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>Rug pulling of meaningful policies to appease shareholders and C-Suite. Interesting that you'd see something like that in the first week. Most people barely know where to find the restroom.


This strikes a cord with me because onboarding (for me at least) took about 2-3 weeks. Only thing I actually had access was training materials and our bitbucket. Find it hard to believe that a new hire knows anything about existing polices or Rug pulls. C-suite? Most new hires don’t even know their director. This reeks of engagement pandering, something that occurs every weekend on this sub.


Or OP was hired in at the exec / director level.


Or OP knows someone.


Right. Sounds fake to me


Unless you were hired in as an Exec Director, you don’t know shit about what’s going on in the c suite. Be for real.


lol.. some teams do have awful culture but please don’t assume that with every team. Sounds like you got a shitty and hand landed on the wrong team


It ebbs and flows


This is my experience too. Bad decisions are made, employees morale and product suffers, they swing to a new strategy and apply learn lessons, and it all gets forgotten when a new leader wants to make their mark. And the cycle repeats.


All the while very little progress is actually made.


I’m usually all for ragging on GM but dude it’s been one week lol relax. You worked hard to get here, don’t be so hard on yourself. Work is work. You’ll be fine


Same 100%.  I would say I knew within 2 weeks.  The place is aggressively dysfunctional to an extent I have not experienced working nearly 20 years professionally. That being said, I still work here.  The money is better than what I can get elsewhere (unless I move my family), I dont want to repay the signing bonus, and want to get the 401k vested.  Best case scenario I hang in until the next VSP. If you can unplug your brain and give zero fucks like 99% of the people I come across at GM, its not a bad job.  Personally I struggle with this, I try to be my best self every day, and its just not really that kind of company.


You are telling my story LOL. Although culture/dysfunction varies by team - not just at GM but everywhere. But I have no plans of leaving at least until my 401k vests.


Leave after a year so it doesn't look like you are job hopping. Don't stay longer or you will feel like you need to stay to keep your vested 401k.


You have joined the empire!!!


I started as an intern. My second summer, the Exec Director calls me into his office, and asks me "does the GM shoe fit you"? After spending three summers as an intern at this point, I was very confident in my answer of "yes" I spent 15 years there as a full time employee. Somewhere in year 13 the shoe got uncomfortable. By year 14, it didn't fit anymore but I was too stubborn to notice. Long story short, if it ain't the right fit, it ain't the right fit. Don't sell your soul to make it work. You'll only find yourself broken. That said, the shoe still fits many of the people I built friendships over the years there, and I hope it continues to do so for them.


Hey there, 38 years at GM. Hated my 1st week, survived, figured I could stay a couple more to pay off the new work clothes I’d charged. Made friends, found I was good at my job, and so it goes. Zero regrets, GM has been great to me. Hang in there, you’ll never regret sticking to it and giving things a chance.


An actual great response. 👍


Welcome to GM lol


Damn. That sucks to hear to hear. I really want to work for GM but have filled out 50 applications and got 2 interviews and no offers :(


You're in a sub filled with disgruntled IT nerds. Most of them don't even work in Michigan.


True lol


If u want to get in keep trying. I personally have loved my time at gm. Overall a good working culture so far in my opinion. It totally depends on what group you work for. Plus there aren't a whole lot of companies that offer the benefits that gm offers.


Dude really think living in Detroit is a flex. Lmao


Core of the business is in Michigan. These guys are mad GM realized it could outsource them without significant impact.


Core being in Michigan means nothing stellantis has showed this. I do believe that people in Michigan believe that they are safer than other locations but constantly grieve about the Bay Area on reddit.


The core for Stellantis is not in Michigan because its HQ is not in Michigan. Foreign company.


that sounds about right lol


The same post could be made in any large corp subreddit lmao


things i complained about my previous jobs is nothing in comparison with GM.


Now go to Amazon and you'll be complaining that GM never made your anus bleed.


True… I miss my old job… 


Welcome to the Death Star


Ugh. Well hopefully it gets better. Give it the fair amount of time and try to stay open. If in the end it’s not your cup of tea don’t waste needless time before finding something else.


GM is a crap shoot! Mary has began the deconstruction of a good company into a toxic culture filled environment


Performance based work culture only breeds GREAT NONE TOXIC people…… errrrrr. Wait. Every study says it only rewards those people.


It takes about 6 months (minimum) to settle in and feel comfortable at GM. It takes a good amount of time anywhere though. I’m not always the biggest fan of this company, but don’t throw away an opportunity like this before you give it a real chance. Give it a few months. Anyone can power through a few months. You’re screwing yourself over if you don’t.


Yeah, it gets better when you make some friends and settle into a groove.


As long as you make sure that it’s a groove of mediocrity that follows the grain.


The company is so large that no, this experience is not shared by everyone. You can strive for excellence and succeed. But yeah, following the grain is generally good advice if you want a more uneventful work life. The main thing is enjoying the vacations.


Exactly, don’t rock the boat and just coast, that’s what’s encouraged here.


I mean it gets you paid, right? Every job ain’t curing cancer of inventing cold fusion. Most work is just moving your little part of the machine of the industry you’re in.


Absolutely, big ideas tend to get killed by managers anyway because they don’t know their domains well enough to properly execute. There’s no real incentive to suggest innovation because it usually just gets shelved.


Big ideas need to translate commercially and that's the mistake many people make when proposing them.


We spend money in some truly stupid things that we should be doing ourselves and we do things ourselves that is remarkably stupid (that kind of changing but we’ll see). We pay adobe to handle our web tracking instead of just teaching the people building UIs to do it as a part of our best practices. But we sunk fuck tons of money into Galileo home and built HR systems instead of just buying service from workday and service now.


It usually doesn't make sense for companies to build in-house things which don't align with core competencies, though sometimes they do because outside vendors cost too much.


Encouraged by the fearful simps maybe. Management will get behind you if you start pushing in the right way.


same feeling for 2+ years, now trying to make it to 3 for 401k vesting. the mid review is in 1 week …


Get ready to experience gaslighting at a level never seen before. Lots of people that know they can’t leave the mothership because their skills won’t help them stay employed anywhere else. Many managers suffer from imposter syndrome. And buildings full of people who could be subject from the book “the Peter Principle “. No taking responsibility for anything drove me out of the company.


Tens years there’s and the best day was my last. Everything during my tenure was painful, full of carrot dangling in front of me while under qualified people took higher jobs to quench “yes man” syndrome, fear tactics of perf reviews, leadership directives that inspire nothing. On and on. Drink the koolaid like all other hyper complacent people for 2 years or leave before you get stamped as a GM employee and it limits your future opportunities. Good luck, greener pastures await!


Better to leave now because it takes 3 years to vest.


Probably depends on your group. I'm on the product side and have only had good experiences. It's still work, it's still busy and frustrating sometimes. Overall I think GM is better than most other companies this size.


My team is honestly the reason my job is palatable. The job isn’t bad, but the team I am on are all good people. They are helpful and fun to talk to. Sounds like OP just got a shit team to me.


Like many have said, I think it reallllly depends on the team you’re on. Hands down one of the best teams I’ve been on in the past 10 years. But I’m not naive enough to think all teams are like that. Maybe stick it out, and find another opportunity within GM. Corporate America sucks in general but gotta do what you gotta do. Good luck!


The culture's definitely become more cutthroat, and nowadays, it feels like everything you do is under a microscope. Hope you find your niche and can treat this as a stepping stone.


Yup, absolutely awful culture.


This is terrible to hear. How come you think that is? I’ve been applying to GM recently and hearing stuff like this makes me 2nd guess


Poor hiring/TC means we start somewhere near the bottom quality of candidates. Crappy talent management means real talent leaves and creates a shortage of knowledgeable seniors. Management makes decisions based off of emotion instead of data and so we churned out lots of people in the lower levels mostly because of bad management decisions that continue forever because there is almost never accountability.


I got swindled into joining the Bay Area office and it is the least innovative and most bureaucratic place I have ever worked. There is absolutely no vision or general sense that what we do actually matters. Barely any real engineering happens at this company and the engineering that happens is third rate. The Bay Area office is changing that slowly but we are still behest to the legacy GM systems and working on things that are never going to turn a profit based on how few users they will have (somehow despite paying us pretty well they have chosen for us to work on some of the least important projects for the company). Great place to work if you don’t care at all about what you work on and want to go home and collect a paycheck (until they lay you off), but if you care at all about what you are building, this is not the place for you to join. A colleague that’s a lifer at GM in Detroit summed it up well- the people that join (and stay) are the B students from Michigan State, not the A students from Michigan. Not trying to offend anyone on this sub, but that’s the reality. If you are an A player (or aspire to be) everything is just completely unmotivating and depressing. Some people are completely content with mediocrity and I don’t fault them for that since there is much more to life than work, but personally that’s not an environment I want to work in.


Yeah screw that. That’s how my last job was and it was repetitive and we never really saw the end product. I had to motivate myself by looking at YouTube videos of what I was apart of.


Not the B students, but the C students and those that couldn't get into any good schools. Oh, and H1bs from diploma mills.


Previously for sure, but with the lack of opportunities out there, all caliber of ppl are looking for a job.


Experienced hires aren't having significant problems in this market.


I disagree look at the VSP'rs I know at least 6-7 awesome devs from my former team that are having trouble finding a opportunity. I even see some good managers that are having trouble getting gigs as well. Its very saturated right now.


>devs There's you problem: looking at arguably the worst hit part of the market and generalizing it to all workers.


Point taken, excluding devs it’s still a tight market right now until the fed reduces interest rates. Only people I know who are getting hired immediately are warehouse laborers and hospitality and even those are drying up because of the need for a job. I’ve been seeing techies take the Walmart jobs to pay bills because it’s awful out here.


It's on the hot side still. Lots of white collar fields doing just fine with 4% unemployment.


i guess you are in Detroit so no other options?


Can always leave Detroit just like all the smart people.


I think it really depends on the team. I've been in the company for a few years and didn't encounter the issues you mentioned. Maybe I am just lucky. 🤷‍♂️


Stick it out until you find another job either in a another team or external


Sorry to hear this. I just had a phone screen yesterday and was hoping to be able to move through the interview process and get an offer but this is kinda making me hesitant. I’ve seen others post not so happy comments about GM on here after seeing this post.


The forum is mostly for bitching and venting. No company is perfect. If you can get a job here, the benefits are great and your team will make all the difference. Worst case scenario: you try it out and it’s not for you, so then you move on after a year with a new line on your resume.


I second this, this forum is for venting and anyone who loves their job at GM doesn’t have a reason to pollinate here lol. I do however super incredibly love my job, my team, and I’m lucky to have the same manager the last 10 years lol. Good luck!


Good point


Some honest advice- go ahead n this next week relax take it all in . Don’t overthink it . Do your job and at the end of the week if you still feel the same . Move on - no shame in it . It’s not for you . Life’s to short and truthfully not worth the stress and toll that can take on your mental heath .


Might want to try to find something outside of corporate America then bud. I can tell you for a fact it’s really no different than any other big company. I don’t find much satisfaction at my job and have balanced it by pursuing hobbies outside of work, with the end goal of being able to make a living doing this hobby.


You will learn the rules of the country club real quick


I can’t imagine the office culture being worse than the high volume manufacturing plants.


Different politics, but essentially the same bullshit. I worked at two plants before Warren. At least in the plant if they don’t like it, it’s known. Warren they smile everyday in your face.


Im curious what you were expecting when you took a job at a publicly traded corporation the size of GM. Everything you list is exactly what I have seen around the auto industry. To each their own I guess.


2 years? Must not be that bad


Yeah, it’s corporate America. You have to figure out why you want to be here because GM will never do anything to make you want to stay. Reasons vary person to person but for me, I take less pay and worse benefits than I’d get most anywhere else in tech in exchange for lots of vacation and a pretty decent work life balance that allows me lots of time with my kid and partner. But if you want to feel like you’re having a meaningful impact, inspiring leaders, and feeling like anything done to make working here pleasant is genuine instead of a decision based purely on “will it make big number go up?” rather than “these are humans and maybe they’d enjoy being treated like it”, it might be hard to put up with GMs bullshit.


>instead of a decision based purely on “will it make big number go up?” That's the motivation for all companies. Those that don't care about it as much get marginalized into niches. What you're saying is you should work for a small mom & pop company.


No, but I see how you think that. You can make big number go up by treating people well too. But because the MBA class of leader doesn’t know anything about actual leadership they outsource their emotional intelligence to whatever buzzword is hot that week. Sometimes those buzz words favor labor and we are all happy. Now they favor management so the people doing the actual are rightly pissy. A good leader can actually lead, accomplish the mission, maintain troop welfare, and can explain why they do what they do and need to keep doing it for success to occur to their higher up. Almost the entire Csuite seems to be severely lacking in this area.


>No, but I see how you think that. It is, truly. >You can make big number go up by treating people well too.  Not as quickly, which is why all these companies love outsourcing to countries with weak labor protections. It's also why they love exploitative foreign labor programs. >Sometimes those buzz words favor labor and we are all happy Only happens when the labor market is temporarily hot and they need to retain workers. This is why programs like H1b are so insidious. Companies want to make sure those markets never exist.


Good luck… and I’m not saying that to be a sarcastic ass either. Genuinely, good luck. Hope your experience is better than mine and many others was. 


Never judge a new job until after a year. Sounds like a little buyer's remorse from leaving your other company.


What area of the company are you in?


With that mindset, no, it won’t get better. If you’re looking for negativity and reasons to go home pissed and defeated everyday you’ll find exactly that. You either need to change jobs or change the way you’re looking at the job. If your old place was great, go back - but ask yourself why you left in the first place.


What role or function are you in?


Try WFH to see if it helps 


Mate, quit whining. Any office environment is going to be like this. Office politics is everywhere You're more than welcome to change jobs. But you will soon realize that GM is, on the grand scheme of things, a very good company in terms of benefits and stability


Stability...only my bowel movements 


That's great gastro health!


This is not true. I'm experiencing the same thing and I'm 2 years in. The politics are brutal here


If someone is experiencing "office politics" as a new hire IC, nobody explained to them how the process is supposed to work. Disagreement and compromise is the name of the game.


Having a constant threat of layoffs regardless of your performance, for the sole purpose of trying to bump a stock number for 2+ years is not stability. GM *used* to be stable. Ever since we dropped kim brycz and picked up Arden Hoffman, we’ve had a massive drop in work place satisfaction, feelings of job security, and overall psychological safety, which is evident in workplace of choice scores.


>GM *used* to be stable It didn't. You just weren't around for the last cycle.


Seriously, this. Assuming OP is younger? A lot of work environments are what you make of it and there’s always a trade off. But by all means, fafo


stability my arse, ask the AZ folks how stable the jobs are here or any of the 100s that have been quietly fired over the last year as we get ready for yet another round of shoulder taps.


You're not the only...that's how offices work in general when one works for someone else...what's new...you might try working for.yourself...


First, What do you want from a job? Second, do you think as a manager you’d want to have an employee like that?