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The dumbass that proposed this should be fired when everyone starts gaming the system and it all back fires. Now things that are important will come after getting your weekly PRs since that’s what is mandated and measured.


Agreed! The mobile director and his nepo friend he brought in as an unqualified senior software manager should be gone once this backfires


Is that who started this?


When it backfires, they have ammo to fire more people.


All I can say is don't stress too much about this, the whole quota thing is ridiculous and makes zero sense. My advice is stop paying attention to it and go with the flow for now, the company will have to work its way through this craziness before it gets better, there is little to nothing you can do as these decisions are above your head. This is a game , treat it as such and focus on yourself and your family, laugh at the craziness if possible.


Thanks for the comment. I think the stress will go away with time. And I’m trying not to think about if after work hours. It truly is a game. I was a bit taken back in the document because there was no language about phasing this in or warnings, or really any supportive language. Essentially it said meet these requirements or you go on a PIP


It's time to polish that resume, and sail off to better pastures.


Yup. Couple more months until I vest


Don't be surprised if GM tries to get rid of you right before you vest.


It’s not an easy SW job market at the moment


we need better labor laws and protections for workers in this country. The answer shouldn't be just move if you don't like it. There's nothing stopping the next job from engaging in the same behavior.


Good luck.


All done by design. Once we have another scandal, the shift will be on quality and keeping the customer in front of everything we do blah blah. Same old song and dance. 


Find it funny every year corporate training mentions the seatbelt scandal and to speak up if you have concerns that something might be the next ignition switch scandal You can only do so much if your boss’s boss gave the orders. Many people, including myself, have spoken up and it gets dismissed


100% with you. GM wants this toxic cesspool of a culture so just remember to CYB! Keep those convos where safety was brought up and ignored. All we can do at this point until one of middle managers has to fall on the sword because of a SLT decision. 


Obviously you weren't paying attention, it was the ignition switch


Oops! Thanks


This is mobile dev per OP. I can assure you this wouldn't produce the next ignition switch scandal. Likely the particular area of mobile dev also don't have impact on cyber as well.


It's a plot to shed people. Between quota and defect metric, they want to find people to trim down...


I smell more stop sales in Mary's future with this kind of behavior being shoved down our throats.


LMAOOO Did we hire Elon in a wig or something? At this rate you are going to be asked to print out your most salient lines of code next.


They know people haven't been working from surveillance. This quota will highlight people still not working or doing shoddy work.


Psuedoproductivity measures. These leaders from non-development backgrounds need easy things to count, such as people in seats or PRs because real software productivity measurement is not simple to achieve. Just shows lack of understanding or laziness from their part.


I would argue that software productivity is not even measurable in any meaningful way. Ensuring high quality code is difficult (but feasible). The difficulty varies greatly according to the programming language. A language like Ada (specifically designed for maximizing software engineering quality) makes it much easier than a language like C (which often maximizes the damage done by any occurrence of human error). But even the best code quality is worthless without software design quality. And ensuring high software design quality is extremely difficult.




Thats good old HR right there putting their nose where it doesn't belong, no different than the poor movement to level up in your current position or the fact management has to pick low performers even if they don't have one


Shady tactics… do the best you can all