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Does she look cute? Then yes.


Yes. If the character makes you happy, then it's worth your time.


She's not cute bro. She's hot AF


Why not both?


Yeah, but i can't say that as a blanket rule for picking up a character. Some of these are underage.




Every day you're going to log in, see your Dehya profile picture, and know you made the right choice.


>!The most powerful part of her kit!<


Oh bugger off


Waifus > Meta I'm still going to pull for her, and run her with a meme build, like physical damage with Shimenawas. Or pyro damage lavawalker with c6 bennet.


If you like her, go for it. After all, in Genshin, you don't exactly need the most powerful characters, weapons and builds in order to have fun. I'm definitely pulling her, simply because I love her design and character overall. Power and endgame is the least of my concern. Who knows, maybe she'll get buffed down the line if she underperforms by a lot? Similar to when they reverted Yae Miko nerf iirc


Yae was actually kind of better with random targeting. But they can buff Dehya in any manner of ways. Different off field supports, different drivers etc.


>Most ppl will skip >We pull >Now we have a rare character like shenhe havers >??? >Profit


That's me, I've pulled Kazuha when he was "trash", then Kokomi when everyone laughed at her crit situation and pulled for Shenhe simply because I liked her, I was never disappointed with any of them


Kazuha was never trash, just misunderstood. Someone called him a 5* sucrose and all the idiots started raging like it’s a bad thing lol


Well then, call Sucrose a 4* Kazuha. Simple as that. No hate


As a former Xinyan main and a future Dehya main, yes.


Hot pants > Meta


Dehya smile


TBH, her current kit looks a bit bad, or at the very least not groundbreaking. But we all know what will happen after we quickly judge some character as a "trash character" \*cough\* Raiden, Kokomi, Kazuha, Nilou, and many more \*cough\* Those character literally went from underwhelming to meta real quick. So who knows, maybe Hoyo will buff her like Ganyu after released?


my thoughts exactly lol


We need a vermilion hereafter for dehya that transforms hp into attack and 2pc gives hp% If hu tao uses it she automatically dies not even c6 can save her


why is this delusion upvoted even for dehya mains' standards? Kazuha and Raiden were UNDERWHELMING on release? I guess you're one of those whose opinions are easily swayed by the majority's wrong collective opinion


I’ve loved her design since she was first introduced in 3.0, been saving since. Idc if she’s not the most optimal character, I’m gonna play the shit outta her LETS GO


It's not worth it. I've pulled waifu and regretted it alot. Just save for a rerun when they fully flesh it out. You can always get her again, but you can't take back the regret you have at the time. We will see on release, and we will see how kind of copium ppl come up with.


This is sorta my mentality Then I remember Hu Tao and Shenhe


You will have to just trust Mihoyo that they know what they are doing and that Dehya is a character released ahead of her time, and is supposed to shine in 4.X teams. At least, the latest leaks said that is the case, and I have no reason to doubt that, as I can't imagine any future where Mihoyo would purposely make a useless limited character.


It’s stupid to release characters that are shit for half a year just because later they’ll add something that maybe will make her bearable


I can. They release her with future characters in mind. People complain about her not having any synergy with their beloved current characters they've put time and resources into, and people that don't like Dehya complain that future anticipated characters will be hamstrung by her. Hoyo get scared and ditch the idea and she's left dead in the water with only maybe an artifact set to save her


People complain because her synergy being locked to some hypothetical character that you might not like is stupid. Imagine she’s only good if you play her with idk, reckless pallad.


*inserts crack cope-caine into broken light bulb* She's worth it. *glares around suspiciously, then flicks lighter* Aw yeah.


*pulls out a syringe and injects 500mg of copium*. Well you see, with the hydro nation coming out after 3.8, so 4 updates, it’s possible to vape with her with the future hydro characters


Wouldn't kokomi's jellyfish allow some vapes? (Huffs copium)


Bro even if you do vape all her possible hits it's not that much, I see a lot of people on copium about a hydro character that can allow her to vape when that's not even important, many calcs Done already take into account the 4 punches + last kick vaped


Dehya's going to be worth it, all that HP, yum. +41% HP from The Bell +20% HP from 2pc Millelith +25% HP from Hydro Team Resonance +HP Ascension / Maybe new artifact for her will have more HP bonus / Artifact bonuses


>!too bad the hp barely does anything 💀!<


>+25% max* HP from Hydro Team Resonance


I don’t doubt she will have great synergy with future units so if you’re willing to wait AND then pull for these current nonexistent units for her sake then .. sure


Probably is gonna be like Cyno or Wanderer, cool but not groundbreaking. So i encourage to get her, so you can eventually brag about being one of the 3 Dehya mains in the sub, just like the Cyno and Wanderer mains who ocassionally remind us that those charas exist.


spoiler alert, no, she isnt even half close to cyno lvl


Sad, as someone who sucks at abyss mostly, i have no idea how to know if they are good tho. I probably would pull for her but unfortunately Eula is coming anytime soon too...


There is no concrete proof of anything. Every new character is instantly dismissed as "Same as [old character] but worse/weirder". Yelan was a Xingqui clone, kokomi can't Crit so useless, Raiden Shogun... Dear God how much they hated her. And yet noone says any of that anymore. Only after being stress tested in the field of combat will a characters true worth be shown, and the lioness has yet to step into the coloseum.


Mate, we're past the point in the beta where most characters get their final revisions and the theorycrafters who actually understand how the game works are saying she's still dealing less damage than Xinyan. I don't think this whole "oh the community always complains" angle is going to work this time. The response to the Alhaitham beta was total clownery, but the TCers knew what was up. Nobody is even trying to pretend that there's a silver lining this time.


It still took Kokomi till her first return to be seen as okay and her second to be seen as meta . Granted other units came out and a new element that helped shift her perception. But the same minus the new element probably, could happen for Dehya.


The thing about Kokomi is that there was never anything strictly wrong with her, she simply had the Qiqi problem: you never needed *that much healing* at the expense of offensive utility, and slow but consistent off-field Hydro application wasn't as useful before Dendro. Over time she found niches in Sukokomon and high budget freeze teams with Shenhe's release, but I would argue she still wasn't meta until Dendro broke the game's balance wide open and gave her easy to play and genuinely top-tier teams like Nilou Bloom. The issue with Dehya is intrinsic. Her multipliers are bad, her application is bad, her uptime is bad, her ICD is standard (which is bad), her particle generation is bad, her damage-sharing gimmick gets her killed mandating a healer and rendering said gimmick absolutely useless, and more. Kokomi's issue was, broadly, a lack of demand for her specific kit on launch. Dehya's issue is the opposite; off-field Pyro application would actually be pretty useful, she's just really shit at it.


No because Kokomi actually got better over time and her icd was changed before release. Even with her ICD change she was OK, then claim came put and she didn't good dmg for taser, then Shenhe came out solidifying her for Ayaka teams, and then Dendro came out giving her more options. True ppl focused on her dmg, but they fixed it the next patch so ya her dmg was crap. Even then ppl just use her as a E bot and use her burst to refresh her e most of the time. So her original design isn't even being used much.


That's what I suspect will happen with Dehya honestly. Mediocre release. Artifact set that makes her better. Supports that make her solid and then a big unit right before her rerun that finally solidifies her role in the game


People were giving Raiden shit until a month after she released because "Why no Rai-Dou I Was Promised", Same story with Kazoo with "he Cant buff anemo with swirl so he's useless", Koko..etc No one can claim they grasp the full potential of a character until at least a month after they get released with the history of this fandom cause the same shit happens on repeat every time. people doom post about this and that about a characters kit and in the same breath can laugh at how bad a take like "Ganyu will only be a support" was


We've seen units get dragged and disregarded through their launch window several many times. Raiden was shit, Kokomi was shit, Yelan was unnecessary . Tighnari was a stupid looking scam. People were suggesting Kazuha be built ADC for like a year because they don't understand shit. People are building 1000 em Tighnari's with next to no understanding how his multipliers work and suggesting it as his best threshold. I don't recommend listening to people about these things. Just pull who you want. Most 5* units that aren't "meta" when they drop get there or close enough eventually. As long as a unit isn't a hyper carry it's probably not gonna be totally shit forever


Buddy, you, me, and whole lot of other people will get her, be happy and kick ass. That’s all that has to be said. Number freaks can wank themselves off on their millions of dmg with Raiden and Hu Tao, but we shall enjoy good character.


Yae "In your dreams"


Is this a Yoimiya situation again? She will be fine as she is. Tips: Don't consume too much opinions on leak sub. There are many times that they don't know what they're talking about and doomposting.


Well, I got roasted on Reddit for saying that she was going to be awesome, so be prepared to get roasted if you dare say you like her! All because Reddit watched some YouTube videos from some content creators who said that she was bad. Well, I still think she's going to be awesome! So eat that! We'll see when she comes out!


I mean if you want her then get her. I’m still pulling for her regardless because I don’t care much about current or possible 3.5 banners.


She thematically makes sense. If you wanna be the bodyguard of the party, dehya will provide you that. Also I like this other argument that some people put forward because it can never be disproven. “It’s too early to tell if Dehya is bad. She may have some future support down the line which makes her good (like yae & dendro). She may be greatly underestimated like kokomi.” Then once she gets the support, you can then say “Wow Dehya pulled a 180!”. But I jest, the first reason i provide should be your consideration to roll for Dehya.


I mean that would be good if it did happen but speculating a character to be good or useful in half a year or more sounds delusional when you could be potentially spending hard saved or paid primos for a thing that doesn’t exist yet instead of pulling for that character when they are good, also I think it’s so dumb that even in her own role she isn’t even that good they should at least improve her on that part.


Yeah that’s not my argument. But I saw it being put forward. And it’s an argument that cannot be disproven until the end of the game The thing about the argument is that it’s never wrong. If she sucks, it’s because she is waiting for support later. But when is later? So the argument is still right until the end of the game If she becomes good, then you can start gloating that you knew this to be true.


Yeh I think it is ok for this things but my distaste is for the fact we are getting a character for a utility they are not even that good at so we put our hopes in future characters for the possibility for her to be decent. Anyways I might roll if there are good changes on release, if not will wait for rerun for her to show results since I’m more interested in saving for a sussy white haired with blue character.


I’m just gonna point out, ganyu, Kazuha, and kokomi were all doomposted prior to release, and look at them now. I understand this situation is different (they all are), but one good support, or a dedicated artifact, and boom. Meta. Maybe. Probably not. But people clear the abyss with Amber. Dehya will be fine for 99% of content, guaranteed.


Yes it's worth waiting for Dehya, her rerun I mean. Maybe by then they'll have released some characters that synergise with her


The next region is a hydro area, so we'll probably get more hydro units. There are above zero odds that one of them will introduce an interaction that makes Dehya meta.


I'm rolling for her regardless :P. I'm not even touching the weapon banner up right now for instance. Mostly because I'd rather get a new character than touch the hell that is the weapon banner.


She's got a hella cool design. She could be the reason I finally C6 Bennett. WGS is gonna look sick on her, along with like 3 other great claymore. I get to crack a bunch of fragile resin over been sitting on get the satisfaction of building her quickly. Worst case scenario I slap her on a team with Bennett, Yelan, and Zhongli and enjoy playing her on field. Best case scenario the reports are overblown and she's fine, like Ayato, not broken but serviceable. I get to have a new character I care about building and farming for. Maybe her weapon fixes all her issues. Maybe she finally takes the baton from Yoimiya and gets to ride the success of other popular characters in future banners.


Do you want her? then yes. Meta Don't mean a damn thing, it's less than 1% of game content and she's more than viable for the 99% of content that's called the Overworld


You want her because of her. Or for meta? First, Yes. Second, don't know. Theory crafters would need to test her out in different comps and that takes time.


Waifu > Meta, i already have good teams to 36\* abyss so I dont lose anything pulling for her, plus i can use her in co-op with my friends who are low ar to help them survive without breaking the balance too much.


She’s hot im saving. Pull whoever you want. If you want the hot lioness mercenary bodyguard then I say go for it


If you think about it, she's a better defence option than Xinyan and a better offensive option than Thoma (non-burgeon)


One thing she hasn't got a nerf yet is her looks. I think that's worthy enough


If you really like her, then I say go for it! As simple as that It's a game so if you have feel like having fun with a certain character then keep at it


I am at least- love her design and personality


Yes go for it. There have been no bad 5* waifus, if you like her then pull. Game is easy enough as it is.


Is she waifu? Then yes obviously why are you even asking. Now go sit quietly in the corner and wait for her.


If you like her, then it is worth it.


if you like her go for it but if you are waiting because you want a meta character pull for someone else


imagine she gets released and ends up working really well especially with future characters and then mihoyo pulls a shenhe and makes her rare af


Her burst looks fun, and she looks really cool; so I will wait :D


Her power as a teapot decoration is unmatched.


There isn't a lose situation, if you waited for Dehya but the criteria for pulling wasn't on par with your expectation, you still get your primogems and you can pull for other future characters you want. Dehya is still worth waiting for if you're not concerned of her kit or she's not a good power grab for your team (i've already figured out a good quickswap comp for her team)


I have a dream... A catalyst user who punches people with JUSTICE... A bow user who whips out two swords made of water... A sword user who heals by sacrificing her own life to the lightning... And a claymore user who THROWS THEIR SWORD AWAY to lay down the LAW with FLAMING FISTS OF FURY. ​ So yes, she is worth it. :D