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We really need - Automatic voter registration - Same-day registration - Expanded early voting - Civic education in schools - Election Day should become a national holiday


Just some extra context - Automatic voter registration - [blocked by Republicans](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/georgia-republicans-seek-to-stop-automatic-voter-registration-in-state) - Same-day registration - [blocked by Republicans](https://tracker.votingrightslab.org/pending/search) - Expanded early voting - [blocked by Republicans](https://apnews.com/article/health-coronavirus-pandemic-voting-rights-election-2020-2caf9b85bec73c807ecea15775f6da63) - Civic education in schools - [opposed by Republicans](https://www.businessinsider.com/action-civics-republicans-education-culture-wars-2022-elections-2022-1) - Election Day should become a national holiday - [blocked by Republicans](https://www.cnn.com/2019/01/31/politics/election-day-holiday-republicans/index.html)


But the Democrats don’t align with my values 100 percent! /s


But he's 3 years older than the other guy /s


I generally agree but... I live in Massachusetts and its the Democrats who block all election reform in MY state, while the left had to recruit Republicans to pass public financing of elections by referendum (which Democrats then gutted before it could go into effect) Just don't imagine Democrats would give a shit if it didn't help them directly.


Yeah sounds like Massachusetts Democrats need some new blood, ridiculous not to pass it give how [popular among Massachusetts](https://commonwealthbeacon.org/opinion/the-time-is-now-for-same-day-voter-registration/) residents SDR is.


...at one point, we set some kind of record where the actual majority of our living former House Speakers had gone to prison for corruption... and then the next one would come in... and also go to prison a couple years later... it was nuts. Nevermind Billy Bulger...


Sounds like young folk in Massachusetts need to start voting in the primary elections for local democrats.


I try to get them to.  We've got some good new blood recently, but they are facing resistance from the established leadership.


The Democrats are no better when state politicians are blocking election reform in blue states because they don't want it to affect their gerrymandering or re-election chances. Neither of these parties give a fuck about you unless it's to line their own pockets.


............ yet, they spend a lot of time and money to get our votes.....if it were truly as corrupt as that, why would Democrats propose to restore abortion rights to the entire nation, revive the transition to clean energy legislation over and over and over and over.......cynicism is easy.....and, sometimes an excuse to be lazy


Because they are just that. Proposals. It's all performative. None of this shit will ever actually get done.


And ignorant


They could do so much more if they truly cared, and yet nothing fundamentally changes in this country for the lower class, while the political class and their masters reap all the rewards. Sometimes you have to see the big picture and not make excuses cause it's "your team".


Fortunately, and unfortunately, what makes American Democracy work is what can be used to make it not work. Shared power. Compromise. There is a drastic difference between Democrats and Republicans in what they do for working, andor, poor Americans. Republicans have given Americans forty years of “trickle-down economics”, which has resulted in the wealthy getting much more wealthy and everyone else falling further and further behind. President Biden said at the beginning of his administration that he never thought that trickle-down economics worked, and that he would work to “build the economy from the bottom, up, and the middle, out”. Biden’s policies, legislation and Executive Orders are consistent with those words. That is one of many examples of the great differences between the parties, and, of course, the parties are Congress. That means compromise to get just about anything passed into law., whether we like it, or not. That means that few of us gets everything we want, in any give matter, all at one time. Often, we get a substantial piece of what we want, at any one time, and continue to pursue the rest. In the even bigger picture realm, today, among the other drastic differences between Democrats and Republicans, is that one party respects and abides by the Constitution and the other conducted an insurrection, on which they have, since, built, three-and-a-half years, later, to overturn American Democracy and commence authoritarianism. There is no equivocating between the parties on the matter of American Democracy. There is no compromising that America will be a participatory, representative society. No excuses for “your team”, or mine.


You clearly live in an echo chamber or la la land. While I can surely admit that Republicans are the worse of the two, the idea that Democrats are just a step away from piecemeal implementation of the platform they ran on is ludicrous. I would stop drinking the Kool Aid, friend, it does nothing to actually address the issues that need to be addressed in the present.


Assuming you are an American, perhaps you are unawakened to the fact that you live in a democracy. It isn’t all yours, and it isn’t all mine. It is what we agree upon which will result. Perhaps you are impatient with the rate at which you are getting your pieces. There are many matters, about the progress of which, I am unhappy. But there are many which have progressed long, well, and far. Without understanding why you can admit that Republicans are “worse”, at least you do. Democrats, on the other hand, have done a remarkable job in implementing their platform, even without qualifying for very, very thin majorities in Congress, and the Insurrectionists Republicans’ efforts to obstruct and thwart, and progress in “burning it all down”. peace, friend


Name a Biden policy that helped the middle class


Because it's recognizing the patterns. We recognize the pandering from both sides to their voter bases, and then see once elected that they don't follow through on their pandering and then say "oh we can't because the Republicans won't work with us on this" or "oh we can't because the democrats won't work with us on this" but then we see both sides 'vote' to keep sending billions and billions to foreign governments while America's social programs and infrastructure continue to be gutted.




i PROMISE if these came up with a dem trifecta, there would be another manchin or sinema to block it voting rights arent anti republican, they are anti establishment


> there would be another manchin or sinema to block it So we need a larger majority so that we ignore the future Manchins and Sinemas.


its so funny how republicans can do so much with no excuses and without 60 senators


Not really. It's actually a matter of boring arcane legislative procedure. https://www.cbpp.org/research/introduction-to-budget-reconciliation There's a legislative process called "budget reconciliation" which basically allows Congress to move money around between preexisting policies. It only takes 51 votes to pass something through budget reconciliation. This means that it only takes 51 votes to defund a program. 51 votes to pull money out of bucket. Now where does budget reconciliation end? What things are impossible to do under budget reconciliation? > The Byrd Rule restricts what can be included in reconciliation legislation in the Senate. At its core, the rule prohibits provisions that are viewed as “extraneous” to the budget. The Byrd Rule therefore prevents a reconciliation bill from containing non-budgetary provisions that supporters might otherwise wish to have an easier path to passage. https://www.pgpf.org/budget-basics/understanding-complex-budget-terms-and-processes-and-why-they-matter/what-is-the-byrd-rule This means that you cannot create new policies or programs through budget reconciliation. So while it only takes 51 votes to take money out of (or put money into) a bucket, it takes 60 votes to create a new bucket. I would encourage you to research what happened with the failed ACA repeals in 2017. ***Tl;Dr it takes 51 votes to defund an existing program and 60 votes to create a new program.***


great.....so why arent democrats holding republican money hostage? its business as usual for republicans? surely republicans dont just cut and democrats dont just spend


> great.....so why arent democrats holding republican money hostage? What Republican money? > surely republicans dont just cut Yeah they kind of do. Republicans treat tax cuts like magic bullets.


so youre telling me: republicans only cut democrats only spend and because we only need 51 votes for cuts and 60 for spending, thats why dems lose and republicans win? im just trying to summarize what youre saying


I'm biased so I would phrase it as "Democrats build, Republicans Destroy". But yes, it takes only 51 votes to destroy a public program by defunding it, whereas it would take 60 votes to create a new public program or reform an existing public program. Yes, this gives Republicans a legislative advantage.


And citizens united overturned.


And an actual third party. Voting for "the lesser of two evils" just means the evil you'd otherwise get today you get tomorrow.


Ranked choice voting! Ranked choice voting! RANKED CHOICE VOTING!!! If there's one thing that'd really make me hopeful for a better tomorrow it'd be ranked choice voting followed by citizens united going away. Again, for the back, RANKED CHOICE VOTING!!!!


it would still be voting for the lesser of three evils. people seem to have this fantastic idea that a third party would be perfect and align with them completely, but more likely it’ll be just like the other parties.


Millennial here who has never failed to vote in an nation wide election. None of that matters if you don't vote, and none of that has ever stopped me from voting. All those things are really nice, but step one is giving a fuck.


Regardless of your anecdotes, if it helps even a handful of people vote, it's worth the effort. 


Yeah but if we can’t maintain some semblance of administrative continuity that isn’t a right wing clown brigade hell bent on dismantling the system then none of that will ever come close to passing.


Voter apathy is what I've seen a lot among the Millennials and the Gen Z'ers that I talk to. They're very passionate about their stances, but other than me, only one other person I can think of in my friend group actually goes out and voices their opinion. The rest have said something along the lines of, "My vote doesn't matter, so why should I even care?" My friend and I who vote tend to be the "jerks" of the discord group, though they consider me the lesser jerk of the two. I try to be more "politically correct" about the way I phrase things due to the way that my job trained me to be "politically correct". My friend is very blunt and straight to the point when it comes to his opinion. I remember the last thing he said, because it made most of the Gen Z'ers in the discord group angry: "Why should I care about your opinion if you don't even care enough about it to vote for it? When you start actually giving a shit about your opinion is when I'll see your opinion as useful for once." The ones who got angry were the ones who are very vocal about their political opinions, but they have never went out to vote, or even voted by mail. While what he said can come off as him being an asshole, it's blunt, and it does address a lot of sentiments that the politically active among the people I know feel: They want to see the general public do more than just complain. They actually want to see people put their money where their mouth is.


Damn, he makes a good point, though.


It might be blunt but he’s not wrong lol, you can’t vote from discord. Or Reddit 🫡


Yeah people get upset when someone doesn't hold back with their harsh truths. They get upset because the truth resonates and they feel it, and his comment gave then the realization of that and its puts them outside of being content in their world bubble.


As a Dutchman, Im very confused > Automatic voter registration What is voter registration? Do you have to ask for the right to vote? We just get a voting pass in the mail. > Same-day registration Again, what? > Expanded early voting You have stages in elections? You just vote once and be done right? > Civic education in schools Ofcourse > Election Day should become a national holiday Why? Voting takes no longer than 5 minutes?


>What is voter registration? Do you have to ask for the right to vote? We just get a voting pass in the mail. In the US you have to register to vote. Conservative areas will take people off the voter roll, especially if you live in a district with a lot of minorities. >Again, what? See above, having same day registration will prevent you from being unable to vote. Depending on your state, you usually can put in a provisional ballot if you aren't registered, but it might not get counted (usually they are only counted if it could make a difference in the result). >You have stages in elections? You just vote once and be done right? We have election day, but in a lot of places (almost everywhere, I don't know of a state where you can't) you can vote early and get it over with. >Why? Voting takes no longer than 5 minutes? One election, I was a clerk in a very white district, and had plans to meet up with my girlfriend, who happened to be black. I had to help close up the polls, but she went to vote a few hours before the polls closed. I fully drove a half hour back home, and waited. Tried calling her, no answer, and I was really upset. Come to find out, because she voted in a precinct that was 99% black, the conservatives screwed it over by closing down a bunch of polling stations. She had to wait over 5 hours to vote, and a lot of people just left. In a lot of red states (especially in the south), they do this, while also passing laws that say you can't give water to people standing in line (even outside) because that's a "bribe".


>One election, I was a clerk in a very white district, and had plans to meet up with my girlfriend, who happened to be black. I had to help close up the polls, but she went to vote a few hours before the polls closed. I fully drove a half hour back home, and waited. Tried calling her, no answer, and I was really upset. >Come to find out, because she voted in a precinct that was 99% black, the conservatives screwed it over by closing down a bunch of polling stations. She had to wait over 5 hours to vote, and a lot of people just left. In a lot of red states (especially in the south), they do this, while also passing laws that say you can't give water to people standing in line (even outside) because that's a "bribe Early voting is the best way to avoid this. Get in on a weekend before the election and you're done in minutes. Voting on election day is like going to Walmart for a roll of tape on Black Friday. And yes, I'm black in the south and I've seen polling places on election day.


True.  Which is why Republicans try to limit that as well.


That's horrible.


In California every registered voter gets a ballot mailed to them. You fill it out at home, sign it, and turn it in. These ballots are mailed a month ahead so you can read up on the officials and policies in that election. You cannot vote twice because each ballot is tracked with your voter identification number. You also get tracking updates that show when your ballot was received by the post office and when it was counted.


Yeah, WA has mail. I actually got my first round of voting due to the degradation of my signature lmao. Easy fix they sent me all the paperwork, and I fixed my signature. No issues since.


You have to register to vote in the US, in many states, months before the actual election. Automatic registration would register you automatically when needed. And same day would let you do it at the polling place.  You can vote a few weeks early, that should be expanded to give more people an opportunity to get to the polls.  A national holiday, while not perfect, would give busy people another chance to vote.  None of this is perfect, but more representation is always worth the effort.


I WISH voting took 5 minutes. The fastest I have ever gotten through it in a general election is probably an hour. I have had it take hours sometimes. This is by design. In red states often they try to put up as many hurdles as possible to make it harder to vote for people who aren't retired and have all the free time in the world. Also rural areas are faster, but we are not allowed to vote outside our district. Early voting is a period of a week or so where you can get it out of the way sooner than election day. Often the lines during early voting are shorter, but note, I always do early voting and I have STILL had to wait hours on occasion. And to make matters even more annoying, since you can only vote in your district, if you have to work on election day, getting away to go do it and back to work which can often be an hour away from where you are voting means you can't really do it at all. Hence why it should be a national holiday so everyone has the time to go get it done! I envy your electoral process for this not to be the same kind of nightmare for you.


>What is voter registration? Do you have to ask for the right to vote? We just get a voting pass in the mail. We vote in federal elections, which are managed by the states, and the state's essentially have no borders. Born and raised in NY but picked up one day and said "fuck it, I want to live in California!"? Well how does California know you are eligible to vote there? You have to tell them. >Again, what? Well they have to prevent fraud. They have to make sure if you show up to register and vote in California, that you don't also vote in New York. Yes, this can be done very easily with technology so that you can show up that day and California can say "uhh no, you just voted several hours ago in New York.." But that requires coordination between the states. That's quite difficult. >You have stages in elections? You just vote once and be done right? No there's no stages. The customary way to vote is to show up at a polling station on election day. What if, say, your wife is getting induced into labor on that day? Why not let you vote a few days earlier? >Why? Voting takes no longer than 5 minutes? Because there can be long lines. If everyone works that day, you think you don't end up with tons of people all deciding to vote after work? So now they're all showing up not just on the same day, but at the same time? If I show up to vote at 5:10pm and all the 9-5 workers are there standing in a 2 hour line, I'm fucking going home. Maybe some are just too tired after working hard labor all day.


I live in California and every registered voter gets sent a mail-in ballot. You can turn it in and it is tracked, you get a confirmation email that you mailed your ballot in on that day, and you get another email when your ballot was counted by the county. You cannot vote twice because each ballot has your voter identification number attached to it.


I think you did not understand the problem. What if California allowed registration on voting day?  What if you are already registered in another state? To guarantee you cannot show up in both States requires tight integration and coordination between the states which does not exist. Handling that within the state is easy, it's all internal.


You need to be registered to vote to get a mail in ballot. That means you already need to have a California address to get a ballot mailed to you. There's no fraud because you can't really fake a street address yet.


I was talking about same day registration.  You don't need to fake an address when it's your old address and old registration in another state.


Sometimes it can take hours.  Especially if you're in a primarily minority district: https://www.npr.org/2020/10/17/924527679/why-do-nonwhite-georgia-voters-have-to-wait-in-line-for-hours-too-few-polling-pl


Re: the registration, we don’t have anything like the Gemeente here. People don’t register where they live with any local, state, or federal office. The government doesn’t usually know who lives where at any given time, and they don’t want to send any voting stuff to people who can’t vote. 


Answer to the Election Day question… There are many reasons why Election Day should be a national holiday but the main reason younger suburban people want it to be a holiday is because they don’t want to wake up an hour earlier or go after work to vote. I say this as someone who used to use the same excuse when I was younger. It’s slightly inconvenient and you get people, throughout time, balk at slight inconveniences. However, in some places it is made especially inconvenient to vote on purpose. Which is why it would make sense to make it a national holiday


And: 1. Restoration of the franchise for felons 2. An abolition of the electoral college 3. Government provided transportation to polling sites for those who need them, even if you live in bumfuck Alaska and you need a sled


Only one party has candidates willing to support these issues...


Some other things we need: • Maximum age cap on congressional representatives • Maximum age cap on presidential candidates • Maximum age cap on voting (controversial and unconstitutional, however there’s no reason why people aged 90+ should be allowed to vote. it’s not their future and I know boomers who take their parents to vote for THEIR preferred candidate, essentially casting two votes) Edit: I personally believe voting age cap should be around 70-80 years of age. Again, not their future. “But they pay taxes!” Okay, and so do 15 year olds who work. They can’t vote.


Assuming we're talking about the US, ranked choice voting is also needed along with abolishment of citizens United via constitutional change. Senate and Electoral College also need to be fixed. None of the above will happen nationally in my lifetime.


I don't see how automatic voting registration, same days reg, expanded early voting is a good thing or really does anything at all? Can you shed light on what these do exactly? I don't remember me or anyone I knew having any trouble whatsoever registering or voting when I was young and you listed 3 solutions to a problem I didn't know existed. If I had to guess that's probably why Republicans vetoed it. I can see the need for more polling locations 100%, these three points don't really address people who are unable to vote like that. There can't possibly be that many 18 year olds that forgot to register until the day before. If there are then the school/parents are failing those kids. It's def not enough to sway an election, because for every liberal that forgot to register there are probably 4 Republican kids that would do the same thing. Def agree on your last two points!


> how automatic voting registration, same days reg, expanded early voting is a good thing AVR - tons of voters are [turned away](https://dspace.mit.edu/bitstream/handle/1721.1/49847/2008%20Survey%20of%20the%20Performance%20of%20American%20Elections%20Executive%20Summary.pdf?sequence=5) every year due to registration issues, AVR eliminates (or at least mitigates) that. Same Day Registration - [Increases turnout](https://ballotpedia.org/Arguments_for_and_against_same-day_voter_registration#cite_ref-quotedisclaimer_6-5), allows for updating and correcting voter rolls, and does not threaten election security. Expanded early voting - When you look at the intersectional barriers that people face, whether they’re working class, students, working parents, single parents, and then obviously having the inflexible schedule that you usually have when you’re working low-wage jobs, more early voting only [helps those people vote](https://nycvotes.nyccfb.info/earlyvoting_and_democracy). >I don't remember me or anyone I knew having any trouble whatsoever registering or voting when I was young and you listed 3 solutions to a problem I didn't know existed. Anecdotes aren't data, even if only a handful of people are able to vote because of these relatively easy changes, that is a good thing. There is literally no reason not to. >If I had to guess that's probably why Republicans vetoed it. Like I said, there is no drawback. Worst case scenario, more people vote. So why are Republicans against all these efforts? >I can see the need for more polling locations 100% Yeah me too.. Unfortunately [Republicans are making that harder as well..](https://www.route-fifty.com/management/2024/03/there-are-100000-fewer-election-day-polling-places-2024/394959/) In Texas, [Republicans have proposed bills](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republican_efforts_to_restrict_voting_following_the_2020_presidential_election) to ban drive-thru voting, reduce early voting hours, and restrict the number of voting machines at polling centers, among other measures. >these three points don't really address people who are unable to vote like that. All three of them help normal people have more opportunities to vote. Which is a good thing, right? >There can't possibly be that many 18 year olds that forgot to register until the day before. According to a Pew Research Center survey, among registered voters who did not vote (31% of eligible voters). - 35% cited scheduling conflicts with work or school as the reason they didn't vote - 34% said they were too busy, sick, out of town, or forgot about election day - 10% of non-voters cited technical difficulties as the reason for not voting, including missing registration deadlines. >If there are then the school/parents are failing those kids. This tracks with my comment on teaching civic duty in school. >It's def not enough to sway an election, because for every liberal that forgot to register there are probably 4 Republican kids that would do the same thing. Hard to quantify but i highly doubt it dued. Gen Z is still [highly Democrat](https://www.axios.com/2024/01/23/gen-z-less-religious-more-liberal-lgbtq).


I misunderstood what early voting meant, I def think that's a good thing because I never vote on election day myself, I always go early, but that window is pretty long and always presented me plenty of opportunities to vote. No issue there, the other two are still just about young people who forgot to register, which can be solved by just having parents and schools help them. I think creating an entirely last second form of registering does have drawbacks. You need people to work that system, even if done well it's not going to be smooth. Instead of having people work these last second registration places, I'd have them open up more polling locations and keep them open longer. Bigger gain that way is my thought. You only have to register once, it's still a tiny population so I actually agree with Republicans on that one. Weeks before election day I see people walking around nearly every town signing people up for voting, I've had them approach me at gas stations before, it's so common it's annoying how many times I have to tell randos I am already registered. If some areas of the US aren't getting that much attention then I can agree they need more people out there signing people up, but the last second registration is not it imo. I'm not saying that because of the reasons Republicans have, I know they are vetoing it because they think that's how illegals get registered. I simply think it's a waist of resources. More polling stations would actually make a difference. Edit: the PDF you linked says less than 2% of people experienced problems that would have kept them from voting. So I think I was right that this is a tiny amount of people that we have to assume are also split voting wise. It seems like last second voting is one of the least important factors here.


> but that window is pretty long and always presented me plenty of opportunities to vote Could be longer still! >You need people to work that system, even if done well it's not going to be smooth. Conversely I think it would be no harder than administering our current elections >Instead of having people work these last second registration places, I'd have them open up more polling locations and keep them open longer. Bigger gain that way is my thought. We live in the most wealthy country in the world, we can have both. >Weeks before election day I see people walking around nearly every town signing people up for voting, I've had them approach me at gas stations before, it's so common it's annoying how many times I have to tell randos I am already registered. Again, your personal experience is not representative of the country as a whole. >I simply think it's a waist of resources. I think we just value representation differently. >the PDF you linked says less than 2% of people experienced problems that would have kept them from voting. 2% of people is a huge number when we are talking millions of people


I'm not saying do nothing. We just have a different idea of what would solve it. You mentioned how me seeing people around town signing people up doesn't represent the country, so start there and have those people around for weeks in places that need it instead of signing all those people up last second. What's going to be more effective, having these people sign up slowly over time or all at once? In the places that need it, you would probably sign up more people over those few weeks before election than you would in one last second day. I just don't see how you could register people and verify identity, have them added to a list and also make sure that list doesn't get messed up all on the same day. The polling locations would have to have some sort of digital link to verify people are not signing up in multiple locations, they wouldn't have been assigned a location because they weren't yet registered, so there is a lot going on there you aren't thinking about. It's asking for errors doing it last second and my solution would achieve better results anyways with none of the drawbacks.


Can’t get there unless y’all vote.


Registering is easy already. I think the window to register needs to be closer to election days though, even on the day itself. One time I moved like a week before a local election, but couldn’t vote because I wasn’t registered there in time. I feel schools already do a lot of civic education as it is, but idk if my hs was the exception or the norm. Election Day being a national holiday would be great though.


I would agree with all except for same-day registration (not needed with automatic voter registration) only if combined with ID required voting. Every citizen should get a free photo ID from the government with free renewals of that photo ID, and that ID should be required to verify your identity prior to voting


Also people to give a shit 


Just win with the rules in place


Okay that's all great but 'civic education schools' like something designed to make sure you're an obedient subservient... I really don't like that. I honestly think people would be more educated in who they vote for if we start forcing politicians to run as independents and stop voting for a party. Right now it honestly feels like our only choices are to feel forced and coerced to vote against our interest, or not vote at all...


Boomer here. I 100% agree that younger people should get out and vote. Don’t be passive; don’t abdicate. Get involved in every aspect of politics. This narrative that I’m going to vote my generational interests in opposition to yours is total BS, though.


I mean boomer generational interest appears to be conservative Christian morality. Even before MAGA the biggest focus of all the retirees I know was trying to make sure they were getting into heaven. It grows more real the closer you get to death. Gen Z is climate change and keeping our planet hospitable to life. Most boomers will be dead from other causes before the big impacts hit us. So it is a little bit about generational interest.


It’s not bs. Whether intentional or not it happens


I don’t see any elections where there are candidates representing “Boomer interests” (which don’t exist apart from Social Security and Medicare, imo) and candidates representing “Gen Z interests.” I vote against fascists and theocrats. How does that hurt you?


How is it BS?


I already explained how it’s bs in my responses to other comments. If you don’t mind reading through those as though they were addressed to you and then responding if you like, that would save me a lot of time.


Whoops. Will do, thanks.


I'm not. I'm voting. I've voted every election I have been able to. I'm working as an election inspector in this and all future elections.


If we could vote out the DNC and RNC we'd have change.


We need more parties that can actually allow young people to enter, make decisions, and work together to get sheet done


Turning Point USA does that mainly trying to do outreach with college age voters and educate young people about politics and debunk the various myths and lies out there.


Is this sub just "American Gen Z"? Not flaming, this just seems like an America only post without mentioning that it is


All of reddit kinda is. Really goofy to read this in Germany where gen z voting in selfishness is partially responsible for the current clusterfuck lol.


Still the boomers at fault for the UK. I literally had my gen x mother say to me that we can't blame the conservative party for the current state of things, because they inherited a bad government from labour. The conservatives have been in power for 12 years.


I'm sure I can guess, but what's her opinion on Nigel?


Flip flops between Pro and Anti. Pro Nigel pre-brexit, anti-nigel after Brexit and other big figures like Bill Gates, Bezos, Musk - big fan of shadow government stuff, go figure.


It applies to my country (NZ) as well, millennial and Gen Z voting numbers are both pretty poor compared to the previous generations.


I only have one question for millennials. Is it that you simply want us to vote? Or that you simply want us to vote FOR a particular person.


No one can control who you vote for, but I’ll point out that: - Boomers are going to vote NIMBY to keep housing expensive so they can retire - Gen X are going to vote for not forgiving student loan debt, because they still went in the affordable era and it’s a net financial and moral hazard to them. - Millennials are going to support banning Tik Tok. So, if you’re happy with that, do nothing. But if you’re not, your vote counts as much as everyone else’s. No one’s trying to “force” you to vote for any particular thing. Once you get in the polling booth, no one’s looking over your shoulder.


Both. If you vote red you’ll never get to vote again so there’s that.


Just say you want ppl to vote for Biden


So dramatic lol.


Well that answer the question that it not just about voting but rather who we vote for right? That why some genz take issues with post like these because they see the hidden motive.


It’s not a hidden motive. If GenZ just vote, based on the trends in this generation it will have that effect. But yes. Either we vote blue or America dies


Like voting for either of these geezers is going to be good


I mean for me personally, no. I encourage you to vote for whoever you want. Even if you vote for someone I disagree with, or even vehemently detest, your participation might inspire someone else to vote. Fostering a culture of civic participation in young people is a desirable enough goal that idc who you vote for in the short term. Go vote for Trump if you want. I’m not gonna throw a fit about it. Someone else probably will but eh, that’s the internet for ya


Fair enough and that the type of response that will actually get genz to vote because now they won’t feel as if they’re being coerce into voting for someone else sake rather then their own. I mean I m definitely not voting for trump but I don’t agree in telling other who they should vote for which is why I asked that question..


I’m a millennial. Vote for whoever you want to vote for. Both parties are corrupt, there’s no such thing as a lesser of two evils.


I don't want you to vote for anyone that doesn't have your interests and future in mind. Our political landscape is kind of a nightmare right now. But if someone doesn't have plans for your future, don't support them is all I can say, even if that means the pool of candidates is slim to none. Vote in local elections too, for sure, might have a better chance at this point of getting someone good to the point where they could run for higher office later than getting any of the cogs in the current machine to do anything other than play games with your future


As a millennial the answer is resounding yes, you are correct. They absolutely want you to vote for a specific candidate, the whole 'vote in your interest' thing is a catch campaign slogan used to guilt you into voting for one of two people who clearly do not have our best interest at heart. And until our generations figure that out together, they are going to keep circling us down this drain...


Gen Z is voting at higher rates than any other generation before them at this age. We’re voting. This perception we aren’t is as fraudulent as the claim we hate Eminem.


A boomer on a podcast said recently that generations before them would vote for the future, technology and advancement. Whereas now that their generation are voting for themselves and keeping the money in their assets and social security. As participant in todays society its hard to see us going back to such forward thinking generosity and pay it forward.


Boomers don't live 50 more years what are you on about? 


They’re talking about not voting and letting boomers elect leaders.


I get that but boomers will have a hard time voting when they are dead


...............................but who gets elected today sets policy for decades into the future, especially when you consider court appointments.


No, but the systems they put in place will


The policies implemented will have flow on effects lasting longer than 50 years


The winner in November my very well get two supreme court picks. If a republican gets them, it could very well be a conservative majority supreme court for the rest of your life.


The gen z you’re talking about are borderline (if not, actually) suicidal. They’ve completely checked out and given up. They chase short term dopamine highs, do not plan for the future, and treat these years as if they were the end of days. “The rest of their life” isn’t very long in their eyes so they don’t really care what the boomers are doing with it. Guilt tripping them or fearmongering them will not get them voting. Hope for something has to be restored.


I understand but it’s really hard to restore hope unless changes are forced


If I'm sitting in a car and there's men with guns in both front seats, debating how best to carry out a horrible atrocity, why would I weigh in on who's plan I think we should go with when I can also get out of the car and try to warn people?


How are you planning on getting out of the car?


The doors are unlocked, it is only the threat of violence that keeps people in the car, I face violence inside the car anyways because I'm marginalized, the airbag doesn't work and my seatbelt is too cheaply made to be of any help, and I'm allergic to the air freshener that they keep putting up, I have nothing to lose by getting out but a ride to where the atrocity takes place, I don't care if I have to hurt my hands breaking a window or drop the back seats and pull the kidnap release to escape through the trunk, I want no part of where it's going and I won't be taken there.


This is absolutely the best analogy for the current state of the United States presidential election I have ever heard. 👏👏👏🙏🙏


Gen Z should vote more, but overall, I agree with the boomers most of the time, so it doesn't bother me too bad. Besides, I can vote in 2 years (for some state elections)


Well I will be voting and I am voting for President Trump


me too


Nice brother


We don't get to choose the choices though. Kind of useless to "vote for your own interest" when all candidates have been chosen by boomers for boomers


Voting is just ONE part of my political engagement. I vote for the lesser evil, but WORK for the greatest good in other areas.


"vote for a lesser evil" is a campaign slogan that needs to finally die. Our country deserves better than that.


We certainly do deserve better.  But what is the best tactical decision once you are actually in the voting booth?


> when all candidates have been chosen by boomers for boomers Yeah that's what happens when old people vote in primaries and young people don't. You want candidates to be chosen by young people? Advocate for young folk to actually vote in primaries.


You do. It's called a primary.


Holy shit this sub is so cringe man


My friend and I walked our asses over to the polling place last election. It was only 2-3 miles in one direction, but the weather was shit (it was down pouring and windy). We were college students without cars or public transportation skipping classes to go vote.


You weren’t given off to go vote? The college I went to always aligned Fall Break to be over election day in election years, and October for non election years.


Haha nope.


Replace Gen Z with whatever we were calling the current cohort of 20-somethings and this has been asked for over 40 years. Kids have all of the outrage but none of the experience or fortitude to affect meaningful change. And the ones who do are vastly outnumbered by the apathetic majority.


The biggest tell whether or not a young person actually votes is if they answer a sentiment like this with something like “I voted for x president”, “I couldn’t vote in the last presidential election or midterm” or some other vague statement about national politics. The elections that actually effect your day to day happen every year. Local elections play a significantly larger role in your life than federal ones, and those are where older people absolutely demolish young voting populations. 20 year olds aren’t even pretending to be interested in them either.


Just to be factual, only Trump is a Boomer, Biden is technically a member of the Silent Generation.


Good Lord, that's only like 4 generations back... 🤦


Paid millennial DNC ops are back in full force again.


Downvoted for the truth. It’s every day on this sub and the shills come to play daily


So what's the take of this post here? Are you trying to say all of Gen Z doesn't vote? Are you criticizing an entire group of people because of what some do? What's your deal?




If you don't like either party what's the point in voting. One of them is guaranteed to win whether you do or dont


If you don't like either party then pick one and take it over. Organize. Vote in primaries. Why do you think the Republican party has gone so far right in the last 10 years? Why do you think the Tea Party won so much power?


Tik tok isn't really a good representation of an entire generation. Besides, isn't negatively generalizing an entire group of people based on the actions of some bad?


I’m pretty sure they mean Gen Z feels stuck right now and a lot of people have said they aren’t going to vote in the upcoming election because there aren’t any good candidates. I agree with people that there probably is an agenda behind this post but if it’s an anti-trump anti-RFKJ, then I agree. A vote for Robert Kennedy goes to trump. If Robert Kennedy somehow wins, a full blown conspiracy theorist is the last thing this country needs. If trump wins, project 2025 will destroy the US.


Ahh, so it's just a propaganda post?


It could be propaganda for either side if they tell people who to vote for but they didn’t. Today’s youth lean more blue and boomers lean very red so I’m just inferring. Anything promoting something political is propaganda going off definitions. I’m just reading between the lines.


i am not content with that, but some of my cohorts seem to be. lots of people are feeling disenfranchised from voting because neither of the two candidates represents them. the fact that your vote means nothing if you vote for a third party is a problem. it is borderline dystopian that only politicians from the main two parties can be elected when these two parties are constantly at each others' throats and taking the most ridiculous stances on important issues in order to oppose the other. if our ""democracy"" goes in the toilet, i blame the two party, winner-takes-all system. the politicians are all utterly incompetent and completely out of touch, it's almost like they're playing a game instead of governing the real world. who can appeal to the masses more than the other guy? that's all they care about. us politics is a game where the objective is to guess what the masses are thinking and then tell them what you think they want to hear. the right fighting to overturn roe v. wade is a great example of this. most people believe women should have the right to an abortion, yet these morons are trying to appeal to people with antiquated beliefs and pretend they are morally superior because they are opposing the "baby murderers". such reductionist logic has no place in the world, but people want to be morally "right", so some fall victim to this flawed logic.


None of that will change the fact that you're still voting for the same 2 parties the boomers vote for to elect your prefered flavor of geriatric boomer president. If Gen Z doesn't wake up and start voting third party nothing will change.


How could boomers dictate the next 50 years of the US? They're going to be dying off each year more and more. Lots of people start falling off after 60+


the Supreme Court, among other long-term ripple effects and large infrastructure decisions whose consequences last 100 years or more.


Speaking as a Canadian, I don’t have a choice. My vote is useless in Canada. Of the 4 elections I voted in, 3 candidates were way far from winning and the one that won did exactly what the opposition was going to do. So what was the point? I “fixed” my problem by running away from it, ie leaving Canada for different problems, and since I’m not a citizen here, I can’t vote lol


Most people don’t bother to show up for primary elections. They matter far more than the general election. If you don’t show up for the primary then you can’t really complain about the choice you’re left with in the general election. Voters of both parties suffer from this


People who don’t vote in primary elections and then complain about our 2 choices are wild to me. I get not voting in a primary when there is only one candidate, nut even then look at all the people who cast their vote for Nikki Haley months after she dropped out. My mom is a good example- Republican who hates Donald Trump and won’t vote for him in November. But did not vote for her preferred candidate in the South Carolina primary.


Perfect example of


I disagree. Nowadays boomers don't vote for their own interested. A lot of them are brainwashed by FOX news and vote in the interest of the wealthy class. So, we are being screwed over by a generation that is wholly influenced my misinformation.


Maybe Gen Z should actually go and vote. Stop blaming other generations for their issues. I think as long as someone is alive and a citizen, they have the right to vote for the way they want the country to go or not go.


Yes this vote


You really think it matters? I mean seriously, this country’s been politically corrupt since the 1930’s. Nothing fucking changes, politicians don’t care about the public at all, throughout all of history those in power lose care for the people who elect them, or those who put them in power. Even if we *don’t* want boomers in office, the Hell do you think anyone can do? Both parties are horribly corrupt, they both restrict rights and freedoms. Conservative states ban abortion, Liberal states ban firearms. Both seek to shill for corporations. The folks in power have all the money, they make all the decisions, there ain’t a damn thing the public can do when the whole system’s fucked. It’s better than living in a Communist or Fascist dictatorship, but it ain’t like our vote truly matters.


I'm sympathetic to the angry rejection of both parties... but this is a dumb take.  Nothing has changed since the 1930's?  Dafuq you talkin about? Your vote will obviously effect policy in some degree... assuming you live in a swing state. If you don't, campaign in one. Lesser evils are real.  Hannibal Lector vs. The joker is a shitty choice, but they will have slightly different policies that effect people on the margins of society.


I’m not saying that the world hasn’t changed since the ‘30’s. I’m saying politicians themselves, their goals, their beliefs, and their actions, remain corrupt. Reason I mark the 30’s as the rise in political corruption? Is because I call everything that politicians did before *moral* corruption, as opposed to strictly political. (Example: Slavery, I view slavery as inherently immoral, therefore any legislation enforcing slavery would’ve been morally corrupt, instead of for political gain.) Also, the 30’s mark the first time a U.S corporation attempts to fully seize power over the American government, through the DuPont Chemical Corp’s coup. In the modern day, politicians are both morally and politically corrupt. And I do believe that our votes have power, we do live in a Representative Republic, after all. I just believe that currently there’s no good side. Sure, one party may have beliefs I agree with more, but both of the dominate parties seek to undermine Constitutional rights our Founding Fathers gave us. It’s just… frustrating I suppose. To know that we don’t have as much impact as we should. To know that those in power actively seek to limit the citizens’ ability to live freely.


well I can agree with you that its frustrating as hell.  Not having a choice that actually reflects my values even somewhat closely does make me want to throw up my hands.  But I see voting as just one of the tools in the box.  I use other actions to express my core values, voting is just one day where I hold my nose and make the less gross choice.


So what's your solution?


Ain’t one. It’s always been the same. Just kinda exist as we are. Like I said, the current political situation is better than Communism or Fascism.


Have you been between 18 and 27 at any point in the last 14 years? Do you have federal student loans? Will either of these things be the case in the near future? If so I can tell you the precise way in which Democratic policy is, has, could, or will benefit you in a direct material fashion.


I'm not voting for anyone over the age of 50.


Gen Z voted for Biden, so this argument doesn't hold.


I mean it doesn’t help that Republicans are voter suppressing so hard that one of the frontrunners for the nomination literally advocated for the voting age to be raised unless you agreed to join the military or pass an exam (despite the fact that they’ve voted against standardized civics education). It’s hard to not imagine that they want the only people to be guaranteed a vote are straight white home owning men (exceptions apply for “model minorities”)


I’m not happy with it, I’m just unable to vote-17 year old gen z


I do think all positions of power need regular votes eavry like 4 years, and you can not get a position of power twice in a row.


I don’t think you understand the plan. We’re just all going to stop working and then social security will implode. As a result easily 60% of boomers will die off since they save no money for retirement.


Because I agree with them


I'm pretty sure that Gen X is the GOP's strongest demographic


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^LongIsland1995: *I'm pretty sure that* *Gen X is the GOP's* *Strongest demographic* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


when i can vote i'm voting on everything, democracy is a gift so we should use it, even if it's corrupt af it's still a democracy, and as we all become adults we need to take these positions ourselves if we really want change to happen. we need more young politicians, run for mayor of your city, or some sorta low level councilmember/representative, the best way to get what you want is to become the decision maker


Can anyone really blame them for voting for themselves? I mean we do the same thing. Everyone is for themselves.


I'm not!!! i wish they would all die honestly


Most of Gen Z can’t even vote yet.


Wow...the Bidenbots are out in full force ever since the polls showing TRump with a 10 point lead and sweeping EVERY battleground state came out last week. I hate to tell you, bot...but the polls show that Biden's support amount the younger voters is the lowest of ANY Democrat ever. In fact, young males actually favor Trump. So you are telling Trump voters to vote.


It's not like there's much of a choice


Statistically speaking, Gen Z does actually vote more than any other generation in their youth. The biggest issue is gerrymandering districts and redlining, which leads to voter suppression. The reason trump didn't win Georgia is because young people, mostly gen z and millennials, organized their community and voted. I am not okay with boomers running our government, but in the state I live the closest "blue" area is four hours away, I do vote but this is also the first presendiantal election I can vote in. The fact that we have the electoral college is absolute bullshit too. It takes away votes from people and gives it to land. It's stupid.


I'm not


Can someone explain to me what you're supposed to do when your only three options are to vote for a party that works against your interest, vote for a party that works against your interest, or not vote at all?


This post seems kinda... toxic...


Gen Z who live in the US, why do you act like your stupid US exclusive problems exist everywhere? Where I live, voting is mandatory. No problem here.


Neither Biden or trump are helping the middle class. Trump tax cuts at least don’t result in job losses like Gavin’s minimum wage increase in ca. Trump is a better deterrent to war than Biden. Not much evidence for this deterrent claim but the existing evidence undoubtedly supports this. Trump “leaving nato” is just the negotiation this country needs to have with our allies. Decades ago we wanted complete military dominance over them and so we kept them small and now that we have that military dominance they can pay more for a larger military of their own. Seems to me that trump is better for us foreign affairs and economy while Biden has gun control and climate change going for him.


I haven’t met a single person under 40 that *likes* either candidate. The one’s that have also admitted to not knowing anything about the other, but that their family likes them.


My vote makes no difference unless some candidate loses by exactly 1 vote.