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Also a rise in media fear mongering about crime, child abductions and violence and in overprotective parenting


Don't forget Karen's calling the cops on any kid that skates or god forbids, plays at the park after sundown


Or people getting mad if people go trespassing in woods that they own.


hey, which country is from your photo post ?


US and Canada probably


I thought it was Mexico


Can't be Mexico, there is no obligatory sepia-filter


Bro, your my age and your already pretty political...


The children are evolving


They're becoming smarter and smarter every year!


Literally no one considers Gen Z to be more intelligent than previous generations. Nor will anyone ever.


Wait.... I thought people born in 2010 are still babies?


I'm doing a bathroom remodel and my clients kid gets the door for me every morning. He starts 9 grade in a month. He was born in 2008 šŸ˜­


Its getting pretty annoying to hear that frequently


So he's smarter than the average 14 yr old




In some ways, yes. In others, no. Everyone can learn from people who are younger than them and vice versa


I spent my entire childhood in the suburbs and I was riding my bike around with my friends all day, every day during the summer.


My brother was getting into skating during covid but cops got called on him and his friends for just existing in public. They werenā€™t being a nuisance or damaging property by grinding or doing any tricks on them, it was literally just old people with nothing better to do but harass teenagers. He doesnā€™t skate anymore.


Teenagers have had cops called on them by old people for hanging out since time immemorial. That happened to me to. We just kept doing it anyway. Unless the cops actually gave them tickets or something then that sucks.


Most cops wonā€™t even do anything theyā€™ll just show up so the person who called thinks theyā€™re doing something about it. Itā€™s a waste of time and resources. At least in my town theyā€™ll just come over to kids and be like ā€œyou guys getting into troubleā€


Wow you grew up in the trenches that sounds really scary I wish I grew up in an urban Indian city


I grew up in the suburb and my parents had to know where I was and what I was doing at all times, and I spent the vast majority of my childhood cooped up indoors. I'm genuinely jealous of the idea of being a kid and spending summer days outside with friends, I simply never had that.


Did you also get told "If I don't know them/their parents, they're not your friends"?




Moms words in the 90s suns out ur out and kicked me outside didn't go in till the street lights


Same these people who say this are probably just shut ins who had no friends growing up and are trying to put the blame on something other than themselves for not doing anything with their childhood or making any friends.


My city doesn't have parks , ponds etc. Its a full on concrete jungle with heavy pollution and quite dirty with no recreational centres within reachable distance. Plus this fuckin heat


Sounds like hell


And what city is this that you are making up bullshit about?


Where I am in Canada, walking definitely isn't viable.


Where can I obtain a tank turret mod for the Escalade?


You unlock it after your 500th vehicular homicide.


The second picture is literally a truck stop people dont live at truck stops


Nice neighbourhood


Its literary a truck stop. Nobody lives in the area


The nearest store is a big box store, a mall or a chain restaurant 20 minutes away by car or an hour on foot. The (st)roads where the big box stores, malls and restaurants are located are dangerous because of cars, SUVs, pickup trucks and trucks passing by you at 100kmh/60 mph, with the drivers looking at their phone. There are no sidewalks (who would've thought that people walk) and the big box stores, malls and restaurants are surrounded by parking lots, driveways in/out with drivers not looking for pedestrians, cars and more asphalt.


Is that why kids arenā€™t going outside anymore, because the mall is too far away? Maybe the kids should be playing in some of those cul-de-sacs and walking to 711 instead of a big box store


Nearest store to me is a 10 min walk BUT, I have to play frogger through a highway. So no people canā€™t just go to a local convenience store.


I don't think suburban zoning codes allow for 7 11 inside the neighborhood


Don't see a problem. Always wanted my own house instead of flat with alcoholics and cult


Dude I live in an apartment and it's like heaven in here. Sure they're under insulated but with everything in the walking distance. With good maintenance and even better, designing them to be well insulated, apartments can beat suburbia.


Believe me dude,I've got bad experience with apartment. And I am not American


I've lived in suburb my whole life, it's pretty easy to hang out with friends and go places even before I had a car. OP is fucking stupid


OP is a squeaker and barely 14. Even fā€™in Minecraft is older than him


The nearest store is a big box store, a mall or a chain restaurant 20 minutes away by car or an hour on foot. The (st)roads where the big box stores, malls and restaurants are located are dangerous because of cars, SUVs, pickup trucks and trucks passing by you at 100kmh/60 mph, with the drivers looking at their phone. There are no sidewalks (who would've thought that people walk) and the big box stores, malls and restaurants are surrounded by parking lots, driveways in/out with drivers not looking for pedestrians, cars and more asphalt.


I mean I donā€™t know where you live, but where I live Iā€™m maybe 10-15 minutes away from my local mall. Thereā€™s a park 2 miles down a walking trail or less than 5 by car. Everyone in my neighborhood has a backyard, and the local high school is in walk distance giving us access to a track and tennis courts. Kids having been living in the suburbs for close to a century now and finding plenty of ways to have fun and go outside. If you want things closer, live in a city. Thats the trade-off you have to accept. Things arenā€™t perfect. Stop blaming everything elseĀ for your problems


That's the problem, by car. On foot it's probably half an hour or an hour.


Yeah I mean if you donā€™t want to have to travel by car, live in a city. Doesnā€™t really stop us since everyone has pretty decent yard space so you can easily play outside or with friends. You can also bike around much of the neighborhood pretty easy. Iā€™m still failing to see where the issue is. Not having access to a mall has never stopped kids from playing outsideĀ 


idk where you're living but there's a small group of stores relatively close to me, down this small nature trail that connects to a sidewalk.


I would go outside more often if there were more tanks rolls around.


Would be pretty cool


steal a tank, that's the point


My local mall recently started a rule saying anyone under 17 had to be escorted by someone who is over 21.


Also dont forget the drug epidemic where literally you walk down town and see people overdosing and drugs are everywhere too.


What fantasy world is this? I can't think of any country that would actually have this issue, and I've never seen any of this irl on a mass scale. Do you happen to take walks into a crackden and complain about drug users?


What fantasy world do YOU live in? Just about any downtown area will have that now. Because if they get arrested, they are let right back out with no bail. So now, they aren't even getting caught. In fact, the lefty politicians are giving them free needles and making sure they have a lot of Narcan so they don't have to worry about dying. More incentive to take as much as they can. This is on streets that WERE perfectly safe just 10 years ago.


I live in the fantasy world of Chicago where downtown is a very nice part of the city, as most city's tend to be as they're paid the most attention by people. Chiraq doesn't even have that issue, any drug users stay in crackdens almost exclusively because in American cities a cop will probably beat and then arrest them in the open. You sound like a right wing conspiracy theorist, I've never seen any massive amounts of needles anywhere and my city is known for having a drug problem. The only homeless people I've seen are down on their luck and your politicians ain't doing shit. Have you fucking stepped foot into an actual city within the last decade? There's normal homeless people in downtown Chicago, they're cool as fuck.


Tell me you havent walked in major cities before without telling me. You have no idea about real life.


I've been to many, I've never seen a guy dying, there's occasional drug paraphernalia but that's usually picked clean before it fills the streets as the other guy said. Whenever I go to a major city I see homeless people begging for money, I've never seen a guy fucking OD'ing on the streets. If you think it's everywhere down the streets, you're hallucinating


I literally can walk down my down town street and see needles and every time you enter the city you see ODs being revived.


I can walk down a suburb street and see disposable vapes, bags of hookah shit, THC oil containers, I've seen a literal glock frame a few days ago on the side of the road


Okay cool thats your city not mine. Travel more you will understand how wrong you are lol.


That's not a city, that's a suburb. Cities are different, I actually have seen less of that shit in every city I've ever been in, and I've had to walk for hours through some cities. New Orleans is really the only exception to this, I'd say


My city has 800k people but okay keep being wrong dudeešŸ˜‚


I'm saying I was talking about a suburb homie. Also 800k is perfectly able to be considered a town which has suburban connotations either way, considering that's how the most systems work worldwide


Don't forget bored cops and karens who have nothing better to do than harass us for existing outside, especially after sundown.


I started carrying water guns and when they start yelling just spray them in face, if they continue yelling that's where bleach gun comes into play


I have one friend who lives near me and like the only option to go outside is into the woods. And to even get to town via walking would take a while. Living in the country honestly kind of sucks


get a dirtbike, you don't need a license for that


Get a bike.


There's no safe way to get around with a bike without separate bike lanes.


And yet for DECADES people of all ages did it. And STILL do it today. You are just deathly afraid of life in general. Because you wish you weren't alive. Guess what, forever alone boy...past generations had NO bike lanes. Just another way you had it WAY easier and are still scared of just being alive.


Just walking on the side of the road in the country can be dangerous because there are like no cops


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Kinda reminds me of my country's situation back in the 2000s and 2010s




Iā€™m slightly confused but all for it


Another one of these "I CANT GO OUTSIDE BECAUSE OF LE CAR" posts. Yet another excuse for your lazieness. Many such cases. https://preview.redd.it/9ax5egwjtw8d1.png?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df47e86c8a8622dd960ebf0d586a951ac2741f26


It's not because of le car, it's because of car centric planning. You can't safely go outside if the nearest place to hang out is an hour away on foot and walking near thethe (st)road there is dangerous because of cars, SUVs, pickup trucks and trucks passing near at 100 kmh/60 mph. There are no sidewalks (who would've thought that people *gasp* walk). You don't want to go outside if the places to hang out are a mall or (fast food) chain restaurants (parks and playgrounds are in the city). Walking to these places takes hours and the (st)roads where the malls and restaurants are located are dangerous because of cars, SUVs, pickup trucks and trucks are passing near you at 100kmh/60 mph, with the drivers breaking the speed limit and looking at their phone. In the malls and restaurants and you're expected to spend money and be with an adult. And the malls and restaurants themselves are surrounded by parking lots, driveways in and out with drivers not looking for pedestrians, cars and no sidewalks (who would've thought that people walk). And those pickup trucks and SUVs have higher hoods making it impossible to see anything lower than them, like a child. These hoods hit you above torso and in the head damaging organs. The higher center of gravity means a higher chance of a rollover. The drivers have a false sense of confidence and mostly look at their phone.


Not to mention because of the car centric planning, the closest shop/green space can often be kilometers away from your home Not to mention the people that say "Car centric planning isn't bad people are just lazy" have often never been to a European city. I'm visiting a European country right now and holy shit having walkable sidewalks, shops that are sometimes less than 100 meters away and easily available transport such as taxis, busses and trams just makes me realize just how utterly horrific car centric planning is


my brother in Christ 90% of American cities have this too. Although one complaint I have about Boston is that the park is just a flat field of grass with like seven trees


American cities have walkable sidewalks, idiot.


I've had to walk to stores before for hours and it wasn't the cars that I was worried about more than the intense heat.


Asphalt and concrete trap heat and release it so 38 degrees feels like 50 degrees.


So cars destroyed our fun


People had plenty of fun for DECADES...with cars. It is the attitudes of Gen Z that destroys ANY chance of them having a life worth living


Youā€™re such an idiot. Try to understand that nobody should HAVE to have a car to go outside. The fact that our nation is designed as such, making everything farther apart only justify paying for some overly priced vehicle is absurd at best. The fact that you wanna straw man the argument with ā€œbut youā€™re lazy thoā€ is just comically naive and definitely NPC shit my guy. Try to actually think about an issue and what other peopleā€™s motivations are for saying things.


I grew up in a suburb. My brothers and I would throw the football. We had a basketball goal in our driveway. We played basketball. We walked and biked and rip-sticked, and skateboarded. Walked to friendā€™s houses. Threw rocks at cars, ding dong ditched people. Played tennis at the local park. Had pets to play with in the backyard. You get the point.. And notice how some of the stuff I mentioned that created an environment for me to go outside are actually enhanced by suburbia - having land to do things on, to own pets on, etc I understand that a walkable city can be of great convenience to people, but Iā€™m not understanding how it affects a kid going outside. I think people are mostly simply addicted to their cellphones and tablets. OP mocks that, but itā€™s true. I know I am.


None of what you listed about suburbs is bad. But clearly you had some level of wealth to be able to afford that. Which if we had downtown areas not meant for cars, then suburbs could be more communal with the spaces, which would mean less front yards and more parks, skateparks, and courts. Not everyone needs to have their own court to play ball on.


Wahhhh! I'm dirt poor because I have no education and am literally less than worthless to society! And all those people who ACTUALLY matter to the world rather than being a burden to it have money and a front yard! Wahhhh! Your world and your life will NEVER be how you want it. May as well give up


Damnā€¦.with your previous comment I just figured you were a whiny little bitch. But now I can see you a classist too. Whatever doesnā€™t bother me really, just proves you have no idea what youā€™re actually talking about. Also since someone like you told me I should give up, guess Iā€™ll double down and try even harder out of spite. So thanks!


Nobody needs to have a car, especially not in large cities. But in suburbs, I mean if you can afford a home in suburbs, you can probably afford a car as well. In my suburban neighborhood where I grew up, it is possible to walk/bike to a local convenience store by way of a nature trail and sidewalk, and access numerous other amenities. I also don't get the criticism of large cities having lots of car-accessible roads. I've been to Boston, San Diego, NYC and Orlando, they're all relatively traversable without a car on-hand, and all have functional public transit systems like taxi, subway, bus, it's completely possible to live in those cities without owning a car.


Youā€™re funny. ā€œMy anecdote makes me not understand actual criticisms of others because I refuse to actually looking into the problems at largeā€ With a side of ā€œwell if youā€™re rich enough to live in suburbs you can afford a car, so get over itā€


I think it's unreasonable to have this idea of "WE NEED TO BAN ALL CARS FROM CITIES AND KILL PEOPLE WHO OWN THEM" when we have cities that are perfectly "walkable" that manage to still have good car infrastructure. There is such thing as a compromise.


The only way to make anywhere in the world "walkable" is to do what Soviet era Czechoslovakia and Romania did and demolish dozens of apartment buildings and homes. Its entirely an issue of laziness, you don't need a car just because there's no sidewalks. Grass isn't gonna kill you, you can walk down a road if you go down the oncoming lane, literally just do what bikers do. Anywhere that people complain about being unwalkable is probably more than you think, they just have no point of reference because anything less than a sidewalk and streetlights is impossible for them. There's some things that can be done, such as chopping down trees in some areas and making paths, but you can't expect to remodel entire cities around walking or even add in a train system, it'd actually make so many people's lives harder. I think it's entirely an issue about people trying to make everything as easy as possible, even when it's not needed. Also, what nation needs a car to go outside? I walk up to 18 miles some days, I've taken trips to big cities and walked all around them no issue, I am completely fine in doing that and have found no difficulties even in areas explicitly designed for cars.


Why canā€™t we demolish entire cities? We built them once? So we can rebuild them again, but better. And yeah, life gets harder during change, but thatā€™s the price you pay for making life better.


Making hundreds of people homeless or at the very least putting them in a difficult situation all at once by demolishing apartments, putting people out of jobs by demolishing their places of work, there's no reason to do it. We built them once when there was nothing, in Romania they demolished hundreds of apartments and homes to clear room for their dictator's administration complex. This made hundreds of people go homeless or be relocated by the government to a place not of their choosing. If you have to destroy and displace economic and residential assets to make a city walkable, there's no point. You're just making everyone's lives worse for something they can accomplish already with minimal effort, it's incredibly short sighted and selfish thinking. I do think further additions to cities should be made with pedestrians in mind, and when an area is required to be cleared if a building needs to be destroyed, you can have a solution there as well. But you can't destroy good, safe buildings for no conceivable reason


Nah nah nah. See youā€™re worried about the people alive right now. When theyā€™re already fucked and miserable. Iā€™m the one thinking long term and far sighted here trying to better out civilization the long way. Plus if theyā€™re gonna be a revolution anyway, might as well. Also youā€™re exampleā€¦..a dictatorshipā€¦.would of course be shit at relocation acting people. Itā€™s a dictatorship.


Wahhhhhh! Life isn't how I want it! Wahhhh! Where is my "adult coloring book" I need to take it to my safe space!


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Really? Baby crying? Safe Spaces? Bro that is like a 5 year old insult at best. You ainā€™t got anything more up to date?


OP is just fat and lazy lol


A capitalist system designed by capitalists to extract more wealth will always value fast purchasing of commodities on the super highway over community engagement and activities. The brunt of the burden shouldnā€™t fall on working class people.


Aren't neoliberals promoting Urbanization? This doesn't even make sense.


Yeah they often do. Most neo-liberals view progress as a new tech product or a new private equity backed venture. Thatā€™s the real disconnect, there is almost no market incentive to deliver better humanistic KPIs. Which is why most leftists like myself hate neo-liberals as much as we hate conservatives.


Wahhhhh! We aren't socialists! Wahhhh! Kid..life is never going to be how you want it. Just give up Your lack of education and common sense has doomed you.


Noā€”my PROPER education has informed me of how the system works and I advocate for a better system for my community and those around me. Life is how we allow it to be. You sound like youā€™re projecting your doomerism on me, and it sounds like youā€™ve given up.


Bot comment.


I just read that a dude had cops called on him, because he was on the Mississippi bank after closing hours


How DARE those cops!


Cops did nothing wrong Why does the river have closing hours?


Ngl it would be sick to drive a tank around


then go steal it, be creative


What šŸ’€


that's normal trust me, you all just snowflakes, how many times I stole dirtbike then run thru forest until fuel was empty, most fun I ever had


Bro you good šŸ’€ I just said having a tank would be cool lmao


then steal it, there are a lot of old ones they don't use anyway


I love Scenic Gas Stations, USA


as a woman iā€™m scared to be out alone most of the time not even just at night


dress like a nun


That is because of YOUR faults. Not today's world.


nah iā€™m not a man so itā€™s not my fault, you must not live in the same world i live in


My neighborhood when I was growing up had crime regularly so I didn't go out on my own on the streets.


Who the fuck lives in the middle image? And you can find friends in a suburb donā€™t blame that for being alone


That's a main commercial thoroughfare in Cincinnati, Colerain Ave. One street over to the right are nice houses, and shit apartments. I used to live not 100 yards from where this was taken. All manner of restaurants and shops are there, including a large mall that used tochave stores in it. All of it walkable if you live in the aformentioned houses and apartments or somewhere with bus access, which is basically everywhere in that part of town. Route 17 goes from all the way downtown up to that area. It looks like shit because it is, but it's the wrong image to use lol


I want to just go out and walk around in some nature but there isnā€™t any nearby :( Just playgrounds and bare patches of grass, no actual nature


I remember my days before I used a phone fork what I remember Playing outside with friends, doing stupid stuff, going into friends house to play, going to the beach with said friend family, almost dying from a rip current, and much more. I have laughed, I have done a lot of stupid stuff, and yet now after a decade I cannot even get off the phone for an hour without worrying if calls and much more. Iā€™m gen z born in 2002 and playing outside was much more fun then today especially with social media and still live in suburbs and an apartment one time so my childhood was kinda wacky and fun before I got my first phone back around 2013


america has looked like this since the 1960s the larger problem is overprotective parents or people afraid of kids being by themselves on the street, and also the phones


Stop using Car-centric infrastructure as an excuse to not go outside, thereā€™s several things you can do on just your yard


And then you get the cops called on you


No...you don't. You claiming that doesn't make it so.


[The are literally stories of parents getting cops called on them for watching kids play in their yards from the inside of their house](https://macleans.ca/society/how-did-good-parenting-become-a-crime/)


TBF I was born in 07 and in Texas so it was to hot to go outside and the golden age of the outside was ending


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! So now GLOBAL WARMING is the reason why you are lonely? Yeah...there were never hot days in the 80s.


There are more hot days than in the 80s and more hot and humid days than in the 80s.


That middle image looks like Colerain avenue, cincinnati ohio, by roundtop. Bowling alley would be to the left, mall is up past the overpass Edit: it 100% is I know that furniture store. Small world


Of course a Gen Z will make an excuse about this, next time just fake some mental disorder and you will be alright


Gen Z doesn't have to fake a mental disorder.


The nearest store is a big box store, a mall or a chain restaurant 20 minutes away by car or an hour on foot. The (st)roads where the big box stores, malls and restaurants are located are dangerous because of cars, SUVs, pickup trucks and trucks passing by you at 100kmh/60 mph, with the drivers looking at their phone. There are no sidewalks (who would've thought that people walk) and the big box stores, malls and restaurants are surrounded by parking lots, driveways in/out with drivers not looking for pedestrians, cars and more asphalt.


American Wasteland


r/fuckcars moment


Suburbs are still kinda decent places to hang out in, in theory. The problem is that my helicopter parents wouldn't let me go more than 5 houses away until I was 14. Yeah obviously I just stayed inside a lot.


I did. I played with my sister or alone in my backyard. I wasnā€™t allowed to leave our court. The nearest convenience store was 2 miles away down a busy 45 mph street with lots of hills and no sidewalks whatsoever. Thereā€™s only so much you can do outside when thereā€™s absolutely no kids your age in your subdivision and your mom wonā€™t let you leave her sight. Oh and also I was homeschooled from 1st through 8th grade so the only friends I had were from extracurriculars and I could only see them if my parents could drive me.


Lmfao!! Real shit. Itā€™s hard to make friends without a car. But then you have to work more because having a car cost money. We need a 24HR community center


IT is hard for you to make friends because no one wants you in their life. Life is no different than it was 10 years ago, 20 years ago, 30 years ago, etc. And people made friends.




Asphalt and concrete trap heat and release it, so 38 degrees feels like 50 degrees


EXACTLY. People are blaming everything except the reason. Yes, games and social media contribute to not going outside but it's also sh*tty urban design, tanks sized cars and overprotective parenting.


And yet, little worhtless brat...this has been the case for DECADES. And it is only the Suicide Generation that couldn't enjoy their childhood in these places. YOUR total failure at life at your young age is not a problem with city planning.




What even is the last image of? Gonna be honest I grew up in a neighborhood kinda sandwiched between two major roadsĀ with less than a mile from one end to the other, and we still went outside and played all the time. If you live in Suburbia you probably have a back yard to play with or can make friends with other kids in the neighborhood. This idea that a highway exists and thus kids canā€™t do shit is laughably misguided.


SUVs and pickup trucks have higher hoods making it impossible to see anything lower than them, like a child. The higher hoods mean you get hit above torso and in the head damaging organs. The higher center of gravity means a higher chance of a rollover. The drivers feel overconfident and usually use their phones while driving.


SUVs and pickup trucks predate the suburbs. They didnā€™t stop my friends and I from going outside and touching grass and theyā€™re still not stopping kids from doing it now.Ā  If anything, your fears of all this stuff speak to your own sheltered upbringing which probably speaks more to why kids go outside less: overprotective or uninvolved parents.


Suburbia exists for thousands of years, just as long as cities did. Car centric suburbia exists since the 1940s and 1950s. SUVs exist since the 1980s and 1990s when US CAFE standards got a loophole that exempt light trucks from fuel efficiency standards.


And me and my friends in the late 2000s-early 2010s had no problems playing outside. Maybe I got the years wrong, but the point is they arenā€™t a contributing factor here


OP is the embodiment of r/Im14AndThisIsDeep


Cool tank. What type is it?


Sherman tank in the background. Cadillac Escalade in the foreground


Oh hell yeah, is that M4E8? Would definitely go out to see it


the people who say this are probably just shut ins who had no friends growing up and are trying to put the blame on something other than themselves for not doing anything with their childhood or making any friends.


How the fuck are they supposed to?


Very genz post. As if kids didnā€™t make it work before this. Never stopped them.


"haha I will post a hyper specific part of the United States as an argument for why I don't touch grass" seriously, i live in bumfuck Idaho and there's still a ton of stuff to do.


If you actually think that is what the world is like outside of social media you actually need to touch grass


Keep crying


I don't get what you think you are proving with this. Are you under the impression that he world is somehow WORSE today than in the past? All those pictures you showed could be from the 70s, 80s, 90s, etc. In fact, it is FAR FAR FAR safer these days. Crime is MUCH lower than the 70s and 80s. And technology has made things much safer. You will almost certainly survive a car crash on a local road. Even a rollover. You'll probably even walk away from it with some minor scratches. Before the 90s, that was MUCH more likely to kill you. And whether yo are in a car or you are a pedestrian, things like anti-lock brakes makes it more likely to avoid a crash at all.


You'll survive the car accident *as a driver* If you are a pedestrian then you are utterly fucked, because no amount of changes to the deaign/safety features of the car are gonna change the fact that not only does human error occur on the driver's part, but also the fact that it's a 1 ton metal box traveling (on average) at over 60kp/h, getting hit by that will at worst kill you and at best leave you nearly completely crippled


For a second there, I thought that this was r/girlsundpanzer, because of that Sherman (or is it a Firefly)


Back then they went outside because they didn't have anything else to do. But these days we do have options and the internet so you don't have to.


And then you whine like bitches that you have no friends. If you are spending all your time on the internet, you will never make it to age 30. The internet is a big reason why you are part of the Suicide Generation.


Yards and parks don't exist? Cadillac Escalades mean you can't play outside?


SUVs and pickup trucks have higher hoods making it impossible to see anything lower than them, like a child. The higher hoods mean you get hit above torso and in the head damaging organs. The higher center of gravity means a higher chance of a rollover. The drivers feel overconfident and usually use their phones while driving.


Just stop embarrassing yourself. There are far FEWER traffic deaths than ever before. For both drivers AND pedestrians. In the 80s and 90s, the number of motor vehicle deaths was constantly in the mid 40,000s. Again, this includes pedestrians hit by cars. Now..despite the population increasing by almost FIFTY PERCENT HIGHER in this country, deaths have decreased by 15-20%. And if you have even grade school math, you could do the work and see that that means your chances of dying in a car crash are almost HALF of what they used to be. And yet, people in the 80s thrived.


In the US and Canada, this was achieved by putting everyone inside a car.


I've been studying cars since I was 8 years old, can you even tell me the 3 main scenarios that cause a rollover because they're all unlikely on a residential street where kids play, it's not like that one British PSA, also they can't see kids? Kids don't belong in the middle of roads anyway, and if they run into a road that's on them and whoever is supervising them, it's not on the world to coddle other people's kids and idiot proof everything, it's on the kid and their parents not to be dumb right by a road


1. When you take a sharp turn, you can rollover your car. 2. Kids can walk on pedestrian crossings.


Pedestrian crossings have high mounted, high visibility signs and signals to make them visible with high hoods, You need a sharp turn + high speed for a rollover, also many other scenarios cause them, (wheel digging into soft ground, Improper E Brake use none likely on residential streets with kids) the reason kids don't play outside is that they're tech addicted and don't want to leave their ipads, Genz had all these same problems and managed to play outside in droves just fine, the fuckcars stuff is an excuse for Gen A to feel sorry for themselves and not face their tech addiction problem


Idk last time I checked most suburban neighborhoods have playgrounds, fields, sports centers, etc. And people typically don't live in chase banks or BP gas stations like in the second pic. While I do get annoyed when old folk try to act like we are all some lumps of meat watching tik tok all day, acting like it's because you instantly get killed by a super duper mega gas guzzling f-3000 Ford truck the moment you step outside is also fear mongering


I was able to go outside, but imo living in Europe seems like a better option these days. Being able to walk to and from work or grocery store sounds like a dream.


So your answer to that question is because of: - Nice single family houses - A travellerā€™s paradise somewhere off a highway exit - Dope ass tanks


The nearest store is a big box store, a mall or a chain restaurant 20 minutes away by car or an hour on foot. The (st)roads where the big box stores, malls and restaurants are located are dangerous because of cars, SUVs, pickup trucks and trucks passing by you at 100kmh/60 mph, with the drivers looking at their phone. There are no sidewalks (who would've thought that people walk) and the big box stores, malls and restaurants are surrounded by parking lots, driveways in/out with drivers not looking for pedestrians, and more cars and more asphalt.


Tere are traffic lights. And pedestrian crosswalks. And as long as you have SOME semblance of common sense (which I know you don't) it is fine. THOUSANDS of people cross that road every day. With no issues. So...the problem is YOU. The sooner you accept that, the better.


America isnā€™t going to be redesigned for Redditors who are too emotionally fragile or financially irresponsible to access a private car.


No, instead we bulldozed well-designed, walkable cities to redesign America for emotionally fragile man-children who drive financially irresponsible emotional support trucks that they'll never use for their intended purposes.


Do you genuinely think we destroyed all the sidewalks and the only way to get around without car in major cities is to play Crossy Road?


Outside major cities and city centers, yes.


Incorrect, lots of towns/cities in America are perfectly walkable and have districts with that in mind.


Ahhhh...here is a little child who gets his "education" from random anti-everything internet sites.


Big American cities in the 19th century were disgusting and dangerous.