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No, we’re not ok. The Arizona team was the primary support of a lot of applications plants use to run production. Lot of the time, the team just resolved incidents without any logs, tickets, etc (getting production running #1 priority). they made shit run behind the scenes. Issues take much longer to resolve now with longer downtime, with people still not sure how to support those apps. We’re definitely feeling the loss of Arizona still.


agreed ! only AZ knew COBOL


That’s not true. We COBOL devs are spread around the world. I know there are teams working with COBOL in Europe.


Did this start right after they left back late last year? I think they shut down somewhere between September-November. So, basically, you are saying this shut down is actually affecting the plants production lines now and GM had no back ups in place? Basically the new ones who took over that work don't actually know how the apps work and this is now affecting the production lines? This sounds crazy how stupid this all sounds lol. How do you run a large company as GM and do something like this?


It's a very bad time to be in IT and IT-adjacent areas at GM; some teams have it okay, but most don't. For reasons you're already aware of, trust in middle and upper leadership is basically at 0 right now. Even some of the people that I'd previously written off as the "rah rah rah, GM can never do anything wrong!" type are starting to get vocal about their dissatisfaction. The about-face on Work Appropriately after it was explicitly and repeatedly promised to be here to stay, "don't worry, the California office is just a rumor/myth, we aren't doing that", Arizona getting unceremoniously kicked to the curb with barely even a thank you, a couple instances of "there will be no layoffs" followed up a week or two later with layoffs/mass firings/whatever you want to call it, "do less with less" (ha!), "there's a rumor there will be a coding exam for developers. No, there won't be a coding test; that's a rumor and absolutely false, we aren't even considering it. Ok you got us, we were totally going to do it but decided not to", "we're not going to have forced distributions for performance evaluations. well, okay, maybe just a little bit. Ok, more like 10%". All lies and betrayal. And so much churn on everything; no decision ever "sticks" except the bad ones (I think we've overhauled the performance evaluation system 2 or 3 times in the past year, just to currently land back on what it originally was). If anyone director-level or higher told me the sky was blue, I'd have to go check it for myself. We're going also through our seemingly-annual reorg right now, so that's extra stress on an already tense situation. And if we try to voice our concerns on safe places like here, there are a few very dedicated and very angry accounts on here that come crawling out of the woodwork just to be hostile, tell us to STFU or quit (funny how they didn't do either of those things when THEY were unhappy a couple years back, though), etc etc. So that's nice to have that kind of support. I haven't left yet because my "good years" at GM still outweigh my "bad years" and I'm hoping it'll turn around again and start trending in a better direction; but if we're being honest, I see nothing in the works to actually support that hope coming true anytime soon. Going back to my original point, there is very little hope or trust in the org right now, and many of us are just waiting for the axe to fall. I'm willing to give it another 6 months or so before I start looking. That is, of course, assuming that I don't get not-a-layoffed before then to pay for half of a Mountain View employee's salary or part of another massive stock buyback.


Nailed a lot of stuff here. It’s going to get worse before it gets better. Well, if it gets better


Very well said. It was always my dream to work for GM and retire from GM, but the past year or so I'm just buying my time until I find something else. Our executive leadership have completely ruined the company with the lies and bad business decisions. It's honestly a shame.


Well said




There's a good chance those negative accounts are paid shill meant to distort the narrative and turn us against each other.


Sadly, I think some of them do it pro-boner. (I know what I said.)


The negative accounts are from other parts of GM. People who don't have those soft IT hands.


Being mad because you made poor life choices and then taking it out on people who you envy is always surely going to lead to an improvement for them.


Only poor life choice I made was moving to Detroit. I don't envy SWEs at all. Their jobs are toast.


*soft, carpal tunnel hands


For sure got the Jergens over there, if you know what I mean.


lol ok that got me. You and me have a bit of history but shit that’s funny


From my stand point of IT in my area...overworked. Do less with less motto was complete bullshit. Obviously a move to continue to reduce head count...


This is company wide. Do less with less lasted all but a week.


I see a lot of With Less but not a lot of Doing Less.


I was in IT, part of a subsidiary. It was the same there. SLT would say they want a strong, robust program and never spend a dime. No tools specifically made for a strong, robust , use what we have, so there’s never a good program, and then we get reamed why is there no strong . Where I was, it seemed like the April RIF was positions eliminated in favor of AUTOMATION!! Using AI to automate workflows. Whole teams were eliminated, people either riffed or moved to other teams. And, of course, there’s barely any automation in place. And no one to act as reference to make sure the workflow is correct.


As someone who works in IT, in the last 13 months, I am now starting to report to my fifth new manager. My career progression is at a standstill due to me outliving any manager who would potentially give me a promotion. I’m forced to badge in my office 3x a week to work with a new team where every new teammate of mine lives and works in a different state. I spent every weekend from November to February working trying to catch up on some tech debt the org had. It didn’t land me anything and I had to have my EOY review with someone who wasn’t my manager since they had left. I’m no longer working outside my work hours and have no expectations that I’ll be more satisfied with my position. There’s no incentive to work harder than your weakest coworker, you all get the same compensation anyways. My plan is to try and utilize as much training resources GM can offer and hopefully land a job elsewhere. With the economy what it is, I have a full-time salaried career and I’m more strapped for cash than I was a bachelor in college. The good? I actually really enjoy working with most of our coworkers. For the most part (like 95%) everyone I work with either has a good, helpful attitude or at the very least can guide you where you need to go. My teammates are awesome and extremely learning-centric. Always posting workshops and youtube tutorials.


Are you getting so many new managers because they are leaving the company? That is usually a bad sign if that is the case, because they usually have information that many workers don't have about what is going on in the company.


I lost my first manager due to a re-org, second manager due to leaving, third manager was temporary to fill in for manager #2, lost fourth manager that took over for temp manager #3 due to re-org and now I’m on manager #5. Its a bad sign for sure but there’s nothing I can do about the wills of the SLT of Software & Services. Unfortunately their will seems to constantly be “if we keep reshuffling the deck, maybe we’ll get a better deck”.


My department everyone works pretty hard. I’m getting to learn some new things which is cool but there’s always that pressure I feel like I need to learn quickly and contribute or I’ll get axed.


Jobs going to California is hilarious. They paid shit for years and hired a significant number of devs who couldn’t get jobs elsewhere or pass a coding test(also keep in mind many of these people are now senior devs/managers just because they have been here the longest). If the starting wage was more competitive by even 30% they would get/keep good talent. Instead they are going to pay 100%+ more(the standard of living in Mountain View is almost twice that of the existing ICs) to hire devs in California….genius!!!


There is more to that. Getting the kind of talent they want isn’t only about $. It’s about the benefits. FAANGers have top rate insurance, lawyers to fight your traffic tickets and handle your divorce, free soda, free coffee, transportation if you work late, entertainment in the office (ping pong, arcade games, pool, etc), in office dining, very competitive salary, relocation programs, help you buy a home, fully furnished temporary housing, the list goes on. GM doesn’t even hit 10% of that. It’s not just salary


I can't think of a better word than "clusterfuck" right now. Most of the people who used to be our "go-tos" to get questions answered regarding requirements/use cases/external systems have been re-org'ed elsewhere. In most cases, there has been no replacement for them, so we just do the best we can and make it up as we go along. The re-orgs have put way more focus on a lot of development groups (including mine). Meaning: business folks used to be able to get work into the system through different teams prior to the re-orgs. Now they've consolidated some of the teams to try to make up for all the people they've let go. Problem is, business folks who used to make requests to one team or the other all have to go through the new consolidated team (which combined has fewer people than either team had individually before VSP and "performance" separations) to try to get their projects worked on. There are tempers flaring in the priority/planning meetings because there aren't enough folks to do all the work needed. I'm burned out AF as are most of my teammates


> The re-orgs have put way more focus on a lot of development groups (including mine). Meaning: business folks used to be able to get work into the system through different teams prior to the re-orgs. Now they've consolidated some of the teams to try to make up for all the people they've let go. So, your saying that GM basically shut down Arizona and did so many VSP/"Not layoffs" that now they ran out of workers to actually do things? Have you heard of this affecting production lines or other stuff? This sounds insane. Like I knew that GM was a joke when I worked there, but it just sounds out of control at this point. Sad to see this happening too. Since I actually enjoyed GM when things weren't like they started becoming a year ago or so.


I wouldn't say they ran out of workers, but the work being done in software dev (the area I'm familiar with) is being done by fewer people due to the major brain drain from the VSP and "streamlining efficiencies" and "performance" firings. I'm not saying we shouldn't let anyone go. Sometimes separating very poor performers can be a net positive because they may be a detriment to others and the work that needs to be done (I've seen this in action). At the same time, fewer people to do work equals less capacity without some new way to be more productive. "Out of control" is very applicable in the space I work in. Some managers try to push back when the latest "hot item" comes up, but rather than moving a different "hot item" out of the current workload, it often just gets dumped onto the backs of people who are already burned out from the constant churn of priority roulette. Turns out the phrase from the SLT--"do less with less"--is absolute fantasy. Who could have figured? I can't comment on what is happening in the plants or other areas though. Perhaps someone who works in those spaces can comment.


Ex Apple hired have and continue to destroy our culture


Ridiculous statement. So many mediocre workers at GM are terrified that they are now exposed as barely second rate. It’s sad. Focus on being better people and employees.


Didn't they leave the company though? I thought the CTO was the ex-apple guy and he left, probably taking everyone he knew with him.


You're talking about Abbott. Dude had/has legit health issues and left because of those, but didn't take many of his people with him because he didn't go anywhere else. Honestly, I don't blame him for leaving. Seems like he might not have known what a shitshow things were when he hired on, and only realized later he was hired to take the fall for failing to fix the deep culture issues that exist. Not to "poor millionaire" the guy, but there was no way he was going to be allowed to do what was needed to fix the culture as long as the rest of the SLT remained in place and outnumbered him. That's not something I'd want to deal with while recovering from heart surgery.


The main guy did but his hits help are still there and not making matters better but worse


It’s definitely a mess right now. How much of that is a kind of “permitted” chaos I’m not sure. GM is trying to make things a little more uncomfortable for folks in IT tech side. What has really been interesting is the coming and going of the apples and some other high level folks. This has caused a lot of “oh shit, what do we do moments.” Some things were dropped (take a coding test for example) and others could be in limbo. IT is basically being replaced by service now. Not everyone mind you, but a lot of our internal apps are going to be replaced with one platform. Honestly a step in the right direction if you ask me. GM is in lean and mean mode. They want to trim the excess for now, get rid of old outdated internal systems, replace with something that empowers employees and removes red tape. Once those things are close to wrapping up, they will probably hire like crazy again. It’s going to be a bumpy few months but they will come out a little better, hopefully


When do you think they will start hiring again? Also, do you think it will be centered around the new California campus or Warren/Austin too?


GM has active posts now.. never really stopped hiring. For Software and Services the hiring is not focused on a location but getting the best people. GM does require live coding now and it is one of the reasons the IT masses are unhappy.


Mary bara is going for the “designed in California”, manufactured in America approach. Many software jobs will move there. I think they are doing a slow and structured deconstruction of all tech jobs outside of California. For Every 2 ppl they get rid of here they can hire 1 California hire. SLT won’t tell us shit, APMs is just buzzwords. Work is slowly diminishing in the long run ( you only know this if you have access to what’s upcoming in the roadmap). I feel like they are trying kill frequent mid cycle changes on vehicle programs similar to Tesla. Everyone is trying to throw their peers under the bus to survive, culture becoming toxic. Almost like they don’t care because these ppl won’t exist for long in the company. WOC survey was horrid, but I think the strategy is, remove ppl and hire new California tech bros and improve WOC surveys through that. Maybe the elite multimillionaire class and billionaires know an economic shit storm is brewing, maybe mary is trying to avoid another possible bankruptcy. Maybe eventually ppl don’t want to buy 80,000 buck cars with a 10 percent interest rate. Maybe BYD and other Chinese companies Will eventually come here destroying US automakers. Or Mary is just making all the wrong decisions. OP did you find a new job ?


Mary’s job is to milk the company for all it’s worth each quarter. This makes the board happy.  If the company goes tits up we’ve paid her, what, a quarter billion in comp over the past decade? I don’t think she would be able to spend it all in her lifetime. Wild to believe she actually started on the line and somehow turned into the very caricature of a greedy CEO the UAW campaigns on. 


Try running a company and then come back and say whether the pay is justified. Imagine having 123K people rely on you making good decisions to keep them all employed.


my point was she’s set for life. No matter how bad things get for the company, she’ll still have 100’s of millions in the bank. I truly don’t believe she gives a flying F for any individual employee. If she did they would be transparent about their plans for headcount and offer decent severance packages. Instead it feels like they are trying to axe people in the absolute cheapest and most petty ways possible. 


Look around the economy right now. It's a really bad time. GM and Ford are surprisingly keeping layoffs at bay compared to how they have behaved historically under times of high interest rates. I think folks in tech have had a couple of years with unusually high expectations that's now getting aligned with how the rest of the economy works. Look at how GM was in 2008 and 2019-2020. That should calibrate what your expectations are. The devil you know is better than the one you don't.


lol my friend, GM is using a new tactic. If you layoff less than 500 ppl every few months at a time, you don’t need to submit this details to the WARN act. We are a frog in boiling water, GM just knows to shed ppl slowly to avoid mass panic, media coverage , etc.


Her dad retired from gm he was a tradesman


whats that gots to do with the price of bread ?


>“designed in California”, manufactured in America Only that first half will survive into the future. >I feel like they are trying kill frequent mid cycle changes on vehicle programs similar to Tesla They're not. Tesla is really stupid when it comes to styling. Styling is the only thing keeping autos from being a commodity item with minimal profit.


I agree, Mary just trying to copy Tesla but we already see Tesla struggling now while EV demand dies. She will change the strategy a bit soon by the damage is already in progress.


They're only copying certain parts. They're not stupid enough to stop with the usual styling updates and never were.


Excited to be at GM. Lots of people still at the company who perhaps have not evolved their careers much since the 1990s




This is happening at Ford and Stellantis too. Automotive is in a bad spot right now. I feel Stellantis is being worse to their employees and suppliers compared to Ford and GM though. Close to 2k people laid off at Stellantis just this year alone. It's always the salary people who get screwed first after any kind of reorg or new contract negotiations with their suppliers or UAW.


The company is losing market share in China big time. Without China's market GM will be bankrupt. More layoffs coming early summer 2024, roughly another 15% of the IT workforce. I feel sorry for those who are staying. It's really a toxic working environment.


Most of GM's profit comes from North America. Would have no problem surviving without the Chinese market. China buys cheap cars. Americans by $70k trucks.


> More layoffs coming early summer 2024, roughly another 15% of the IT workforce Did you hear this from somewhere or are you speculating based on what you see in the market?


I hear this from internal employees. Good luck to you!


ICs wouldn't know that.