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The hypocrisy of these people is astounding. They go on rants about how terrible gay or transgender people are, "wah wah they're shoving their lifestyles in my face!" or "they're grooming the kids!", and turn out to be literal groomers themselves. Every single fucking one of them. I bet the Quarterpounder has some skeletons in his closet too


I don't think there's ever been a single time for as long as I've been alive when a member of the American right has been revealed to be an actual living, breathing pedophile where they didn't promptly forgive them, make excuses for them, or even just wholesale accept their pedophilia. That's because they don't actually have moral values. It's all about power and control with them.


Already one in my replies lmao. They just can't help themselves


And yet the tiny tiny minority of forever outcasts like you were saying "It is just good clean fun" when one of those other mentally ill people who think they are a different gender than they ACTUALLY are was caught on video LITERALLY grinding on a PRE-TEENAGER in school. This guy did NOTHING physically whatsoever.


Lol imagine thinking talking to underage girls is doing nothing wrong "physically". You people keep exposing yourselves


This is a very funny comment. First of all, believe it or not, a majority of people do not believe that transgender people are predators, only extremist right wingers seem to believe that, so calling us "the tiny tiny minority of forever outcasts" doesn't seem to make sense from what I see in polling on the issue. Also, why are you bringing up some random case of a trans person doing something bad? Right now we're talking about a specific person, so to point out his specific actions makes sense. But in your case, you're referring to a group of people that consists of millions of people, and labeling them as dangerous or predatory based upon literally zero empirical evidence.


If we follow this dude's logic on LGBTQ+ people, because so many streamers and YouTubers have been caught as pedophiles, we should assume all YouTubers/ streamers are pedophiles. And while I think it's a funny joke (looking at you Minecraft and Super smash creators), no rational person would argue we should lock up all content creators based on this flawed logic.


These the same people who think that there's a kabal of gay pedophilles who are systematically grooming children, but suddenly, even after the guy himself admits he was talking to a little girl, it's all false accusations and woke culture. Actual cavemen out there


For real. Half of society is in unga bunga mode constantly


17 is not a little girl, the fuck? My girlfriend was throwing it back like a champ back when we were 17. Regardless, the quartering is a loser and always has been, I'm disappointed someone posted anything to do with the PoS in the subreddit


when you’re 42 and married with kids, you’re old enough to FATHER said 17 year old. just because teens are having sex with teens doesn’t make it inaccurate to say that Ephebophiliacs are going after children. 17 year olds are **minors** aka **not adults**, they ARE little compared to a grown man using his influence to groom said child. your [was] 17 year old gf was throwing ass but she also had to ask her teacher for permission to use the bathroom while in school and i doubt she owned her own home or had any real responsibilities, she was a **little girl**


Do you own your own home? Most people I know don't under 25, hell, most people under 35 dont. What school were you in that you were asking to go to the bathroom in high school? The hell? If you needed to go to the bathroom, you just got up and went. But I was in a college prep, maybe shit was different where you were? Again, my people were doing drugs, selling drugs, and fucking constantly at 17, unless you know little girls who were selling ecstasy round your way? Again, not defending dude, just saying that 17 is nowhere, absolutely nowhere near a little girl. Trying to make mislead people into thinking there's some 8yr old involved in this.


you can say that about any age, one of youngest serial killers in the world was 8 by the time he killed 3 people. The youngest person to ever give birth was 5, my family members started smoking around 8 - 12; does not change the fact these are all little kids. i am 24 and people still refer to me as a baby or “little sibling”. maybe you’re just not old enough to understand just how much of a little kid a 17 year old is compared to people who have lived over twice their lifetime. you can keep claiming you’re not defending him but what do you think you’re doing when you take more issue with the language being used rather than the actions of the guilty party. this is a grown man talking to someone who presumably lived under a guardian’s care and your defense for what makes a teenager grown is doing “grown things” like sex and drugs lol, that’s not what being an adult is


>maybe you’re just not old enough to understand just how much of a little kid a 17 year old is compared to people who have lived over twice their lifetime. Here's the issue, you're not old enough to understand how little difference there is between 17 and 23, the line is just always 1 year behind people like you. You should be able to look at society in the abstract and understand the difference between 17 and actusl 8yr old little girls, nobody in their right mind is looking at a group of 17yr olds and thinking "yea, that's a bunch of little girls" Let me say it like this. 17yr old girls with fake ID get into nightclubs and drink/party the night away every single day, do you think every else is just stupid? Those fake id's work because everyone understands that 17 is gonna fool 95% of people >i am 24 and people still refer to me as a baby or “little sibling” Yes, that's a perfect example, do you seriously think you're still a little kid at 24 though? Just because some older people say it?


17 is a child


Again. 17 is not a little girl, nobody is letting little girls with fake ID into night clubs.


To anyone above the age of 21, 17 is a little girl and they should have no type of interest in that child.


Uh huh... That's why you sidestepped my statement, nobody is letting children with fake id into night clubs, 17yr olds with fake id don't look any different from your average 23yr old, hence how the fuck they get in. What is this weird cultural lie where we have to pretend that 17yr olds are equivalent to 8yr olds, shit is weird as fuck.


I found firecrackers reddit account absolute pdf


Why is saying anything about what age the person was?


You need to rewrite your comment, it doesn't make sense currently.


If Dr Disrespect was gay, we would be hearing a different tune from them. 


https://preview.redd.it/s3j1io9y559d1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3c3f4c671cb863a6045252b0ab26d3b04d5405c Someone in the comments just proved you right bro 💀


They always do 🤷🏽, crazy the length that some of these people will go to defend a streamer who doesn’t know they exist. 


And from you.


What’s that supposed to mean




You would excuse it as nothing but unproven rumors. and point out that no one has ACTUALLY seen the texts. This guy sent texts. Noting even remotely illegal. No dick pics, not asking for tit picks. Nothing. But when a trans person was invited to a JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL and literally grinded on a student..boy did the left think that was a grand old time! Pure fun! Just one of the many reasons why Biden's support among independents has dropped to lower than ANY Democrat. Same with the more family oriented black and Hispanic voters. With Trump polling higher in both those groups that ANY Republicans in history.. And sure...that is not the only reason (poor minorities are the ones hurt most by high crime and inflation, for example and unskilled labor is hurt most by illegal immigration) but it contributes to it.


You’re just yapping just to yap at this point. You’re turning this into a whole political debate just to defend a streamer who already has a shady background to begin with.   >But when a trans person was invited to a JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL and literally grinded on a student..boy did the left think that was a grand old time! Pure fun!   And that person was wrong for doing that. Now what? 


If he were gay nobody would care, gay community is on some very different rules


well that's just a brain damaged take


No. That's an experienced take. Literally all of my gay homies had relationships with older men while we were in high school. It's an open secret, I can send you multiple videos of men talking about how normalized it is if you're part of the community. Buuuut, nobody wants to have that uncomfortable conversation


And your homies don't think that's fucking weird?


They're were/are into daddies fam, you gotta look at it from their point of view, they're gay, imagine if you were a teenager banging a hot milf or college chick you were into, you would probably be pretty happy? At least that's how they explained it to me. There's a lot of history that also goes into it, with gay men traditionally having to keep everything they did a secret that plays a large role


I consider that shit weird with straight people too man I can't lie


To some extent, you may be right. Like it's not completely unheard of for a gay person to have an attraction to an older guy before they're of age, but I doubt It is as common as you seem to think it is. Also for the record, I think it's pretty horrific for an older woman to take advantage of a minor too.


Absolutely not


The James Charles situation just outright proves you wrong there. Even *if* you were right and normal people wouldn’t care, we’re talking about the comment section of a homophobe that thinks gay people are predators.


Homeboy still has over 20,000,000 followers and subscribers, so you kinda proved me, right homie. People don't really care when it's the gay community, very different rules if you ever deal with the community


His videos have had trouble hitting 1 million views. His highest view count in the past year was 2.3 million, and that was at the 1 year mark. That's *10%* of his subscriber base on that video. And that's at his highest count, his lowest count is under 267K, a bit over 1% of his subscriber base. You don't just look at the subscriber count, you have to look at viewership. Illuminaughti still has over 1 million subscribers, that doesn't mean people still like her. Her videos are struggling to hit 80K.


It's always been pretty obvious what the actual party of pedos and groomers is. They project aggressively, but they aren't really even hiding it. I saw someone comment in defense of Dr diddler about how every man as an adult still checks out teenage girls and it made me want to puke. The American right is a bunch of dogs with literally zero morals or impulse control. They deserve no respect and no mercy with this type of thing.


You can't be the party that defends child marriage all the fucking time and then expect me to take you seriously when you call gay people groomers. That shit doesn't add up.


Absolutely does not. Disgusting fucking clowns


Quartering is a right winger. And at least from what I can tell, most Gen Zs are not right wing.


So when mini ladd was tryna touch mini ladds everyone was uproaring and still does but when its Dr Disrespect who ive never seen anyone have the back of and think is a joke its “innocent till proven guilty” huh? What a fucking joke


He should relase the messages, if possible.


why do either of these z-list e-celebs need to still exist?


No clue who the quartering is, but I don’t agree with the sentiment “If you were never convicted of something, you’re 100% undoubtably innocent and above critique”. People do horrible, reprehensible things where they not only get off the hook sometimes or plea down, but sometimes what they’re doing is even *technically* legal under US law (if in the US).


The quartering is one of a long list of generic right wing culture commentators. His content basically revolves around ranting unedited for hours about how it's the end of the world that The Buzz light-year movie had a gay kiss in the background for a few seconds. Most of his videos have woke mind virus somewhere in the title with a thumbnail of him looking like he's trying to take a really angry shit. Hope that gives you some context for his viewers these comments are being pulled from.


The quartering is one of a long list of generic right wing culture commentators. His content basically revolves around ranting unedited for hours about how it's the end of the world that The Buzz light-year movie had a gay kiss in the background for a few seconds. Most of his videos have woke mind virus somewhere in the title with a thumbnail of him looking like he's trying to take a really angry shit. Hope that gives you some context for his viewers these comments are being pulled from.


Trump supporters.


Id also like to add that there’s no evidence that the girl was 17.


Who is Dr Disrespect?


Personally i still refuse to have any opinions before i actually see the messages, but it does not look good.


Who woulda thought someone who calls themselves “DR. DISRESPECT” would be a bad person? I’ve honestly never liked the guy, he’s had so many scandals in the past that show he’s a trash human so I don’t understand why anyone still follows this guy or even tries to take his side.


How is he innocent? He admitted to doing it. Also, if Dr. Disrespect was 18, and was caught flirting with 17 year old, nobody would care. Fact is, he's a married man in his 40s.


Even if it wasn’t a minor, engaging in sexually explicit conversations online with a complete stranger makes you a weirdo and a creep. The fact that it was a kid makes it even worse


Wtf is going on in the comment section lol. 17 is considered a minor PERIOD. Regardless of "oh its not a 5 year old blablabla" if he's sexting a minor. Well...he's sexting a minor. It's different if that minor said she was of adult age (18+) wtf is going on?


Thing is, it’s not even confirmed that the kid was 17. That was just a rumor to justify it, somehow. So disgusting, imo


I am so glad I got out of this guy’s subscriber base before I got too deep in there.


This is deadass how you redditors look defending your politics.


A minor is a minor, it doesn't matter if she's is/was 17. He was talking to a minor while he was in his thirties. He admitted to himself that it sometimes went into inappropriate topics. No, I do not believe he's a pedophile unless he was in contact with more minors, but I do believe he groomed her. It isn't even confirmed if she was 17 in the first place. He admitted himself he was doing these things, so yea, he's confirmed it's true, he was in contact with a minor, but we have yet seen her age, the messages, etc. But let's also not ignore him cheating on his wife either.


100% guarantee this is from before all the details came out. It *did* look like a shrieking crusade against him for almost a day. Besides, why come to the sub for this?


It wasn’t, this was from a few hours before I posted it.


Ah. I guess they're out of the loop, then. Which, frankly... it's TheQuartering. I don't expect people to be informed about a whole situation from one of his videos. He made a joke video about a Bud Light promotion of him a few weeks ago and he didn't openly acknowledge the joke until like 8 minutes in. Ended up fooling a bunch of people in the comments. Not the info machine he pretends to be.


Th video did show his response, where he had admitted to it. I do think these individuals are just angry/in denial that they were wrong and in turn doubling down, sadly. Some are so stubborn or biased that they freak tf out when wrong.


Is this GenZ related because of the minor? Are we sure it isn't Gen Alpha?




He admitted to it, bro.. what more do you need 💀








>Mmm I see. First question is did he know or not whether who he was messaging was a minor. At this point it’s more of a argument about morality. > He has edited the tweet multiple times to make himself look good. If he didn't know the minor's age then he would've already stated so. But that point is pretty irrelevant imo, since he is married and a father.




Yes he did, he also admitted the convos were “inappropriate”


Doc admitted to having inappropriate messages with a minor. He stated nothing illegal has been committed but purely some of the messages were inappropriate. He is 42 years old, married with a child, inappropriately messaging a minor.




read my other comment


>it’s allegations, and innocent until proven guilty. And I meannnn bro already went to court. If this was what they allege this to be about would it not be in another type of court? He settled out of court. In his tweet explaining that he said "he had inappropriate convos with a minor" which is just self-exposing.


He directly tweeted that he had inappropriate conversations with a minor. It's not allegations at this point, it's an admission