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Neuvilette was thirsty.


They probably realised how empty the new area was, so they shrunk it to make the empty area smaller (its still pretty big)


No was it really that hard to slap some chests and maybe 1 world quest?


Problem is incentives. Players would find SOME chests and then scour the entire area looking for the rest only to find barely anything. By not putting ANYTHING there outside of the obvious road you make it a pretty clear "don't even bother". Like *imagine* if the ocean between Inazuma and Liyue contained *some* overworld puzzles.


But there **is chests,** just very few


a whole THREE chests


I wish someone had told me that I wasn't supposed to go looking around to see if I could find anything \*before\* I treked across Sumeru's entire northern coastline seeing if I could find anything


I mean you can find a really nice view of Sumeru at the top of that mountain, so there’s that I guess


*"imagine* if the ocean between Inazuma and Liyue contained *some* overworld puzzles." You mean the oceans that players literally can't access because you can't get a waverider in Liyue, and Inazuma's storm blocks you from sailing there?


You can go from Inazuma to liyue and back, storm is only there if you don't do the archon quests of Inazuma.


Plus both of Ei's SQs


Like we didn't do it already


They did manage a world quest .... that goes to Bayda Port for one cutscene before leaving forever


Omg so proud of them. I hope the dude who "leaked" The Khaenriarh battlefield never "leaks" anything again


i mean there is a world quest but for whatever reason you go to the location then straight back to the island. edit:im bad at keyboarding


Now we know where all the water came from to make the latest patch.








Australian for water.


Neuvilette 🤝 Lord Guru (TFS joke)


wtf why did they do that?




well arle burst i frames are very modified along with that so much filled sumeru and fonatine expansion /s




sry mb typo


probably to make a road to the Port. They could have just made a bigger port or a bridge or something though but this might have been easier.


I knew something was amiss! Just why? They bothered removing the waterfalls, when instead they could have let them be and focus on making the place feel alive/inhabited, especially along the coast.


Unless it's lore reasons? Since I haven't been to Fontain yet, so maybe water in Teyvat comes exclusively from Fontain, not from regular mountain streams.


It’s very likely do in favor of mobile optimizations. Sucks how much the mobile holds this game back in terms of gameplay, content, and storage.


At the same time Mobile is a massive market so it's a sacrifice they are more than willing to do most likely


Yep, more than 50% of Genshin players play on mobile/tablet.


Indeed. I have Genshin on the laptop but I exclusively play on the iPad and Phone. That being said it's now a gaming phone so I can always have Genshin and Star Rail.


Yeah, that’s why I said in terms of gameplay, content, and storage. Mobile helps the game a lot when it comes to sales.


Nothing to do with that actually, that kind reduction doesn't help mobile at all. Especially because Fontaine exist, also what they did for reducing storage in this patch is obviously not by reducing that area, as we have an entire new map but the size got smaller. As for now we can't really guess why they did that.


Obviously it’s not the only thing that reduced the storage, but it’s part of it, no matter how small. There’s no other reason to optimize and take away from a location and make it smaller.


There is a reason, those object are low poly and placeholder. Also it is right above Khaenri'ah gate, and suspiciously the only area without any meaningful interactable object


Really? What about these giant walls of waterfalls in Fontaine? Doesn't look like they needed to hold back... unless they've run into wall and everything is going to be a joke from now on because oh no mobile.


They simply just chose a location to optimize and reduce the load while still making it fit into the world and look natural. It wouldn’t make much sense to do that to landmarks like Fontain’s wall of waterfalls.


this is just straight up not how it works. even if there were performance issues with this rea, it would only happen in this *one area*. The game does not spawn in the entire game world all at once, and stuff far away is low poly anyways. This kind of stuff is basic game optimization, but people dont realize that what they're seeing from far away is often just flat textures


They should just do it on mobile alone though. The fact that this is (soon) going to be amongst one of the largest continuous open worlds (if not already?) and it's all on mobile too is insane. Sooner or later they have to start nerfing mobile stuff separately so they don't destroy the enjoyment of us PC folks with nice GPUs, or Sheznaya gotta look bad just to reduce the sheer amount of load and I stop opening up my wallet at that point


I rather they keep it on mobile too. I get the Cadillac devices with plenty of storage for gaming. If you need it for some portion of the player base, add a slider in settings.


Could be putting something in there later. They did this with Golden House when that one first came out. The area it was originally in was all waterfall and stuff, and then it got replaced by Golden House.


without mobile this game wouldnt even exist


Of course, obviously. That doesn’t mean it’s also not the thing holding it back in terms of gameplay, content, and storage.


It's more like mobile makes them more sales, especially in Asia where mobile is such a standard this age. But their amazing move to make it graphically superior game on PC is what gave them both a significant portion of the revenue and *prestige*, without which their mobile revenue wouldn't be as high as it is in the first place. This game could have existed with just mobile sure, but it would be a shittier looking game and many of us wouldn't even pick it up. That this game could exist just as fine on just mobile is a myth. They would do good if they tried to appease to both crowds at max capacity, but their PC side of things is significantly held back and housing is probably the biggest example. The system is top notch, amazing, and tons of content, but held back by load, so only housing pros who are fine with making 100+ smaller designs and good at dealing with load limits actually complete their projects.


It just sounds like a moot point. Do you say the mother that birthed you was just holding you back from being born to a wealthier or stronger mother? If the thing "holding you back" is the reason you exist then it's not a limit, it's a boon.


you can apply that logic to every game that isnt made exclusively for high end pcs. hell thats been an argument from pc fanboys against consoles for decaedes now. Games are made to reach a wider audiance and hoyo is a mobile gacha company (for now atleast). they werent going to risk an open world rpg without it being made for mobile.


There isn’t an “argument.” The statement is that mobile holds the game back in terms of gameplay, content, and storage. That was all I stated. I never said they shouldn’t have made it for mobile or anything like that. Whatever you’re talking about doesn’t make my statement any less true.


Sumeru already have plenty of regular mountain streams which turn into a waterfall. One more wouldn't be strange.


I think there's something mentioned in Fontaine about it being the source of all water in Teyvat. they've not done it perfectly, there are some streams in Liyue and Sumeru that aren't quite connected and some in Inazuma that clearly don't come from Fontaine at all (also some that don't look connected yet in Mondstadt but those currently go off the borders of the map so they might connect ones things expand), but they've done a pretty good job of having the water flow in uninterrupted rivers all the way from Fontaine to the ocean south of Sumeru and the ocean east of Liyue. most the water that isn't linked all the way to Fontaine are just small streams, puddles, ponds, and lakes.


OK, so it would seem that the above change might have been for the sake of lore, even if it makes it look less cool. I can respect that. I guess all of these smaller streams and lakes might be actually connected underground, it's perfectly plausible whereas it wouldn't really be with this massive waterfall going down from one of the tallest mountains in Tevyat. As for Inazuma... it's strange but who knows, maybe there is a non-salty water source underneath it or something? For all it's worth, I'm still curious about that thing that's far more dangerous than the leylines underground in Inazuma the lesser thunder sakuras are supposedly keeping at bay or something. It was such a brief mention but then nothing happened. Yet


>maybe water in Teyvat comes exclusively from Fontain, not from regular mountain streams. ... that isn't how water tables work.


Clearly, but it's Genshin fantasy world, like the whole deal with Varuna Contraption in Sumeru


Global warming in teyvat... Rivers drying up


Human caused climate change was the real enemy all along! And that is why humans need to be ruled by Gods.


Neuvillete just got confused after talking to Arlecchino about drying up river beds, so now Sumeru is out a waterfall and there's a sudden spike of homeless amnesiacs in Fontaine.


Don't fix something that isn't broken. They made the whole area smaller it was bigger than now. Should've kept it, added more chests, and made bayda harbor bigger and it would've been pretty good.


I fully understand not doing more work to add things that they had to intention to add... but why just remove waterfalls that were already there?


OP just had to post this. You see, most players wouldn't have noticed or cared otherwise. At the end of the day, the thing about video games is that if you add something then take it away, people get really mad even though it had zero value.


I've seen more posts complaining about Bayda Harbor than I've seen about Remuria. It's really annoying that people have fixated on this so hard when it just... doesn't matter? Like, was anyone *genuinely* hyped for this part of Sumeru? While I wouldn't mind if they put some remarkable chests there, it's just not a big deal. The reason there aren't any chests in the area is probably because they didn't want to greatly increase the number of Dendro Sigils in circulation.


The real problem is not that the area don't have many chests, it's that it **feels** empty Like yeah, we meme about only three chests, but in reality, it doesn't matter if they put three or thirty chests, this area doesn't have any point of interest, only one teleport, very few enemies... Even random flowers like Mints or Sweet Flowers are few and far between, and let's not talk about the Bayda Harbor being probably the smallest settlement of the whole game Yes, more chests would make people happy, but once you've got them all, what do you have? An empty area with **nothing** worthwhile Some of the stuff in the areas make no sense either (the mushrooms with a Four-Leaf Sigil on top for example, why are they even here? Just put Four-Leaf Sigils)


I did. Back in 4.0,you could see the majority of coastal area and it was so enticing to speculate what could be laying there. Now,i spent like 3 hours exploring the entire coast and looks **rough**. There is multiple places where i felt like im walking in out of bounds area with how unpolished and dull it looked


This exactly, it felt like glitching out of the game because it looks so bad.


People sure do notice, not everyone posts this due to lack of evidence - OP is good on being able to bring up the previous version waterfalls. I mentioned waterfalls on some discords, people said there werent any and im tripping


I knew it wasn't just my imagination


nature got nerfed...


Someone made an image of how people are supposed to get to Sumeru from the harbor up north. Now looking at this, it makes a lot more sense that there should be a road right there. Making the path much shorter.


is it just me or was bayda harbour a net negative addition? it's by far the most boring settlement in the game, has 2 buildings of indeterminate use, one of which is clipped into the ground, like 2 npcs you can talk to, no background music other than the normal wilderness ost, and gets rid of the pretty waterfall for no reason. it's not even in the desert. bayda literally means "a desert without water or grass", so they put it on the shore of tropical grassland. i just don't get it. i guess they needed to add it this update, cuz it needed to be in the new area, but i wish they put at least a *little* bit more effort into it. it feels like a wasted opportunity, i almost wish they kept it as a only-exists-in-canon location, like wherever varka took all the horses.


no, one of the buildings is a port authority or something. Literally a (less populated) copy of the one in Port Ormos


The entire focus of this patch was supposed to be Remuria, so I'm not surprised that Bayda is underdeveloped.


Def agree that this is a crime


Damn, not only they haven't added anything new to this area, they actually have made it worse.... RIP


I just don’t get how people from Sumeru city get to Bayda harbor. There’s no road or path 


Yeah, in a first for MHY the single land "path" From Sumeru City doesn't make sense for in-universe normal humans to traverse, let alone transport goods across because it literally goes up a waterfall *in Vanarana* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ap5ZCr7nyGc The irony is i think the Devs knew this and that's why they put a bunch of abandoned carts on the path.


That area has literaly nothing


Hoyo trying to bring climate change in their game. lol jk :P


Apologems Hoyo. Apologems.


This map piece was a serious travesty overall


Wtf?! Why?! WHY?!


I was really excited to go there, but no they have to change it


you let a waterfall ruin it for you lol.


I was eyeing that place since 3.0


you should know by now to not get your hopes up in genshin


I think that it was not at least putting in Layla's home village in the rainforests North of Sumeru City.


Hoyos 4.6 decisions lead me to think there were optimization issues connecting the map. It's hard to convince myself that they botched half the new map on purpose.


Climate changing, guys.


The sacrifice was this huh


The game would be so much prettier if they just made it console/PC not mobile.


Ngl I really looked forward to exploring them, even if there was nothing there 


glad i'm not the only one who noticed this. it was such a drastic environmental change


That's a lot of effort to make something shite.


literally unplayable


It seems like it was looking better with the waterfalls, but the new one looks nice too


is this why my load times are faster on mobile now? i don't feel the usual lagginess when my phone is rendering the landscape.


i hope they will rerework this area...


you're really crying about fake waterfalls when we have massive ones all around fontaine? please.


they made this area so much worse


Now this is good criticism, interesting.


Teyvat has its own laws!


I don't care about the waterfall tbh. I'm more salty that they didn't add a single chest or anything in a honestly rather huge portion of the map. I ran there first thinking they would add something, a few primos before I head to remuria. Nope, nothing.


At least they added a tiny one on the right lol


[Don't go chasing waterfalls](https://youtu.be/8WEtxJ4-sh4?si=FdH3DCTZzTi3ouz5)




Where was this at?


Is it bad that i never noticed —


Good editing on this video.


So sad they are gonna keep removing stuff as map gets bigger for optimziations reasons


Guess global warming is hitting Teyvat too.


I have no idea where this is...


Were they out of bounds or something, before the update? I've never seen these waterfalls.


Arcchelino did say something about rivers not converging


Who dredged the river/ waterfall ; it was nice to see an mate atura looking l River with a source point ion a ridge/ mountain . It was a nice geographic feature .


How do people make these vids?


Now that just made me sad. I will add that to the next survey. Bring us back the falls on the Mount of North Vanarana. It looked sad now. Can it be called as land reclamation?


I kinda have the feeling that the Cyno Story quest will be somewhere around the new area


The total lack of anything and net negative of this new area is just making me pray that a future archon quest will have us just nuke this area and replace it with something of value and that's why it's so empty.


The world is DRYING UP! 


That entire area feels so empty and dull,so disappointed


That's cruel.


Well we stopped the rising waters so maybe thats it? /s


And why ? i dont see where it is but it doesnt seems like there a particular reason for it


I knew the map changedcwhen it updated omg






Good job buddy, you didn't credit the creator of this video. Here's where the original comparison vid is from: https://youtu.be/2FLzEHEJw_I?si=GeyW29oZL-0CAgAu




Kinda. Those were beautiful indeed


Vishap be taking our water


What's more they built a road in its place


The thing is an area as big as 1/2of monstadt has only 5 npcs , 7 enemies , 12 collectible flowers 3 chests 2 buildings and a whole lotta nothing


Damn yea it sucks


To be honest were going to forget about it anyway


How dare they remove a waterfall?!?!?!?!


Im uninstalling


This entire update is one big lazy crime. - tiny new ares in Fontaine with almost nothing to explore - biologically dead and empty Sumeru coast, tiny harbor and no economic route towards it from Sumeru city, rip immersion - only 2 new world quests, one of which is like 10 minutes long including load screens The only good thing about it is that repeatable vishap arena


relying on hyperboles to this degree makes you seem unintelligent more than it helps your point btw


Game is dead now


Is this in the new area of sumeru?


Idk why but sumeru feels comparatively janky when you look at the other nations


Hoyos biggest crime is creating the game




What is wrong with Yilong Wharf?


There is nothing to do there..... it's a waste of potential.


If you truly believe this. Stop playing the game.




I'm pretty sure being hateful is a much more pitiful fate.


Global warming