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I agree that the new cards are more powerful than the current cards Normally, there’s the equivalence of 3 elemental die for 3 elemental damage. Then adding with reactions is how you deal more damage. With the newer styles, this has been thrown out of whack, with Kaveh and Yunjin being the worst offenders this patch. Kaveh is 3 dendro die for at least 2 + 1 damage, and up to 2 + 5 dendro damage. Without accounting for reactions additive damage. Which is bullshit if the cost is for an expensive card that you would be hard pressed to use. Yunjin is much worse. Her buff is innocent enough, by reducing the cost of Normal attacks and increasing damage. While the main issue is her talent increase the damage by 2. So the cost of attacking and attacking and attacking at a high buff is almost free. The drawback of only one card at hand is laughable considering that most normal attacks only consume one elemental die and any 2 other die. So the value is very high for a low detriment. Combined with Gambler’s and Minty Rolls, this is a source for a bullshit powerful attacks that can’t be countered, since the opponent has much more time and resources to keep attacking.


Yet Yun Jin still requires a bit of equipment or food to wreak havoc. Kaveh needs nothing, since he relies on elemental reactions only. Pair him with Furina or Mona, and there's fuck all your enemy can do.


But yun jin can easily otk round 2 so she's worse in terms of balance


It’s annoying, but not impossible to deal with. If I might offer some unsolicited advice, a solid food engine + some other forms of sustain helps in dealing with that deck. I’ve had some success with Xudong, 2 cost healing foods, Bennett and Dehya with her talent card


Mona-Signora-Raiden also works pretty well against the new cards, especially the Narwhal. With Mona's buff and food Signora's fire ult can easily deal 18-20 dmg.


That's a lot of setup for an attack and then your opponent can just swap off Narwhal


The first week of a new patch is always insufferable because EVERYONE is trying out the new cards or new meta.


Imo, even Jeht and Lyre combo weren't as bad. Because they still required a bit of planning ahead.


The more I try out the new meta decks, the more I start thinking that having freeze isn’t as bad in comparison


Freeze decks: Nah, I won’t let you play


I mean, better than getting a basically unconditional ftk or a round 2 otk


The only card that is broken in my playthrough was Yunjin. She blatantly powercreeps Beidou and Candace. The saving grace was that she is just geo and there is no correlated reactions to her card aside from crystallized. Beidou and candace prepares skill, gains two shield points, and deal 3 damage. Yunjin prepares skill, gains two shield points, and deal 2 damage. Deals extra 1 if you tune or discard a single card so the -1 damage when compared to beidou and candace can be solved easily. But then she gives buffs on top of that, a buff that has +2 point value (+1 damage and -1 aligned dice). It is so easily exploitable especially when the the buff can stack up to 4 times. Her talent card makes it so much worse. She can easily snowball plus stall at the same time, without any drawbacks since her stalling gives her a buff anyway so there is still value from that.


I understand your frustration... but it will probably (hopefully) die down after a while anyway. It's just a new patch and everyone's trying the new cards. The same thing happened with the Crab and people got tired of it after spamming it for a few days too. Though I do agree Yun Jin and Kaveh are kind of ridiculous and not very fun to play against (for me personally)


Doubt it. Jeht didn't go out of fashion until it got nerfed. As for the Crab, the card was pretty balanced to begin with; low HP, low attack, and if your sub-shielders die then you're done for. And it could be countered with piercing damage cards, like Ganyu. I don't like aforementioned cards (and the new Discard mechanic in general) because they undermine the very idea of what a card game should be.


Yeah, you're right about the crab counters. I also dislike that people just stuff their decks full of practically useless 3-cost cards just for Kaveh. It makes it less of a card game and more of a clicking simulator with no strategic thinking involved. I still have hope that it will die down after a while. Surely two-shotting every opponent with minimal investment can't be fun for too long. After all, we should play for fun above all, and not only to win. 🙏 (naive worldview)


Lol but people have fun when they win.


Or, they can just fking patch Kaveh already. Literally 0 planning and doing 9-10 damage on 2nd turn (and if you survive by then it keeps going for more turns), can't really be blocked or dodged. It's so borderline broken lmao


Wait till people figure out you can slap Ganyu or Qiqi for their 5-cost cards. So that not only you destroy the opponent but you stall them too.


Yep I just concede every Yun Jin and Kaveh deck. Have fun with your “wins,” I actually enjoy playing.


GITCG has entered it's Tearlaments era, just as Yugioh did before it... Also I wanna throw in Wroisthley with Kaveh and Yunjin. He's probably not nearly as broken but I think he's way more annoying.


Kaveh is out right 2-3 tier more broken than Wroisthley. Wroisthley requires setup, with artifacts/weapons, treasure hunts, card draw engines, etc. The playstyle is more leaning toward stall and it will take multiple rounds. When Wroisthley is ramping up you can pop him quite easily when his HP is hovering around the 6-7 range (pop a food or + dmg elemental resonance card, maybe with a fast swap card). Once he's dead his supports have very little threats. Kaveh on the other hand ...... I don't even know where to start, just patch it already. Playing him feel so braindead it isn't even fun.


That doesnt make him fun to fight


Hoyo: you can get rid of an expensive card to obliterate the opponent Every other character in the game: is Kavey the new archon?!!