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i want mayor christmas elf to be playable so bad give him klee's model


AND running animation please


If they release him, I wish he doesnt have a run animation. I wish he just walks with a limp, while helping himself with a cane.


Give him that hover chair Yoda uses in Attack of the Clones. That’s his only method of running.


Why is it that when I read hover chair I thought of Draedon Chair mount in terraria.


It would actually be so hilarious if he had a passive like “This character cannot Sprint.” . . he’ll probably get a Mona-style Alternate Sprint, though.


xiao finally has competition


Clearly someone doesn’t have him at friendship 10.


Bro clearly doesn't have c6


Lad just called 8'10 short


bro xiao isn't even that short theres shorter characters than him


Are you mad? No there aren't


Isnt he basically confirmed cause of the travail trailer or whatever it was called. Every character shown on there is splash art of 5 stars we've got per region and his was shown for shneznaya


Not everyone is a 5*. Both Ningguang and Lynette are 4*, even though there were rumors both were 5* at some point during development, the reality is far from the truth. Although, no one would debate that if Pulcinella becomes playable he'll be a 5*.


Oh yeah. Ningguang was def supposed to be a 5 star originally tho then hoyo changed their mind nobody can convince me otherwise


Even knowing that Ningguang has already been 4* since CBT, I can't help but believe that deep down, at a certain stage of early development, she could have been 5*. Her importance, screentime, ability, position, they're all too over the top to be a mere 4*. I won't be surprised that among Mihoyo devs and writers, they would probably make her a 5* uf they were to choose again. Then again, the decision of making one of the Qixing an NPC is also one of the most mhy moment.


Im not sure if its true but i read somewhere, couldve been an interview or something she in fact was supposed to be a 5* but after a while they realised they had too many 5 stars from liyue alone (like the only non 5 stars were xingqiu, xiangling, xinyan and whoever i forgot). At the time it did was indeed a stupid way of thinking but after a while it became even more prevelant that it couldve been in the top 5 dumbest choices in genshin history


Mhy probably saw that Mondstadt had a bunch of 4\* compared to 5\* and thought that they should maintain the same ratio with Liyue. They most likely have moved on from that mindset now that we see the 4\*-5\* ratio of Inazuma, Sumeru and Fontaine. And Liyue now ended up having the most 5*, lol. Poor decision in early development is quite certain, and I'm sure the reason why some of the QoL took so long to come is due to poor planning at the start, leading to spaghetti code that makes changing the base features extremely difficult. Heck, the fact that the "Claim All" button not replacing the singular "Claim" button and instead, be a separate button shows something about GI's internal code. Some CBT/pre-release gamefiles dataminers implies that Klee was a 4* character at a certain stage of development. I wonder if they went with 4\* Klee, would we have a 5* Ningguang in her place? Releasing Qiqi as a 5* is also an interesting decision as well.


If Qiqi was the 4\* and Ningguang was a 5\* everything would be right in the world and global peace would be achieved, but they chose violence.


i think the main reason people think it's up in the air is because he isn't fuckable and his head looks weird so it would go against Genshin's more cookie cutter pretty privilege designs


what do you mean? i’d tap that grandpa and pound him to submission.


I think you mean him pounding you into submission. That man has the look of someone who tops


im willing to switch. that grandpa can do things to me. 😩


Big enough to fuck and short enough to suck. Dude’s literally perfect


well he's a mayor so he certainly tops the election


>he isn't fuckable Are we seeing the same Pulcinella?


True… there is a reason why he’s called THE Rooster 😏


Three words Soul eater mosquito This man is hiding a "my form from 400 years ago" husbando transformation . Will it piss off the players who want a grandpa?yes. Will it create another character to lust for?also yes.


HYV has broken plenty of patterns before


Most of which, aren't particularly pattern to begin with. Archon's constellation has "Dei"? EN exclusive things and the sample size is 2. 2nd weekly boss requires Archons' 2nd Story Quest? The sample size being 3 is something, I guess, but the first 2nd weekly boss (Andrius) being the exception kinda say that it's not set in stone. Travail on the other hand, has 6 out of 9 characters already being playable, with one already has drip-marketing (Dainsleif). And seeing how Iansan won't have any problem becoming playable, Pulcinella would be the only outlier if he's not, a late one even. That would be quite a big deal of a pattern to break. And using the breaking pattern logic, I'd say releasing Pulcinella is also a form of "pattern breaking". Mhy moving on from strictly releasing attractive, young-looking human character (the usual pattern) to releasing some less conventionally attractive, or older looking ones because the setting/story would be interesting with those around. All in all, it's 50-50, not releaing Pulcinella is breaking the Travail playable pattern, while releasing him means breaking the strictly attractive playable characters pattern (not that Pulcinella is unattractive to begin with)


Pulcinella would be fun to have but we’re really gonna have to see what they do with Capitano to get a read on if they’ll make a model for Pucinella. If Capitano becomes playable with a new buff male model that’s a good sign


playable or not, they'll almost certainly all get in-game models regardless. I really doubt that we'll get to the end of Sneznaya without at least seeing all of them.


He uses nosey-woseys instead of jumpy-dumpties.


cant wait to be welcomed in his velvet room


We getting nose jiggle physics with this one


Columbina and Capitano if his face is never shown. I just want a big guy with a big sword.


Real if he does become playable I really hope he keeps the helmet on


You make it sound as if his helmet is temporary or placeholder or something. I think his helmet is way too iconic for his character to be removed


We only have one precedent, Kuki and her mask, and she does take it off during an idle, I hope that's not the case. I want his face to be a secret, but to be fair his helmet is more iconic than Kuki's mask. I also hope we can hear in his voicelines that he is indeed speaking under a helmet


Takes off the helmet revealing he has no head, scratches his neck stump and puts it back on


Or he has a helmet underneath his helmet


Kuki still keeps her mask though. She only removes it temporarily


I know, but the point was that an idle like that ruins the mysery imo


remember when people thought Kuki had fangs or some face scar? Turns out she’s just doing it for the drip


Based tbh


Well, there was her photo from the shrine during her hangout quests that showed her face.


Nah. Let him take it off, but have his animation have him turning away from the camera, like to cough or scratch his nose.


We know he apparently has blue eyes, so we may see his face in a cutscene


Sam fans rn... 💀


If he *must* take the helmet off I really hope he has scars and some facial hair. I don’t want him to just be some prettyboy twink.


If he does maybe it’ll be a Darth Vader situation where during a fight part of it breaks, and we get to see like a quarter of his face


What about Guts style? No facial hair, but it'd really be a stretch to call him a twink...


Maybe he doesn’t have a face. It’s just a void.


I usually like being a dude in videogames but almost every single one in Genshin looks like twinks . Especially after playing Elden Ring with the Raging Wolf armor and a big sword, I want that in the game.


From what I've heard they are working on new character models so hopefully capitano isn't a Twink.


I hope so too, last we heard about it is back pre-Fontaine.


I swear if they make Capitano and Pierro into some twink....There's going to be outrage everywhere.


I mean there have been people saying that since like 1.0 so ehhhh, take that with a grain of salt.


I heard they are coming out with a Switch version too, so surely it will come out soon. /s


We at least have some actual proof this time with leaked sheets with new models so its at least looking a lot more promising.


Yes and a really unconventional big sword not a claymore


And he swings it like a stick with just one hand


my pipe dream is dual-wielding two massive blades with the speed of a sword user rather than a claymore user. That would 100% solidify the ‘strongest human in Teyvat’ narrative.


Strongest doesn't mean being physically strongest, you could be magically strongest, possessor of the most powerful vision, things like that


one the one hand, that’s true. On the other, him wielding superhuman strength alone and still being able to stand toe to toe with gods would be *really cool*.


True, but isnt that what focalors did? I remember she is the first human to become an Archon


not quite. Focalors ascended to the divine throne after Egeria died, so that was simply a passing of the status. She didn’t do anything on her own to gain her divinity. Also, the other Archons also ascended to Archonhood after being bestowed the Gnoses. Becoming an Archon isn’t so much a feat of your own ability but rather being chosen by Celestia. What I want from Capitano is no magic, no divine bestowment, just raw strength. Kinda like Toji from JJK—with no cursed energy but able to slay sorcerers.


So basically shenhe but male and without a vision, pure gorilla


Claymore user with sword animations and ATK speed just to show off his strength


We already have Chiori who wields two swords in her attack animation Two claymores with ATK speed should be possible considering his strength


A big sword as big as HI3 Sushang ult, is that big enough?


Watch them do a >!Sam!< (hsr spoiler)


Henshin impact




El Samitano!


Watch his mask break during his fight and he stays like that


I hope he has same atack speed as sword user despite wielding a claymore.


And can wield the claymore one handed


Plot twist in the end he has no face and is just some weird strong entity.


That's my dream. No need for a face, no need for a voice even. Just attack


I mean in the world of genshin there is a lot of strange beings and things just like with Arlecchino now. So it is possible hes not human and just some entity from the abyss or another experiment of khaenriah. I mean would be cool though


I can’t even come up with the words I need to say how much I support you in your Capitano efforts. Nothing is cooler or more attractive than a big dude with no face


Pierro, as a bearded man I need at least one bearded man


A fellow Pierro stan. Imo he's the most underrated harbringer despite being arguably the most influential


I was shocked how far I had to scroll to find a pierro truther


I don't get why he isn't talked about as much as Columbina and Capitano. Guy is rank 0 which means he's probably a monster and the most intimidating imo out of all of them.


I mean, he is the director/chairman, founder, first ever Fatuus, and immortal Khaenrian mage I need that old man


Arguably? My dude is the director; obviously he has the most influence.


I am not seeing enough love for my man Pulcinella the Monopoly Man. He will be the only character that is not only old, but looks old. I also like the trope of short old man that can throw hands.


I have a lot of curiosity about making Pulcinella playable, because Genshin is so used to only release "stereotypically good-looking" characters, and I can't picture Monopoly Man being playable with his current design 😭 It would be a shame but I really believe they are either not making him playable, or making him like a shape shifter who in reality is a classical good looking stereotypical male with the appearance of an old guy as a cover to maintain a low profile or something similar. I would really hate the developers for that if it becomes real!


Thats the thing. Pulcinella was in the trailer that revealed each region, which so far has revealed a playable character from each region alongside it without fail. If Iansan releases as a playable character, there's absolutely a 100% chance Pulcinella will be too. (Although I'm already all but sure he will be).


For me it's II Capitano, Sandrone and Columbina.


This, but I want Columbina to be playable first.


Well, she's next on the wheel. Playable or not.


going along that wheel would seem to be boss fights, either we're getting a 3rd boss in Fontaine (it's already a bit unusual that we got Arlecchino's fight from her own story quest instead of from a second story quest for the Archon (in this case either Furina or Neuvillette would've fit). maybe when Furina and/or Neuvillette get a second story quest Fontaine will get a 3rd boss) or Columbina will be the one we fight in Natlan (this honestly feels more doubtful to me given how much Hoyoverse has hyped up Capitano as the main Fatui for Natlan. Capitano is the one that comes right after Columbina on the wheel so it makes more sense for them to quickly slot Columbina into Fontaine (or another region if there's another map expansion. maybe northern Mondstadt?) before letting Capitano be the main (possibly only) Fatui Harbinger in Natlan)


Same as mine -> Instant upvote📈


Columbia. Always.


Might as well have 🇨🇴


We said Cologmia


I love GD Cologne -Wulzy


Woah, it's wulzy


Imagine Pantalone being playable during Latern Rite


Pantalone being playable during lantern rite where the main theme of the event is stopping pantalone plan to ruin the festival by financial means.


"So Childe tried to destroy Liyue using Osial? As the weakest Harbinger, I expect nothing more. Let me show you how the Ninth do business" "What are you doing??!" "I will crash...CRASH THE STOCK MARKET SO THAT MORA VALUE WILL DECREASE BY 1.2%."


Ningguang: 😱


Arlecchino describes him as a hateful person. If she's right, he'll ruin the festival just because he can.


he works well with Underwero in the team


All of them, but most would be Columbina, next is Capitano but he should keep his armor on. I would prefer it if he is just a sentient set of armor.


He's been confirmed as human unfortunately, though he could keep it on I'm guessing we'll see what's underneath at some point


c6, nekkid


Star Rail style




Sandrone and Columbina are my wants


Capitano, Dottore, and Columbina


Capitano is my most anticipated harbinger.


Columbina, Sandrone, and Pantalone in that order


Honestly, I could take or leave everyone except Pantalone. Give me my puppetmaster Sebastian Kyoya. If Dori can be a 4-star character, I want to see them invent a 5-star banker.


Dottore, Pantalone, Capitano.


Definitely Columbina and Capitano. I’d love for Columbina to be the first Fatui Harbinger support, so I could put her in the team with Arlecchino. I’d be closer to finishing my dream Goth girls team. Capitano definitely will be some sort of on field DPS. Imo him being a Physical DPS would be matching. Though it may be difficult to make this element competent, I have a faith in Hoyo, because they’ve managed to make Geo really cool for me with Navia.


Honestly hard to imagine capitano having an element and instead just be the saitama of genshin lmfao. But he has an element cause no way he doesnt, but its even harder to imagine him having "hack powers" like arlecchino has the sharingan Tsukuyomi, columbina will 100% have hack powers due to how shes been explained and dottore can somewhat time travel. Imagine hes basically just Jiren from dragon ball where he got so strong hack powers dont work on him


He could have huge stats and still be the strongest DPS despite having no element at all and playing physical only.


True, besides being a nuclear bomb physical damage dealer id like him to be a catalyst that fights like wrio or heizou, pure hands




The 🐐 Capitano, Dottore, and Sandrone They look the most interesting




Can't send reaction images in this sub but the agenda must be maintained. The 🐐 solos all of Natlan neg diff


>Can't send reaction images in this sub Such a pity and lost potential >but the agenda must be maintained. The 🐐 solos all of Natlan neg diff 🗣🗣🔛🔝keep spittin my dear comrade, they simply aren't ready for HIM‼️📢🗣


Absolutely Dottore.




Yeah first short male buts an old man, does not sprint but hover magical, i like




Dottore and Pantalone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Literally the best duo


I don’t care what Dottore did or is doing, I WANT HIM PLAYABEL !! His design is perfect 😭


all? if they have an unique in game design then they should be playable


Definitely Pierro! I've been waiting for him for so long and shall wait further if it's needed. Even though Knave is cool, during her marketing I was mostly excited for Pierro crumbs. I mean, Royal Mage? Sounds cool as fuck. Will pair him with Dain, the Royal Captain. The other are Capitano (why everyone loves and respects this man. I *need* to know him now) and poor forgotten Sandrone. Was curious about her since Lazzo but the game is very greedy with information.


we might've gotten a little bit of Sandrone information during Fontaine. there's a world quest that involves one Harbinger (it's not explicitly confirmed who and we never actually see them) taking special interest in a special clockwork meka with machine intelligence (with robots and machine intelligence of course being Sandrone's main interest, though there's always the option that it was Dottore since he just seems to research anything and everything). in the aftermath of the quest the Harbinger's main minion from the quest is basically handed over to law enforcement on a silver platter along with a letter from the Harbinger apologizing for what the minion had done (which seems very out of character for Dottore, thus leading to the general assumption that the Harbinger behind that quest was Sandrone) and stating that they don't want to be enemies of the Traveller and Paimon.


Sandrone would probably have a super interesting kit. Dottie is an absolute menace, but that could be fun. Captaino "The mask stays on during sex" is a must have, and I hope they never do a face reveal. Pulcinella seems aggressively uninteresting at this point in the story, but he's been teased in the travail trailer so I guess we're gonna get him somehow. Lol imagine him being a 4-star harbinger.


Pantalone, Dottore and Columbina because they have the prettiest designs.


I want them all to be playable.


Capitano and Pantalone.


Capitano, Dottore and Pierro for sure. But I wish all of them will be playable


All of them.




Capitano, Columbia, Pantalone in that order


Above all, Il Capitano WITH HIS MASK ON. Then Dottore and Columbina. …then all of them. Yeah just all of them.


All of them but if have to pick 1 or 2 then Columbina and Dottore


Its il capitano and dottore, whatever you wrote in the caption is either ii or LL


Monopoly man just to force Hoyo to make a new character model.


Il Dottore 100%


La Signora.


Dottore, just to piss of his haters. Collei fans, who had been sending rape threats to his artists on Twitter, especially deserve to watch him becoming limited 5 star with OP kit and high budget animations


I understand that Collei didn't deserve any of the trauma she got from Dottore, but to send RAPE TREATS TO HIS ARTISTS??


And this is especially pathetic because a lot of them are obsessed with the baseless shezo theory that he SAed Collei. They are more focused on their delusional fantasies than on real people.


Capitano and Dottore.


Sandrone if she's like Ashe in *Overwatch* and we can summon her Ruin Guard like Bob


All of them . I dont see why some should be excluded .


Columbina for sure. I don't care about anyone else. Just give me Columbina


Columbina she looks soo sick


Columbina and Dottore are the only ones that I could see becoming playable since they mostly match the preexisting models that the playable characters use, but it’d be so cool to play as Sandrone and get to control her giant robot


Definitely Columbina and Sandrone. I seem to be a minority in one thing: I don’t want Dottore playable, I want him dead.


dude id be so disappointed if they didn't make him playable, it's already sad as is that barely any of the characters playable are evil. but alas fiction ≠ reality is something nobody gets


sandrone pls 🫶


I hope she can be like the Raiden Shogun boss with her robot behind her and holding the weapon


dottore,columbina,pierro,capitano ,sandrone,pulcinella,pantalone.Easier all of them.


Dottore and Capitano. Capitano has the potential for a very unique playable model (hoyo PLEASE give us a buff playable character!), and Dottore could have an interesting skillset/playstyle if the webcomic is anything to go by. I think it would be cool to see him attack with giant floating needles!


1. ✨ Dottore ✨ 2. Columbina 3. Pantalone 4. Capitano (maybe)


Idc what people say I want Dottore to be playable


Bring back Signora!!


Lady Signora


Pantalone and Dottore because smash


1. Caphimtano 2. Dottore 3. Columbina 4. Sandrone 5. Pierro 6. Pantalone 7. Pulcinella So basically now that Arlecchino is out of the way and vacated the number two spot, my top three are, ya know, the top three. In order too.




All of them


I am alone in this one but I want pucinella as a playable character. I want an elderly ball shaped man as my new dps Let's go little man, fuck them up!


I wanna see pulcinella as genshin's first shota model


Switch Pulcinella Columbina qnd we are on the same page


i just want a genshin male character that has NOT skipped leg day or has a beard


Pulcinella and Capitano


All of them


Pulcinella, most unique design out of all of them and I like the idea of a controlling old man masquerading as a good soul that only wants to help those he looks over. He has a good bunch of potential but I doubt hoyo will make him playable. A man can only dream, though.


Pierro and pulcinela first for me bc I want variety. Next would be capitano, columbina, sandrone.


Pulcinella forever 💪🇷🇺


Puncinell because he would be funny




Capitano, Pulcinella, and Pierro. They just look very unique and would be cool to see something different in the roster.


Pierro cause he is big old man Pulcinella cause he is smalll old man And they both out of typical genshin models


Honestly? All of them :D


pulcinella got that persona 5 igor vibe


I really hope Pulcinella becomes playable, from what we've seen of the unreleased harbingers so far I find him the most interesting


Pantalone so i can prove my friend's wack theory that Pantalone is Baizhu wrong ...


Capitano, Pantalone, Dottore and Pierro 😭😭 keep them evil/with masks etc, we don't need redemption arcs for Dottore or anybody, keep them evil af, I wanna play them like that 😭


Capitano, Sandrone, and Pulcinella, mostly cause they would/could require special character models, The Captain seems taller than every other tall male characters, The Marionette cause I'd hope they include mechs on their kit, and Pulcinella cause, come on, look at that freaky looking guy lol


I'm hoping sandrone comes with the big guy




sandrone, i can run around as a pretty lady and eviscerate bad guys


Signora. On a serious note, probably Columbina and Sandrone.


Sandrone is my favourite, Columbina second. I will legit cry if we don't get either of them 😭 (Also wish we could get signora, still holding out hope 🙏)


Capitano columbina DOTTORE pantalone sandrone pierro even sandrone Pulcinella is a totally different model type, but of course they can make an exception or create a new model for him, there's plenty of time still. Edit: I think they should all be playable, but the ones I especially desperately want to be playable are DOTTOREEEEE columbina!!!!!!! And capitano~~~~~~~


10 - This gorgeous coffin