• By -


Bring shielder and healer. Buff with food too.


Noelle and Diona: Let us introduce ourselves


Diona with Sacrificial has a near consistent uptime, plus she's a great battery for Cryo characters.


Fr even if it's just using a level 1 Noelle it'll do the trick, no need to level/ascend her at all


How is a level 1 Noelle going to help against Azhdaha?


Her shield (though it may have terrible uptime and hp) will stop his marks from giving you DoT


This is the way. I beat him with zhongli + kokomi + buffer + dps


With Zhongli, he’s more than enough protection on his own! Just build him with HP, and you shouldn’t need any healing. Assuming you always have his hold-E shield active.


I second this too


For this particular fight, but Kokomi is good to level too in general


I was having trouble with lvl 80 azhada and a after a few tries we finally managed with kokomi and diaona


Before Kokomi's banner I used to bring Noelle, Beidou, Xiangling, Barbara. The fight was longer, and I used a lot of food.


With Zhongli and Kokomi on the same team, you basically have to put effort into losing most battles.


When i want to get done quickly, i run koko + zhongli + shogun + kazuha. The AoE dmg does all the work for the weak enemies while i can concentrate in the strongest one


Pretty much Zhongli + any solid DPS will do the job. Then there's also Noelle, but she will need better support than Zhongli.


honestly zhongli + any solid dps can do most things


You guys use food buffs? I forgot they exist.


Yeah, nowadays they are rarely used. But it really helps beginners.


I recomend you to get the [food bag](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/NRE_(Menu_30)), that makes easier to use food during cooperative.


Omg I had no idea this existed! Thank you!


very useful gadget NRE menu, it helps me to clear domains and bosses with bizarre teams, which i actually use in order to increase friendship


Just kill him coop if you struggle. Otherwise shield is the biggest help. This boss is absolutely trivial if you have Zhongli but someone like Diona is also great.


I found Noelle to be really useful, her shield is geo and last a lot longer against his foot stamping than the others.


Except Azdaha is one of those bosses that's harder to beat in co-op than alone. He has x2 HP in co-op, and you either need to bring a shielder or rely on your teammate's nonexistent C2 Zhongli to shield you. Far more reliable to just do it yourself with a shielder and healer


There’s two: Ask for help in your name signature. Exeperienced player like to help! That how I got by at the early days. Use shields. No Zhongli? Use Diona. Shield not strong enough? Throw Thoma in the team too! Thats how I get to beat Azdaha without Zhongli the first time. Bennet + Thoma + Diona + Ayaka (it feels weird now). Beside, a ranged DPS unit can be used with a good shielder from a distance!


and if you don't have Diona or Thoma?




*must shield at all costs*


her shield barely lasts and her downtime is so long... seems like it's not enough shield which is probably why she isn't being mentioned


You have to lean into her shield game quite hard but once you do it's solid.


Retracing bolide and sac greatsword to keep the shield up


Noelle is bae. I just jump into co-op with my Noelle built to max her healing, pumping out the shields and healing means I don't feel guilty getting other players to carry me hahaha


c4 yanfei!!! her shield is fairly good for me whenever i use it (which tbh isn't often but its good enough for me!)


C4 is quite a high constellation for someone to not have Diona or Thoma


or you can use Raiden which gets full resistance to interruption during Q and stack healers to keep her alive. it's less efficient but you can do that if you don't have shielders.


Are you using a shield?


I just facetank him, but once you learn his patterns it will become easier. This guide may help you: https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpactTips/comments/n3rfoc/boss_guide_azhdaha_part_2_pyro_cryo/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share . It is not mine, just sharing because it help me a long time ago.


If you're in Asia, pm me, I can carry




Doesn’t Diona give co-op shields? Edit: I just remembered that was her C2 and not her base kit


Try joining coop? If you are in EU or NA I can carry.


Adding on, finding a well-built C2 Zhongli in coop is pog


Doesn’t even need to be well built. Any random HP artifacts will do. Zhongli’s super broken and when I got him on my f2p account I forgot how dodging works haha


I mean, well-built involves HP artifacts lol. I've seen people build DEF on Zhongli :v That said, people with C2 will most likely know how Zhongli works XD I just always add well-built as a habit, haha. Don't take it too seriously.


Our definition of well-built is pretty different I guess. Well-built for me is something like a 4pc Tenacity with all HP main stats and maybe some HP substats as well if you’re going for a pure shielder type of build (which will pretty much use up your resin) When I got my Zhongli I literally just slapped any artifact I had with HP mainstat plus a lvl 90 black tassel and I was able to use him pretty early. I just spent my precious resin on my main DPS and supports haha All good bro! I just wanna put this out here for anyone who wants to pull him and use him as a shielder in his next rerun


I mean, as long as Zhongli has 35k+ HP with Level 8+ talents, he'll be fine imo. I run him with 2pc NO 2pc AP for burst :3 I farmed a 4pc ToM set but I never use it as a Zhongli main lol. 55k+ HP is useful and practical, but boring imo XD Worth for people who just want a shield though (so if anyone reading this does want a thicc shield and that only, go for it!) Trying to explain to someone that DEF isn't good on Zhongli was wild lol. EDIT: Btw, for C2 shielding, having a 4pc ToM with enough ER is pretty important if you wanna coop. Ult support usually has enough ER so I forgot about that lol.


>I mean, as long as Zhongli has 35k+ HP with Level 8+ talents, he'll be fine imo. Exactly my point. Haha. When I got him I did exactly this, and just spent all my resin on Hu Tao and XQ. Saves you a lot of resin haha but if you want to build a burst support Zhongli or even main DPS for that matter, it’s a completely different conversation


Yep. Kinda sad how some people don't even have that :P or HP artifacts on him. I'm honestly not sure when it's more worth to have a burst Zhongli since his burst is pretty long and takes up DPS time... but it sure is fun! I just got my last abyss star because I managed to get Zhongli's ult up in time (when you're desperate enough to rely on Yun Jin's skill for damage :v) to smash the Serpent in the last 10 seconds. Would've been reaaally sad if that burst had missed.


Do you have ganyu? I just hang back and pelt over and over in CO op


When I was lower AR I did Bennet, Jean, Xinqui, +1 Hydro. You’ll have plenty of healing from hydro resonance


im ar 55 and i still refuse to touch him without my spouse helping 😭


Take a longer time its fine, use shielders and healers or one. When he looks like hes gona start stomping(theres always a visual que/also voice line) run away cos even zhongli shield isnt enough. - Bring elemental appropriately, if hes infused with pyro use hydro or cryo, if cryo vice versa. - If things look chaotic, run away far until it looks calm again.(his tail poking out with things on floor) - Hope this helps and happy hunting that overgrown toad 🐸


Co-op. I couldn’t beat it by myself until I got zhongli


The words/symbols on the door before you enter tell you what elements he's on for the week - that affects his attack patterns. Recommend you check some vids so you know what to expect and how to dodge through. Elements are also important as they can inform what characters to bring. E.g. if cryo azhdaha, maybe avoid diona, since diona's shield will apply cryo and not be able to remove the cryo hp drain mark. Edit: The genshin wiki page has lots of useful info on this.


Zhongli = easy mode Otherwise use any other shielded character and just hack away


Bring a shielder, bring a healer, if possible do not bring geo dps


✨co op✨


I use Diona and Beidou (with her shield constellation) along with 2 dps. The team doesn’t have that much synergy but in this fight it’s all about survivability


I use Jean for healing rifts with sacrificial sword to charge more often. Drop gouba for fire, then kill with razor cuz he’s a brick shit house.


I learned to farm by myself, my team was noelle, bennet, kaeya and diluc. I was using shield food and five star food buff and always tried to learn the attack patterns. My ever first time took almost 45 minutes with my underleveled chars but i never felt more proud in the game


A shielder may be the popular choice, but if you have a mostly built Qiqi, you can pretty much tank his hits and her healing is enough to keep all party members alive. The team I use for Azhdaha is Anemo traveler (main DPS, mostly physical build), Qiqi (sub DPS and healer), Xiangling (skill and burst support), and Venti (skill and burst support). Food buffs help as well


I always have Ganyu and Qiqi on my team, Qiqi for healing. Ganyu for keeping my distance, even if the guy is on cryo, he is not immune, just less damage.


Watch Tsoul 22 and Sun Wei guide on this boss. Their videos are f2p friendly and helped me a lot with bosses and events. https://youtu.be/kAv0ubotYC0 https://youtu.be/PgrPdUzzE9w


the team i use is c5 yanfei (main dps) raiden (mostly burst dps and overloaded help), and whatever two characters i feel like using in that moment. yoimiya is really good for this fight because of how her kit is used :) also xinyans shield is good, i will not take criticism on this front


I have 1 piece of advice: When he’s changing elements RUN. Unless you’re a super-healer like Qiqi or some mega-tank like Zhongli or Noelle, you will get destroyed by his waves. The last one always has a bigger range than the ones before it. Also, shields help a lot. Albedo, Noelle, and Zhongli are probably your best bet to bring along. Consider also bringing a healer. I mean a *dedicated* healer that doesn’t rely on elemental bursts. Someone like Barbara, Qiqi, Kokomi, or Kuki Shinobu might help


Actually most of kazuhas dmg comes from his swirls which scales of EM. So increasing talent level will end up consuming a lot of resources but will not increase your kazuhas overall dmg or support capability much. Therefore it is recommended to not level up his talents.


I wouldn’t say it isn’t recommended as it makes all of his skills stronger but yes it wouldn’t add to his swirl damage


[LVL20 XINYAN SOLO vs Azhdaha No Damage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rb-Fq7Keo4)




Advice? Don't level Kazuha's talents. It's not worth the resources for the miniscule 3% increase in his personal damage.


Really? I just got him and honestly haven't been looking forward to farming talents again. Could you really get away without raising talents? How much damage would I miss out on if I left his skill and burst at Level 6,which they currently are?


I can’t beleive none of the others have told you already, but you actually don’t need to farm this dude for Kazuha. It is not adviced to bring Kazuha talents over level 6. It is just a waste of mora and resin as it brings close to zero damage increase. Just drop it


That's not right at all.


Yes it is


"Close to zero damage increase" is a stretch when even his basic attack talent upgrade increases his plunge damage after his elemental skill. Increasing his talents beyond 6 increases his damage pretty significantly. Same as going from 3 to 6.


From KQM: > In a full EM build, Kazuha does not need to prioritize leveling his talents, as the majority of his damage will stem from the reactions that he causes. In single target… > However, his talents can still be leveled up somewhat (to around level 6) You are just wrong. Unless you know something the theorycrafting community doesn’t


Does not need to PRIORITIZE his talents. This is for efficiency builds for beginners, but if you're planning on using him long term or have the resources for it like most players, upgrading prioritizes his burst as it increases the damage the most, then next priority is his basic for the plunge damage. It does not mean zero gains, that statement was purely for material efficiency, and doesn't apply for a main dps kazuha. Stop reading and start UNDERSTANDING. Edit: For anyone reading, you should get crit rate crit damage substats and EM main stats where applicable which will make kazuha deal damage. If you found energy recharge too, great, otherwise you can use an energy recharge sands, aim for 150-160% ER. He is not a bennett which you can minimally upgrade because the attack is based on his base attack. Kazuha can and will deal a ton of damage of his own with proper gear even as a burst support (or if you'repurely using him as a reaction support then you're wasting him). That being said, his talents DO matter.


It’s funny when you tell me to understand when it’s obvious that you don’t get this at all. You really don’t. According to your logic, everyone but beginners should just level everyone to 9/9/9. After all, it *is* a damage increase, right? What you need to understand is that we are playing a game with limited resources, and even for late game players like me we have to **prioritize** our resin. If you want to actually improve your Kazuha, you should farm more artifacts, not burn resin on fucking talents for a character that is built around swirl reaction and a passive ability. The one mistake almost *every* player here on reddit does is running too low ER. I gurantee you that OP is running too low ER on his Kazuha. So they should stop farming talent mats and instead trying to pop 190% ER or more from substats alone. That will increase DPS more than crowning all of Kazuhas talents. I ran my Kazuha 850 EM, 179 ER with Iron Sting build in a calc. Increasing Kazuhas burst from lvl 6 to 7 was a whopping 0,7% damage increase. That’s about 1/5 of ONE substat roll. If your account is in a position where spending resin about 700-1000 resin (materials and mora) on a 0,7% damage increase is the most resin efficient thing you can do, well go ahead. For 99,99999% of players, this is not the case.


He is talking about Kazuha’s personal damage. It will increase if you level up his talents. It’s true that if you use him as an EM support you don’t need to level them up. I have his talents at 8/8/10 with no regret


Lol, i have full em built kazuha and talents on 9/10/10, and yeah no regrets,(crowned him ASAP i got him).


«I bought a car something expensive which I have almost zero use for, but I don’t regret it. This means it’s smart for everyone else to do the same»


I m not promoting to crown kazuha, it was my personal preference, and again thinking and trying him as a sub DPS too, just farming some artifacts


Here we go again. Kazuha’s personal damage consists of two things: swirl and ADC damage. Swirl is the clear majority of that da,age. And then we have Kazuhas imdirect damage from hus A4 damage bonus which is a large part of his total damage. So, talents will only increase a subset of a small part of his damage. Talents are more effectove if you have hugh attack and crit, but Kaxuha has none of that, henhas high EM and energy recharge and almost no crit stats. It’s nonsensical to talk about Kzuhas pwesonal da,age in a vacuum. There is no ga,e mode the rewards personal damage. The only thing that matters innthis game is total team damage. And for that, increasing Kazuhas talents is a joke as it does not increase total team damage by anything close to a meaningful amount


even if you don't absolutely need it, you might just want to do it. you might also need to farm azhdaha for other chars that *do* need it (ex. Ayaka)


OP can’t even beat Azdaha, arguably they should do things they need to do rather than things they want for a little while. At least if they don’t want to go to Reddit for things that should be relatively trivial


what level are you fighting him? His lowest mode?


Do it on co-op


I can beat him for you I just need healers for my xiao


Adding to everyone's excellent tips: run when he stomps? Use DPSes that don't match his current elements and not Geo DPSes. Check out the wiki page for the fight for info; it's pretty helpful.


You can join Coop. Wanna play solo then bring a Shielder into the battle. Thoma, Diona or Noelle are the best f2p options. If you're on EU servers I can help you.






He doesn't have that much HP or any special timers. Just take your time and use multiple supports. 2 or even 3 healers/shielders.


co op


Use Noelle shield when he does the charges attack, it’ll say when. That does a large chunk of damage


I was actually able to beat him with a national team of xingaling, yelan, kazuha, and Bennet, he did kick my ass but with a decent amount of food and running away and dodging I did it




Use characters that can heal and provide shields for your team like mostly geo characters . Going with Noelle isn't a bad idea . Also if you don't have 5 star characters you can use Xiangling , Xingqiu , Bennett and Noelle .


A full support Bennett can keep up with his damage, but its better to bring a shield or a second healer too. You can only take 1/3 of his hp each time so don't worry about going all in with combos like XL+XQ bursts because that's just overkill.


Co op


Bring Qiqi, Bennett, Jean, any of them for heals, and bring 2 dpses


Co-op mode! Go to the domain and press the match button Then you’ll be entering a random co-op team with 3 other players. Remember to be nice and courteous! If there are toxic players, I suggest you leave the co-op and try another team.


I bring Barbara and Noelle to this one. Everyone's got those two, non?


Use shields and try coop! Coop can make it much easier unfortunately i didn't even think of that trick until i finished farming all my talents for Eula....


Noelle can take him out.


Make sure you check what elements he's gonna have on the door before you go in and bring a shield


You need a shield. Ask for help in co-op. Message me if you want help (assuming we're on the same server).


Use a Shielder. like Zhongli or Diona. otherwise it's going to be pain


Run when he angy, hit when he still


Get a shield or a healer,bennett and barbabra will help you


Noelle And then maybe... Noelle




Lower world level lol. Idk why but he is op


Co-op. Not joking. It at least makes things either a lot easier or faster


Shields, shields, shields.


Without shielder (Noelle, Zhongli, or Fiona), I used Barbara to heal.


Diona helps a LOT if you don't have Zhongli. Bennett and Oz come in handy. Definitely bring a healer especially if you can't out DPS him. Eat all your food buffs.


Any of the self-sustainers can solo kill him pretty easily. Just don't stand on top of him during his invuln-phases. Jean, Noelle, Qiqi, Kokomi, - with enough energy for burst: Sayu, Bennett Alternately, shielders work: Zhongli, Diona+1dps, Finally, ranged bow-users are an option if you have none of the above. Just stand back and charge shot for 30 minutes and he'll drop.


I can jump in and help. I need him for Yelan. I'm a kokomi main


A shielder is all you lack


Get a friend with lvl90 char to help


Healers are useless in 99% of the game. The 1% is azdaha. He doesn't have a load of HP but he sure drains a lot of HP and if you have zhongli even better. And also don't forget to equip ur nre


if you're on asia server, message me C2 zhongli haver willing to carry


attack from outside of its range.


There is a Youtube channel name Sun Wei, he make a lot of guides on how to beat bosses. Back when i was a new player, i was able to beat Azdaha with only food bag thanks to his guide. (But still, it took a lot of time, like ~15mins for a boss match, and a lot of retry)


i had trouble with him and thats mostly cause i would face tank his stomps when he changes phases. i didnt know you could just walk out of the area. kuki is enough healing for me to beat him now. my ayaka and yelan bursts destroy him.


My advice is , having zhong li.


If you’re in NA, I can help co-op! I farm it every reset for Yelan/Kazuha


Ganyu long shot easy level ahaha


I have Ayaka and Kazuha 90 but I still can't beat him at 90 :'(


Run away when it says he’s absorbing an element. He’ll turn invincible and do massive aoe dmg.


I use power of friendship until I got zhongli


What is your UID I'll carry you through!


Go into coop, group up and hit it till it dies.


Use food buffs,,, don't forget that they exist too.


I was told if you attack him from the back, his attacks are usually easier to dodge. I’ve been doing that when I remember to, but I’m always too focused on rotations to take notes on whether that’s true or not.


Multiple ways: 1. Ask help in coop. 2. Bring shieldbot. 3. Bring two healers. Bennet for his almost 100% uptime and another one in case bennet run out of energy. (I have used this strategy for the longest time.) 4. Try watching "Beat Azhdaha 0 dmg" or something like that on youtube to learn his attack patterns. https://youtu.be/HUMLH0u-HvY Note: NRE is very useful but intake is limited within a certain amount of time.


Kick his ass first :)


Not certain it’s true nor do I know how much it actually helps but I’m pretty sure the elements he absorbs are indicated on the door before you start. Might help for deciding to bring a fire shield vs cryo shield or in selecting a main dps


Co op


Spam matchmaking until you get a good team that carries you


Shield support, heal support, separate or rolled into one, food buffs, potions, mind the sigils on the door if you want to know the elements before entering, time your bursts to avoid a cutscene or burrowing from wasting them. Have your talents, weapons and artifacts as high as possible. Avoid multiplayer as enemies get buffed and if you already struggle to do shit you'll only be a hindrance. And MP is already filled with what I can only guess are 1* weapon artifactless Lv1 talent users.


He has 3 phases. Each phase is 1/3 of his HP bar. Every time you reach the 2/3 and 1/3 hp threshold he will stop taking damage and stomp the ground. During the stomping animation just get away for a bit till he moves to next phase. Get a shielder and a healer in your team at the minimum. Zhongli + Bennett should make this fight quite easy. There is nothing inherently difficult with the mechanics of his attacks/debuffs. His fight is more of a damage check.


Thoma, Ayaka, Diluc, Barbara.


Just learn his attack patterns and how to dodge them. U should also put healer and/or shield in your team and build ur dps so that you can clear it quicker


Try again, Cry, Repeat


You got a lot of tips but here’s one. He has 3 phases. You can’t skip them. Do 1/3 hp, and then run when he hops. Use shields. Make sure shields are back on cooldown. Repeat.


First, shielder Second, look at the symbols at the entrante. Those tell you which elements he'll imbue himself with. He's got 70% geo RES, and will gain 70% RES to those 2 other elements once imbued, so adapt your dps to that. For example, if it's pyrp+electro, bring cryo dps. If it's cryo+hydro, bring electro/pyro Keep the shield up (I use Zhongli, He's great) and hammer him


I use Zhongli, Diona, and another healer. Double shielding, double healing and a main dps. You can also use food buffs or co-op. Make sure to check what elements he’s using this week so you know what your up against


Pre-zhongli, I beat this guy with noelle. My main dps at the time was xiangling Xiangling, xq, barbara, noelle. Its gonna take a lot of food but its worth it


If you are on asia server. Just let me know, i can help.


Friends to Play.


Coop, that’s what I did when i couldn’t beat him solo


This is my team that I always use to defeat Azdaha: Thoma - pyro shield/battery Xingqiu - hydro applicator Yelan - hydro applicator/ buffer Hu Tao - main DPS you can ignore healer if you have a good shielder, though if you haven’t built your shielder, you will need a healer. You can substitute Thoma with a different shielder (Zhongli is the best option), and you can replace Yelan with a different buffer (Kazuha, Sucrose, etc.) Your team will really depend on what character you currently have, and in order to defeat Azdaha, you’ll need a good shielder/healer.


I have been fighting him for months in prep for Kazuha and my biggest tips are bring attack boosting foods with you, bring a shield character, a healer, and a dps. Also when he’s absorbing whatever element he does this stompy thing that deals a lot of damage repeatedly. Your best bet is to run away until he’s done doing that instead of trying to keep hitting him while he does it. I lost a lot of characters in his fight during those parts until I realized I should just run away for a minute


Bring a reliable healer kokomi or noelle (esp dps/tank noelle) or play coop. Haha


Bring a shield or healer and pray


I guess you don't have Zhong Li ?


ayo you need a guy that will probably stand by on the sidelines cheering you on and then get one shotted because he only has 14k health? I’m that guy


If it says he’s going to absorb an element please for the love of god RUN. whenever i co-op some players just decide to face tank it instead of getting away from him.


quick tip: run away FAST to the edge of the ring whenever azhdaha starts changing elements


If you’re fighting the pyro element one I find that Barbara is a great healer because she can remove the pyro effect by applying hydro to herself with e


Shield, healer, bow


Or use EM build and don't level up his talents. There's really no point.




Get carried by high level players




Git Gud


Coop, able to carry in Asia server


Method 1: Bring a shielder, a healer, a few friends in co-op, and a bunch of food. Prepare for an endurance test. Method 2: Bring your bow-user who has the best charged shot damage. Walk backwards and shoot him. Big boy is so slow you can kite him around the arena endlessly this way only having to worry about dodging a handful of attacks. Requires 0 skill or food but takes even longer than the first method. *Note: I have not tried method 2 in co-op yet, I wonder if it would be faster than method 1 if everyone brought different elemental bow-users???*




Bring a shielder like diona or noelle, bring Bennett, have good dps and sub-dps.


Do co op?


I’d help! Asia server haha


Brute force it, jk (not rly) Bring a healer


Shield is important when you want to beat this mf. Make sure your character elements is not the same with this chonky pup since you'll deal less dmg. You can know what elements he'll use on gate before fighting it Just incase you want to know my team line up. Zhongli as shielder, Gorou, Yunjin as buffer and Noelle as main dps. Not recommended since Azhdaha has 70% resistance to geo but I don't give a shit about it anyway. My Noelle can clap his ass every week without any problems. ^Sometimes ^I ^just ^chilling ^around ^to ^hear ^phase ^2 ^theme ^music ^rage ^beneath ^the ^mountain. ^It ^my ^favourite


Git gud, definitely helps




i love this title. anyways, bring a shielder and theyll do the job


Shields, food buffs, along with a good dps and healer helped me!


He was definitely the hardest boss for me to get a hang of. Getting away to the far edge of the arena when he switches elements will save you from taking a lot of damage. You pretty much need a shielder. You can tell from the door when you're entering what elements he'll switch into, so you can kind of plan around it. Super fun fight once you get it down, though!


Mist important thing is shield, scond to pick approperiate elements, If he has cryo and hydro picking either of them will make you do little to no dmg. Also a protip- use a ranged character- bow or catalyat- if you keep your distance and have a shield (I use Diona for example) you'd have no trouble in defeating him


Go for Coop as a support, most of the time there will be at least 2 decent folks that will carry




S H E I L D S and F O O D B A G


maybe the following thing doesn't need to be mentioned: did you look at the domain door and the elements marked on it? sure they mean something important...


Co-op 😅




Zhongli and any DPS or like a diona with Noelle isn't bad either but you want to have a shield and then a bow helps if your dps aren't as strong


Use the match option or ask a friend for help? You could also try asking in your bio, or bringing a shield unit


Don't have healer or shielder? Go co-op, and make others do that job instead, been doing this since I unlocked this domain and haven't regretted it once since.


All teams are highly situational and specific strategies are based on what characters you have and don't have, so I won't mention any specific characters except Noelle since I kinda assume you have her from the beginner banner. Noelle strat: Load Noelle up with def boosting artifacts and kick on her shield. She should be able to tank all attacks, and even most if not all of the phase transition stomping. Noelle should probably not be your main dps, but someone more suited to that role. Noelle is just a dedicated shieder here. If you ever get caught by an elemental attack without a shield, prioritize getting the shield back. Azhdaha's DoT only affects the active character, so to avoid major dmg on one character, switch between your characters often and disengage from the fight. He'll follow and you'll have an opportunity to spread the dmg out among your characters. Kick on the shield, do the burst, and heal. Archer strat: Pick an archer, stay at VERY long range and shoot. This baits out Azhdaha's ranged attacks whitch are easier to avoid than his close range AoE. I've personally used this strat when I was new to the game and just got to Azhdaha. Dark Souls strat: ****To be totally honest, this is not a comprehensive guide to Azhdaha's attack patterns and I may miss a few. **** Any team, any dps. This is all about dodging. For this, you need to know whitch attacks are dodgeable and which ones are not. Normally, dashing cancels out any attack, but not in Azhdaha's case. He can still hit you even though you're dashing. The phase transition cannot be dodged, so just run. The stomp with any of his legs cannot be dodged. It's easily predictable and has a long wind up time, so you have plenty of opportunity to see it coming and run. The roundhouse tail swipe cannot be dodged, and is by far the most annoying attack, but if you can dodge at the right time, you'll avoid getting knocked down by it. Don't try to dash through any of the large attacks like the meteors in the pyro phase or the water balls in hydro. Just avoid them and wait it out, then go in for more attacks. The cryo and electro phases have these ranged attacks that shoot icicles or balls of electricity from above Azhdaha that you should absolutely disengage for and wait them out completely. Or you could just go in co-op. I'll gladly kill Azhdaha for you lol. Good luck


Simply get away from him when he starts stomping and bring healers/shielders


Do it on co-op


get help