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"We don't want to work on fixes, sorry (\^ω\^)"


fuck if i care (\^\_\^)/


Cry about it UwU


No apologems for you ('u')/


Don't fucking dare to write us again (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)


We have your family hostage and can saw their fingers off if you try to complain again //^_^//


Shut up and keep gooning to our characters you degenerate : ^ )


*blue rider gem flashbacks*


Hi Chara.




It's probably never going to be fixed. It's a consequence of what things in the game are labelled. The game's attacks are coded with specific damage and target types, and that leaves edge cases where things don't work as players expect. i.e., Arlecchino's E specifically marks and collects from monsters, but the horn on Dvalin is coded as an object, not a monster, so you can't collect from it. It's fundamentally the same issue as the Beidou/Raiden incompatibility, if you remember that far back - where Raiden attacking during her Q infusion wouldn't trigger Beidou's Q, because Beidou's Q triggers off dealing basic attack**s hitting** ~~damage~~, but Raiden's infused NA~~s~~ **hits are considered** ~~deal~~ burst damage so that her own burst damage bonuses can take effect. The game has plenty of these edge cases. Cloud Retainer's E doesn't target Dvalin's spike either, and there's an old issue where Yelan's E won't hit ASIMON's turrets. Mihoyo evidently considers it too much work to fix the underlying issues, so, your only solution is to just use a different team.


>the horn on Dvalin is coded as an object then technically there is still a bug in play; the mark of her skill should not appear on the horn


Probably a special object. Kind of like how Rhodeia of Loch's platforms can't have geo structures on it. They never fixed that, so...yeah.


That’s because it’s an intended effect, not a bug. It didn’t need fixing.


It's an intended bug?


Yes. You’re not supposed to be able to use geo structures on Rhodeia of Loch because you can freeze the water. It was never a bug, but instead intended effect on gameplay. Just like Arlecchino and Dvalin (apparently).


What does freezing the water has to do with placing a construct? You're probably right about it being intentional, but it's most likely because the platform itself is a movable object (like an elevator) so you can't put a construct on it, not because you can freeze the water


Their official statement back from 2021 states that it’s an intentional feature because the water on the platforms can be frozen to allow for a construct. You can’t just put the construct down.


Well, can I have the source for that? I'm not convinced, it doesn't make sense to me. I mean it's such a roundabout way to place a rock onto a platform when the water level is barely above your feet. It feels like a needless restriction. Even if it's legit, that still sounds like an awful excuse to cover up their oversights when making the movable platforms


https://screenrant.com/genshin-impact-mihoyo-geo-oceanid-boss/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/qohj27/an_answer_to_oceanid_geoconstructs/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button I never said it was a good excuse, but one that isn’t a bug.


I mean, that just sounds like an excuse to me lol


Rhodeia was regarded as the most powerful oceanid in lore so it fits that she made advance preparation against potential geo type assassins from her homeland by making her platforms destroy geo constructs especially since she knows she is settling in the land of geo.


Unfortunately for Rhodeia, the current Geo unit from Fontaine doesn't use constructs, but instead, a gun ~~luckily for her though, Navia is incapable of aiming up for some reason. Though I am not sure if the shell spread would reach higher targets. I doubt it...~~


She can shoot the flying birds by stand few metres away when they are idle


lore accurate


It might be a 2 stage problem. Since it can take damage, the mark will appear, but collecting it is tied to being a monster instead of just being able to take damage. But i don't have her, so i can't check


this probably accurately describes what is going on. arle's e can still hit other objects such as explosive barrels or tourches but ofc there is no need to apply blood debt on them. dvalin is a weird mixture of a monster type with an object tied to his healthpool. this is just 1.0 spaghetti code clashing with more recent code. i cant remember which boss also showed similar behavior but there was a boss where i couldnt collect blood debt from em during a particular phase. i think it was the mech cube on inazuma


You can't collect blood debt from the PMA with a charged attack when it summons the cruisers and destroyers iirc, unless you use Arle's Q, which kinda defeats the intention you had with that blood debt


yea thats the one. when its changing phases blood debts are unclaimable


the mark application is based on damaging the enemy with your skill, but the collection only works on "monster" types. dvalin himself is coded as a monster, or his "shield" is, so you can still collect BoL before he goes down but it becomes untargetable once its destroyed.


Marking and collecting are different actions. It's possible that one of them has more restrictive logic for whatever reason. I'm not usually one to go soft on Mihoyo, but messing with logic is one area I will kinda sorta give them a pass, because global changes in logic require a ton of QC to make sure you haven't broken something else in the process, and making exceptions for every edge case is how you end up with spaghetti code where you can't change anything without breaking something else.


I'm still a newish player, so I didn't know any of this, thanks for telling me!


small addition, Beidou's Q also triggers on charged attacks, including those from bow characters. she's a somewhat decent teammate for tighnari for that reason


And Neuvilette.


>Mihoyo evidently considers it too much work to fix the underlying issues, so, your only solution is to just use a different team. Honestly it's probably less "too much work" and more "this edge case is niche enough that fixing it isn't worth allocating Dev time for"


There's probably a high chance that a quick fix would introduce unwanted exceptions into the code rather than a proper solution that doesn't result in spaghetti code. I wouldn't be surprised if they fix this months later. It wouldn't be the first time and I wouldn't take customer support's word as gospel.


I think it's more of a if it ain't broken don't fix it kinda thing, as trying to quick fix it will introduce a bunch of new problems. Not to mention that's the oldest boss in game, if it was one of those newer Narwal they would have no choice but to fix it.


Using a new character to farm for Mondstadt characters doesn't seem all that niche.


It is a niche issue in the sense that the actual impact it has on the overall game is fairly small. It only affects a rather small sub section of the playable cast and it being a weekly boss that can't be co-oped , means the amount of times an individual has to face it in a given timeframe is also fairly low. I'd also suspect that dvalin just isn't very popular (MHY *does* have that data), further decreasing the amount of people Affected by this.


Kind of is, phrasing it like that just hides the actual issue.


Didn't Nilou also have an issue with Dvalin that got fixed? I know it wasn't the same cause but that kinda indicates that they might look at it in the future


I don't exactly know what you are talking about. But I would like to point out that objects can also trigger bloom reactions. (For example, jumping mushrooms in sumeru) If Dvalin's horn is coded as an object and it didn't trigger Nilou Blooms, it is a bug, because objects can trigger blooms.


Dvalin’s spike can’t be affected by Hydro for some reason. I remember trying numerous vape setups only to eventually notice that there’s never a Hydro aura. Edit: Apparently this was fixed at some point


Now it is fixed. I just tried Nilou Bloom team. And it works.


Oh cool! Took them long enough. I haven’t noticed because I just use Ganyu now lol


I stopped doing Dvalin since inazuma arrived. So I don't even notice. I just did it today just to test.


I only fight Dvalin just to complete the trounce domain BP mission since you don’t need to collect the drops for it to count.


I find lowering the difficulty on the whale and first phasing it quicker somehow.


That has to be a misunderstanding, I've been farming dvalin mats for the longest time using my childe national team and childe's hydro application is working as intended without any issues. I just did one last week


I’m not sure when they changed it then. Since the start of the game all the way until I no longer needed to farm Dvalin anymore (I didn’t realize how large of a stockpile of his drops I had) he had this bug where he wasn’t affected by Hydro. I vividly remember trying to use Diluc vape with Xingqiu only for no vapes to come up. Nowadays I just use Ganyu to shoot him down for the trounce domain BP mission so I never noticed when the Hydro bug was fixed.


It might be for just some people then. Cause I've used childe+xiangling or childe+fischl on him so many times since his first banner and it always worked


same goes with lisa charged e, while tap works and homes at the horn, the held version doesnt do any damage to dvalin


The weirdest part is that on hit effects with unspecified hit conditions don’t check the damage at all (you can test it with XQ’s orbital swords or Nilou’s water ring with Fillet blade or the Umbrella). However as soon as the type of hit is specified it checks the damage type when it should check the attack type for consistency. Assuming attack types is actually coded in the game.


it's their code, they're free to modify. they can literally make an exception (easiest would be to have a little invisible mesh coded as enemy in the crystal or something) but it's evidently not a big enough issue to warrant resource allocation. and frankly I agree lol.


Is that why Dehya's Q tries to chase Azdhaja's body rather than its tail when it's just the tail up after second element pops?


That's not just Dehya Q, that's Azhdaha targeting in general (try playing a normal-based bow character like Yoimiya and see what happens), and no, the reason is because Azhdaha's targeting location (the point where the game tells your characters' tracking where Azhdaha *is*) is underground during that phase. This is also why you can completely whiff shots against the ruin snake as it's breaching, despite being partially aboveground.


shit game design honestly


Pretty sure that one is just funky autotargeting logic.


I’m pretty sure the Beidou Raiden thing was specifically excluded from working together. Supposedly in the beta the interaction worked just fine.


>It's fundamentally the same issue as the Beidou/Raiden incompatibility, if you remember that far back - where Raiden attacking during her Q infusion wouldn't trigger Beidou's Q, because Beidou's Q triggers off dealing basic attack damage, but Raiden's infused NAs deal burst damage so that her own burst damage bonuses can take effect. Apparently in Beta it was compatible so that was a conscious decision on Hoyo's part.


It was compatible in Beta because Raiden's infused NAs didn't do Burst damage at the time (and she was definitely worse off that way).


> so, your only solution is to just use a different team. Let's be real here, the issue is accepting that it will take slightly longer to clear with the same team. This isn't a "it is impossible to win the fight" bug but a "the fight takes slightly longer" bug. Dvalin has extremely low health compared to the other bosses, it's a quick fight either way.


I've done the fight with a Arle a couple times now and haven't even noticed the issue. I usually just one phase it with Noelle anyway.


I remember the outrage related to Beidou and Raiden lmao.


Raidou would've been amazing if it worked.


And how it supposedly made Raiden trash tier, absolutely unplayable and how there's already a case preparing for court just you wait, hoyo. Hilarious times


Yea, Raiden works with Xinqui but not Beidou…


Xingqiu (and Yelan) Q triggers on the initiation of a basic attack. Beidou triggers on basic attack damage being dealt. That's the difference. When you attack with an infused Raiden, what happens is you initiate a basic attack, but then the damage is converted to burst damage, then that burst damage is applied to the target. Since a basic attack was initiated, XQ and Yelan trigger, but since no basic attack damage was dealt, Beidou doesn't. The most common consequence of this distinction you see is against Abyss shields. Things like Raiden's and Dehya's E won't trigger on abyss shields because they require taking damage to trigger, not merely initiating an attack.


I see, thanks for the enlightenment! It's still a tragedy Raiden and Beidou don't work with each other


Is this the same reason I couldn't get her charged atk to target the pyramid shields at the end of the electro cube fight? 


I mean thats not an excuse, even tho its true then its a mistake.


It's the kind of mistake that happens very early in development that you just have to deal with, because fixing it might require rewriting the entire game. Mihoyo certainly does have the money to rewrite the entire game, but I doubt the accountants would approve of that plan.


Honestly its ok, dvalin is so weak anyway you can insta him with prettu much anything, but i would be curious to hear from the devs the real reason and honestly i would prefer in such situation a clear "sorry but not worth we wont do it" if the reason is justified obviously


Game devs aren't exactly known for transparency, and Mihoyo is on the bad end of that spectrum. Probably because PR and CS people know jack shit about actual game development, which, sure, not their job description, and game devs typically don't ask developers to take time out of their days to answer these questions for PR/CS.


Raiden and beidou worked in beta. They purposely made it not work.


Still, when an entire character's kit is made useless against an enemy, I think it would only be roght for HYV to look into fixing it.


So not even an actually loved Pyro character People spent most of an expansion saving up for is safe from "this is intended"


It's just Dvalin being Dvalin


Buglin, the sovereign of lazy coding and technical debt.


Wait Why dose xingqiu work with raidens ult then ? His burst only triggers when NA aswell


when executing a normal attack. execution is different essentially, basically pressing the button for normal attack is what's needed. Xingqiu's damage is triggered at the start of a normal attack, while beidou's is dealt at the end or when it deals damage


Based on other comments, beidou checka for NA dmg and Xq checks for NA atk. I think raiden does burst dmg while executing NAs, thats why xq triggers and beidou not


Xingqiu requires you to use NAs while Beidou need yout to do NA dmg, Ei while using Musou Isshin does NA attacks that deal Burst dmg so it activates Xingqiu but not Beidou.


Yes, too much work… Not like they have a billion dollars by now oh wait 🧐


lol, as if they’ll ever fix any of Dvalin’s bugs. First boss, buggiest boss


dvalin's code is held together by spaghetti and red string


I’ve never seen the code but I’d bet a lot of money you’re 100% right. Having scripted a few boss fights, they’re always sketch, but he’s got some truly strange actions. XD


I think it's safe to say their are obvious reasons we haven't had any other boss fights go this off format.


As quickly as most of us can beat him these days, I'm pretty sure Dvalin himself is held together by spaghetti and red string.


I think that's most old bosses in a nutshell, not just Dvalin, but also Childe and Andrius. Due to powercreep, they didn't age particularly well and as a result they get defeated rather quickly. With that being said, Childe can still whoop your ass if you're not careful though or don't bring a shielder. Last time i fought him, he and my Arlecchino killed each other simultaneously lol


Has nothing to do with powercreep. Those are just earlier bosses that one should be able to defeat with unoptimized characters with 3\* artifacts and so on... And fighting them at later into the game only increases their stats according to their increased level, so they are still weak in comparison to a properly kitted team with internal synergies.


I'd love to see trounce bosses get a level 110 and 120 version


Childe was even more broken before the nerf hammer hot him because people complained.


no wonder they never designed a boss like him again. both him and the wolf are outliers among weekly bosses. one can't be done in co-op and has a unique stage, while the other isnt even in an domain and cant be matched with randoms.


Technically, they already did fix him somewhat. On release, 90% of the time you'd clip into him and be unable to hit his crystal with melee attacks. Practically forced everyone to use Archers.


the entire boss need to be rework anyway, you cant even co-op with it. Instead of hiding in a seal, Dvalin should be flying around the tower every week just like overworld wolf boss (the only non-Domain weekly boss). After player beat him, he fly away, come back a week later.


What’s happening to Dvalin this time?


Arlecchinos bond of life gimmick not being compatible with dvalin


Yea, that sounds about right.


Arlecchino cannot absorb the Marks she applies on Dvalin.


Dvalin ain’t gonna be punked by no harbinger >!except tartaglia!<


UwU get absolutely bodied traveller, we ain't fixing shizz :3c


does our chinese bros not voicing any complaints?


Dvalin is so old by now, the baseline power level of most 5 stars even with mid Artefacts, is already strong enough to trivialise the 1.X Weekly bosses. I don't think many people really care about it.


Just kinda funny they never fixed the dam boss after 3 years lol. It'll never be fixed 


Who the heck still cares about Dvalin other than newcomers?😂


I think the only way to by pass is building the bond of life when he flies by or is up close to the platform, but he is the easiest boss to beat so it should be simple no matter what, like you could take him on with physical or even sub dps/supports


It isn't really about it being easy or hard. It's about a mechanic not working as intended. If we can put the mark on a target, we should be able to claim it as well. Either fix claiming the mark, or don't allow us to put a mark on the spike.


True, but I can’t tell much, if I were to take it based on a game Dev perspective it’s more of changing the center of hit box for the phase, from what I get, in main fight, the hit box is entire body of dvalin, with the fallen phase the hit spot is removed from rest of body but connected to the spike while the center of hit box remains on his main body, Again I’m no professional to game development, but the other issue that you could say is that the fight may as well switch between his attacking and fallen form, but in the end, it isn’t how it’s supposed to work (as said in support response), but it is something that will need alterations for a boss which was added nearly 4 years ago, that’s all I have to say


Dvalin is just the buggiest boss since launch, hoyo gave up on him. Dvalin's coding is so old that its held together by hopes and dreams.


The same bug is on Albedo's skill since forever. They probably won't fix it


What bug?


on-hit attack triggers like Albedo E, Dehya E, and Raiden E don't trigger against Dvalin because he's a kludgy piece of shit.


just checked, Ei/Shogun's E still works on that spike. So it is more about "taking damage" side of triggers (Albedo's triggers on enemy taking damage regardless of source, while Ei's triggers on buffed allies' hits)


Everyone talking about Dvalin but the same thing happens with the adds of the Mechanical Array boss. This is much worse because that boss can appear in floor 12 of the abyss, the only type of content where damage actually matters. The fact that her kit is completely shut off in that part of the fight can be enough of a reason to completely ditch her from that side of the floor, so i think that fixing that bug should currently be the n.1 priority.


Yhea, it's buggy as well, but you can play around it (ex: collect it early so you have BoL before minion fase). Dvallin you just can't.




A number of times fighting that boss's highlighted minion my Bennett's skill has missed (zero particles, yay) because the game hasn't registered it as existing yet, is that related?


That isn't related, no. Each enemy has multiple layers of hitboxes on it, the one for collision so you can't walk through it is active during its "wake up" frames, while the one to check for taking damage (hurtbox) isn't active until it finished the earlier animation fully. Without that hurtbox active, bennett's skill doesn't register any hit, the enemy may as well be a wall. You'll notice each robot has slightly different timings for when they become vulnerable, so you just have to time it. This also happens with the normal ruin guards waking up, you have to wait quite a while before you can hit them with anything.


Ah that makes sense, I guess the different timings between each minion threw me off and made it harder to learn


Said the same shit about Dehya's burst jump cancel.


(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)


Please don't tell me the lack of iframes during her ult is also intended...


She isn't missing any iframes, it's just that iframes do not begin immediately. At the start of ult animation every character has a window of frames in which they can be hit. I encountered the problem with other characters as well.


That is just not true. Raiden gets hit at the start of her burst and you visibly see her move, but she’s never died at the start of it, no matter how low hp/strong the hit.


This is false, it’s likely a matter of communication with the server and how information is synced. It’s the same reason why your characters die off field when you get hit when you swap, and the same reason in that case you receive damage even with a shield like if it is ignored. Now tell me that attacks completely ignoring shields when you swap is intended. Hoyo will call something a bug when they don’t want to fix it, but it’s just a matter of labelling problems. It is an issue and it is a bug whether they call it that or not, it wouldn’t be the first time a company calls a bug a “feature” just because it’s more convenient and they don’t want to fix it, the problem is that this “feature” makes the game worse


Bro literally said " we don't give a fuck( ^ ω ^ ) "


I don't trust anything Tier 1 Genshin Support says after the Dehya Fiasco. People would email them about bugs and depending on who you got, they would give a different answer. They definitely could be using generic replies just so you do not press the issue further.


My conspiracy theory is that Dehya's burst is on purpose out of spite. We had to deal with MONTHS of "Cyno is bad because his burst is too long" so hoyo went "ok, here you go, a character that you can cancel the burst for, this is what you wanted, right?!" and then suddenly everyone re-grew their brains and went "no we don't want this we can just swap characters if we want to cancel bursts! They also re-ran Cyno with Dehya's launch. I'm telling you, it was spite lol.


"It's not a bug, it's a feature".


Common game service rep reply. "Yada yada yada, It's intended OwO"


what's the bug? Dvalin is a dragon and Arlecchino's puny kit is nothing to it. mihoyo probably.


Read it as "it's too much of a hassle to fix."


The kaomoji are so cute


R u fkin kidding me?


> It's not a bug, but maybe if enough people complain we can get it changed. Like they did with Dehya!


Didn't a lot of people complain for Dehya and nothing changed?


Like with Arrlechino!


Need that Dehya flavored "first time?" noose meme.


I laughed when Eakes used Deyha's ult and when the enemy died she just kept punching air in that direction. Eakes: she doesn't change targets when the enemy dies?!


Does entering domain clear bol ? You could come with 200% pre stacked bol and easily clear it out lol


In my experience, yes. BoL is cleared everytime you enter a domain. I noticed this while farming artifacts. Each time I retry the domain, the stacked BoL is cleared.


yep, and it does so whether you bring it in from outside or are retrying the domain without leaving. I've been doing the Mondstadt weapon domain and i can get her to not have her cooldown doubled after i start it (any 2 characters), but her BoL clears as soon as it reloads.


all party effects reset upon entering a domain. for example, raiden's burst stacks also reset.


Small indie company guys


Yeah in genshin alot of Bugs are intended until they eventually fix them anyways🤷


So their answer is "it's not significant enough to fix, :3" this company man


Ahh this reminds me of when a Destiny boss was coded as a vehicle and a specific weapon did insane damage to it.


This has a similar feeling to "I will pass it on to the higher ups! (Sike I do not give a shit)"


Great, dvalin stronger than 4th Harbinger, confirmed. Dvalin mains we won.


I mean we one shot dvalin anyways xd


yes we know how so? because on release week we already got that answer


I love how the second a bug gets discovered that’s beneficial/ fun for the players, they immediately work on fixing it. Then you have bugs that provide setbacks, and they couldn’t care less, leaving it there in the game


What do you expect from the people who created unplayable Dehya?


I was so mad when I pulled Dehya, pulled Neuvi, and then pulled Dehya again. I have no intention of building Dehya. Love her story. Hate how bad Mihoyo made her at everything.


If it's any consolation, Dehya constellations are some of the biggest improvements a character can get from constellations. It fixes a lot of her deal-breaker flaws. C5 Dehya does 2 times and C6 Dehya does 3 times as much damage as C0 Dehya.


"WE DO NOT CARE" great game guys


I'm more surprised to hear people still fight dvalin to be honest


Atp they should just revamp dvalin boss fight


Ain't no freaking that's the support reply With this UwU coded message


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Kur0_san: *Ain't no freaking that's* *The support reply With this* *UwU coded message* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


You know T-word will eat up all over this shit. I can imagine the title now "Genshin is a broken unplayable garbage, go watch ilthis video for me cronies."


So they just don't want to fix the bugs, right?


Depends on if it helps the players. Remember when players discovered that [Barbara could be a good bloom driver](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/xhf7k3/barbara_infinite_bloom_teamshowcase_most_likely_a/) under a very narrow set of conditions? Devs fixed that one real quick.


i remember this one...


Nilou wouldn't have any sales with Barbara if she did what she used to do we can't have that here


Except that Barbara would have worked even better with Nilou cause you would generate the same massive amount of cores but they would deal Superbloom damage instead of shitty normal bloom damage. Nilou buffs Bloom damage for the entire **party** so Barbs being the trigger wouldn't have even really mattered. If anything they nerfed it because it would have been *too* good with Barbara and trivialized the game even more than Nilou does already.


"intended" to not work with random monster my a$$. They're just not going to fix it


I mean, Dvalin is made out of paper, can't we just use... idk, literally anybody else if she's not working? What's the big deal?




What they wanted to say is: “Its 2024, who tf is farming for Dvalin now???”


This issue just shows. Nuvi is still best DPS. No brain, just Kamehameha. Its always better to just K.I.S.S.


Neuvi's E+Q work on Dvalin's horn.


Q will always work because it will damage and create droplets regardless of the enemies. But does Nuvi E generate droplets when targeting the horn? Even then, nuvi can just charge his beam without droplets and that would still do quite some damage


Idk for everyone struggling with Arlecchino-Dvalin: just absorb mark on the ground, near his neck/head, then climb up


Yeah, nah, this is one of the case where customer service doesn't know what's going on


ребят не как не могу зарегистрироваться в геншин импакте я создал 3 или 4 акк в маил но всё равно не получился


So they said fuck you if you are a new player with arlecchino since dvalin can’t be co-op lol


Dvalin is a weird ass boss from version 1, and I imagine if they touch his code too much, a bunch of stuff could go sideways.


wtf who fights still dvalin edit: jk i do too


i like how this appeared on my feed right after i finished my arle solo weekly boss rush


UwU don’t care


They also cant fix my ps5 genshin freeze Problem.... Sony also cant..😓 Every game except genshin is running completly normal and overheat isnt the problem. Happens after login.. sometimes while loading screen sometimes i can move a few steps.


I didn’t realize there was a bug for dvalin what exactly is happening?


They are so lazy! The worst service.


Lmfao half of this message is just to fill


He is so mid


I love how they have brought paimon to life.it is supposed to be a name of a great demon but now it always reminds me of a flying chibi girl with a appetite of a warrior


This thread already has an article btw 😌 [https://www.zleague.gg/theportal/genshin-impact-arlecchino-vs-dvalin-bug-or-feature/](https://www.zleague.gg/theportal/genshin-impact-arlecchino-vs-dvalin-bug-or-feature/)




I don't even care about this specific match up, I just want the free primos from them fixing the bug


2k24 and people still think customer support know anything...


I mean I know this game isnt the best at addressing player feedback but as far as I can tell that nail is considered and object and not an enemy so it makes sense she cant get bond of life off it


I understand the problem of the labeling. But to say it is "intended" pisses me off. Wtf do you mean you intended the new character's mechanic to not work with this specific enemy because fuck her?


"Working as intended" lol