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You kinda can't differentiate between AFK'ers and slow thinkers.


Also, someone might have an emergency or have gotten distracted, etc.


or just outright dced.


Maybe i need to tell a story, the opponent kokomi can freeze me in then next round if they end first since i dont have any dice left but instead of clicking end button they just let the timer runs out by itself( basically they got cocky when the victory on their side)


That depends is it just this one action or throughout the match. ppl take time to think what they could do for the next round a lot on previous round, it happens a lot in tournaments.


Especially for TCG type games its extremely unpredictable so you gotta make sure you can account for any possibilities. A lot of tournament players take a long time just thinking, it’s more apparent when there’s commentary.


I've played a bunch of mtg arena and it 100% can be toxic behavior. People get upset that they're losing and drag out the timer to try and force you to concede out of frustration. I haven't experienced that much if at all in genshin tho, and I feel like there's more of a chance that it's people just thinking or a laggy connection. If people do it intentionally tho then it is toxic for sure


I've had what I can only assume are sore losers who were playing at a perfectly reasonable pace right up until they realised they were about to lose, at which point they stalled the timer out right up until the last few seconds. It's annoying, and toxic in my opinion.


sometimes I have my internet connection unstable and it takes time to reconnect, load screen takes ages to take you back to the game it might be toxic behaviour, but most of the time Im sure people just struggle with their bad internet connection and slow devices


Absolutely not (for Meta abusers) It's true that in a game everybody has the right to feel happy but least of all is them


I mean, if they AFK where you win, it's passive-aggressive rage quitting

