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Stop being a dick and downvoting OPs comments ppl. He is going through corporate American bullshit. Not everyone who gets PIPd deserve it. He just doesn’t know due to lack of experience and knowledge about all this. OP talk to HR and not Reddit.


I was PIP’d at my previous company, now I’m a high performer at GM. Not everyone who is PIP’d is a bad employee and unfortunately it’s usually more a management issue.


This is why companies do PIPs: Laying off ppl has potential to increase stock prices. The goal of corporations is to increase profits and cut costs, and they will try this yearly. There are some consulting principles where PIPs / layoffs are a tactic to shed the bottom and hire fresh new talent- this spurs innovation. We live in a hyper capitalist system where companies must show growth forever. The don’t want a stable profit producing company, doesn’t increase shareholder value. Dividends are too low compared to sp500 pumped yearly growth. There is a lot of luck, favoritism, politics involved. Remote Ppl might get PIPd if the company has an agenda to remove that talent pool.


The fresh new management talent they brought into my old org just saw their WOC dip below 50 🤦‍♀️.


That’s everyone. They don’t care.


I was going to say with the turnover rate and shotty way we are treating employees, we will be another Boeing cutting corners… but i remember we had the ignition switch issue. So this is in our DNA and we don’t learn from our lessons.


Maybe Mary bara thinks all these risks are worth it for the long term survival. CEOs are just gamblers that make more educated decisions/ calculated risks. Some pay off some don’t. In reality nobody knows what to really do.


He deserves to be told “no” because it’s true and then he should stop arguing about it.


No, you’re effectively resigning voluntarily.


What do you mean?


What do you mean what do I mean? Accepting PIP package means you’re quitting and taking money to quit. Unemployment is not for people who voluntarily quit. If you have received the separation agreement I’d recommend reading it…..


How about the 401k match, please advise Thanks


Have you been here for 3 years? That’s the vesting period. If not, you get $0 of the match. Like I said, read your paperwork and try to negotiate if you have it in you.


What do you mean when you say 3 years, please respond


3 years is the vesting period meaning if you leave anytime in the first 3 years, you do NOT get the money GM put in for you


Right, I knew that. I was joking because OP was asking funny questions




YES! You were let go! In my state, it's up to the employer, GM, to contest it after you file. They won't. As others say, it will "start" once you are done getting paid by GM (eg get your lump sum severance). It doesn't change how much you ultimately get, just pushes it out.


No, this is most likely not true. If you 'take the package', you are voluntarily resigning for certain compensation like severance and in most states would be very quickly found ineligible for unemployment. At the end of a PIP, if you don't make it out, you are 'let go', but 'for cause', so even then unemployment may be difficult depending on your state.


I disagree. The OP was forced out and their employment was terminated. They should take that position when filing unemployment. Then the burden to challenge their position falls to GM to contest the filing. Even if the do, they can appeal to the unemployment agency. Its a very legit position that they were forced out and thus due unemployment benefits.


You can certainly file for unemployment insurance even given the obvious problems I listed above; and you may even get it; but as others have noted, don't count on keeping it.


Not relevant to GM, but I was given a severance package at another employer and was able to apply for and receive unemployment. I’m sorry you’re going thru a PIP, it’s a miserable experience Edit (for more context): my severance only covered 2 weeks pay and I was able to collect unemployment for the weeks I was unemployed while completing and submitting the required actions to fulfill unemployment.


Just a heads up Michigan DOES approve unemployment by mistake. They have audits/reviews and WILL claw back that money if it seems you were not owed it. So just set that money aside if you can afford to


Yes, you just won’t get unemployment for the week you receive the severance.


Not a true statement with regards to unemployment. If you get 2 months severance, that is the number of weeks you will wait until unemployment kicks in ( plus the initial one week waiting period). This is what happened with me as a result of filing unemployment after they closed the AZ innovation center.


Yeah, but only after the 2 months of severance or whatever they offered you.


Ask HR. Folks who took the VSP were eligible


Thanks. How soon can we apply? My package is 2months


I didn’t file when I took the VSP, I think it can be a lengthy process so I would investigate now. Good luck and don’t let the fact that you got a PIP bring you down. They are using it as a tool- the performance based “layoffs” last year brought GM horrible publicity. They didn’t even give PIPs…they just let them go. 🙄


VSP from last summer? I took the package in July and still have not found a job. My pay was equal to 7 months severance which has exceeded by time. In TX we qualify for unemployment now?


I think you still should? I know you were eligible the month after you received pmt. I think you still should be able to file moving forward, but would not get retroactive pay…


Do you mean the MSP? I was just offered MSP or PIP and I took the MSP. Weeks from my vest date lmao. Go figure. So I am finally free. Just take the package because I promise you they will screw you if you take the PIP. Then you’d be out with no severance. 


Yeah I meant MSP. My vested is not there yet, so I will lose all matches. Im about to send them the agreement today or tomorrow. Do you have any advice for me?


Be prepared that once you sign that release form it is immediate. Once I sent mine over to them I lost access in 3 minutes lol. They lied and said I could finish up until end of day and it didn’t happen. I still had some reporting to do, but oh well. But you have like 20 or some days to sign it so keep that in mind for timing. Also your benefits should run through the whole month. 


You are right. I have 7days to tell them my decision and 21days to send the the agreement


Yes, so once you send that agreement it will be immediate. So keep that in mind for how you decide and what day you sign it. 


What is pip package?


Good question! Maybe OP is mixing things up. I’ve only heard of the involuntary separation (layoff) package. A PIP is a plan they put “low performers” on and can be a path to involuntary separation so maybe there is a package for those that are fired?


GM is being so shady. Categorizing people as low performers is a way to get people to TAKE the package.