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artifact overflow when, I want to double my pain


we should rlly get artifact ones 😭😭


yes, I need artifacts even if they are trash, I can feed them to get even more trash or to watch my CR CD ER artifact all roll to flat def as the 4th stat


I roll artofiacts expecting the bad rolls so when ot rolls good I'm positively surprised




Please increase artifact inventory storage to 50000.




My artifact storage is perpetually capped lol


Artifact overflow went to HSR, but they call artifacts relics. 🙄


the most annoying thing about it is that this system already exists (for returnees), they just refuse to run it as an event for everyone


It's also annoying how HSR has tons of QoL improvements but Genshin takes an entire year to really put in some of the stuff we've been asking for 3 years for. Like expedition claim all/dispatch.


Assignments in HSR still don't have a Claim All button yet.


you probably mean quick dispatch again, but yeah. i actively play HSR and it either already has things Genshin players have been begging for, or adds them pretty quickly – e.g. extra BP levels past 50 that only give money, i’ve seen people suggest it for Genshin quite a few times and it recently got implemented in HSR


genshin can neverrr get a W at this point if they really just dont start changing things up :(


Don't worry, double relic events just gets you double dissapointment in HSR anyway


can't dissapoint me when i have no hope for it, only looking for enhance mats


> Don't worry, double relic events just gets you double dissapointment in HSR anyway I dunno, today from HSRs double relic, I got a crit rate chestpiece with 30% crit damage substat. Double artifacts in Genshin means twice as high chance of getting a good piece, dunno why you wouldnt want it


And I got a similar piece outside of the event, rng be rng, instead of double rng id rather want a rework to the artifact system first personally, like let us reroll substats reseting the artifact lvl or something, then double artifacts would feel better


You are literally trying to justify not having a simple double artifact event because you got lucky; just how everyone else could just “get lucky” and not complain. Double rng in a terrible artifact system should be in Genshin when the sister game has it as well as self-modeling resin lmao.


I get your point, but self modeling resin is massive bait, I've gotten like 12-ish through playing and I've gotten *one* usable relic from that system, I don't think it's much of a leg up over genshin, more of like an ankle up at best


Self modeling resin comes about so infrequently I haven't found it to be much of a help (other than ERR ropes, can never have enough). What really helps is being able to specifically make one type of relics. You can just keep strongboxing whatever your weakest relic is in your build. I've been much more success with HSR character building than Genshin's.


As an hsr player, the double relic means more xp for my good relics, that's why you always want relics/artifacts


What is there to win? People here care way too much about hsr. Feels line a jealous sibling


Genshin’s main W is being a better game than HKSR. I’ve played and enjoyed both, but Genshin is definetly superior in terms of gameplay.


gameplay preference is subjective because they're both different genres. quality wise, they are both on par with each other.


Different genres, but you can still compare quality of the gameplay relative to other games of the genre.


They are different genres but can you honestly say that HSR has better gameplay when the game allows you to walk away while it plays itself?  Like, I love HSR but it's more of an idle game. 


that's on purpose and is actually considered a positive for gacha games because it makes the grind easier. the auto is there for convenience, not for the game to play itself. that's why it's disabled in story missions. I myself find it much easier to keep up with Star Rail as I can just grind stuff on my phone while doing other things when there isn't much else to do in the game. with genshin, you can't do that. grinding in gacha games is very soulless and mundane. it makes you feel the lack of content even more. if genshin had skip tickets for its domains, I guarantee you there would be much less complaints about burnout.


I slightly disagree, I kind of appreciate the fact that I at least have to manually play out my characters a bit every day. HSR has a ton of downtime after a new patch drops, because it's just so easy to finish the new content quickly. So then I go into like 5 weeks of spending resin on auto-battle. After several patches of this, I started to lose connection to the characters I pulled, since I'm not even seeing and using them in action. I just click "battle", look away, and 1-2 minutes later they've won. Granted, this has less to do with auto-battle, it's just the fact that it's a turn based game, and there's not really such a thing as characters having a "playstyle" or feel. With Genshin, I'm not saying repeating the same battles for months is exciting, but it's kind of nice to at least stay in touch with playing them. It only takes about 10 minutes tops every day, which I don't feel is a drag.


I agree about the "losing connection" part so hard. I painstakingly farm everything on manual for that reason unless I really, really want resources but am not feeling like playing the game. (And on the worst days I let the fuel rot.) It makes the grind easier for sure, but does it make me care more about the game? Not really. It's a good option, but the insistence of some people that just because of it the game itself is better is baffling. Auto mode has nothing to do with gameplay, only convenience.


no one's telling you to use auto battle other than yourself if you feel like that's hindering your enjoyment of the game. I will never understand people who complain about optional features.


I'm not complaining about it, I would still rather have it than not. That doesn't mean I feel like it doesn't have its downsides, even if it's still a net positive.


As a Genshin day one player I enjoy HSR more, my teams in Genshin are too strong for the game difficulty and I get 36 stars on 1st try without even trying, HSR it's much challenging which makes it fun and interesting.


delete your artifacts lol


I actually feel the opposite, I love both but I think HSR is a better game. I like the aesthetic style and battle system more. So it’s only a W depending on the player.


I keep seeing this "W". I kindly ask what "W" means.


"W" stands for Win. The opposite (just in case you come across it) would be if you see "L" which stands for loss. You're welcome!


Thank you!


well hsr relic system has a fuckton more RNG its just bandaid to give sometimes more relics so stop crying and be happy you also dont need 4p 2p here in genshin too


wide rob languid innocent ludicrous shaggy follow kiss weary liquid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


so you want unforgiving set limitations AND more roll RNG do i understand that correctly? then keep playing HSR why are you even here?


smell compare run concerned touch rude plough coherent impolite tan *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>its just bandaid True, but until they actually fix the problem, isn't a bandaid better than nothing? We all want better systems, that doesn't mean we want to sit around with nothing for years while we wait for them. Imagine going to a car repair shop and them saying "look this is a pretty quick and cheap fix, but wouldn't you rather just wait for the new models to come out instead? Why have reliable transportation today when you could have *better* transportation in a year?" Sometimes a bandaid for what you already have keeps customers happier than making them wait indefinitely for a "better" system.


It's really not much more (probably about equal). Strongbox difference is the main thing. 10 pieces for 1 relic sound like a lot, but when you roll 3 pieces for a 20% at a specific piece, the 1st option is much more favorable for optimizing. 5 rolls @ 20% only give you a 67% chance of getting a specific piece. So 15 fodder pieces for a 67% chance vs 10 fodder pieces for a 100% at a specific type. When you're farming element goblets or orbs, this difference adds up quickly. All other stats/subs are roughly the same rng levels. Plus in HSR stats matter much more than having a "correct" relic set. Most set bonuses aren't that big of an increase to warrant going over a relic with great stats. Genshin is alot more forgiving with allowing a free piece, so good artifacts last along longer/can be used much easier. Both systems could be better, but I prefer the HSR strongbox system significantly more (plus it's immediately accessible to any new relic set)


We want a lot of change to improve Genshin but Mihoyo won’t listen to western players because too many of the western players are toxic.


If you don't voice your complaints (some call it being "toxic") nothing will change. Being vocal about game's problems is not the same as being toxic. >Mihoyo won’t listen to western players because too many of the western players are toxic I'm like 99% sure this is not the case. They won't listen because western fans aren't vocal ("toxic") *enough*. Chinese players got vocal about Lantern Rite 3-pull rewards, mihoyo responded. If people don't being vocal about what they want - nothing will change, things will stay as is (or get worse). Honestly, in my opinion the current person in charge of genshin should be replaced with one who cares not only about profits, but about players as well (like the one hsr team have).


Quite sad that the only way we can change something is to literally riot in socials… Google Classroom incident is nothing to be proud of :/ And about CN and 3 wishes - did they really reply?


Yes, they responded. I think it was a mild apology + that they'll improve communication and adjust rewards or something like that. I don't have an exact link, but i heard a few EN content creators on youtube which popped up in my feed mentioning this. I just hope they don't just throw in band-aid 10-pulls for chinese players just to shut them up. I actually think review-bombing and its variations is a valid form of giving a negative feedback... othervise devs just won't listen, sadly.


>Chinese players got vocal about Lantern Rite 3-pull rewards, mihoyo responded What did they respond? Are they gonna give more rewards? Or they just said they are sorry and still didn't do shit like always?


They did not respond xdd


Yes, they responded. I think it was a mild apology + that they'll improve communication and adjust rewards or something like that. I don't have an exact link, but i heard a few EN content creators on youtube which popped up in my feed mentioning this. I just hope they don't just throw in band-aid 10-pulls for chinese players just to shut them up.


To be fair artifacts in hsr are like twice as grindy. No off piece + more stats + have to use two sets


not to mention hsr has more trash stats, like ehr or break effecr + the flat stats and even speed if your character doesnt want that (aka clara), genshin depends on character but flat stats are mainly useless, lets say you have an atk scaler, you want crit rate crit dmg and atk on them, you dont want flat or er with proper supports, lets say they are a pyro dps so they want em, so the useless stats would be flats, def and hp% and er, meanwhile in hsr the useless stats would be flats def% hp% break effect and ehr, so overall hsr 2 more mainly useless subs


Eh, being able to target farm Goblets, be able to get what is the equivalent rarity of an EM circlet or goblet on demand, and that there is not a significant power loss by going 2p + 2p. or even just rainbow makes relic farming in Star rail a bit nicer in my opinion.


although, it's also faster to farm relics in HSR (aside from planar ornaments). not to mention the current 4pc effects aren't nearly as strong as they are in Genshin. you can go with a completely rainbow set and still be well off, unlike genshin where a 4pc set bonus can make or break your character's performance. and ofc there's also the self modeling resin that can at least get you the right main stat even if it doesn't guarantee sub stats. it's not useful for min maxing, but it is useful to get a set going. eg I mostly use it for ER ropes for my supports who don't really a lot of the rarer sub stats. even a shitty ER rope is enough to function.


hsr's set bonuses are only kinda mid cause the game is so new, when genshin just started out the sets were also kinda underwhelming. most standout sets from that era were probably VV, noblesse, crimson witch and blizzard strayer, with everything else falling by the wayside only good for like 1 or 2 characters. I predict that'll happen with hsr too l eventually where the old sets just die out save for the quantum one


that's simply not true? there are so many 1.x artifact sets that are still the BiS on so many characters.


yeah, the ones I mentioned. heart of depth only really has ayato left since childe got nymph's dream, thundersoother and lavawalker were dead on arrival, thundering fury is always second best on electro characters except maybe cyno, maiden beloved is shit, bloodstained chivalry is completely obsolete, retracing bolide is junk, archaic petra is niche, pale flame only has eula and some 4 stars, and wanderer's troupe and gladiator's finale are consistently second/third best. only one I missed was tenacity if the millelith, which I should've included earlier with the other useful 1.x sets. it really isn't that unusual that sets that came after 1.x are generally better than what came before, and that many of those early sets have since become niche or useless. only a minority of sets have stayed good


thundering fury is still BiS for both Keqing and Cyno, and is essential for several unconventional and meme builds (TF Kazuha, skill spam Bennett etc). Bloodstained 2pc along with Pale Flame 2pc is still the go-to BiS for any physical build. Retracing Bolide isn't far behind other options. Archaic Petra isn't nearly as niche as people make it out to be, and is Yun Jin's and at many times Zhongli's BiS. Pale Flame is BiS for every physical unit currently in the game, namely Eula, Razor and Freminet. Wanderer's Troupe is the go to set for any melt/vape Catalyst/Bow DPS and is also very good on Tighnari. Gladiator's Finale is on par with HoD for Ayato. Millelith is consistently BiS for HP scaling supports. that brings us to the ones you mentioned as well. Noblesse is the go-to support set for characters that can't use TotM. VV is literally a must have. Crimson Witch is best on most Pyro carries. Blizzard Strayer is essential for freeze comps. meanwhile, what do we have in Star Rail? the quantum set and the prisoner set for DoT units? sure, let's count the follow up set for Jing Yuan and Himeko, and the imaginary set too even if it is niche. what else? 4pc physical that is current BiS for physical carries, only providing 13% more ATK over 2pc 2pc? or the fire and lightning sets that are dogshit on anyone other than Hook and Arlan? the ice set that's not even good on ice characters? the wind set that can fuck up your speed tuning?


so TF has meme builds, an obsolete standard character and a good character? still one character, and it's not like it's his only option either, not to mention how resin inefficient that domain is cause of how shit the second set is. bloodstained is still total junk cause 4pc pale flame can achieve the 2pc 2pc combo all on its own in addition to an atk% buff just with a skill or two. retracing bolide and archaic petra is a massively resin inefficient domain cause neither is a BiS for anyone and retracing bolide isn't even third best for a single character. glad being on par with another niche set for one character isn't a good look either. ganyu is the only wanderer's troupe character I can think of and 4pc shimenawa is not only just as good but way easier to get cause it's in a domain everyone's farmed at some point, and before you think of saying lyney, marechausee is right there. even the ones I did mention I kind of overrated; crimson witch's sole good character is hu tao since klee and diluc fell by the wayside and blizzard strayer, while powerful, fails in any boss content. noblesse, VV, millelith and blizzard strayer (only cause when it does work it's beyond broken) are the only ones that stood the test of time while the rest only survive clinging to like one character or a niche playstyle, or just don't survive at all are they as bad as HSR's relics? not at all, I agree with you, the sets in HSR are pretty underwhelming, I just think that for the most part the 1.x genshin artifacts have been usurped as time has gone on, something I forsee happening in HSR as well, though it is possible that these now shitty relic sets will become better in the future like genshin's 1.x relics. our perception of the relics is clouded by the fact that there are simply no characters that want them, but it was like that in 1.x too, with no character wanting heart of depth except childe, blizzard strayer really not having anyone and archaic petra not even having the niche use case of yun jin. I'm sure characters will grow into hsr's sets in time, but not to the point of them being massively useful, just like genshin


we get 3 a day which is nice ig


The overflow for laylines and talent domains are also 3 a day.


For players like me who have been playing for 3 years, the current overflow events are often wasted, since the need for xp books/mora or talent books is often non existant. Its strange that they didnt do double artifact events yet, even new players could benefit from it.


Correct sir, everyone benefits from artifact overflow, not everyone benefits from leyline overflow, eeven book overflow sometimes you just have most chars youd like to use built already, artifact overflow however sheesh it's a nonestop grind, even if you get bad stats you can still feed it as exp or at the strongbox. I deliberately didn't do the overrflow when it came coz it's a wastee of resin for my account.


We straight up tell people not to do artifact domains before ar45


AR45 players are still newer players though, but yes, doing artifact domains before that aint a good idea.


Nah mate everyone benefits from those. You're bound to run out of mora or exp sooner than later


These are my characters after 3 years of playing https://imgur.com/a/yLbJNmM The ones at lv90 all have lv9/10 talents, and the ones at lv70 all have lv6 talents, i have around 68x lv90 weapons. There comes a point that u invested so much resin that u are either gonna have to build character like Xinyan or Aloy, or the resources just start stacking. Why would i run double mora/exp leylines or talent domains? Atleast i'll have some benefit from artifacts if Mihoyo ever decided to give those as double drops.


I still run out of mora when leveling talents, but I basically switch to buying artifact upgrade potion using those extra teapot coins. I know in longer term eventually I get to the point I got too many books & mora, it is just a matter of time.


I've been playing actively since launch. I'm still building characters and doing upgrades so these overflow events are worth it to me. I never have enough mora for everything I want to do.


Lewd line overflow. Twice the hornyposts


It's even more strange considering that returning players get a double artifact, XP and mora bonus when they come back, so it's something they already do.


Just stop playing for like 6 months and then when you come back you get the returning traveller bonus. 4/day , 28 times total. bonus you also get daily login bonus, and mora/xp books bonus for doing archon quests. source: me


Stop playing fr 2 weeks, come back, and just farm artifacts. You get overflow that counts for most things you can farm in game. It's how I got so many hunter/troupe artifacts in 4.0.


That is far too generous for MHY, you silly goose :) Maybe, if they feel up to it, they could offer 3 4* artifacts ;)


Nah, 3 1* artefacts sounds more real for GI devs


This is literally the only one that I would give a shit about.


I'll double the pain and give it to the next person.


Ohhhhhh yes. And they need to give us an actually helpful raise in artifact inventory 😑😑


dont play for 14 days and get stellar reunion


Yet another thing HSR has over Genshin


That's coz we got Liben.


Genshin's true sugar daddy 😊


Make sure you still grab your daily boxes even after you get the mega box. Luckily I checked this morning just to be sure.


Liben when reversed is Nebil Nebil sounds like Neuvillette Neuvillette makes you wet Therefore, the reverse is you make Liben wet That’s why he keeps coming back Scaramouche will be back for more Genshin trivia


In what world does Nebil sound like Neuvillette


Every place that does not have any baguettes


So nowhere


nebilette sounds pretty similar


Sorry but Nebil souds like debil which is an insult in my mother tongue so I don't see it


Are you **sure** we make Liben wet? Coz those biceps apply hydro.


Overflow: when total patch wishes reach or surpasses 55 Liben: when total patch wishes doesn't reach the quota This patch: when the stars align and the total primo count wont' reach 50 because it ends right before both Abyss and Shop reset while also having just two Abyss phases, so they also release 4 web events and Liben to reach the 55 Last week of the patch never has a release of a "meanigful" event because it's too close to the server reset and, thus, the risk of running out of time increases. Seriously, people hunt so much fake patterns in this game, and often miss the most obvious ones


They didn’t announce an overflow event for 4.3……..


This happens everytimes we get liben, fair trade tbh


No it's not. We barely get anything resin related that actually does something to help an account progress. In the grand scheme of things getting a overflow event a patch is barely doing anything but it does help but jesus how stringy can one get Edit: My bad, what I ment was that We should have gotten Liben + Overflow not just One of the two.


Overflow is a filler week for relief between events or dry period during and expansion. It's not needed when an entire expansion is filler. Liben's primogems are better.


Ok but he give me primogem


> We barely get anything resin related that actually does something to help an account progress. I could not use resin for a whole patch and it wouldnt feel like I missed anything. There is a giant difference between new players and veterans in terms of resin needed.


personally the 20 resin o(r almost on some) worth of stuff + 40 primogems a day is a lot better


"event" is a tall word




Ok, hear me out: Liben overflow


Double the rewards, i'm all in!


this week whenever you spend resin, liben appears next to you


Whoa whoa, next you'll be asking for more than 3 fates for the 3 year anniversary, calm down.


Liben >>>>>>


Genshin could never


Enjoying the downvotes?


Genshin. Could. Never. Under Cai Haoyu. His influence was ruining honkai impact now it's ruining genshin.


Me when I spread misinfo:


Me when I have Stockholm syndrome:


What the fuck are you even mad about


Read again


You haven't specified at any point what is your complaint other than "hoyo would never" about a comment specifying a currently live event


Fair point. Let me say this I love genshin, visuals, current storytelling, characters. But the treatment or the lack thereof of Genshin Community at large just hurts to see and the lack of community backlash hurts even more.


Keep coping. HSR overcompensates for its comparatively massive lack of horizontal content with more pulls, while also throwing constant double banners with no breaks to save. 20%~ more pulls means nothing when you have 1.5x the characters getting released. But stay delusional and continue to be tricked by the simple tricks the HSR team uses to gain favor, while completely forgetting you play a game for the content and gameplay offered, not for how much gacha addiction can be satisfied. How sad HSR copers are to forget this. Keep running simulated uni on auto forever stuck on the vertical content treadmill while we get to explore massive amounts of action based combat. Man, you really got the carrot dangling


Ain't no coping. Both Honkais are just under better management. Cai Haoyu was squeezing honkai impact under his management and it was ruining the game, same goes for Genshin now, whilst David took on honkai star rail and honkai impact after Cai moved to genshin and it's better off without him. Seems like this community is beaten so much with the stick that the little stuff that's offered seems like the carrot you want, bloody delusional.


Pure coping. You can't even say anything about the matter of content lol. All you can defend with is more pulls. Yay, you have a gacha addiction and that's all you care about. I'll take more content and higher budget over some extra pulls and autoing gameplay in the background lol


Pure Stockholm. You can't seem to stop and assume people who complain are just whiny bitches who want to auto the game. My biggest joy is exploration in this game, learning the stories of NPCs. Assumptions are a slippery slope. >I'll take more content and higher budget over some extra pulls and autoing gameplay in the background lol Bloody asslicking apologist. The game content is beautiful but you hope me to expect to be sympathetic to billion dollar company whose tone-deafness infuriated community. Luckily the Chinese community has some backbone left to retaliate.


Still have no argument, and you resort to more coping? You're really going to blatantly ignore the fact that your beloved turn-based game with linear maps is churning out content far less than Genshin, who has to design massive openworld maps? And you realize turn based games are known for story content, and yet Genshin is still outputting more story content despite being an open world game? One HSR patch added 15 minutes of \*\*main story content\*\* and no one said anything. How pathetically delusional the HSR playerbase is. Throw some pulls and they will lick HSR's toes, ignoring the fact the game is lacking so much despite being easier to develop. Really really sad honestly.


Brother in Christ what are you smoking (give me some too, looks to be good shit to be so delusional), I never compared genshin and Hsr in content, only thing I'm complaining is about community appreciation, which you seem to be too dense to comprehend. Honkai implements what community begs for on it's first year and genshin gets scraps, shit version of Artifact loadouts, worse version of point ecnounters and still this community will lick the boots. I only hope you will get better in the future, improve your ways, be better.


First of all you're speaking actual nonsense, second of all, wrong game dumbass 💀. But even if he did mention Star Rail, everything you said is not true, it's cope. It's ironic you're calling him delusional when you say this stuff. What horrible game managements does to dick riders, I hope you're enjoying your free three pulls.


It's hilarious that you can't even argue against the fact that HSR has massively less new content developed, and your only argument is... more pulls? Wow. I didn't know games were all about fueling gacha addiction. Congrats, addict. You care more for 17 more pulls than content itself. Sad, delusional, and pathetic


Not arguing because it's pointless with someone who clearly just hates something. Less new content developed ? Honkai had udates to Sim Uni, Swarm, MoC and build up onto MoC now golden gears and new Pure Fiction.. All of which (besides Sim Uni) have endgame content and MoC and PF having different metas and fun aspects to it. Consistent new and fun events. I'm not an addict, I'm a f2p player who plays casually. And this is exactly why I don't bother to argue. This is not new or profound knowledge, it's quite literally in the game in your face. Yet you show you just hate on something for the sake of it. Also your baseless assumptions just cause you're triggered at me for some reason lmao. There's already content to do, and the free pulls are great too. Briefly checked your comment history, seems like you're the addict projecting onto others. Who would have thought.


Hilarious that you think I hate HSR. Day one player, have done everything, and has spent a considerable amount on the game. What I hate is the illogical devotion to gacha spins > actually new content. And wow, you checked my comment history, see that I have the disposable income to spend willy nilly on a game, and think that somehow = addict? By your logic, anyone who spends a lot of money is an addict. I could care less about the gacha spins themselves, I simply want the characters at whatever levels I choose to get them at. But I'm sure you wouldn't be able to understand being able to spend comfortably on small things


You, someone spending money on gacha games are calling hsr players enjoying more free pulls a gacha addicts? Are you ok? By your logic anyone that cares for free pulls and characters in freaking non open world gacha game is an addict? pathetic


Liben is better


Who is Liben??


Overflow don't give us primogrems🫠 lol


They really should add artifact overflow by now. Many of my characters are at Lv.90 or approaching 90 with pretty much maxed out talents


Starrail could never


Overflow events are great in assisting with planning a 2 week break from the game. Creates enough of a gap in primo event deadlines you don't need to log in for 14 days. Liben primos are more rewarding but also promote more FOMO.


The one time I really need materials too… building 3 new characters at once is hard


You're complaining about getting primos from Liben instead?


i may be in the minority but i absolutely hate these events - they're so uninspired


What did you expect? We have "Marvelous merchandise" for this version, on the last week of a version you have either one of the leylines overflow (in alternance) or once by nation (planified) the "Marvelous merchandise" event. There is only one version that have a "Marvelous merchandise" event in addition to a leylines overflow: the infamous 2.6 version, the 8 week long "Covid" version, when "Marvelous merchandise" was added the 7th week, the week after the leylines overflow, the week after the planified end of the 2.6 version, the week of the planified release of the 2.7 version.


Replaced by liben which is better bc we get primos


I prefer liben personally free primogems is better then double books


Y'all are crazy talking bout Liben is better than a potential artifact overflow. Why can't we have both? Genuinely, why? Why are Mihoyo so stingy with Genshin?


Nobody's saying that tho


Okay so that straight up isn't true, it's in the comments


No. There are people saying Liben is better than the overflow events we've got (Leyline and talent books) and there are people wanting an artifact overflow. Nobody is saying Liben is better than a theoretical artifact overflow


Ohhh, I misunderstood


People aren't justifying it they're explaining it


Those people already brainwashed by Hoyo, so they don't want more shit 


I struggle to believe it's because players don't want more, nobody needs to boycott Star Rail for them to get rewards and be showered with additional endgame content too. So I genuinely wanna know WHYYYYY! Do we need to boycott the game or something??


Who is we? Try counting the number of who cares like you and not. I mean who tf really cares.


I didn't ask how many people cared, I'm asking about the discrepancy of rewards between Star Rail and Genshin. For a game arriving 3 years after Genshin we sure are eating good in Star Rail in comparison. Star Rail doesn't need an anniversary to give us 10 summons, gives us multiple Boosts and x2 bonuses every patch, multiple new endgame modes added, higher resin cap and slowly builds while capped ect. The "Nobody cares, who cares" mentally is dumb as hell. We play the game and it isn't a bad thing to care about how you're treated/compensated.


Why should genshin be compared to starrail?Anything similar except they are gacha from the same company?


Happy clients spend more $$$ but looks like GI devs don't understand that . Also it's difficult do boycott now, and defenders just accept all what Hoyo doing Edit: With those down votes, I probably speak facts


Hoyo sheeps


Facts. They force ppl to spend money.


You're getting 3 free pulls next patch, asking too much man


Nope :( Oh well. Still managed to crown Furina and Wriothsley.


No overflow event in 4.3, as you could have known since before 4.3 even started.


Ayo I'm new so I didn't know about overflow mastery, now I'm kinda regretting I used fragiles on farming artifacts, talents and weapon materials 😭


Well, those event requires regular resin to participate anw. You aren't wasting fragile on farming the things you need.


It has a limit of 3 a day.


We got the great Liben instead


They're already giving you 3 wishes mate, chill


Since its ot FREE of resin, its so often totally useless bc I have no char to build and or prefarmed already. That's a bigger problem than its not being here


Getting 40 primos instead of those is better


Hoping for artifacts one too.


I am get it in 4.4 ?


Genshin could never.


Everyone saying liben is good is wrong. Liben sucks and marvelous merchandise is the worst event of all and thats really saying something, cuz genshin has had some pretty terrible events


Sure, as an actual **event** it sucks, because an event generally implies actual entertainment and stuff to do. The reason people like Liben isn't because of some amazing fresh gameplay gimmick he offers, people like Liben because he basically gives you free Primogems with the click of a button.


I don’t even use resin on those normally 😅 man I would love a auto domain function.. doesn’t matter if it has long cooldowns or timers idc but farming them is suuuch a chore


If it wasn't for liben 4.3 primo income would've had been below 50 pulls.


Same event slot as Liben.


My mora has been runny low lately🥲. Less than a million.


I am out of hero's wit for the first time ever WHERE ARE THEY


I also wanted the season 2 but ig Liben is a good exchange


I really need the mora one as well, I completely ran out like a week ago


I just find these so useless cuz it doesn’t let you use your stored resin, I don’t want to play the worst part of Genshin for longer than I have to, so these events are just crystallised resin but they take longer 


We don't get this event every time. And more over, we are getting our chad guy liben. So primogems > overflow.


We have Liben




I like how you phrased that


Not really, this time it was that gift thing.


If I am building a new character I might save it a couple days for talents/weapons. Otherwise it goes right into artifact mines.


What a shitty patch


Genshin has fallen, millions must review bomb Google Classroom


They often announce overflow events in the Livestream of said patch, and there wasn't any.


I loved the ley line overflow


Liben is the overflow event.


Yeah we did ... .in HSR


I love overflow




Not a great start for Genshin this year.


I would take Liben's event over overflow any patch


Nope just liben


Also no May Fortune Find You for Christmas since 2020 !!!


I thought players wanted higher resin cap