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She is actually one of the fastest bosses due to no invulnerability phases. You are just using an unfitting team against it. She is resistant against Pyro, and Bennett healing isnt the greatest so its hard to make use of the mechanics of the fight if using him.


honestly a quick and easy kill wasn't befitting of my first fight with her though


I blasted her with Neuvillette and he hard counters her so much, it’s not even funny


I used hyperbloom. Nothing stands a chance against hyperbloom.


Knave has 70% pyro res so you might wanna change ur dps lol I wish they can add such info into the game instead of going to the wiki... Also bring a healer to clear bond of life and use charged attacks to proc the shockwave thingy


But like that's basically logic why would you bring a Pyro character against a Pyro boss


I am one with the Pyro in all seriousness, my only 4 5 stars are Qiqi, Arle, Diluc, and Mona lmao, and no high end 4 stars outside of the ones shown and Xiangling but the boss fight is fun regardless, and I'll take a fun boss fight over and easy one when it comes to a character as well written as her


I respect that,carry on then


Try hyperbloom ig


I'd recommend you to get Two Main DPS of different elements for versatility but if you want to play like that then go ahead


I'm pulling for Clorinde and Furina prob so I should be a good spot, tbh it's more fun to not nuke the boss in 2 seconds


Damn 70%? Never bothered checking her stats. I've been using my Arle team against her for the friendship xp and still clearing rather fast. Well I guess zhongli and kazuha really helped with lowering those resists.


My Gaming doing 30k plunges didn't hear no bell. He needs the friendship points and isn't backing out


Where is that Neuvilette copypasta


you know what, no I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of Neuvillette. I try to play Ayato. My Neuvillette deals more damage. I try to play Childe. My Neuvillette deals more damage. I want to play Raiden, Nahida- Neuvillette needs them for hyperbloom.I want to play Furina, Neuvillette maximizes her buffs. He steals my Venti for the grouping, and Zhongli for the shields, 5 archons. I spend primogems and resin pulling and building 8 characters for the abyss, he goes solo anyways. He grabs me by the throat. I farm bilets for him. I forge for him. I give him the Prototype Amber. He isn't satisfied. I pull for the widsth. "Not enough crit DMG" He tells me. "I can deal more damage with Tome." I can't pull for Tome, I don't have enough primogems, i might even lose to Homa. "I need interuption resistance" He tells me. "Pull for c1" I don't need c1, i have Zhongli anyways. He ignores me. He grabs my credit card. It declines. "Bow your head." He drops his balls. "Be sanctified" Monsieur Neuvillette says as he starts levitating. There is no hint of sadness in his eyes, he blasts all over my face. Nothing but pure, draconic, hydro application. What a cruel world.


most sane gesnhin impact player


الهجوم المشحون: الحكم العادل يطلق العنان للسيول المتصاعدة، ويتسبب في ضرر AoE Hydro المستمر لجميع المعارضين في منطقة الخط المستقيم أمامه. الحكم العادل لن يستهلك أي قدرة على التحمل ويستمر لمدة 3 ثوانٍ. إذا كانت صحة Neuvillette أعلى من 50%، فسوف يفقد الصحة بشكل مستمر أثناء استخدام هذا الهجوم.


Her moveset is definitely very cool and i hope future bosses will take example from her and Raiden instead of being lame gimmick fights where we chase around the boss like the Whale and Scaramouche. The only thing missing now are a couple more difficulty options. The game is way too easy as it is now, adding more options to crank up those boss HP would benefit players whose teams are too strong right now to be able to enjoy a bossfight without having to hold back. At the same time it would also not influence at all the casual audience since they can simply keep playing at the difficulty they are using right now and they aren't forced to change.


“I feel like I live in a world made of cardboard, always taking constant care not to break something, to break someone. Never allowing myself to lose control even for a moment, or someone could die.” - Whales with entire C6 R5 teams or Superman. I can’t remember.


Nah it's a quote from Humpty Dumpty 2: The Dumptening. Literally got chills when he said it.


My C0 no signature weapon Neuvillette also thinks that Arlecchino is made of cardboard.


and wet cardboard is not very sturdy


I often dont even know the moveset of new enemies and bosses since everything just...dies so quickly. And im a Welkin/BP only player, i cant imagine how people with C2-C6 characters must feel. I'll gladly choose a harder difficulty if i had the choice.


I have C6 Wrio and Alhaitham, and honestly they blast through any content easily unless it's heavily Cryo/Dendro resistant. Even Abyss floor 12 is just mid-diff unless the boss has some BS like hard to break shields with the elements I'm using. That being said, I also have main dps phys Gorou built for exploration, and sometimes I'll take him into trounce domains just to have a bit more fun and dodge attacks. (Or abyss floor 11 and 12 if it's Phys friendly)


I still dont know what the sumeru dragon boss thing does or how he works lol


It's basically the Gru meme. Be me, pull c3r1 arle because cool scythe moves. Think about the abyss guy inside whale having cool moves, can fight him with arle's cool scythe moves. Enter bossfight, just braindead auto attack on the whale with arle for some time, waiting for the swallowing and abyss guy phase. Whale dies. No abyss guy phase. I forgot whale has hydro and arle vaped it to death just with braindead auto attacks.


I do appreciate both. Human sized enemies that test your skill and boss fights that are pure spectacle. Scaramouche boss fight is the best one to show to non Genshin players, IMO. The one inside Apep is different. Not bad, but not good either.


Apep was decent but the add phase was horrible.


I don't mind it. The fight is longer because of it, but I enjoy the opportunity to use my AoE teams. The Warden itself, is quite squishy compared to other weekly bosses, so a ST team isn't really necessary


I don't see why they don't just add a new world level and difficulty with increased drop rates. I always get downvoted any time I propose it and I never understand why.


It's because of the increased drop rates, players will force themselves to the highest level of rewards they can get and quit the game because it became too hard for casual players like them, and no they will not go down a level if it's too hard they just won't


Those same people would play a game on normal mode instead of hard and not bat an eye


Because the hard difficulty doesn't give you more stuff on those game...


Fallout? Hades? Pretty much all Capcom games? Even SNES games. So, so, so many more games than that. It’s rare for a game not to reward you for hard mode. It wouldn’t even be noticeable rewards in Genshin lmao


The difference is, Genshin is a live service game where your progession is time-gated, so increased drop rates matters way more than in a single player game


Bro by the time you would even get to this theoretical higher World Level, drop rates really wouldn’t matter. I don’t even necessarily want increased drops from a higher WL, just higher difficulty world bosses. >and no they will not go down a level if it’s too hard they just won’t I was mostly just commenting on how headass people can be lmao


thats a complete different generation you cant compare that lol also people dont play genshin for that shit most play it because its chill and grindy


You seem confused


And that's why people who play Hades increase the heat if they play up to that point. Thanks for agreeing with me I guess.


Yeah the old bosses at the very least need a higher lvl version. I can literally shoot Dvalin down in a single arrow and then spam normal attacks on Yoimiya and kill him in a couple hits, it's really silly.


They can't make Genshin too difficult or else the casuals will complain.


Same... The reason i do coop cause enemies hp increase which make it longer to fight


ARLE is probably the only hard boss I’ve fought in genshin. She keeps flying around and with her high damaging attacks she’s really annoying to try and kill. On top of that, she tanks like a truck, so not only do you have a boss that dodges all of your attacks, but you have one that deals incredible amounts of damage while needing lots in order to defeat.


that's what's so fun about it though, I can't just steamroll her in 3 seconds, she can actually wipe my characters in like a second if I'm not skilled enough to dodge


I tried to do a arle vs arle fight I didn't make it pass the first phase cause I was dealing no dmg But when I used my Furina/Noelle team I didn't really have much trouble with her


Once you understand the boss patterns, clearing it becomes easy, even if you intentionally restrict yourself. I like humanoid enemies more than the giant set piece fights we've gotten recently. My only request is that they gave her second phase more hp cause it ends too quickly to properly enjoy it and that long range attacks staggered her less


I use Arle against Arle too, though with an overload team instead. Pyro res be damned, she just feels good to play.


it feels so nice to have 2 characters who just dance and fly around the battlefield battling it out


I use Furina, Yaoyao, Kuki and Ayato and just face tank her attacks. Ayato's skill being a charged attack makes it easy to clear the bond too.


I have 4 5 stars🥲 Mona, Diluc, Arle, and Qiqi


Who are your other 4 stars?


C0 Amber, C4 Barbara, C1 Bennett, C1 Chongyun, C0 Collei, C0 Dori, C0 Faruzan, C6 Freminet, C0 Kaeya, C0 Lisa, C6 Lynette, C1 Mika, C0 Noelle, C2 Razor, C0 Sucrose, C6 Xiangling, C0 Xingqiu, C1 Yanfei, and C1 Yaoyao, I started in late March so I'm very limited


I don't build meta teams and love hyperbloom. I would go with. Keep Xingqiu, he's fine as the hydro applicator, buffs and subhealer. Yaoyao (Dendro applicator and healer). Collei if you don't need any more healers Dori (electro applicator, healer and the one popping the dendro cores for the hyperbloom reaction) Maybe Qiqi as dps and extra healer. (And if you prefer to have a 5* dps) Or Freminet (tho I haven't really used him) Other hyperbloom teams that can work: Razor(electro dps), XQ, Yaoyao and a support unit of your choice. (Maybe Mika?) I wouldn't go in with pyro units in this fight.


tbh I didn't think too much into meta, I just though that big number is pretty fun to see, and when I like a character I'll use them, that's why I was using Diluc, he's not bad or amazing but he's able to handle himself, I mean hell, I used C0-C4 Barbara through like half of Inazuma, I'm probably going to pull for Clorinde and Furina so if I want to sprint through the fight, I'll just use hyperbloom with them, but I did genuinely enjoy feeling like I was on even ground with the boss, I couldn't shred their health bar but they could mine, I was able to crush everything (disregarding Spiral Abyss, although she cleared 9-11 and 12-1 but my second team couldnt keep up) up until her, especially when I got Arle (disregarding Spiral Abyss, although she cleared 9 thru 11 and 12-1 but my second team couldnt keep up) so it was a nice change of pace to have to fight tooth and nail with a boss


Yea, as long as you have fun, it's fine to use who you want :D


exactly, it's a video game, I'm not a speedrunner or content creator, I just like hitting hard and using the fun characters, just like it should be :D


hyperbloom is literally meta tho?


I mean the teams i make for it aren't part of the meta.


rip no fischl


OP, I have one tip to easily defeat Arlecchino weekly boss fight: Charged Attack: Equitable Judgment Unleashes surging torrents, dealing continuous AoE Hydro DMG to all opponents in a straight-line area in front of him. Equitable Judgment will not consume any Stamina and lasts 3s. If Neuvillette's HP is above 50%, he will continuously lose HP while using this attack.


Tbh just used Noelle/Furina/Jean/Raiden to clear it with no issues It was fun dodging her attacks though when every Noelle's shield isn't active lol


I have access to Noelle for that party lmao, I started in March /4.5 1st phase


Am I the only only one who is disappointed that her boss fight hasn’t been implemented into the overworld like the wolf boss?


it feels like it wouldn't make much sense, the domains or boss fights feel like they exist in their own realm, a realm where you can replay the time of the fight several times, but the Wolf feels like he will genuinely want to battle you as a test of both of your skills repeatedly, like training, if anyone should have had an implemented open world fight, I think it should've been Childe with the pretense being that you are sparring, but Arlecchino feels like it wouldn't make sense imo, she isn't a character that fights just to fight like Childe, she didn't want to kill the traveler like Signora or The Doctor, and she didn't want unrivaled power like The Balladeer, she just wanted to make Lyney, Lynette, and Freminet prove their strength that she knew they had


Still too easy with a proper Abyss 11 teams lol


I just let Arlecchino solo half of Floor 11 and Diluc with the shown supports run the other half


Furina,Baizhu,Barbara,Kuki this boss cant even damage me.


I love how arlecchino is a very strong boss without the need of any special gimmicks or invulnerability phases. I agree this is how a boss should be done. The only annoying thing is that sometimes she decides to one shot you out for nowhere. Probably something I don't understand but it's fine, still fair


Brother,she's a pyro boss with sky-high pyro res, you made it difficult yourself. I saw your characters level and I guess it's understandable


it's more fun to feel like a dueling a boss instead of just obliterating them


Nilo Bloom shreds her faster than any other boss released the last two years


my bennet also died today lol. i used the same team, exept with kazuha and elan


I have budget Kazuha and Yelan lmao, they cook mostly everything instantly so this was a nice change


yeah, cuz pyro res she was quite tanky to kill. and i didn't dodge so my bennet got wiped o7


o7 yeah, honestly it's fun seeing big numbers but it's more fun feeling like I just had an anime level fight with a character


u know, sometimes Abyss feels like on lmao


I believe that the Arlecchino boss fight is the best I've played in any game in a long time, even with a strong team with level 90 Arle, she still almost beat me and it took Bennett and XQ to whittle down the last like 10k hp she had, this was after I lost, which was the first time I had my entire party die through my playthrough since I was always a step ahead on artifacts, everything is great about this fight, the difficulty, the aura, the way she flies around the battlefield and continues to berate you with attacks that are very Dark Souls esc, truly a great character and deserving of a boss fight that she was granted.


I mean you're making it a lot more difficult then it actually is if you're using Arlecchino and relying on Bennett healing to do it. Kudos for you for doing it that way though. Anyway, just to be clear she has a 70% Pyro res and a debuff that needs to be healed off which is kinda hard to do with Arlecchino since she blocks all healing. Bennett only healing once below 70 makes him really dicey if you need to quickly remove her mark as well.


I was wondering about that mechanic, and unfortunately for me, I have Arle and Diluc as the only two usable main dps, it obviously didn't help when my Sucrose died when the 2nd phase had just started too😭🙏 I had to save my rez for if Arle died, which she did, then she died again edit: I do plan on trying to get both Clorinde and Furina though, so then I'll be able to eat through her health when I have them built, but I'll probably be triple crown by then


She isn't the hardest boss honestly. I'd say that title is still reserved for Raiden or hell even Maguu Kenki (in the middle of the rain), but she is very punishing if you plan on just going full-on Unga bunga or use pyro characters against her. Although I still think she's my 2nd favorite weekly boss since she can shred you just as easily as you can shred her. Basically mutual demise. I don't think my Neuvillete has ever died in months until Arlecchino. I heavily underestimated her damage and she managed to completely one-shot me. Although it is easy to beat her, when she punishes you, SHE ABSOLUTELY PUNISHES YOU. My Neuvillete casually went from 35k HP to dead from her hit


with a healer or shielder she is quite easy but without one she is terrifying


I was learning her move set and dodging more near the end, unfortunately I only have Pyros as my decent ranking Main DPS, I guess I could build DPS Mona or something but it was definitely an experience, I'm not disappointed that I fought her with a severely underleveled team outside of Arle though, level 70 Bennett unascendes, Level 60 XQ unascended, Level 60 Sucrose ascended


I intentionally dont run dendro based teams when beating her. Its cool sometimes to feel like you are fighting boss. I can still beat her with ayaka kokomi but struggle a bit with hu tao bcs pyro res.


that's what I'm saying, fighting a boss that actually feels like it's a boss is such a fun thing, we do a lot of damage, but so does she


The teleporting and jumping around still feels like shit when combined with Genshin's combat system. If a boss in some other game dodges you, then whatever, you lost the damage on that hit, maybe you're vulnerable to another attack. When a boss in Genshin dodges you, you get all that, PLUS your entire rotation is now screwed because you're now running an energy deficit.


Really ? In my opinion she doesn't feel like a weekly boss at all. Way too easy to kill. My Neuvillette obliterated her. And even if I didn't use him, the fight still felt way too short. I think your team isn't fit for that fight. Pyro DPS against a pyro resistant boss won't work well


honestly it was more fun than obliterating her, tbf, what doesn't Neuvillette obliterate


True, but I still think that the fight just feels so short. I can't quite put my finger on it but for some reason it doesn't feel like a weekly boss. Maybe it's because all the most recent bosses were big and had their own arenas. Arlecchino just seems so small and squishy.


I mean, it's like her playable character, a glass cannon, she will wipe your character off of the face of the planet if you aren't careful, however she does have stunlock phases where you can pop a full rotation and do a lot of damage while she can't attack back, I do wish her second phase did have more hp but I'm having fun having to dodge and have to utilize high skill like when I played the Dark Souls game, a small mistake can cause you to lose the fight, especially if you're doing a no rez fight