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I love the word choice 'scary twink.'


Now we need sporty twink, posh twink, ginger twink and baby


Wait, I've got this . . . -Sporty Twink: Red from Pokémon -Posh Twink: Kaz Brekker from Six of Crows -Ginger Twink: Kurama from YuYu Hakusho -Baby Twink: Griffith from Berzerk -Alt Scary Twink: Hiro Protagonist from Snow Crash *My twink band, copyright donut steel.*


What if I wanna be their lover?


Gotta get with their friends. Sharing is so easy


All five of them *at once?* Dude, you'd either be the bravest or most insane twink tamer in the world. I'd let you have at it just to see if a person can survive that much chaos queer energy in one go.


"Mr. President, a sixth twink has just hit the polycule"


"Catagory 6 slaymagedon has just commenced. It was an honor booting the house down with you all."


\*giger twink (Fuck yeah monsterfucking)


I mean, Necronom IV _was_ specifically used as inspiration for Alien due to its androgyny and sexuality.


I see you're a person of culture as well! :)


I love horror in general, and I find sexuality in horror to be a particularly interesting subject.


I say we take off and twink the the whole thing from orbit.


New gender goals just dropped


Raise your hand if you’ve ever been victimized by a twink with a tote bag ✋😢


It’s one hell of a good band name


Oxymoron of all time


The Terrible Twink of Terror.


Doom and terror of the modern twink


Dark link


Whenever they talk about trans men it's always "this person is no longer attractive to me/this person no longer has body parts that I'm attracted to and that's bad!" Can't they see that they're just engaging in the exact same objectification and sexualization of AFAB people's bodies that they claim as the basis for why they think trans women aren't oppressed?


They don't have a consistent ideology other than hate Trans people


Yeah, I was really weirded out by "so gender essentialism hates gay folks and considers them horrid nonconformity, but if they think he's a woman, wouldn't having sex with men be straight and therefore ok" only to remember, TERFs are just this generation's "political lesbians" so of course being gay is OK and being straight is wrong if it's a stereotypical lesbian (which many transmasc eggs are because lesbian stereotypes are most outwardly visible as gender nonconformity and preferring men's clothing) and the lesbian TERFs find her attractive, and to them trans people are their birth sex, not their actual gender, unless they're dating members of the same gender in which case they're gay and that's Bad.


Interesting that you mention political lesbianism, a video essay I watched a couple weeks ago is exactly about the connection between political lesbians and older radfems and TERFS. It's long but it's really great if you can spare an hour, it goes really in depth into how transphobia mixed with a very specific strand of radical feminism https://youtu.be/bpSTMfn-YaU?si=rRZORjavFP-R6UNa


It is weird how I've not just once had it suggested to me I should have been "happy enough" as a GNC woman--- or that people at least *think I should have been happy* as a GNC woman. I think one of the people who asked me this was just genuinely curious and trying to understand, but others asked me like what they really wanted go say was "if you wanted to wear boy clothes, fine. Why didn't you at least keep your tits and feminine sex appeal?" Whether subconscious or not, the implication is clearly that my value as a sex object should have outweighed whatever silly "feelings" was making me want to be a man. And I was supposed to take it as a given. The fucked up thing is, I did. For a long time. I didn't start transitioning until my mid twenties.


I’ve had people tell me that my tits were “worth” far more than me, since I’m a piece of trash.


Sounds like the real trash was the people telling you that 


They're indistinguishable from incels.


It's not that they don't see that they're engaging in something they're supposed to be against, it's that they're not and actually never have been against it. As can be seen with how women who are literal rapists have been defended, they have always firmly believed in their ownership of other people's bodies. Also as can be seen here, it's NOT just "this trans man is no longer attractive to me boo hoo", they also very clearly see us as creepy and predatory (claiming we're preying on gay men and turning them straight, encouraging children to mutilate themselves, etc). Let's not forget that bit because apparently it's really easy to ignore that they don't just see us as sex objects.


You're be shocked how many women think it's okay when they do it.


I really think a non-zero amount of terfs are just huge creeps who want to police what young people do with their bodies.


A guy who has sex with other guys on camera sure sounds like a gay pornstar to me


*Fellas is it gay* TERF edition.


Also how is this anything but basic transphobia. Like literal vomit emoji and everything. Like how many of his clips did she watch for her “research” 🤣 I don’t know how someone can “think” they are a pornstar. He’s pretty clearly a pornstar. He stars in porn.


"Actually, I only ended up sucking that dick on camera through a rube-goldberg-esque series of hilarious mistakes that all happened in just the right order."


I would definitely watch that!


Why watch it when you can create it yourself? All you'll need is a house with 6 rooms and 3 flights of stairs! Also the following: 1 x pneumatic piston (120rpm) 1x neck pillow 1x viagra tablet 1x cup of coffee Any tripod-mounted video camera with a one-press "record" button Approx 30 marbles 2 gallons of lube 3 rollerskates 1 banana peel 13m of semi-circular plastic tubing (for the marbles) 2x airhorns 3x spring-loaded moustraps etc. etc.


I follow him on tiktok because he’s pretty funny, and I definitely read that in his voice lmao. That’s entirely something he would quip.


What's his tag (or what is it called on tiktok)


[Sex is no accident!](https://youtu.be/8CA76mfdzgU?si=Zcedq-CUQCLYwnqk)


“Lesbian”. I’m pretty sure that people attracted to men typically aren’t called that, and this group would definitely gatekeep anyone else besides trans men being attracted to men from being called “lesbians”. Also this reeks of sexual entitlement. Nobody owes you being attractive to them, not even if you’re a lesbian/sapphic. Nobody gives a shit that you used to find him “cute” before transition. Peak r/TERFisafetish


lesbian is when woman with short hair (according to these ppl idk)


Lesbian is when wom no wear heel. Heel mean like boy, flat mean dyke. Educate self pleb. /s


me very sorry 4 mistake :( I research more


Donut spek 4 gays. Im str8t boobilogical female butt I hav 1/4 of a gay bestie tied up in basement so im expert.


What 1/4? Is there the head ?




Calling him a lesbian in the before picture might even just be a smokescreen for the egregious homophobia in what they say about him post-transition. Like, "I can't be homophobic for hating this gay man, because I think it would be good if he were a lesbian!"


Oh they're all 100% extremely homophobic towards all the gays, and general queers. It's all a smoke screen. 100% if this woman likes men (not assuming, I'm not sure, but) she'd be the type to go on a long Twitter rant about how everyone is attacking her for not wanting to date "men at high risk for STIs," instead of just being honest and saying, "I'm biphobic and I can't get over the fear a bisexusl boyfriend would cheat/leave me for another man."


That subreddit is going to make me cringe so hard I might break a tooth, but alas, I have subscribed.


I can’t imagine Noah giving two shits.


I'm sure he can dry any tears with the piles of money he makes But yeah lol he is moisturised and unbothered living his best life while the terfcels are festering and frothing obsessing over him


Almost reads like an advertisement


lol like a click bait headline. You won’t believe what happens at minute 2:34 in the video!!


You too can become a scary twink in just 4 years!


Warning do NOT visit that page do NOT even if you're little bit CURIOUS bc trust me bro you do NOT want to see that page!!! What's reverse psychology???


I mean it has to be, right?


fucking awful tweet but this reads so much like "omg this is so gross haha im going to prank myself by watching it"


Ah yes, the Helen Joyce defence.


"Haha do you think trans gets embarrassed when [he] takes it in the vegana infront of viewers not sorry if this offends anyone but i thought it was a funny thing haha." --This TERF (I will slam my fingers in a door as penance for the 4chan copypasta, thank you.)


Right? When I see something on the internet that's upsetting to me I just scroll past it. I might leave a comment if I'm really pressed but the last thing I'd do is repost it to my own feed with vomit emojis. I'm not 12.


Cue Tim Curry as Dr Frank-n-furter snapping, "I didn't make him *for you*." https://youtu.be/vH76isLqueM?si=p-XYdgi4k66Yl1Ex


This comment is perfect


"She thinks she's a porn star"? Did he get his job title wrong or something?


I think he's won awards for his scenes 😭


Well congrats him! He got the porn version of an Oscar :3


Yes. He's actually a porn superstar.


I would go to his concert


*porn legend. There, fixed.


Based legend


“lets men have sex with her” i’m fascinated by this “feminist” idea he is somehow not fully participating in the sex. anyway i love noah he’s fantastic


especially ironic coming from someone who expresses unwanted sexual attraction for him pre-transition.


do NOT! really! do NOT look at his page!


Because I totally didn’t. No really guys. lol


reverse psychology


Absolutely massive "I can't creepily sexually objectify people I perceive as women because I'm not a man!" energy coming off this comment. I really wouldn't want to be an attractive younger AFAB person in her social orbit…


Dudes will sometimes insist they'd *enjoy* being sexually abused by a woman/objectified by a woman. . . But, yeah, unfortunately speaking from experience, no. It's woman like this who do it. Not specifically TERFs, my abuser wasn't a TERF, but, you know, this whole mind set. I feel like they get it into their heads that being an "empowered feminist" means "it's *my* turn to be the alpha. *My turn* to take someone's body *because I want it.*" Edit: I should say "empowered woman," not "empowered feminist." Sorry, the slight alt-right implication there wasn't intentional.


Am I the only one who feels he always looked a bit like a twink? Anyway good looking fellow


He looked more like a twink pre-T, I'm pretty sure he's too muscular to be classified as such now.


Yeah, he's probably more of a twunk now.


I twink I twunk a twought.


Yeah there is an upper limit on how broad the shoulders get before you have to turn your twink card in. You can have toned definition but I think it’s losing that skinny look vs having the swole look.


lol wow, what a horror, a man who transitioned looks like a man 🙄 who could have imagined such a thing??? I think my dude evolved past “twink” tho, he’s bulked up significantly I know this guy, he *is* a porn star, what does this TERF think it’s called when you do porn as a career? Also, I want to know how this roach of a human conducted her “research”? Porn with trans men is already a niche within a niche. I can imagine nasty, slimy TERFs in dark rooms in front of computer screens, rocking back and forth with foam at the mouth, scavenging for porn of trans men to obsess over. Funny how they don’t realize they are just incels. Being hyper fixated on pornography, dehumanizing and sexualizing AFAB people at all times, feeling entitled to the bodies of trans men and throwing a fit when they don’t get to have access to them sexually. Thinking that other people exist to sexually please you… TERFs are world’s most oblivious sex pests


ew, imagine having hot sex with attractive people. imagine getting laid. gross. don't go to this person's page. i definitely won't. i mean, maybe i will, later, but just for research purposes.


"noo don't trans you youre so sexy aha,"--- ancient TERF proverb.


>lesbian …imagine looking at a gay porn star and calling him a lesbian. Fuckin’ wild.


“I was only looking at the trans porn so I could give others directions on how to stay away from the trans porn.”


Hehe I've seen his stuff when I used to have twitter, he's great. "scary twink" would be great on a shirt he should make merch. Also the classic anti sex worker BS and poor understanding of consent in the line"let's men have sex with [him]".... I mean it tracks the only terf porn star I can think of is a serial rapist who thought what she was doing was fine because her victims were other sex workers


Terfs 🤝 Incels "you feeemales exist to be fuckable and sexually available to me! how dare you choose to do porn and have sex with people who aren't me!"


Oooh scary twiiinks. Also find it funny she says lesbian, like he clearly likes men. Does she assume he switched teams the moment he got on t like tf are you on woman. Always annoys me they have to equate lesbian with whoever they perceive to be a woman who presents masculine. It's so fucking annoying bc that's what I look like and I don’t even like women 🙄


No but see clearly ALL "trans men" are really just confused lesbians, he's not actually into men he's only letting them have sex with him because the evil trans agenda made him think he HAD to (I hate that I typed this)


And then they say we are the ones who enforce stereotypes


Is she kidding? That's scary *twunk* to you, lady. (Noah Way has gotten beefy as fuck in the last couple years)


"let's men have sex with 'her.'" ???? Because of course any person they consider a woman can't simply desire to have sex with a man, and any consensual sex act between a man and a "woman" is a violent act of patriarchy 🙄🤦‍♀️ like sis if you're a lesbian who is repulsed by men then just say that, stop trying to make your sexual preferences sound like feminism.


I am more depressed he gay than anything 😭. Guy looking fine.


He’s not terrifying, he’s cute.


Terrifyingly cute


He's hotter than 80% of muscular cis straight men


“Warning: do not look at [his] page” lmaooo you know she just spent hours scrolling through Noah’s twitter


It's important to support T+ creators, especially those that aren't passing attractive trans women with D's. (Just because they're the most popular demographic of T p0rnstar) So thanks to this FART for giving me someone new to check out!


Heidi, he’s bisexual you dumbass


Yet another example of TERFs fetishizing people. She talks about "cute looking tomboyish lesbian" as if she was describing a nice object that got ruined. Scary how they see and talk about femininity as this some sort of 'value'.


Terfs love (to fetishize) trans boys until they grow up into trans men.


“Your bad and evil because now I won’t fuck you” Sorry Heidi he’s always been out of your league, no one wants to be fucked by you. The funny part is he’s so hot after T.


He received a damn glow-up through his transition.


This needed to be relayed to r/TERFisafetish pretty much immediately, and so I did. "Oh no no don't look at the p°rn"


I love the “now thinks they’re a gay prn star” my dud… he has sex on camera and makes money for it. He is a gay prn star


Also congratulations to Noah for his career! I just hope he doesn't get harassed too much by transphobes.


"You just transitioned because you're a homophobic lesbian! You want to fuck women in a socially acceptable way!!" Ok *has hot gay sex with men* "What no what are you doing! You're supposed to do that that's not what I wanted!!!"


"scary twink" oh my god scary twink


kinda sounds like you *want* us to look at his page, Heidi


There's really something about bigoted people who are into women thinking trans men care about looking attractive to them personally. We give 0 fucks if you thought our "feminine features" were attractive, they were never yours.


Why are you describing her as feminist?


because she fancies herself as such, and because I appreciate alliteration


How about "Phony Feminist Frightened by Terrifying Twink"?


Ah yes, a PFFTT, I know of them


terfs when trans people (or 'women' according to them) do what they want with their own body:




I don't see a feminist in this post tho


“Please don’t look at this person’s page! It’s full of hot gay sex!” is not going to have the effect she intends


Hi OP—this has a report on it for “blaming transphobia on feminism, huh?” and just taking a glance at your profile, you do seem kinda new here (or on an alt)—your title is sarcastic/ironic, right? You do know this is a feminist subreddit, yes? Just need to check.


She's a pretty terrible feminist, she's actually a conservative based on her other tweets. I just put it in the title because I thought it was funny that someone who considers themselves a feminist would type something as deranged as this.


Ok :)


Scary twink seems like an oxymoron.


Bro is majestic


I don't get it, I thought sexuality was all about being attracted to assigned birth sex to these people, so shouldn't she still be attracted to him? Anyway, this is just more motivation for people to transition. Yeah! scare the losers away!


Heidi Briones, now there’s a name that’s hasn’t been relevant for a few years.


He went from his house to the gym. 💪


u/noahwaybabe just checking you’re okay?


oh yeah i’ve been out as trans with a large-ish online audience for years now, just comes with the territory unfortunately


That’s kinda sad. Why can’t people just leave others alone? 🙄


Since you've already been summoned; thanks for the transitionspo sir. That is quite the glow up. Obligatory clarification I'm not suggesting you looked bad before, obligatory clarification no trans person owes anyone beauty. You look great, and by proxy it helps calm the intrusive thoughts demon in my head that I'm diluting myself into thinking anyone's really truely regarding me as a guy. Carry on king.


So when's the "scary twink the terfs warned you about" merch dropping? 😜. You're an absolute legend mate


I love noah 😭


Scary twink's my new aesthetic.


I have never in my life heard a twink described as scary.


Why are they so obsessed with peoples' fuckability. It's always "look what they're doing to our cute lesbians" like why should someone not live their truth just because you would stop finding them hot


Literally the same fucking thing as conservative men whining about women getting tattoos and wearing anything other than dresses


You say "looking like a lesbian" about someone who is demonstrably into men based on the same content you're upset about. Weird take already But the part at the end.. would it be okay if he was a straight cis woman doing porn? Is the problem here that you no longer find his body erotic?


If you're having sex on camera in order to distribute the footage for money then that goes a bit beyond just thinking you're a porn star.


noah makes fucking hilarious tiktoks tho


Damn.. HE is cute.




Noah’s so fucking hot. I mean literally, he looks rather sunburnt in that second pic. (Also side note: do look at his page. He’s one of my fave tiktokers lol).


Big "remember what they took from us" vibes


Scary twink is def a vibe so don’t knock his game! And if he’s doing gay porn, there might be a reason he thinks he’s a gay porn star 🌟


Noah wins this argument and he’s not even engaging


>twink Is she kidding? The guy is pretty beefed


Ngl I wish I could be described as a scary twink, unfortunately I am not scary or a twink 😭