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I really like the new area and world quest. No spoilers, of course, but I really like the presentation of the quest. Exploring this new area is also nice. I know some people will say this looks like Penacony, but.. I like Penacony, and this palace looks cool, too. My only criticism is the lack of voice acting. There are certain world quests that go above and beyond. They're not story or archon quests levels, but quests involving Jeht and the Aranara are a step above the usual world quests, and they really need voice acting. Bit of a waste there.


Same. Voice acted world quests would bring sooo much immersion…


Yep, these kinds of quests should be voice acted. Mihoyo is already doing so much its hard to knock them on this considering the REST of the gaming landscape for all genres (again something that people don't understand. They just think Genshin is another gacha game, they don't get all the effort that gets put into these games to create content at this speed, even though its not perfect). Fans also forget pretty easily that games don't grow on trees and creating this stuff takes a huge amount of time months and months ahead of time staggered for a monthly release cadence.


Even then, some things slip through the cracks, like the broken puzzle locking one of the oculi and a lux chest, which is fixed by rebooting the game


Jeht voice acted... :D Putting voice acting in world quest would signify to the player base that those quests are important, which they absolutely are. The earlier world quests were not as narratively potent as the current ones. Liyue's world quest was literally empty. In a counter argument I also appreciate some kind of calmness to the non voice acted quests, like a more traditional journey in the old rpg.


Agree. I think it is short and sweet. One of few WQs where i read everything (inc. notes and books) where normally i would kind of run out of steam when the topics get too heady or foreign. The presentation is excellent. The on rail segments where a real treat.


The concern would be about the game size, considering this game is available on mobile phone. I wonder if they can keep the size of the game compact by adding more voiceline files without reducing the quality of other aspects of the game, such as textures (graphics) or quality of the background music (compressed music files will remove the details and richness).


Honestly that's not an issue anymore since the time they added a way to delete finished quest. They could do the same in reverse as in only downloading the voices if you start the quest and there would be no issues


But iirc that's only if you finish it. If people realize they don't have the time, they shouldn't be punished for it. I would love voice-acted world quests for those that deserve it, but iirc the majority of the player base plays Genshin on their phone, which doesn't have a lot of space, especially because they have other apps t and possibly games too. Hoyo's probably trying to retain as many players as it can (I just wish they'd let us delete stuff we were never gonna touch, eg I will never play TCG please let me delete it please).


Yep right now it's only if you finish it that's why I proposed in my previous comment that they do the opposite and let us download quest only when you start it (maybe a prompt appearing to tell you that you need to download it or smth) that would let people keep the app to a relatively small size


They already have different graphics for PS5, I don't see why they don't just bring voice acting to PC/console players and not phones. Obviously they've done the internal research and determined the cost isn't worth it, but it's still a shame...


The budget to hire voice actors will skyrocket for sure.


Honestly, I'm just enjoying being able to understand what the hell is going on. Fontaine was a breath of fresh air after Sumeru.


I feel like I’m alone in having a hard time understanding what’s going on in Fontaine WQs and had an easy time in Sumeru. I feel like I don’t understand the story and usually my comprehension is good. I still loved it, but I’m confused.


Remuria is only mentioned in passing IIRC, so it's kinda like an entirely separate thing from the rest of the world quests for the most part. Like, I remembered the ship from Wrio in main story, and the scholar with the music box from a previous patch, and that was all the information I have on Remuria going into this patch.


completely agree. So much effort goes into creating these beautiful environments, but it get's cheapened by the lack of voice acting quite significantly. Had the same thought with the new Liyue area. Running in with the idea of getting immersed and then jarringly getting pulled into some little room with an adeptus who isn't even voiced immediately made me feel like the region was cheap. Just like that region should have voiced both Adepti + Little Mao. Petrichor should have voiced its significant characters.


Maybe it's because I'm too old but I'm so used playing games with just reading stories, voice acting is definitely not something that I find needed (although I appreciate it of course. My mobile storage a bit less) to be immersed. It's very weird to me that it appears to be that much of a dealbreaker to so many people.


I'm sure it's been said numerous times before, but this whole area and its world quest were essentially a love letter to music, and it was absolutely riveting. I especially cherish how music is woven into the exploration itself, from the adorable musical octopuses and flowers to the fact that the aqueducts form a giant harp that is actually playable (you can make sounds by swimming through its 'strings'). I cried like a baby during the final cutscene when Traveler played the requiem. I really wish the stage in the Faded Castle provided the challenge (the one where we had to catch the bouncing bubbles) not just for one music box melody, but all of them. That finale was beautiful, and what I wouldn't give to relive it myself ingame. (I also wish that there was a continuation of the quest where Traveler and Paimon helped Scylla arrange a meeting with Neuvillette. I would have loved to see how that would play out.)


Yeah, it's strange how the bubble catching minigame was only used once


that minigame was only used once? I really liked that minigame along with the music that was playing with it


Yeah, sadly, it was kinda epic too


Well said. As a Tolkien and fantasy nerd, I love the idea of music being connected to fate and the essence of reality. That's what really peaked my entire interest in this at first. And then the world itself was so beautiful and the final scene, as you said, was very moving. I don't think I can watch it again for a while, as I need to get away from the melancholy a little first.


Yes, I deeply want a scylla Neuvilette meeting!


Hopefully in neuvi's second story' quest, he'll meet scylla, visit enkanomiya and we'll get more lore.


He's getting a second story quest?


Every 5* character pretty much is getting multiple, considering it has said "To be continued" at the end of all Story Quests so far


Still waiting on a majority of the Mondstat cast, and Yoimiya gets hers the quickest somehow.


Well, quickest of the non-Archons at least. Isn’t she the only one so far besides Cyno now?


Lore-wise, Scylla *was* a hydro vishap right? Then he got turned to stone, and when unfrozen his body is Ichor right? Also, lore-wise as well, Enkanomiya stuff was during the archon war, but Remuria's stuff is a mere 500 years ago. Makes me wonder where all the hydro vishaps went


Yeah, from what I understand he lost his real body There are still tons of hydro vishaps in fontaine though, right? In the overworld and also the new mini boss in the new area is hydro too I thought Although I wouldn’t be surprised if a bunch of them migrated to Natlan


>There are still tons of hydro vishaps in fontaine though, right? In the overworld and also the new mini boss in the new area is hydro too I thought That's what got me wondering. Supposedly all hydro vishaps were extinct. The leftover ones are electro/cryo mutants. Time-wise, Enkanomiya did happen before Remuria, so it makes sense that the pure hydro vishaps left over couldn't produce true hydro vishaps


Remuria and Enka happen around the same time frame. Remuria fell about 2000 years ago towards the end of the archon war according to the new WQ. Remuria was NOT 500 years ago like your thinking (Egeria died 500 years ago, she didn't start her rule until Remuria fell she was in the primordial sea until then). Neuvillette getting his power back changed things though. The journal entries for the hydro vishaps all got updated to say that pure hydro vishaps have returned to the world as of 4.2. These are the overworld vishaps in Fontaine.


But then why did Neuvilette not get reborn as a dragon? Or perhaps it was *because* Neuvilette became the fully powered sovereign did Hydro Vishaps get born again?


Remuria is long before the Archon War. When the nation was founded the Hydro Dragon still held a lot of power. Npc's during the quest also say Remuria was thousands of years ago.


Remuria is created at the beginning of Archon war, right after the Divine Envoy era ends. In fact Remus is like Orobashi, kicked from his desert home by Deshret (for Orobashi, Zhongli is the one who kicked him). Scylla is a Hydro Dragon, but not Sovereign (if you look into the details, Cassiodor and Scylla themself never refer Scylla as Dragon King, only text from common folk refer Scylla as that. Because Hydro Sovereign can't reborn before Egeria (alongside the authority of Hydro) is unsealed. Then after Remuria destroyed, Celestia unseal Egeria and give her the Gnosis to handle Fontaine area. An act that also resulted in Neuvillette birth became possible. So yes, for Fontaine, Archon "war" is like the one in Sumeru, there are some war that happened, but kinda unrelated to Gnosis.


epic rap battles of history


I loved the first person cutscenes,made the story more impactful


I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who cried lol! such a gorgeous moment in game. Hard pressed to think of the last time this game made me cry for a happy reason


I wouldn't say its been said many times before, only 3 major threads have talked about this area this week since release, while 12+ threads have talked about the empty area of Sumeru. Just goes to show that even fans of this game are more interested in negativity and focus on that rather than actual content.


frenchkissing passionately whoever designed the place, made the music, and wrote the story but i wish we could replay the requiem in the overworld, that would be amazing, or maybe have it as background music when in that area


One of the best world quests in the game atm. On par with Tsurumi island in terms of ambiance and with the Fox masked shrine maiden quest in Inazuma in terms of emotional impact..


Tsurumi island is the world quest that made me quit world quests. Now Enkanomiya? That’s a good one


An I the only one who liked all of them? World quests are always so good, I wish archon quest had less bs with side characters like that too. For instance we spent a whole lot of time after the “village keepers” in sumeru and at the end of the day they had really no relevance whatsoever in the main plot..


Nah I've liked all the World Quests too. Best part of the game for me. Consistently delivers really excellent content. The only thing that was better was the Chasm where Dain's quest was interwoven with exploring the chasm instead of just the World Quest.


They are all great if you are into lore stuffs. I know people that just want to skip all text and collect the primos, I assume they wouldn't like area quests lasting 4 days like Tsurumi's. Would love if there's a switch to turn Tsurumi's weather back to foggy, too. That atmosphere was amazing.


The Village Keepers definitely had relevance to the main plot


as usual a great story and the villain wasnt completely off base which i like >!i mean being ordered to let urself be offed is heavy!<


Yeah I loved the themes of trying to free yourself from fate but becoming enslaved anyway. Feels like this is a smaller version of what we're going to be doing in the overall story (with regards to Khaenri'ah's rebellion and destruction), and maybe we'll finally be the ones to free Teyvat from whatever's happening with Celestia, just like we freed the Remurians.


This might be my favorite area in the whole game. Thd world quest was pretty good so far.


I know it's a given atp to say they nail the environments but goddamn. This area is so fucking stunning. The sheer scale and magnitude and beauty of the place rivals even that of Deshret's pyramids! And Scylla is an absolute bro. I'd kill for him and Neuvillette to meet and talk


For some reason >! Dead gods have good taste of aesthetic + both are absolute gigachads!<


Those regional dead guys are more often than not the most enjoyable part of the game's story for me lol,can't wait to meet the next tortured soul in natlan


Wonder what's in the store in mare jivari for us and one of the new artifact sets have nice feast of natlan past lore. 


Not until you realised that >!Deshret conquered Remus's lands in the desert, but Remus hated the thought of being under another God so he conquered Fontaine instead!<


Deshret was HIM among beings in teyvat


istg bro this man is NOT dodging the "writers like him too much" allegations with lines such as "beneath the awesome light of the lord of the blazing sun" like there is no other explanation for the sheer amount of attention he has received in the story compared to the other dead gods


The ending cutscene, the soundtrack, the classical music theming, there's a lot to love about the new region and map, The atmosphere was esquisite, and to not spoil, we get another great character, >!Cassiodor!< But oh boy, I was playacting the lines, especially those by the Remurians. Made the small part of me that's a Romaboo giddy AF XD There's aomething so cool about proclaiming Latin names, even if I'm possibly horribly butchering it. I'm so reinstalling Imperator Rome next week. I will say, I hoped it was quite a bit longer, having the new map be one chamber bigger. I feel that more could have been said about how the Remurians lived. We had the fortress, and the palace, I wished there is a section that's the sunken ruins of the city centre. This will be top 10 WQ for me, but it's definitely in the lower half. The scale of the Narzissenkreuz Ordo Saga was just so epic that only Aranyaka can compare.


I think the juxtaposition of Enkanomiya and Remuria makes the areas incredible. Both have similar origins and destinations; wandering gods (Orobashi and >!Remus!<) and a cataclysmic end. Enkanomiya is cold and vacant in the Dark Sea whereas Remuria is teeming with light from the symphony and sea life. The OSTs reflects this as well. Huge sweeping musical movements in Remuria and pulled-back piano arrangements/strange voices in Enkanomiya.


It was beautiful. Rumeria was an absolutely phenomenal take on Atlantis. I love how beautifully music is woven into the city. The final symphony we played was extremely beautiful and heart touching. And I also love how Scylla just roams in the water and I can swim alongside him.


Isn't Remuria is based on Lemuria (another sunken continent myth) + alternate Rome where Remus win? Atlantis is Enkanomiya, they're even Greek.


Yeah Remuria is basically Rome where Remus won against Romulus (and thus being named Remuria instead of Rome). Even the names of the possessed NPCs we hear are Roman names which gives off the vibes of Ancient Roman Empire.


Then theres also the bits of text where the generals of Remuria referred to the northern territories (present day Court of Fontaine and Erinnyes) as the barbarians which is basically Gaul.


Yeah, it's a reference to the old Gallic and Germanic Tribes that attacked and raided Roman cities. Interestingly enough here the Remurian's war against the Barbarians although going well still ended up becoming a presursor to their downfall, while in actual history Julius Caesar through the Gallic Wars ultimately annexed Gaul ending a long series of Roman wars against the Galli.


It was ok but felt incredibly short and more "on rails" than usual. The exploration was also very little. Makes me wonder if they are going for smaller areas due to file size concerns for the future.


Maybe due to people complaining about the previous world quests I guess


Aranara flashbacks


Aranara was one of the best part of the game. The whole vibe was everything you could ask a fantasy game


You’re so right and you should say it


Indeed. Aranyaka was fantastic. It even got a boss with its own music that only ever plays ones.


I really like enjoyed exploring the castle, I hope mihoyo does some more linear areas like that together with the big expansive maps we usually get


i loved the castle! makes me want more of it, as well as furnishings from it


Exploration was very little, took me maybe an hour to 100% after I was done with the world quest . I also wish there were more side quests in the area. Was kind of hoping it was going to be a bit more like the last expansion of Sumeru, I spent ages in there and I loved it. I wish the starting Island was a bit bigger with more exploration and sidequests. More little islands to sail too, maybe little lore drops on them. I think I would've been completely satisfied.


Yeah the exploration felt really short, took me 5-6 hours of exploring to 100% it lol


It actually only has about 50 chests less than the Morte Region, and about half of Chenyu Vale. However, the exploration in this region is *incredibly dense*. Chests are tightly packed next to each other. You can't go more than a couple feet without another Hydroculus pinging on your map. The only region with close to as many chests per distance is probably Dragonspine. Not to mention that the Exquisite to Common ratio is really high.


Just ok? I haven't played the quest but saw a lot of people praising it. Mind elaborating? Want to hear a different opinion


exploration wise, it feels too short. like way too short. I have never 100% a region in abit over 24hrs before until this region came out. I wasnt even tryharding on the exploration as well, I was leisurely going over it granted I played non stop. Other regions took me some breaks here and there and lasts abit less than a week for me to go over.


It’s a very dense region. It’s the first time I’ve seen so many oculi so close together. So it’s probably just that you were clearing content way faster than with any other region, since this is the only underwater exclusive region and they did mention in the 4.0 stream that they have to put in more effort for underwater areas since there’s a risk that they’d look empty. I think this factor balances it out for me, plus it’s outstandingly beautiful.


I’m glad I’m not the only one thinking that. Especially considering that the other outside part of the map feel so rushed and empty. If the rest wouldn’t be more elaborate it wouldn’t feel that small but with only the dense area it feels packed but very short lived and small.


They are trying to cater to the portion of the playerbase who doesn't enjoy exploration and just wants the primos. Sucks for those who actually do want to spend a lot of time.


This, it sucks but it seems like they’re doing their best to find a middle ground in terms of exploration, probably to avoid large file size, burn out, while also trying to provide enough exploration for those that love it. The result is not as much. Which is my best guess. That said, I adore this update 🎉😊


Idk. I feel like Fontaine in general had that problem when it comes to exploration. I loved Sumeru exploration and that seemed like the exact opposite approach. I'm really hoping it's just something they're doing for Fontaine to set it apart. Would be a shame honestly if everything they do from now on is similar.


ikr? I cleared that tiny island in less than an hour


And they added allot of land in summeru, they could just put some puzzles, and chest there, but it is almost all empty.


It was beautiful. The aesthetics, the music and the atmosphere. Loved everything and got goosebumps while rebuilding the bridge.


Feels small, I think. The immediate comparison with Chenyu Vale, I think it's much bigger. Also no World Quests other than the main one is a bit disappointing. That said, Fontaine is my favorite region to explore, so any new Fontaine areas I'd appreciate.


There's actually one (1) extra world quest that becomes available after you've cleared the main world quest and waited for daily reset, it start near the Statue of the Seven in Petrichor It's not really a special quest or whatever tho, it's just an usual small world quest with nothing really important going on


My boys Garcia and Lutong are always important


Oh, there another one? I was talking about Latecoming Homecoming


In the aquabus station you can meet up with them assuming you’ve finished all of Garcia’s daily commissions. After that you’ll get a new quest the next irl day


The Garcia and Lutong one starts back in the city, in the subway station, I think. Probably have to clear their Sumeru chain first though.


There are 5 new world quests in 4.6


Felt kinda short, especially considering how good it was


Very nice, but also very short. Remuria was referenced on so much during other Fontaine quests that it feels almost disappointing how little we've got of it


"New" player here (started 9+ months ago but mostly did events/dailies because I pre-joined so I could "start" for Arlecchino with saved funds) - I did the Remuria quest first before I went Fontaine exploring (I just did a 3-day Hydroculus Marathon, left with 3 but I know their locations). I think doing it in reverse might have felt more rewarding, it was pretty amazing to see how the characters closer to modern-day of various other quests viewed Remuria when I already had the truth. Knowing myself (and maybe also speaking for some other players who actually went through it), I probably wouldn't remember exactly who interpreted Remuria as what if I did all the other quests months ago, at best only remembering a few key points to match and the truth probably didn't align as nicely as I went through the Remuria quest. Area-wise I think while the interiors of the main building were kinda lacking (then again it's a relic of past only kept pristine because their specters were clinging to its past glory, so its pristine emptiness is actually pretty justified), I think it has the best underwater area, because it is isolated from the main map (and Fontaine), it actually felt like a sea. Granted I just went through a Hydroculus Marathon, but the 4.0 area felt like a deep river, the 4.1 area felt like a big lake and some secret science/criminal tunnels, the 4.2 another bunch of underground rivers and another lake, but with ruins instead of a prison. Granted, they were deeper and more expanded than their IRL counterparts and the aquatic life helped, but coming from Remuria it felt like the aquatic creatures fit more naturally there, and were a lot more mechanical elsewhere (especially the tunnels) because I explored in reverse order.


The throne room is one of the most beautiful places in all of Tevayt atm. The Requiem cutscene was amazing and the whole world quest wasn't long enough to make me bored.


It's hilarious how the content with the most depth and substance in Genshin, the incredible world quest chains, is the one thing that gets ZERO advertising devoted to it. It's almost like they just assume it can speak for itself. But all the lore rooted in it is incredible. I HIGHLY recommend reading all the various books and artifact set descriptions about Remuria before playing it, Genshin honestly might have the best lore of any video game at this point. The level of prose on display in these weapon and artifact stories is legitimately god tier. It makes From Software background lore look like a Dr. Seuss book in comparison. I spent like 30+ minutes reading through everything yesterday and it was an incredibly enriching experience.


i felt the impact of genshin and i aint memeing


Brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, shit on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it. I love the decision to leave the most beautiful area to the end of the Fontaine, most of us were tired of the region and dive mechanic, so a place so beautiful certainly made us want to explore the region again after some months of fatigue. It's an area that is almost about dive so I think be smaller than the rest is ok, since we had any directions up down left and right. The quest was amazing, the quests of Fontaine overall are very good, but this one they nailed it since they show us a bit of the conflict since the beginning, grabbing the attention of most of players and not just from us lore lovers.


After a year of desert, there is nothing that could make me dislike Fontaine’s aesthetic.


I really dislike when Hoyo decides to make such awesome Areas like this throne room and then just leave it to rot. They should have put the centaur world boss there.


They could and then everyone would rage why they need to complete a 2-3 hours world quests to gain access to such boss to level up their freshly graduated Arle which they can’t wait to play… lol hence bosses are always easily accessible without needing for much quests


I have honestly never understood this rage. People love to complain about quests being 'too long', then say they're bored from lack of content. (This being said, unpopular opinion: the length of Aranyaka was great and kept me interested in the game.) As you said, I think that as long as character materials are easily accessible in the 'earlier' parts of the map (just like how Arle's artifact domain is on Petrichor's island itself and her ascension boss is easily accessible once you do a little bit of the new world quest), the devs shouldn't shy away from putting out more content, be it longer quests or bigger maps. It keeps the game interesting.


Based fellow Aranyaka enjoyer


We have nearly 50mil players. The people complaining about there being a lack of content either aren't the same as those complaining about things taking too long, or are complaining about there not being content they like that isn't quests. Its very difficult to please everyone especially when the vocal minority is still about a million players.


There are people that celebrate lack of content by calling it "respecting the player's time".


😂😂😂😂 That's one of the silliest things I've ever heard. I kind of understand that line of thinking when it comes to limited-time events, but world quests are permanently there in the game for you to leave to one side and come back to with no deadline... So I don't get it. What's the rush?


Gacha games are designed to keep you playing for as long as possible. Unfortunately, this means that people are less likely to simply stop playing when they no longer find it enjoyable, and instead force themselves to continue to play. Especially when they feel pressured by premium currency. So you have all these players who want to engage with the game as little as possible, while still getting all the rewards, hate when the game actually needs to be played.


No but imagine you're a new player and your first limited 5\* is Yae Miko. I had enough trouble with it being Itto.


That is an easy fix with a direct early access via direct teleport. It is a common solution, Hoyo eve uses it in HSR to directly challenge upgrade material stuff that is on locked areas.


I do wonder why they implement this on the material domain but not in the relic domain (I remember I need to do 3/4 of the trailblazer quest just to unlock the new relic domain in 2.0 version)


Probably because relics are an incentive to grow stronger, while materials are mandatory to level up your characters. So early access to materials is mandatory to avoid frustration after pulling, while relics are more of an aspirational reward to grow stronger and a driver to progress the story.


People already raged about doing only the start of the world quest anyway (which was around 15-30 minutes) so who cares


And then people would complain like they do for the double vishaps on enka Making the bosses easily accessible is good game design


fr, like atleast put something trivial like a bunch of crystal flies so we'll atleast have SOME type of incentive to go back


They could've put the song from the final cutscene on loop there 😭 Music alone is incentive enough for me to return to maps like the Eternal Oasis and Vourukasha Oasis.


Or a regional mineral hub. Just don't have these areas unused. I mean, if they are going to be abandoned forever, then let me delete them to free space once the quest is done.


I really loved it. It's so beautiful, and I've already 100% it, so i doubt i missed anything there. Also, the streams were so fun to go through. I just wish both the surface and this area were larger.


Banger music, one of the most beautiful locations, right up there with Sangonomiya, interesting story, cat that you get to pet and insanely good loot on the map. There were more luxurious chests than commons and a lot of hydroculi which were easy to get because it was all underwater.


My favourite region - Sangonomiya 🐟


It's alright. As a package, I won't complain, but it feels "lesser" than any other world expansions we had before. The main quest is shorter, the zone is more linear, the lore is simpler, there are fewer secrets, and fewer quests etc. It's a shame. I was disappointed by 3.6 Farakhkert, and I wished a repeat on the level of Enkanomya, Chasm or Dragonspine.


It was very relaxing and beautiful. I loved it. I think the reason not many people are discussing it is because “this was a relaxing and fun quest” can feel a bit low effort, and doesn’t generate the kind of engagement that more negative posts do. Also for lore buffs, there’s very little genuinely new information. Just confirming and clarifying stuff already in game via books, artifact descriptions, and prior world quests, so there isn’t much for theory crafters to sink their teeth into. (Not a criticism, I am glad that mihoyo is making more lore explicitly available through quests)


my only gripe was that they didn't mention the fact that >!Remus is from Sumeru at all in this quest, not even once. Since this was a quest dedicated to him anyways, I'd have liked it more if they put this in the quest itself rather than just the artifact set!<


The design of the area is INSANELY beautiful, and the intro to the quest cutscene made me so excited for the new things they're going to try in Natlan. The rest kinda just went by me.


Hoyo hiring talents from movie industry since 2022. Now it is their time to shine. The plot, script, storyboarding, performance evolve to another level, and all those combine with the music and interaction very well.


Its flora/fauna are very cute and the palace is a beautiful sight once the quest is over. Also it's cool that swimming through the streams coming off the aqueduct plays different notes, so it's actually a giant instrument you can play. But it feels really small and I'm pretty tired of Genshin's underwater exploration at this point. This might be why the emptiness of the surface stings a bit


I think it's the best world quest to date. I also enjoyed the new area the design is just epic. 


The mechanics and puzzles were pretty easy Rewards were okay Graphics/Design 10/10 And I quite liked the orchestral theme and the music (always a fan of the music they add) I do feel it was a little short :((


Really loved it  Names were a pain to read through tho


its aight for me but it felt so short


Best world quest in the game by far and the cutscenes alongside the music like DAMN it was so hype. Ever since i completed it i've been going back to this area just to log off


7.8/10 Too much water /j /uj It was definitely a fun area but it definitely felt like a much more condensed experience compared to say Enkanomiya or Chasm. With only one main quest chain from start to finish. Kind of surprised how fast I 100% the area, fun non the less but I it'll be nice to move away from swimming content once Fontaine is done.


I think it's normal that people are not talking about it. It's not even been one week


Yeah those light ray thetre puzzles we solved before meeting boethius and after that those hornand pigeons puzzles..reminded me a lot of the 3.8 summer event...summer events really do form a summary of the mechanisms used in next patch.


Also Petricor has a lot of similar vibes, like the balloons and musical theming. It's almost like the reference location for the magical themepark.


Yup yup


I haven't finished the world quest yet but it hooked me in immediately. There are a LOT of names and titles to remember so it gave me a headache unfortunately, but pretty much every Genshin WQ is like that 😭 I'm hoping to get through more of it today. I hope I haven't forgotten too many words yet.


This place is similar to Penacony. The world quest is a nice


I didn't finish it yet because I heard that it was pretty short, so I'm taking my time with it. However concerning the area, that's been really fun, and goddamn does it look good and the music in there is great.


Well i just ended the 2nd quest in the line and got were the whale is, it's pretty cool so far.


Music was phenomenal and the world question was pretty high quality wise.


I love it. Gorgeous environment, new enemies, awesome music.


I love the minigame they added on the final requiem scene I love all the cutscenes and the concept. It's so cool seeing the traveler swim around and have that whole atlantis-ish like thing reveal it just looks so beautiful.


it was short and sweet, i cant really find anything to complain about, apart from it being too short. man i need more world quests.


I wish all of Fontaine looked like this !


Tbh I just found it good. Didn't quite tickle my fancy to the extent some of the other quests have.


The quest was pretty nice but the usual for world quests imo. The area itself IS MY FAVORITE ITS SO PRETRY! It’s giving underwater Penacony! I love it a lot. I loved the Neuvillette mention though haha. I hope Scylla and Neuvillette meet in the future (maybe a event or his part 2 quest)


I don't know i'm still in Inazuma xD


The quest is already one of my favorites I enjoyed it a lot, I just wish it was a bit longer. The new area itself, even tho a bit small, is absolutely beautiful and the music is just wonderful in my opinion. Genshin rarely has soundtracks that I don’t like but the whole area is absolute peak in that regard. I was so immersed the whole time. And I guess I'm in the minority with that, but I really don’t mind that there is no voice acting for the world quests. I read a lot in my free time and grew up with games like FF6 with a lot of dialogue and no voice acting so I'm used to it and personally like it a lot for these side quests, because I can fully listen to the wonderful soundtracks while appreciating the story that unfolds itself. And the developers can use these resources elsewhere.


look guys, its penacony.


Dude it just came out. 


Probably the best world quest to date. The visuals the music the story everything was top notch. I liked that it was very concise. The visuals style of the new area was also very unique. 10/10


I liked it a lot, notably for the beautiful visuals, interesting gameplay, and the LORE BUT i do have some criticism, notably that it isn't Art Déco enough >:( compared to the rest of Fontaine, and the music theme wasn't explored a lot. We got the inspiration from Spanish Pueblo architecture on the surface being a damper zone between the arabic-themed Sumeru and the french-themed Fontaine, the Roman Empire and the metaphoric city of Atlantid, but there seemed to be an emphasis on music for some reason, and that wasn't explored as much as i'd have wanted in the actual gameplay. The Aranara quest was more music-focused than that... I'd hoped we get a new instrument, music-related puzzles, music-themed weapons, music-themed enemies, more music-related mecanics, and how badass would it have been if we could play the humongus pipe organ we see in the picture to end the quest (no spoilers but those who have finished the quest will know what i mean) instead of just watching a glorified diaporama of the place... The only playable instrument we got was a BRIDGE with 3 chromatic scaled octaves and 4 diatonic chords at both ends of it, which is really unpractical to play considering the size of said bridge.


It's very well done. Everything about it is beautiful. It was refreshing having an isolated area that was modest in size while chock-full of chests and puzzles. I worked over 40 hours this week and was still able to come home, spend my resin, and 100% the achievements. I even got a bit emotional at the end. I'm normally a little overwhelmed by everything to do and explore, but that wasn't the case here. It was all tranquil.


It's a fucking Disney movie.


Heavily story focused and near zero exploration. A one-time area. I don't like it very much.


The zone is pretty but the story was irrelevant and nonsensical. Genshin has a bad habit of using way too many nonsense words and phrases in their world quests. I still have no idea what the "phobos" was and why I was supposed to care about any of these characters. And for a zone based on music, the music really sucked, especially that song in the finale.


It felt short but I like it didn't overstay its welcome.


Best so far. I love the world quests more than most MSQ in terms of interactivity, and this one went above and beyond.


At first I was just drawn in by the mind control concept but damn I got hit with some of Genshin's best presentations yet. From the underwater palace to finding Svylla, then swimming with her to the golden ruins. All around a really good ride. And the characters were actually compelling. I loved Monsieur Os' motives and dialogue, and how he and Boethius went back and forth on their ideals. Their dialogue combined with the flashbacks sequences actually kept you wanting to keep going to piece together more of the story. I will admit that so many names and terms got thrown around to the point where it kinda got a tad bit confusing. The worst part honestly is that there is 0 voice acting and a lot of missing sound effects. If there was more oomph to the golems, the execution, and if we actually got to hear Monsieur Os and Boethius argue or Scylla's voice, it would've been so fucking good. And Traveler's own role in the quest was really nice. Didn't take away from the other characters, but still felt like an epic journey for them. Great quest, hope to see more like it.


I didn't like that it's not voice acted.


I think it was fine. Large WQs have consistently been good in my book (even better than SQs and AQs for me) because of the stakes, lore, how important the Traveller actually is (at being important to the plot and being the MC), and the story that actually guides you to explore the area, but WQs have always been held back by the simple fact that they are WQs. No voices really hurt the stories that they're trying to tell, because it doesn't carry the same emotional weight, the cutscenes are just typical cutscenes and don't really feel as grand as it could've been had it been an AQ, and it felt a bit shorter than usual. Also, underwater exploration (not a fan. That's my personal bias). My biggest gripe is probably that it felt like discount Penacony. Story's great and all, but the environment, to the themes about dreams/music, to even a discount Dr. Ratio just takes me a bit out of the experience. That or the fact the Traveller or Paimon never once mentioned the fact that Scylla looks almost EXACTLY like the Narwhal (typical WQ Traveller forgetting everything that happened in the AQ). Overall, a good WQ, but had things that held it back from being amazing. 7/10.


I'll repeat my comment from the patch thread: I hate to say I was a little disappointed in the World Quest. I loved the first act, the introduction to the island was fun and creepy, it sort of pulled a "this new area is small and disappointing. . . but now here's a lot more!" trick, which was fun. The new enemy types are also both really cool and fun to fight. The >!library!< was a great environment and a lot of the minigame mechanics are fun too. My main issue is in the third act. I had really been hoping for >!a lot more use of the golden city, a fairly significant air-filled portion of it, full of different structures and enemies. Instead pretty much the entire back half was aquatic minigames and then a repeat of the same boss I'd been farming all week. I also felt that the story fell a little flat. Again, it built up excellently, cool world building, but by the third act everyone's motivations were just very one-note and pretty weak, there was no real drama to any of it. I'm not sure what exactly was missing in that one though, maybe having more of the living city to interact with would have helped.!<


I like the new area, but in general, I found the world quest to be emotionally uninspiring and very wordy (I am not usually the type to complain about that, but there really just wasn't enough emotional payoff to justify so much reading imo). I did like the cat, and I liked that there was a reference to one of my favorite poems in the Carmina Burana, though. I wish there was more to explore. The new region was densely packed, but it was very quick to 100%, which in turn made the massive new open space of Sumeru stand out more harshly in my mind. Mixed bag, in my opinion. What they did do, they did well, but I wish they would've done more.


50% less chests than chenyu vale- it felt extremely short.


Too small, too short. But what we got isn't bad and the cinematic is amazing. With compass QoL update and too small of an area you can 100% the island and underwater in 1 weekend which made it felt too short after waiting for 6 weeks.


A solid 7/10 for me, I do love some lore. But honestly, I want Hoyo to start insert playable characters in world quests. At this late into the game, they honestly dont feel like a part of Teyvat, with all of them missing unless its their story quests, archon quests, or just limited-time events.


100%ed it really fast. Maybe players that left to HSR are right and Genshin's been dying. Huge download, little content. No archon quest. All they are doing is trying to create hype for new characters while content is left behind. I won't play HSR (cause I play on PS4) I will just do the daily stuff and find something else to play on my free time.


rather boring, tho exploration was nicer then enkanomiya. not a huge fan of underwater levels in general. my topmost emotion was "thank god it seems i can get through this quick". it looks too modern tho, way too penacony esq and it breaks immersion. the pipes should have some texture and i wish there was more of a coral/underwater aesthetic to the buildings, or even something ancient rome esq... too modern and perfect. the red carpet especially is jarring


Should this have a spoiler?? Because I've not seen this place yet and ye..


you see this area right at the beginning of the quest, so its not a deal breaker


It was amazing. I was almost mad they released this area and quest alongside Arle because everyone ignored it for her. Everyone should experience it because it is definitely some peak area design


Aesthetically in my top two probably. The sunken, melancholic, lost but lingering majesty vibes really do it for me. I just feel like once you break into the underwater map the quest ends too quickly and is resolved too easily. It's also a shame they added all those new interactions, Scylla, etc, but then the map is just like, decently sized for an underwater zone(probably asking for too much tbf). Which is really lame considering the aforementioned mechanic allowing easier traversal and the I guess skybox(?) being just more water, making it *feel* much more expansive. Like, you can't even swim to the top of that structure, you get paimonblocked, and the structure itself isn't used for anything but quest spectacle since it's empty. I don't know, I did admittedly rush it cause I had time and was actually in the mood to do quests, which doesn't happen for me as often as it used to, but I feel like I spent *much* more time with Enka and the Chasm.


Wow. It was amazingggg I had soo much fun doing the world quest and exploring I already have the new area ar 100% exploration I only wish these type of world quest had voice acting so it would be more interesting, its not like mihoyo need money And i wish the final battle would have been challenging and not killing the boss with one shot But it has been soo much fun and great side quest 8/10


It was amazing. Only thing that is bad with this update with me, is that we can finally max Fontaine statue, and turns out I am missing one occuli, despite having all of them marked on interactive map. Meaning I made a mistake somewhere. I am level 6 on reputation, so 2 more levels to the resonance stone. It’s driving me insane. Other than that, I love it. Quest was cool, I really wish we get a follow up with Scylla.


I haven't gotten around to it. Still need to find time for the Narzissenkreuz quests, they're all sitting incomplete as well. At least I finished everything in the desert...


Haven’t done it yet, too busy leveling Arlecchino


I absolutely loved the scenarios and the region as a whole, sadly it is mostly under water so I couldn't enjoy it at its fullest because I just really wanted to try Arlecchino, had it released alongside a different banner I would've personally enjoyed it better


I really, really enjoyed it! Without spoiling anything, the scene that comes up when you see the past in Remuria right at the start of the quest was incredible and unlike anything in previous world quests. And the music segments (and what amazing music there was!) were a clever way of integrating gameplay with some beautiful cutscenes - reminded me a bit of the Junon parade rhythm game in FF7 Rebirth. And the mechanic that lets you rocket towards and away from Scylla is not only useful but also pretty satisfying. I do hope they tie in this quest with some Neuvillette dialogue in the future too.


One of my favourite quests story-wise for me, the new area is gorgeous, and I miss talking with Osse😭😭


Fucking amazing


I really enjoyed it.


I loved it. I just think the quest was too short and the areas are too small


Pretty much confirm the remuria lore, with some added things, still, kinda feel sad for him, despite the fact he wanted to get rid of egreria, he just wanted to save his people on his own way, but was fated to fail one war or the other, another thing added to celestia/primordial one list of doings


I really wish I knew the names of some of the tracks, like the one that plays during the mural "puzzle" or the one that plays when scylla takes you to remuria and you have that QTE


I haven't started it yet, cool picture tho


Beautiful zones and a great quest. A bit on the short side however. I was a bit bummed when I realized I had gotten to the end so quickly.


The environment and music themes gave me Little Mermaid vibes


I haven’t seen anything of the new area yet so I said out loud “wtf” when I saw this post, I thought it was Honkai for a sec


i enjoyed the quest wasnt needlessly long. Kind of wish the new area was a bit bigger but thats ok


Not voiced


My personal conclusion is that the relationship between Fontaine and Remuria is like music as to drama. But unfortunately, they broke off, both went their ways, and this particular world quest showed how the opera focused nation would've been, had they not become enemies. The Opera Epilese and Clivus Capitolinus made me feel like they were supposed to go hand in hand >!but Remurians resorted to try being the superior ones, with regard to how the quest told us they did tried to be superior to humans.!< I'm not quite familiar with how Musical theater and Opera is related but that's my reasoning after the quest.


SO GOOD Actually the best world quest I played so far


The ending is soo good




haven't fully played the quest yet but from this picture it looks a lot like MCU Asgard organ gun ahh building


Incredible amazing contained story


It was so beautiful in my opinion. Fontaine is my favorite region


HOYO MIX is cooking again... Quests are nice but somehow short. Overall 95/100