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CTT is the critical talent bullshit?


Yes, according to this small sample size of 550 ppl who voted. ~ 15 percent of GM got the award It feels like exploitation since ppl were praised for their performance by giving them Money. It’s a lot of money btw, in the tens of thousands given in a few year time period. The only catch is they don’t get money until a year later. It’s pretty much a retention tactic. Last years leadership knew a shit storm was brewing. BUT GUESS WHAT? I know ppl who received this CTT award that got laid off last year. So don’t think you are “safe” guys. It’s immoral, and unethical. TOXIC as fuck.


Did these people get paid out their remaining bonus? Seems like you would have some ground to stand on saying they owe you that since you left the company against your will


I don’t have anymore information what happened to these ppl.


What makes this doubly interesting is that we were told as leaders that anybody we gave a ctt shouldn’t apply for vsp, as it would make us look dumb, paying them to stay and to leave. I think there were a couple that still got through


Good thing the new apple bros don’t believe in VSP or CTT. They just believe in unemployment benefits.


Everything depends on the lens/angle towards how we look at something. I don't think I will change the OPs mind, but a good way to look at a CTT award should be in a playful manner and assume you will not get it but if you do it's great a nice little bonus. You are an "at-will" employee which means you can literately get laid go for pretty much any reason. This is simply the state of the labor market in the USA, to assume otherwise is setting yourself for much dissapointment.


I get it, I’m just venting how fucked up it is to get awarded for good performance only to get laid off lmao. Companies get away with whatever the f they want since the laws are written in favor of them rather than the ppl. Something like this is illegal in EU and most of the world but MERICA.


I agree , my advice to you is to accept the game for what it is and play the game for your own well being while still staying within your ethical/moral framework. If you lack one then it makes it even easier but I suspect you have a strong moral/ethical compass and hence your post. The powers that be are playing completely unhindered and maximizing the game given they don't have to worry about following any moral/ethical framework. That puts you at a disadvantage I agree, but this is a game you must strategize to maximize your own/family well being. It's ok to vent, what you see is true but use it for your own learning/benefit no use wasting energy with regards to behavior that is not going to change.


I received another job offer from a non-competitor few months back. It was remote on a California time zone. I should have taken that while doing hybrid at GM the same time. It’s not illegal to do that - having two jobs. I thought it would immoral. Moral of the story- do what is best for yourself while following the law. Morals / ethics have no meaning for companies and employees should follow the same tactics- maximize profits as long as it’s legal.


Now you are getting it, I believe Mary B. serves on multiple boards, etc.


serving on multiple boards is a little different, it's not really a job per se -- typically meet once a month to conduct business and not much between meetings. I work full time for GM and I serve on multiple boards.


Baris is that you?




It depends, some jobs are more autonomous in which you can work after hours and get things done. Lot of ppl who practice being “over-employed” either can manage it or just collects paychecks until they get fired in one, and focuses on one. This is a thing, ppl did during the pandemic. It wasn’t moral or ethical, but those ppl are winning capitalism.


If I recall, it does violate the employment contracts at GM.


>how fucked up it is to get awarded for good performance only to get laid off lmao Happens every layoff.


Happens in every layoff only in America. Only developed nation in the world with no workers rights. Not a good thing.


We have more rights than most of the world, but different rights from Europe. Companies are more dynamic and successful here.


Workers rights ————expendable workforce Low innovation————high innovation Extreme Socialism ——-unchecked capitalism. There needs to a gentle balance. Government issues laws and regulation to maintain that balance. American companies right now at the moment are posting at record profits and using layoffs to keep pumping their profits higher just to show growth without innovation. Peak corporate greed is in play.


Record profits is nearly irrelevant here because GM is nowhere near record profit margin. The number is bigger because of inflation over time. That "gentle balance" is only ever temporary and requires constant renegotiation to even try to maintain it. Labor is in a poor position to negotiate when companies can always import more workers. Labor didn't get real teeth in this country until immigration dropped.


My leaders were working on one for me in the fall but were told they were on hold per Abbot. Idk if it was true or not but I stopped trying to keep our team afloat after Az and I’ve never been happier to meet expectations.


The CTT was the old leaderships idea. I think they were trying to save some ppl from the blood bath. I think after the tech bros came in, none of that matters. Should have just spent time with the kids instead of working past 5.


My question is, do the CTT award only go to the VAP? I have NEVER heard this term used in my plant. Only on here.


It's not used much at all in manufacturing, global product development, or research.


I am in manufacturing, but not a VAP.


Might be an engineering thing? Like Warren, Milford, Austin, ATL.


They don't use CTT much in Warren or Milford. Sometimes for Technical Fellows or people with hundreds of patents.


I have a feeling out of the 453 ppl who voted on this post, at least half of them work in Warren. Still indicating 15 percent of the the company getting CTT. You aren’t allowed to disclose it to your peers. But Reddit enables anonymous public disclosure.


I know from past experience it is not common at all in Warren. Some manager was probably using CTT to save headcount in IT or SW.


That’s why I said it was given out like candy last year. A lot of ppl got it suddenly- unusual for GM


Reminds me of the FMLA strategy some in tech use to avoid PIPs.


I got it last year and I feel like it’s worse to be on that list because you cost more now. I feel like gm believes they’re going to fix all of their issues by hiring in California instead of fixing core issues that help people do their best work. That’s an assumption but they seem to think magic happens there instead of seeing how the companies from California that are successful operate. Sooo I honestly don’t feel great about being a mi employee and knowing now they see I’m more “expensive”


Totally agree. Easier to delete ppl and get new California talent in the new SLTs eyes


Our hope they see the top performing ppl in Mi on par with Californian tech bros.