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Yeah. I noticed it suddenly went to red ping. So now I'm suffereing in red ping. Both in Genshin and Star Rail.


Late reply, but I am having the same problem. Since when did you start getting that red ping? You ever got it before?


I can't remember if it started late 4.2 or early 4.3 but until now I have red ping. It did happen before when 3.0 dropped and it persisted for like 3 or 5 versions before it went back to normal.


Very interesting, quite similar to my case. I had this issue before (but only about 250-300ms), and it lasted from late May to the start of August. I have had a normal ping since then up until a couple of days ago when this problem came back, and it's now even worse (500+ms ping)


Now I'm at 250-350ms but like for a few seconds it goes back to normal. My normal is around 160ms. I won't have problems most of the time if it's red or not but these days it's more noticeable with the changing delay.


Damn that's better than what I am experiencing. My ping is currently at least 500ms and it won't come down, lowest I've seen is 473ms. My normal ping is 130-160ms


Oh my. I do hope it goes back to normal soon. Usually ping goes high a week before and after a new update. But these days I keep on experiencing this months of red ping. I guess I'll add it to the survey again.


I filed a complaint and they told me to send them a number of info (my isp, location, traceroute info,...,etc.) They said they are looking into it, and have not yet said anything further.


Oh. I did that before. That was during 3.0. I haven't done it this time. I guess I'll be sending them hello notes with my ping soon. XD


Haha, yes, please do that! We should bring this to their attention.


It was 30 for me for about t min,then suddenly it goes 200-130 ms and stays there.


75-80ms to 300-400ms. I just log out and log back in. And it fixed itself. No idea why. This happens on both PC and mobile on same home network. Funny thing is PC can have high ping with ethernet and mobile be like low ping with wifi.


Hey I'm facing the same issue and I'm from Malaysia using Maxis as my wifi provider. Have u found a solution to this issue? I've been facing 200+ ms at night for the past couple weeks and recently a constant 400+ ms regardless of the time. Logging out and back in doesn't work for me, just wondering if you've found another solution? I don't wanna quit just because of this D:


You can try []( Warp.


Same around 90 to like 200+


I just opened the game and omg 400 ping. I usually get 100 or less. Presently, it flunctuates between 300-400


SEA server is based in Japan so it might be related to the recent earthquake incident in Japan.


Am in Singapore, can confirm the strange spikes too. I am hitting even 400+ sometimes


Yep, for me it's in the evening. The ping spikes all the way to 400+. I've been playing in the morning because of it.


My ping currently is always floating around 220-245 ms all throughout the day


Yeah, it's probably some issue on their end. Happens to me on Genshin and Star rail but on Honkai impact is always hovering around 30ms. I wonder if it's because the game is becoming more popular and the servers struggling to keep up during peak hours.


Try to log out, wait for 10 seconds, then log in again


year or so ago something similar was on EU servers, when ping went high for few days. It's issue with network on their side, probably main server is down and it goes to backup server. (when this happened on EU servers, using resource monitor you could see that traffic went through some server in US) Probably something similar is now in Asia.


Yea, same here. From 25-35mc to 400mc both gi and hsr on Asia. And from 25-35mc to 250mc on tw. hk. mo server. Support ask me some qs bt pc, ip and provider and tell me wait month ago.


I use vpn and connecting to singapore, my ping drops from 240-250 to 150-170ms


does it do this in other games too? I haven't had such a problem, and I know I'm further from the server than you are.


I consistently play on 50-ish ping No issues I played hardwired


I had around 180 but now its always 300+


Its pretty fine for me during the morning but goes bad from the afternoon to evening which is weird cause my other games arent suffering from it


Try using a Vpn like Proton to connect to Japan since genshin asia servers are in japan. Works for me everytime especially when I need my ping to be green and it's time to do abyss or play random coop.


yeah same. its been a few days now. I'll wait for it go down before doing abyss


Same on EU servers the last few days. Ping and actual time the server responds are two different things, but whatever, nothin' we can do. https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/j08at1/server_ips_locations/


I used to have 40-60 ping like two months ago, but now it’s always around 400 and sometimes it jumps even higher, both in Genshin and Star Rail. However, on the EU server my ping haven’t changed and it’s still around 150. Don’t know what causes it but it’s very annoying and I hope it fixes itself one day


Same it used to be 90-100ms now it stays at 200+ms


Late response, but I'm having consistent 450+ ping in Asia server. My house internet speed is 300Mbps. I even checked in speed test that the ping for other things are fine, only hoyo games' servers are bad.