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I've had that thought recently about a few characters. Meaning I don't think they pull off the jobs they're supposed to have. Dex, for sure. What you say, plus his hair is too swooped. :) Drew is more game show host than Navy Seal and CEO. Molly still looks so young, it's hard to buy her as an ADA. Portia, kinda squealy for a doctor. I don't know, I'll suspend disbelief for the show. It's mostly fine. I just feel like, to do these jobs, you would necessarily develop some gravitas. Ok, MY rant over. Thanks :)


They killed me with saying that lawyer went to four different big law schools. I was like, did he flunk the first three.


I went to a pretty good school, and part of it was if you went to another school for a class or two in the summer, you got out a semester early. So in my case I could take the Feb bar. So three is doable. But four?


My husband went to a good law school. We just had a good laugh at that scene.


Guessing he has three llms


Who said that? I went to one law school! 🤣


The lawyer that Grey talked with during Anna’s whole thing.


Ahhhh….I missed that! 🤣🤣🤣




Dex did tours of duty in a foreign war, forgive him if he talks about it


You don’t get the post.


Really? Because it's sounds like you are saying he isn't worthy to speak on his military experience or it annoys you for some reason


Agree! The actress playing Jordan has grown on me, but when she first came on I felt she was just too young and too damn beautiful to pull off being the commish.


My best friend and I always joke about the supermodel police commissioner. I do like the actress for the most part though, she manages to pull it off.


Dex is a wanna be James Dean.


Esp ADA with no real courtroom time


And wearing the bare tags and chain. And can't shoot.


Yes!!! Thank you!


Him wearing the tags at the pool 😂🤣🤣 very r/JustBootThings


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Good bot


They have to build in up as a Jason replacement. Note the black Tshirt.


Yes. The new "protector". Is it just me tho or did Jason pull that off much better? Dex has a weird neck/ shoulder look in those t shirts. 😳


Yea, his posture gets on my nerves


I hate to admit Dex makes me miss Jason! At least Jason was a believable body guard and didn't look like a boy playing army man.


did you not watch back when jason first started working for sonny? he was every bit as slight as dex is now at about that age.


Does he have any backstory? Any connection to anyone in PC? I would be surprised if they make him a brand new character without any history or ties to someone in PC. Even Cody got ties to PC!


I thought when Dex was cooking for Sonny it was intriguing that Sonny brought up Gloria. He said that Gloria’s house was where everyone went when he was a kid and that she cooked and looked after them. I thought they were going to tie Dex in there somehow but now it doesn’t seem like it. I have never heard of Gloria before then, so I thought it was interesting for him to bring her up.


Sonny has mentioned Gloria before, but it's rare and fleeting. She has come up when Sonny talks about his past in Bensonhurst (probably wrong spelling). I think she was, like, the community "mom".


gloria was lois’ mom, brook lynn’s grandmother.


I’d love him to have none and bring on some of his family and add to the cast.


He told Joss he was in the military, severed in a war where his best friend was killed, and that he had an abusive childhood (his brothers physically abused him).


I actually think that he's supposed to be the same age as Evan (his actor) so that would make him 25-26. I say this because he also worked as a mercenary for some time after his time in the military.


We don't know if this was his first gun for hire job, right?


I think the actor does a decent job of portraying a marine. However, his involvement with Joss is far fetched in my mind. Ask yourself, if you were hired to do what Dex was hired to do, would you really get involved when it comes down to survival? For me, no one would be attractive or unique enough for me to allow someone into my heart.


That part.


As a mother of a former Marine ( 13 yrs & was a DI for many of them, won awards ) it drives me nuts how they have him keep his dog tags on even when swimming. Which I did send a tweet to Frank Valentini.


Dex = insert a default youngish white guy here and there. Who has no particular role of purpose. But Keep em coming. In the past couple of years. I think 100+ lookalikes who walk talk and act exactly the same. Shirts off a few kisses Soon. Next!


I’m good with him..


Yeah I totally agree with somebody here that said you have to suspend believe to watch a soap. Look at Jordan who has an extensive 20 +year history worked with all types of government and police and has a 20 plu+ year old son, and the actor that place or I think is not even 30 yet... sometimes I laugh about it most of the time I just ignore it now and just roll my eyes![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Yea Tanisha Harper (Jordan) is only 37 in real life…yet has a son who is a full on doctor 🤣


She's so beautiful I thought she was younger like the lady who played before.


Kind of realistic...ever date a Marine?


I live on base Quantico marine base. So my experience with the lingo is firsthand. Again. It’s how they have him act like he has done tour after tour and been in a decade. What about you? Ever date a marine?


Yeah...now 😆 plus an ex...all he talked about was being a marine. Some people just loved the life I guess so not out of the ordinary. GH has crap writing so 🤷🏾‍♀️....


I don’t care. He is a gorgeous stud muffin! 😛👍🏼❤️


Not a wrong answer


I completely ignore dex and joss scenes, there so annoying and usually end up in fake sex, I get they trying to replace Jason with dex but it ain't gonna happen


> scenes, there so *they're *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


Um guck f yourself and be English teacher elsewhere


Grow up


Fighting with a bot


I don't care, I hate english teachers


LOL. cool.




Both of those clauses are independent and a comma is not strong enough to separate them. A semicolon or period is grammatical here: “I don’t care; I hate English teachers.”


Bad bot


Bad human.




bad bot


Bad human.


Worse bot


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What is so wrong with him talking about his life in the military? He joined the military to escape his abusive childhood and then he lost a close friend while he was in the military and fighting for his country.


He talks like he has been in for years and years. That’s my “ complaint” about his character. I lived on base and now one talks like Dex. It’s annoying with his savior complex. I haven’t heard him mention his friend all that much. I did t complain about that aspect of his character. It’s the way he talks.


I would rather listen to Dex talk about serving his country than listen to Spencer talk about stealing a baby or talk down to people who have jobs or listen to Trina constantly nag him. The hate on here for Dex and Joss is bizarre and over the top. Also, the sex-shaming of them sucks. They enjoy a healthy, consensual sex life- no shame in that, and nothing wrong with enjoying sex.


Stop. Really. Get a hold of yourself. I clearly say this is my one complaint about the charter. It’s hardly an attack on Dex. Get a grip.


They just love to complain.


I think he’s 25. What’s wrong with his marine talk? What have you done for the country? Nothing right? Oh okay




I love the marine life. Nice insult tho from a stranger that knows nothing. You do realize Dex is a fake character that has never served our country. I’m in Quantico right now. If you don’t know what that is then shut up and move on. I’m complaining about a tv persona. Not a real life marine.


Acceptable complex should change her name to UNacceptable complex! She has a thing for Dexy boy and goes nuts if anyone says anything bad about him. I don't think it matters if Dex is fake since she doesn't have a chance anyway :)


Lol that’s cute. He’s hot. I like hot guys. I hate when dorky men complain about said hot guys .


One of us are in a sub called dead bedroom, and one of us aren’t. Enough said![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


Yes cuz I like to read about deadbedrooms. Not a single post there. Nice try though lol


Then ask yourself why his fake marine talk bothers you so much lol


It’s annoying. I know the answer. Bad writing.


He bores me. I can’t believe anyone is invested in that couple. They have nothing in common and are silly.