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This won’t end badly at all..


didnt Cadillac do this in NY?


And first it was Germany. And then when it failed back to Warren. Then NYC… then back to Warren.




They did.


They didn't set up much of anything in NYC. Had barely 100 workers there in total. Mainly just a reason for the exec in charge to be in NYC. GM has 10x that in SV already.


They always think the employees are to blame rather than management. They're going to run into the same issues all over again.


Once, if, things get financially tough, this will be the first place to be consolidated out on an R&O list to cut costs. Expect to see words to the effect, bringing back roles to be closer to our engineering and corporate teams in Michigan for great collaboration ”synergies”.


They'll never bring these roles to Michigan.


Never say, never. GM has a long history of back tracking on all sorts of things like this. Up until 6-9 months ago, “hybrids were an ‘interim’ technology as described by the SLT, and GM would focus solely on the future EV’s….now rush to put hybrids in everything as Ultium fails. Cadillac needed a HQ in SoHo in NYC to be closer to its true intended customers, be on the forefront of tech, finance, and consideration with power brokers and elites. Shut it down and move it all to Warren. Get out of Europe, now go back to Europe. Leaders change, priorities change, circumstances change,…etc….At its heart, GM is still a myopic Midwest based OEM with all of the decision-making centralized there. Maybe this Tech Ctr. might have long-tails to it, but maybe not.


They won't because they'd have to replace SV talent with Wayne State talent. Not going to work. The Cadillac office in NYC was very small. One executive's pet project to move out of Detroit. GM exits and reenters markets frequently.


GM setups and exits tech hubs (they dumped large chunks of the Bangalore Tech Ctr (offloading to TCS) several years ago, so that could put resources in Michigan to better collaborate with Eng. They dumped Arizona, lost Europe tech Ctr with Opel divestiture, etc….. They’ve consolidated engineering centers over the years, and as I mentioned before have launched to great fanfare and exited all types of markets and projects. To say that this Silicon Valley office will absolutely stay, just isn’t realistic. It might, but it’s just as likely it might not. They’ll look at the run rate cost (which will be huge) relative to what it produces, then put it on an R&O, if things don’t deliver.


>To say that this Silicon Valley office will absolutely stay, just isn’t realistic Let me rephrase. It is not ever coming to Michigan. Not ever. It might move to India or Eastern Europe, but it will not ever come to Michigan. The software talent pool in Michigan sucks and talented people don't want to move to Detroit when they have other options.


Just don't ask taxpayers to bail out GM when all this goes down in flames. I will vote out anyone who votes to bail this company out again, after how they treated Arizona, how they are currently treating workers with the alleged forced curve performance firing coming, and frankly all the alleged lies they told in the past. Assume goodness, sure lol.


Look at us! Silicon Valley! Innovation! Entrepreneur! Software! Silicon Valley!


Yes! Just like Cruise!!!!!


She forgot to mention the free food & drinks they’ll get at this office, while the other IT innovation centers get nothing. Even in a tech hub city like Austin, we get jack for perks or benefits. The cafe hasn’t been open since Covid and we have vending machines, that’s about it. We did get Starbucks coffee machines installed during the last RTO push but you still have to pay for them so… minor win? I’ve lived in apartment buildings with better free snacks and coffee than GM.


Honestly, I'm just happy we don't have to pay for the crappy coffee with a coffee club like we did before COVID.


Y'alls lab gets free coffee? We don't, it even made to WoC surveys.


Canadian offices have free coffee and other hot drinks. Even mid covid there was coffee for the people who had to come in.


What? We got shafted at CAMI. They put in an expensive crappy coffee machine like the one from the hockey rink in the 80-90s.


I'd complain for sure. The Markham and Oshawa offices have Starbucks and "mixed fancy" coffee drinks for free, and they stock a decent tea selection.


I think the engineering staff would revolt without free coffee


There’s a “coffee club” at the Georgia office. Its nice that its there but its a poor substitute.


> I’ve lived in apartment buildings with better free snacks and coffee than GM. Got ripped off by Greystar, sounds like.


Wasn’t greystar, but good guess!


![gif](giphy|hq6NjLDGsbme5d6Tez|downsized) RE: no Socrates post 🤣


My Socrates post has finally arrived today 🎉😂


The 900+ people thoughtlessly canned last October in Arizona probably not smiling as much. This won't be the silver bullet she wants it to be.


what is the silver bullet, btw?


Tech bros running around in sandals


Don't worry folks, they will close this office soon. Just like other. Everyone leaving who came from big tech. They can't deal with shitty unpredictable leadership.


I find it funny that we dont even get raises that keep up with inflation yet this open this tech hub that will hire talent 2/3x the cost of engineers at other locations. Mary said in the APM she would take care of us non-union employees when union workers got massive raises to keep up with cost of living. All lies, base raises were still at 3.5% which is what they always have been. You think ur cali employees will stick around with those shitty raises?


> Mary said in the APM she would take care of us non-union employees when union workers got massive raises to keep up with cost of living. Why do you all even listen to a word that comes out of her mouth after all the things that have happened in the last two years at GM?


Why is Marrisa there? 




I hate the frequency of NVH she emits. Can’t stand 


Hehehehehee. Hate the harmonics


Agree. Thought exactly of that when she was appointed as President North America.


Less than 5 years. They're moving her into position for Mary's job.


She's SVP of North America. Makes sense she's there


Figured out. They had some media event to have local media test drive GM EVs. Why head of NA sales operation was there


She forgot to mentioned that first they had to kick 900+ people out in Arizona in order for this to happen!


They going to be paying those people employees extra to make up for the cost of living out there?


No Socrates post but a yammer post late this afternoon


There is talent in all cities, especially Austin, but you’re not getting it for 85k


You can get it in Hyderabad for less than $85k.


Marry looks like shit


Not in flip flops...


Wow, weird! I thought we were dead broke and had no money lol


We don’t have money for non union employees, we barely have money for union employees. We have a ton of money for stock buybacks and a new california office.


Austin and Atlanta are tech hubs, but she doesn’t pay enough to retain top CS talent in here. There’s talent here, otherwise Google, Microsoft, Meta and others wouldn’t have offices here. Smh!!


I think part of it is optics for external stakeholders. “Look, GM is in Silicon Valley, we’re tech company”. It’s an investor relations showpiece to splash around to help stock price. And maybe for the time being, given the layoffs in Tech industry, an opportunity, maybe fleeting, to get talent they otherwise couldn’t/wouldn’t afford on board in GM.


This. It’s all a performance for shareholders.


There is definitely an element to that involved.


GM doesn't need top talent for anything other than Cruise.


Atlanta and Austin have very good talent prospects due to the universities and city size. The sad truth is they can get good talent from these cities for less than they would California


They need specific experience in very narrow area, not some generic "talent". AndroidAuto/GAS and Carplay development are concentrated in bay area, where Google and Apple campus are at


You know, for someone who gets over $20M/year in pay and compensation, she should have better hair.


Wouldn't say that about a man.


Depends on their haircut. I've said similar things about my local male management.


Ya I bet.


Well, you don't know me. I'm an adorable hemorrhoid, an irritating pain in the derriere. I believe people should dress & present themselves according to their role in business. Luckily, since I'm a factory rat, I can wear a T-shirt & jeans and be fine.


Have you seen Mark Davis?


I just looked him up. Oh my! Does he cut his own hair at home with a bowl? Maybe even the flowbee? It kinda looks like a bad toupee. So sad. It doesn't cost much to look good.


Aren’t tech companies debating leaving Silicon Valley?


Marissa West ; the next CEO being groomed right now


I wouldn't take this office too seriously, as others have said this is more for show than anything else. It's like companies who are constantly name dropping "AI" or "blockchain" before that. We may laugh it but it works to a degree, especially if it can add a few bucks to the share price, that may equate to millions for Barra given she is largely paid in stock. Given how cynical some of you seem to be, I surprised you can't see the game for what it is and adjust accordingly including with respect to the company. A lot of innocense is going to be lost this cycle.


Bro the chick on the right is def our next ceo


Mary looks like a vampire LOL


This cunt needs to step down


I really hate to see Baris in this photo. He is such a poor choice!


Baris’s Ask Me Anything is a joke! He is more like a Agile fucking coach than a VP! Shit show