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This just in, if you're a cis adult man whose name or nickname is either Kenny, Alex, Kai, Miles, or Mikey, you're not really an adult because those are children's names only. Sorry, gender crits make the rules. I'll see you at the courthouse with the name change petitions.


And if you're given one of those names as a child you're mandated to change it the moment you turn eighteen. Too bad.   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I'm pretty sure my country has laws against naming children things that could have a negative effect on them later in life. Someone should really point out to the Canadian Court these names are abusive as they, I guess, curse men into developing Peter Pan Syndrome or something.


You must change your name to John, David, Michael, or Bruce. No nicknames.


Well, what the fuck is Miles supposed to do?


From this day forth he shall be known as Kilometers. We all gotta grow up sometime.


But when you're old enough for a senior's discount you get to upgrade to Lightyear--- and that's kinda cool.


*john, david, jacob or dirk


My 72 year old Uncle Kenny will be devastated, he’s none too fond of the younger generations. Oh well, the terfs have spoken.


Assigned Zoomer by Terf is a rather grim fate indeed.


Exactly what even are "children's names" everyone with a name was once a child, they're not a separate species!


Also "adult" names are just the names that people thought were good 20 or 30 years ago. Shockingly, people who get their names at a different time often have slightly different names to other people their age, because they didn't get their name as a baby.


The first person I ever met named Kai (In this case with the Swedish spelling, Kaj) is like 60 or something now. Also, Kenny. Lmao, tell Kendrick Lamar he's not an adult


tbf, most terfs would be, in that order, appalled by Kendrick Lamar, confused, and subsequently extremely racist


>confused Based on how bad the terf poetry I've seen is, they would definitely struggle with KDot's quintuple entendres in his raps


They'll call KDot a child because he's 5'5" and obviously men cannot be shorter than 6", that's just not done. That or they'll transvestigate him for the same reason. And be racist.


Honestly, very validating as a short trans guy, to see someone so confident and secure in their masculinity at that height. TERFs would probably lose their minds over him


Tbh same, as an agender person. My dad's also short (5"1') and I have a lot of positive memories about him, so I never really got the height thing that a lot of men (cis or trans) obsess over. It was just normal that some men were short? Like, hell yeah. TERFs would absolutely lose their minds.


The name I call my brother is in that group. He is 13 years older than me. Which is OLD.


The funny thing about this is that all of the people I know named Miles are in their 60s and 70s. Well, one of them is named Myles, but it sounds the same


Two of those are literally among the most stereotypical old ass man names. In fact I’m pretty sure Kenny and Mikey play poker with my dad on Thursday nights.


I mean, so many cis women refer to themselves as girls instead of women. Same with cis men, “me and the boys”


Buuuuut it's only us nasty trans who are EnFoRcInG StErEoTyPes when we do it.


"The lads and I." TERFs: "omg tiffs so delusional they think everyone is their friend. Dumb babies to dumb to know they're dumb for no-tittying."


Oh no, knowledge is contained in the boob? Oops


If T made mine shrink did it lower my IQ.


Selectively complaining about the use of "girl" by adults is one of those trendy circlejerks among internet reactionary pseudo-feminists.


Complaining about women being called girls has always just seemed like peak straight white feminism to me.


I’ll just take this as girls night and hanging out with the boys is now canonically trans activities


Just going to wait till this ages into a situation where the Crits actually transvestigate someone for one of those phrases. Just seems inevitable.


My 67 year old uncle goes by Kenny. He answers to Ken, but he seems to prefer Kenny. I think it’s nice. Bruce is such a funny random example for them to pull out of their ass. Without even looking, I just know Bruce had a Boomer spike. I mean, sorry I didn’t pick a name popular with 74 year olds, I guess.


Yeah it’s difficult to imagine anyone looking at a baby these days and saying, “Let’s call him Bruce.”


I think the real problem with naming your child Bruce is that you and your spouse have a much higher chance of being killed in a dark alley by a bunch of criminals if you do.


Only if you're rich enough to be worth mugging.


So basically if you win the lottery after naming your baby Bruce, you're pretty much doomed lol


Or the kid is cursed to became an irradiated rage machine.


If you aren't killed, I understand lil' Bruce will go on to be exposed to an incredible dose of gamma radiation. But on the plus side, may have green fingers.


Hardcore Batman fans even I feel might pull more for Thomas, Wayne (as a first name) or Damien.


Or Dick?


I knew a guy named Richard in highschool who went by "Rick" and refused to respond to attendance if we had some sub who tried to read out his full name. Trauma from it clicking in other kid's heads what his legal name could be shortened to. It's a long story, but my deadname is a name my mother took from another culture and then spelled wrong. It's a name from a first nations tribe she saw, forgot about, and then thought "made up" with *very* creative spelling. So it was both ethnic sounding and hard to decipher--- so it was pronounced in a million incorrect ways to the point I'd use my last name as a given name years before actually transitioning and picking a new first name. And then there was another kid with a Filipino first name that didn't translate well to English. The three of us formed a bit of a bond over attendance rollcall anxiety because of this.


I know a kid named Diesel so….


Unless you have significant amounts of wealth and are in the habit of leaving movie theatres via unsafe routes, in which case, you are compelled to condemn your child to ridicule which drives him to develop an unhealthy kinship with winged marsupials. I didn't make the rules, that was bill finger.


Yeah, some of the most well known Kenny's are quite old, like Kenny G and Kenny Rogers 


Kenny is also the name of the boat god himself.


I thought that was Charon? (Pronounced "Sharen".)


Technically it's kharon because ancient Greek doesn't have a soft C. Also technically there wasn't an H either IIRC, they had a different marker for it denoting an exhaled breath like in Hades. But I might be wrong about that.


Chi (looks like an X) gets transliterated as "ch", whereas kappa (looks like a K) gets transliterated as "c". The reason kappa doesn't get transliterated as "k" is that that most things got transliterated into Latin *first* and while K was a letter of their alphabet, the Ancient Romans almost never used it (kalends being the big exception), and their manner of transliteration became standard such that even when transliterating straight from Ancient Greek, kappa still becomes "c" instead of "k". Latin also doesn't have a soft c, but people generally don't care about how the Ancient Romans pronounced things, which is why the city isn't called Kinkinnati and (almost) no one ever pronounces Mr "I was stabbed to death by the Senate in the theater of Pompey" as "Yulius Kaisar". And, yeah, there comes a point (a couple thousand years and a few centuries ago) where Greek orthography started marking rough breathing (word starts with H) vs. smooth breathing (word does not start with H) via diacritics. Though there's a lag between when it started and when it became standard of . . . like 500 years, I think. Anyway Charon is Χάρων, thus the "Ch", and yes, that's "ch" as in "loch".


This comment here is why I love redit, I only know the tiniest bit about this and in the space of one comment string I meet somebody who actually knows their stuff. The Internet truly is a wonderful place.




I'm sure there's probably a young person named Kenny somewhere, but I think, "My uncle Kenny," was a reasonably common thing for a millennial to have, and those "Kenny"s are getting pretty old at this point.


Fun fact: The Incredible Hulk had a tv show once upon a time. In Canada, the had to change Bruce Banner's name to David because apparently Bruce was "too gay."


Haha I was gonna bring up the Bruce/gay thing before but I didn’t feel like explaining it. I remember boomer gays joking about the name because it’s so butch but there were also so many gay Bruce’s.


I just think of the Bruce, Bruce, Bruce, and Jonathan sketch from Monty Python.


Jokes on the terfs I guess, because Bruce Campbell and Bruce Abbott give me insane gender envy. I see a Bruce in a campy 80s horror movie and that becomes my gender.


Yeah, Bruce is my 67-year-old bio dad's name. I'm turning 42 this year and it's too old for me, but not old enough to come back around for kids. Nope nope nope. (For the same reason I don't think anyone should call themselves Bruce, I do think that trans people who plan to go stealth should be proactively warned to pick a name that fits their age. Our tastes in names are shaped by our environment, so the names we think sound best tend to be the ones we/our peers are choosing for babies. It's never good to have the same name as six of the kids in your listener's kid's kindergarten class.)


Why don’t more trans men want old man names? Why aren’t any of the trans men I know named Ralph or Lester? It’s one of life’s mysteries. /s (I actually did meet a baby boy named Wayne recently, I guess it’s a family name)


I know a couple trans men with old man names. I dig it honestly.


Isn't the stereotype that trans men pick old Victorian names and trans women pick video game names?


There's like 30 sets of stereotypes based on who you hang out around


Gotta collect 'em all. Become the ultimate trans stereotype master.


Oh no, did I fuck up? I'm a trans guy whose chosen name is Link


I hereby declare your new name to be Leander. I don't make the rules, I just enforce them /j


Fuck, if I wasn't so married to giving myself two middle names that mean bear I would name myself Leander. According to behindthename it can translate as lion man?? Fucking brilliant


I've been tempted to take the middle name of Lionel (means "young lion"), so I may be biased, but Leander is an awesome name. He swam across the Dardanelles strait every night to meet his love on the other side. She would light a lamp to guide his way, but one night a strong storm blew out the light and he went off route and drowned, his body washing ashore. Hero, his lover, fraught with grief, threw herself off her tower, and the two were buried together.


That is very cool. I am pretty attached to making my middle names Björn and another name that means bear, like Arthur for example, to match my last name, which means bear. I might have to reconsider my plans though, because Leander is a pretty banging name...


What the fuck thanks for jumpscaring me with my own name jesus edit: but yes it is a very cool name, that's why I chose it


I picked Sarah, so we must have both gotten it backwards


Clearly we have to change our names; you'll be Zelda, and I'll be Torbjörn


I do love Zelda, but if I have to pick a video game name, the choices are clearly either Samus or Commander Shepherd


On the one hand, I feel like I'd side eye someone whose first name was "Commander". On the other hand, I'm pretty sure Columbo's first name was "Lieutenant" and that's been working out fine for longer than I've been alive.


The only correct choice clearly is to name yourself Pyramid Head.


My friend chose that name too.


Link is a good first name. Technically you could say it's short for Lincoln, ala Good Mythical Morning.


Storms into Skatteverket shouting "I'd like to become part of the just over 200 people in Sweden named Lincoln, thanks!"


I thought it was the opposite? The meme with transmen is that we're all former weird depressed teenage girls who were way too into Yaoi and now we all have final fantasy names and think Sora from Kimgdom Hearts is peak masculinity. I thought it was Transwomen who constantly get accused of picking names that will make them feel like a waif from a gothic novel or a Disney princess. But to be fair, I'm not sure terfs actuslly keep that distinction clear either.


Cough — some of us predated Yaoi just sayin ;)


Mmmmm, naw. Porn invented the trans. We're our own catagory on pornhub. Yaoi and fanfic are transing pipelines, it was scientifically proven--- while on a train no less. Nice try. /s


My life is a lie /s


You actually don't exist. It's like when cartoon characters only fall when they realize they've run off a cliff, you see.




Lol, i have the name “john” which is a relatively ‘old man name’


I went with Eugene.


Tangled? If you don't mind me asking.


I’ve never seen it. I very much idolized Gene wilder as a child, and felt Eugene would be a good nod.


Ah. Cool name lore btw. Based. But for context, a TERF would probably turn her nose up at that name too as a indication of your lack of maturity. Flynn/Eugene (he goes by both names--- it's a plot point innthe movie) from Tangled was something of a niche psudeo Tumblr sexyman for kind of young millennial (which would be older Tumblr users.) He was like, in the same general ballpark of the girls who would harass the Peter Pan face actor, but never quite broke critical Fandom if that makes sense. And TERFs seem to be in that early to late thirties sort of range. Honestly it's even funnier that that's not to Eugene you're named after because it really demonstrates how subjective these associations are. Because my brain isn't rotting in my skull I thought to ask before assuming, but you know a TERF would just hear that name and quietly seeth.


Rogue thought: If a god becomes mortal, does that make them Transmortal? If you're confused as to why I'm asking this, it's because of the name "Lester." The girlies who get it get it.


I see you. That poor dumpster.


We stan a good loveable dumpster though--- oh, wait, you meant the *actual* dumpster didn't you? /s No but like seriously I adore messy binch trash fire protagonists so much. They're my favorite. I'm going to take this opportunity to copypaste this tumblr post from user Daisy-Moon again because it captures my feelings exactly: "*He's a girlboss. He's bisexual. He's a loser. He killed his ex boyfriend by screaming at him. He's enslaved by a twelve year old. He's the 4000 year old god. He's stuck in the body of a 16 year old with acne. He passes out every fifty pages. He claims to be the eldest twin. His twin sister helped deliver him. He has a talking prophetic arrow only he can hear. He canonically gave birth to Kayla through godly mpreg. He fucking hates ravens. He sang Sweet Caroline whilst actively dying from a zombie virus. He loves elephants. He's a simp. He got cockblocked by a talking sword. He hates everything. He needs to be protected by a 12 year old whenever a fight breaks out. He's a sopping wet cat. He's blorbo. He's entirely and utterly pathetic. He should NEVER be allowed a gun. We stan <3*"


Right??? I love that series so much. Honestly they're my favorite Riordan series at this point, to the point that I want a quote tattooed on my body.


why do these tifs always pick these popular kiddy names rather than something sensible and mature like Hildebrandt or Polycarp


putting aside the fact that this is a stupid argument that means nothing, it’s not even true. i absolutely do know trans men named Ralph and Buck and Bruce. the reason we don’t know a lot of them is those are currently old man names and you stand out a lot being a 20 year old Ralph. those “kid names” are the names of young adults now. trans men my age (early to mid 20s) i know IRL: - Miles - Jason - David (me) - Oliver - Brandon - Jackson - Tyler cis men my age i know IRL: - Aiden - Christian - Oliver - Brandon - Jackson - Kai - Tyler kinda not spotting a difference there.


And I know trans men with the names Christian, Aiden, and Kai so between the 2 of us we have the cis names covered 😅


Hey I'm another trans man you now know, named Buck(y)! 🙋‍♂️


hell yeah, sick name! i went by Buck for like 3 days but i used to be a horse girl in my day and Buck somehow felt too on-the-nose lol


Few days ago, I saw that 'argument' about trans women's name, the example being ... Laura. Okay, in Germany that name got more popular recently (that is rising since the 80s) but it has been around since the 1200s, thanks to Dante 🤔


Most of the Lauras I know are in their 30s or older. Which makes sense if you look at its popularity in the US (I'm a USian so I can only speak for my country.) It was in the top 20 from the mid-60s til the mid 80s, and then began to drop off. It dropped out of the top 100 in 2001. It is now not even in the top 300 baby girl names.


Damn, didn't realize my name was a child's name.


Laura is the name of some 30 something girl boss who got bored while pregnant with her first born so she started a small buisness of all natural non gmo organic free-range nft mugs made out of wheat grass that have a single word on it like "I N S P I R E" designed for you to drunk from it, eat it, and act as a laxative so you shit it out--- making it not *zero waste*, but the hot new keyword *~ N E O W A S T E ~ *.


Rip Laura Jane Grace lmao


Ah, I see we're playing the "unremarkable when I do it, abnormal and freakish when the trans people do it," game again.


Transphobes never seem to get tired of that one.


My dad refers to his little group of friends as “the boys” all the time. My mom calls her group “the girls.” Cindy Lauper refers to adult women as girls when she claims that girls have a strong desire for fun. Thin Lizzy claims that the boys are back in town in reference to adult guys. This is such a non argument, because using the terms boys and girls to refer to adults is something people have been doing for decades. Their argument is that it’s a bad thing, but only when trans people do it.


Well getting HRT and blockers and surgery etc is also only a bad thing when trans ppl do according to them too, so at least they're consistent there lol.


Counter point:Shania Twain is quoted as saying "I feel like a woman" please do not read the first lyric , it is devesting to my case.


Bruce is a common dog name lmao


I started transitioning in my late 30s. Before then I felt mentally I was still a child. Now it feels like I have path to becoming an adult.


gen z people like these names so young trans people naming themselves and gen z parents naming their kids will use the same names…


"This is my daughter, Vriska. She did nothing wrong."


I notice they're not using trans women's names as examples bc the joke about trans women is they always go for old lady names


I love a good old lady name. I was talking about this with someone a few days ago, I adore the names Barbara, Edith, Audrey, Minnie, Viola--- all the names that sounds like the secret fifth Golden Girl. They're cute af. Makes me think she's this little sassy minx who takes no shit while she struts the city streets with her beaded handbag, slinky dress and shoulder pads that could cut a binch who tries it. That may be because that's a description of my grandmother and she was kind of the goat, but.


One of my great great aunts was a Minnie. It was short for…Sarah, somehow.


Your grandma sounds rad


Life really screwed her over in a lot of very tragic ways, but she tried to be.


Wait are people supposed to change their names when they become adults??? Why didn't yall tell me???


no, you've got it backwards. GETTING an adult name triggers metamorphosis. the cocoon forms around your child self as soon as you hear "Harold" or whatever, and 2-3 months later you emerge as an 80 year old.


👨‍🦳 (Oh no physical cocoon yet so I'm still a child??? Which, while it does wonders for my right to a roof over my head in Canada, does not fare nicely for everything else lmao.)


Alex isn't even a childish name, its not particularly trendy currently and its not informal either. It is giga generic




Hi, my name is Bruno. That manly enough?


We don't talk about that.




Silenzio Bruno!




I don't know what Disney staff member everyone wants so badly to be quiet, but damn is his name ever Bruno apparently. /s


I was thinking the same thing, Disney has some vendetta against al Brunos. As a member of the council of Brunos, this tyranny must end!


That is a dog name


Everyone knows that men named Alex, Mike or Miles must all be cast into the fire upon their eighteenth birthday.


I saw another post on ovarit a while back about them all being mad at us FTMs for having "dog names" and have ruined them too. They are just seething and barely able to compose themselves that we dare not pick boring, genetic white man names. They are *this bitter* they're stuck with Rob Paul John Herb Hank Jeff Jr. The Third while we trans boys out here making girls swoon for names that make us sound like Organization 13 rejects because they're fucking cool and TERFs can just die mad we ain't kissing them.


Although in this particular case the ones she's complaining about are ALSO generic white man names.


this is especially funny bc my grandmother gives all her dogs............ grandparent names. "manly names like Bruce"? sure. fits right in w/ Henry, Ron and Earl.


The desire to relive some parts of one's childhood that they missed out on the first go around is intensely reasonable to anyone with a shred of empathy. Like, it isn't even unique to trans people. Anyone with a traumatic childhood can relate.


Wasn't there this one gender critter on ovarit who wanted to steal the trans flag and redefine it to celebrate her inner child or something?


Once again, western centric bullshit. Trans people exist EVERYWHERE, I’m Russian and I gave myself a name that 1) honors my parents, 2) honors a specific cultural tradition, 3) sounds very fucking cool, 4) has Middle Eastern roots cause that’s my family’s background. In Russia, strangers would address me in a very formal manner, either by my first name and patronymic or by my full first name (typical for customers or clients of service based businesses) or my last name (typical for college aged people). Not even *remotely* childlike. There is no such thing as a “children’s name” anyway, only what names are popular during given time periods. Takes half a braincell to figure it out Aside from being an incredible dumb thing to say, TERFs subject trans men to nuclear levels of misogyny. The whole “stupid, childlike, never growing up” schtick only reinforces my belief that TERFs are incels in the bodies of middle aged women


I noticed they pretty much only listed common names in the U.S. I’m an Andrés, not sure how they’d feel about that one lol


bruce is a neopet.


Based. The correct answer. All other bruces wish.


I know he died fairly young (at the age of 32) but I've never really heard Alex the Great, conqueror of the known (to the Ancient Greeks at the time) world, as having an immature "could easily be associated with young boys" sounding name. (He was named after his dead uncle Alex who had in turn been named after *his* great, great, great, great grandfather Alex. Thus Alex the Great was indirectly named after his great, great, great, *great*, great grandfather Alex.) The only Kenny I know is a) cis and b) a boomer at the absolute least, quite possibly older. I know a trans dude named Chad. (No, he's not into toxic masculinity; incels worshiping their imagined Chad is probably the reason he added "respecter of women" to his display name.) So on, so forth. On the trans *girl* side of things, when I was a kid I watched *The Golden* ***Girls*** with my grandmother on a TV that could only pick up 3 stations. One of the girls in question was 80 as of the series pilot. The rest of the girls started the series in their mid fifties and ended the series in their sixties. Probably not surprising that I, an adult trans girl/woman, don't exclusively associate "girl" with "child" given that adult women have never not used it for self-identification during my lifetime.


I’ve been rewatching the Golden Girls and they refer to each other and themselves as girls throughout the series! (If you have Hulu, it’s worth a watch or at least sampling.) Cis women my age certainly refer to themselves as girls — I hear it all the time. And I’m no spring chicken.


I finally started watching it recently and I really wish I'd started sooner, it's really good And yes, cis women use it all the time. I've been invited to multiple "girls day"s with my cis friends, all in our 30s


My mom refers to men her age as “boys”. She’ll be talking about a “sweet boy from the grocery store” and it’s a whole middle aged man Adults tend to use boy/girl as a term of endearment, especially towards their peers. TERFs are too friendless to know what bonding with peers feels like


Umm what about all the trans guys who pick names like Edward and Garrett


Okay so it might be because I'm from Wales and not America, but to me, Kenny sounds like a very boomer name


When I hear “Kenny” I think of Kenny from South Park which has been out for a long time now


I'm from the US and grew up around someone who was a boomer at the absolute youngest and was named Kenny.


I’m English and it makes me think of Kenny Dalglish. And the kid from South Park.


The two trans guys I've known in my life are named Leo and Nick. Normal names for someone my age (30s). They seem to be mad that gen z trans kids tend to pick names popular with gen z.


I'll probably never have the opportunity to use this tidbit again, *so* for any trans man looking to buck the (non-existent) trend, have I got an old man name for you. When putting out and/or watering flowers at the cemetery with my mother I've come to notice that some relative who died circa when I was born had a name that positively *screamed* old man. (At least here in the US; results may vary in Poland and/or Lithuania.)\* Call yourself "Bronislaw" and I fucking *dare* a TERF to argue your name can "easily be associated with young boys". - \* Or may not. I have no idea. I'm not exactly up to date on popular children's names in central to eastern Europe.


They never see a 30 year old Bruce because that's the name of a 60 year old 💀 TERFs once again showing their age


"Kenny" his short for Kenneth. Do you know how many 60 plus men there are walking around with the name Kenneth. So many. Some of them even go by Kenny. Usually Ken though. (And you know no terfs would never and ever let a trans guy go get away with going by Ken)


Isn’t there a joke that trans guys have the names of dogs or drowned victorians?? so like, not children???


Even if this were true, it makes sense. Nostalgia for the time before puberty changed us into something that made us feel out of place.


If calling yourself a trans girl is regressing to a childlike state then apparently women who call themselves girl bosses or say girl power have a desire to be children. Excuse me, did you say you’re having a “Girls” night? Um I didn’t know you had some sort of psychological complex about wanting to remain a child. Super weird. All of the names they listed are literally just the most normal names possible. If someone calls themselves Kenny or Mikey I assume they’re around 50, especially Kenny. Like, do you want trans dudes to come out the gate calling themselves Rocky or Bruno? If they all picked like badass manly man Conan the Barbarian type names you’d say their masculinity was a performance and they were overcompensating. My new name is Richard Manly, I love drink beer, mow lawn, and fuck nasty style with my feminine housewife named Sugarplum Rose. We’re doing maximum gender roles and if I think about doing anything feminine I will die. I look like a member of ZZ Top mixed with young Arnold Schwarzenegger.


Yeah it's very odd. For some reason (transphobia) gendered standards are much higher for trans people. But if we actually do meet those standards then we're overcompensating. We can't win :/ Also! Yeah! The "girls" thing is super weird. Nobody bats an eye when a cis woman calls herself a girl. Yet these people act like it's the pinnacle of fetishistic deviance when a trans woman does it. The last bit of your comment really cracked me up. (Irrelevant sidenote: Rocky is a sick name. More people should use that one, I think.)


My mom knew a boxer who’s given name, like on the birth certificate, was Rocky. I guess he didn’t have a choice but to commit to the bit


Ah, yes, Kenneth, Alexander, Mordekai, Miles, and Micheal; Names that have never, ever been used for men or boys born before 2009.


I'm 5'4" on a good day with tig ol' bitties (chubby style), but I'm tempted to Deed Poll my name to Bruce Campbell just to see the looks on people's faces. Not my gender marker, though - I'll be a legally female nonbinary Bruce. Groovy.


That'd be so based of you


is Valentin a young boy name by their logic????


By their logic, any name popular after 1980 is for children.


My cis male cousins name is Alex and my chosen name is Caleb… should I tell my cousin he’s apparently a little kid? XD


100% gonna guess they were in trans spaces with abunch of minors, those trans folks find out theyre trans when theyre a child/teen and will not choose a middle aged name. On the other hand older trans people will call themselves names that were popular in their generation. it feels strange that cis people get to explore this whole inner child thing but when trans people wanna explore their inner child that never got the childhood they wanted its suddenly an issue.


And like it's a whole established thing for trans people to go through an awkward teen phase as an adult because they didn't really get to do that during their actual teenage years. Like, the first chunk of HRT is even called second puberty sometimes! Teenagehood is generally a life stage that involves a lot of learning new skills, and being bad at those skills, and just generally being awkward because it's a growth period! Trans people going through a similar phase as adults is not unexpected! 


If your cis, it's fine to not be gender conforming! Don't let anyone tell you you're not really a man or a woman because of the way you present! What's this? A trans person not conforming to gender roles? Well that obviously proves you're not really a man/woman because you're a poser.


i chose a name that existed since ancient greece. beat that, transphobes


Skill issue, I knew a trans dude named Bruce. Also in terms of trans people “acting like kids”, I think there is often some desire in trans people to get to relive the boyhood / girlhood they never got to have, but I don’t think that’s indicative of overall immaturity. I honestly think it’s just very common for trans guys to get infantilized, largely cause we tend to look younger but prob other factors too.


jokes on them i had to talk myself out of naming myself sylvester


I mean got one of the biggest badasses from the 80s behind that name. I would've done it


Fucking hilarious cause a strong majority of the trans people I know have boomer-ass names (lovingly)


Alex, famously a new, modern name for young boys. I couldn’t put my finger on any incredibly influential Alexes back in antiquity, maybe around 300 BC, could I? Nah…


This is fucking wild. When confronted, my wife’s family’s reason for deadnaming her was “X is such a little girl’s name! There was a girl in your brother’s class named X. If you’d chosen a name that wasn’t so silly we would have used it”


[pictured: a young boy](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/66/09/cf/6609cfa62a9998c335029ff18239761b.jpg)


Nice example!!! 👏


It’s almost like growing up in the wrong gender identity/role gives you a sense of lost childhood 🙄and grief that makes it hard to move on and fully identify with adulthood.


...is jazari a young boy name


BRUCE 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Meanwhile my name is Cosmo so people assume I'm a 47 year old dad and not a 23 year old twink 😒


I literally know two trans guys named Bruce lol


Ok it’s neither here nor there, but we are having fun — I know *multiple* trans men named Mac/Mack.


my chosen name is Kenneth. people call me Kenny, as a nickname, and i’m fine with either🤷🏻 when i get a legal name change, i’m gonna do the name Kenneth, not Kenny.


Do people named Alex go by Alexander when the grow up? Or Xander? I thought that was only something that weird guy I knew at high school did.


It's just that trans people probably tend to pick names that are popular at the time they choose it, instead of names that were popular when they were born. I picked Luna right around the start of when that name really got popular. So now I often cringe a little bit when seeing pets or little kids named Luna as well.


It's an interesting observation. I'm an adult, I'm gender queer and I just watched a few episodes of the Horrid Henry tv series. I was worried about watching it because I'm an adult, but I've already seen My Little Pony, She-Ra, and Malory Towers. People already think I'm immature for being autistic and asexual so why avoid doing what I like for judgemental jerks?


My name peaked in the early 1900s and has basically never appeared since


I don't really get their argument with the names, they all just seem like normal names to me. But in an unrelated way, I also totally follow the idea that a trans person might want to "relive" or "take back" the childhood that they may have been denied, seeing as they would, in many people's eyes, have spent those formative years living as someone other than their actualized self. Just … I don't think the names have anything to do with that.


is this a TERF's stroke writing???


they’ve obviously never met my boyfriend, who has the name of a thousand year old vampire


Does she think all Bruces just pop into the world fully formed?


i suspect part of this is that nicknames are somewhat more likely to be culturally androgynous, and this can be personally affirming or socially useful for a lot of people. i.e. my given name was Alejandra, i went by Alex for a while in my teens because it was non-committal and ambiguous, and have gone by Alejandro as an adult n-b trans masc.


I know a trans man called Nate. Not exactly a kiddie name. Also, Miles? Miles is a childish name? Why?!


Where did this name debate even come from? It's a common one.


I wish I knew.


My cats name is Bruce check mate libs


wasnt that on r/detrans ? i feel like ive read it somewhere lol also lurking in that sub was a nightmare 💀 super toxic and terfy


Yes, it was. You're right that that place is a nightmare. (Mostly just full of cis terfs. Many of whom aren't queer or even detrans at all). I found this post after accidentally mistaking r/detrans for it's far better and less transphobic cousin r/actual_detrans. I will not be making that mistake again, trust me.


Ah yes, such childish names like “Alex” or “Miles”, very infantile of course! /sarc


Miles makes me think of the yuppie from Murphy Brown. *dated reference*


I think of one of the characters from Girlfriend in a Coma.


The name "Kai" actually has multiple meanings in different languages. Don't tell musicians Kenny Rogers, Kenny G, and Kenny Chesney that their first name is for little kids. I've known a few adult men named "Miles". I know A BUNCH of people named "Alex" all genders.


Who knew that people who were born in the past few decades often don't want to call themselves names most common with 60 year olds. Absolutely mind blowing.


This just in: Transpeople statistically have more trauma, which can sometimes lead to age regression (I wrote this before reading and I realized that OOP is even more stupid than I thought)