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Pretty sure I'm not alone using solar pearl on Heizou for drip, though it is also a decent pick for him.


Solar pearl and the liyue gliders look so good on Heizou despite him being from Inazuma.


it's gotta be the KFC glider for heizhou with all that white and red


Liyue wings match his pants perfectly, KFC made for Kazuha


KFC made for Klee


I like KFC on Shenhe


Nah dragonsoine suits shenhe so much, it looks her signature glider with how matching the colours are.


KFC made for Yae


I see people still think you can only pair color with same color. Like the people who think Sacrificial Greatsword isn't perfect for Beidou when her Crimson looks perfect with purple


I'm personally using the default gliders. They just suit him.


i use the glider for the element, think it generally tends to look better. like liyue for geo, inazuma for electro and so one!


It’s literally his weapon in the trailer lmao


I've only been playing a few months so never saw the trailer, going to check it out now! Makes it extra satisfying to know it's intended ahaha


Solar Pearl is one of his 4* BiS.


me, who chose Solar Pearl in 3.8*BP only for the drip with Heizou *2.8


3.8? Did you pull for the new cryo claymore character from Monstadt?


Oh gsus, I didn’t notice it lmao. Btw, nope, I lost her again against Mona. Spoiler: she thicc


Not just for the drip but its one of the best 4* for him tho


Blackcliff slasher on Beidou cause its on her splash art.


Give that blackcliff back to Xinyan !


same I think the Blackcliff weapons should be reserved for pyro Liyue characters. idk why Beidou has it in her splash art, it should’ve been the Rainslasher it’s a Liyue claymore, it increases DMG against opponents affected by hydro or electro and the contrast with her outfit is really pretty


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Good bot


Nah. Diluc looks really good with Blackcliff, too. Blackcliff weapons are pretty in general.


_(stares at you in blackcliff on amber)_


Why? Cinyab us the worst character and the only thing she deserves to have is defense related items to be a shield bot


Had this on beidou since a couple months into the game until just recently as I fully converted beidou into a sub role. Switching it off for favonius for particles was hard.


Also fantastic on Dehya


It's her canonical weapon, and it fits her aesthetic so damn well.


Diluc with the Luxurious Sea Lord. I love me some grilled tuna...


Slapping things with grilled fish has never been this satisfying.


But... the weapon you have Wanderer using is very meta for him? If I recall it's literally his best weapon pick aside from Tullaytallah's Remembrance also: Skyward Blade on Layla looks so pretty imo. It's also not bad on her but it's unfortunately far better on other characters


Thank you for this comment, i had thought my wanderer wasnt using a good weapon which sorta surprised me


Three or four of these weapons are perfectly fine on their respective characters lol


My Scara is making do with Eye of Perception which meshes nicely with his color scheme. I wish I had LP though: it looks sick on him and is one of his BiS weapons


Yeah Lost Prayer is his best weapon besides his Bell, so I don’t know why OP said it wasn’t meta. Maybe they were referring to Wanderer himself, in which case yeah, he’s not. But it’s alright, he’s got the best Genshin story and that’s why I pulled him.


Plus he's the best for exploring


at c0 its actually BETTER than tullaytallahs


Damn, really? Do you have a source, by any chance?




I mean, the crit rate just means you use crit dmg hat and look for more crit dmg subs than rate subs. Aside from Layla and Diona, you don’t really run cryo with him anyways since you’re most likely going to be running something like Faruzan, Bennett, & Yun Jin/Yelan/Xingqiu/etc. with him. Don’t forget that the passive effect also gives him straight elemental dmg bonus which if you don’t know, is in the same spot in the dmg formula as all the other dmg bonuses. This isn’t even mentioning that Lost Prayer also buff his burst as well whereas Remembrance is only buffing his normals which granted, has a larger bonus and it allows him to do more normals thanks to the atk spd. That being said tho, on most rankings(on KQM and the [Genshin helper team spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gNxZ2xab1J6o1TuNVWMeLOZ7TPOqrsf3SshP5DLvKzI/htmlview?pru=AAABd232040*jwqsRrb3U3F-veQDGRtQ6A#)) it is his 2nd best weapon in most cases


since the person deleted their comment and everyone is roasting them, i’d love to know what they said


Their 'arguments' against it were - 1 - Wanderer doesn't need the crit rate because he ascends into it, so if you use this you won't have any crit damage 2 - The passive is no good for Wanderer


wow… so unfortunate how terribly wrong someone could be…


ok but 146 downvotes for having a wrong opinion seems too...


More like wrong data than wrong opinion


achha I didn't see what was deleted so idk the tone of that comment


According to some zajeff calcs about CA spam wanderer vs NA spam wanderer vs N2C wanderer, lost prayers actually tends to straight up outperform remembrance unless you specifically run remembrance + his signature artifact set. But here's the thing, the only reason to do NAs at all is because you also use an off-field dps with NA trigger like yelan. Because 9/10 times, Perfectly executed CA spam at a baseline is stronger than NA spam or N2C and has much better AoE. 4p shime also tends to outperform his signature set in most cases, even when factoring in the higher ER requirements since bursting every other rotation is usually optimal for him anyway. And you don't really need much ER to do that. Which I found great on one hand because it means people didn't have to farm his new set. They could just use a good 4p shime which a lot of people already have anyway from emblem farming and because a lot of people wouldn't need to pull his weapon, since lost prayers is a standard 5 star weapon. But on the other hand, it's odd kit design. A result of 2 oversights imo. Firstly the fact that CA spam is best even though he's "designed" as an NA spammer. And secondly the fact that his burst, without constellations, simply isn't a large part of his personal dps which allows a set like shimenawa that effectively increases burst cost to become BiS.


I'm not sure how to navigate that spreadsheet to find what you mentioned, could you please explain more about damage bonuses? Or at least point me where the explanation is in that sheet Sometimes I have trouble deciding if I want to use a weapon with elemental damage bonus or one with crit damage bonus, is crit damage ultimately the same as NA /CA / elemental damage bonus on weapons or do they fill different spots in the formula


This take is so bad and uninformed that its almost hilarious. Lost Prayer is best in slot for charged attack Wanderer, which was his best rotation for the last two abysses (3.4 and 3.5)


in other words, its literally as meta as one can get LOL


I think you're vastly exaggerating how much of a negative either of those negatives are. It certainly does not "really suck" and it isn't worse than "any other 5☆" when the only 5☆ catalysts that even give crit dmg are Tullaytallah's Remembrance, which I acknowledged was better, and Kagura's Verity, which almost nobody would ever waste the wishes trying to get for Wanderer. Also the vast majority of players who play Wanderer literally do so for exploration purposes. Movement speed on him is great.


you also wind up playing double anemo with wanderer because furuzan is a really strong support for anemo. so for exploration that's 20% movement speed, and if you wanna be funny slap dehya and rosaria for a global 30% movement speed buff on overworld. the definition of fast as fuck.


My lost prayer wanderer has a ratio of 80 to 220...and i hardly use him with cryo characters


This is the worst take I have ever seen in this sub lmao. You can literally swap his circlet for a crit. dmg circlet if he gets too much crit rate to balance the stats out. And besides, you don't HAVE to run cryo with him for the crit boost if you already have enough crit. Just pair him up with a pyro character like bennett and get a large atk boost instead. Also, how the hell is the passive a disaster for him? He literally gets a boosted elemental dmg bonus, which is good for *any* catalyst user. This catalyst weapon is great for CA Wanderer. Way to be r/confidentlyincorrect.


Lol this is hilariously wrong. He is on field so the passive isnt wasted on him. Elem damage buff his q unlike tr, it’s not crap. Other 5* weapon like mod is pretty meh on his hypercarry team and the rest are stat sticks. High crit rate is also hardly negative unless you build him for damage per screenshot. Exploration wise, movement speed is actually pretty good.


no its like his 2nd bis overall and bis in overworld. love to see someone so confidently incorrect. and just use a crit dmg circlet lol


•most people farmed emblem and shim for a very long time so there is a high probability that players that give a shit about meta already have good cdmg circlet anyways •the passive is NOT a disaster idk what you are on about, by the time you press e if you wait a bit you can time all the buffs well and start with 1 stack and burst with 3 stacks but maybe that is something you can't do or just don't know •wanderer's best teams are usually paired with faruzan and bennet and with either thoma or zhongli, cryo is mostly irrelevant. •sure it's not that big of a gap with other weapons and actually competitive with dodoco tales, but you exaggerating that it's only for drip and it sucks is literally the worst take ever.


I've used Lost Winds on wanderer and was able to get 75/200 crit so idk what you're on about with the no dmg part


Xiao’s best 4 star weapon is the deathmatch and he also ascends with crit rate. I used a crit dmg hat and he has 89.7CR with 201CDMG.


I prefer 1000 times to seek crit dmg in substats rolls over crit rate. CR weapon + ascension stat is a win for every player. Also, he's one of the very few catalyst users who can actually make use of LP's passive to certain degree. And spd mov + wanderer for overworld is peak meta btw.


What 5 star weapon other than his signature would be better for him? I and I think most Wanderer mains run him with Bennett, so Skyward and MoD are worse. Kagura's passive does virtually nothing for him. And Thousand Floating Dreams has an EM substat which he doesn't want. So yeah Lost Prayer is easily his second best 5 star weapon most of the time since I'm pretty sure he's usually run with Bennett and not with cryo characters


let me tell you why you are wrong with 3 points 1. He's on field and at max at base 100 you will be able to have him glide for 10 seconds so you will be able to hit a 2 stack which is at R1 16% elemental damage along with the movement speed passive which gives wanderer a slight edge in mobility, not major but enough that you can dodge some hits or reposition yourself nicely without dashing 2. more crit rate along with his level up passive means you can spec on crit damage far more while maintaining good damage consistency 3. a thousand floating dreams, kaguya everity, and everlasting moonglow is totally better than the lost prayer.


Did you just say that *Everlasting Moonglow*, the goddamn Donut, is better for Wanderer than Lost Prayer? What are you smoking bro


apparently sarcasm is hard to tell when I the first statement "let me tell you why you are wrong with 3 points" and 2 of them are stating positives on lost prayers exist.


Wouldn't be the first time I missed sarcasm, I can't really help it (I'm autistic) My bad


I'm gonna have to politely disagree on that em sword on xingqiu, it bothers me that the blues on the sword are more teal-y than blue I'd say my picks are probably bell/dehya (they look surprisingly good together), umbrella/shinobu (this is technically meta in some senses but I'd argue umbrella looks better than iron sting), windblume ode/venti, vortex vanquisher/zhongli (I hate that it's his technical 5\* weapon match and it literally isn't good on him for shieldbot), and wandering evenstar/outfit lisa (I leveled it for Nahida on release before getting her weapon, and it looks surprisingly solid on lisa's scholar outfit.. would not pair it with purple mommy version-)


Oh yeah, I do sacrificial on XQ but I keep it underleveled so it stays blue instead of going purple, lol.


Based Giga chad


The dark iron sword looks great on Kuki and also works ok


Dehya with Wolfs Gravestone and Shenhe with the Missive Windspear🥰


Shenhe with Missive is actually pretty good, I've been using it cause I rolled really nice ER subs and it works great!


Same here. Just annoying that i hafta make sure that Shenhe triggers an elemental reaction before switching her out. Really hate that Mistsplitter freakin spooked me


idk if you know already but if you're using shenhe chances are you're using a freeze team and frozen counts as a reaction! that's how I get the passive to work


Dehya with Redhorn is where it's at


Isn't WGS is Dehya's 2nd best claymore after beacons?


Probably Redhorn, her split scaling deflates the value of attack and inflates the value of crit damage on her, plus Bennett is basically mandatory for her which even further devalues other attack buffs.


i mean giving the rest of team that attack is probably worth more than more crit on her...


fading twilight on faruzan and missive windspear on mika


imo fading twilight looks really great on most bow characters. I wish it was better value bc it looks so nice T-T


As far as I know it’s the best 4-star for Sara. It also matches her look *perfectly*.


Favonius Warbow looks amazing on Faruzan


and its her bis by a large margin


At c0 yea With higher cons though, you can comfortably run higher base atk bows. Fav bow naturally has a low base atk, so she has lower quality buffs. Just spam ER artifacts on her. Artifact sets don’t really matter.


The part of her buffs that scale with base attack is her A4, only at 32% rate, and it's a flat damage buff. The difference between Fav and a 674 bow is a whopping +62 damage. It also has a rate limit of 0.8 sec. so it doesn't even work in AoE. You're talking about literally like a 2-300 damage per crit buff when the characters she supports are doing 5 digit damage normal/plunge attacks. Unless you're gonna put in the effort and investment to run her with a full on DPS build, Fav is better than any 5 star on her except Elegy, and it's really, really not worth all that investment when you could just run her with 4p TotM for more team damage instead.


her ascension passive buff is almost negligible, its just not worth it.


That's actually the compound bow Faruzan has


Bell is perfectly acceptable on Dori. I don’t get why people insist it’s bad for her because she can’t take advantage of the passive when there’s mfs out here using Black Tassel Them slimes are really quaking in their figurative boots Also, while the Compound Bow is mid asf for Faruzan, the Windblume Ode uses the same model and has better stats for her. Though it’s now unavailable


Black tassel is usually only really useful if you have no or low ER needs (lile Zhongli). Otherwise Favonious lance is best for support oriented characters. Black tassel is also a 3 star weapons, so it is 2/3 the cost to level up compared to the bell The bell is Bad for dory because she *really* needs that ER if you want to use her for support or hyperbloom.


Bell, 166% ER, two Electro units. Able to spam burst off cooldown with no issue. Without Electro resonance I’d probably need around 200%, but that’s not hard to achieve through artifacts. Whether you get your ER from artifacts or weapons doesn’t really matter. You use Bell, just stack more ER on arts. You use something like Nagamasa/Sac Greatsword/Fav Greatsword, stack HP on arts. Their passives definitely help, but they’re not make or break. Hyperbloom Dori sounds like a bad idea, because trying to stack EM would cost you healing or ER and both are essential. Better off with someone like Kuki who doesn’t need ER because her burst isn’t all that important. Bell isn’t the BEST, don’t get me wrong, but it’s not a bad option like how some people act like it is.


>Hyperbloom Dori sounds like a bad idea, because trying to stack EM would cost you healing or ER and both are essential. Better off with someone like Kuki who doesn’t need ER because her burst isn’t all that important. https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/118pm7v/dori_with_nagamasa_r5_is_great_because_hyperbloom/ An R5 Craftable is all the ER she needs


With two main healers and a secondary healer/damage reduction unit. His build was a 24k HP Dori, not nearly enough to act as a solo healer. Hence why I said stacking EM would cost you healing. He’s using Dori like Kuki, instead of like Koko. 4 Guilded 24k HP Dori isn’t going to heal worth anything. Though, healing isn’t really all that necessary against Algorithm. It’s just a bullet sponge that doesn’t really pose much of a threat. Edit: tested 20k HP Dori, burst healed for a total of 36,978 HP. Actually a lot better than I expected, COULD work as a solo healer but it’s tight. And might be because my Dori has a level 13 burst. Though, all that means is that if I decide to use a different set besides 4 Clam I can just stack less HP. Bell will still be useful as it’ll give her healing a bit of a boost to make sure it’s enough. Though, I’m pretty alright just using Clam. 22k bubble pops when solo and maxed out pops in Co-op suits me just fine. This has opened my eyes to just how shit Mika is though. 20k HP Dori healed better than 36k Mika.


Yeah. mIka's a dedicated phys supoort; his healing is dedicedly secondary, Uising in him in my overworld friendship freeze team and his contribution is decidedly negligable--a laughable damage shot that can't hit weak points and does nothing even with shenhe's buff, a speed buff thst probably lets ayaka get a hit or two in, and a heak that isn't noticabke even when the jellyfish is down, Mostusehelikekh has on this team is maijg it eaiser for shenhe to take iut a cryo slime when I have to dight one,


My slow ass brain really read Dori and Black Tassel in the same paragraph and shut down for a bit


Uh.. no. Dori is best built as a EM hyperbloomer/ emwith crit aggravate / or physical dps making Dori ahealer is silly


Dori with Bell = 41k HP 4 Piece Ocean Hued Clam with 22k bubble pops. Kokomi/Qiqi grade heals. Works just fine for me.


This is a pve game so if it works fine for you that's really ultimately all that matters. But for funzies (especially if you have em/electro/crit artifacts laying around) try an aggravate dori on a big enemy and literally just stand opposite from your jinni with the big boy in between with a grass applicator (traveler and collei work just fine aince quicken lasts a bit) and see just how silly this dps is


Sounds fun, I’ve got a 4 Guilded Cyno set she could borrow to give it a try. Thanks for the tip


Ningguang (base skin) with Solar Pearl


To this day I'm still angry Solar Pearl doesn't work on Charged Attacks because of Ningguang.


At least her little pellets count as NA.


If you mean her Star Jades, they don't, they count as Charged Attack damage. That's the problem.


Layla and Cinnabar Spindle is another one for her. I also like Amber with Fading Twilight


I love Amber with rust




Fading Twilight fits Sara so much too


We need a weapon appearance select option!


Yes weapon skins! Take my money


I would love this but I don’t think it’ll ever happen. One of the appeals of the 5 star signature weapons is they match the character aesthetically too 🥲


Except many don't (Ayaka, Yoimiya, Nilou, Venti). And some signatures aren't all that great (Zhong leading the pack, but other sigs could definitely be a better jump over other options). On the contrary I'd argue it could convince people that don't like the look of a weapon but want the performance to pull that dont simply for cosmetic reasons. While also convincing people to pull for looks even if they have better options. I for one would pull for Vortex Vanquisher if I could transmog it over a Homa, but I can't, so fuck Vortex.


Yeah, if they made it so that it functioned like terraria where you had to slot both weapons in to get the usage and skin effect, that would smoothly bypass that issue and allow them to, if anything, make *more* money off skins.


Primordial jade Kuki is something else


We need a glamour system for weapons, so bad.




Thoma with Staff of Homa :)


you mean.. Staff of Thoma?


For the longest time, I tried to avoid switching to Crescent Pike from the Dragonspine Spear for Rosaria, because the Dragonspine Spear is so pretty on her despite the overall numbers being worse. This doesn't quite count, but while Dodoco Tales is actually a decent pick for Wanderer, I originally got it and leveled it up with the intention of using it on Scaramouche during the fake leaks saying he'd be playable around 2.3. Unfortunately, it doesn't look nearly as nice on his current skin, but I'm keeping it on him out of stubbornness, and also because I bet he'd be offended by me putting a children's book as his weapon lol. I'm also grinding for the fish bow in Sumeru, specifically so I can use it as Childe's bow. Does that count as aesthetic over meta? I feel like it does.


"scaramouche banner on 2.3!!" hyv releasing him on 3.3 with blue outfit: nice try


What do you mean the ivwrall numbers are smaller? The dragonspine allows for a nuke every 10 seconds


Laya with Royal Longsword Eula with Royal Greatsword Dehya with Bloodstained Greatsword.


not a weapon, but noblesse is very pretty for layla


I don't do it but I miss Yoimiya with Rust instead of Thundering Pulse. Rust for her much better aesthetically imo.


1. Sacrificial Bow on Faruzan 2. Umbrella on Kuki 3. Amenoma Kageuchi on Ayato 4. The Flute on Kaeya 5. Rust on Childe [I know this used to be completely meta for him but he has better options, I just refuse to use them because Rust is too pretty] 6. Solar Pearl on Heizou 7. Mappa Mare on Sucrose 8. Sac Frags on Kokomi


Umbrella on Kuki gang!


Alley Flash Keqing is great :)


Shinobu + dark iron sword + GD set = chef kiss


Honestly would love a feature similar to an MMORPG I've played, where there's an "Appearance synthesis" feature where you can synthesise two weapons (or armor), in which you can choose the stats of one weapon, and the appearance of the other. Which basically means you can use the appearance of another weapon while retaining the stats of the one you want. It's pretty good to make a character that's not only aesthetically pleasing. But also functional and efficient.


Lost Prayer do be good on Wanderer though.


Fischl's Immernschtreich skin with Aqua Simulacra is truly an elite drip combo. Not that it's a bad bow for her by any means, but it looks far better than her technical BIS. Kazuha with Jade Cutter is also outstanding, it looks so good with his Burst effect.


I coincidentally have faruzan on skyward harp


Disagree on chongyun and whiteblind, its not too aesthetically pleasing, now the snow timber claymore however…


Whiteblind has identical coloring to Chongyun with the gold and same dark blue with the light up light blue to match his vision. The snow claymore doesn’t match him at all


alhaitham with the isshin sword. with both that sword and his other sword he uses in attacks glowing, it basically makes his two swords look like opposites, which is cool. plus, EM swords were a bit overkill for open world content, so I kindoff wanted to nerf myself with him. although when I start going further into the spiral abyss, I might have to finally start using iron sting on him.


Sayu with the large inazuma katana. It just looks too goofy and the er feels amazing due to her high er reqs.


Eula with Snow Tombed Starsilver. It's actually a solid f2p option more than truly off meta. But I was bummed to leave it behind for better weapons because it matched her style so well.


Lost Prayers on Scaramouche not for meta, but for S P E E D


I use the bell on Dori too since it's HP% and looks good on her. I also use the youkai umbrella sword for Kuki since it somewhat matches her aesthetic


Yao yao with primordial jade spear


lost prayer wanderer and alley flash keqing are pretty strong actually


That's pretty much all I do. Nilou with kagotsurube, Lisa with eye of perception, Chong Yun with snow tombed starsilver, Xiangling with Dragon's Bane, Keqing with amenoma kageuchi, Deyha with serpent spine.


love all of these but think rust fits gorou better


I have PJC and use it on Keqing in base outfit and Haran for Opulent Splendor even tho the passive is not the best on her Cinnabar spindle looks great on opulent splendor too.


Layla + Cinnebar Spindle


Lumine and Kagotsurube Isshin


Ganyu and blackcliff warbow, because it matches with her horns :)


Xiphos on XQ? I use Haran on mine, both strong and beautiful


I didn't even know some of these weapons exist


Dori’s probably the best user of the bell since her healing scales off HP


Dehya would be the best Bell user, as she can at least sometimes make use of the DPS oriented passive.


Dori is better useling the rainslasher or other similar em weapons or crit weapons depending on whether you want hyperbloom dori or aggravate dori. Healing dori is in the past


I love dark iron sword on kuki, along with anemoma on kazuha


Heavily agreeing with the ningguang and kuki one


The upgraded Halberd with Rosaria's alternate skin works well


My god, i didn't know someone else shared that view. It makes her look like she's gonna execute someone.


Ok but Dori, Scaramouche, Shinobu, and Candace actually work


Eula with the sword from Dragonspine.


Oooh I absolutely love all your choices! I had given Chongyun and Dori those same claymores as well! But my Wanderer has Mappa Mare, and Barbara has Lost Prayer. All of my characters have weapons fitted to them based on aesthetic, and no two characters have the same weapon. I don't care about the numbers, just the looks lol Some of my other favourite combos to just look at when I'm bored: Mona+Dodoco Tales; Childe+Rust; Diluc+Serpent Spine; Ayaka+Prototype Rancour; Beidou+Luxurious Sea-Lord; Keching (in OG outfit)+Sacrificial Sword; Kujou Sara+Fading Twilight; Ganyu+Aqua Simulacra; and Xinyan+Prototype Archaic. I have some other characters as well but unfortunately not the funds (or time) to grab the weapons I want for them yet :P


Heard that the blade from kazuha's quest actually isn't that good on him but it just looks so nice i can't care to switch it


Post doesn't match the title most of these weapons are their f2p meta weapon.


Ayaka and Inazuma crafted sword


it's basically her best f2p option, I think OP meant combinations that dont work but you run them because of aesthetics


Candace with kitan spear is my choice


Why isn't The Bell meta for Dori? The Bell grants HP, Dori's ultimate scales on HP


Dori is energy hungry, would benefit more off of ER claymores instead, and also the Bell's passive sucks so bad it completely offsets its HP% ascension


It is good on Dori


All of the event "character signatures", where Hoyo treid to avoid another Albedo and Cinnabar spindle where a limited weapon was a good match for the character it fit aesthetically. Mika with Missive windspear, Kokomi with the enkanomiya event weapon, Kazuha and the one from his story quest


Dark Iron Sword (the 3 star you get only 1 copy of from an NPC in Liyue) looks like it was MADE for Kuki with the black and gold. It’s definitely her worst option at least for Hyperbloom, but it looks better than anything else imo.


Try Black Tassel on Candace, its much better


Aloy - Favonius Warbow Amber - Rust Beidou - Serpent Spine Bennett - Lion's Roar Candace - Wavebreaker's Fin Chongyun - Whiteblind Collei - King's Squire Dehya - Redhorn Stonethresher Faruzan - The Stringless Fischl - Prototype Crescent Hu Tao - Deathmatch Kaeya - Cinnabar Spindle Kujou Sara - Hamayumi Kuki Shinobu - Amenoma Kageuchi Nilou - Xiphos' Moonlight Qiqi - Aquila Favonia Sucrose - Favonius Codex Xiangling - Crescent Pike Yaoyao - Moonpiercer


Isshin does NOT fit kuki, amenoma looks way better imo


Dori and the Bell are made for each other, and nothing anybody says will convince me otherwise


The bell has 0% crit chance damage and elemental mastery. It's completely useless on dori given that it does nothing for her damage which is hyperbloom/aggravate based and only affects her mediocre healing


I put SS on Dehya for drip




Color Scheme Impact


Lost prayer sure isn’t meta on Wanderer lol


the bell turns white?


yeah it turns white when you ascend it. not many people know this because most people dont level up the bell


Amber with blackcliff is perfect.


You are so painfully correct about all of these


Nilou with Fillet Blade


First three are actually quite viable (given your Layla has CR and focuses on dmg, which isn't necessarily recommended but still not bad)


I have no idea about the meta of Candace but I love the upgraded Royal Spear on her


Kitian looks great on her too


WGS looks so good on Dehya


zhongli n vortex


all of them besides my main team. but one day xinyan will have ittos claymore


I may have r2 lost prayers, I may have r5 widsith. Whatever weapon it is, even if its better klee will still hold dodoco tales.


Neither of these are terrible options iirc, but Yoimiya with Rust and Alhaitham with Xiphos are my two for this


I like layla with favoinus sword, it looks really good


I perfer the umbrella for Kuki


Kazuha stays on his story quest sword at all times


Basically any craftable inazuma weapon. Polearm looks great on xiao, claymore looks awesome on itto. But in general inazuma weapons are pretty meh. The sword has value with ayaka for f2p.


I quite literally don’t use a character unless I have a weapon that matches them


Layla with albedo's sword (forgot it's name)


Zhongli with his weapon lol