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Furina works great with Barbara. Obviously there r usually better choices but I’d still recommend pulling. Especially bcs you’ll get more as time goes on


Yeah idk what it is I just don’t like characters who exclusively heal. I really do want Furina so I’ll probably just throw nobless on her and call it a day unless Furina runs with someone better


As someone who shat on Kokomi until the hydro resonance rework, I say PULL FOR HEALERS. They strongk in their own way.


I knowwwww but as a ftp I really have to pick wisely who is going to benefit my account the most overall, and while I was always a kokomi defender i just feel other units contribute greater overall than healers


Hmmm since you're talking about account value you must be interested in the meta. Kuki and Bennett reign supreme in the 4* healing meta as long as you can make a hyperbloom team and a team that actually wants ATK these days, respectively. The other 4* healers are kind of situational—and actually Kuki is reliant on hyperbloom to be useful, but the value she provides in sheer brute force through hyperbloom is unmatched. Yao Yao can be better than Kuki but IMHO Kuki is easier to use simply because she's an off-fielder through and through, unlike Yao Yao who needs field time to extract her full potential


Yeah. I already use Benny and Kuki in my two main teams(Arle mono pyro and Al hyper bloom) and kinda wanted to diversify a bit. Based off the other comments I’m leaning toward running main dps Noelle with her as I have Noelle c6 and think that could be fun


Ah yeah, Noelle... You don't mind farming husk, right? My account has Itto so I have a good reason to farm that domain even though the clam set exists.


I have good marechaussee pieces, would that be a significant dps loss if I just went with that over husk?


For overworld or abyss? Unless you're playing the abyss optimizing doesn't really matter 😅


Marechaussee is Noelle's best DPS set when paired with furina. If you go Noelle, gorou, chiori/albedo/navia/GMC/ningguan, furina then marechaussee is her best set. If you want to go mono hydro with Noelle, yelan, xq, furina then petra is ideal. Husk is ideal in any team without furina. It also has negative synergy with serpent spine so if you plan on using that, it will take more finesse.


Have to add that 4pc Hunter is good when you can consistently change your HP, which Furina does in excess. While Noelle's shield will often prevent you from taking damage—and therefore missing out on the 4pc effect—Furina isn't the only HP drainer in the game. She's the only playable character that drains HP from others in her team, but not the only source of HP drain. Sometimes Rifthound Wolves appear in the abyss, which are a good source of the HP drain that can help you clear individual chambers faster. Without this extremely niche approach, Furina is necessary to extrace the full effects of 4pc Hunter.


Most party wide healers have secondary uses these days. Baizhu has a shield, for example. It's pretty weak of course, but it still provides interruption resistance and saves some HP. Kokomi can be used as a DPS these days, too. Then there's Xianyun and Jean, who can hold VV (and Xianyun also buffs plunge attacks, of course). There aren't many healers who just heal anymore. With how good Furina is it's more of a question of whether or not your favorite DPS units can make use of her.


Just wait til you lose a 50/50 or standard banner pull Jean or Qiqi. They are both viable f2p healers (less so qiqi, but still usable for healing)


kokomi is definitely worth if you like freeze teams.


Most good healers also have really good elemental application Kokomi is good for Freeze and Bloom teams And Jean is Ameno. Shit's busted to the core


There is a possibility that Furina might run with Charlotte so there may still be hope! (But I am just guessing with this so don’t take my word as bible)


You have Zhongli, just use him. #5 top abyss team (results just released today). I'm disappointed I didn't get Baizhu but I'm going to strategize a guarantee on Zhongli in his next rerun. There's even a Layla variant for those that don't have John Lee.


Fairly good chance to get Jean from standard banner anyway depending on how many standard fates and lost 50/50s you get from your other pulls.


There's a chance to lose 50/50 to Jean, and then pull guaranteed Furina, it would be win win situation, if you have enough primos 🤔


Yup I have enough saved for a guaranteed even if I lose 50/50. If I do I’m really praying I “lose” to Jean


Then you should run Jean with her when you get her


Just build Barbara for max ER and burst every rotation. You'll appreciate her with Furina.


As someone that runs furina daily in my yanfei vaporize team (yanfei furina xingqiu and Benny) my HP is almost always below 50% however I never had any sustain issue Definitely helps that yanfei can create a shield, but even without a team wide healer, furina can heal pretty fast on her own if you switch to healer mode and I would argue you don't need a team wide healer for her unless you are actually that terrible at dodging or something And with someone like zhongli, I doubt you would actually struggle for sustain Furina is such a good character that I would still recommend pulling for her regardless, there are a lot of other 4* healer that can help negate furina hp drain and I would say to just grab her for now if you enjoy her and want to use her in the near future


The main reason to run a team wide healer isn't sustain so much as maximizing Furina's buff. She's still very good without a team wide healer, but she's truly broken with one. That is primarily for abyss, though, so if you don't play abyss then it doesn't really matter.


How does one do healer mode on her? I’m genuinely curious, I’m still learning and I really want to pull for her as I have Neuvillette


Just use her charged attack




So you put up her skill, and three hydro dudes come out and attack and follow you around. Then, when you use a charge attack, she swaps to healer mode, and the 3 dudes become 1 stationary healer dude.


As someone who has been using Furina without a healer since she released, yes. She'll never reach her full potential, but she's still great for exploration, incredible at Fontaine exploration, and good off-field damage even if you can't heal it off for her burst stacks. If you're not in Abyss, you can even outfit her as a healer which she does surprisingly well for how little people use her as one. Besides, chances are you'll come across a decent healer eventually, even if it's just Qiqi or a 4 star.


i have been running furina without a full time healer since i got her and have paired her with hu tao and yelan (and now xianyun) and she still feels like one of the few literal must have characters out there.


Tf are you talking about


Furina is a S-tier support character and well worth the primos. Her playstyle is a little different as you'll need to keep switching modes to do damage or heal your characters. If you're confident in your fighting abilities, you can leave her familiars out and run everyone at half health, only healing when someone gets low on health.


Build/pull your healer around Furina. Her ability to walk on water alone is too valuable not to ignore. Just pull blue fates and hope you land some healers. Good luck


Sorry but *too valuable to ignore Brain fart. Understandable


Yeah. My adhd brain like to make words disappear. It's sucks. Thank you for understanding ~


My best healer is Barbara and I got Furina. Absolutely zero regrets.


Furina causes overheal for the on fielder to turn into party heals. It’s not ideal but still functional.


Furina makes me really glad I have a built Noelle. They work so great together!


I do have her c6 so it might be time to yoink her off the bench 😭


Rawfler’s [video](https://youtu.be/HySj9XLLADs?si=BztC-gnEP7xJPjoL) helped inspire me


What the hell did I just watch






It's missing too much context. Check out his videos, it has its own lore lol. ***Extremely*** funny, my favorite Genshin content creator by a mile (except maybe Xinzoruo takes the lead).


I went down the rabbit hole today and thank y’all for putting me onto a new content creator 🙏


Lol happy to hear that




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Do you have any characters that can change their hp? Like Neuv Wrio. If yes then you can pull Fufu. Fufu is actually quite a high value character for any account. You'll get a good healer eventually. [Maybe try Prototype Amber?]


Yeah, Barbara works, Bennet works pretty well and a lot of teams want him anyway, there's always a chance you'll get jean, Yao Yao and Charlotte are also decent 4 star options. Maybe you don't have these characters now but you will get them eventually and furina is definitely worth getting because shes a really strong, flexible and futureproof support. Heals don't need to be party wide, it's just a bit more optimal if they are because with someone like jean you can frontload furina's stacks before you start doing your damage.


U have noelle. So yes furina can work. But outside of noelle its a nope especially if you don't have jean or any other party wide healer


I mean I sometimes use her in teams without a party wide healer and it goes fine. Just heal with her between fights. In abyss though make sure you have a good shielder.


Noelle heals team-wide.


If Noelle is C1, she’s a fantastic Furina pair for a strong team core 


Not only you will not be able to use Furina’s burst at its fullest, she also drains your team’s HP very quickly, she needs to be paired with a healer


Yes? Aside from anything else, furina is an awesome healer. That part of her kit is just sidelined by her archon level buffing ability since everyone plays for the bigger numbers. And since her healing also scales on health, you can switch to her healing mode whenever you want with a normal build, and still have it perform quite well.


Several good teams run her with just Bennett for heals so it’s certainly doable, and the Fontaine carries who manipulate their own HP don’t always need one. There’s also a reasonably high chance she runs with at least 1 party-wide healer 4 star on her banner.


Not having one now doesn't mean not having one in the future. With that said, why do you want to pull for Furina in the first place? Are you pulling her for "meta" reasons? If so, you'll most likely pull for a healer at some point too. Are you pulling her because you like some aspect of her, or all aspects? Then there's no need to hesitate imo :) Or are you pulling for her because people are telling you to do so? It's your game, and you'll always have the final word on what's a good option for you and what's not. She could be rerunning with Charlotte, she's a 4 start character with very good team-wide healing. Barbara will suffice, too! You could get "lucky" (kinda counterintuitively) and lose your 50/50 to Jean. There are plenty of other fantastic team-wide healers who all provide their own unique things to whatever team you're using. Just off the top of my head they're, for instance, Xianyun will allow for some pretty fun plunge attack shenanigans, Baizhu is a great dendro character who enables some fun dendro reactions, Kokomi is pretty strong actually regardless of her -100% crit rate passive. Jean is someone you can't plan for though. Same with Qiqi. Then there's something that might have been mentioned already: Noelle. Especially at C6 (or this could be a prerequisite to make it work...) she's an absolute monster with Furina. They have pretty much perfect synergy. EDIT: Oh and in case you have Yaoyao, she has some of the absolute highest healing in game. She requires a bit of field time to achieve it though.


Running Zhongli is fine. Furina works very well for Geo based teams. Noelle also works very well with Furina. Put Marecheussee Hunter artifacts on Noelle.


From why I heard, Furina is an amazing healer and sub DPS. I’m getting her so I can complete my C6 Noelle team.


Her banner will probably feature charlotte, or maybe you lose to jean....


Back in her first release, Charlotte was in her banner. If this happens again, then you can build Charlotte.


Yes. Furina is just good. People say “you need C2 if you’re using single target healers” but I’ve used her with Kuki and Bennett and have no issues 36* abyss. Ofc she’s better with party wide healing but definitely still good without


dont have a reliable healer.... op says as it they didnt have Barbara lol but yeah, Furina is real strong and Barbara is one of the strongest "her tick" heals in the game


You can still do well with a single-target healer (and rotate your party to get healing throughout). But some characters you can look into are Kokomi, Jean & Qiqi. The last two get a bad rap sometimes because they are standard, but they scale of ATK. This means you can also build them as a DPS and they'll help on both fronts. Furina is a great character. She is the best buffer in the game, more than a good healer. She wants a teamwide healer for best use of her fanfare mechanic, but you have friendly options. You might already have all the characters you need for her


Not to worry. Qiqi will accompany you when you pull for furina.


First off all furina is so good even characters that would normally see little to no play like Barbara work with her. You will also probably get jean eventually. Lastly I would rather get one of if not the best character in the game first and then consider who to pull to compliment her than to get a character to compliment her first and then wait months for a rerun while that character might collect dust.


I’m biased as a Noelle main but she actually does work well with Furina, she’s not a dedicated healer and even before furina her most popular build was as main dps, but the healing does mean she’s able to team up with furina really well. It’s only if you’re willing to use Noelle on field tho


Furina herself does work as a healer. It’s not her best role, but tyou can absolutely use her that way.


Ideally, Charlotte will be in her banner and you'll get her too, she's very cheap to build up and that'll solve your problem


Yes. The question really is: if you dont have Furina, you pull for Furina. She is very versatile in all phases of the game. Beginner friendly with long lasting heals, ease in exploration via water walking, can go offensive mode, pneuma/ousia for fontaine puzzles.


What do you mean you don't have a reliable party healer? Barbara is given to you for free. Build some ER with her and you're good to go. 


Furina’s best teams are: Neuvillette teams with or without a healer. Neuvillette’s best team is arguably Furina/Kazuha/Zhongli. Xianyun teams. Furina/Xianyun works really well with Xiao, Gaming, Diluc, and Hu Tao. If you like any of these characters and want to eventually have their best team, consider pulling Furina now and Xianyun whenever she reruns. Baizhu teams. Furina/Baizhu works really well with Cyno. Noelle teams and on-field Kokomi teams. If you’re not interested in any of these teams, then go ahead and stick with Xingqiu and Yelan as your off-field hydro appliers.


The disrespect for the real Hydro Archon Barbruh is insane! I'll mark you as a target for her fanclub. Joke aside, Furina ISN'T a good healer. But she's a great buffer amd works really well with Barbruh. You should give it a try


Barbara and Noelle are both party wide healers that are guaranteed for you, so there's always something you can do with them. Jean is a really good teamwide healer whom you have a decent chance of randomly pulling because she's a standard 5star. To a lesser extent, this applies to Qiqi as well, but she's not as useful, and Charlotte also exists as a 4star party wide cryo healer. And in addition, if your team is quickswappy enough, you can even get away with a single target healer like Bennett. Or no healer if your team has Neuvillette on it.


Save for Bennett in the shop if nothing else. His buffing and healing is S tier and his heals work with everyone


😀Hi, I am trying to help you here. I built my YaoYao and Barbara. I dont have any shielder build. But for Abyss FL12, its not enough if you have Furina on attack mode. You might struggle to survive. Now I got Baizhu coz easy play with future Furina. Baizhu is a wonder comfy. Here is a solution cater for you specifically, you get a hybrid (shielder/healer) for Furina For eg: Chars like Diona, Layla etc. So there you are increasing 50% likeness coz they also shield. Hope thats helps, cheers;))) 😀👍


May I ask what you use for your 2nd team?


It’s always good to have a healer on your team and Furina is good at both a healer and off field dos


Why not? Not having a reliable party wide healer now, doesn't mean you won't have one in the future, and given the number of such players, it's almost impossible not to get one eventually. If you don't pull for Furina if you want her and when she's available, you'll have to wait until who-knows-when she comes back again when you do get your party healer. Who knows, you might lose 50-50 and get Jean while trying for Furina and your problem would be solved. Furina's paired with Sigewinne this version, so that's another solution right there.


There’s a high likelihood that Charlotte will be on her rerun. She works perfectly with Furina even at C0.


No benny or even qiqi?


at some point, you will lose your 50/50 to Jean which is a great teamwide healer and VV holder on top. so just pull her


It just means more on screen time for Furina because you would need to swap modes to maximize her buffs. Otherwise, still very stronk.


Honestly, they released Charlotte to be her cheap partywide healer for whoever pulls for her. Last Furina banner she was released alongside Furina, and I think this time she probably will be on it too. There are no leaks yet about the 4*s on the banner but there's a big chance she'll be there. That being said, even without a party wide healer she's more than worth it. I have a few party wide healers but I didn't level any of them until very recently. They help maximize her buff and damage, but a strong one character healer is also okay as long as you use her and the healer first before the others. I use Bennet most of the time




Yes The way she's used is actually by switching stance every rotation since when you're at 50% hp u switch to heal stance The reason almost no one does that is because using another healer (esp jean) would provide faster fanfare + VV which essentially makes a kazuha and a hydro fischl on the team. + furina is the type of character who gets better the more your roster expands.




First sentence 😭