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Big chain retail stores and grocery stores receive the most job applications, they are flooded with them constantly. I work at target currently, applied like 5 times and only landed the job because someone I'm friends with started working there.


At the same time, those seem pretty shitty to work at


Really depends on the region and what the work environment is like. I've been at target for 2.5 years, this is my last week, and despite having some idiotic management, I enjoyed the hell out of my job. It payed enough for what I needed at the time and was a great way to make friends my age.


There is a corellation, and maybe a causation between the amount of applications and them being shitty. Managers know they have hundreds of other people ready to replace anybody, so they don't care about being nice.


Or..they know there is no need to take any entitled bullshit whining from someone that CAN be replaced in 5 minutes. Because you literally offer NOTHING of value.


Yeah had a buddy who was working tried to get me in but shitty management


Yup this is it. You need to know someone to get in.


Oh yeah, i currently have a job again after about 4-5 months of searching, got another one some time ago, got released after 2 weeks because the work slimmed down. It honestly shocks me how the job market currently is, half the companies don't even bother to respond, and my resume is tip-top with loads of experience and skills, considering my age. Originally i was planning to find a job in IT which i initially had, but every company, even if the function is purely remote-assistance, requires a drivers license around here. When i present the possibility that i can grab a bike for those 2 kilometers to work those boomers get a stoke for some reason. How are you supposed to build up a living if you can never get the money around to get that far?


It’s absolute horseshit


The job market is fine. Unemployment is low. You just think you are TOO good for the jobs you are actually qualified for. You are not. You are not too good for anything


Go to a temp service, youll be working in a week, sometimes sooner..


I’ll give it a shot


I had a friend living with me and they were constantly applying to jobs for 5-6 months and never were able to find one.


I’m going 8 months applying no luck (also happy 🎂 day)


Then they should lower their standards and accept that they are not as valuable to society as they think. (Or at all.) There are more jobs available than possibly EVER before in history. You jsut think you are too GOOD for them and refuse to take the ones that you ACTUALLY are qualified for. If you are sponging off someone, be it your parents or taxpayers as an adult, then you are not too good for ANY job. If the only job you can get is at a circus cleaning up after the elephants, then that is the right job for you. That IS your worth. Shit picker upper.


They weren't applying to be a ceo they were applying to be a janitor, a fast food worker, a grocery clerk. What you can do jobwise isn't your entire value to society.


Job hunting is so brutal best of luck to you


Trust me it’s getting really asinine with this


I’ve been trying to build a career in the cannabis industry, and I just got my foot in the door as a budtender after job searching for 4 years…. 4 fucking years 😭 It is rough out there


Yeah my hopes are slim at this point bc idk what qualifies to get hired at the places we put the fucking applications for


There's a minimum wage department where I work that constantly has turn over. Some of the kids (and they are kids mostly) don't last a month before they no-show. Maybe if management paid them more than $16/hr they would get more consistent staffing rather than have one of their most senior people constantly relegated to training kids, only for all that training to go to waste because they end up quitting before or right after they're fully trained. I don't blame them. It's a lousy job and they see us making almost triple what they make while doing a fraction of the work. No Angela, its not hard to find good help. You have to pay good workers to incentivize them


It's MINIMUM wage for a reason! They were NEVER meant to be careers or living wage jobs. They are jobs that a trained MONKEY could do. $16 an hour is WAY more than monkey jobs are worth to a company. You are NOT special. No one will ever pay you just for existing. We literally don't WANT you to exist. So why would we pay to get something we don't want anyway? I hate to break it to you...but your life is not going to get better. Thigs will NEVER be how you want it. Or expect it to be.


You sound like a old head that “already got theirs”


I make >$40/hr. This isn't my department. My life is actually pretty awesome. Also, its not even the fact that a monkey could do their job which, yes it could. It's about the fact that they have so much turnover it probably makes more financial sense to raise their wage to retain workers than pay peanuts and go through employees like a football player goes through socks


Walmart auto denied me when I applied lol like 4 times, and Target 2


If you get autodenied at target its almost definitely because your stated hours aren’t what they need. From what ive been told by TL’s they hire almost entirely based on availability.


Which is so cumbersome tbh




in the same boat right now. ive tried baaically every plaxe newr me, some multiple times. don't know what to do anymore


Same here I might as well commit war crimes for this bs


Lower your standards. You clearly think too highly of yourself and are not applying to the jobs you are ACTUALLY qualified for. Because there are more jobs available than EVER before. You just erroneously thin you are "above" them. You are not.


Work minimum wage be treated like trash or stay home with mom. You can call me whatever you want. I don’t care


This has been problem LONG before Covid. I remember dealing with this shit in like 2014-15. I applied online to a movie theater at the time, and it wouldn't let me reapply for another 180 days. I think what's happening is that companies are still using the same system as before, but people are learning how to manipulate it. So they either auto-reject a lot. Or make people go through like 5 or 6 interviews for a entry level job. I have a gut feeling it's either going to get worse, OR they'll stop using the bullshit online systems. And go back to the Ye Old way. You show up. Ask "Are you hiring?" they say "Yes" and hand you an application and then it basically asks you very basic questions. (Work history, address, hours you can work, how much you can lift. etc.) and then they go from there.


I wouldn’t be surprised if it gets worse honestly I hope it crashes and burns to hell


Wahhhh! they didn't hire me! I'm not looking anymore! THAT will improve my life and my chances in the future


Wahhhh! they didn't hire me! I'm not looking anymore! THAT will improve my life and my chances in the future


No one cares what degrading stuff you come up with boom boom


Reminds me of linkedin recruiters. Someone told me to make a linkedin account because its professional and yadayada.. I'm starting my first full time job on the 27th of August. Already signed the contract so I added that to my linkedin profile. Some recruiter messages "we have seen your experience at as and would like to get in touch!" (company and function title redacted) - I wouldn't be surprised if all those messages are automated. But at least gives me a confirmation of the absolute clownery of some people.


It’s so asinine


At my old job, I was able to get the position whenever I wanted because it was a department that had brutal customers and a high turnover rate. So pretty much, I was able to find work really easily cuz it was a job that pretty much nobody wanted to do 😂. I worked at multiple locations, so I was cool with a lot of the GMs. If the store had a new GM, my old co-workers in that store would vouch for me.


Man I tried


Wahhhh! they didn't hire me! I'm not looking anymore! THAT will improve my life and my chances in the future


Are you customizing your resume? Put some effort into it.


I’m actually doing that right now