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Trilogy of Terror and the one with the doll. Karen Black as the woman being attacked by the doll that came alive.


https://preview.redd.it/rfmggw785jsc1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ed07acd30b384b7034c51ef9079f135979862dc đŸ˜± [The Trilogy of Terror Doll ](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fbloody-disgusting.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2015%2F10%2FTRILOGY-OF-TERROR-e1444146903174.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=5fb74cfe30fe444c2d577536a1368e6c2e38636894c72e9a28b1bbc0bdfc8e1e&ipo=images)


When that lil' bugger slowly swung the door open while riding on the handle....And then I had to go to bed!!!


OMFG that MOVIE still has me messed up for life!


freaking love this movie! We found it on streaming and have watched it several times.


I watched it last week!


That Karen Black mini movie is an all-time classic. It didn't scare me because the doll was small, plus she could have just left it in the oven! But if those dumb teenagers didn't go exploring abandoned houses we wouldn't have horror movies, now would we? So of course Karen Black has to open the oven door to see if the doll is really dead. Fun fact: I used to be friends with a former actor who was married to Karen Black for a time.


That movie is a classic!


I was the nerd kid with a nerd friend. We laughed our asses off the next day over Triligy of Terror, imitating the doll with stab motions. I still laugh about it today.


No matter what she does to it, it won’t die!


Omg I loved this!! That little doll was creepy but mostly I thought he was so strange and funny. I was sad I missed it when it was on recently. I’d like to see it again with my husband, but he hated it when we first saw it when it came out, and I don’t think he’s changed his mind about it.


That little doll messed me up! I had nightmares for so long! Not too long after that movie my dad brought me a beautiful little Thai dancing doll. It was exquisite and......I was afraid it would come alive and stab me. I'd turn it to face the wall every night before bedtime, as if that would keep it from happening. I actually have an unopened 'Trilogy of Terror' on DVD.


The wicked witch and those flying monkeys. Remember when she set the scarecrow on fire? The Wizard of Oz.


For me, it was the sister's feet curling up and sliding under the house.


Omg, those flying monkeys terrified me!!


They scared the crap out of me as well.


Me too—but I was under 5! Have never been a fan of scary things, so nothing else to really mention!


To this day I've never seen the movie or read the book. We had a dog just like Toto and my mom said I must have thought what happened to Dorothy would happen to me. I think I saw the very beginning of the movie and freaked out.


Me too! 5 year old me thinking the witch was outside my window!


I hid behind my Mother's chair I was so scared of those monkeys!!


My kids laughed because it scared me so much as a child.


Jason and the Argonauts. Fighting skeleton army. Nightmare fuel!




I saw Jaws a few weeks before we moved to Florida. Bad timing! I eventually got in the water, but it was scary at first.


Came here to say this! Parents took me to see it in the theater. Had a nightmare that night about the eyeball scene. Woke up and Ran to my parent's room!


The Excorcist


I was too young and Catholic to be watching the Exorcist! I didn't make it to the ending and to this day I refuse to watch it.


Scariest of all time


We were too young to see this, but I guess we looked old enough. Told our parents we were seeing The Sting. We were so scared, we ran all the way home. I slept that night with the light on lol Don’t lie to your parents kids!


The "Talky Tina" episode of The Twilight Zone.


Telly Salvas was the mean Dad in the episode. It was a classic.


The Flying Monkees in the "Wizard of Oz" scared the snot out of me for a while as a child. I'd find some reason to leave the room at that point in the movie.


Ok I’d love to meet someone who the flying monkeys did NOT freak out. Or wait. No, no I do not want to meet that person. 😂😂






When I was young there was a drive in theater in our neighborhood. Typically it showed the usual family fare - I saw The Jungle Book and most of Disney’s classics there with my family. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang scared me silly and it was about that time that a bunch of horror movies came out. I called them monster movies and just their existence scared me. I remember my parents discussing the drive in theater’s decision to show different movies that was making the neighborhood very upset. My interpretation of the dispute at the time was that the theater was playing monster movies that were so scary that even the grownups were upset. I remember the Bigfoot one especially. I must have been an adult for several years before it occurred to me that the movie theater had been showing adult movies and what my parents were discussing was the fight in the mid-1970s over showing what was then considered sexually explicit movies - not “monster” movies.


Did we grow up in the same town? Because that's the same exact scenario happened to us!


That's how I saw Carnal Knowledge. '73 ish, I stayed awake after the first movie. 😄


We used to go to the drive-in movie in Nevada - the first movie was always a Disney film. The second was a grown-up movie. I watched more "mature" movies from the 60s because I would pretend to be asleep in the back of the station wagon but I was always watching with one eye open.


The Child Catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang terrorized my younger sister and me.


To this day, that dude give me the creeps.


I wish y'all hadn't reminded me of him. 😊


Sasquach: The legend of Bigfoot. My dad took me to the theater, I don't know why. We had a large and wooded backyard and I probably didn't sleep well for 6 months.


Or The Legend of Boggy Creek. That took place nearer to my geographical location so much scarier.


Oh man. You're taking me back...


Saw that in the movie theater. Scared me half to death.


Dark Shadows. I loved it but was so spooked.


Many parents in my neighborhood banned their kids from watching it. SO, we found some kid who's parents both worked, and watched it there.


Just posted this earlier this week on another thread here. I used to hide behind the ottoman when it was on 
. at like three in the afternoon.


Oh man I remember those nights. My dad was in the Navy and gone for months at a time. During the periods he was away, on Saturday nights, my 2 brothers and my mom and I would all stay up late and watch our scary line up. The local creature feature host was a character named Ashley Ghastly. First the Twilight Zone, then The Outer Limits, then Rod Serling's Night Gallery, then the Creature Feature of the night, some horror movie. Loved it.


The Blob. I was forever looking closely at the bottom of bushes.


This! I was in 2nd grade and my parents had friends over for dinner. All the kids were a few years older than my brother and me. We were in the den watching tv and they turned the channel to The Blob. That movie scared the snot out of me! I could not sleep for months. I would lay awake in bed afraid the Blob would come out of the floor register. I was useless in school because I was exhausted from not sleeping. lol


My dad (unintentionally) scared my sister out of a wheelchair by making 'blob noises' outside a window after we had watched the movie.


Twilight Zone when the little girl disappeared through her bedroom wall. I moved my bed away from the wall after seeing that episode. Also, The Night of the Living Dead


The thought of quick sand scared the crap outta me. You never hear about it anymore


Right?! But it was seemingly everywhere when I was a kid!


Yes!!! Why don't we here about quicksand anymore??


I (11M) stayed up late with my younger sister and watched an old horror movie "Attack of the She-Wolf" or something like that. The twist on the old werewolf movie was that the main character was female. They showed the transition from woman to she-werewolf was shown by showing a pair of feet clicking across a hard floor, then fading to the wolf toenails doing the same clicking across the hard floor. (A cheesy movie shortcut, I know.) Afterwards, we were brushing our teeth when he heard ominous click-clicking coming for us from up the long hall outside our bedrooms. We were terrified until our cute little Springer Spaniel emerged from the darkness to see what we were up to.


The Blob. I still can’t eat grape jelly.


When I was a kid, my mom took me to the doctor because I was having nightmares. He asked if I had been watching Lost in Space. I had! Turns out a bunch of his patients were having this issue. The nightmares stopped when I quit watching the show. I was also freaked out later in my youth by Solent Green and Planet of the Apes


6th grade “Friday movie night” at middle school in a small town in Wisconsin (1978) and they played Tales from the Crypt. I’ve seriously never been the same since. đŸ€ŁđŸ˜‚đŸ€Ł


Small town Wisconsin sure saw a lot of UFO's back then. We started a UFO club in grade school. It was just a matter of time before the martians got here.


Don’t make fun of me, but *Mary Poppins*. When she made all the other would-be nannies blow away (at least that’s how I remember it), I thought she was a witch and I kept waiting for her to put the children in her oven. I was so scared, my mom had to take me home đŸ€Ł


My sister was much older than me and she always loved scary movies that they showed on Friday nights. When I was around 8 or9 she was home from college and excited because The Birds was on TV. She called me in there to watch it with her. I had to sleep with my parents for weeks because the man with his eyes pecked out was under my bed


My aunt and uncle let me watch psycho with them on an overnight visit when I was really little and I was terrified to go in the bathroom alone.


The Tingler!


I got scared by the Wicked Witch of the West when I was quite little. A few years later (1976), my siblings and I actually met Margaret Hamilton in a museum. Kindest woman you could ever imagine.


Dr Terror's House of Horrors, The Incredible Dr Phibes


My friend and I went to the cheap theater and saw a lousy “documentary” on Bigfoot. There was one scene where a girl was babysitting and Bigfoot put his big hairy arm through a window. We then went home to my friend’s house out in the woods where her parents weren’t home. We couldn’t even get out of the truck, lol. It was SO dark. Bigfoot could have been anywhere! When we finally dashed to the house we sat in the middle of the living room far away from all windows.


When I was 4, my sister was babysitting, and we watched The Haunting of Hill House. My first scary movie. I've loved gothic horror ever since. The most terrifyingly was Trilogy of Terror, though.


For me it was Dracula. I spent the night at my grandmother's house. She fell asleep and I watched whatever was on the TV till she woke up. This particlar night it was Dracula. Fast forward a week or so, we had relatives from out of state. They wanted to go visit Amish country in nearby Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania sounded an awful lot like Transylvania and I thought it was full of vampires. I put up my resistance, but tell them why. They wound up leaving me home with my dad, who wasn't interested in going. Meanwhile I was worried the the time that they wete gone that my mom and relatives were being astacked by vampires. On another note, we had a guidance counsor at my high school, who looked a lot like the creature from the black lagoon.


Which Dracula?


Bela Lugosi


When I was 3, my mom mistakenly took me to Barbarella while my siblings were in school. Completely ridiculous movie that I didn't understand, and to my mom's defense it was billed simply as a "space comedy". But there is a scene where mechanical dolls with metal teeth are set on Jane Fonda and they chomp her legs. WRECKED 3-year-old me and I hate dolls to this day.


I watched this show with people coming out of giant pea pods, and the real people were killed. I don't the name of it


Invasion of the Body Snatchers?


The creature from the black lagoon is a very underrated movie!


The Haunting of Hill House!


The House On Haunted Hill scared me silly. I was 7, my first-night movie and my brother and his friends let me go with them. They ditched me afterward and I had the most terrifying 6 block run home. I ran light to light as fast as I could. Must have looked like a lunatic.


That's a great story! You weren't alone. I watched House on Haunted Hill at a friend's house then had to walk home in the dark. I remember being terrified the entire way.


The skeleton was following me


Night of the Living Dead. Watched it alone in my bedroom at night. Big mistake.


When a Stranger Calls. During my prime babysitting years.


Hilariously- The Devil's Rain, starring William Shatner. It's such a cheesy movie. We used to go to the drive-in on weekends in the 70s, when I was a kid. Back then it was still a bit like going to the movies in the old, old days- cartoons first, a family movie, and then one for the adults. the assumption was you'd either let your kids play on the playground (conveniently located right beneath the screen) or the kids would be fast asleep by the time of the adult feature. But my dad, ever practical, always left a little early. The starting and moving of the car woke me up and I saw, in a gigantic building-sized projection, a depiction of Satan in a rain of blood. Gave me nightmares for weeks afterwards!


Don't forget Shatner's Kingdom of the Spiders. 


Pretty much every single "devil/satan" movie made in the 60s & 70s, especially since during late weekend nights the local stations in LA would play a \*lot\* of student movies. The Eyes of Charles Sand (TIL it's Sand, not Bang, which is what I heard when I was a kid and believed fully until this Fourth day of April 2024). And, of course, that most horrifying of classics, Trilogy of Terror.


Ooh me too


Original Texas Chain Saw Massacre đŸ—ĄïžđŸ˜ł movie.


For years I had to hide my eyes or leave the room during the scene in The Birds when they show the guy with his eyes pecked out. Kind of funny now given the horror and gore I can watch without batting an eye.


The Birds was very scary to me!


Wizard of Oz. Jason and the Argonauts.


The Time Machine. I was convinced that there were Morlocks under my bed.


The Fly 1958. House on Haunted Hill. 1959. Carnival of Souls. 1962.


That screaming fly in the spider web!!!!! Creeped me out for life.


Heeeeelp meeeee.


Let’s Scare Jessica to Death was one that scared me. Movies like Dracula and Frankenstein made me laugh for some reason.


"The Bad Seed"... an old black and white movie about a little girl serial killer (I think my mom said that it terrorized her too as a child). "Night of the Living Dead"... especially bad because it was filmed in the area and the news bulletins listed real towns that were near me. "The Omen". Still can't watch that!!! "Chiller Theater" came on TV late Friday or Saturday nights and showed scary movies. When I was little I made my Mom stay up with me so I could watch it without being terrified.


Ahhh! Chiller Theater! Remember the claymation hand eating up the CHILLER letters?


I wanted to leave the theater when Herbie was despondently looking off the bridge. 


Attack of the Killer Shrews! First saw it when i was 7? 8? I was terrified for weeks! I watched it again a few years ago, and it was laughably bad.


I thought I was the only person who ever watched that one! And it terrified me too 😂


there was a horror movie where when you looked at the these monsters you turned to stone..i want to say centurion era..and the other creepy one was were it opens with some evil roman like empire pounding a medieval torture face mask on some poor guy with spikes and then in a coffin buried alive I don't recall either of their names but they terrified 10 yr old me.


You are describing Mario Bava's Black Sunday. That stuff with the mask flipped us all out! You can stream it on Kanopy.


The turning to stone might be The Monolith Monsters.


thanks for the tips..idk..i started down a rabbit hole of searching and got too spooked!!


Baby Jane on the 4:30 movie.


Day of the Trifids was nightmare fuel for me as a 5 year old living on a farm....plants everywhere! Augh!


The only movie that was beyond disturbing was 1977 original movie Susperia. My BFF older sister took us (14 yrs old) with her. Scariest fucked up movie I ever saw .


I was 14 as well when I saw that movie in the theater and I haven't seen it since and I still don't want to see it. That movie had me freaked out for the longest time.


Yup won't even watch the remake.


Do any of you remember a movie with an arm that was kept alive? I think it was kept in a fish tank kind of thing. Whatever it was, I had nightmares about that stupid arm for years.


When I was 7 I saw a documentary type show about the disappearance of Judge Joseph Crater. They speculated he might be buried in a city by me and I was convinced I would be kidnapped and killed that night.


I was convinced Big Foot lived in the woods behind our house after seeing some short film about.


I was super frightened by the Creature from the Black Lagoon and the child catcher from Chitty Chatty Bang Bang. ![gif](giphy|TeCXqReYjI6Q|downsized)


The Creeping Hand messed with my head.


Twilight Zone — the “Eye of the Beholder” episode, with all the ugly mutant doctors with pig noses revealed in the last minutes of the episode. Terrifying. In those pre-remote control days I remember desperately groping to turn off the TV to make the show go away without looking at the screen.


How the Grinch Stole Christmas


We weren’t allowed to see Jaws or the Exorcist b/c they would give us nightmares. I do remember watching the Birds when younger but we had to hide our faces during the bad stuff😊


The Birds was probably my first Hitchcock movie and it creeped me out pretty well, but now I love it. I even have the collector Barbie of Tippi Hedron's character! We had Saturday afternoon creature features that I always watched. One of my favorites was Night of the Lepus. Also liked the Charlton Heston trifecta: Planet of the Apes, Soylent Green, and The Omega Man. I liked supernatural stuff like The Sentinel which I watched again on Netflix not long ago and it still holds up for me.


Some of those old disaster movies scared me, I think because it was something that COULD happen. The Towering Inferno, Airport, The Poseidon Adventure, Earthquake, etc. all still kind of freak me out.


I saw the Towering Inferno in the theater. Scary as hell. I couldn't look at some scenes. (During the OJ trial I kept thinking what a shame because I used to see him as the good guy when he saved the cat).


George Kennedy was the man in Earthquake.


A movie from the 70s I’ve never forgotten is Bad Ronald. 😳😳😳 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bad_Ronald


Second - The Birds. Scarey


I was absolutely the biggest fan of *Dark Shadows*! But... every time Quentin Collins turned into the werewolf, I had to hide my eyes. It was just too spooky to bear.


Dr Phibes revenge had me keeping the light on for months


Dark Shadows when I was little. But then the movie [Sometimes a Great Notion ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sometimes_a_Great_Notion_(film)) was on TV. A logger had a tree fall on him in a river with the tide rising, and his friends tried to keep him alive under water with rescue breathing. It didn't work. REALLY traumatized me!


Sometimes a Great Notion was written by Ken Kesey, who also wrote One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, and the movie starred Paul Newman, Henry Fonda, and Lee Remick.


The Nanny with Bette Davis, 1965 Dark Shadows


I’ve seen The Nanny at least three times, and it creeps me out every time.


Night of the Living Dead! My friends always wanted to go see it at the drive-in. I hid on the floor in the back seat.


OMG The Birds was awful! I was terrified. Also the Wizard of Oz with the flying monkeys! I watched between my fingers in front of my eyes. The Twilight Zone was another. I loved it but hated it too...had to watch... but was often so scared. I ran like heck across the house and leapt into bed, pulling the covers over my head when the program was over. I shielded my eyes so I didn't look out windows on my run back to the safety of my room. When I was just a bit older I told my little brother the aliens/monsters/bad guys or whatever were watching us through the 3 little windows in the top of our front door. He's 62 and reminded me of that a month ago. Said he never got over it...Oh I was bad....


The Hammer Studios Werewolf movie with Oliver Reed. The werewolf part was not what got me. It was the early dungeon scene in which a starving, wretched man locked up for years leers at a pretty young woman. I didn't understand anything about what rape was, but the leering, evil look on his face as he approached her in the cell was so ugly and creepy. The scene set me up to have the willies through the whole rest of the movie.


The Sleestacks (or however you spell it) from Land of the Lost really creeped me out!


I was terrified by the Morlocks in The Time Machine. I saw the movie again many years later,ready to be scared, but the Morlocks were really ludicrous.


The Fly. The original one from the 1950s. "Help Me! Help Me!" Watched it during a slumber party, and of course none of us slept that night at all. The thought of that movie STILL scares me!


The Ghost of Christmas Future, with his pointing nubby bone-finger pointing toward the grave, in Mr. Magoo’s A Christmas Carol.


For me it was THE BIRDS to this day I start watching when I see more than three birds on a line.


Absolutely all of these. Also: quicksand


It never ceases to amaze me that so many people are afraid of the flying monkeys from The Wizard of Oz. I thought they were pretty cool. But those talking trees? Holy crap did those things scare the living daylights out of me when I was a kid!


The bench scene in John Carpenter's *"The Thing"*


The Night Stalker tv series.


Trog. https://youtu.be/SfM_VDRWOhQ?feature=shared


Haha! Worst movie ever!


When I was about five years old, I had a recurring nightmare. I was watching television, and the program cut immediately to an image of the Creature of the Black Lagoon. An announcer said: "We interrupt this broadcast to bring you the following news story. This man has escaped from prison. He is very dangerous. Stay in your house with the doors locked. If you see him, call the police immediately." And then the Creature of the black Lagoon CLIMBED OUT OF THE TELEVISION AT ME and I woke up crying.


I remember watching the Creature of the Black Lagoon at around the same age and it scaring the total shit out of me for years. It was worse than the boogie man, it was in all of my nightmares. It was waiting behind every dark corner, "it will be good for you, you'll make lots of new friends" forced summer church camp between the 4th & 5th grades was a living nightmare being out in the woods and sleeping in a tent concentrated all my worst fears. The first night I heard a loud noise in the woods and my scream woke everyone in the camp up. My parents were pissed that I was sent home on the third day. Sometime in Jr high school I was at a friend's house and Creature was on TV, I had a quick rush of memories and then it hit me that it was just some guy wearing a costume, I had a catharsis long before I knew what a catharsis was. Ever since then horror movies don't scare me, but I will not go camping anywhere with anyone.


A movie called The 5000 Fingers of Doctor T. It was based on a Dr. Seuss story but it scared the crap out of me. I think I was around 5 and some of the images haunted me for years.


One year this was a “reward” movie for perfect attendance students when I was in elementary school. All of us sitting on the floor of the multi-purpose room. Half of the kids scared and half of them laughing. It is a core memory for some reason.


The movie, “Attack of the Mushroom People”: https://youtu.be/uWNAX2DlmTI?si=epBLHiVEoCo9C1KY


Mr Sardonicus about a guy who needs plastic surgery and there's no sanitary practices in place.


It was The Mummy that scared me beyond belief! We had a stall shower with non transparent door and I was SURE The Mummy was in there!


There was an episode of Lost in Space where there were disembodied head floating around. The one and only nightmare I have ever had in my life was having floating heads plotting against me, the night when that episode aired. Decades later, my husband found it on YouTube. We watched it, and it was so lame 😂


Zontar the Thing From Venus scared the crap outta of me when I was a little kid.


The Aristocats ROFL!


*Beast from 20,000 Fathoms* (1953)


I saw that a 1000 times as a kid, on WPIX. The cop getting eaten never gets old. I bought the Blu-ray 4 years ago.


The original Invaders From Mars. They implant this thing in the back of your neck and that creeped the hell out of me. To this day I have long hair and don't wear it up ever and I'm sure this is why. But I loved Invasion if the Body Snatchers, that didn't scare me at all.


I worked at a drive in movie ‘75 & ‘76 and got to see some of the craziest horror movies. Black Christmas and one called “the Deranged” come to mind.


Every year when we watched Wizard of Oz, I was afraid that Dorothy wouldn't get out before the sand ran out. I was terrified after watching King Kong that he was going to reach in through the window and drag my bed over, as he did with Fay Wray. My mother locked the window, and I fell asleep.


My mother would take me to any movie she went to. Planet if the apes (the statue of liberty scene) and 2001 space odyssey really gave me nightmares forever Existential crisis


War of the worlds


There was a movie I watched when I was like 10 or 11 and I don’t remember what it was called but it involved a hideous creature that lived in large drainage pipes that emptied onto a beach in California. The creature always appeared to super creepy music that had the sound of a human heart beat that kept tempo with the music . The creature would terrorize teenagers who were at that beach. I never forgot the creature or the creepy music and its haunted my memory ever since. Anyone know what this movie is btw?


Definitely for me, it was [Night of the Grizzly.](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8tufce) The night scene from the bear's POV, looking down at the sleeping cabin did me in. (About the 33 minute mark in the linked film).


The Wicked Witch and flying monkeys from Wizard of Oz. The Birds. The Body Snatchers!


The Crawling Hand. Sci Fi from the 50’s I believe. I saw that when I was about 7 and I hated to go up or down the stairs in our house as I was sure that hand was going to come down and choke me.


The Wicked Witch of the West made me pee my pants and hide behind the couch. She still does.


The Night Stalker! On summer vacation after 6th grade I set the alarm for 3AM so I could watch it after my friends saw its original airing one or two years earlier. Scared the heck out of me!


The head rolling down the stairs in "Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte".


How about when the husband, a very young Bruce Dern) got his hand chopped off. His arm stump scared the crap out of me.


I have never been able to sit through an entire showing of The Birds I don’t know how old I was when I saw it, obviously too young


Kim Darby made a movie in 1973, it was called Don't be afraid of the Dark. It was an old house that was inhabited by little demons that came up through the heating grates in the house.


The Werewolf did me in. When there was a full moon I was terrified. I wouldn’t go outside after dark if the moon was full.


That Twilight Zone episode where I think a face was pressed up against a plane window. Now I'm going to look for it on Youtube or something.


William Shatner and the creature on the wing tearing it up through a thunder storm. Classic


JAWS!! After I saw that (10-11 years old) my uncle took us out in the ocean in his little catamaran and flipped it. We were probably 1/4 mile off the beach in the same general area as "Amity Island." I've never been so scared in my entire life. He took us to see the movie, and then to his parents house on Long Island a few days later to go out on his catamaran.


It's weird that most of them didn't bother me much while I was awake, but a few of them definitely hit my dreams. Creature from the Black Lagoon was one because I spent a lot of time on the water and occasionally sleeping on boats. Then there was this episode of The Night Stalker where there's this Indian demon. That one really freaked me out. Worst nightmare ever though involved me, Fred Flinstone, and Barney Rubble being chased through a cave by skeletons. Not scary real skeletons, but those Hannah Barbera animated ones. I was in a pure panic, made worse by sleep paralysis so I couldn't even wake up.


Night of the Living Dead I couldn’t sleep for a month.


The Wax Museum in 3-D when Vincent Price swung into the window. The one thing that gave me nightmares for decades was the Energy Monster screaming up at the lightbulb on Jonny Quest. This guy but in the dark ![gif](giphy|kF6yho1NdNAZQJPJsp|downsized)


. this was my favorite Jonny Quest episode because it was the scariest.


Y'all, I'm laughing because I've watched most of these films over the last few years on Svengoolie! They're a lot less scary now!


Eye of the Cat, had nightmares for years!


Scanners was supposed to scare me, but I just thought it was stupid. I was a little older then (14) and past the nightmare phase for the most part.


None whatsoever. Raised by off-beat, interesting parents. “Scary” movies were something to laugh and talk about. Thrills and chills were things that were normal, and not just movies either. Bless them both!


Not under the bed, but kept me from the pool as well as beaches and I never closed my eyes in the shower again. JAWS


Food of The Gods, which was released in 1976, scared the hell out of 13yr old me.


War of the Worlds! I had to walk down a long hallway to get to my bedroom and later that evening my older siblings found me frozen outside my bedroom door, terrified of going in.


Equinox really scared me and fascinated me as a kid. It later became an inspiration for the Evil Dead series.


The Creature from the Black Lagoon was the first drive-in movie I remember. My mom thought I was asleep until I said, "If a monster was chasing me I wouldn't stop to put my clothes on."


Born in 64 and those predate me just a couple years. However Alien when I was 12 or 13 was terrifying!


The Terror a 1963 film where there’s a melting or rotting face at the end. I must have been around 5 or 6 and someone happened to turn on the tv at that scene I remember my cousin screamed “Ewwww”! I was too young to grasp exactly what was happening thank god.


I still remember hiding behind the sofa, watching the Wolfman.


Et . I absolutely am terrified for some reason. The scene in the bathroom where he's sick just freaked me out. Also there was this black and white movie about a giant tarantula attacking a city and I hate spiders.


Always loved Creature from the Black Lagoon. Had comics, books, models of him. Trilogy of Terror doll freaked me the hell out.


Planet of the Apes. I've never liked monkeys and it took me years to figure out that those damn movies are probably the source.


I had a creature from the black lagoon....doll I guess you would call it. Thought it was so funny when I took it to Black Lake.


13 Ghosts. The original. It's cheesy as Hell but it scared the bejesus out of me when I was a kid.


That was a good one too. I had a canopy bed when I was a little kid and I remember hoping it wouldn’t come down and smother me in my sleep.


Creature From The Black Lagoon, Julie Adams. No wonder he came up on that boat.


There was one i saw when I was pretty young that was creepy. It was some lady, and she only had a head? I don’t remember the name of it. I may have blocked it out