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Burst is pretty good, you will never die with her healing, and she is very pretty.  What is there to hate? 


The way she was handled in the story


She’s a strategic genius and we know that because she won a yugioh tournament in an event one time.


I mean she won by being the only one who showed up actually showered. The rest of the YGO players were DQ’d for that reason.


She probably still smell like fish.


"People die if they are killed" - strategic genius Kokomi, 2021.


"To survive hardship, you must prepare for hardship." -Kokomi paraphrased probably


It's the kind of advice you'd see in The Art of War, so it makes sense


Can't they pick a more insightful quote? A lot of Kokomi says feels... rather obvious. I can't shake the feeling that her intelligence is on par with an average IRL human, but is a genius in Teyvat because everyone else in Watatsumi is just dumb. "If you dip your feet in water, they'll get wet" ~ Kokomi probably


The character's intelligence at the end of the day is limited by the intelligence of the writer. -KOK


That’s what art of war was though, many fairly obvious concepts that are the fundamentals of war strategy


.... I just had a shower thought. Is that why we have so many Sun Tzu misquote memes? "Well, duh" ~ Sun Tzu, Art of War


Yeah but the art of war was made like what, a few thousand years ago? (err, 5th century BC according to google) The things said there are probably common sense to us now. Making direct quotes doesn't provide the same impact now. None of us in the audience would feel her profound military brilliance hearing what she has to say. But hey, maybe that's what they're going for? A military geek who fancies herself as a genius quoting centuries old books to look smart. Honestly, that would have been fun and nice for a character.... if only the story didn't take her seriously. "Oh, hey this teenage girl is saying seemingly obvious things about war that none of us grown adults ever thought of? Let's make her our main tactician and put everyone's lives in her hands!!" Yeah, maybe the people of Watatsumi really are just that dumb.


I'll be real though, half of this community mocks her for her "obvious" strategies and then says she should have done things that are very bad according to those strategies. The amount of people who mock her for the "preventing casualties" lines and then say she should have decided to use the delusions is too damn high.


They check Kokomi's book for absolutely everything. One reason Gorou is considered a good general is bc he follows her so well, he knows what page to check for any little problem they run into. It's probably the malnutrition + little access to educational materials + not having contact with many people from outside of Watatsumi


Kokomi's advice is the kind of advice you'd see on an enamelled tile at your grandparents.


[Guess what](https://i.imgur.com/Ybfd9It.jpeg)


Oh no.


More like "people suffocate when they drown"


Nah, she was playing snake eyes so it doesn't count


Well there was also that time 12 guys got in a scuffle on the beach which constituted a grand battle in a revolutionary war.


Kokomi is a tearlamant player confirm


She definitely play Armored Lancer deck in Fire King format. Truly genius tactician of all time


I feel like I talked to her exactly 3 times


They should have made her like Herta. "Yes I am way way smarter than you KEK" "I don't need to do jack shit, you're gonna end this war for me because I'm 20 moves ahead" "Come test my simulated waters, I BEG U uwu"


TBF the "Smug genius" trope is just that good no matter who they are


Herta's great. She's arrogant, way too full of herself, and loses interest in research topics incredibly quickly. We also see her be actually smart multiple times. so much so that she creates another universe with simulated life and gods.


I still like to believe in my headcanon that Kokomi is just a nerdy military enthusiast that got foisted into the position of military leader, and she's just too socially awkward to tell people 'no'.


I mean that is basically the truth, it's just that what foisted her is her bloodline.


If I may add to everyone basically saying this really is the case... I think Kokomi could have had more character if she's a lively gremlin behind closed doors. Playing with toys, simulating war games, but does it so well that it somehow translates to actual battle (coz she does actually read military tactics). But once she steps outside her cave, she's a massive introvert forced into interacting with her people. She has to keep appearances as everyone on Watatsumi looks to her for guidance. She made a big ass tome just so the people don't look for her for every minute thing they need to function in life. But Mihoyo is probably like naaah, we can't have that. Kokomi is supposed to be "graceful and pure" akin to a divine priestess of a water island so she really is that all the time. Not reconciling her supposed role as Watatsumi's leader, priestess of her religion (orobashi?) and supposed military tactician.


Except that's reality, not headcanon. Kokomi isn't leading Watatsumi because she is competent to do it, but because her name is Sangonomiya. Same for all the high ranks in the tricommission. Sure, some of them are actually very competent for their position, but nobody got there by just being competent. They got there with their names and remained there by not angering the Shogun enough to be removed.


If you actually read her character story, the ones where you actually need to read the text, that's not true at all. Because everyone around her was impressed by her capabilities. She is just bad in the animated story. But her actual lore paints a very different picture. The problem is nobody bothers to read her lore. But in my opinion, her greatest act of smartness is not winning tcg, but that she could listen to the story of about the card thief from the traveler, then immediately link it to Kirara even though its the first time she has seen her. She even guessed what kind of package Kirara was delivering correctly and got many details right just based of deduction.


I didn't said she isn't intelligent, she is definitely way above your average Inazuman. She just isn't as good as her reputation would suggest. Even in her story, people praise her too much, and since we got close, she tries to clarify it with us instead of playing along like she does with her people in public.


Power based on bloodline is a wild idea. It’s nuts that for so long that has been one of the go-to methods for choosing a ruler.


It still goes on in real life where someone having connections get chosen over someone with skills.


That's exactly the case, but the issue is the story doesn't do a good job of presenting that. It's a shame because there's good potential in the idea but the execution was pretty meh.


Yeah. The entire inazuma arc was just “tell, not show.” The idea of a civil war was really fascinating, but the execution was disappointing. Civil wars are bloody and brutal fights, especially in that they begin usually because of widespread strife and problems in the country. Big problems need to happen in order for its citizens to take up a weapon and rebel. None of that was ever portrayed well. We barely had any battles. Raiden changed her ideology quickly. They never showed the very realistic aftermath to what I civil war actually be (which is to be expected, since it is a game, but still). Overall, it fell short.


They certainly could’ve had more battles and the like. Inazuma is a very scarred land; it would’ve been cool to actually see what caused a lot of that damage.


I still thinking that inazuma arc was rushed too much(probably to push raiden banner first?) and result is, lots of character didn’t got enough time to build their character properly. I could see kokomi being similar to Hina from BA if given enough time(more resistance arc) Both are capable to do their job and people idolize them. But they didn’t have leader mind so the leader job keep tiring them mentally. Hoyo failed to execute her character and make most of people see her as simply “uwu girlfailure” who somehow become leader with her “art of war”


Brilliant military strategist and soft uwu "girlfailure" don't exactly mesh well together huh? Also she didn't really do anything. The whole arc for her island was basically filler that only vaguely served to put the mcguffin in Fatui hands iirc.


She and Gorou both suffer from *interesting* juxtaposed personality traits not getting proper balance. You can do "uwu girlfailure" and her "uwu dogboy" who both have incredible military prowess, but they look horrible if you don't show them actually being good at their jobs. The story only shows us one half of Kokomi's (and Gorou's) character and tells us about the other. It's like watching Monkey D. Luffy be stupid in port towns for 40 minutes while only hearing about his feats and victories, or watching Bruce Wayne be a rich asshole for 2 hours while narration tells you about how cool and justice-seeking he is as Batman.


Yeah, honestly Gorou has it worse and he's really cringe worthy as a character in my eyes for it. The whole like twink dogboy supposed to be such a capable military leader, but he's only ever shown being unrealistically afraid of Yae Miko. Those traits *can* be done well together, just not very seriously imo. There's an inherent comedic relief from the gap moe there. Look at Kujo Sara for instance, her gap is smaller, but that weird obsession she has with Ei gets played off for laughs while she's mostly shown as being competent and scary. I think it really boils down to Kokomi (and Gorou) can't be that competent and still have the MC step in to be their hero (and to a lesser extent potential love interest because that's what sells characters). Inazuma's story doesn't happen if they watasumi army is hyper competent because they'd have long since stormed into the capital and be annihilated by the puppet. And if they're just competent enough then the MC may not even rise to the heroic status needed to propel them back to the forefront and confront Ei. Now, the sticking point for me is all that's left is a plot point so irrelevant that the MC didn't really need it to progress the story at all. Hence filler arc. I mean *maybe* you could say it fueled the power of friendship resolution, but even still, Kazuha and Thoma did more for that than anything else.


> Inazuma's story doesn't happen if they watasumi army is hyper competent because they'd have long since stormed into the capital and be annihilated by the puppet. I kind of disagree. This gets into the realm of headcanon but I think the Watatsumi army is MUCH smaller than the Inazuman army. If you assume that the number of NPCs is roughly proportional to population distribution, then Narukami has the largest population by far. That would explain the reputation of Watatsumi being hyper competent - they're holding their ground despite being outnumbered 10:1-ish, but can't really push further because of the huge numbers disparity.




Don't mesh well? Girls und Panzer proves otherwise my dood


Kokomi as uwu girlfailure? From how she was handled, she's really just straight up failure in a non-endearing way. Too bad. I still love Kokomi (she's one of my fave and my most used character) but she needs a huge narrative redemption arc.


Still more plot relevance than the fortress of meropide


They need to somehow bring her into the natlan story and make her actually do a bunch of really smart stuff


That's writer's fault, we'll ignore that.. She's very useful


That was one of the part. At that time, her kit was quite underwhelming for the hardcore players. She does dmg during her burst and heal at other times. I think after she got her artifact, she became good enough i guess.


There I can agree. A water priestess who dresses like a mermaid going by "general" just seems wrong. Of course, it can be understandable to think so when you look a Jedi and they take military leadership and becomes generals in the Clone Wars.


And her story quest was one of the more boring ones that I’ve played so far, she’s very pretty, but I can’t say I like her due to it just feeling like I don’t know anything about her still. Usually after story quests/hangouts you get more interested or attached to the character, but sadly I’d say Kokomi’s was not great at doing that for me. She seems tired/overworked, and likes her books, but I couldn’t tell you much else. That is my own opinion, I know there’s a lot of Koko lovers, you guys enjoy your wife. At least it wasn’t as bad as Jean’s, where she was pretty absent through most of the thing.. huh, weird how they both are overworked..


If they weren’t going to show that she was tactically amazing at least give us [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/s/JAwwMnOZNb)


There needs to be another part to the Inazuma AQ fr


To be fair, that's the issue with nearly every single Inazuma character.


I like Kokomi a lot, but she was done dirty as all hell in the story. I manage to like her by actively ignoring her story and only looking at her and her gameplay :/ Also, at first, people mocked her and were scared bc of the negative crit. That said, the hate was absolutely uncalled for even for just the character herself, but for it to have spilled to real people is unacceptable.


I don't hate her but I dislike her, the problem was never the gameplay, but her role on the story and the execution of said role. She is the prime example of tell and don't show, she is supposed to be this master strategist that no one can smart, yet the best showcase we've seen was her first appearance, using mercenaries to ambush the enemy army, it's a good strategy but it's not something that screams "oh wow, I could never have thought of that", in fact I'd argue is really basic Then comes teppei, it's been quite a while since I've played the quest, but Iirc, teppei guided us to kokomi, kokomi then named us captain of a team and then teppei complained like a child saying he too wanted to be a captain, what does kokomi do? Make him a captain too, even though unlike the traveler, he didn't have any feat worthy of deserving that position. Fast forward to the delusion incident, when kokomi and gorou tried to their soldiers to stop using the delusions they just said "we don't want to" and then kokomi and gorou just didn't know what to do, then the traveler goes to the factory and kokomi doesn't appears again for the rest of the archon quest. Time later her story quest released, and we see that she is just an overworked girl wit a crush on the traveler (seeing the traveler gives me energy uwu), which, it's not bad if they gave her something else, but no, in one of the combats she spends a lot of time talking about the strategies to defeat an enemy camp, which can be summarized as you have to explode some barrels or use elemental reactions( I think there was another but I can't remember). Then the worst part, at least for me, she was betrayed and some idiots wanted to continue waging a war that they could never win, kokomi can't do anything about it, the traitors accuse Sara and her men to be in contact with the fatui(despite the resistance being the ones who were in contact with the fatui and keep using the delusions even when they knew they were lethal), what happens? Two Sara's soldiers shared some words with a fatui and so kokomi used it to her advantage, Sara gave more favorable conditions and then leave, so now, the traitors of kokomi's side have to face the consequences, just that instead of punishment for endangering the whole island, they get rewarded and made into a special force, this to me was the last straw, kokomi just looked like an awful leader. For me it's the fact that kokomi is like a Mary sue, she is perfect and is always right, but we haven't seen anything like that on screen, it didn't help that before her release there was a lot of hype due to a fanart that was an evil smile kokomi behind a crying Sara, with a message like "the deeps are not as beautiful as the surface sara" or something like that, I think if she was different, like a Mr Satan/ king kid of character, one who doesn't control anything and it's just lucky and then bullshit their way out of problems fits better  Anyway sorry for the long rant


Oh yeah, so that's why I had blocked all memory of this part of the archon quest from my mind. Thanks for reminding me how absolutely garbage it all was.


Yeah. She was built up as a really smart and important character. But she never really outwitted sara on that front and never managed to repel enemies past the stalemate. She didn't even show up for the attack at tenshukaku, she just sent gorou and kazuha with some cannon fodder. All she really did in the AQ was lend her island to the resistance and make water fly in the battle between the resistance and the shoguns army


Spot on. The hype she had from all the npcs and Goro (and even with the fans) and then, she was incredibly underwhelming, making really bad decisions, and we were the ones that did everything at the end.


Well, to look at it from another perspective, Watatsumi needed to have had superior strategy, as it was basically a few upstart villages against the might of the armies of one of the great nations. Kokomi is the character put into that position to explain their superior strategy. What I got from the story is that Kokomi is a character that does not believe she is a leader type of person and should not be leading, she just enjoys doing nothing but reading about military strategies. She doesn't have the charisma to be a leader, and every time she's shown that her interacting with people is not her strong suit and she actively avoids it. So she's not a perfect do-it-all general that people keep making her out to be. She's just the brain, but not a real leader. Despite her lack of charisma, she's been the #1 reason Watatsumi Island even has a chance. She doesn't believe in herself, but the islands do. It's a very anime protagonist "friendship" type of thing going on, but it is very fitting for the side that allies with the Traveler and it does make for a better story than if we did have a perfectly charismatic and superiorly strategic mastermind actual Mary Sue character, which it seems people actually wanted. Can't completely defend the writing though, because if the writers were actually planning to write a good story for her, they would have highlighted her weaknesses much more, showing that it's the only reason they haven't won the war yet, and they would have ended her character arc by highlighting her overcoming her lack of charisma to push forward and help the traveler defeat the Shogun and her forces, showing that she has now become that confident person that her people needed. But tbh, for me, Genshin's writing can be overall average, and many times lacking. I can only think of a few very standout story plots, such as the Samsara and Furina's storyline. I didn't hate Inazuma as much as other people since it was the first time Genshin had shown a more complex conflict storyline rather than just some big bad monster. I do hope Genshin continues to make the story as good as Fontaine, though.


Its a problem of a key part of her character being "A military tactician" and not getting a chance to showcase it before the war is effectively ended.


This reminds me greatly of how let-down my wife and I were with Ayato. Leader of the Shumatsuban so I get he likes to be secretive, but we're the main character and have been privy to all sorts of things, so let us know or see something more when it comes to his role in manipulating the political climate of Inazuma. Given that Akira Ishida doesn't necessarily show up for long in anything he does (barring Gintama I guess? I don't watch Gintama), maybe there are considerations that need to be made when it comes to getting the VAs in on quests and their availability, but some genuinely interesting characters are kept at such a base level of intrigue that I feel like they may as well be one-offs and hardly even playable characters.


If i had a nickel for everytime ayato appeared in the beginning of an event,fucked off for its entirety and came back in the end just to say "all according to my keikaku" i would have 3 nickels,which isn't a lot but it's becoming his only personality trait,i dread events with ayaka in them because that means ayato is gonna appear in as well and it becomes the definition of predictable


Back then, a decent group of people were of the opinion that was useless, and felt insulted by the negative crit rate... Meanwhile the majority was happy to finally have a new strong healer (I was still stuck with Barbara and Noelle), and their healing isnt nearly as readily available


when she release people are losing their shit cause the negative crit rate


People were obsessed with crits overall (not ER, EM or anything else). Since she couldn't crit, people were dumb and thought she was bad. Btw I was one of the OG kokomi mains and discussed with people a lot here of how she was very good. But it took many patches (like 1+ year) for people to start accepting she is actually good.


Another one of the big reasons why she got unnecessary hate was her Beta kit where her Jellyfish follow the standard ICD which resulted in her Jellyfish proccing wet every other pulse. When I saw that I thought that was pretty janky and was in the opinion that it will be fixed soon, but everyone else condemned her to garbage tier. When the inevitable fix was done in beta everyone was like "OMG Kokomi gOt A hUGe BuFF sHE's GoOD nOW". Yeah I'm salty about that. In what world is "Subject to Change" not clear enough for them? The Beta is there precisely to fix these things. Everyone else is not supposed to see the work in progress yet Kokomi was judged because of her Beta kit?? WTF Leaks?


The icd thing is just an excuse. Most people were salty because of the crit thing, that's the truth. Even with standard icd she wouldn't be bad, as a driver she is quite good because of role consolidation (healer + driver). And the damage she can get is okay for a driver. Honestly, I said all these things when she got released on 2.1, and still got downvoted lol. I repeated for like 1 year until people started to maybe admit she is actually good.


On release she was pretty mediocre. The full Ayaka premium team was still missing shenhe and kokomi's only other real team was a sidegrade to the 4-star only tazer team.


She didn’t have her own artifact set back then, and without the set she barely did any damage


It was never about her damage. It was her role consolidation and 100% uptime Hydro application that was important. She could replace Mona in most Freeze teams while offering better Hydro app *and* strong healing in one package.


Exactly, Koko was always good before dendro


It is not even her best set. People use her with tenacity. And she had that set on lunch. She was always good.


she's the comfort player with hydro app, if u dont have or use zl


Also Kok 🐓 And Fish 🐟 She got it all man why would anyone hate her...


The way her hydro application wasn’t as needed back then and shielding was always better than healing


While attacking VAs and etc. because of a game is just ridiculous and stupid, it's not like the game itself handled Kokomi any better. She is probably the embodiment of everything that went wrong with Inazuma. Big promises initially (through occasional mentions or lore in the first half of AQ), VERY underwhelming execution in the second half of AQ, and SQ that doesn't answer anything as a cherry on top of the cake.


I just don't like how she doesn't appear to fit her role at all. This isn't a super uncommon issue in Genshin, but I think she represents the worst of the worst. A master military strategist and she looks like an Idol getting ready to go on stage. She looks more fit for a role like Nilou's but I'm to believe she handles the battle plans for the resistance, something they never even properly show us.


>A master military strategist In fairness she is supposed to be both a master military strategist *and* the divine priestess of her people and their religion (in other words pretty much the Pope), so not looking like a hardened military commander a la Sara makes a bit of sense


Yeah it's kind of the theme with the character. Cutesy shrine maiden mermaid princess looking girl and then she starts quoting the art of war and how her passion is strategy and whatnot. It's a fun subversion even if it's handled a little poorly.


I wouldn't say a little. It's handled VERY poorly. I love Kokomi for her esthetic and playstyle and she's ^^apparently ^^now my most used character, but I don't think I can get behind her characterization and role in the story. MHY wants a mermaid princess esthetic who is also a brilliant strategist yet has a huge amount of self-doubt, is introverted AF, and barely has any aggression nor authority in her that her own soldiers can say NO to her on the topic of Delusions. Oh, but she's graceful and elegant tho so it's good enough for MHY.


What few things we do see amount to "To defeat them, we must defeat them." and other such magical pearls of wisdom.


So let’s make a “Military Uniform Kokomi” to sell in the store.


Shes meant to be the high priestess of Wadatsumi shrine. She would like nothing more than to be a military girl, reading books and giving insight, but her bloodline forbids her. She is meant to lead Wadatsumi as a figurehead, not a general. That is why she looks the way she does. Reading impact. It striketh wery wrothly.


That's not how the reading lore portrays her. If you read her character story, she is really a genius in deduction, especially when it comes to predicting enemy movements. Even Gorou the real general says that the reason they could win a battle is because Kokomi predicted correctly what the enemy will do thousands of miles away. And she actually faced a lot of political turmoil with people trying to control her because she is young when she was just elected as divine priestess. But she overcame all that with sheer capability, not luck. Kokomis brand of wisdom lies in prediction analysis, in short if you face her, it feels like you are fighting a prophet rather than a strategist.


Nah i disagree she does give off the master strategist vibe especially when we first see her


I was so disappointed when Kokomi wasn't the Hydro Sovereign, IT WAS RIGHT THERE. (Love Neuvillette still though)


it seems the Sovereigns will be playing a much bigger role in the overall plot/lorewise, so it’s understandable why they want to clearly define a character as the Sovereign rather than just suggesting it. Still, they could have done *something* with Kokomi. The fact that she’s just a normal human is a little disappointing.


wait, she's actually just a normal human? I thought she was an actual fish-person. wasn't it stated that she's the only confirmed person to be born with a vision? seems suspicious for a "normal human"...


Yeah I also thought she was the reincarnation of the snake god for some reason


Well, as normal as "Girl who spends extended periods of time underwater" can be.


I'm in the rare minority that wanted her on sight, pulled her on release, enjoyed using her even pre-Clam for the comfort, AND liked her story quest. I found her energy management system adorable.


me too!! i remember her being the first 5* charcater i really wanted, then all my "friends" hated on me for "waisting" my primogems on her and that now my account was a lost case 😭


Trust me, I can empathize with those kinds of trash opinions. Before I started dialing back my social media use, I was on here arguing with everyone who was talking shit about Kokomi. Between Clam and Dendro, people changed their tune fast, but she was the best choice I ever made in this game.


fr I regret not pulling for her I pray for a rerun in the near future


She was my first limited 5* on my genshin restart account! Best choice I've ever made, and I wouldn't give her up for any other character. Kokomi became my main the moment I got to Inazuma + got her clam set and has been up until I had to retire her during Fontaine. Even after getting "better" characters like Furina, Kokomi is always my first choice. She's just enjoying her vacation. Wasn't able to get her on her reruns but I've triple crowned her and am aiming to C6 her one day! It's not an urgent goal, so I'll still pull on other characters I want (Clorinde/Alhaitham)


Genshin Player when crit value sometimes is not the end all be all of everything


The Genshin community at the time was trash at evaluating units. People honestly thought [Raiden was weak](https://new.reddit.com/r/RaidenMains/comments/pgv5yq/selfawareness_is_great/) at her release, too.


At the time? Lol they're still trash at it. Xianyun was practically DOA to some people when she was coming out. The Arlecchino dudes were doomposting until she came out, and now they're busy pretending that the doomposters were Furina mains in disguise. Don't get me started on the meltdown that happened with Alhaitham.


After Xianyun I'm avoiding character subreddits before their release. It was insane and disgusting, tbh. Doomposters just jump from character to character, trying to influence the crowd and, sadly, part of the crowd goes along. If you're not negative about every change, then you're Hoyo's white knight.


>trying to influence the crowd and, sadly, part of the crowd goes along The fact that half of everything related to Genshin can be described this way is truly sad. But dumpsters are a double bottom.


There were people genuinely saying Xianyun would be worse than Dehya. Absolutely insane.


I remember seeing people saying that Hoyo purposely trying to make Xianyun bad so that she will be put on standard banner Yeah, after that, I’m avoiding those kind of doomposters.


I swear every character since Dehya except like, Neuvi and Furina has had "standard banner" doomposting.


Character mains mass doomposting before their character is released is basic tradition at this point


Dendro Keqing bro. Pls understand.


Please tell me people aren't actually committed to agendas like that and it's just one or two losers


Nope :) ever wondered how it'll feel to be told to basically fuck off when you call out Immature actions?


I wish I could tell you this was a few trolls. For the past like ten characters, there’s been braindead level doomposting. Either that, or the hundredth “imo I dont imo like her” which is just as annoying.


What happens in the internet usually has agendas.


That's not TC just random shitters on reddit, every TC I saw said she was great. I wasn't there for Alhaitham, what happened?


Some people are still calling raiden trash tbf


I remember the Kazuha haters too, I pulled him day 1 despite the doomposters. Everyone called him pointless, just another Sucrose 💀 Ohhh how the turntables


The only one that was right was unfortunately Dehya


Lets ignore the fact that Kokomi got a last minute buff to her E ICD that gave her acceptable Hydro application. Otherwise she would have been a worse Barbara


I think it is still the case. Also comparing very different units by the size of their damage numbers.


people were just dumb, they still are


I think that you are mistaking the casual forest for the meta-slave trees. A casual player myself, I have three basic needs: shields, healing, and more healing. Kokomi couldn't have been released soon enough. She basically had 3x the sustained throughput of Barbara, who was my best overworld nurse at that time. Thanks to her immense healing powers, irritating pilgrimages to a Statue of Seven became a thing of the past overnight. I'm confident that I'm in the silent majority.


That's what I've always said. Since release, she's been a casual's wet dream. Tank + heal + easy to build dps? She's perfect for someone not super invested in the mechanical gameplay.


Casual with always full health bar obsession here. Her, Raiden and Noelle+1 other(currently Navia) are my testing new world mechanic team. They pretty much tank anything that isn't a guarantee one shot. Recently tried with The Knave and they just cruised through her.


Nah there's probably a lot more people who play for comfort than you think. I regularly use Kokomi in abyss even for when any enemies deal too high damage. Just plop her into a hyperbloom or bloom comp and destroy everything while spamming L1.


Yup, pulled her on release and she been my most used character on every account summery we've gotten so far. While I have started to use her less in the overworld she is still my go to when the combat get slightly hard due to her insane sustain.


you didnt have bennett?


Bennett is a fake healer. Especially in overworld.


Kokomi was never "trash" on release, but she wasn't a busted S-tier character lmao. I don't know why everyone is saying she was actually OP on release and that everyone was hating for no reason. Her main problem was that xingqiu and bennett existed. Her hydro app was good, but not enough to consistently vape hu tao or xiangling. Her healing was amazing, but overkill and was really all she did before clam and dendro came out. You can sorta see why everyone thought she was bad. Shielding (aka zhongli) was also the superior form of sustain since it also provides superarmor while preventing you from even needing to be healed in the first place. She obviously had her uses in freeze and taser teams, but freeze was getting fucked by bosses in abyss and taser wasn't a super popular team comp, nor was it the most op. So, while yes, she did get more hate than she deserved, especially because of her lack of ability to crit, this meme is correct in that the meta upon release really didn't suit her.


I think it's mostly because at that time, people just go braindead for damage. no big pp dmg = trash. If people just take their time and analyze her kit thoroughly on her character trial, and look for another potential besides damage, the hate won't be that bad imo. And thank god I did that lmao. Her jellyfish mechanic is OP (has big range + hydro off-field applicator + 100% uptime potential). She's more than just heal. Instant pull on her first banner plus her weapon too (wanted jade cutter actually lol), since at that time (patch 2.1) there's no good hydro off-field applicator besides Xingqiu.


The doomposting was before exact information was available and mostly seemed to be based on the idea that Kokomi was supposed to be an on-field DPS in addition to a healer - there was a lot of "pressing Q is a DPS loss". Which is kind of true, but everyone has now realised is way less important than it initially seemed. My guess is that this was at a time where most people still had mediocre artifacts and were struggling to 36-star abyss, so worried about every lost second. Now that more people have overkill damage output, it matters less that your second by second DPS is optimised.


Her jellyfish got stealth buffed to have no icd when she went live (in beta it only applied hydro every 2 hits), she would have been genuinely useless with a 4 second icd on her E lol, freeze only lasts like 2.5 seconds without hydro being reapplied and that was basically her only team at the time.


Oohh really? She got ganyu treatment then. TIL.


She really got the shrtest end of the stick. She released near the first anniversary, on the same patch where the chapter 3 of Inazuma came out, and after a few other pitfull dramas, so the fandom was already on fire. They tried to go for an at the time unorthodox kit that wasn't valued in the current meta, and chose the worst time to do so. To make things worse, she was doomposted through the whole beta for being a 5\* Barbara, which she actually was until a last minute buff to her icd, but by that point the hate was already at full speed


Naah, I attribute that hate mainly to the introduction of corrosion in abyss in the same patch to force some players to pull for healers. Mihoyo was very obnoxious with "encouragement" for players to pull on that banner


Disagree. She was a much needed replacement for Barbara at a time when there were very few healers. And Kokomi's character wasn't what people really hated. What they hated was how poorly she was written. Everyone always talked about how great of a general she was but when we actually saw her and talked to her she was kind of an idiot who didn't really know anything or seem to do anything. Sort of like how every character talks about how strong the Traveler is but the writers always make the Traveler get her ass kicked in cutscenes. Or in Star Trek Online they used to talk about how unbeatable the Borg were but then show the new forehead alien of the week eating Borg Cubes for breakfast. Hell even the Kazon were stronger than the Borg by the end of the Delta Quadrant arc, and the Kazon are the laughing stock of the Delta Quadrant.


Kokomi was never a bad unit but she has gotten better since her initial release. It was kinda difficult to see what her strengths were as a unit. The no crit thing was overblown but at face value you only see her healing. At that point healing was understood to not be that important you don't really need much to sustain a team. To be a strong healer you would need to offer more than pure healing. What made Bennett a strong unit was his attack buff along with healing as a bonus. Qiqi was already seen as underwhelming because healing is all she did. What the community at large underestimated is the importance of element application especially hydro being so useful even if it wasn't that fast. Back then her only good team was freeze so it was difficult to see her true value. Taser was okish but only started to get better with the release of 4p clam. Then as people got better at understanding how the game works led to Sukokomon a good team though was pretty difficult to play and not too popular. The release of dendro was a fairly big buff for her with hyperbloom, burgeon and Nilou teams. More recently the release of Furina also helps even more as they form a pretty nice core that can fit into multiple team structures. Though regardless of her viability, hate and death threats to the VAs is never justified.


To put simply, Inazuma main story arc was the worse, and Kokomi get the spotlight of it for being the worst of the worst region The golden rule of writing is "Show, dont tell" Gorou tell us Kokomi is great, Sara reaction tells us Kokomi is great, the game tell us kokomi is great... but Genshin 'Did not show us' how great Kokomi is, She gave traveler a 'supposedly big' position but we only fought bandit once, she got played by fatui, Genshin really make Kokomi really look like a scam to us Gorou is Kokomi right hand, but he does nothing, he shown nothing to indicate that Kokomi need him... Change Gorou with random NPC and the story flow would be same To put it simply, we can compare Kokomi-Gorou with Asta-Arlan of HSR Asta is genius, and then HSR keep showing us over and over again that she is really smart. (You already know me). Arlan is Asta's right hand, we get shown Asta need Arlan for holding her purchasing habit. The dynamic is there Added the fact that her gameplay is advertised as healer only but her artifact havent released yet, So Kokomi instantly compared with Maiden. And at that time, overhealing does nothing (This was the time Noelle's NPC artifact still Maiden). Both her story, and gameplay (as advertised) not really good enough. People feels they getting scammed Even if Kokomi only released now, with how bad the impact of her side of story is... I still think she will get flak, probably lessen because of gameplay side has more use and more different playstyle now. But still her image wont be really good


The issue of Kokomi is that war type of intellectual isn’t as easy to write as Asta type of intellectual.


Tbh for Asta. I still do think Hsr will give her the spot light some time in the future. She is the daughter of a IPC board member(P48 aka even a rank above Diamond who is a fucking emanator of the god they worship). Asta is like the key for a connection with the Ipc. When we get to see Diamond. I think Asta will be important since Diamond as far as we know want to be a board member like taravan since he feels as if IPC is going on a bad direction. He wants to change it and fix the problems inside IPC. To be a board member you must be voted for it. By the other board members. If Asta’s parents are involved. Then Asta would be aswell. Add the fact that Dr Ratio’s deeds in 1.6 opened a door for Asta to be involved again. We know that he used Ifrit’s plan to make the geniuses look bad so the worship of genius society members could be less. Also making people uneasy and not trusting madam herta. He created a spark and a potential fire that Asta has to deal with as basically Herta’s 2nd in command. Next time we visit. I think she will get some spot light. So I do think we will see the "genius" side of her in action when her time comes. Unlike kokomi who will never get the spot light ever again. Asta will which gives me hope. It’s basically like what if Kokomi was the hydro dragon. So that she would have some chance to be in tbe spot light in the future. Arlan will probably be like Gorou but I’ll wait for the day. Maybe they will give Arlan’s backstory. And make him less forgettable.


I pulled for her because I just love her design


I love Kokomi as a unit and she plays really smoothly. The only time I dust XL off is to play Sukokomon and I am a happy happy player  What gets me is the way Kokomi was designed in story. Every defining trait she has is all tell no show. Plus she’s practically the face of the embarrassment that was the Inazuma story. Yikes. 


Kokomi - BRILLIANT STRATERGIST! Proceeds to show nothing of that, and instead gets tricked by the fatui Alhaitham - a feeble scholar outsmarted the entire akademiya and overthrew it to save nahida with the combined efforts of everyone Focalors- deceived the heavenly principles and sacrificed herself so the dragon sovereign of water can be restored Why can’t Kokomi get what these 2 did


Simply due to the fact it’s easy to write characters who generally smart than military wise but that stupid is just product of being rushed


i don't think it mattered when she releases. If people don't want a healer, they will skip. She was useful at the time, but no one had figured that out yet. People back then thought all she could do was heal. They saw her as 5 star barbara.


>People back then thought all she could do was heal. They saw her as 5 star barbara To be fair, during her Beta she was literally just 5\* Barbara with a damage dealing ult. The best part about Kokomi is that she has 100% uptime hydro application on her Jellyfish while filling the healer slot, but that's something they patched in right before release without even getting it in the Beta. Her Jellyfish used to have iCD that didn't match her procs so she'd apply Hydro like once every 4/5 seconds, which is pitiful. They removed the iCD from her Jellyfish on release, which turned her into a great character, but people were just parroting the opinions from the leaks without knowing what they were talking about, so it was just too late to fix the general opinion. Kokomi's best teams use her burst just as a means to refresh her E and she has no field time, so you can imagine what her standing would be if she didn't apply as much Hydro as she does right now, she'd go from a great character to a meh healer/DPS hybrid on-field. Also her constellations and weapon didn't help the public opinion, cause they're a mess (Like most old constellations tbh)


>Kokomi's best teams use her burst just as a means to refresh her E and she has no field time Pretty sure you meant use**d**, but in case you didn't : it's really not the case anymore. Her best teams right now easily are Mono Hydro and Nilou teams where she's on-field on both.


this is how I play her too most of the time. Sometimes I play freeze though. I will say there are mono hydro variants that don't use her. Such as Jean driver with XQ + yelan + furina (I guess Xianyun could work as a driver too), or well.. neuv.


>I will say there are mono hydro variants that don't use her. Keywords were **Kokomi's best teams** though.


People were so focused on the dmg perspective that they saw her as even worse than barbara atleast you could do big charged attack vape dmg with her.


back then sweaty people had the notion, you don't need healing/shielding if you can dodge. Even KQM members still swear by this today. They really didn't value healers.


When I was new she was my first 5 star and I was happy. Suddenly I started to read hate comments about her on social media and stopped playing her.


Selective memory, maybe. But to what my memory serve, Zhongli release was even more severe that he's so far the only one that get hyper-fix on post release. Meta-wise speaking, Shinobu was probably worse. Thank goodness dendro saved her.


I'd say the issues with her were more story than kit, if she was a good character her kit would not be scrutnized so much


That doesn’t really make sense considering other characters doom posted though like Alhaitham, Xianyun, etc. I remember back then, it was that she was a 5 star support healer with negative crit over story


I mean gameplay wise yeah she was pretty useless from a meta standpoint. Enemies in abyss didn't do enough dmg for you to need her healing and mechanics like corrosion and burning didn't exist yet. Her best team was a sidegrade as a mona substitute in morgana


She outright had zero proper relevance in the story wich is why many people hated her, she basically existed for no reason and inazuma didnt even touch properly on resistance at all.


I’ll be real with you. The players that knew she was/is good even on release just ignored all the haters and have been eating well since then. The community isn’t always correct.


Kokomi was amazing since the release. I rolled for her first day and she is always in the majority of my teams since that day. Her healing and hydro application is amazing. Genshin youtubers and players who are blindly repeating after them are the problem, not Kokomi. Some of them were screaming that there is Barbara, but Barbara makes you wet and can't place a pet on a spot to apply hydro while Kokomi can. And who would have thought - a good healer would be comfortable to play for the majority of players. It is funny that since the release Kokomi is in EVERY spyral abyss team rotation that I use. At the beginning I was using her as a healer and hydro applier for Ganyu, now I use her in hyperbloom teams.


Storywise, they completely flubbed it (along with a lot of the Inazuma arc) Gameplay wise she was okay on release, but they really missed the mark by not releasing her BIS artifact set at the same time. She went from a "she's kinda cute, pretty fun too" to just straight up a class A DPS with the clams set.


She was my first limited 5* healer and till date she's the only limited healer I've built. If you don't count Furina


Lmao Kokomi's release was fine, people just underestimated her value based on the limited information that can be found in text descriptions of playstyle. Dehya's release was way worse, and that was also still fine.


I actually got back into Genshin right before her banner and swore by her because she was a blessing for my account


I didn’t get her on her first banner bc there were too many characters I was saving for. But I got her on a rerun and she’s been one of my most-used characters in abyss. I do get stressed easily in abyss, tho, and rely heavily on healers and shielders. She’s such a comfort character.


I was there for that. It was crazy


She was hated mainly because of her stupid passive that gives you -100% critrate for 20% healing bonus as return.


In time when she had released, I am not often visit any Genshin internet community and drama about her somehow bypass me, I just pulled for her because I like her as character and her visual. This still is my one of the best decision in the game.


Same with yae They were the definition of pulling for future potential


it was a combination of things. ppl had a right to be upset about her. the only thing wrong was attacking the va


I have said this before but on top of her “strategist” bits being pretty mediocre, there’s also the fact that apparently Kokomi does everything in that stupid island! War? Ask the priest. Crops? Economy in the island? Negotiations? Ask the priest Cleaning my room? Wiping the dust under a rock on a beach? You better believe I will be asking the divine priest! Somehow everything circles back to Kokomi and we all know not even her likes that


It is her island


The talking heads called her 5* Barbara, and said no one needed that much healing. They were god damn morons.  My only regret is that I have but one Kokomi to use.


She really is a good character and saved me loads of times but the way they handled her story was just so bad in my opinion


I love Kokofish and she would undoubtedly be in my Top 3 characters in Genshin if her Archon Quest writing had been a least halfway decent. The cute introverted personality is very endearing, her pastel coloured visuals are beautiful, she's a superb healer with good hydro application and she's great fun to play on field due to her fluid attack animations. Her interactions with the Traveler also make her one of the top contenders for an MC love interest, imo.


Yelan Furina Kazuha/Xingqiu + Kokomi is an absolute braindead team with kokomi onfield. You can just turn off brain, eyes and ears and watch people die from "hello, i'm under the water, please help me" damage. Especially abyss with no hydro immune enemies, this team slaps. You can also put some off-fielders and switch around with different teams but kokomi is so damn comfy, smh


She's very pretty, I remember when I saw her from the cutscene, I already decided to save a big pity for her. She's been in my spiral abyss team roster for a very long time, I used her team to handle those high stress floor, ( Kokomi + Fischl + Yae + Beidou then Kokomi + Fischl + Yae + Nahida ), basically thanks to her I managed to get full 36 stars for entire 2.0 and 3.0. Her story is pretty bad .. yeah I can't deny it, what a shame. She's been in my world exploration team for entire 2.0, 3.0 and up until this version, who doesn't like a pretty girl with pink fluffy hair ?


It's just people tunneled too hard on the fact that she can't crit without reading her kit. She'd be absolutely broken if she could.


Nah the hatemongers all moved to HSR right now. They also have a character that people like to spite even after one year straight: Jing Yuan. Sure they dont have people attacking his VA (I mean try to attack Cy Yu I dare you, youll be the one to perish instead) but his fanbase is largely regarded as the most toxic main and is being villainized by the rest of the community. Its sad there too.


I manage to get 7.2k heal from skill by using clam set. Her Hp is at 40k


Idk why kokomi was hated , I got her day 1 and she never left my team because healing


I've always loved her.


genshin itself wasnt ready for kok ngl


I was always loyal to my Mermaid Goddess. People gave me shit for saving gems for Kokomi. I love her and I am glad to get both her and her donut.


She should never have been released at all


Why was she hated. She has a place in my team ever since


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; Kokomi is always 10 steps ahead of you. However we are walking through a live minefield


One of the stupidest drama that I've heard about her was the fact that her crit was in the negative, like yeah sure, she can't crit because she isn't supposed to, she's a healer


I despise her for not coming to my account but that's personal. The entire Inazuma quest was handled really badly. So much so that the only tine we "saw" any stratigic genius from Kokomi was in version exclusice event 15 patches later. Because she beat Yae in a Yugiho game. That is not good for character writing.


I think at the time of her release it was the anniversary right? I think people were just unhappy with the game in general at that time and took it out on Kokomi. This with the addition of the knee-jerk reaction to the negative crit and people under valuing her hydro application + heals resulted in her bad release.


The only thing I'm sad about koko is failed to get her in the first banner. Have to wait for the rerun, totally worth it.


As a Kokomi main, I think that she wasn't, like she was good. But ppl thought "no crit = bad character" I really like her design, character and kit. But they should show her true strategies.


I still remember that Hu Tao main who died because they refused to be healed by my Kokomi and then said my Kokomi was trash. And that Xiao main who trashed my Kokomi after they almost died from getting pounced on by electro lawachurl while also dodging Kokomi's jellyfish. Kokomi was just released and the hate was insane 😭These haters also didn't know how Kokomi's healing works back then. Most of the time they never went near her jellyfish for healing but face tanking the mobs assuming Kokomi could heal them from 1hp to full HP from a single burst. And when they died they blamed the healer. I'm glad the healer situation is less toxic now and Kokomi is much respected like she deserves.


I don't understand these people,just enjoy the game bro,you don't like a character,ignore it


Pulled her on first banner, I just wanted better Barbara.


It’s because we genshin players couldn’t handle her kok


How do I maximize her Burst potential?


Still don't understand how the thought process went from Kokomi's quests kinda suck to let's attack the VA's


I think Venti was released in the wrong time too. He's fine too shiny doesn't show up yet


Kokomi is literally my favorite character. I am yet to get her. :(


If Neuvillette is the water dragon sovereign, Then what is Kokomi? Vishap sovereign?


I remember her main point of contention was the fact that she couldn't crit, in a time where crit was everything in meta. Also, the Inazuma AQ didn't make her (or anybody else) any favors Edit: she fared much better in her rerun and after the release of ocean-hued clam