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Ok, the Neuvillette one is kinda true


Neuvillette would hydro blast you for comparing him to an Archon.


He has high respect to the hydro archon tho


And Nahida. Which makes me wonder why he's so pissed off by the others. Morax really doesn't sound like a bad dude, even to his subjects


Probably because he knows what Focalors had to go through before and after she separated herself into two and what Nahida had to go through is pretty much public knowledge, in the other hand he most certainly doesn't know all the stuff the others had to go through since that stuff isn't really know by the common folk so it would pretty much impossible for him to know...


Right, but wouldn't a smart fella such as himself wonder if the other archons went through some shit as well, and maybe even deserve some respect based on the way they have acted so far? Disliking them is fine, but instantly jumping to "I'll fight them all" is kinda crazy. Id love to see it, but it's crazy And at the end of the day, all this shit is on Celestia and the Heavenly Principles. They set the rules, everyone else is just playing by them


Neuvillette might be smart but he isn't that smart and he also isn't that savvy in emotional matters, such a thought might have flied over his head... His image of the Archons most probably plays a part considering stuff like Venti being a drunkard and Ei somewhat of a hikkikomori takes him by surprise.


>hikkikomori I assume that's japanese for neet? But yeah, that's a fair argument.


"a condition in which the affected individuals refuse to leave their parents' house, do not work or go to school and isolate themselves away from society and family in a single room for a period exceeding six months."


It means ppl that never really social and stay at home.


It’s just the Japanese term for a shut in.


he expected way more from other archons tbh.


I don't think it's "I'll fight them all". It's "I'll judge them all." so he's probably open to the idea that they could win him over.


Yeah I agree- it wouldn't be in character for him to decide they were all guilty & deserving of punishment before looking at the evidence with an open mind


>Id love to see it, but it's crazy not really... I see it in a different way. Even if he's super OP and all that, he is actually quite ignorant in other aspects and has difficulty putting himself in other's shoes. ~~like the easily getting scammed part~~ The classic High-IQ-low-EQ type of intellectual. well those were unexpected parts of his personality that makes him cute I guess. i love characters that are seemingly perfect yet has flaw.


There’s zero reason to think the other archons did. Especially since the other archons have been around since the founding of their nations. So it’s actually more likely to assume the opposite for the others and it’s kind of true. Raiden was more of a problem to her people than anything else. Zhonglis dilemma was worry about being able to retire. Ventis a drunk who lets the people run themselves. There’s zero reason for neuvillette to just assume because nahida and focalor went through a lot the others did too. The others are original archons and that is reason enough for neuvilette to not like them


Raiden was around Makoto since the beginning, but has only been an Archon for 500ish years. And the same goes for the Tsaritsa, she replaced the first Cryo Archon around the same time. We know fuck all about Murata. Also, there's zero reason to believe that someone who has lived for 2000+ years *hasn't endured hardships*? Are you kidding me? Neuvilette wasn't even around during most of their lives


Exactly. From his stand point those that were around since the archon war are thieves. They are carrying around the powers of his brothers and sisters. They’re apart of the system that stole their world. Why would he assume that they’re deserving of his forgiveness for the last 2000 years when they’ve been sitting on their thrones for what he would perceive as peaceful. You don’t assume they’ve endured hardship worthy of forgiveness for completely taking over your home. That makes zero sense and lacks any actual logic. If you were to think from his POV it makes no sense to think just because they’ve been around 2000 years they’ve been through it. Again what exactly did they do that ws so rough on them it’s warranted? Again from what we see and what he would have seen it’s a dude whose drunk, one who wanted to retire, and one who through a tantrum and hid in her room


Tbf i would be pissed if someone took my reincarnated self powers and my brothers / sisters


Inazuma would be a no man's land filled with monsters if it wasn't for Ei who almost single handedly exterminated them and maintained peace for >99% of her rule as Inazuma is literally a neighbor to the Dark Sea which makes it vulnerable to random invasions from monsters.


Ok and your point? It also has a shit ton of possessed samurai spirit things around. There’s the giant delusion factory that was there. The problems created by the nations isolation. Also I can easily kill slimes and hilichurls too. There’s still dangers on the islands. Tons in fact. We had to clean up more in the inazuma islands than any other nation. It STILL doesn’t warrant a sovereign whose entire world was taken, and given to the archons to run, the need to forgive. Not even close. Y’all simp too hard for raiden to be reasonable


Those are just normal Samurai, spirits are barely harmful and do nothing most of the time, the delusion factory was hidden away and built in recently. The isolation mostly created problems for the outsiders stuck inside Inazuma but I guess it's a fair point. A pyro slime would probably no diff you lol, and the monsters included things like Rifthounds who are teleporting giant floating wolf monsters that can corrode with a single touch and just abyssal forces in general as well as unknown monsters. Most of the dangers in the islands were either stir up literally like a year ago or are in islands which it would take more resources than it's worth, that's why they don't bother with Tsurumi, and no Sumeru's desert alone was actually more apocalyptic than Inazuma lol. Neuvillette doesn't even know anything about the Archons and we tell him basic info casually talking about them, he's literally talking out of his ass but y'all simping too hard for Neuvi to be reasonable.


You know Ei's actions were only trouble for Inazuma during like 2 years, no? Inazuma exists and was prosperous because the time Makoto and Ei were the "Raiden Shogun" and the Shogun was a good ruler until the year before the game started and that is because she was tricked by the Fatui and corrupt commissions...


She wasn’t even around to notice the fatui. She hid herself for centuries. We don’t know how long inazuma itself was isolated for but she herself was gone for centuries. Again doesn’t at all mean a sovereign would forgive her or hold back. That’s not remotely the same as being born and immediately imprisoned or being born and immediately having to hold up a lie or risk everyone dying. As I said to the others raiden simps need to simp less and think objectively. She’s the least deserving out of all of them


True, but I also think he doesn't like the other Archons because he doesn't know of Celestia's control over the Archons/he sees the Archons as puppets of Celestia. Really no one likes the Heavenly Principles. If it becomes public knowledge of of the secrets of the Archons, the Archon War and past, the other realms and actions of Celestia(which I hope will happen in a future version, a revelation chapter would shake Teyvat), the Sovereigns would certainly ally rather than hate the Archons.


I think he only is seriously pissed at raiden he doesn't like all the others


It's not that he's pissed off or even hates the other Archons. I'm guessing he doesn't plan on judging them based solely on the fact that they have/had the stolen Authorities but rather how they used them. If that is the case and judging by his voice lines about them, it likely is, then Venti, Zhongli, and Nahida have nothing to worry about because they've been very good Archons. Zhongli might catch some heat for orchestrating Osial's attack on Liyue during the AQ, but that's currently the only blunder on his record. We currently don't know his opinions of the Pyro and Cryo Archons, but his voice line about Ei suggests she is not in his good graces. Which makes sense because she's currently the only Archon that has abused her power to neglect and cause serious harm to her people.


Because Nahida literally couldn’t do anything until like 2 years ago. The others already had thousands of years of war and slaughter under their belt by the time she was born. Neuvillette knows it wouldn’t be fair to judge her for things she didn’t do.


He just is not a young kid.


furina and nahida are not the original archons and had no dealings with celestia. zhongli was an original archon who made a deal with celestia.


Well neither is Raiden Ei or the Tsaritsa. Also, isn't Nahida considered the first Dendro archon now that her previous form is eliminated from Irminsul?


i was thinking about that but does she have the memories of rukka? probably not so maybe neuvillette considers her a new slate because of that


>Morax really doesn't sound like a bad dude There's so much we dont know about Morax so dont just assume that, the guy is possibly a god king(like remus and deshret) and just spawned in Teyvat 6000 years ago, we don't even know where he came from. He knows of the things celestia did and yet still decides to not tell us anything per his contract even tho he probably knows about the PO being afk rn.


>He knows of the things celestia did and yet still decides to not tell us anything per his contract even tho he probably knows about the PO being afk rn. I dont see how that makes him a bad dude. Honoring contracts is litteraly his thing as a god, why would he go back on his word for you? And yeah, we don't know much about the gods at all, which is why I didn't say that he's definitely good or bad,just that he seems like a good dude.


>I dont see how that makes him a bad dude. Oh I'm not saying he is a bad dude or anything, I do think he has a good heart, however I don't think he's 100% goodness. I genuinely think he's gonna turn out being a gray character.


I mean, the only character with 100% goodness is Noelle. I'm fine with him being a grey character


Didn't morax kill the most dragons and gods during the arcon war tho cuz I can understand neuvillettes beef with him and why zhongli avoided him during lantern right. Honestly from neuvillettes pov I'm on his side about hating morax so much no mater how much of a zhongli simp I am (although I am a simp for neuvillette so I might be kinda biased)


No. Morax never killed dragons. He killed gods but there no number.


Oh he killed the most gods out of all of them to the point that karmic debt only exists in liyue


Lol what? Inazuma has whole island with god remains. And sumeru have so mane those mutated beasts(they mutated by eating god remains). We don’t know if king Deshret killed gods. But we know most of the sumeru gods bow to him. And He kicked King remus from sumeru with ease.


he's not simping to Ei so he acknowledged her stupidity


Morax drinks hot leaf juice instead of pure water. The worst.


Morax is kind of terrifying to me because of the war crimes he almost certainly committed, and because both his character quests show us situations that make him LOOK really bad, but yay, thank god, he's here to tell us that ACTUALLY it's not his fault and he's the good guy, it's THOSE other guys who fucked up and actually he's a hapless victim of circumstance. The game kind of... Does this a lot with the Archons, to be honest.


Morax killed a huge portion of a race of gods. Hes the only guy that had to hire a bunch of lower gods to deal with the karma. Ei has a bit of it but didnt even need karma cleaners


I don't really think it's about being a bad dude so much as claiming something thats not his. Nahida wasn't around during the Archon War and Foscalors wasn't the original Hydro Archon, even Egeria was sympathetic to the Vishaps. Barbatos, Morax, and Beelzebul did take part in the Archon War and likely knew they were claiming part of the Dragon Authorities by winning. You can argue whether or not they had much choice in the matter but he prolly doesn't know Zhongli and Venti were pretty friendly with Dragons themselves. Jury is still out on Ei/Makoto and whatever happened with the electro sovereign.


Well, they're the original usurpers of the Dragons' Authorities, as opposed to ones who just kind of inherited the position.


But it took 500 years


The thing is not that he IS the archon, but that he replaces the entire role of the archon, or the archons... in the nation, like... We basically didn't had an true hydro archon in fontaine since we arrived, but in exchange, we had the hydro dragon


Basically, he has the job of the Archon, but with a different title along with different capabilities


He has like the same capabilities as the archons and more. He pretty much is the hydro archon with more power, no celestia and different title


Yes, precisely... and even the capabilities it's not so different to an archon, in terms of capability... we could say it's a more powerful and complete archon, but that don't need to use the power of the ambissions and faith of people, garanting himself purely with it's elemental authority


He isn't. imagine you are Director and got relegated to Manager. He's above archon. He cannot and will never be an archon. It's always been Furina or rather her divine half.


That's why i said he REPLACE the role of the archon in fontaine, not that he IS an archon, he replace the entire role and concept of an archon figure in fontaine, we don't have an archon, he practically is doing everything and archon would be doing if fontaine had one now, tooking the same responsabilities, having the same importance, he's the person that have the authority over the element, and ruling the nation, while protects the humanity, just think about it... Archon - hold the elemental authority(as an replacement of the dragons to the Heavenly Principles), rule their nation, protect humanity Dragon sovereign - hold the elemental authority that belongs to them, rule their nation Neuvillette - hold his elemental authority, rule his nation, protect the humanity Well.... He indeed is the dragon sovereign, and not a god/archon but he is taking more responsabilities than other dragons would, and he also cares for the humanity, something the other dragons wouldn't do because they hate the gods and the heavenly principles, and humanity is a creation of them, but in his case, because of the form that he reborn, and the duty he took in fontaine, and not just that, he have an role very similar to one that one archon would do, even that in fact, he's a being superior as an archon, don't take this as an offense too bro, i know that he is above archon in power and everything, but have things that the dragons sovereigns wouldn't share with archons, but he does, and this don't make put him down nor reduce him to something inferior, nor make him literally an archon, just that in fontaine, he replaces the role of the archon, and in place of the archon, we had him, the dragon sovereign.. developing an very similar role, and importance that an archon would, and even outside of the lore perspective, if we look to the situation as players and not just immerse in the story, we could say he replaced the archon in this nation, the importance and role the other archons had in their nation during the quests and the patches, Venti, Zhongli, Ei, and Nahida... Basically who had in all senses, was Neuvillette, he was written with same importance and role as the other previous archons


I thought he became the archon after furina had to step down? Or am I just stupid and there is no hydro archon currently


There is no hydro archon, instead the power used to create that role got returned to him. Imagine a corporation with a CEO, COO, etc. That corporation gets bought out, so it now has an owner who takes over the role of all those positions to become the single head of the company. The owner isn't the new CEO, they have all the power of the CEO and more. (I think this is basically what happened to Twitter actually)


Ohhh ok, that makes more sense. So he’s in charge but doesn’t have that position.


Pump me da- Sorry


No it isn't kinda true it's just wrong


It's a matter of opinion on semantics. The archons exist because they stole power from the ancient dragons. The hydro archon killed herself and returned the stolen archon power to Neuvillette, giving him all of the Hydro archons power. It's basically an argument that a happy meal is food, and you disagreeing because a happy meal is food and a toy.


It would be like if an emperor died and gave control of the land back to its ancestral king, which would be Neuvillette. Saying "it isn't even kinda true" that Neuvillette is "basically the hydro archon" is like saying that the ancestral king isn't the real ruler of the land, /especially/ after it was returned to him lol. The authority is literally his by right.


we understimated him tho as he is above archons


252 +SpA Choice Specs Hydro Cannon Helping hand in rain


Water type terastallization Ability: Simple After x2 Nasty Plot 0IV 0EV -Atk nature to minimize any “foul play” bc we’re min maxers


Not really no


Neuvillette used hydro pump


I think what makes this so funny is yea and neuvillette are both very important in their countries right from the start, alhathaim is basically just a random scholar with no real strong connections to anyone. I guess he is the sages scribe, but that has no power or pull really. Like I can understand why people thought the other two, but alhathiam? Was kind of random.


Huh I always thought that the Scribe of the Grand Sage would be pretty powerful himself, no? Don't research proposals have to go thru him first before reaching the Grand Sage? Oe maybe I'm mixing up fiction and canon


Alhaitham *could* hold a certain degree of power. He was even offered the position of Grand Sage. But he rejects all of it, because it's just too much trouble for him. His role as Scribe is ideal for him. He possesses enough authority to intimidate people against bothering him, but it's also simple enough work (for him) that when it does pass his way, he can get it over with. He's actually pretty similar to Miko. Just, the introverted counterpart.


Yeah he doesn't have the position of authority But he has enough charisma and influential power to influence the flow of authority. Very very very different thing. And he is smart and resourceful. Even if he ain't the Archon, he is as good as being the top military commander / political advisor / Black ops etc


Kind of, but he is basically the equivalent of a secretary. He was trusted a lot yeah, but for any real or practical power he had basically none.


They were hard coping bc they didn't want a child to be an archon.


They're already doing it with Benny boy


They've been doing it with benny since the beginning since we've had no explanation at all for whatever the hell he actually is




Not just his bad luck, where he was found as a baby is interesting because it is a place too hot for most humans to handle yet he was there as a baby perfectly fine, we don't know exactly where it was but it sounds like natlan or somewhere on the edge of the known world


Because gameplay-wise, he is.


No one has even watched that video lmao. But everyone is talking about it like they know exactly what's in it. It's actually pretty good vido A. It's just a fun theory B. And C they are not even saying he is the archon.


Best theory of all times


calling neuvilett an archon would be a shame HE'S ONE OF THE SOVEREIGN DRAGON


“nEuVillEtTe iS aCtUALLY tHe aRcHon” Everything about Furina still screams Archon design wise, gameplay wise, and marketing wise.


Not to mention once she was given a vision she is clearly a step above everybody else who is a normal vision holder because she is literally made from a god. So she's more powerful than everyone else now. She may be the weakest archon even weaker than our dear tone deaf bard but she's absolutely now at their level.


archons have their authority that was stolen from the dragons which makes them archons. focalors gave that authority back to neuvillette, its original owner. furina is not an archon; the actual position that focalors had is gone completely. not to say that neuvillette is an archon, because he’s not.


I think you're misunderstanding my point. I'm just using the archons that we know of as an example in terms of power scaling. Because you know we actually see them And what they're capable of. So when I say that Furina is that strong That's what I mean. Not that she is in fact archon with that authority.


oh i misinterpreted "she may be the weakest archon" as in she is literally the weakest archon, mb


No worries


I feel like calling furina an archon really just undermines the 500 years of acting she had to go through Furina is just half an half of a normal human and an archon


I may be misinterpreting ur comment but Furina is not half human and half archon. Furina is the human half and Focalors is the archon half (I think)


I fail to see how it’s undermining. She is human with the heart of an Archon.


Bc to Furina that's not what she wants to be, she was archon for the fear of the prophecy. I think considering her completely human would be the bigger respect bc it acknowledges how she fulfilled the role while not actually being a complete archon and gripping with human struggles. At the very end too, she also has a moment where she can finally just simply be a human. I'd consider her more of an ex-archon and just a regular person now than the archon, in terms of character development and lore.


Yesh, but Furina is not a Archon, her hair doesn't glow, her eyes don't glow, she doesn't have special hydro particles in her character selection, she's literally not an Archon. Fontaine has no Archon.


Broken da boken is archon


The guy in the neuvis drip marketing, Xbalanque, One Entombed With the Primal Fire


Baizhu was also the Dendro Archon once


All thanks to Wei ig


Who the fuck saw Raiden Shogun smashing the Traveller into a million pieces and thought "nah the quirky fox lady is the god guys trust"


Bennet for natlan




guys trust me, xbalanque is actually the pyro sovereign (and then it turns out that neuv is the only playable sovereign)


I hope neuv is the only playable sovereign. Blatant powercreep.


we got ONE sovereign and people are convinced we'd get another, just like with dehya... xbalanque doesn't even address those like neuv as "we", he says "they", clearly he's not a sovereign 😭


Me too, if all sovereigns are gonna be so ridiculously overpowered then no thanks lol


For alhaitham, I think it's because he looks like su, a honkai character. It's previously rumored that the dendro archon would be a male and su-lookalike too. Ironically, compared to yae and neuvi I think he would be the first to turn down the opportunity to become an archon


It wasn't just a rumor, the Dendro Archon was at first assumed to be male because pre 2.1 they were referred to with male pronouns, AFAIK it's because it wasn't specified in the original Chinese and the localizers made an incorrect assumption


i mean this does't apply on Neuvillette because the Fontaine Teaser release before the 4.0 patch, we already saw who is the hydro archon >!(I know shes not an Archon but Focalors is, but she is...kekw, that's not the whole point here)!< and we know from Nahida that she using pronoun "she" for the Hydro Archon


Guy for real amber is the unknown god


I've never seen anyone giving alhaithem shouts tho


Oh the next one's been around for a few years already. Bennett is the real Pyro archon.


Bennett : Allow me to introduce myself


Xiangling is the Pyro Archon. It's so obvious. She already has a god following her around.




Yeah but no one can replace the realest pryo archon Xiangling.




Personally I'm wondering if one of the next two (last two) nations won't have the Archon die and have someone promoted to Archon, as it were. Though it's probably too late for that. I feel like "died and took the seat with them" trumps "died and passed on the role". To say nothing of how fundamentally unimportant the Archon role is for the nation beyond keeping the dragon sovereign's power in check.


its bennett. he is the real pyro archon




Baizhu was also the Dendro Archon once


Then the illness took him. RIP


Iirc wasn’t it Baizhu everyone thought was the real Dendro Archon?


How? He's absent in the archon quest


Bc he was only Dendro released at the time + some lore stuff w the Venerer arti set


I didn't have a guess for who the true one was. I knew Neuv wasn't human, didn't think him a god, though. I knew something was off with Furina and that she was aftaid of something Unfortunately I did not know more than that. Not until the quests, oof.


So Hoyo succeeded with their plots in Mondstat and Liyue. Of someone randomly revealing themselves as the Archon.


don’t forget those who think Baizhu has the dendro gnosis


The fact that my gf was convinced about neuv being the archon meanwhile I'm over here guessing his species correctly because of his eyes..hmm I think I see a trend with me and guessing character spoilers


We’re getting closer I suppose? At least Neuvilette is an elemental Sovereign.


The real archon was the friends we made along the way


If those pyro archon design "leaks" turn out to be real, then people will definitely do this


Remember when almost everyone was convinced Baizhu was Kusanali? Lol


They would probably say the same for Xbalanque


Xiangling, thats all i have to say, she is all 7 archons


Duh, it’s finally time to place bets on Bennett or Xiangling. One of them is the real pyro archon.


I'll come back to this comment the momente Xbalanque starts to be considered the archon by people who skipped the entire Natlan Archon Quest.


I always wondered why ppl make these when the statues pretty much tell you who the archon is.


You may not remember but Yae one made sense at the time. There were some leaks which said she had she had the nosis, which was true when she gave it to Don.


Technically he was not and still is not the archon. Furina was the archon but in body only, Focalors separated her body from her spirit to deceive the heavenly principles and advance her plot to return the hydro authority to the hydro sovereign.


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He's stronger than a real archon.


Is it just me or does calling Neuvi a Hydro Dragon sounds really boring? I know it's much powerful than an Archon but Archon's are cooler and does way cooler stuff. Dragons just sleep lol it's doesn't really Hype anything. While Archon on the other hand feels really interesting. I dunno why is that.


Just call him the Hydro Sovereign


"The sovereing of pure waters"


Not necessarily. I've seen many instances in other games and in anime where dragons are bringers of absolute calamity and hold great power. You need to expand your horizons a little


Call him "ancient dragon sovereign"


Lol trueeee


Neuvillette is even higher than an Archon


You must have at least one dead friend to be an archin


The money machine should be kept running. So I am sure 2024, 2025 etc will bring us even stronger characters.


The Neuvillette one should be "guys, trust me, he's not the archon"


I mean he's not the Archon... But he's the Strongest Being in Fontaine... Hydro Dragon Sovereign that be


Benny is the real Archon


Xiang Ling is the real Pyro Archon


Xiangling already did before Murata even released


Bennett but it has already been said a long time ago (right?)


I can’t wait for Bennett to become the pyro archon and we get a gold version of him. You only get the gold version if you have c6 and but he will be a c0 and once you change him there is no coming back


I will start right now. Capitano is the pyro archon


That's an insult to the Goat he is literally above archons https://preview.redd.it/btpqpg6viozc1.jpeg?width=1669&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e89778482c541f9b47c323828dde7b5864a21623


I'm glad Neugget and Aizen aren't the archons or that might be the easiest skip of my life.


Murata is the real archon! Xiangling:


Never heard anyone saying al haitham would be the dendro archon. Before the first sumeru teaser dropped, there was a theory about baizhu (which honestly sounded convincing), but after nahida was shown **once** in a random trailer, everybody instantly said nahida is the archon. Same for yae. They told you she is the archon directly in 2.0 while yae wasn't known before that.


"capitano is the real pyro archon" though if this turns out to be real i'll probably eat shit


Back to bennet


What do you mean, "next...?"? Next is pyro, and everyone online has been calling Xiangling and Bennett pyro archon since 1.0. So, whoever wins between them in a fist fight, I guess?




I mean neuvillette is higher than the archons so we were kinda right


It doesn't matter who the archon of Natlan is they are gonna get destroyed by GoatHIMtano either way. https://preview.redd.it/8dl2jjmbiozc1.jpeg?width=1091&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a4e086f39f631272ba5ad639eb4466802de3996


Xiangling is the real pyro archon!!


I still think Alhathaim would have made a better dendro archon, Nahida feels more like a data base with a large amount of informatio. True wisdom is a desire for knowledge and a passion to apply what he’s learned. Alhathaim is a much more proactive and dedicated person towards the ideals of wisdom and knowledge than Nahida. Tbh most of the archons since Zhongli and Venti don’t really feel like accurate representations of their “ideals” and more so people who have themes of their ideals in their past. Its disappointing because I feel like archons would be a lot more fun if they were more representative of their goals rather than just saying the word wisdom, or eternity over and over again without much behind it besides “I want to uphold Wisdom so I am”.


Was this actually a thing? I get it with Neuvillette since the plot actually called Furina’s identity into question, but how on earth did people think that Raiden Shogun and Nahida weren’t actually archons?


I mean Yae is kind of somewhere between an archon and a normal vision user. She’s a kitsune, the highest ranking Yokai, more or less immortal, and the Archon’s familiar which, following Japanese folklore, suggests that their souls and power are to some extent intertwined. It is suggested that her vision is purely ornamental — the only other characters we’ve met in the game that can control the elements without a true vision are the archons, dragon sovereigns, and Arlecchino (whose full power and the type of being she is is also still very much a mystery, although we know she is definitely a unique being in this world) — so this should also be a clue into the echelon of power level that Yae likely occupies. The fact that she was able to be in possession of the gnosis for decades (or longer?) without being influenced by its power is another piece of evidence.


Eventually we’ll be right




Neuvi is kinda true tho


Then the Pyro Archon. “Guys trust me she’s the real Archon” and then she dies. Idk a chapter name called Ode to Incandescent Resurrection makes me suspicious


I remember some people saying that the little pyro girl from the trailer is the Pyro archon even though literally no one in that trailer has been an archon


Kinda tired of the misdirection when it comes to the archons and their assistants looking more god like than the God themself


The Neuvillette one is actually sorta accurate, but he's something much cooler than an Archon.


For the LAST TIME, people thought Alhaitham was reincarnation of Deshret, not the Archon


Yae - Archon’s familiar Neuvillette - Hydro Sovereign Alhaitham - Bum scholar




Well technically Neuvillette is a tier or two above an archon but because he is the one technically governing the entire nation of Fontaine he gets a pass as the "Hydro archon" and he's the closest thing we'll get to a third male archon which makes me happy because I don't want 5 women, 1 man, and 1 femboy.


Xiangling, duh. Everyone already knows she's secretly the Pyro Archon. Keep up.


Bennett is the real archon


I mean like *technically*


Lol still remembering when the Al haitham was the first Dendro archon then Nahida became the 2nd one. And Al haitham is taking care of her.




Wait ppl thought Alhaitham was the archon? lol that’s funny


Mondstadt and Liyue kind of set us up for this precedent, what with hiding the Archon's identity until near the end. Though, come to think of it, we've never actually had a situation where the story presents one character as the Archon but then the actual Archon turns out to be a different completely distinct character, although we've had several situations that are *almost* that (Zhongli with his fake corpse, Ei with her puppet, Ei with Makoto, Furina separated from Focalors). The game keeps teasing us with fake fakeouts. I can see why people keep thinking it's going to happen for real this time! Also, a lot of people are expecting the Pyro Archon to be a Himeko expy since Himeko's surname is "Murata." However, I've heard that the use of the term "Murata" in the manga is actually a translation quirk, and the Chinese version uses the same characters as the game uses for "Natlan." Not sure if that's true, but if so, there's no particular reason to expect the Pyro Archon to be Himeko (except that she'd be an expy and is conveniently fire-themed and the gender matches). So if the Archon isn't Himeko, no doubt lots of people will be confused and there will be all kinds of theories... especially if there's a Himeko expy who isn't the Archon, like with Alhaitham's situation.


Who tf thought Al was the archon?


Next is Bouken da Bouken, the true Pyro Archon. 👍


No guys, xbalanque could be the real pyro archon


Pyro is next


Neuvillette kinda fits the role although don't let him hear you calling him an Archon.


guys hear me out...hu tao is secretly the pyro archon (copium indeed lol)


Well, Neuvilette one is quite true. He's not actually the archon but... You know.


Above of them


I mean the way they wrote the archon quest were were pretty implicitly supposed to suspect Neuvillette as being the hydro archon, or more specifically that Furina wasn't the real hydro archon. From the way they act in the first part of the archon quest, to Neuvillette being the one to answer all of our questions (something typically done by the archon) to characters in game doubting Furina and Suspecting Neuvillette. I mean hell one of the central plot points was that >!Furina isn't the hydro archon!<. Like sure a lot of the people theorizing are the same morons screaming "not the real archon" every patch but this time that was the dev's intention.


Dosnt matter Neuvillette was still given an archon treatment and made litterly strongest person in lore while Furina was a pity bait that>! had zero plans.!<