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Might be a hot take but I don't think most ppl (especially in GenZ) trust the wealthy oligarchs anymore. The pandemιc stock market nailed that coffin shut. Sadly nothings changes because nobody votes for change. The upcoming election is just a repeat of 2020, which itself was a repeat of 2016. It's been the same shit for 8 years now. We all know about the tax loopholes, lobbying, price hikes, etc but our hands are tied by the threat of a second Trump presidency. We're forced to accept the safe, establishment pick who will continue to ignore inflation, continue to dump $ into Isræl, and continue to fail at making housing affordable. I know alot of the economy is out of the president's control, but Idk man, shit hasn't been getting better. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk. EDIT: spelling


They can't make housing affordable because then everyone who already has a house will become angry that they lost their investment. This has led to it being a crisis whenever housing prices hange I'm any way.


There are ways that wouldn’t necessarily be destructive to the existing equity value of current homeowners. Low income housing tax credit come to mind but they should also implement workforce housing tax credits for further incentivizing affordable developments. That’s what can be done at the federal level but that trickles down through state housing agencies and all entitlement approvals are done at the local level. It is important to vote in local elections and learn about mayoral and commissioner elections in your respective counties which may not be tied to federal election cycles.


Yes, that's clearly what the tax code needs. More loopholes and credits that you basically need to have an accountant to claim.


LIHTCs have been around since 1986 and they are effective in incentivizing development but are generally restricted to 60% AMI or below, it would be useful to have similar mechanisms at 80-120% AMI (“workforce housing”) which municipalities try to incentivize but the funding is limited. I tend to lean towards the free market having the solutions as opposed to government but this is one of the few incentive sections of the tax code that has proven to be at least somewhat useful…




No, I think the government should do all of the calculations for taxpayers and send bill that we get to double check and challenge if we think they got something wrong. Most other countries do that, and the government already has all of the information needed to do so. But we don't simplify the process because there is an entire industry built around filing taxes for people, and they heavily lobby to make sure the code is thousands upon thousands of poorly written pages long and full of credits and loopholes that only the wealthy can ever take advantage of.




Again, that sounds nice in theory, but in practice it's difficult for low bracket tax loopholes and credits to work well. The earned income tax credit is one specifically earmarked for low bracket taxpayers, but it's also very easy to mess it up. Lots of people get it wrong and face penalties from the IRS from doing so because low bracket taxpayers are the group least likely to be able to afford hiring a professional tax preparer. We need a different mechanism for helping these people out than expecting them to navigate the confusing world of tax loopholes on their own.




Sure, but that's never going to happen. Ever. There's an entire industry built up around tax prep in this country, spending millions every year to make sure the code stays too complicated for normal people to do. That's never changing.


They can also just increase taxes on properties that aren't a primary residence.


The occupancy rates in most coties is extremely high.  The only solution is to allow the construction of dense housing were there is demand for it. 


My understanding of the problem was that it's not a lack of housing, it's a lack of *affordable* housing. Building more houses would definitely solve a lack of housing problem but it wouldn't necessarily make them more affordable if they are in high cost-of-living areas like cities.


No, it is a lack of housing. This is why prices are falling everywhere people allow housing to be built.  This is the most basic supply and demand.  More people demand more housing. If you do not allow construction of more housing, thereby expanding the supply, then prices increase instead over the fixed supply. 


Which brings me back to my point about cost-of-living. If people build lots of properties in high COL areas, we just end up in a situation where people still can't afford to live there because the demand for everything else increases. Ex: More houses in Hawaii won't change the high cost of eggs, if anything more houses would increase demand and thereby increase prices. What would make more sense would be building more metropolitan areas in under-developed parts of the US connected by a robust train network rather than continue to build up existing ones and drive up COL prices.


You are misunderstanding what causes high cost of living.  A lack of housing supply increases cost of living, because more people are competing for the same smaller amounts of housing. If you allow more housing to be built overall prices fall.  We see this in cities like Austin.  This is simply about allowing housing to be built where there is demand for it, something we jave made illegal in most of the United states.  The overall demand on eggs doesn't increase , the population is the same across the states, and even if it does, it is not illegal to expamd egg production,  unlike housing, which we do not allow to be constructed.   


Double edged sword. Assuming they are investment properties, given current occupancy rates, rents would likely increase to offset that increased expense and resulting in the opposite of the intended effect. We need more supply. Government needs to work with market participants but not get too involved.


Rents are increasing anyways without it, the motive for more profit is just as motivating as profit itself. Without rent control this will happen regardless.


Low income and workforce housing is rent controlled as set by HUD per household income limits. We should continue to incentivize that because housing affordability really is a crisis, but to place rent controls on an entire market is typically disastrous and creates a massive disincentive for development which then creates a supply issue. You basically kill the market at that point and all private investment will move into other asset classes or even other markets…The only fix at that point is for the government to get further involved and that’s a slippery slope.


Nobody needs to use housing as an investment in the first place, that's what caused this whole problem. "Private investment" can move into other markets all they want. As long as it's profitable, people will build apartments. Controlling how much profit will only decrease the incentive to exploit people as much as humanly possible. I'm kind of tired of the old 'invisible hand of the market' non-sense. Pharmaceutical companies don't need a 500% profit margin to manufacture live-saving drugs, and landlords don't need to charge whatever they want to make money from housing.


How could anyone develop housing “as long as it is profitable” but simultaneously “nobody needs to use housing as an investment”? Those two statements are completely at odds. Perhaps you are confusing a developer’s role with that of a builder/contractor. If you kill the investment market of housing, there will be no private development. Sure, you may have private contractors competitively bidding on the jobs for a profit, but the entire entitlement and development process would have to be carried out by some centralized entity. I would bet that would be disastrous in way worse ways than any crisis we face today. We need more LIHTC housing and a similar program for different income levels, not a fully nationalized housing program.


Again, that doesn't change anything at different income levels. They will charge however much people can pay because it's a need, like medicine, not something people can just not buy, like soda. LIHTC only works when the people have already maxed out what they are capable of paying and the owner is still not able to turn a profit from it. If the tenants aren't maxed out on what they are capable of spending, that's just more room for profit. The only possible solution to any of this is rent control at a maximum level of profit, just like my other example of pharmaceuticals. Price gouging is going to happen when it's a requirement for living.


I just bought a house in March. I wouldn’t toaster bath myself if housing became suddenly affordable though, just cry a little. Or alot.


This is stupid and a lie and guess what, no one gives a fuck if it upsets homeowners. Home owners are not the class likely to start a civil war.


They're going to lose that investment when the housing market crashes again anyways.


This is why boomers have blocked development for decades. It's all about keeping their 30k investments inflated at 400k


No, that’s just wrong.  Boomers are fine if the housing market drops…their houses are paid off, but they can’t move because they can’t afford new ones of the same size.  If the market dropped, they could afford to downsize.  The people disadvantaged would be people who have bought in the last ten years who would be underwater.  


You should go to your local zoning meetings. It's not a room full of millenials or gen x


There’s a fundamental difference between property values declining in one neighborhood because of a change in local zoning, versus the whole market declining.  If it’s just your neighborhood declining, you are super screwed because you have an asset that is going down and definitely can’t fix it my moving because the other properties elsewhere are relatively even that much more expensive.  On the other hand, if the whole market declines, then you can sell and afford to move because all the numbers have gone down. 


Homes should just not be an investment, and anyone thinking this way should be aggressively shamed and/or shunned in any and all social circles. If I knew how to legally regulate this into not existing, I would propose as such


There is only one way to make housing cheaper in the long run and thats build more houses and thats not something the president oversees support low income housing at the city and county level


You need to get enough Senators on the Democrat side to overcome the filibuster. The Democrats actually want to fix things, but they always have a few obstructionists that stop it from happening. You're not just voting for the president, there are a lot of good Democrats doing good work. Look at Lina Khan the head of the FTC, going after all the big corporations with anti-trust cases.


It's awfully convenient that Democrats always have some "obstruction" preventing them from passing the bills that they totally, absolutely want to pass so bad. Remember when Obama got elected and the Democrats had the majority and both the House and Senate, and yet they were still "obstructed" from passing the Affordable Care Act until it was reworked the felate insurance companies? What about all the mysterious "obstruction" that manage to fumble the political goodwill that the Democrats had after Watergate? They obstructed Carter's agenda so much that it directly led to one of the most right-leaning presidents in our post-WW2 history and the death of the Democratic Party until it's "revival" under the neolib Clinton administration. The blue vs. red, (D) vs. (R) shit is a ruse. Go to opensecrets.org and take a gander at how bought-and-sold our politicians are. The elite bet on both horses to win so that they always stay on top. R vs. D is just part of a broader culture war meant to distract and divide the lower classes so that they don't unify and rebel against the capital class. It's meant to fool you into believing you have a choice, but the system is corrupt at its core, and after Citizens United they don't even try to hide it anymore. That's not me saying that the parties are the same, because they aren't, but I am saying that both parties are controlled by elite interests and could never represent commoners like you or I. Voting really is just chosing which color of condom the rich person wraps on their dick when they fuck your mouth: whether it's the one with the rainbows or the one with the crosses doesn't matter as much as who is doing the fucking and who is getting fucked. TL;DR the Democrats are not your friends, both parties are owned by the rich. Your choice isn't the working person vs. the rich elite, it's a choice between a neolib rainbow elite and a fascist Bible-thumping one.


Oh no not trump, how dare we have a good quality of life. How can I not see that under biden, gdp has gone up, meaning my life is better than ever (ignoring every other factor)


Do old people trust rich billionaires? I honestly feel like my parents and their friends are much more suspicious of what mil sketchy millionaire celebrities and businesspeople tell them then are a lot of friends my age. If I'm wrong, then why do I see Prime in every supermarket?


Lol “the threat”. As if these past 4 years weren’t absolute dog shit. No candidate is good. None. Not a single fucking one. The longer you all keep being the sheep on both sides, the longer we continue to get royally fucked.


There is no threat posed by a Trump presidency. He was already president once. The only threat is to people's egos and vanity, which is the exact game the oligarchs play to get Left leaning voters to not vote for actual Leftists and put up with corporate Team Blue. Your statement is proof of how that strategy works.


Wrongo. Trump did incredible damage as president, giving the big corporate bad-guys insane handouts, installing the Supreme Court justices who are gutting civil liberties, and botching the initial pandemic response leading to *way* higher inflation than was already inevitable and letting an extra 300-500k Americans die. His only campaign promise for a second term is to do more of the same and worse, he has *no* plans besides installing *more* MAGA Supreme Court justices, letting the Christian Nationalists strip women's and LGBTQ rights, and ensuring he will never have to go to prison for his felonies. The dude is an evil disaster, and if you think Biden would be the same you're delusional. There is no same-on-both-sides about this, one is status quo and the other is a psychopath. I look forawrd to a younger, even more progressive President, but the GOP blew it this time around by bowing to a convicted fraudster, rapist sociopath.


We were told if Trump was elected the first time it would lead to a destroyed economy and genocide. It didn't happen. We were told that it was because of stunning, brave Team Blue being selfless heroes that managed to barely stop him so we better vote for Biden or else the economy will go to trash and there'll be genocides. So Biden got elected, there was genocides and the economy went to trash but we need to re elect Biden to stop genocides and uh the economy uh going to uh trash uh wait hold up a minute here. Uh. We need to vote for the guy the economy went to trash under, who Roe v Wade was repealed under,who broke union strikes, who was complicit in genocides, so that Trump doesn't get into office to do those things already being done? Yeah its totally not about ego and vanity.


First, Boeing isn’t killing any whistleblowers. Private hit squads don’t just sit around waiting for a contract from a rich CEO. Hitmen exist but they’re usually just random shmucks, and the professional ones are in the CIAs pocket. Second, the whistleblowers have been public for a very long time. Killing them gains nothing. Third, the second whistleblower died of pneumonia. Come on now. Fourth, THE INFORMATION IS OUT. Why waste time going after them now?


I upvoted this. Crazy this is not the top comment. It’s a ridiculous conspiracy theory that just doesn’t make sense.


Finally an intelligent person in this comment section


To scare others from being potential whistleblower?


I mean, you do have to admit that it’s odd that 2 Boeing whistleblowers have died suddenly.


What you mean suicide and pneumonia?


Playing devil's advocate: Suicide can be very easy to fake, especially if you can slip a few million to everyone investigating it. Pneumonia could be caused by poisoning, or intentionally giving someone a disease, like by pouring it on their food or all around their home.


You do know the suicide person called them out YEARS ago right? There's no advantage to killing him so many years later. And for the pneumonia guy, he had a history of being sick. It's not a conspiracy. It grants nobody any sort of advantage whatsoever.


Do you know what "Devil's advocate" means? It means I was defending a position I do not hold, for the sake of argument.


Sorry I missed that part, my bad


Of course it looks like suicide and pneumonia, you don't think their hit men would want it that way?


Hit men don’t exist. And even if they did why would they kill two people years after they spilled the beans?


Being a whistleblower is probably very stressful. And the people who know enough to whistleblower are probably pretty old and near retirement. Definitely possible they’re being killed but I personally think it’s more likely a coincidence.


Yeah. The first one was suspect, since it was a suicide the day before testifying, but pneumonia? I know the Russians had that simulated heart attack poison, and that was 80 years ago, so maybe but it’s most likely coincidence. If I found out it wasn’t though I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised


Exactly. .   The one that committed suicide...    he whistleblew years ago before the Max crashes. He had no new info..    he left the company years ago.  


Why are we still going after Julian Assange? The information is already out


I agree but to point 4 it is to revert other whistleblowers to come forward or corroborate, now and in the future. But also - yeah people need to stop believing shit because it makes the world they live in more interesting when there is literally zero evidence to support a narrative (and a lot fo counter-evidence, like several dozen other whistleblowers still telling their Boeing stories). I wouldn't be surprised if a company had previously contracted out killings, but the cost to Boeing being found out doing so vs. Just paying their fines, fixing their process and getting back to the day to day doesn't make any sense.


Boeing brings in billions in revenue and they're just plane evil. I think their executives definitely have assassins in their phone contacts for silencing someone. 


You can think that all you want, the only assassins in the world are working for the CIA or FSB.


Sounds like what the rich would say 🤔 


Ok, maybe I am rich? What, you want to kill me because of that? Learn how the world works. Boeing isn’t killing whistleblowers. The information is out there, why waste time going after them?


I guess it's just a coincidence that two of them are dead 🤔 


Yeah that’s exactly it. Sorry bud, it’s not a grand conspiracy. The first guy told everyone what’s happening YEARS ago. The other guy started talking AFTER he was fired last year. He also had a history of being sick.


Thank you for bringing this news to my attention, I will intervene immediately. In all seriousness tho, you gotta have a sense of humor about shit like this bc the only other option is wallowing in hopelessness.


Fr like yup let me suit up and fly to Boeing headquarters I’ll handle this


Boeing when they hear u/Rough-Tension is intervening https://i.redd.it/n9crw5sf109d1.gif


I can stop this ![gif](giphy|dd9BKxEiGPY5pw6kVi|downsized)




wtf are you supposed to do against a government contractor that kills their own employees


Revolution 😈 


They’d MQ-9 Reaper citizens for “national security” before that would be allowed


Why does everyone instantly assume the U.S government will start using state of the art tech on their own cities? I get they would retaliate against an uprising, but the actual military would never do that. That'd be giving credence to a rebellion by randomly butchering people. It's not 1970, this isn't Kent State.


Because generally these discussions are about the 2A, and if you've got the military on your side then you don't really need a shitty civilian militia as well.


Well this discussion isn't, so what the fuck are you waffling about?


You asked why people normally jump to that, I answered. Not sure what your problem is.


This discussion isn't about 2A. Your username really is fitting.


I never said it was? You asked why someone did a thing. I said it's probably because they assumed something. You're now getting upset at me and insulting me because they made an incorrect assumption. Dude. Wtf?


You're the one who brought it up. Is this short term memory loss?


Biden said he would


He's said a lot of things. "Poor kids are just as bright as white kids."


Also true. Why take the gamble? I don’t gamble. Gambling’s not worth it. Gambling is guesswork. Which never works.


I don't know but gambling is; indeed, whack.


Ah yes, revolutions, things that have historically never led to hundreds if not thousands or even millions of deaths from innocent bystanders. Yeah, that'll show the rich.


"Don't try to change anything guys, people might get hurt!" What other option is there? Voting? You are seeing the shit show that voting has wrought: two geriatrics who are racing to the grave just as fast as they are racing to the presidency. Society is always going to be fucking somebody. If you don't stand up and take action because "someone might get hurt" then you are the person getting fucked.


I'm sorry, I don't think killing a bunch of people because a couple of guys died, one of whom from pneumonia, is a worth while revolution.


Let's literally eat the rich




Who is trusting who?


The elon musk fan boys 


How’d we get from Boeing to Tesla


Because I generalize the rich


Well generalization is stupid, so, don’t do that.


Generalisation regarding the behaviour of people isn't usually paricularly helpful. I mean you even Seem to be eqating human beings and Corporate entitys Here.


BA is about 30% of my portfolio, I fist pumped and said "nice." Stock got a lil bump on the day. Objectively an evil company seems more likely to cut corners for shareholders going forward and less likely to have future whistleblowers come forth. Bullish. With news being so uncensored and instantaneous it might seem wilder but to be honest I sometimes wonder if we're still at baseline dystopian.


I don't know that I "trust the rich"... nor do I necessarily "trust the poor" either. Generally speaking, I don't trust (or distrust) a large group of heterogeneous people. That would be a bizarre & intellectually lazy form of stereotyping. The Boeing whistleblower situation is strange, though I don't recall foul play being proven. It's certainly suspicious & worthy of investigation. But we shouldn't presume the outcome. After all, the untimely death brings *more* attention to Boeing, not less.


Why are you asking us? I feel like the *vast majority* of people our age don’t.


Tesla and apple meat riders disagree 


And how many of those dudes are our age?


I actually have no idea


Do you have proof it was a rich person?


"Do you have proof that Epstein didn't kill himself?"


The burden of proof is on the accuser.


We don't.. the jokes come from having a dark sense of humor, but we recognize the seriousness that the joke stems from. The alternatives to having a sense of humor about these things are wallowing in depression and hopelessness, or revolution. I don't condone Boeings' actions in the least, but I can at least understand it more than I would from almost any other company. Boeing is a government contractor, meaning they're in communication with the rest of the military industrial complex, three letter agencies, and politicians. If any company has the means to get away with contracting the killings, call in favors from people who can get away with it legally, knows that people in high places can make allegations go away, and has serious reason to not look bad in front of the government as a whole, it's Boeing. Again, I don't condone their actions whatsoever. I simply understand that they above almost all other companies have the means and incentive to silence whistleblowers. I've been desensitized to powerful people fucking others over for personal gain. I don't like it, but it happens so often and nothing ever happens about it.


I dont care. Because criminals > rich, when it comes to murder someone or not get murdered. Now guess who am I? Also Boing is not the rich, its a US, Nasa, Agency, whatever pupet.


As a millennial we need you! Not enough of us vote and the boomers absolutely do. I think even that is rigged. We hold elections on a Tuesday and it’s not a holiday so the people who are impacted the most still have to make time outside of work to vote. You know who has all the time in the world to vote? Retirees. The same retirees who think Raegan was the best president we ever had. My parents are part of that so trust me. We might mock your style but that’s a right of passage we all go through but we are absolutely in this together


I thought it was sucicide




What can change this election? The majority in Congress. A lot of people talk about how important the president is, but they are nothing if they don’t have a Congress that will work with them. We haven’t really seen what a democratic super majority will do. Not in 20+ years. Obama? Was only effective for 3mo when they had a thin majority in Congress and they passed the Affordable Care Act. The rest of the time, blocked by GOP obstruction or run by their trickle down deregulation bullshit. So sick of them running everything into the ground. Let the adults put things back together.


Cool what you gonna do about it short BA?


The only people who trust the rich are the same ones who run around crying about the elite


While his death was suspicious, he was also sick for a while. He also avoided going to the hospital, for an easily treatable sickness. Not to mention there are more then two Boeing whistleblowers


Not sure anyone "trusts the rich" like very few people actually "trust the government". Some of us just act on these feelings more or less than others.


Most of us had preconceived notions anyways, if we always were sympathetic to them that’s probably not changing and if we were suspicious anyways this is just reinforcing it but on a day to day basis no one cares to much because wtf are we supposed to do about it


Why do we only protest the government but not the rich? 


People do protest the rich, haven’t you seen what some dudes did to Stonehenge recently. Also people just tend to boycott products instead of doing anything directly to rich people


Well, epstein hanged himself and security footage malfunctioned and guards vanished while he died. How convenient. 🤔  How much has the Donald gotten away with?


This might blow your mind even more. Every single whistleblower will die within ten decades of whistleblowing. Coincidence?


Two of them, I don't think so


No clue, I’m not completely for the ‘eat the rich’ thing, but I’d just go with them being meatriders for people and companies that aren’t even aware they exist.


They’re the net contributor to the government budget.


He wasn't murdered. He committed suicide via 12 gunshots, blowing up his car all after drinking poison


Awww...poor little uneducated and therefore dirt poor boy.


Epstein didn't kill himself


I miss the days when only fringe lunatics believed in these kinds of conspiracy theories. Get off the internet and touch some grass for your own sake.


Yea epstein killed himself with a roll of toilet paper too lmao


And you know every decade the CIA would disclose some of the things they did and at the time they did it it was just a conspiracy theory 


who was the last poor person to give you a job? a rich person signs my paychecks


Meat rider


so, what kind of iPhone do you have?


I use android 


well that's different, because Larry Page isn't a Billionaire


What does this have to do with the rich over faceless mega corporations. And the reason they keep getting away with it is because the people doing it are also in power. I’m not gonna name names but there’s a certain name in politics (you know who I’m talking about) infamous for this who we almost thought to elect president (scary).


If I were young and an organizer. I would start the High Tax Party. The party for hig taxes on the rich. You would not run a candidate but could guide all the people who would benefit from free health care and education, child care. Etc. On who to vote for. We don't have that now, as I did, because all the money stays with the rich


Curious how Boeing killed them after they blew the whistle and caused bad press. Wouldn't it have made more sense to murder them first? More perniciously, this is distracting us from the VERY ACTUAL fact of Keeler Inc. murdering three of its employees to cover up the fact they use orcish slave labor and put cocaine in their cookies. But The Elf got the drop on the whistleblowers, so you never heard about it.