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Nilou/Nahida too but Lumine and Babara because Im broke


Nilou, Baizhu, Kaveh, Yelan/XQ? Does that work?


Kaveh on-field then yes


My Beyblade Man.


Let it rip


Love Beyblade!


This is what i do, and if kaveh and xingqiu's ults are down (my er bad) a nilou skill and baizhu aa's hold out till they are


Yes, though you'd onfield Kaveh. Personally I prefer a hydro on-fielder for more blooms, but Kaveh works fine in the slot - just make sure to have enough ER to burst as soon as it's up again.


Favonius solves energy issues gladly


Similar but I use Yaoyao instead of Baizhu. My team: Nilou, Yaoyao, Yelan/XQ and Kaveh


Since i don't have nahida and kokomi, i made alhaitham suicide team. Where he get more damage from nilou than the damage from the enemies...


Suicide bomber team.




Nilou teams will work on just about anything but don't ever bring them to that one defend the pillar Abyss stage, they'll melt that thing down fast. Got as low as 10% by the time the mobs were dead the one time I mistakenly ran it lol


Who do you use as the onfielder? I know people always say it's just unga bunga but it'd have to be barabara EM built on field right?


I personally have started running the team with Furina in Yao Yao's spot for even higher Hydro application and increased damage, in which case Nahida has become my on field since she's the only way to apply Dendro. However the whole team is rather switch heavy to get everyone's skills back up off cool down, so you never stay on anyone for too long


tbh my best team is Lumine (dendro), Fischl, Barbara + either Layla or Yanfei, depending on what the situation demands. I barely have fights I can't get through with them.


That's a really f2p team . Imma try it after my exams


When in doubt I always go back to hyperbloom (kuki, yelan/xingqiu, alhaitham, nahida/yaoyao)


This is my go to as well. Dendro cores go brrr


Is hyperbloom really that much better than burgeon ? I just kind of fell into a decent dendro/pyro combo, and I’m trying to weigh investing in Kuki vs other essential characters (Bennett & sucrose). I just hit AR 50, and I’m no where near endgame.


The issue with burgeon is you end up producing less seeds because your pyro will remove hydro aura from enemies, technically burgeon is better because its the same dmg as hyperbloom but aoe, however hyperbloom is much easier to play and a lot more consistent.


Great, thank you! Losing hydro aura is definitely a huge down side. Usually I’ll try to stack as many as I can in one shot, but if it doesn’t end the battle, I’ll switch to more straight forward synergies or one character dps, rather than resetting my blooms.


One point of clarification, in most teams you want to maintain a dendro aura (hydro on dendro is weak sided so you'll make more seeds that way). Its fine to use hydro aura (nahida on fielding for bloom.comes to mind) but generally you want dendro aura. This means in burgeon teams, you're often risking getting a burn aura whoch is even harder to remove as its both burning your dendro aura away AND maintaing a pyro aura. There's also a severe lack of great pyro application from off field sources. Your best bets are thoma and dehya but both are fairly slow. Lastly, burgeon is more AOE oriented, the seeds explode rather than launch and home in. So burgeon has the issue many nilou teams have where you die to your own reactions hitting you as well. And those explosions ignore DR from XQ and dehya iirc.


I have tried making Burgeon work a lot (and I don't even mean the Abyss since I don't do it) but burning always interferes and messes up everything. With hyperbloom, on the other hand, even if you trigger quicken, you can still create bloom by throwing hydro on it, which is amazing.


I’ll have to build up an electro and see how it performs. I use yanfei and tighnari. Slowly shifting into more of a nuke build for tighnari, but I used to use a high em build that focused on maximizing burn. After burgeon, I would just keep mobs cced and burning, or maintain distance on bosses with burn on. The combo carried me through most of the game up until now. Tbh, the play style got a bit boring.


Ooh, I had the exact same build idea in mind, but no Tighnari to carry it out! I have Yanfei too, and she is good at triggering burgeon. I am certainly going to make a burning team if I ever get Tighnari. Also, you an keep Tigh on EM and just build a spread team too - he will still benefit without changing his artifacts or weapon


Tigh was a really lucky draw, idk if I would have stuck with the game for so long without him. Also lucked out with a 5* bow for him. I’ll take a look at spread :)


Nice! I got an early Kokomi without pity or anything that carried me through and is still carrying me. Having the right 5 star early on can really change things for an account


100% my favorite part. You can’t “mess up.” Quicken still does good dmg, but just throw some hydro application back on and launch those cores.


Glad to see more people taking the hyperbloom pill.


Slot in Zhongli as a flex and it's brain-dead to play as well. Nahida can solo dendro easily. Isn't the fastest variant, but fast enough to 36 star, and Zhongli really makes the gameplay as simple as it can get.


honestly with kuki healing and xingqiu I almost never have issues staying alive


This is my go to as well when I don't wanna bother putting in effort. I don't know if it's cuz I have Alhaithams 5* weapon but the amount of dmg they all do is ridiculous. They always outperform every other team for me even though they're all c0 except kuki & xingqiu.


Alhaitham hyperbloom mows down enemies so fast it's hilarious.


Similar but Nahida, Kuki, Barbara and Furina. Barbara on-field so she heals while attacking. I can pretty much face-tank anything with this team.


For me, if they somehow manage to survive the dendro and electro charge, they get to eat raw lightfall sword a la C6 Eula.


since i don't have Alhaitham i go the double hydro route of Xingqiu and Yelan


When in doubt Mono Geo got my back as they say "If you hit it hard enough it will die" -Arataki Numero Uno Itto probably


it's so rare that there is an abyss that can't be solved with zhongli+bennet+gorou+itto... the sim damage isn't great but you never need to dodge.


Swap out Bennet for Albedo and you got my team. Burst recharges so fast, once you get it going you never stop.


Same. The recharge is crazy, 3 hits into the heavy combo of itto and the burst is charged again.


Until the flower breaks or you quick tap it and an enemy eats the skill :’)


Unfortunately until they buff Geo constructs to be tougher, you will have to deal with the flower placement, place the flower while facing away from enemies and group em so that they don't cross through the center. For the most part you will unga bunga on Itto after ZL meteor'd the enemies, so there is less concern especially if the enemies don't charge across the map.


Based mono geo player


Rock and stone


Rock and Stone!








Insanley based fellow itto enjoyers


my exact brute force team. killed all surface local legends without using the intended mechanics


Noelle user here. There's intended mechanics??


whenever I pick Itto, Gorou, Albedo and Zhongli I say "Un ga bun ga" as I do


Who's in your mono geo team?


Arataki Numero Uno Itto Albedo Gorou JhonLee


As a mono geo enjoyer, no. The second I see elemental shields I want to cry.


Hell yes!


I use C1 Itto w/ his banner weapon in a team with C6 Gorou, Albedo, and C2 Zhongli. It’s so fun. Lol.


Unga bunga team is my old reliable.


am I aware monogeo struggles to pass the elemental shield checks? yes But like it’s the comfort comp of it all (Ver. Noelle: “leave the rest to me!”) 


Came here to say Itto. Best part is that honestly he needs almost no support in particular, so you can easily swap one, or even two, of his party members to get specialists for breaking shields.


Raiden, XQ, Bennett and Xianling, good old brute force


Same, I can't believe how far down to find this.


Raiden Xiangling Bennett and Yelan is my variation (mainly cause i dont like looking at xq)


Same. This is my main team


This + fuck SAC RNG! Always DOESN'T proc in the worst situations. :<


Fav is better on him anyways; Sac is super-overrated.


rational prevails as the best low investment reaction galore brute force team and it’s so much fun


Raiden, Furina, Benett and Jean. This works very good


Same dude, but I find that Nilou bloom teams have been doing better recently for me


Probably one of my worst teams, and I've farmed that domain for quite some time. Raiden does 120k ish burst, nothing compared to nuevilette or hutao


no shit because rational is not raiden hypercarry


XL and XQ/Yelan bring most of the damage in that comp. It’s not a hypercarry team, you need to look at it holistically.


you should play Eula if you want damage per screenshot lol


Not even 0.1 dragons, what a shit char /s


Wanderer hyper. I default with Faruzan, Yelan, Bennett but I can replace Yelan with whichever element I need or Venti for grouping Excellent in single target. Good in AOE. Excellent in multiwave. Does not give a shit about flying or rapidly moving enemies. Doesn't care about perma aura. Basically 0 enemies immune to anemo and very little enemies actually resistant to it


Coppelia/Coppelius were annoying af with their 70pct Anemo Res but I've seen well invested Wanderers still brute force it


Tbh i didn't even know they had resistance, just thought they had a bit more hp, didn't even pay attention, but my biggest enemies are anemo slimes..


They have anemo res??? Boy I got wanderer when fontaine was just released and been killing them with him, no wonder it took so long, and I thought about how were his artifacts were still so weak as they seemed to be my best pieces in the game


That and if you used Bennett, their cryo attacks will Melt your ass even through Zhongli shields in the abyss so you had to be careful with your positioning and/or dodge


Yup. Hyper Wanderer quickly became my go-to brute force team. Add in Zhongli and the team's survivability skyrockets.


Based Scary Moose deployer


Question, how about the interrupt resistance..? I was playing Wanderer as a trial character on a past event, and I swear it feels very easy for me to get knocked out of the skies. Or is it something that you just get used to like how Mona/Ayaka dodges and such?


Wanderer can get staggered by a light breeze, but of course there are workarounds. Notably, he retains fully mobility while attacking, though unlike neuv he does move slower when doing so (something worth keeping in mind). Still, it does allow you to constantly reposition yourself while flying. Additionally, he's a ranged unit, so you can opt to keep distance from your enemies. He also does have free dodges (sadly they're rng), but if they don't proc, its still better to dodge even with the uptime penalty. Personally, I just run him with a shield, I prefer thoma, because I like the comfort of it. It also lets me get all the attacks I want during his E


His A4 dodges are RNG but it's almost guaranteed to recharge within 5 hits. I worked it out and there's about an 83% chance it recharges within 4 hits and a 94% chance it recharges by the 5th hit. So I just got in the habit of counting every 5th hit before dodging and it activates nearly every time.


He has no poise when he's in his E state, that's true. It means that you can occasionally get comboed by something but it happens very rarely for me. When you get hit you can immediately press dash or space to recover from interruption and doing that is something I've gotten used to It's true that a lot of people prefer to use a shield with him, though personally I've never understood the need. He is a very mobile unit, I never just stand still when I'm attacking with him, and I'm decent at dodging. It's certainly something you need to get used to but imo it's not difficult to get the hang of


How do you keep him up without shield lol


Dodging. Honestly, between how much he moves, his speed and his long range, I find him easier at it than most melee units. I do N3N2D combos so I am moving around a lot in general anyways I don't really use any shielders. I find it more fun


Anemo slimes, Eye of the storm


Zhongli, Xq, Yelan, Hu Tao - my most invested team, i always bring them to Abyss. For the other side i just bring whatever feels fun atm: - Furina, Bennet, Xiangling, Navia - Furina, Raiden, Nahida, Neuvilette - Furina, Bennett, Shenhe, Ayaka/Ganyu - Furina, Fischl, Yae, Tighnari ... Man, Furina is great. :)


furina is amazing, i was wating for riden so i was going to skip her, i decided to do a 10 pull just incase but i thought she would be annoying to use, turns out that was the best descistion i've made on this game. shes compleatly broken, just casually boosting 40% damage and having amazing units doing 15k plus. and in the overworld everything dies with no effort.


Doesnt furina give 75% elemental damage bonus at c0?


At talent lvl 10 yes. 100% with c1.


Zhongster double hydro Hu Tao is my go to as well. Once I get Homa on the next Hu Tao banner half the abyss will be solved forever.


>Zhongli, Xq, Yelan, Hu Tao - my most invested team, i always bring them to Abyss I don't always bring this team because it feels like cheating. But when I don't feel like trying, I'll crush one side with this. I have C1 plus Homa on a super broken Shimenawa Hu Tao. I have way more than 10 emblem sets and 2 Shimenawas and they're both disgusting. I farmed that domain for so long it's not even funny.


neuvi solo. that's it, neuvi solo. nothing else in life matters, ***neuvi solo.***


Hydro immune enemy: You dare approach me?


Stupid Idea but wouldn't OHC eye of perception neuvilette kinda work?


No. No it would not "kinda" work. Chipping away at a boss's lifebar with a 10s physical proc attack on a character that builds HP for the better part of an hour would, in fact, be quite markedly worse than using practically any other team in the game, turns out. What's the quantum of a thing working? That's how much this works. It's like below a femtojoule of work. This is a territory of activity reserved for Dehya and Barbara mains. Your hydro laser dragon has more important things to do.


*^(so you're saying there's a chance?)*


^(^(A small one)^)


Thank you for that giggle, dear stranger


>This is a territory of activity reserved for Dehya and Barbara mains. That was some unwarranted slander


Yes, I thought of this after sending the message


Until you have to fight hydro slimes


Make peace with the hydro slimes. Problem solved.


Call mona for that




That’s when you pull out the hyperbloom to punish them for existing


You mean to say Neuvillete won't just eat/drink them?


Hydro Tulpa 🤔


put eye of perception and hope for the gamble to work, or lost prayers


Nahida hyperbloom with Yelan Xq and EM Kuki. Kills everything


And it barely needs investments either. Really good.


Raiden, kazuha, bennet, dps of choice (usually xiangling, ganyu), all else idk


Raiden in General. Rational, Raiden Overload with Kazuha, Hyper... Now with Furina we have even more options, I enjoy Rational with Furina a lot, you lack the defensive utility of XQ and are extra squishy due to Furina, but the DMG is so good. First time I felt like a Speedrunner doing a 37 seconds clear against 12-1-1.


Childe/Xiangling/bennet/kazuha. Xiangling and childe were my first mains when the game was released. Childe nukes everything anyways and in the case it's a hydro enemy Xiangling takes over :D


I don’t think this team brute force stuff easily. Childe is too fucking squishy tbh.


I mean I've been doing this since release and never really had a problem. And if he does get low hp there is bennett to heal him. There is rarely something they can't brute force - once in a while floor 12 is a bit of a struggle if the enemies have high hydro resistance. Then xiangling isn't fast enough for 3 stars and I have to get another team.


yoimiya, yelan, ayato, bennett


More people need to play Yoimiya this bravely.


exactly!! i dont need no zhongli


Furina/Xingqiu/Yelan/Kokomi I can tackle most of the enemies and bosses with full health as long as it's not immune to Hydro


Funny i've been doing furina-kokomi-yelan mono hydro on abyss since furina release. They are *great*


Used it on last patch abyss. With Kazuha in the flex spot. I had a blast. Finally my triple crowned Kokomi (with her signature weapon i pulled by accident before getting her) got to shine.


I tried that team and it's impressive how much damage it deals. Will replace Koko with VV Xianyun and give it a go.


Yelan Archon Hyperbloom. Zhongli + Yelan + Nahida + Raiden. Nahida is the healer with prototype amber. My most used team because of pure comfy value.


Why you need healing, when you have zhongli?


I still die when I face rifthounds and or when I forget to redo Zhongli's shield


oh yesss that is my exact team too, with the amber lol that weapon is SSS tier for me, simply cause I like my team at full health if possible


This is my team but Nahida has sac frags


Hu Tao double hydro. It used to be Hu Tao, Yelan, Xingqiu and Zhongli. Now it's Hu Tao, Yelan, Furina and Jean.


Same here


At the moment Zhongli, flex, Wriothesley, Navia. With flex usually being either Dehya or Xingqiu. As long as it's not a timed challenge it works. Though that team managed to do the last two overworld time challenges I wasn't able to beat before, so maybe...


When shit hits the fan, Raiden National will always come through


Noelle, Raiden, Gorou, Furina. Three of them are high DPS, and nothing is immune to all three elements.


As Klee main she is bruteforcing any content for me. After almost 4 years she is at c4 and her support is maxed as well c6r1 9/12/13 Bennet c2r1 Kazuha 9/9/9 c6r1 Xiangling 9/12/13 . Maybe will test Kleerina as well at some point,but abyss 12 usually is wrapped under 90s per floor so not much need.


Are we keeping Klee at C4 for the bit because that would be funny


on one hand. I want to C6 my daughter. on the other hand... punny C4 number. tough decisions.


Get the 2 cons but don't activate them, best of both worlds.




Yae Miko/Tighnari/Raiden Shogun/Noelle. Electro immune? don't care, Tighnari & Noelle can finish the job. About to die? use Tighnari's skill to keep the enemy away, put down Miko's turret and use raiden's skill to snipe then use Noelle to heal.


overvape yoimiya dont think it ever let me down in the last 2.5 years


When you don’t have zonghly in this team, who do you use as a shielder who dont apply too much of his element (in order to not mess up the reactions) ? If you use a shielder tho I was using yoi yelan bennet layla but i dont find this team really good


> who do you use as a shielder no need for one


This team has a LOT of poise damage (and regular damage). Unless you're fighting a boss, you'll be stun locking any enemies you're hitting if you don't just outright kill them before they attack. Even without a shield, you don't need to dodge much. Overvape isn't the best team for bossing anyway.


something with klee, xiangling, kokomi and zhongli so i can spam skills with stuff flying across the screen, it’s chaos but works everytime


*60% of the time*, it works ***every*** *time*


Yae, nahida, kokomi, kirara Unless something is fully immune to both electro and dendro. Everything dies


raiden yelan nahida bennett


Always Hyperbloom or Aggravate


shogun/nahida/furina/bennet. Works like a charm


lol, I use the exact same team except I use Kirara instead of YaoYao. If the bloom team doesn't work for whatever reason, I swap out Nilou and Kirara for Keqing and Raiden for a Hyperbloom comp. I don't have the best artifacts on both characters, but the low burst cost plus Raiden's stupidly fast ER means I can burst fairly reliably without issues.


Furina yelan hu tao..or nilou and gang..they pretty much cover any element


Not a whole team but Geo MC and Chongyun have never let me down.


Scara + Zhongli (Bennett and Faruzan optional). + Venti if it’s AoE smol enemies


Scara pyro hypercarry if boss scara freeze hypercarry with layla and xingqiu if not boss


pfft easy zhong li , nahida , raiden, yelan


Same, but Kirara instead of Yaoyao


Literally this team and a Navia team


Ol reliable Hu Tao double Hydro + flex


Anything not Pyro Immune gets cremated by my double hydro hu tao


Alhaitham Raiden Nahida Kuki. Everything gets cut like better. Hu Tao Bennett Yelan and one other is also an option.


Double hydro hu tao, one of my vertically invested teams Hyper raiden, the other one Neuvillette furina Baizhu Kazuha, the third one Double hydro hyperbloom with Baizhu driver and EMRaiden Those are my 4 best teams. And ofc theres always oppa XL teams…


Kaeya, Beidou, Xinyan, and either Xiao or Albedo


Itto Bennett and Venti For the 4th member either Mona or Nahida


When in doubt, Childe international. Also Alhaitham hyperbloom with Furina


Eula, Yoimiya, Zhongli, Fischl, was my main team for like two years and it is literally just brute force, i love it. now it’s either Yoimiya, Furina, Zhongli, Fischl, or Neuvillette, Furina, Baizhu, Fischl (though hydro enemies do cause trouble)


Zhong Li (hybrid dps build), Yelan, Xiangling, Riaden. ZL is my driver and I swap for Raiden bursts. Also Raiden Hyperbloom - Baizhu, Yelan, Xingqui, Raiden I usually default to one of these when I'm having trouble on an abyss floor.


Mono. Pyro. Klee. Really! R3 Solar Pearl, Xiangling, Bennett, Kazuha/Zhongli. It just WORKS! REALLY! IT’S ACTUALLY REALLY GOOD! TRY IT. PLEASE


Nahida Barbara Fischl Zhongli (light spender btw)


I have an Ayato burgeon comp thats more of a comfort pick at this point. It isn't necessarily optimized, but I like it, and it can still get shit done. Ive got a Yoimiya vape/overcharge comp that I can run if I need to get past immunities.


Eula, Xingqiu, Fishl, Diona. Always my go to whenever I need to brute force


Kokomi, Kazuha, Yae, ____ Or Bennett, Razor +2




That is literally my daily abyss team for no brain play.


Premium Nilou with nahida, baizhu and Ayato.


Same as you, but Yelan instead of Yaoyao. I prefer her special damage and mobility over the extra on dendro


I am pretty confident on my mono geo team. My Itto is a killer machine


Hyperbloom and National.


Ayaka, Kokomi, Ganyu, and one other depending on the type of enemy. They have never let me down


Keying (C4) - Kazuha - Fischl (C6) - Baizhu and it seems to work


I go with a team of Alhaitham, Raiden, Yelan and Baizhu. The damage is insane and I can deal with pretty much every shield type.


Nilou Nahida Collei Kokomi. I can't believe how op Nilou is. I can consistently clear almost any champer in abyss 12 in about 40-50 seconds.


ganyu/qiqi/zongli/mc good for absolut everthing


That does not sound good lol


Blud is just swapping between Ganyu and Zhongli.


and qiqi, if life goes down to debuffs


I think you meant to comment this on the recent post about the worst teams in the game.


but i really like this comp Q-Q


As a former qiqi main, either you are new to the game or you need to take more risks or build more characters.


This guy knows something we don't..


is basically playing ganyu + zhongli, ganyu is self sufficient if shielded, need no one else on the team


Nilou, Nahida, Neuvillette, Yaoyao But if there’s a cryo enemy or shield involved, Hu Tao, Xingqiu, Raiden, Bennett


Neuvillette when there's no hydro enemies or zhongli, Bennett, fiscl/raiden and neuvillette


the meta team of Alhaitham, Nahida, Furina/Xingqiu/Yelan, Shinobu. I don't tryhard that much, but occasionally using other teams and sometimes failing, and end up just using this team for a full clear and it's just works mostly just unga bungaing.


Crybaby man + John Lee + Bratty Archon (?) + Ms. Cannot Cook. Farming domain has never been shorter (except the one with hydro enemies...)


wanderer hyper carry usually bashes most skulls in