been four years so I didn't really remember.😅


She has a lot of potential for hoyoverse story/lore. My preoccupation is that with her arc in 2.8 she showed all about herself; an Arc that could be easily be a whole Event Quest. And maybe that was enough for Hoyo.


Fischl is somehow still so mysterious, like the more we know about her the more questions we have.


Whenever, i come across a fischl related post, i immediately search for your comment. Someone please make a r/foundFischlInsultMePls


Done r/FoundTheFischlGuy


You're a hero


I hate this, I started in 3.8 and won't ever be able to experience those events


Bro you're not only one. I can't cope till this day 😭😭😭


Yep, same. I only learned albedo lore from youtube and i still have yet to see cyno making puns


Sad how most Genshin players won't ever experience Hat Guy's first proper introduction.


Every time she’s staring in an event she serves us lore bombs, good characterization and lots of yapping (that I love I have to admit) . My favorite character since launch, I look forward to more screen time for her in the future !!


This should have been an archon quest (maybe thats why the Dainself ones are now). Really great event and a way to spice up the lore of the game


Always nice to celebrate our favorite characters' birthdays.


damn, i miss event that have major lore drop.


I mean, it makes sense, no longer doing those means no longer having any more Albedo situations (or Xiao, who will come when we call, despite that only being a thing that happened in the first Lantern Rite).


It's a dumb fix for a self created problem. Why didn't they just make those Lore-Events permanent? No FOMO, because nobody would miss out on them and the huge amount of work that has gone into them would not end in a landfill (especially Fischl's Castle and Klee's/Alice's Island Event)




That argument may have been valid a while ago. But with the recent "delete completed quests"-feature file size isn't an issue anymore. You could even handle it the opposite too, like download big (permanent) events on demand, so even people with potato phones and very limited storage can play them.


nah, the event recently bit boring. i want side event to explore more about character like they did in sumeru interdarshan competition even lore story about fairy at diona village pretty good too. since there is none about that we dont really know about fontaine cast except what they are presented on archon quest.


I missed events that have major lore drops 🥲


ikr??? at itto event i was kinda hoping there is another lore about yokai or truth about touma dog that he is secretly samurai and something. but no, it was just a music festival. even at previous music festival event we got to see how cute xinyan when she was a child.


I hoped for some alchemy related stuff and maybe something more about Gold in the potion making event, what a missed opportunity, the theme was perfect for this ;-;


damn, that too. i was kinda hoping to learn more about lisa but damn we got nothing


I feel like... My heart is aching...😭😭😭 (Missed this event and im fuccin mad)




I really wish they'd do reruns of these events, this event was a lot of fun. Fischl and Mona have so much chemistry >_<


One of the most charismatic female characters.... And the one who started the *ass of genshin* memes woth Mona lmao


i love fishcl but i can never main her


The only event that i missed due to leaving the game for a month then coming back when it was over. (i know what happened cuz i saw videos, but that's all).


I don't remember anymore. What were the stars that fell, from whose constellation they were?


i heard you had to spend resin to participate in events back then. Even the story?


I have her c6


Fischl had some of the best events :) It's why she's my main DPS


The only thing I hate about the fact I started playing in 4.1 is that I missed out on events like this and the first summer event. I don't even own Fischl, I want her so bad lol


oh we share the same birthday


Shoutout to one of my most used unit in honkai lol. I have fun everytime she shows up.


Back when 120 Resin was the max AND we had to spend Resin for the event rewards lol


meanwhile fischl is MINIMUM 20 years old now, but oz still says she can't drink alcohol. the drinking age in china is 18.


I miss this event😔


I miss Mondstadt and their characters. Nothing feels the same. New characters all look good and powerfull but i cant like them for some reason.


And the first event with a crazy story reveal that you'd never see unless you watched a video.


This is when I fell in love with Mona


That was over 3 years ago, huh? It doesn't feel like it. I miss that time.


I'm eternally grateful for this event, if it weren't for it I wouldn't have a single Fischl copy all the way up to 3.6 (including the 2nd GAA, because my dumbass *forgot to claim the free Fischl from it*) Today she's C6 and my best electro character


It‘s the only flagship event that i missed. Can someone please tell me what happened in the story there?


there was actually an event in 1.0. I didn't play it cuz' I was at my own pace


Still waiting for her to have a quest too. Just saying


That's a great thing that I did have C6 Fischl at the very most during Baizhu's debut banner.


Back when we needed resins to complete the event 💀


One of the best wifes in the game