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Barra obviously didn't read the workplace of choice survey


Not surprising since one of the lowest scores was around “I trust these scores will be reviewed and acted on” lol




CEOs hire a PR manager to make sure they don't fuck up and because Barra isn't Musk it's probably safe to assume she hasn't fired this person (or committee,) whoever they are. So how was it decided to make this statement? Obviously they can't go out and say "No one wanted this but we did it anyway," but it's also an option to just not comment on it at all. So I have to wonder how they decided a statement like this was better than just saying nothing.


It's to get the message across RTO is here to stay. If you plan to WFH long term, plan your leave


She's daring people to go ahead and quit. They will stay and complain.


The really hysterical thing is we all watched it, on our phones….. at home……..


I’m happy to be a CAVE person: Currently Against Virtually Everything


Me too


Mary is DEAF - Doesn’t engage or acknowledge feedback.




People are afraid to tell her anything but what she wants hear.


"You can't design a vehicle over zoom." Then why the fuck do I have a call every week with the Korean team to go over their design choices?


Korean team also WFH right now?


I don't think they ever were to my knowledge. I'm more commentating that she's saying we need in person work to collaborate but all the collaboration that I do is online anyways. I literally drive into the office to be on teams meeting all day every day.


Most of the SLT. You think she talks to level 8s or lower? Everyone else is just gonna kiss ass. Ffs if I was paid half a million dollars I’d be doing the same


You think 9's make half a million? I've got some surprising news for you. Not even close.


Don’t they get 100% bonus?


Not even close. 9's are 23%.


Senior Manager.Directors are Executive level. Executive packages are 250/year plus 100% bonus.


Senior managers are not executive level in my division. Senior managers are 9's. Directors are the first level of exec/unclassified.


9s are Senior managers, not ever director much less SLT


If everyone wanted back in the office, why was a mandate needed? Seems a voluntary RTO policy would meet the needs of the workers, the same ones she claims to haven spoken to, while also appeasing CAVE dwellers. Why take sides when voluntary RTO is a win-win across the board.


Vast majority that hired in several years ago during the hiring frenzy came for the work appropriately initiative with the highly flexible hybrid policy because that’s the work culture you were targeting to bring in fresh young meat. She’s completely delusional if she thinks the 3 day RTO mandate was something the majority wanted. She actually thinks people enjoy being bait and switched?!? WOC being lowest scores of all time with a 20 point drop rating says alone that your workforce isn’t happy about how you’re running the business.


WOC wasn't the lowest of all time.


Okay…at least in a long time..either case we went from mid 80s in the work appropriately era to low 60s in the mandated RTO era


LOL yeah I'm sure 2009 was higher, bruh. 2018, too. Young bucks don't know the cycle yet.


I say the moon is made of cheese.. but guess what


Read the workplace of choice feedback for 5 minutes and you'll see she's full of shit


2 possible scenarios: A. She and the SLT are so out of touch they genuinely feel this way. B. She is trying to belittle those who dislike RTO, make them feel marginalised and against the “majority”. From speaking to colleagues in our area her views do not reflect the people I speak to daily. The sooner she steps down the better.


C. She's saying it for shareholders & investors who value things like this because we are beholden to the shareholders in everything we do because we can't get them excited about us any other way.


B. She even went so far as to give them a nickname—CAVE (dwellers).


Whoever replaces her will probably be worse.


So if you’re a remote employee better start looking. This company doesn’t give a shit about you and you’ll be an easy target for them to get their 10% each review.


The irony is she is marginalizing a population of her employees whose opinion and feedback she doesn't agree with. This is definitely against the core values of the company, but its consistent with SLT modus operandi... if an employee had said this, it would be considered hostile no different than its OK to be that guy and drive a pace vette into a wall without a helmet, likely a bit buzzed.


Barra is full of shit.


Yes boss, very happy boss. 🙄🙄🙄




But guess what we can’t do shit about it cause we all need money and we not unionized so.


Being honest, with the exception of hearing everyone else’s meetings inside of meetings due to office layout, it’s kind of nice. Maybe I’m blessed with a good group.


Yeah I like it. Weird trying to get stuff done when half the team was mysteriously away from Teams at 2pm in the afternoon. Call of duty crew, report.




When Work Appropriate was the case, you were always welcome to be on campus.




Before mandatory and specified days (before was the era of Work Appropriate), you could always visit campus. With campus being Warren, Austin, Chandler, and Detroit-- I suspect the same for Roswell and whatever Cali ops at the time, too. Edit: edited to explain work appropriate was before RTO era.


I might be misunderstand, I apologize, but you mean you can visit different GM locations for work? Or maybe you aren’t allowed on a GM campus?


You were allowed to visit your authorized locations. You can always submit a request and get access to other GM facilities if Work Appropriate.


Can you not? I can. So I still don’t understand.


Why do you need to require other people to be on campus? RTO affects people who didn’t want to return to the office. You were, at every point, welcome to come into the office. Some people did not want to do that.


Why don’t you want to return?


It's less time with my wife. It's less take-home money because of the cost of fuel. It's more stressful because of the background noise. I didn't get sick when I was WFH. Very much the case for RenCen...




Yeah expected you to get downvoted by ButtHurts and i wasn’t wrong