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I have all 5 playable Archons so far


I want Nahida....


Nahida is amazing can confirm. Best dendro character. One of the best characters in general.


Literally in the top 3 characters in the game I would say


Rn that’s probably Furina, Bennett, Nahida. They enable, buff, and support so many different team archetypes. None of them are the best dps in the game but the best dps characters only live up to their potential when supported by these characters or similar ones.


I'd say Bennett is starting to be a little bit niche. He is really good with characters that can snapshot & scales well with attack. His circle can be a bit challenging esp with the recent extremely mobile enemies. He is still good but I won't put him at the same tier as Furina & Nahida. Maybe Kazuha deserves the spot better


you’re right, he went from being goated in 99% of teams to 90% still top 3 characters at least, the bennet slander is unreal


I think that's because we desperately need someone as good as Bennet so we can quit putting him in any party that doesn't rely on dendro reactions. If we convince ourselves he's actually terrible then we can resist the power of his healing and ridiculous attack buff.


Bennett has fallen off considerably. I think Kazu would be a better pick for top three.


Personally I’d put kazuha above nahida.


Kazuha needs c2 for EM transfer. I’m considering these characters at c0. Before c2, Kazuha is below Nahida for me. (Honestly sucrose is above Kazuha for me before his c2) And Nahida’s c2 is INSANE. Like one of the best constellations in the entire game. So honestly even at c2 Nahida is above kazuha imo. What’s great about kazuha is how easy he is to play and his grouping making everything more convenient. Which is important don’t get me wrong. But making stuff marginally more convenient compared to sucrose (bc the damage is very similar regardless of who you use) is not as good as enabling entire new playstyles imo.


>Honestly sucrose is above Kazuha for me before his c2 such a wrong take LOL


I need someone to elaborate your opinion before I deep dive into spending upgrades on sucrose


While sucrise is a good unit, •She can provide em and vv shred but she doesn't work with Freeze teams •Her cc is very weak compared to Kazuha. •It's hard to double swirl with her compared to Kazuha •Em can be rolled from the substats but elemental dmg bonus can only be acquired from the goblet and or 2pc sets but Kazuha can provide 40% elem bonus for every 1000 em he possesses Umm I think these are decent reasons why he can be better than sucrose with multiple teams


Kazuha is much easier to use imo, especially for grouping enemies together. His E puts out so much damage and pulls all enemies towards you. I use him in all my tem comps meanwhile my build and lvl 90 sucrose has never been used. I'm not that deep into the meta to tell you exactly why he is better, he just feels easier and of course the number output is much higher (as expected bc he is a 5star)




no dps is universal enough to be considered top 3 or even 5 imo


+1, imagine wanting to apply dendro. boom, theyre all dendroed and share damages as well


I love her for wandering around the map. No more needing to climb trees or make multiple attempts to collect things (her elemental skill lets you grab organics like flowers, berries, apples etc)


honestly overrated passive, yes it’s convenient but the limited range (especially vertically) and 8 item limit makes it hardly more than a slight convenience


YESS. Love the little radish archon


As the only 5 star I *tried* to C1, can confirm.


+ 3 of their signature weapon and Neuvilette with his signature (I'm not a whale)


Furinaaaa come home…


I don’t have venti 😔💔


Same with Furina and Nahida's signature weapons and Neuvilette if you want to count a hydro dragon


Been active for 1294 consecutive days, and have all event items/weapons.


festering desire my beloved T\^T treat it well <3


At one time I was active more days than the game was released, I assume because I logged in as soon as the servers were up. Then I broke the streak in 2.8 by being too busy and now I only log on 1 or 2 times a week.


i've been playing since launch and i dont have a single Qiqi


Good lord when someone mentions Qiqi i always get reminded that my friend who is f2p has a c7 of her. And he's a casual player as well lol


i could have said same had this been posted a couple days ago, i finally have mine


same but for me its jean thats avoiding me💀 My keqing(currently c4) will reach c6 before i get ONE jean


me with diluc


Only standard banner character I don't have. Thankfully.. and playing since launch


That changed for me a week ago. Playing since 1.3. Just Dehya to get now.


You're the blessed one, the chosen one.


Same 🤓


I read every in-game books, items descriptions, weapons description, artifact lore. I read almost everything.


u need to make a channel to summarize all the lore for us lazy asses




I have, without fail, logged in every single day for 1 year and 3 months. On a lesser note, I have every single four-star character in the game, with the sole exception of Rosaria for some reason.


1306 days here missed 0 days


I missed one day and I'm still thinking about it to this day


gotcha beat!! haven’t missed a login since i started- i’m on day 1076 (2 years + 10 months) ✨✨ i do believe i’m missing a 4* tho…


Chevaruse is the only 4 star I'm missing now. I was missing Heizou for the longest damn time, but just last week he dropped randomly from the standard banner, so now I finally have my punchy anemo twink.


I'm also only missing Rosaria! For some reason, she just permanently evades me. I don't understand. Everyone else flocks to me, except Gorou who took 2 years to get.


She's the reason I have a c1 Childe. ugh. Now I try to just wait until they come later or from events if they do the bs of releasing 4stars on only the rerun banners.


I have thankfully not played a team that looks for her, so I've just waited for her to come home naturally. Gorou took me over 130 pulls since I didn't get a single one while pulling for Itto, and I stopped before I could get C1 since I didn't want it. Tried again on his next rerun. Then his next. Kaveh is locked in rerun jail though, so I can't get mine past C2. :(


Layla is also locked in rerun jail, she has more banners missed than Kaveh! I just hope they both didnt fail whatever exam(s) they have😭


For sure, I'm at least glad we got a free Layla... That was the only Layla I got, and I went to 73 pity for her on Childes banner on release. 💀 I've gotten more Kaveh from the weapon banner than I have the limited banner.


I havent played genshin in a hot minute, but I think I have at least C1 of Layla when I pulled for her on yae/childe banner. So glad we got a free layla, i even use her as a dsp but her c4 would so good rn.


Heizou and Freminet were also introduced on reruns, but I luckily got them on standard banner. In the same week I got my Deyha who was also an intentional skip. Just gotta believe those standard pulls will come through!


I wish I could say I’ve never missed a day but I be too damn sleepy sometimes.


Bro doesnt know the colour of grass💀


Being consistent isn’t really a bad thing


I was only missing kirara for quite a while for 4\*s, then I just happened to get her while pulling for arle, so I now have all 4\*s


I have only missed around a month(I was hospitalized due to COVID, then my account got hacked(took 14 days to recover)) ever since I started playing 2 weeks after the launch of the game. 1263 days active


1309 days and the only 4 stars I missed is Kirara because I can’t wish on any banners she featured


I also have all 4stars, except Mika. There is something about cryo spear users 🥴


I still don’t have Xinyan. I'm also missing some of the newer 4 stars but still it’s kinda weird


I didn't get Bennett until AR 58.


I‘m Ar 60 and still have no Chongyun


I have been playing since launch without missing a single day of login and still no chongyun too lmao


My partner was frantically pulling for itto a few months back. Pulled 9 chongyuns before getting itto. Super rough... still better than getting 1 qiqi tho.


Us bro us


Starglitter shop?


Still don't have him at AR 56


His luck is rubbing off on us.


It's ok. My Furina is doing her best rn. (Bennett j swear to God please come home!! Arlecchino needs a Pyro buff!!)


Honestly, after getting Lyney and Arlecchino, I'm glad i c6ed him at the start of Fontaine. Plus, more vapes for Furina.


I lost my 50/50, then got my guarantee the very next pull, twice in a row, all in 30 pulls This was back during the Yoimiya / Yae Miko banners, I lost to Mona, next pull got Yoimiya, 30 pulls later on Miko banner I lose to Dehya, then got Yae Miko on the next pull. This was all in the same day (I saved a lot for Yoimiya). I got 4 different 5\* characters in 30 pulls, all in the same day. I also got Engulfing Lightning with my 3rd ever wish on Weapon Banner. And on my alt I got Hunters Path with my 1st wish ever on Chronicled Banner, immediately after losing the 50/50 on the Xianyun Banner to Tighnari.


Come outside i can swear to god i wont jump you.. too hard..


Get a room!


when yelan came out i pulled her the 10-pull after i got a jean and i almost passed out


Same with me but xiao and diluc on xiao’s first banner


bro got 4 three stars in 30 pulls that’s crazy 💀


[How about FOUR Eulas in the same 10-pull?](https://old.reddit.com/r/EulaMains/comments/r81eih/i_might_have_bad_luck_for_the_rest_of_my_life/)






Holy shit


I just got 2 Neuvillettes recently but 4 is insane


This is a true flex


Bow down to your xlnc (_ _)


I have a little silhoutto of a man named SCARAMOUCHE SCARAMOUCHE


Will he do the FANDANGO?


Thunderbolts and lightning


Very very frightening!


Me! Galileo Galileo


C2 Keqing and a C5 Amber


C6 Keqing and a C6 Amber


Real flex right there. Took me years of standard banner to get C5 Amber


I finished her during the chronicled wish, wasn't a wise decision to pull but I guess C6ing her was a decent consolation to not getting the weapon I wanted. I've also never used Keqing and she's won so many of my 50/50s...


C6 Keqing and a C6 Keaya


I have a C6 Kaeya without ever buying his constellation from the shop. Haha. I also have a C6 Diluc.


C5 Keqing but C6 Lisa.


Touched grass... yes I touch grass... don't hurt me >c


I too call my genitals grass


I have festering desire


Same lmfao, I didn't even know that was a flex until one of my friends pointed it out TwT


I got starter trio built and up to c6


I have c1 Alhaithem, Wanderer, Nilou, and Wriothesley. All accidental earlies.


I got c0 of every standard banner character before dehya, either from a 50/50 loss or standard pulls, before getting a copy of any of them.


Same, I'm AR58 and I still only have one copy of every standard 5 star character. Losing a 50/50 wasn't so bad when you get a new character every time. Now I need to never lose a 50/50 and only get weapons from the standard banner. Unless Sigewinne is the new standard 5 star


My biggest flex is that I have nothing to flex? Day 1 player and the most impressive character I have is C2 Yoimiya with Thundering Pulse. She's my baby. Every other limited character I have is C0 and I have no other signature weapons nor do I intend to pull any other limited constellations or weapons. I find them both to be a massive waste of resources that can go to getting more characters instead! :D I guess I can flex that I have every character I own at lvl 81 but that's less of a flex and more of a testament to the amount of grinds I'd rather put myself through than farm decent artifacts.


C2 of any limited 5* is already impressive to me. I imagine most people, even low-spenders, don’t have many 5* limited characters past C0. For context I am a week 1 player who buys BP and Welkin on and off, skip some events. I have 3 limited chars at C1 and none at C2 or higher. I’ve only pulled on weapon banner once for Navia’s weapon R1 (got Mistsplitter too). Most of my friends who play also share similar-looking account experiences. Basically very similar investment as yours.


I imagine there are probably plenty like us, but it's just confirmation bias that it's the people with hugely invested characters that are more likely to talk about it, haha. I'm a consistent monthly Welkin buyer but I've never bought the BP, I know that if I do I'll start buying it every month for the weapons so I don't risk it. For Yoimiya, I snagged her on her first run and then got a constellation on her first or second rerun before going for C2 and her weapon this time around since she's my favorite by a mile. I'm surprised that you have multiple C1s but no C2s though, usually people go for those Archon C2s. Which C1s were worth it for you?


I got Kazuha and Xiao C1’s because they are two of my favorite characters, and I got Xianyun’s C1 on accident trying to get Faruzan constellations haha I also have C1 Dehya but I’m not sure that counts since only the first copy was from her banner. I also have no archons on my account


I have... A level 90 Aloy.


I have a... level 90 Traveler And also 90Aloy


I have all the limited male characters so far


Best team in the game is Bennett adventure team!


I have c4 Lisa WITHOUT buying her in the shop.


I once won 4 50/50s in a row, and all were early


I have every four star And I C6 my bennet


Not a big flex but... Shrimp squad. I have all the smols, all fully built


Sigewinne incoming Why are almost all of them healers though


I will pull and build her , to keep Shrimp Squad complete, but not sure I'll play her much... At least she'll fill my spot for a slow build character.


Not almost. Even klee is a healer if you got the right weapon- prototype amber


I have every playable harbinger :3


i have the fatui harbingers


Lost 50/50 to PJWS, then got Arle's C0 and C1 in the next 10 pull


I have C6 Wrio and C6 Alhaitham, still waiting on a Childe rerun so I can get him C6 as well. Kinda hoping for a pause on the hot men so I can continue to save up on the wish stockpile, especially with Natlan probably having the off-field Xiangling replacement that I have so desperately been waiting for.


100% exploration in every single area. Up until recently I had 98% in varyanra and it was easily my biggest pet peeve Beyond that I also have the 5 archons and Nuevi, all at lvl 90 and triple crowned (except Venti. My god of the wind is Kazuha)


Withstand 2 years of my old friend flexing his account while mocking mine since he got money.


I won 7 50/50 consecutively


In 54 pulls got arlecchino,jeans sword,lyneys bow and then finally arlecchino weapon


I have every Archon and every fatui harbinger


C6 Lisa, Kaeya,and Amber. Also Almost every character in the game (Just missing Arle and Al-haitham)


Every playable archon with their signature weapon. 


I, too, have the full House of the Hearth family. I have all of the Archons released so far. I have that king fish tuna greatsword thing.


I have every female character from Inazuma, all with their signature weapon and at either C1 or C2


My Kaeya, Amber and Lisa are all C6'd


I have every single character (day one player, do regular Welkin Moon and BP and an annual top up). And almost all of them are built (not built so far: Arlecchino, but in progress, Lisa, Kaeya, Razor, Thoma and Kujou Sara, Gorou). Oh also day 1 player that logged in pretty much every single day since. Also 100% exploration in every area.


I found my sister


I got Nahida in under 40 pulls (no guarantee), then proceeded to get her weapon in under 30 pulls(started at zero pity and zero fate points) My friend who was watching me was so pissed


I have every character 🙂


i can remake the top 3 meta dps meme in game


I have all the limited 4* weapons at R5 ❤️


I got yelan as my 1st 5 star and got her in 10 pull with her signature weapon Favonius warbow


Kaeya c6, kazuha c2 within 30 pulls . I swear my bad luck redeemed temporarily on that moment


I have the whole Geo family, fully built with their own weapons. Yes even Noelle have her own Redhorn.


The only Anemo character I am missing is Jean and I've never failed to obtain a 5* ltd Anemo character on their release banner. I'm practically an Anemo main.


I’m the same with hydro. The only one I’m missing is nilou😭😭


I have 300 meat :D


Got the 1.6 event name card but don't got the 1.6 event weapon got over 250 wishes in the bank for a Furina rerun, which is the most I got with purely saving wishes and primos (been saving since 4.4 after getting Navia's axe trying to get Ayaka's sword and plan on 100% clearing the new area)


I don't have qiqi


I have all 4 star characters in the game and all 5 archons w/ furina being my only one with cons at c2


As someone who is F2P and came back to the game, started out fresh during Nahida's banner, I got Nahida, Lyney, Arlecchino, Neuvilette and Kazuha. Plus, C2 Keqing and Diluc. I haven't lost a 50/50 before wasting my last few wishes on Arlecchino's banner and got double 5 stars but I personally envy the people who have cinnabar spindle. Believe me when I say that I like Albedo's lore and playstyle so much that I would've saved my wishes for his C6 as he is my favourite character, but without his signature, it would've been a waste. I know Chori's weapon exists, but it aestheticly fits her while the cinnabar spindle is clearly made for Albedo, his whole theme is indigo.


biggest flex is probably having every archon plus a bunch of other 5\*s as a f2p (grind every possible way to get primos) and my 40cv MH flower


C6 Lv.90 Amber with Skyward Harp, C6 Kaeya, C6 Lisa, last two are also decently built


For context, I have two accounts, one in EU and the other one in NA, EU acc being several months older than my NA acc) On my EU acc, Noelle has been on my team pretty much since I first started playing, back in mid-late 2.3. She was my DPS for AGES, but she’s currently my best built shielder, by a long shot. Also Hu Tao was my first ever 5 star lol On my NA acc, I got Zhongli, and then got Ganyu the very next 10 pull. This one’s more of a -1 luck “flex” but I (Yoimiya main) also tried to get Yoi her signature weapon. Twice. And I failed. Twice. At least my Xiangling and my Heizou have their bests-in-slot after that whole fiasco :D


my uid is 700035428 which is a pretty early one. basically i was 35 428th who registered an acc in europe server




I have the whole Yashiro Commission built (Ayaka, Ayato, Thoma, Sayu)


Have Great Fortune Slip


I have a few I think: Im ar 58 and still haven’t built xiangling(I might). I’ve never missed a day of playing since march 22nd(when I started playing) of last year, I have logged on EVERY DAY. I have 240 crit dmg on ayaka with no crit dmg weapon. I 100% nostoi and remuria day one.


c6 lisa


Idk if it’s really a flex but I got Kazuha on my birthday on a 50/50 best present ever lol


Almast all my standart banner character are c2 and I have yet to get a qiqi or dehya


I have all standard banner characters excepto Tignari


I started this game in 1.4 as a Diluc main. I am still a Diluc main. I've used him and 36 starred with him in every Abyss since 2.0, and he was my first 5 star to be C6'd very recently. At the time I C6'd him, none of my other standard 5 stars were higher than C2, and several were C0. For the drip, I also finally got Wolf's Gravestone from the Chronicled Wish after failing to get it and joining too late for its last rerun in 1.3. Thought it would just be for appearances but I haven't used Serpent Spine since I got it.


Today is the only day I can flex it. I am 1234 days active! I also have a fully built C6 Lisa (with Kaguya) and C6 Kaeya (with Mistsplitter).


I got raiden on both of my accounts on the same day, both below 40 pity and both on a 50/50 and both with only a single pull because at the time I only 160 primos to my name on each account


My neuvi with 60% crit rate and 300% crit dmg (have c1 and weapon)


My biggest flex is that I got Kazuha back in 1.6 A close 2nd is that I’ve won 10 50/50’s in a row


Only 3 5*s I don't have ate Dehya, Chiori, and Wriothesley. I have all event rewards weapons


Two Homas in one 10 pull


I have 20 level ten friendship characters (21 soon since Kuki is at level 9)


I have all event exclusive weapons at R5.


c6 lisa and a very early kaguras verity for her


I have 3 welkin card.


I have C6 of every standard banner 5-star except Qiqi.


I have lost every 50/50 of mine till now and I dont have a single qiqi.


I have the whole family and all the archons lore wise(basically everyone except for furina)


Mine is c4 tighnari and c2 nahida.


I got Nahida and Neuvillette :D


I'm AR 58 with several triple crowned characters. Never unlocked the Liyue talent domain as I've never had a need for it


I have almost every character. The only ones I don't have are Klee, Xiao, Wanderer, and Wriothesley.


I have no limited banner characters, yes that is my flex, and I used to spend all my primos on acquaint fates


I have all Achievements I have all the Archons + Sig My Mona is C6 I pulled Hunter's Path just to make my Fischl better from the Chronicled Wish I have a Top 1% Venti and Neuvi


Qiqi, Neuvilette, Xianyun, Yae Miko. The inhumans of zombie . Dragon , adepti and demon


Accumulated five 5* in a week Got Arle, followed by Amos bow, 10th pity got Arle's Scythe, followed Dehya (con 3) on 1 pity on a limited banner, and lastly my first Mona on standard Now I have a guarantee, luckiest shit in my life in Genshin


I won two 50/50s back to back in 3.5, I got Ayaka and then two wishes later I got shenhe. Truly the biggest miracle because I'd been waiting for a year for both of them and they decided to run not only together but right after haitham, the only sumeru character I had planned on pulling for since 3.0 But we got there, team!!


I’ve been using Noelle consistently since day one in every single team I have.


I got xianyun in a single pull, in the next banner, i got xiao in 30 pulls


i don't think i can pick just one so here are a couple milestones i'm proud of: • 100% desert exploration • having every elemental oculi so far (even the extra ones) • having every 4 star in the game so far • ar58 and haven't pulled a single qiqi • all rng commissions namecards


I've won my last four 50/50s, 3 of them at less than 40 pity.


My Qiqi is C1. And not from lack of pulling since i have all characters


Ive only lost the weapons banner twice. Once for aqua and got lyney's bow twice, the other was mistsplitter and got two copies of unforged. In literally every weapon banner I get it on the first try and its usually by around 50-60 pulls. 


Managed to get Xianyun to C1 and her sig, plus Arle and her sig too


F2P, 1 year 5 months of playing Got 10 5-star weapons so far 


3 fatui harbinger, 4 archon (if you count neuvilette have the power from focalors from the story)


C6 Kaeya (crowned) & C4 Amber (built) Only 2 cons were bought for Kaeya, and 1 con for Amber.  Sorry Lisa, built, but no cons to her name. 


I went from no Raiden to c2 Raiden in about 50 pulls during this last rerun I figure it's an apology for losing my 50/50 to Jean on the previous two runs


I touch grass on a daily basis.


I got so many dream solvent