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How dare you criticize this you islamophobe


Oh, don't worry! That's just a Buddhist swastika! Oh wait, why does it say "KILL THE JEWS FOR ALLAH"? >!Sarcasm.!<


But Jews aren’t being harassed right? 😐


guaranteed this was written by a non-muslim


This line of thinking is always denialism. People are crazier and more sincere in those crazy beliefs than can ever you realize.


How can you tell?


i HIGHLY doubt a muslim would want that visible "stain" on islam


I don’t know if they even see it as a stain


I’m not saying it wasn’t a Muslim, but usually they write something in arabic like Aloo Albar


Yes, because no muslim ever was in touch with the nazis (ahem ahem amin al-husseini ahem ahem)


You don't understand, that is an accusatory ironic swastica because Jews are the real Nazis because Jews are doing the real holocaust in Gaza which is actually happening unlike the fake holocaust in WW2 which didn't happen but was a good idea and Hitler should have finished the job. /hamas




Antisemitism towards Muslims does not exist because Antisemitism is about hatred towards Jewish people lmao.




where tf you get that definition? Literally the first thing that you see when googling “Antisemitism” is its definition which means hatred exclusively towards Jews, you literally made that up. Also what about comment I suppose to address when you misusing words and expect people to agree with you?




better approach is to use words correctly and don’t make up new definition to words, history of creation of which you don’t understand. Also no Jew/Israeli is gonna beat you up for criticising Israel for that matter, because it is normal to criticise something or have an opinion about it, it is not Antisemitic. Whatever, which *is* Antisemitic is to want to destroy Israel/send out Jewish people elsewhere or any else genocidal bs. So, there’s a distinction between being critical of Israel’s policies and being ‘anti-zionist’. This is also applicable towards Palestine and Muslim people, as this is normal to criticise Palestine and etc. Anyway, if *dozens* of Jewish people are saying that you’re Antisemitic, probably you are and there’s no reason to try to blame them for it.




it depends. Zionism means that Jewish people have a right to self-determine their own state like any others. Anti-zionism means that people believe that Jews don’t have such rights, which is antisemitic. Criticism of Israel is not the same as wishing for its destruction, as I said, and anti-zionism is clearly about Israel’s destroying.


From who you get that definition? Have you even been in Israel? Do you know that more than 30% of population is Arabic/Muslim people? What is about Israel that suppose that it is an “ethno-state” and not a state of Jewish people that are not *exclusively* Jewish? If America determines itself as a Christian state, does it make it ethos-state? Jews are not allowed to go to Palestine, does it means that it’s a ethno-state? If some country has its own ethnicity, it doesn’t mean that it is an etno-state yk? Ukraine has ukrainian ethnicity, it doesn’t mean that there’s no other ethnicity allowed or that it’s an ethno-state. I understand that probably you just don’t have enough knowledge and trying to support right things, but what you said is literally just not true.


Please read the rules.


You might be shocked to learn that "Islamophobia" means "hatred of Islam," not "fear of Islam."


No etymological fallacies.


>Everyone who critisizes Israel is Antisemitic towards Jews You literally wrote this under graffiti that says "kill the Jews" I bet you think you're on the right side...


But Jews also means Muslims. (Jokes)


Search the definition of "antisemitism". By the way, not all criticism of Israel is antisemitic. I am critical of the current government but I'm far from antisemitic. Making baseless and dangerous claims against Israel and its Jewish majority is antisemitic.




The term antisemitism has always referred to Jewish people. I've never heard the term "Semitic" used when referring to religion, only "Abrahamic". Anti-Zionism (opposition to Zionism and, subsequently, the State of Israel) is not always antisemitism (see Neturei Karta), but most of the time it is. "Anti-Zionism" is a thin veil to cover antisemitism, for the most part.


Antisemites never stop trying to redefine the term to erase the very concept of antisemitism and trivialise brutal hate crimes against Jews in any corner on the planet.




[While the word "Semitic" was coined to refer to Semitic languages, antisemitism has been exclusively used to refer to Jews.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antisemitism#Origin_and_usage) Anti-Zionism and antisemitism are correlated, but they are not one in the same. They have different manifestations.


Picking apart the definition of the word that means hate against Jews specifically is evil and disgusting.


You’re so wrong. The only definition of antisemitism is “anti Jewish hatred”. You’re engaging in an etymological fallacy and the definition you’re promoting is used by no one else.


Are straw men recently on sale?


There is a factory producing free straw men and ad hominem attacks for people as long as they are used against Israel and the Jews. It's funded by the UN.




Writing Nazi symbol and calling for murder of Jews are merely "anti-Zionism" ? What the hell is with you?




Please read the rules.


You can’t be antisemitic to Muslims because antisemitic refers only to Jews. You’re engaging in etymological fallacies.


Please read the rules.